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ht. McPHEUON COULGE, VOL. X TUESDAY, FEB. 8, 1927 NO. 18 PARLORS OF ARNOLD HSRl!Hll\' UCY8 C1.0S£D SUNDAY NIGHT The H<O•d MmHter ber•• >"ebr•· .,, ary :t, •llb nearly lhtM bu!dred ARE RE-FINISHED BUt.LDOG CAGERS Till SAINTS AND STFJWNG --- fttl1 lhideata enrolled. Tbe lltta: are V'.aiton and Spe.ker1 Think DOl ,., complued. hut llle DH1'Hl c_ ..... a.nd Manaaemeat Ha ve lnatitute la Beat Our .. waildt a re aftllabte gh 't \blCooperated. to Beau· E•tt •NNill•te• or lhb a••Mr. • tily Room. Jl.dS Are Hntni 0. rroer-- Of lllble lutftute \\'Mir. ar• HDfon--t.he larJMl d&U la •••,.,. or lbe c»llqe. f'Or1J·a1M JH'°n, att e."8..f'Olid. lbe •mallett tn ant d.... _ The aopb omora aad freshman c11U8ff H.p. l,_fM""k'il,. and t 1-•· lq . Add to Appoan.ltet" ot 1•.,... to,.. •• Glrh lloA• Tbe Dible ln •tllute or McPbf•J'1M>ft but atatly t41Ual earollmm1u. the The 11i lrl1 ot Arnold Hall H Ji1ttgo camfil to 1.0 end la1t Suo4 ar .opbon,ortl nloet y.11tne, H th l.1d1 who frequent the parloni. ennln1 with lbe m1u lonary addrot.1 nnd lht rro1h one hundred ten. uti reJolt: ln1 wllh u c:e.;f11ng gre#I Jor 1 1.,eu bY Dr. O. W. J<urtz. which wA• 1pec1 1t en· beta.ult thfl recnpllou of th(llr prtte dt>d by 1trlH or vle'ft 'I or tho rollf"il. The .. lhe doma in ba"u hHl'I rf!Ju1 .... n,.llllrl. Uoly Land. enr ollmflDl 10 total hundred Th" l)lrlor I• now ltlOMOmln« out In Tbe Julltatt provided a pl' o1ram HYHl f·fl•e by \ll.t time tbe c•rdt all tbe ak>rJ' or derup , new .r HDn•I 11tt1rll ro .. all ttadHlJI and bu• bM• uar,aed ID.. dr•OM ud a»Olbohed floora. yllften. JOJplralJoa domlnated. lb.• T•• maaa&e.meat of Mc:Piief'IM)n rttic:tlou ca•Md b7' maiar or lb• PfJINF.R DIJtfL1S PR£- 001\ep otr•red to pud1a.M4 ne w tpMdlet. wbJJe q.laab le &Dd practl· ,- ran U tit• clrla woald f111n1ltla ••• ut •elps ud &d"kti w-!1'1!: p_l11e4 SENTA CANTATA 41, ror the wlndo ... aad otlter· trom all of tbe lutll11te spea.ten. wlM ma h Lb parlol' more )I. R. Zl&lar . arrh · htg late. was UD• -- 1 ttlt:, Att0rdla1lr the room• 'wem •ble to ulce bl• on Monday and ••1to.ict U u,· Utitise elutaed, ecrubbed •nd itt<tu..-d, 111. Tatidar or 1ut week. lJul blt di•· Audk-11tt; HoktlAU Do 1ld1 ud out: the fl oor• were wan d: tourff* on Lhe Cballe.nge of Home ' lo "tne -., ·ot'k tbt huDhure re-o.rnlahtd: new MluloH, a.mply Ju11Hled and repaid t'\rape1 wertt huDi: aad IHl Llul not tillOH: wbo beard him. l-te preM.tateJ " Tht ROH )l alden," a caotala bJ', tour beautiful uw ruu be· d•• prt:H-Dl tltaallon a 11d need• In Frederick H. Co•n, waa glt'eC. ID lht part of tbe f urabbto .11 or tbe lllom 1 mtatoa work. The m1nlstert Drethnia dlurcb laat Friday ueal a1. s.u 1or'9. •tre creallt helped by the elgbl bt •lb Clah of Mt:Pbenon T bt. WH all 11 i bu e been t't:..- dLK .. •lona with :blm. 1nd bt• Coll••• uader tbe. dlreelloa or MW prlM to Matron Trotlle, but tbrou1b ID t be Ute work coatereacn K•ther lot HI. Pen11er. The 1pleadld ID attldent. 1be •bat •a• .- u an:ic: b teadltlon w11 well atteadM. lakhll place before tbe Rnnn.d F" . O. Ric.hard' 11nlt-• of Mr. Oowtn'a Qtu1lcal aetllna Of R. complHed. Nenrtbel u. the 11 ro- kcturea on J"OllJlout educ:allon wa1 c. peom i. tndeed_.A Jolctar •llh the gir l• o•tr thla. «iood flten..tl1' lot1rt11lh1& and beauUful .oas crcle. Tbo canlal' fortune. H• planned aew lmorond melbod.t wu comooeed ot .0101, 'Ml Of tbt: races of tbe 1lrla .. th fleld of ed•catlon ta t be dHt. , ud Lrlot wi th mall)' rJorld or Art:M>ld HaU ladlcall.- ot lllelt· di ut. L , ...... tor t. lt• ,...u a4a.Pl• appreclat1o•. not only for lbe new R.enT .. d f". IL Cr<mpa.(.tet •J011e lf!4 to U1piano. aolollta ••" nlJI ht lH tor lh H !!turk .. a-. · ...... )UM Carriil_ .F&U&r. netDUJ' Dr. I!. H. E'br dowed tbe: S'l'ffl &art taut•. tHot: MlW"b\Jler Dlll· t• lbi-iA9a dfJ' '901D 11 I.he -..mul thqu trb.ldll are C!OmlAa: o"er tb• llacer, alt O: ••4 lilr. Ahta \ 'oraa, of tile 11inaa•I•• bt lite: ma.u1 ... world la rt-&ard to It.a au1u1de aad. bar ltoa.e, t h• '"° Mini{ mnt... ru.c-lfon lo mlllloa work. pla7ed bf Miu jeqle Darou al tho Dr. A. C. Wi eand"• Ht>tle,. of lee· ulanu. 'Bulletin Board metal. 'T'be element In pare form ls .-,,,. dlltlutt 10 obtalo.. nwe 1Hrt a.c•. Dr . ltf,.. .. et eoct a taad1a1 onl•1' 'Ifil diemkal M PPIJ' •o• ... tor t .. am- ple. ........, • •II lte Nttl"ecl a letter from l .. e r1r..Clat CClmpallJ". atatlag tht noae ot tbl ,..._., eo"-ld be oblalaed ta the Uallf'd Ste\es poqlbly not In tht world. howtver, t>r. 1hr•be-:r wn111 eur.,rl•ed by th.:i arrival .or a Huitt ,; IHI vl•I cmll•lnln' t he elemcal. Uarlum I• Vit!t)' clou 10 radium la properllN and hi almo1t a.a dUfkult to otital• ID lh pore torm.. "WHY TIIE ClllE RANG'' IS PRESnrlED Caaine Qulnt.t Tali.. Two Camea; St wl in1 la Eaa,. Gani...,..." t "rf"91 tut""N IWl•hi IU"; 0. Kfrrt ... fl'ar Oriti , ....... ,.. The 1Jt1lldO•• 1001' rennr e for tha rootball <ttrot h••HhM! them •t. Storl· n.11 la11 hf lhe\Darrel· malrnr• 011 ll11 t lor1,1 co11rt ltut '11tun· daly eventna. 10·21. Tb.i 11nu '1 •larled oul wllb tbu <w:0rtn1 11a1101 nearly Hen. b"l llle Caal•ee to0• alatl" hhttac D e booP aad "• la•lf Hdtd, ll·•· ne M<O.d ,... tbe D•lldop pile •P th l!lftre I• napld r...irik>L At llll• .._..•la1 or tbe third Coet.111 oant .. r Nill la Klaa1e. HUI mounted upward. Ste.rllni wu c uardtd c lOHI)', ud aoL only tew abot•, bul tua d• 111:ood a 1rnrprlelq pcr etn.aae of ur •• allf:mpt1. Wll• abQYI t our minute. 10 pl..,, Satlor. &aikee. and £. Crumpmc:ller et• nb•ttlUltd tor Harre. l.. Cl'UDI• aad 11111. and lh41; tc0re ot 1be home tum oontlnutd lo lncrea.H. 'From lhe or Haut polnl.9 Stott u Steen, Wlnlfrftd O'Conner •• Hollower ••• lilAln hlah polnl Ho1cn. La V•rne Mutln H Drrlc l man ror th" 1Jul1dop , with Ullckea.· and Ida )lerlltt lrl' lhe Old WOQ)ID, tart Miiier t'IOM beblnd lalm. tlll ro•a llool tbe 1ppea.raace or the F oot. wer1 •HJ' th•• to tbe h rd (111aract era ID lb• ltl oa VDlll t he plaJ'l•I or Mtll lHm.t. Mr. IAIUe rtaclAS or tb• Clal•• aad •P- &4..oa• •· ,r o•l-•t To,..11 . .. o rtkl&I, pptt.aot ot M.1tt PHDlr U tll .Uni. U.OOIM t•• iame la a wa 1 pl.._... , .. -- .... - Oae or thl OUltlaDdlDS dramatic or the rear 1ook platr Tuea-- 4•1 t.HDIDI • l f'llM o'dOt::k In tbe Cburcb Of lbtt Dnthrea. wbea the Th"PlaD Chab .preunted tbe plt.J', "Wbr Lhe Cblmra naa1 .. the direction df Miu Jdetttlt• Ch11u•.n , vac>Uoa U111 1t 1 .. 1d ll apell·bo•ad.. n. l)aUdOI• Hbd•ed Jo"'•'• lUn O'cJllNh WU O•llUDdJJll ID Collep OD th• bll( BoU\bWtll._tft de plcllDI the 1he C'IOUf<o ('OUrl at Wlnf!tld bt 11·11 tOUOL ac-o ud lh1 p1tho1 of Holi er •bo lall Monillt)', rnrca wu to1plrtllonal nnd dovo1lon· The 1 uccau or 1he coo(letl le ae• 1\, He doall with d c.ep ercidlt od to the unllrlOK effort• <>r the .oa.I'• r o1 .. t 4 on a ud communion MIH l'tnntr tod the manr bourt nf remained &I bo1ne, away thfl t! hrl11O•rdnf.!r'l!I Cirnluua Jumped hilu mu 11JO t\'let11 "t th" Cathedral, to 10·0 Jetul "" 1hu tlr1t, hotore t.h• bis The local AnU-Tot a .c:co or•· l :!d ht'!g1ui 10 us:hau•L the pla .r er1. torltal t:0nte.l h• mcbeduled t or and 10 11.low nit Jbl a•m•, The with lhe Dl•laltr. wor k don• bt tbe orcanlullon. Profuaor Hort preM1ned Cbrbt H l :JO Wedond•J' ew e- ed ;:: cHl •En well a toete.mporary .octal worker. yd All T £XH181T GIVES wUI •••rd cbOM.a. • •4 tllttJ' are lo be M.c:Pllteno• auballtut11 wut la tb• Hi. 11robabl• aullade ioward prnt•l tootkU iwff. l.o tbOM uni· latf'd 11pon tbl rattht•I portrayal of ca•• I• u 11 1 .. 1 I•• •I••'-· T11e w adltloH la Ole tt0aomk tnduulal A 1pleadtd u.blltlt of work 101 lb•• la tile 1121 ...OD I• c.U.r.cte n "•J' t•prf!M•tff.. coni.t wu roaala throu1bout. to•I• Nlnlaser tlat .tadut uwmbl7 Y rld•T wu Mela dellW'•..-.d oa lite ec:Jt-D• >hrttlla BalMl. wu &l'f"&llit:d la lh Yebrur.rt U. ._ tere Musk Clab 1dded mnh to 1he lllab point man wllh H-Yta tle14 l{oala. Uflt: vlewpol.ot la wbldt Harntp Halt 11udto dllJ'lAC lb.e Blblt tht date set fur t be unk>r t'laH bta.ult of lbt Dl•J'· Mucb credit I• SL. J oba. I• aol a Kauu Cooferenee darltlt!d 1nu7 problem• confronting Jn•Utut.t, due Miu Cbapm111, wbo save un· Colltse. llO the vlt1nrr did nut affect lhe re1lslou1 mind of t.od•1. The u hltp\tton at compo1k edh or . »., 1 1 0 Y·•b•ool :!tfonda,, Hewerend at.tnllnslr or } tlmt1 ud enerc1 In Me flbert011'• co•rerent:ti 11andlnc1. Tbe loatltu1e •••"la• well attt-aded UI tnfta, .uth aA bead wor • c Irma.kine 1bl pl11 lh• dec.lded IUCC91 111 ewtr, tbe .-isltora belns pnc1leally iettrl•tk doll:!. and painted allkl: Jlolm of t be Swedbb Lu\ll':nn tbal 11 wu. •II mlallt•n aod putora a.nd the.Ir .,.1ot1a1t ID oUa and ,...ter colona: cbur t:b wl11 rondut!t our dewo· As a Drtlude. tbe llc l'h'1'1Hm CoJ. AldJ JK 1 1tOOIM tM.\ "' ....... KJ<XTtl •Inc. Tbe atudetalJI of the C'OUeae charcoel ud iN.ncll draw1D1'I: ud Ies e Symplll onr Orc:bttilra, under tbe wen to che1 aouaual op.. pen ud lok •Jl: atc.bes ._; po1tc.n ud lllu Caroline WO<>d will direction ot Pr of. O. C..• I• Dolt plar• ne DUtntben or tbu All Kd1oul1 DOrtunlUe:a ottered tc.r 11roW'1b to th Thie U111 reprutnl alloo ot ,:n1b:':!:1. tonlsht , al t:d &ewetttl .,11 .. 1n1 •Dd -.PPtODrtale Da.T comrnht,.. • •i10 aro ptnalaa for 1toDlrltuaJ Ute. T bll uttioal lnnltull 1ale.nt •u t'lalted by ma. Ir Tlhllt. ore aelec::u o...,.. lh•l dap"• celeliratlon lo t he 1pr1D,, II pro..-1n1 It.Kif i hooa' to ' m••t and 11udtni. . auenibli!d In 1h11lr fl,..t mtetlna laet 1rleod• or the c:oll•J• •• ,· well 11 the _ - I wett lr In lhfl roomt of the CllT Ch.In· Autobiography oi Abraham Lincoln 11 1, •••"•••••r ,.., tho .. ..... . roneo11 I ber or CUTnn11 .1rc., _______ -; -------- --,,..,... -4 or1JaDlaaJlun1, liDd lhu wartuu de· Abrallam Llaeoln wu born F1bn• of lilt Uma drawlns pkt9'• on th• '!: ,:. ::. Tiie membc.n of th•••lol' du• of arr II, IHI 00 Rock SprlDr; tat• ma.I Kiddle . Tbu- 4Jdn't la.ITt1 e, .... ne1aaadlap, N • Ht oa to polltJ. •pet"l.allJ' th .,,,,..1.c•• parade. 1l tlle toUep wUI N nP«lallJ' ar•U· u al' Ho4il1en'ltle. Kea'lacb' . Al era la dll.,. alld lie ti.a.di to ... c.I nettM. AM aaid t lt •l b.e lie- h laopM tbH tile coopuatJoa oC aJt fil!d to tnra lhl tbe .... of JP II•• •• wu "-" weak demud• lltll tblrt •IH• ,. 10 nllt o•t lkt'M •o•d .t.o1ld otL lU• wUe. m.u1 ... •d•OOI• aad cone.en are aall.l•I adnoco tow-ard tb• ed Utfl care vf bt. area. 1 ool ••denLaadln11 ltlt lilonaeJr wit. ma 1 be obtaJa.d I• order tu 1a•n nrly plaaalair; of the anaaal J•olor· uw a•"' .. bis•• be •u tat er oa.. '*'"-n e e ml•l.nle.rpreted hi•, • ad Abe liGOD u1d11u. ertort rm th un •itnior b,i.a111.ue1 wbl..-11, I• Khedultd When be "' " "Blaetee.• dan old be Wbu Abe wu twcnlt·l•o tear• becaM etb• Idol Cl' the 1uffraa:b.1.1, fur 10an'tlm• In 1be moo'b of Aprll. • •rPtlHd bt. mother 'b7 •tatad.ln& up ol d, bo b1ttan • urlilo1 In • •rocer7 On'-1 d•r when IAoc.oln wu ape.a.Ir- \' tJf,l' i-o:m Tbcrtt h .. btt«n •urne daP dlKut- In l.I lltlbr carrta·t, and cr1ln1, ator1. Onday btll 11hu r1-c:hn11u :d • Ina: t>t hi1 uuth. btt ••Id. "Ot qour -e. 11lon on the tubJeci.t anO thrt. 'tl o r t. 110 ;\ ir 1 !$Yer cet chancre lo U1dr lhreo CCnlil. lie waJkfd nlnwhtia 1 b$caDHI ut a u, I did not tblrd )'Hr clua wero rcnnt ly ..• bll HlaY1ry, I 'll bit 'l .m Juird." 81•· lHD mlle. to tljturn lhe mufti)'. know muc;b." From lb•I day on be ed. to carl'T the burdec or the junior· err w11 a colore.d t..07 au.t door. 8o•i>eOPI• tho u11U him a bh idow •u ipokeo ot u Abe." H• 1e.alor bao.QHt comJ:Dhl"· Tb'" Abe ITC• •P.. He , .... a.bout al.I. aad old fa.b'° a1d. tiut tba l'1 bow h•ll"d uu furtllu. 1 ad Hk ... be ttr.ree are: t.a'\ 'enae Aaa.a '"' bdorti IM 11topped.. He had ao sol bhl pie.tar• on the pcaa1 . 1 cui the laearu ot lbe A• erka:a 1llan ltrid•er. Ra.t_,•d Trol-- ..... H ..._W. '"rat for k.DO• led.1 e, T .. ...-t r ear be ra• for Co•I, .... ro-1111. u h •d•IU H M IM-tlled A llUWl>"r uf Htudctnl Volunleen frurn Ut,1lh"1I CCl llHti, Central AU,• d ftMF and UOlle11. and )f tftb4r10n coneae. met la it0tl at ud bul_oeM .......... 1, OD ''" c•mD• • of c. A. c.:. ol lut •'f•• 11&. Ue ,_, all 1'e pa)nllal' .... -.d•• Ht IM l tof'J' or Illa ca.rtflll._. 11 oal7 • bH lll 'laad to ahJ, Y eltrur)' i - tDdd••i _,... A..rleaa. - aad ...,. .... , aantt1 tu.ct ... 1prttd t.. A9 eoo• u II• s ot e.u sw•l4HL·• A. tt •T llut1 11Mta.t lliou of r'9a\ ?, - ·. Ti!A lS Gn "E....'( a ttef"W' ard ....... pru:ldut of !Itta J'Olld. lltle o w-a loc:allt.T aod be •ati : Jolt. tlle ('lfll War .. roh Ollt. A l•P a od •llPMYual proble .. -- aat llefo" 1tr.I ••tea td. Ot"t•c •P b"' po11dcaJ reu 1eai r'• 11r1111h eaau41. Mou ..-11.11 10 '" N1t\Q ... l lltadu1. Volu• A tld4t.U\) lhtle Tu WH 1er..-t4 dnl. \rt Ud _... ,. lau-dtlll,. 10 c:a• ._0,.., "'• Jot•ed tbe annt a nd e'Yf'l''T oae 11; 90.,. 110''" " ... r am.e let!.re A.oc. ta Hcm ••r• d•Mla. Tae11417 att enoo• at f011r o'clock bJ d ,.._ t• flsttt lba Bia.di Ha•k lodla na. oat. bill If J'Ott.w- e Hl b•l'd, nr ed l' J au •r• &.i.o ••it re.lalt•a to al· Y. W. C. A. me.mbare lD tbt Y. 10 .d, 001 a ot o• ar Jll• pra cUce la 1p11Uhll" rall• b•n l w1norr(lw"• Wlc.hll.a. &all•. teMlln1 th tlale taC'l4'tlaa or tbt Btu• \\. room. JI. r1 lllt Utt U• a "°' madhim e• •,.,.. bll u deor , Joba Wiik800lll, aa artor. Uot d1nt Voluru.••• LU be beld •t Em· TM waa Mr¥'t"d to prol'lda t•elH COi' bll •Ilk •• u: u tbe hd1&a1. Wbta It Lha c.olA tD tba bat lr tAf 111• '" A t r .. ... porl&. Ka•M•, In lbe •Hr rutore. tloar for t:be Tltllon wer. Tltta poell 1 a1Dd WU ca .. rla b1 dOW'Dt io flelltta.s. tb• I •lewla1 a play In f' OTd. Tlt•ttt, Dr. Wlld«T. Mt ntart or tbe Natkn:i· bue tor t111e Ult.le Llui.th11.t e ... to •taaUtr ••• '°road-- .... _ RM.HID• sor ec:an:d o&i:t a a.d na WMbla cto• o c Wbn Ua.cQlD al A•odaUo• of Volu1t...,.. LI: to bit M'Qtalal th• wtth OH pllaM ot l)e "-.,. .... lkela bo'r. .. Mck to o,.·t(. talloma rullMd Ill , wu . d7l•1. be a&ld. tll.• prk.IS-1 • Pft l'lltr •l tlM IE•· •cth1t.t91 le lakb , ... Y. W. C. A. .. -'•" 81 llO ... .... , Llaula waaelKl• l "'Ol'tt ma llMrtt or 1t •t m• d•lll .... porl.8 Coat.rue .. Ho ... . ......... r- -

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Page 1: ViewScan Premium PDF · ut •elps ud &d"kti w-!1'1!: p_l11e4 SENTA DON~ CANTATA 41, ror the wlndo ... aad otlter·


VOL. X TUESDAY, FEB. 8, 1927 NO. 18


C1.0S£D SUNDAY NIGHT The H<O•d MmHter ber•• >"ebr•· .,, ary :t, •llb nearly lhtM bu!dred ARE RE-FINISHED on~r~:~:•h::m;~• ~~·'.:::cb=~


--- fttl1 lhideata enrolled. Tbe lltta: are V'.aiton and Spe.ker1 Think DOl ,., complued. hut llle DH1'Hl c_ ..... a.nd Manaaemeat Have

lnatitute la Beat Our .. waildt a re aftllabte gh't \bl• Cooperated. to Beau· E•tt •NNill•te• or lhb a••Mr. • tily Room.

Jl.dS t'Mt~ Are Hntni 0. rroer-- Of lllble lutftute


M't'e•l.1~M ar• HDfon--t.he larJMl d&U la •••,.,. or lbe c»llqe. f'Or1J·a1M JH'°n, att e."8..f'Olid. lbe •mallett tn ant d...._ The aopbomora aad freshman c11U8ff

H.p. l,_fM""k'il,. and ~I t 1-•· lq . Add to Appoan.ltet" ot 1•.,...

to,.. •• Glrh lloA•

Tbe Dible ln•tllut e or McPbf•J'1M>ft but atatly t41Ual earollmm1u. the • The 11ilrl1 ot Arnold Hall H •~II

Ji1ttgo camfil to 1.0 end la1t Suo4ar .opbon,ortl numberl11~ nloety.11tne, H th l.1d1 who frequent the parloni. ennln1 with lbe m1u lo nary addrot.1 nnd lht rro1h one hundred ten. uti reJolt:ln1 wllh u c:e.;f11ng gre#I Jor

11.,eu bY Dr. O. W. J<urtz. which wA• ~Uahteen 1pec11t atude~ta "~ en· beta.ult t hfl recnpllou roonu~ of th(llr prttedt>d by • 1trlH or vle'ft'I or tho rollf"il. The muit.1ement.,u~1 .. lhe doma in ba"u hHl'I rf!Ju1 .... n,.llllrl. Uoly Land. enrollmflDl 10 total hundred Th" l)lrlor I• now ltlOMOmln« out In

Tbe Julltatt provided a pl'o1ram HYHl f·fl•e by \ll.t time ~l tbe c•rdt all tbe ak>rJ' or de• rup, new .r HDn• I 11tt1rll ro .. all ttadHlJI and bu• bM• uar,aed ID.. dr•OM ud a»Olbohed floora. yllften. JOJplralJoa domlnated. lb.• T•• maaa&e.meat of Mc:Piief'IM)n rttic:tlou ca•Md b7' maiar or lb• PfJINF.R DIJtfL1S PR£- 001\ep otr•red to pud1a.M4 ne w tpMdlet. wbJJe q.laable &Dd practl· • ,- ran U tit• clrla woald f111n1ltla •••

ut •elps ud &d"kti w-!1'1!: p_l11e4 SENTA DON~ CANTATA 41, ror the wlndo ... aad otlter· trom all of tbe lutll11te spea.ten. wlM mah Lb parlol' more P~Dt·

)I. R. Zl&lar. arrh·htg late. was UD• -- 1ttlt:, Att0rdla1lr the room• 'wem •ble to ulce bl• pl•~ on Monday and ••1to.ict .\~A" U £.Jo>-~ u,· Utitise elutaed, ecrubbed •nd itt<tu..-d, 111. Tatidar or 1ut week. lJul blt di•· Audk-11tt; HoktlAU Do 1ld1 ud out: the floor• were wand: tourff* on Lhe Cballe.nge of Home ' lo"tne -.,·ot'k tbt huDhure re-o.rnlahtd: new MluloH, a.mply Ju11Hled and repaid t'\rape1 wertt huDi: aad IHl Llul not tillOH: wbo beard him. l-te preM.tateJ " Tht ROH )lalden," a caotala bJ', tour beaut iful uw ruu be· d•• prt:H-Dl tltaallon a 11d need• In Frederick H. Co•n, waa glt'eC. ID lht part of tbe f urabbto.11 or tbe lllom1 mtatoa work. The m1nlstert Drethnia dlurcb laat Friday ueala1. s.u1or'9. •tre creallt helped by the elgbl bt •lb ~ulc Clah of Mt:Pbenon T bt. WH all 11i bu e been • Jur~ t't:..- dLK .. •lona with :blm. 1nd bt• Coll••• uader tbe. dlreelloa or MW prlM to Matron Trotlle, but tbrou1b ~Af'ke ID t be Ute work coatereacn K•ther lot HI. Pen11er. The 1pleadld ID attldent. 1be d~Yered •bat •a• .-u an:ic:b appreclaJ.~d. teadltlon w11 well atteadM. lakhll place before tbe .urprlt~ ~AJI

Rnnn.d F". O. Ric.hard'• 11nlt-• of Mr. Oowtn'a Qtu1lcal aetllna Of R. complHed. Nenrtbelu. the 11 ro-kcturea on J"OllJlout educ:allon wa1 c. •~ranellon'• peom i. tndeed_.A Jolctar •llh the gir l• o•tr thla. «iood

flten..tl1' lot1rt11lh1& and ben~flel1l beauUful .oas crcle. Tbo canlal' fortune. H• planned aew lmorond melbod.t wu comooeed ot ~raaes. .0101, 'Ml• 1mll~ Of tbt: races of tbe 1lrla .. th fleld of ed•catlon ta t be dHt., ud Lrlot with mall)' rJorld or Art:M>ld HaU ladlcall.-• ot lllelt· diut.L ,...... tor• ottll~tra ,...u a4a.Pl• appreclat1o•. not only for lbe new

R.enT .. d f". IL Cr<mpa.(.tet •J011e lf!4 to U1• piano. ~ aolollta ••" nlJI ht • lH tor lh H • !!turk .. a-.· ...... ..tM~·· )UM Carriil_ .F&U&r. ~Mr. waRH..,,.t.U~lled netDUJ' Dr. I!. H. E'br dowed tbe: S'l'ffl &art taut•. tHot: MlW"b\Jler Dlll· t• lbi-iA9adfJ' '901D 11 I.he -..mul thqu trb.ldll are C!OmlAa: o"er tb• llacer, altO: ••4 lilr. Ahta \ 'oraa, of tile 11inaa•I•• bt lite: ma.u1 ... world la rt-&ard to It.a au1u1de aad. bar ltoa.e, th• '"° Mini{ mnt... ru.c-lfon lo mlllloa work. pla7ed bf Miu jeqle Darou al tho

Dr. A. C. Wieand"• Ht>tle,. of lee· ulanu. 'Bulletin Board

metal. 'T'be element In ~be pare form ls .-,,,. dlltlutt 10 obtalo..

nwe 1Hrt a.c•. Dr. ltf,.. .. et plat:~ eoct • a taad1a1 onl•1' 'Ifill» ~nral diemkal M PPIJ' •o• ... tor t .. am­ple. ........, • •II lte Nttl"ecl a letter from l .. e 0HT~r r1r..Clat CClmpallJ". atatlag tht noae ot tbl ,..._., eo"-ld be oblalaed ta the Uallf'd Ste\es poqlbly not In tht world.

Tu~sday, howtver, t>r. 1hr•be-:r wn111 eur.,rl•ed by th.:i arrival .or a Huitt ,;IHI vl•I cmll•lnln' the e lemcal. Uarlum I• Vit!t)' clou 10 radium la properllN and hi almo1t a.a dUfkult to otital• ID lh pore torm..


Caaine Qulnt.t Tali.. Two Camea; Stwlin1 la


Gani...,..." t "rf"91 tut""N IWl•hi ~\ IW· U"; ~ I",.-~ 0. Kfrrt ... fl'ar

Oriti , .......,..

The 1Jt1lldO•• 1001' rennre for tha rootball <ttrot h••HhM! the m •t. Storl· n.11 la11 f~ll. hf 1-.·~mplnK lhe\Darrel· malrnr• 011 l l11t lor1,1 co11rt ltut '11tun· daly eventna. 10·21.

Tb.i 11nu'1 •larled oul wllb tbu <w:0rtn1 11a1101 nearly Hen. b"l llle Caal•ee to0• alatl" hhttac D e booP aad "• la•lf Hdtd, ll·•·

ne M<O.d ,... tbe D•lldop pile •P th l!lftre I• • napld r...irik>L At llll• .._..•la1 or tbe third Coet.111 oant .. r Nill la Klaa1e. HUI

mounted upward. Ste.rllni wu c uardtd c lOHI)', ud aoL only • tew abot •, bul tua d• 111:ood a 1rnrprlelq pcretn.aae of ur ••• allf:mpt1. •

Wll• abQYI t our minute. 10 pl..,, Satlor. &aikee. and £. Crumpmc:ller • et• nb•ttlUltd tor Harre. l.. Cl'UDI• aad 11111. and lh41; tc0re ot 1be home tum oontlnutd lo lncrea.H.

'From l he •P~•"t\te or Haut :11::~ ~~~~11"~u\~ ~n.: 1~.wo polnl.9 Stott u Steen, Wlnlfrftd O'Conner •• Hollower ••• lilAln hlah polnl Ho1cn. La V•rne Mutln H Drrlcl man ror th" 1Jul1dop, with Ullckea.· and Ida )lerlltt lrl' lhe Old WOQ)ID, tart Miiier t'IOM beblnd lalm. tlllro• a llool tbe 1ppea.raace or the Foot. wer1 •HJ' th•• to tbe h rd (111aractera ID lb• • ltloa VDlll t he plaJ'l•I or Mtll lHm.t. Mr. IAIUe rtaclAS or tb• Clal•• aad lll~ •P- &4..oa••· ,ro•l-•t To,..11 ... o rtkl&I,

pptt.aot ot M.1tt PHDlr U tll .Uni. U.OOIM t•• iame la a wa1 pl.._...

, .. -- .... .AlrillHIL~ -

Oae or thl OUltlaDdlDS dramatic ~•eolil or the rear 1ook platr Tuea--4•1 t.HDIDI • l f'llM o'dOt::k In t be Cburcb Of lbtt Dnthrea. wbea the Th"PlaD Chab .preunted tbe plt.J', " Wbr Lhe Cblmra naa1 .. und~r the direction df Miu Jdetttlt• Ch11u•.n,

vac>Uoa U1111t 1 .. 1d ll apell·bo•ad.. ~ n. l)aUdOI• Hbd•ed 81~ Jo"'•'• lUn O'cJllNh WU O•llUDdJJll ID Collep OD t h• bll( BoU\bWtll._tft deplcllDI the UIHltU.b•~. 1he C'IOUf<o ('OUrl at Wlnf!tld bt • 11·11 tOUOL ac-o ud lh1 p1tho1 of Holi er •bo lall Monillt)',

rnrca wu to1plrtllonal nnd dovo1lon· The 1uccau or 1he coo(letl le ae• 1\, He doall with lh~ dc.ep problem~ e rcidltod to the unllrlOK effort• o~ <>r the .oa.I'• ro1 .. t 4on a ud communion MIH l'tnntr tod the manr bourt nf

remained &I bo1ne, away thfl t!hrl11t· O•rdnf.!r'l!I Cirnluua Jumped hilu ~ mu 11JOt\'let11 " t th" Cathedral, to 10·0 Jetul "" 1hu tlr1t, hotore t.h• bis

The local AnU-Tota .c:co or•· =~:$1!hl:: .~~l :~ l :!d .U~t!~m;~ic:'~~~ ~ourt ht'!g1ui 10 us:hau•L the pla.rer1. torltal t:0nte.l h• mcbeduled t or and 10 11.low nit Jbl a • m•, The

with lhe Dl•laltr. work don• bt tbe orcanlullon. Profuaor Hort preM1ned Cbrbt H l :JO o'~loek Wedond•J' ewe- ed ;:: ~:i;:;,;00;


,:•~ cHl •En well !:~~:~e; ;~~:':',1~b;~:::~t::t:;~~r; a toete.mporary .octal worker. y d AllT £XH181T GIVES Dt~o!:~b~::-::!· wUI •••rd cbOM.a. • •4 tllttJ' are lo be ton.crato~ M.c:Pllteno• auballtut11 wut la tb• Hi. 11robabl• aullade ioward prnt•l tootkU iwff. l.o tbOM uni· latf'd 11pon tbl rattht•I portrayal of ca•• I• u11 1 .. 1 I•• •I••'-· T11e w adltloH la Ole tt0aomk tnduulal A 1pleadtd u.blltlt of tlli~ work

101 lb•• la tile

1121 ...OD I• c.U.r.cten "•J' t•prf!M•tff.. coni.t wu roaala throu1bout. to•I•

••:.;~~: ::;•~tenor Nlnlaser ::::0~,!~0:~, ~::-;r:::!or•~d= tlat .tadut uwmbl7 Yrld•T an:•,~;n::.:-;.~~~~:!'~~s ~t:~: M~=l~~e::.~~:~~ld::d:~"'&rd, wu

Mela dellW'•..-.d l~uu·es oa lite ec:Jt-D• >hrttlla BalMl. wu &l'f"&llit:d la lh mo~:::~d.~. Yebrur.rt U. ._ ter e Musk Clab 1dded mnh to 1he lllab point man wllh H-Yta tle14 l{oala. Uflt: vlewpol.ot la r~Uglon, wbldt Harntp Halt 11udto dllJ'lAC lb.e Blblt tht date set fur t be unk>r t'laH bta.ult of lbt Dl•J'· Mucb credit I• SL. Joba. I• aol a Kauu Cooferenee darltlt!d 1nu7 problem• confronting Jn•Utut.t, due Miu Cbapm111, wbo save un· Colltse. llO the vlt1nrr did nut affect lhe re1lslou1 mind of t.od•1. The u hltp\tton • at compo1k edh or .».,

110Y·•b•ool :!tfonda,, Hewerend at.tnllnslr or } tlmt1 ud enerc1 In Me flbert011'• co•rerent:ti 11andlnc1.

Tbe loatltu1e •••"la• well attt-aded UI tnfta, .uth aA bead wor • c Ir• ma.kine 1bl pl11 lh• dec.lded IUCC91 111 ewtr, tbe .-isltora belns pnc1leally iettrl•tk doll:!. and painted allkl: Jlolm of tbe Swedbb Lu\ll':nn tbal 11 wu. •II mlallt•n aod putora a.nd the.Ir .,.1ot1a1t ID oUa and ,...ter colona: cburt:b wl11 rondut!t our dewo· As a Drtlude. tbe llc l'h'1'1Hm CoJ.

AldJ JK11tOOIM tM.\•

"' ....... '"~" KJ<XTtl •Inc. Tbe atudetalJI of the C'OUeae charcoel ud iN.ncll draw1D1'I: ud Uo111~ Iese Symplllonr Orc:bttilra, under tbe r~ndonl wen to che1 aouaual op.. pen ud lok •Jl:atc.bes ._; po1tc.n ud lllu Caroline WO<>d will direction o t Prof. O. C..• I• Dolt plar• n e DUtntben or tbu All Kd1oul1 DOrtunlUe:a ottered tc.r 11roW'1b to th d~llDA. Thie U111 reprutnlalloo ot ;~ ,:n1b:':!:1. tonlsht , al t:d &ewetttl .,11 .. 1n1 •Dd -.PPtODrtale Da.T comrnht,.. • •i10 aro ptnalaa for 1toDlrltuaJ Ute. T bll uttioal lnnltull 1ale.nt •u t'lalted by ma.Ir Tlhllt.ore aelec::u o...,.. lh•l dap"• celeliratlon lo t he 1pr1D,, II pro..-1n1 It.Kif i hooa' to ' m••t and 11udtni.. :::=•c:uc:::oc=:uc=ff·=>«==-=~ auenibli!d In 1h11lr fl,..t mtetlna laet 1rleod• or the c:oll•J• •• ,· well 11 the _ ~ - I wettlr In lhfl roomt of the CllT Ch.In·

Autobiography oi Abraham Lincoln 11 1, •••"•••••r ,.., tho ....... . roneo11 It.Hit~· I ber or CUTnn11.1rc.,

Jl"~IOIWJ~~~~!~~~~~:~~l""Tf':UJL--------=-:..:.:........,-.:.__.:___:;_ _______ -;----------,,..,...-4 or1JaDlaaJlun1, liDd lhu wartuu de·

Abra lla m Llaeoln wu born F1bn• of lilt Uma drawlns pkt9'• on th• ~':.~e::: a:~ '!:,:.::. e~:l~e ~:= :-;:~:~~ .::r:I~: :~"-:.~:;.~!•: =~ Tiie membc.n of th•••lol' du• of arr II, IHI 00 Rock SprlDr; tat• ma.I Kiddle. Tbu- 4Jdn't la.ITt1 e,.... ne• 1aaadlap, N • Ht oa to polltJ. •pet"l.allJ' th .,,,,..1.c•• parade. 1l

tlle toUep wUI N nP«lallJ' ar•U· u a l' Ho4il1en'ltle. Kea'lacb'. Al era la 1~ dll.,. alld lie ti.a.di to ... c.I nettM. AM aaid t lt• l b.e lie- h laopM tbH tile coopuatJoa oC aJt fil!d to tnra lhl tbe ~ .... of •JP II•• •• wu "-" weak demud• lltll tblrt •IH• ,. 10 nllt o•t ~·~:· lkt'M •o•d .t.o1ld • otL lU• wUe. m.u1 ... •d•OOI• aad cone.en are aall.l•I adnoco tow-ard tb• ed Utfl care vf bt. area. ~ald:a.;.,;;!:L!:..a~lnr 1

ool ••denLaadln11 ltlt lilonaeJr wit. ma1 be obtaJa.d I• order tu 1a1·•n ~ nrly plaaalair; of the anaaal J•olor· uw • a•"' .. bis•• be •u tater oa.. '*'"-ne e ml•l.nle.rpreted hi• , • ad Abe liGOD u1d11u. ertort rm th un t!Uo~ •itnior b,i.a111.ue1 wbl..-11, I• Khedultd When be "'" "Blaetee.• dan old be Wbu Abe wu twcnlt·l•o tear• becaM etb• Idol Cl' the 1uffraa:b.1.1, fur 10an'tlm• In 1be moo'b of Aprll. • •rPtlHd bt. mother 'b7 •tatad.ln& up old, bo b1ttan • urlilo1 In • •rocer7 On'-1 d•r when IAoc.oln wu ape.a.Ir- HTt:O~XT \ ' tJf,l' i-o:m

Tbcrtt h .. btt«n •urne daP dlKut- In t·l.I lltlbr carrta·t , and cr1ln1, ator1. On• day btll 11hur1-c:hn11u:d • Ina: t>t hi• 1uuth. btt ••Id. "Ot qour-e. 11lon on the tubJeci.t anO thrt.'tl o r t.110 •;\ ir 1 !$Yer cet • chancre lo U1dr lhreo CCnlil. lie waJkfd nlnu· whtia 1 b$caDHI ut au, I did not tblrd )'Hr clua wero rcnnt ly ..• bll HlaY1ry, I 'll bit 'l.m Juird." 81• •· lHD mlle. to tljtur n lhe mufti)'. know muc;b." From lb• I day on be ed. to carl'T the burdec or the junior· err w11 a colore.d t..07 au.t door. 8o•• i>eOPI• thou11U him a bh idow •u ipokeo ot u "Ito~••• Abe." H• 1e.alor bao.QHt comJ:Dhl"· Tb'" Abe ITC• •P.. He ,.... a.bout al.I. aad old fa.b'°a1d. tiut tba l'1 bow h•ll"d uu furtllu. 1ad Hk ... • be ttr.ree are: t.a'\'enae ~a.rd.o. Aaa.a '"' bdorti IM 11topped.. He had a o sol bhl pie.tar• on the pcaa1. 1 • cui the laearu ot lbe A•erka:a 1llan ltrid•er. Ra.t_,•d Trol-- ..... H ..._W. '"rat for k.DO•led.1e, T .. • ...-t r ear be ra• for Co•I,.... ro-1111. u h •d•IUH M IM-tlled

A llUWl>" r uf Htudctnl Volunleen frurn Ut,1lh"1I CClllHti, Central AU,•

d ftMF and UOlle11. and )ftftb4r10n coneae. met la • it0tla t ud bul_oeM .......... 1, OD ''" c•mD• • of c. A. c.:. ol McJ'h~•. lut •'f••

11&. Ue ,_, all 1'e pa)nllal' ....-.d•• Ht IM l tof'J' or Illa ca.rtflll._. 11 oal7 • bH lll 'laad to ahJ, Yeltrur)' i - tDdd••i _,... A..rleaa. - aad ...,. .... , aantt1 tu.ct ... 1prttd t.. A9 eoo• u II• s ot e.u sw•l4HL·•• T • llut1 11Mta.t lliou of r'9ad· \?, - ·. Ti!A lS Gn "E....'( a ttef"W'ard ....... pru:ldut of !Itta J'Olld. lltle o w-a loc:allt.T aod be •ati: Jolt. tlle ('lfll War .. roh Ollt. A l•P a od •llP• MYual proble .. -- 1~·H•tJY. aat llefo" be~ 1tr.I• ••teatd. Ot"t•c •P b"' po11dcaJ reu 1eair'• 11r1111h eaau41. Mou ..-11.11 10 '" N1t\Q ... l lltadu1. Volu•

A tld4t.U\) lhtle Tu WH 1er..-t4 dnl. \rt Ud _...,. lau-dtlll,. 10 c:a • ._0,.., "'• Jot•ed tbe annt a nd e'Yf'l''T oae 11;90.,. 110• ''"" ... r am.e let!.re A.oc.taHcm ••r• d•Mla. Tae11417 attenoo• at f011r o'clock bJ d ,.._ • t• flsttt lba Bia.di Ha•k lodla na. oat. bill If J'O• tt.w-e Hl b•l'd, n red l'Jau • •r• &.i.o ••it• re.lalt•a to al· 1~ Y. W. C. A. me.mbare lD tbt Y. •Abe•~

10 .d,001 a ot o• ar Jll• pracUce la 1p11Uhll" rall• • b•n l w1norr(lw"• Wlc.hll.a. &all•. teMlln1 t h tlale taC'l4'tlaa or tbt Btu•

\\. room. JI. r1 lllt Utt U• a "°' mad• him e••,.,.. bll u deor , Joba Wiik• 800lll, aa artor. Uot d1nt Voluru.••• LU be beld •t Em· ~ TM waa Mr¥'t"d to prol'lda • t•elH ~:--· .::..:~ COi' bll or~ •Ilk • • u: u tbe hd1&a1. Wbta It Lhac.olA tD tba bat lr tAf 111•'" A t r ..... porl&. Ka•M•, In lbe •Hr rutore. ~ tloar for t:be Tltllon wer. Tltta poell 1 a1Dd WU ca .. rla b1 dOW'Dt io flelltta.s. tb• I •lewla1 a play In f'OTd. Tlt•ttt, Dr. Wlld«T. Mtntart or tbe Natkn:i· bue tor t111e Ult.le Llui.th11.te ... to •taaUtr ••• '°road-- ...._ ~ RM.HID• sor ec:an:d o&i:t a a.d na WMblacto• o c Wbn Ua.cQlD al A•odaUo• of Volu1t...,.. LI: to bit M'Qtalal th• wtth OH pllaM ot l)e "-.,. .... • lkela bo'r. ll:.•':~ .. Mck to o,.·t(.talloma rullMd Ill , wu .d7l•1 . be a&ld. tll.• prk.IS-1 • Pftl'lltr •l tlM IE•·

•cth1t.t91 le • lakb , ... Y. W. C. A. .. ~d•a ._;:'-~for -'•" 81 llO ... ...., Llaula waaelKl• l "'Ol'tt ma llMrtt or 1t•t m• d•lll .... porl.8 Coat.rue .. ~ H o .... ......... r- -

Page 2: ViewScan Premium PDF · ut •elps ud &d"kti w-!1'1!: p_l11e4 SENTA DON~ CANTATA 41, ror the wlndo ... aad otlter·


m~r 8prrtator

M -~A ·


lin~ or work. f t. t• f91H't'"f•HY 1ood I' ~Coat or Uif u.-nk tbll t'leul.DC oft for obC&Jnlnc a thOt'OaSta k.GA)wted1e tb' sth.-•lkti ls onr JaDllor._ Job. af naUe-..1, fn1~r·n1tlon•I, •nd 1.0. llowe-Ter.; u he c.INUd on an ov te r--rerla1 IL gpon,or• u I ••lh. lltt wouJ.d han a 'tnlle nr mot'(I. briold acd •tml)AlhPllt anUud,. At •ld~••lleti lO clH.n.. AflU. UOW

.lo J_tplt~ of 11r1.-.. prh'IJf'• ._ tf\11· th<-re ls a ,;""t deal or othet' wor)I dcntt wm ,,-111J"M. ..-bie ~t"CJ1ttoru1 madtt, rn dQ l>ffllh-1 ·tlNDln~ 11ldt;walkl. n:nJ (btfa lmrmnur~ tfml'.:lu•l01:1t ()Cl tfo doe ma.111 tbloH whldl he th1111lr n.-n whtrh art" bHtftW, IJI-.~. WfJathl aol ah~hlil4JJJ' hue to do. :aad Dtf'Judk"MI. Jlo•· lltllf! do lb.CT ll•nr lfmH we au blm on 1htt cam· r~g&rd thlt ltllf'hlrtgl o f PCODI • ~·ho pn' Jon~ a fl er ~·orll1l11g hourA,

'?'be b l udent Ne••P.:~r or Me- huE' reoJlr arudl~cl the probll!!tn. IPd our eoll4!1f' bo1;1 a re. u1u&llJ' po-Phf'ftJn C.OU~n. pUl'pa.lnc to ,..... b.a.•f really ,.,.,..P..,. lh,. bottt1m oC llt• to glr'1t a nd 10 all about t..btm. <.t;tunt • tc;-r•l.,11 pfUJt actl•ilJ'-•nd th1nn. Thf"f ur~ • l'll'U)-"I kind to \11' by holdt to Jttlmulate ronUnuollt fulu ro some ·w111 1'.' hlne an'1 DO\l,f ~bnut fnR" door• open and othflr tlmtla.r

,E:Qlf'N!llf u ,;-~and elau molter N'oYembttr 20, 1~17, at LhP i1>1ntoUk:e •t MePh•rwon~ Kanaas. a11dtr tht Kt

or 1"J•rt.h 2. un.

i bdr fe w opponu11ll1M1. Th(\f uy. act.11 J wruu:ter rt tbtY woold.,.Dot i;-e1 .. Ob. If I could co to -'Ome l:u"R,.r toJ- much ('ftjormn; out of pther1n• lti.•t-. I would D.(htt!"V~ sornntl1tng " 1froup. or 4ormRnr7 bon lo eleu J!:l't'Ol.'' The 011t"f!it1011 f'I, H:U' (' tb•y f)ft Jhe s·l fle• ralks aCler a s now, Re. nl"'d h! lfn·~ lh''T ... 1opped a nd mo .. lng thtt :"no.- would bt' about u tbo1utht the nutct."r thrml;h! Per- •r1111 • klr1dne&ff DJI tht r eou':d per­hu~ tht )" tir4' unu_i1:unl "tudenui and torru for tli~lr lady friend,, l\luc:h ~hey c:tr l:alaly 1.rft U('l'ptt()ns 1U thtl Qf the 50mng · ol 1ro u ier 11 and aUk

Suh!icrtPUl'n Ral...-$1.H "' rur. raltt 1r thef c:"•ft le:arn mo,.,. 1n a C'ln~ ho"'" could be ~110"MT~d b)' this ad

.Adtlreu •JI eon etPoudt1:1ce to THE SN'!CTATOR McPbenon, Kan.IN

or t••o hundrd tha.n In U dlltll C..f ah!D, for 110l'UI). l1tUd 111111 lune had t!lfr t )' o r fort.y. Ill .:rteeui on .evcral. \"H , the.ra ls.

'J'h11 lut prohh U1 wbh'h,,-....t.•nl to IL a<em.o. to m", p1~l1 of reuoo wbr dl.atu"' hi en .. lrnm•·QI , Th'l <hr ot th" t1.lde••at1I'• 1bouhl b~ deaned. :\k l'hcn on h• (XC>.."1'-tllfJ na !ly r lnrn

""'""',...._,..,......,....,.,.._""'"""""' anti rnurol. 11 ha" a tJt>:tt'n rhm't'hH -- --- - wblt:l1 ~ovldi. thP 1lud"nl wJtb am111e

OLD t-WtL Gi'11"S SO tO:lrl1

EDITORIAL STi\.FF opport nflle-s far dtvrJ(lpleut hf:J ••The dOllill llav@ lind a.n awful • _ . _ _ l'!IOCl li l 1 ud .1111lrhual cllllrru;:t~r. The .,.•all" tor th~ warh1 tblll 11-tl ~u

h enne rh M. ltor k .... _f.dltnr~ln-Ch~r rti1.J.,rft.r o f 11ta11FRl5 who i:enrad ~olntt to lbem for COOhfrlt.. NelLher Maurh:e A. H UA .... _ ... A.dYllllOr Mc rhet-.on C{)llf"Ae H f" r11al m n a nd do I bell~"'-' th-a:l thlr wall . I• per-

A8SOCIATE EDITORS women who rutty 1'1'Unt to nt'hlt1\'t ce1H lbly 811oruined by P'?'eBent condl-Hn.rvt"y C. l...ehmaa PAUi J.,. Dlt!k Aorne t11fng. Wl!h Ull llf tllh!I~ op110r111~ tlori• but oocu lonaUy I loqg fl)f" old­Jforner M~ Eb7 Robert E. Puckeu nllltlA, 1here ~ Do reuon • ·hr tbe dn1fll cutloml'o. Tben wH a lime wben

REPORTERS tiludNll • hoald 11ot il•nlop 1. flUC+ ~:~ 11;otr:~o~ltl:~:~k!I •,l\":oO:s:d '':~ Annn. Ltm1t1I Jl\abel B1keld11t)n cn•.'", 1

01101 •1,"•"<1'.·',','"•llr:0,111~"•"• \\w''h"t,ch'100,"_~~ ·

0 . Wlnl'llO~l~;'~~en.,:'1oU•t Eake" ~no1 nach a.n """lronm~nt! J'erhap:i tn,.'",".'"',.h"."'1o'~:b,,•.•n• o.,,l .. tbe PQ•u•Olh•~~o:. •• '"- ·· .-- bu.y • hovel1t-r" aod It W;i\1l a le•

rT1 It llf a c•r,.h·~f-8'.8 ur som~tMng ..... ..,_

BUSINESS STAFF \VOfl", IAt ~ r1•met11bt•r lhut (I Ytlry DUL In thla Die of fe minine brol;ber-­~11• "" dOM na1 pre~nt the at mo- hood It •••JM h t: g't"Q.Uemen fa Pab·

J.!ul V, Jl~-•. - Dusiaet.a Mz.n.a.~r tPhtr~ ol oart. :"\or dWI <:TeTt llhf- Db l OC:k Hall °""alt 10 see If thOM ID hul Hutcltluon .. -~Aaat. Dus. Nrr. ve"'ltr 1•r~"hl•1 the c1.,11ortu1Jllli.m Arnold wlll no1 enjoy swlngh11 the C:li.a.rJe11 Uls~---·<'lrculallon Mana1er whle h trc phtced b(;for1• us. sho\'f~I and 1he broom. The rt Hlt 1:1

W e ~hOuld apprttl•I~ tbe!fl' prh·I- that M m e dllJ'• l.ialcr Old Sol blm.Rlt ="'""-:'."::',,..=~==;::::=~I 1ue. nnd opponuDltl('il, t nrl 11how 11urrr(}(ta In t°lfl,arln~ ., patbwo.)I a mon11. -TlT'J-~OA\", •V.ll. H, 1027· ttuil appre~11tlo11 f11 our lh·caf,-ln Lhe tinowtlrH1".

,.--,.-.f-:\l_"_K_f-:.~-.~-•• -11-, -.'i'.1-R-----l:i:_:.:;:.~y W (!> conduct ourteh''.A 11 .. tOrfl. _1_11_~-,.-P-:<_f:._S.~-, _

m :a..111>clr. ··•:TU.Ct()GL'M ~"------

) ld'fl•:•L'*>X f'flf,1~1-:f1P. SF.•~O~ A~ on" w&JU up E~eJHI avecuct t h-- A ~t:W JU :.4.TISG 1'1.AXT

\\'hen 1be rnecl\a~blm of tho eyt

:::.~:·:~~e :0'1':e;:e._'::".~1!7::. llOnl'I tho t1nroi-t11nato lndlvM

ttaUou lt11lldlnr. which, 11rlth tbe .,,._ In '~~1:",!1~11~~rt.•;19 ~~~~:('t1::1,.~~u~::. Is uld to be bllnd. '.\len'1 aym­

~ptlon of Pa.bttblOCk Hall, 11 th• warm and n~ry one. l.ucludlng mYt'elf pa1btes utend 10 btm. ·•Oh! Row moat un.,1:h01 b"Udln11: oa tbe cam- was ll•P)J'. Tht' 11tudent11 "'·ere filtroll- t~rrlble! 1-lnw t~rrl.hle!'1 are th'1 JlUJI. Tbt!'lmqr~lon UJ)QD the. In- ln,c ubo1n tfi !!Utnm~r altll"tl' a.lid we rf! word_a' e:r;prtulaJt the teeUa1• and dlvldual ma.1 ht' • lfttted bJ realJy .-l11hln1 II wu nut quite IO bot ftd'lnllons of bla friend• and cotnpan-lhat r:llmpse. •o thfl1 toqhl rtrhan.s •rule do•~n to

UJMJD en.1erlnitr Jhe balldlnir. ba.1 l1l1t ,...ork 11 llltla helle r. At the 1::1111 ol lrtu.11. lmpre811Jhllt uny ch11nce of IJotterln«· lhe .11~mHI week ot St!hool llr. W ,.n.tb- Wiien men's taile nt.. wbesi men"• luselU Oark hall1. ponr rtooni lad erma.u d ecided co ,_1.,<' •• :isom~ oold pur~5ea. when me.n"li II\'~ fall t o 1'111!:!"', u-.11 walk.I. •Od poor cl .. weather. Yf!111, II v.>Q cold U)O. und rMipond to tb(l need11; oc the ,.-orld, rO<tma ~ruate HJ' thins but n pion' - " "hat ui"dc It wor"e· wu hatl nn bent. lo the need• ot tho lnduatrllll ailant a n1 a1mo11phe:r~ The c.bapel room I• Thal made a ll lhc •'rMblM tiluo: "·ho a re elcfnc out a w-retched u­c•rta.1017 DOL • work or ur s peclat bow •·e wlebt'CI ...-e were h omtl by le.lea~ tbat a rew Might fust. l .u hMul1 for 'farlou1 t'1Jlh_ln1 apeake.N Dad'• fire ~Ide. Th(!)' told ttlt lhnt luxury, to the need• ot ncl~hborlng: t o bitbold.!' bcinHng plani Wa! <1ul or orde r. i>O-Oule wbo iue tondf!tmned \O s:ionr-

Shoa ld lbe. bulldln1 wbthl'la are 'A·ell-«•ch a heaUn_g pint to be out t1 a nd dnthut.lott becauHJ or lbe na-1ocatM tbf!t PTnldeQt'• oU$ce, the of order at •uch a n lno~portunf! lime . td,n·• tadutrfal poUcy, to the needs hu1lne11• n;u1.outt'• omce, Lhf!t <"11•POI Woi, hlLlldled In o ur room ,.,,Ith co,Qr of the tbou1U1nds of c.hltdren torce.d Yoom, •nd maay dua room• be •l· plled bla h and 1rlOO 10 1tudy. t o h1y lbelr ll•es uPon the altar of lawtMJ to tll ttzdt 1 dnerlpUon? 'l"be.rt Tbf!o t~mperatartfll In tbe. dorml- Crff.d Ip thi1 mott. fabalou•1J' ""°"" t11 DO que11lon atJ.out. tbf!t auwer. torle• are very uneven now. Wbc.a pa ra us nation In lho world, when

A ,IJOl'Ht buJldlnlC, bt!nllfu.I In tM: weatber ta very cold wo alt around mtn rail to •~ lbete lnelplent dll­ltlrufilUr'". • lttcle·1ul1 plaaned., •ad around with our tetlh chat.t crtft1. eaten. are Che7 iahed bUnd"! Do a.d~ut•l1 tur-alatl:e-d woQld be a d• Tbe weather wa.rtm ap 1n a few d1.r111 m~n bewall their bluer ra.te!' fflmblt!! ll~l. h would make the nnd we havtt t11e u inft. Amount of They '1rl! vlowea In an enllrt lY dif­c:.ampu1 mo~ bHulllul. m111ke a 1r.11ach 1'eat daring 1lle colder we.Dthtt: con- (C:N'bt JT~bl. Their wealth, their btu er lmo.....ioa upon Tlaltora and sequentl7 o•r room• are too hot.. We tblnK.• galaed by bltndueu to the pt09pecUn' at-udea~. eer,.. u aa In- co to our clu• room• ond h 11 filO need or 1.tio{ 111·orld haa made. theae 11plraUon to •U who ;.lttl" It, •• doo•, cold 1hat our mluda aro not in their • eleC'.l few. lterq,e•. They arc neat any tint!! wor~or areblt4tttare, and belt workln~ order and we rC!dln moeo, tbe r are men to -be •o~(p-1111· Hable Ltachera. • tvdu'la aod • poor for the d•r. ped, tbey are called bt!ae-recton of

TAI~ o~ A STA>tr

t-m a 1tamp

A potllle IU-alrt--

A twa<enter; Don't ,..•nt 10 ~. Dul 1 wH neYttr


£uept once;

»1 a untlemu, too·: ll'e put "18e OD

To a 9'ood 111109': " WH an cnv,,lope­Perf11med. pink, s quare. l'•e been stuc• on Th•l envelope Evm Alnoe? He dropped u-Tbe enY6Jope ud mo-­Throu"ll 11. •h>l lA .a dark ho_z; But we wen retc:11ed By • at&O clerlt: :Wor@"• 1~..;e pltJ. He hlt nie 110 awful Sma.!!b wtlb a hi:ltt1mer: It ktt la)' fec:-e Black •nd blu-.: Tb~n I went ou ft long Journ•7 or two d ar•; And wben we nrrlvec.1-The pink enYt.lope and me­We won pr~•tl!Hl

To a pe rfect lovo or~ girl. Wllb tbe stunnlo1tfft pair or blue tfell TbaL ever1bllnk~: Say, 11he'• o. drnm! W ell. the mutilated The p1ok enve lope A n4 tnre 011e corner or•• off With a batrp1n: Tben llhe ree.41 whnl Wuln1:lde Tbe plak UYfllope. t ne.•er nw a 111lrl blu11b So b4:!autltul1yt I would he. 1tucll: Oa her-Ir I could. Well, •he pine~ The wrlUng back 111 'be plnk envelope:

ban •he kJMied ine.. • Oh. )'Ott llUle ROdlclll!

Hu Ito• were ripe .Aa chl.f't1eL Aud warm Aa lbt: 1unun.~i: SW)._ .. We--The plak envelope and m~ Arc now Nealltn.c tnl!g1y In hc.r bo.aom_; \\-.-e can bear Her 11 .. r l throb; Whn lt Cl)d futeal Sbe take1 u• out And 'kluea nu!l,

Ob. HY, Thl11 1.1 sreat! J'm i:l•d rm a ntnmp.­.A two<ent• r.

Notl('n On Th~ Uulfodn. l~l

"Drowning and T ennJ'IC)n \VIII lilH-t Al I l .30 Today To $tllle

_ TuEsDA Y. FEB. 8~ 1021

I ~~-.~'-.~·-.~-.. g-.1:1-.~.-~-~-1.· yoa won•1 ttmrmbt-T h •hf'e r•" .. , there.

E"rU lb01IJl'b ~be bu a ln'lr" •at 1 llne fl Is no •lc-n ~ht' l"i Clift , i; • .,


Tb~ ttlrn or lt'rror In 1h,. ,,., tl)ry I~ 0\'er-. The;' I h•lrTj

lrnv,. been nnrl 1·t1nl h· it. Tb~ lo11owtora, like euotl ! .. 11..,.-, h&\'ft &11"~4 to behn·r ... o I• 11• •~ lhey oru not tnnuortt'cfl hr 1111~r111 •. ~. Ou" comuanh>nJ1. It wu J110 q11l• 1 l•--t Saturday PTenlns. lhAl 1'"h" D .,.., ~ the thtril floor- horti: dro111~1I :i. l1t1nt mntcll., thu ro1Jt1\l.'S 1ih.. rlr~t. r.01 .. 1ui.,1_ the nOIMl to Ule a;onornlo~ b·,<l

Tr Mc l'herftfln 1..-"oll"i(t' 1'1(1•1111• •I tt1<1

nn-r.:ar rule, It ~·ouh.I n111 a 111 ~r fe110W'llll on t ht>lr feii-1 •

A lot oC l"lt1t1l flntic~ 111 ,i 11fral t1 t11 h­

pattlt>tle , rtmea1b~rh11t 1hr1t '"''lrt Henrr dl~d rro"' H.

'l'ht l"l'U'l!St li1t11ou.., wtirdM o f 1ho11 !Btft r•ul Ukk: .. I llnn1y lio 1 .. .--. th.:t.I C hrJn 11•n11ld ra,•nr lhf' 11:i1hHlftl at ~h,.. frt•htn1•n."

~tro~ a •lire cute for c1 ... t11

Th,. f'1Jlrnr tJI Lbla N1lt1mn ~111:11:·~l• that you reutl ")If Trl11 T lituJu:i 0~," fr,"!nl i.hl" mt_lllllTif'.., nf 1 tra,·clh1~ do1 1;;th~nut.

"A tn-d Jc llkft tht- 11un, •1•t11 =ind 1Jl••n1.y hnt , hut )'OU ru 11"1 ,,,~,,.

her. " - The O'C.:olleglnrl.

~I t'll. Brunk l 11eks ff'\"t n M·' U'" e()Qklr1"" nJO nitl ny Lhti; :4•\nu1~t,..r 11~ 1~

WW' he unlO hE> w ho thlnlu ror hlmttnlt, Cor lo , he 'v\ll 1<111.rn Iii wf>rrr.

I RN 1111 ln tho moruh1,e: F'Tom tl fthorl a nd s1t.~Jl;k!.u nl.tlll Hurrr tlotr11 lo l1reakfa:-tl ' Lorig hcfOf'$ tht\ ttUH IJ1 hrlgll1.

' . . . ... ClaalH a ll thf' mocnln~. Lab!, :iU a tlernoon; nnrry tr'1m our- to 11110Jhf'r, Jus t A rare (rOlh room lo rnow

When my dinn(lr-1 over Anti J I bin\ rny ~rnrk IM t.lonl', Mu."'le C-luh. rortn1'IC'!, I ••ut kMip on 1he run.

llo" Jc" lie 1H1 111y tnble A~l11;nments at t11.:!' auir t". One ~hqle hoµr ror fl:l IUI)' \Vhlc h n dOlr.P ll C!l'Hlrl!(l~ tthar1•,

Th"" 1own clix.h J1.trlklnc "'""• '!· Seemed not louse till rt "1rnr:k 1111~:

.(i.nol h tlr hour ot M ud3tln11

.'\nd mr d.aye work \flll he •)l)D

Thlnp." To thotaP who roo nnO Aln~ A ~nlor pondered be CoNi, the About 1he rrh·otnus collPtr:c II.a'«

pl1.card and then remukd, Wb7-J·r, I'd ~nhan~e my c:t>lesllal plar· t Lbaaghl tber died loag ago." For ihe tabor•11 11lmplt" "t1tfr.- Uolt.

He 1• a n eloquent mui who Utt

treat humble subJet-lt Witb deUC&tJ', loft1 Lhlop lmprHAITelJ and rnOder­ate thlnp temperateJy.-Cltero. •dmt.ntltralJo fOtefl to • ort more •t11t11 a UU.fJ of atfalrllJ' •h~re. lhti Urn rar:e. Shau.Id \he4e not. AIJC> be

11t~n1ly and t1tfleltntl1. roomt are ell her- too· rol<l ar~ too pllled for ihhlr :st.upldllJ', for their lo- I=====================;:--:=--, Mc.Pbenoe C'ollqe ~a 1"fw ad· hoc 1J1 very laJurlou to Lhe bttalth t or tbrlr utter bll•damm. Pr ./ • l D •

Who po:uea"t""JI th" ponr ru• mtlf that h~ can "llf1" the t>aflf H••11111..,. can out. ol our- mall bmi: :11111 «tJ·

llnt1Ally ..ror,;~t to reph1co 11 !

Pihllttnllon ba11dlas~ and nMda II of lb~ ttuae nte, It Is 0. dl~l <:•UH! ' J( tbe tint man bad wl.lrully ctose<l , o,-essiona irectory , ba1~U'. or- many or 1hn colrl11 which haN hlJI f"J"H. If he had •o1ont.ar0y bllad- .------..,...- - ---,I.--..----- ---:--;

bMn 11urr~rtd br ,.arlou t ludenta. ed hi.a erea IO. U..t b• mi.1!t ·aot see Dr ,, N Robb. •-So Dr. [ •. F. Quantius We ban 1184 an eptdesnk or nu t he U1t beau.tlftl Q_[ nature a.round blm, • y .... · • ~ n VllYSJClAN .ind sunm-:o~· pu l fflW wttln1 whtcb wu parUy due men would han Hid: ''\Vba.t a OPl'OMETRIST8 orr1w-Hour1: •

Sln~ Mcf_,btJ''IOn Coufio la a tt) +Ufll-' cold • ttd 1:ban1tng tetn'J)f!l'a- 1-'"ool."' ··IL MnM him r lgbt." .. Be t to ll A..~~ ~lo t P. II. 10 ta U A. M. • I to i P. lL urlCUJ CbtlaUan coll•,.e, and we all hu... muith.uebMocruy ... Wtieaama_a Pboae lU'Y

10 to

11_ ... , :.anda1

5 lo

6 P. Al.

r+cocalM btt .. auda. •• t11'aald MciPb~non COlle,;o need1 a new r1oit11 bl• 61~• to th• needa br tho. '---------- ---' ~ hue: • kHa@r app.reclalloa t?r lht- baattnr plant ror the heall.h And C.Om· world, to tbe tolTOw• and ml1ery of I..------ - -----, prlnclplH for •bkb aht Ila.Gd.a. tort of tbe alude.a-u. bis tellow-b«l:lnga, Monld be not alto

( ..,.ee tbal D.f't IOIDe :-ho Ta11r It 111). tlude:a\.I! 1·eeel..-e the mollt bluet CGndemna• do ~lse tite aood la 1.b• lntlll•- • lion? When a 111tudent la11 maJor lion" •Pd •P1tl"ffit.t• tbe atmo, l) 8N°0\\'-0U'tLA-flHOVNI~ emoh.ull Up()Q &CtlYIUes, AOtl&t. a:nd. DU.d tDYlto1u1Htlil wbtch abo-.adL D0l~n:T-CU81UN' atadtH 90 Ulat be bu no U•• to "Mila U.u.e Is •ot \\lrKted •Jlltdall7 , ~ coodlllon.a u thor aetuall7 ullt. 10 l.bam b•t lbQM 'll'boo t&ll9,. lb• Wh•~ HDOW (alb >!.CU)' UIOU~b to bl! I• blind. He mu1t .be «tDdtmbed et•• da.nb •ad ' o t ·a Cbl11Uaa eo•t-r the 1ldlwalb •L ~rQ.S LO re. ., one who bu taUed lo ~t • bat u colt.&~ m&la OD Utt • · ll e.1lb•r remalas to

)IC.Pt..ftoa Coll• .. lll,JI a tac•hT be trampled down and 10 m~ll or «1JDJIOMd eeunlr of Chrt1Ua.• lll•n e1" 1tte •Ind drlU• IL to 1ome 01hr aad womea: mH utl wo-.• ••o ptac.. • Ul!9Jl la lM!r ~..... °ThJ' n. .aow tbt fell • rew ·~'J: ...... ..-OP1• •lao ........ , ..... 4nt.. .rtma,o,e4 OD UHi walb UDlll la.•• .. of Oqd. u4 aat.u,. ._. waiio eo•• ot oot donnhQrt ctrh wtal

edacatton bu lo otter bla. bl mut.t be ~ndemaod u one Is a , to tbe op•ard prop ... of ct"1ta.­UOa.

U'BBAll\' W~ '.llOOKA

roatrol tatlr u"' la a.ccoNa-.. w1.- ••l- altd Kf•-Pffl tt . off •IU• UW. Tht Uhfvr wo-.ld •P-.riid&.t. u.e

l-;. ~::.. ... ~ "7 i .. ~ :;':!;.,-r:~:·~~~~~~!'::att0,:: Joan of .. YeraJ toPI .. OI tbe "Oa'"-1..-e .. o .. a. •1ltiall tl.. ... all ..,. co.ict "9-llr to c.battb wltbo•t 1tt1••1 UDM Cll Soclalop"' by Blatlrmar aat f"ttt!h• Qi• .wy Met tralalAs m .., ._,; or watu l• U.tlt aboa. OtlUa.

w. E. GrecorY ~ ._.,.

--.-~ ----. A. EDP-c. ft!. b. &u, N- ... ~~::t 8-lal tot


Dr. W. C. Heaston rB'Y&IctA~' and SunGF.OS

RoomJ 1 aad_,J Onr Oran.d IJl{tldtar

McPl(£Jt8(1!1, JCMIRAS

Dr. H. G. Rolf Ooteopathlc Pbyaician

Onr Kern'• PboM ~ J.JOfi X. '1A1a.

Dr. A. A . Freeburg Ratorati'" aJMi Pr .. entali"

· DENTISTRY Otrlce Roo•ai HS--2~7 AJll .. .,,

~u: om!01~~~llf n,.. 11!_!.. .

Page 3: ViewScan Premium PDF · ut •elps ud &d"kti w-!1'1!: p_l11e4 SENTA DON~ CANTATA 41, ror the wlndo ... aad otlter·


A •'Ot<'tal •••HJ mu.a !Ntant~ } Eby Ud ~., ... ....... ••tM c-IM• ·

"Compa.a!Onablp •llb OOd" ••• ad1te•fd • ffllln.c flAkb a1u 1 tb•lblrr • uad.utJJ. •oott thfo cltU Hr•lct OOOdle 8boppe 1.hfs r ear had 1dd9d u amlna l\on rN'fntlr at SI.UH,

:~flf .... ~~~\:~.'!~ ,~\:!:~ e~ •l•.iti 1lorfe. O( h• OW"ft 10 lhl);I(> Ullck en•l•ft CI OIM. d hl•Jllottth 'b t • •• ,. other 8bOpPH or nan HO. 1 •a.g "T he I OYt'DlhOI tMml1tr"' d .. nrlMtl ,...t"MaJ moroloa. H ft n.-e '

1,. l h• Krl• t•,.. tt• dlAL Pau p,2.rt ro 11• 1 t• Hrlalal.r d lftlC"•h 1o srHtl•P to tbt Co'°81aN " F'or llaia Hier h•l tlH- rT•• 1tt,..tSo11 a ad n. n ... clo Wt •leo lllaot Utt' d.a:r Wtt f'.S~p nn.1.1liOG!4,~~~ maket II ••h• wnrn lllift

, .,.,,. tt. dt aot C'M.llt to PfU fll!' A1011'e ~"-•Ht 10 tk ttf!dh ff&rrlt rtcPot1f'd on ,.., rttta.1 •d·

r1~~d·:~.:0,:;-~:!~,:·o:-~~'..ri~ or .... )ila0oe4b. With • bit or f111. TIID(U la lb .. ('arboalaatloD or ('Nl In aH wlldom aad 1pJrl1uat lUtder- aodal 1.Nlst.ant-t, tber hnfl' •~m· at low ltmPtralurf'. lllu Otaffl'


New Spring Styles

' 1927

Now in and on diaplay.

The Ellis Shoe Store Plt•b!:d a IUIW lononUoa.-th(' Mltl •I 1old " ' lbt> df .. ('OYt'ry ~' the .... t it'.

•l.ndlDJ:." - ... boar for the '11hlnc batktol ball mHI. llllnlum. or ''" l'erkldlc C'bH'I l._ _________ ....;;;._ ____________ J II~ e mbocUtd lht arH t lo1 la lllls qal11e.1.a afltT each llloz:oe nm-r-. • - - ----

o• • PtNOMI • ..,.. tor Me'P~• Tiie tllrH: ~nlVtal.Dm9a~ co u 11 lfl-:ll"111f:l". 1u .. u11.. II \R~t.1· 1 :••••••••••••••••••••••~••••••• ·1•••••'-••••••••••••••• ... taduta alld t•P~ u lllb o•• llaf't Mif·D llln rtlly a~llH'd nc· .AT"T"•::"U C"OS .. *lmR~•·t: • Jb Dail R blica' : d,..J"" eutt n• •lllo•ld bt nuH: ft!JIJh l The t 1tm.1 Qf K•a-.• State e Y ep0 ft •.• I,, OY-trtlOtflDI •hll ••• t'M•Wce Tnt.h l'1- Colle.,-e • of £ JnS1Gr1•. :\ltrlM~n ('otlt1t .. WN l"f'l'lf f'HntN : nr Ood'a Will 1f'be\ht r. •• h• :nrlk· F'rl•Mt.11. aad Kan.!!U Walcyan l'nf· in th .. ('ouarn ot Admlal11r-.&on or : See Ull f o r :

l"111:1r •kl. "fou al'tl. lhM"up a cation 't'e:ftllf ha'4"e been shown thhl bit or I K lln'UIJI Sla lf' T~rht'l'l'I At_'f'{t('IUlon : AH kind!\ or printing- nothing loo small or l~o lnrR"C for : ""<'" ttl . or a hulll:ft oil Lant!:." ho1pll1lltr 1hua rar In th{'I IK'•Mu. a t Top~h F"e hruarr 4 • n<I 5, by l'r~· : us to hnndJe.-\Ve apprecinte your palronng~. !

" \\/e ~ tomelhl.DI' I• our llff!I Th~ home economlct: clau rnorn on h"""°" ""'~hoy. Hla lr and ltu"tf. • • tbal 'wltl mah ut do wb&l we outbt the SffOnd fJ t>ar o t Har nly llall h •• This a.tffmbly It l ho "'°"'' h111mrl•M : Th D 'I R bli p : lb do'" WH the H UtllOa of fi t:T. M. bet11 atlllaPd. ('olli!'S-.ate dtt0ra1lon" bUAIDf!M fn~llna nt lbP )tar thal I• : e 81. y epu can rintery • n . J:.l1ifl'. I• .,le •ll'f!«-t. I• Oltatef haadle4 br aa emc~n:t C"OtnhllUe-ll'J h•1d br lllf" ~t••• T r•rht"nt .. h .. ,ntl1· • : \\'ednHda .r morala r . fh!1• . tiller d• traa•form. the place Loto propor. l fO"l' : Pbonea 98 and 84 • ,,.,..d that t)lie prhtdl)ll fault of bu· tlon1 o r rt>ttfal coinror1, rollt•i:e Ooc1or ! lt!rahry ~•d • nouhlf' rw-· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••= manll)' both In achmt and tn mod- crlmton and white Jn much f!Ylden«i", llf"f a1 ltu11 n1tH•fln1t on f'l'h>i-lrnl Kel· :-. --:-=""..~-:-. --=-:==------------­,,r11 tlm!!I wu tha t e•cll did v•r•o\ur gopular mu1lc, n.ppetblng c.oM;i, ruul ence, nrH1 l'rot No•nr llh•lr "''Ml 11hu 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·~· h1trmt11l &IHI u.elell.lf 1hlnK Just he.- th" wa ltre11aeA,-rr1encll)" rnl'fuhnr,i of lilt hCttulu l for n dMl 11t10 uan or th{1 • e11u11t'I the "" dlll ' he m. He thl11 llvely x lrl'!!I Club. !inf' l!!l~ hll11h. l!fll,ll;ntm. \ We Carry the Very Belt Quality -11 11t It WH the modern lndl•ldual'I ed the Ide.I\ or ente rta lnlt1a- \"l111ltln.1:: mlMlnn In ute to tNJn hl••lr for coatmitaatA. T\enH l h H d ••1nn111:•l whal loob M'rYke tor others a nd to o•ta•• Bl• only llkt" worlhll"'M • tag, tb~ro a1a7 lrAl•I•« ud CWildutor- lbro•i ll 0 , t..'1UOftsTHY Cl.l"B muer the pur~ 111:old or a fair d 11t·

aid of Chrltt. J.:l~-rn St:w OJ11: 1f""Rn.."' aner.-llu1h Dluk .•

"11Mnnt llROM'F." Pfw.llll Htl)<GH\' \~l<'l'l'OflA WIMn Downto:... Do Not

Fors•t ti.. Th Ooodlt Shop~. thll 1U1lr tbat

~ •CHM I DIHlly U a ('Oll~Ct cu. t1tm, and now bu Worn• • pan or Ulb14!1 t•.ttlt•t• w-.11. occ.rtd oa Fri­dA.1' Jul, tram t tYoe o•d 0otk 10 tea Jl ~.

The Chemhury Club chn<11f' nt'w of· r1crr1 tor the iil~Oud J!(ln1e,1er e t IUl Tburlda J "• me.etin~. Th,. fOllOW· f'DI ortlC't nt wer e elPC:td: ~t"t:Tt'tar7,

Trostle: prosnm t"Ommltlt.'f>. "•~f"r. Blk • t nuft a nd. Sp.Mr.•: 1odal f'Olft· -"ltft, Cnmpacli:t>r. Cl&Hor. ud

Wilber Barber Shop 109 South Main

Eby. Doctor H e-rsbey ~ball f:Ont l•ut>l•-----------­

u 1LD1 u prttld"nt or 1be orvaiu · Hott.

The Por the flr'll Umt! In U YH fHn,

thl.I DOY'll acU•JtJ' ... DOl ata.cN ID. • H Uii\& lttdhloHl. tlto• M of the 1to.att•'7·llcPb1no1 ud 1be Chap­•u·Xc.Pb•no• bl1b ac .. oot sa .M:.. I.._ ar•utloat CO•N Dot lllll aUllz.H 1t1 I• o t•tt J'e&rL Tbe Y. W. C. A. NO• .. U.1 bue111Hl of th• A.dado-

.. J111ratlon U\lnd111.1 orr~red ao ·~ riropr'4!.t1 llfltllng: tor lhe ent erprlte,

'Mle cle' .. r V1leal1DU d~oraUoa

Royal Barber Shop 111e Atutl~L'• t.1~

Fo'llowlnc lhe bu• IM-f'l'I mttlln•. raal Dlleha1talr ca•e- an fntnf'flt. laa: laMc abcuu th• goTeam•lll (htm­ltlr)' doartmHL OT~r one lbo.._• d l'------- -----JI ch••i.ta are ••ployN fa «:OW'tm· mnt worll. Tbl4 field hi f"olip"'Ca.111 1t1nactl• e lo college• ., most ot lhe 1'at:1.Ddes art!: rlll'd by m en Jutt ouc or school. Blk kf>lll'C• ft

;:u~1-:!.-::1~1.b:':.~· ~~~· .:::~: ~Sunflow~r Barbe.r ::!~. :~~~. •.: .. t~-:.~";11:;:: Shop 011t lb• roOm. abided ll&ht1, and the :::~•tH 1ou petronaco 1tu-

;.:::~0!1:;~1:!:~l•.,;.~~~o~~ ::m w~~= I._ __________ __, J . Ed Guatafaon

1>M11'11' In

~~.·:.~~~~11~!i~:•l:1!~.11~~.::~1r;;::~~; In lt•I• Shoppe of Ooodle111.

The meau ..... plt uln1l1 • .,led . Th• UIU&l .,...u of rean PUC •up,1 .. raeat.-1 wtlla th dtllrhlhi1 \ 111Htlae

or ood Eats or

Douala• Cbocola tet Echo Reataurant


WMchc•. J o wclry, Rings Brncele tA, etc.

Wntc_h Repairing

111 North Main Streel

RPtcla.I f o'iind popular1t1 •fl"' -----1 he KliUll, tapeelallr lhote dorm I· •• • •• • • • • • ••••• • • • •••• • • • • • ••• • • • • • • ••• • • • • • •••• • • • •• 1or7 trlenda unaccna101ntd to 111cb : · :

,1.1nue•. Th• booth At tu1d1... ... • Photo Frames • ~•l•h• to lh• er•. e aJOT<d • pe rm•· : :

•~nt " ru•ll." : for e\"ery purpose. A new lot just received. : . . .---------·i Walker Stu?lio ~


Snyder Candy Co.

always appreci a t es your business.

. . ..................................................... ..................................................... . . . . i E. R. Burkholder Lbr. Co. i . . i Phone 16 : . .

~-----------' . . i We would appreciate some of your business ~ :························ . . : . : WE-: have what you : ne~d to control your i Cold.

: ALMEN-LOVETT . . ··························

p,,, \Ill t1 ... Wz I

..... w ... u•..._.Shop

f in good Building Material and Coal : : .......................................•........... : ·······~··············· ............................ .. i Puritan Cafe : : The Collea• Headquarter1 ' : : Meet Your Friend1 Here : I Quallty + Service : . . .. ................................................... ..

O f Ornffrlf>!, llMIJI, J f'll ... c~ookfM, f'lf'.

Piggly Wiggly The World 0 ¥tt


p•••••••••••••••ll!!I••••••-."' Curtis Motor Company

Llncoln-F ord- Fotdoon


Phone 10 314-18 N. Main

u .. o..t:r c...,ui,.. Ford pa rta.

For Best Grades 0 ( Building Material and Coal on

· Lake Superi~r Lumber Co. · Pllone 40

J.CPiN~ Ca .... ,,.,. --~ ..

Small Women Find Becomins

Frock. Thie t rials o f 11ndt

women arc: practluU1 fo ..-1ou e_n ia. d ie e• tt with w·hich t h ct e fr0<k1 fit-and u.1u.all1 wi th ou t •llc.ratloa. Sliu t3 10 tt.

$9.90 and $14.75

Page 4: ViewScan Premium PDF · ut •elps ud &d"kti w-!1'1!: p_l11e4 SENTA DON~ CANTATA 41, ror the wlndo ... aad otlter·


al!Jtft lff o iV\l.NO (X)UR8.E Detbaop Ulb1e Sebool, unouneed t.wo .nu1e1, pe_natu.les, moaltort.-e rorcol7-::----------------------......, • Ji!OR W0Kt.:S'8 c....1A~U8 11ebolarahlP1 to •tudtnu '" tbe Bibi• comolete Jn lhemte.1.--.-..n ord.r otl -' M-DL---n Col)-.. C.......J __ _._

. -- d.eparunuu of )h:Phenoa Colle~. 1frb: oa tbelr honor.- C...-llCIH -e- '°111IUCllQ n.1 claM ta. ''Pbllo.opbJ or Lh'lps·· ne Umt I• an award ot 1•0 hundred Arnold lt•LI, atnce tbo mua ns"t· We alway1 appreciate your patrona~e.

•' •t...DT. Kuru l• coodut.lln1 under dollar., and ibe- HC:<Jnd or one !fun· lor ot IU occupant. 'one Mond•f 1 J. I I I.& VC£ EXCHANGE CO th au1p!CtHf of the Prof~nuilonQI Wu· dred -dollart, to be applhtd on tho nonlnl:" two. 'WeeJca he ntt.1, I• lb• ftLl.dllJ1 . • ..... Chab. met la· h• rlnl HUIOD dl"lte~• or cl'tbcr Dacbelor or Di•l· abode or 1llen<t-e.-11tudy. ._ ________________ ...;:. _____ .....,! lut Wed•Md•1 n1«11 1. nitr or )futer ol lt.ellctous Educa-

A Pft;L maJorllr or ih~ Womu'• llon fa Uclhaar Sc:bool of Cblcaco. cjab en1"0lled, 'aad manr olb~r11 or tbe city have m1de kno•·u Weir l•ldtJon ro conlfnue ••llb lbe courllb. urooe can aue.iad any tnloa •od

-- ........................................ ~············· Otben wondered whllb they "fll'rote : --iF YOU NEED • Dtt11loa4 of !(Teat nnte; : A Pea or an E.enbarp Pfl!DCU :

TUE 1,,.!A~ HAS 'tltOlllU_.t;8

Tbe Dean or the ic:oH'Ce band'4 •ol be required to d t fhtUelr e.nroll. lhe editor lhe rollowla1 bit of-print· ~· clan tt ane~tlpg .,very W~o,., fltt ma~1er, f.Dd a.aid "Tb.em·, m1 da7 ennlng al 7:30 o'<:lock In tht ~nUm~ntJ.'' 1t " 'atl · tntltlcd "\Vb)' b&M.neac. of the Y. Al. O. A. build· Prot~on Oet Oray." Tbt-1& ar& the

Eo~:~:~b~ I~~:=~~:~- :. ' : You will find the best assortment of Pens and Pencils Do•'t roll that prbago cu : in our store. Penclls 35c to $7.00. Pens 'l.60 lo $15.00. :

You nu••· : W ahl-Waterman-Gru11haber. i Complaint com~ thick aod rut, : Pens and Penclla. : toe.

The McftberifOn High School ba&a­ketbalt lea.JU 1011 hold! undl8p11U:d ••&J' O'l't.r ' tbe other qulateta of tbf: Ct.alraJ Ku.u ~ague who are ron· tendiDJ tor the UUt. .

'l'bl loca l high 111c:bool b1Uketcu11 ba.•e lhua tar been uudt te.ied, J1aY· 111111 wma . .... ..,, •t1ecutlH!:t: la tba leacue. IA.Ill wH-k CotJ:h Ortftlu'• orC!IW lnue1l vJetoriou1lt trom. t wo mo111L gruelllllg toalti with 1ho.e ttenw hold~r Sf!Cund .nd lJ?lrll 1J1•cee la the lea&H. Sallna wu Hnt Jto·me ,.-1Lll th •mall erid or a 34·U

• .aon. wbUt tbe Dlcklr111-0n Cout11-y Hlsb Bchool l eam or Chapm&R-WlUi onrwfflmtd. &!·J 8. / ,"'

BASto.:1111 T.urTI< U>:~T

i:he J\lcPhonon Inda11 o n \ e 11 t

Dukelball Lea1uel cean1 Joal lt11 tlr•l cburt coaletl or tbe aeuoa la• t Wed:· f\Pdl.7 ltllbt wbea Uus c-Ct!n.or the, Mf:•lo• Athlelfc Club , toppled the leacue leahr• on MennOnlte soil, 33·

n. '

Tbe:y It.Lt.a to the Jul; : rNIOM:

.. The bluffer.·

T~e bo)' Wllb the loud voice and Bixby, LincL~ay & Co. omrttY head.

The •Wtet 1(1t 1e c:o-ed wbo doean't know ,;bat ll"• all 1bout. but wbo aHda •l leu t a n IA lbe t'Otane.

co'~~~: :;d V:~:''::::•doura- : !Let 1tudy on your floon :•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••:

You DUC..

The allent bird who mlgbt ha • ti 11omethlnJ1 worth while to say but who ke.cptl thl• 110melblDJ bidden.

The. coU~1lan •ho bMD'l read that tar In the tut and attumpt1 to au1e ii.. lfltbo•l' r und thruw the clan.a otr thu track.

Tb~ de11dly 1erlOUJ1 young radical •bo know• onl.1 lh•t be'a radJcal.

Wben eaa the ir glo1"1 lade! o, whfll " m.e11a t bey

Judgee or li'"ahnealuckh•. l>ellbt!.ratlu 11C:k1a·1 For- raltlac ot lbe dlckeu-­

You OUll.

ROBB. STUDfO The equaJly 11~rlou1 young con· for tJno Photograph.J aad Kodak

1nrYAthe •'hu believe. unly wbSLt Jr;lntibtai hh• grandtcathar believed. ,_

., or our Cleaning-Pre.Hing- Altering

A"'1 Kalt.a Madf'!I to Mea.w~

.St~er • Repr....,,.tinc Hultquiat Tailor • Clean..­

lmmecliate Semce Loweot Price,

Satiafaeiion on All Wo~k Guaranteec! Aud th~ hoy 1who ll 1111dng the 1 I l .1.z North Ma la

roUt'l!if:' Ju¥t for credit.. ~==========::'.'!========================~ The •IMtper• dob"l CUUDl u.nletei ,-------------.1 <h•• ••ore,"' Everything Muaical r-----------------...:...-....:.----.

Baldwin M;uoic Store THE IDEAL . BAKERY A sflcoee u l'.!1")·11lJll pervade11 lbe

Prompt s.;,,;ce. Pb- 299. The Home of Tho.o Bread

11111«-. Dourt close toflly, No rack· '-----------­f.ttug ho<tlll r\l~ound 1ho.rply througb lb.o ball!f. 1.11.ugbter, tb•t tea&e~ot eonKfonlloUt lludenlt. ls • nei;all'ro quaUt,-- Tbere la peace.-A ac.re1:1ee conratena.uce lu )fatro11'• orrlce. sur .. rlclent.

'Tia tho UbY.' order ot the tblDp.


Phone 137 . . L F. Konell, Prop .

Colleg~ Students

Thi• jlaupected dereat make1 a trlple Ue paulble lo Lha Independent Leafa.e, aDd le~"" uo lenm undo· tuted. lrht Danker• huve four lae:-e~ ' Yet to play, on~ or whltb I•

•IUL tbe Hutcbto.aon teas:u •ho a re ;;:~::::::=======:::; DOW'\stla'" RCODd In .tbe league r.: i\ .. d1ac1.

Your patronage will be

apprecia,ted I or teacher for summer months, handling school guide in sales field. Healthy, enjoy«ble, refined position, guar­antee $860 for 90 'days, '210 for 60 days. Actual earn­in gs much in excess of these amount•. Write, Educators Association, 1118 Baker Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.

.t . .... ------, ciat: •TIM.•'IS AUi-! NAlll-:D

1'111 nm• or lhe tour hai.ketb&ll feUD.l'«o l•kll!I l•ue with each other ht c.h·e •S>Dtoachlnr tourniune1it. have ~--tl.J bt'l"b deflnUclf chuoffp, Hue arc lb• Da.m~. •

a'.._.. Oot--Tbe Rlulil1 DlnU.. 1Tdm Two-Tbe floThetl.

11~.i3am Three-The 8kl1mers. 'o..(~eilm Four-The Swullku.



Made to Order

Orie J. Abel

At Art Shop

Thi[' Home State Bank

n• McPheraon &: Citizena

State Bank of McPbenoo, Ka1UU

CapllAI U4 Sarp._, . :t.uo,llOO

Joe Heaaton '

0 Best bY Auto Teat"

_ T ypew;riters 1lfe t ime for •ludant a1)11llca1lon11 Sold-Rented-Repaired

The problem o r th1. aludenl ts our chaac• lo • PPlT tbo .. Golden R ule." Ootne lu!

.Heaston & Nelson Motor Company rur t~ Kuse• UnlYeulty tollow1hlp D M HALE

=~1::;~1a~n;~:n~;1 o:~ Ktub~&. •en!or I '---·---·-------'I he MoPbent<>n Colltftlt 1tudeiit

'Wlicf la eholHJ"n tellow to K. U. wfll be· aetecLed by the mt rlt ot •thola.r· lbtp, a ctJYitT ud ge.nual ability. He •Ill be a•ardt d lbe t.QUl\'alf"n.t uf ra.r hua.df'ed dollu11 to be u~d .. i>arl e&Ptnto ot 011e year'• uuher· ilt7 •ork .

DT. •A. O. pr .. ldent . or

l'OR tt.&TllU'.&l."TION lead 1our w.arln1 •PPt.r.1, towal1

-..a.d bed Uaeu to-­lld'BIUllOli ll'l"EAM LAUKDKlr

Wt \IN Sort Water! .s..en. 8tawer, Ace-nt

H-Popular Muaic aiul ""-traPh Jt.ccwda -.....1-i. .... d


FreshUndy •1'!1'&7• at

Hultqviat Book Store oa lhe .eoraer

o.,... Etta!- U4 8011dafol Tbo S.c•t1Jn1" Gilt Rtorot

Oakland and Pontiac Gardner Eight-in-Line and Sixea

G'as, Oil and Accessories See "Tok" Carter


:···················································~1============::;:::============--: Boo_nTLl\~~~f~l<.!~ . i:1r-------...::....------; i ~o&HV'8o'fiui.Ro'VttRY i For Real Servic~ and Workmamhip i. SMALLEY'S i ••••••••,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••'!:••••••••• Send Your Clothe8 To

• F- Mualc Howe '------;;;.;.;..:..:.:.:;;.;;__-JI •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

C&rson ·& SmjilJ Carl M. Anderao.ii ...__ with Mnice.


• WHAr'8 AHil!AD·f • • : Saa .-pou.. tor•r•unner of c1c:lot1e11 and torud.oft. are o.redleted : • IOT Uli. Dut don't worry-10~ ClloD in, uro a,alnat loq by fire, • : llg htnl11g or •lad11lorm In :

Dry Cleaners

Reed Collere· Arent. : Farmer• Alliance lnaurance Company : : )Jct~ • ~ :1:..--------------------..... ---'

,._ __________ -.J •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

, Du~all'a, VArtetr aacl I aacl 1 O Cent

5""". W• ~"7 a Utt .. at He:rJ1.llhaa,

• Tr,- n nm.

.........................................•............ , ,.-----------------------., i For anything in etaple 'and faney froceries, H ardware i . . : and Paint '"e are always rlad to sen~ you. : . . i ~a)\ca•h a nd pay

11es.s. Get t he ha.bil. It will keep you :

: happy all tbrousb life. : . . : : . . ' .

The Peoples State W will serve your ever banking neeP.