veer myn dossier

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  • 7/31/2019 Veer Myn Dossier


    The Veer-myn are the newest addi onto the Man c range and can be found

    ba ling the Corpora on in ProjectPandora: Grim Cargo or as a full armyrelease for Warpath in May.

    This Dossier exclusive to the Man cGames Newsle er - is your go-toguide for the Veer-myn, containingbackground, army list, unit descrip ons,photos of the new models and more!

    We hope you enjoy the read!


    Artwork: Jonas Springborg, Roberto Cirillo

    Photography: Warwick KinradeWriters: Guy Haley, Alessio CavatorePainters: Golem Pain ng Studio, ChrisStraw

    All rights in the design, texts, graphics and other material in this document and its selec on or arrangement is copyright of Man c Entertainment Ltd and has been granted for use by other third par es.This includes images, text, graphics, corporate logos

    and emblems.

    - Man c Entertainment, Man c House, GreasleyStreet, Bulwell, No ngham, NG6 8NG- 0115 933 8448



  • 7/31/2019 Veer Myn Dossier


    Wherever mankind has gone, rats haveshortly followed. The Veer-myn are thelatest manifesta on of this unwi ngpartnership.

    The bulk haulers of the Corpora onare vast, gigan c vessels made fromhollowed out asteroids that are pulledslowly across the cosmos by tug cra . Ahaulers carrying capacity is o en in thehundreds of thousands of megatonnes.Each one is the size of a city; a mazeof endless holds and storage baysconnected by innumerbale li sha s,corridors, and conduits.

    A tugs crew rarely ventures back intothe hauler, but on occasion inspec onsare required, and so haulers all possess

    sec ons where basic life support and anatmosphere are maintained.

    At some point in history, the rat creptinto these cold, dark and inhospitableplaces, and it is here that it evolved.

    Who knows when the rst Veer-mynstood upright and blinked eyes ablazewith newly minted intelligence? Thetransi on from rat to Veer-myn tookplace phenomenally quickly; at most, soCorpora on science personnel have it, just under one thousand years. Perhapsthis huge evolu onary jump occurredbecause of radia on leaks from poorlyshielded reactors, or because of cosmicray bombardment, or perhaps their racewas born from some chemical cocktail,spilled in the transport caverns of aforgo en ship. More troubling is the ideathat their emergence was no accident at

    all, that the Veer-myn were deliberatelymade

    The Veer-mynby GUY HALEY

  • 7/31/2019 Veer Myn Dossier


    Whatever caused the change, it forcedthe common brown rat to walk uprightand grow many mes in size. It gainedopposable thumbs, and a mind touse them. Language and a vicioussociety came quickly, both crudemirrors of mankinds own. A new raceof space scavengers was born. Withan intelligence close to that of a manmarried with the survival ins ncts andastounding reproduc ve rate of the rat,they quickly spread.

    There are Veer-myn everywhere in thegalaxy today. They live deep withinthe se lements of many races, fromairless colony moons to con nent-spanning mega-ci es, and infest thedepths of spacecra . Wherever they

    are, they cause serious problems.Veer-myn steal whatever they can.They have a rudimentary understandingof technology, and an enthusias c,if somewhat haphazard approach,to experimenta on. They strip themachines of others to get to theraw materials they require for theirdevices, crippling city sectors or ships,

    some mes with fatal results. To preventthese mishaps, Corpora on spacecraare rou nely scoured for Veer-mynnests, and there are certain units of Corpora on troopers who spend en retours of duty as rat catchers aboardthose warships large enough to warrantit. There are rare cases of Veer-myntribes being bought o to watch overtheir ship, but in the main they areregarded as unsophis cated pests.

    This a tude greatly underes mates thecomplexity of Veer-myn society. Theyare naturally secre ve and appear topossess a great deal of na ve cunning,so much so that rumours of hidden ci esof Veer-myn are just about credible.Less believable are stories of worldsoverwhelmed by masses of verminouswarriors boiling up out of the ground,armed with bizarre weapons that spit reand searing chemicals, or those tales toldof the giant, mutant monsters that ghtbeside them.

    These, however, are just stories,furthermore stories that are likely toearn their teller a late-night call fromCorpora on Intelligence.

  • 7/31/2019 Veer Myn Dossier


    Armed with chemical ray-guns and fearsome chem-throwers, the Night-crawlers are the mostubiquitous type of Veer-myn warriors.

    They o en operate in stealthy small groups, in ltra ng an enemy spaceship through its airducts and ven la on sha s, ready to spring deadly ambushes in its dark corridors. However,when the Veer-myn decide that the me has come to take over another world, they aremassed into huge hordes of rat-warriors, which overwhelm planetary defense forces throughsheer weight of numbers.



    STALKERSSome Night-crawlers are tooferocious to be relied on to keep

    their distance from the enemyand shoot at them with a ray-gun.

    Known as Stalkers, these viciousghters simply follow their primal

    predatory ins ncts, tearing into theenemy in a spray of gore with shortranged ray-pistols, serrated combatblades, or even their sharp claws

    and lethal fangs.

  • 7/31/2019 Veer Myn Dossier


    Chosen amongst the largest and most cunning warriors, the Nightmares are equipped withcombat drills, lethal melee weapons that literally drill into their enemies armour, esh andbones, resul ng in a spectacular fountain of blood or alien ichor.

    And thats not all, each Nighmare also carries a devasta ng chem-thrower, which makes theseelite rat-men one of the most feared assault troops in the galaxy!



    GOUGERSThe Gougers are a specialized typeof Nightmares unit. They replace

    the combat drill and chem-throwerwith a buzzing super-drill poweredby the combus on unit in theirbackpacks.

    Designed to pierce the hardenedbulkheads of spaceships, theGougers super-drills can quicklyand e ciently turn the heaviest

    of enemy ba le tanks and othergh ng vehicles into a pile of scrap


  • 7/31/2019 Veer Myn Dossier


    Were running two Veer-myn Compe ons at themoment where you can win a freeNight-Spawn character.

    Heres how you can par cipate:

    1) Place a pre-order on the website forProject Pandora: Grim Cargo.

    10 copies of the box have been mysteriouslytampered with and now randomly contain eithera Night-Spawn or a Major General.

    Pre-order now to be in with a chance of winning!

    2) Name a Night-Spawn character Suggest a name for a special Night-Spawn Character onour forum and win a free gure if we pick your winning name!


    Only the most brutal and cunning of theVeer-myn manage to claw their way upfrom the ranks of normal warriors tobecome leaders of a horde of rat-men.

    They inevitably become corpulent andbloated, as they take advantage of their posi on to slake their voraciousappe tes.

    This, however, dos not make them anyless dangerous, as they are equippedwith the best weapons their minionscan scavenge.




    NIght SPAWN

  • 7/31/2019 Veer Myn Dossier


    Veer-myn is what they call themselves.

    Other races have di erent ways to refer tothem (pests being a recurring term).

    The army is low-armoured, low quality,numerous. They have no aircra .

    Their ranged weaponry is of two types:

    chemical rayguns, of which they havehand-held versions and heavier eld gun-levelversions (which they use to melt their waythrough tunnels).

    chemical projectors, a bit like ame throwersfueled by canisters of chemical/caus c/acidicliquids that they squirt on the enemy.

    Their close combat weapons are rustyblades scavenged from many di erent races.Occasionally powered blades (and only forelite in ltra on units), but most o en justconven onal ones.

    Mutated larger beasts also rumored toexist they dont need weapons.

    Their vehicles tend to be digging machines,drillers or in any case stu that would t into atunnel, so very long/narrow and armed to thefront. They would rely on digging/burning theirway onto the gaming table.

    DESIGN BRIEFby Alessio Cavatore

    When we go about crea ng a new range of miniatures, par cularly from such a new conceptas the Veer-myn, Alessio provides us with a Design Brief document to accompany Robertosconcept art.

    We though t wed share some of the Design Brief with you, as well as some of the conceptsbehind the Veer-myn:

  • 7/31/2019 Veer Myn Dossier


    The Veer-myn are released in May and there are

    more model previews, artwork and backgroundto come.

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