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Vantage Point is Quarterly College magazine of Vanguard Business School. For More Details visit‎


Page 1: Vantage Point
Page 2: Vantage Point

From Director’s Desk

From Editorial Board Desk

The first Edition of Vantage point was

extremely well received and I congratulate

the Editorial Board for coming out with the

second edition of this newsletter. If our first

year was exciting, the second has been

doubly so and it is my strong personal

belief that the enthusiasm and energy of the

Team at Vanguard is only surpassed by that

of our students. We hope you enjoy reading

about all the happenings on campus and I

am certain that the excitement and buzz of

activity on campus as we head into our first

placement season will capture you in its

infectious spirit.


Inside this issue:

From Director’s Desk 1

From Editorial Board Desk 1

Guest Speakers 2

Campus Diary 5

Directors Etch 13

Students Inscribe 14

Students Achievements 20

Digital Memories 21

Dean’s Message 22

Vantage Point Team

Media Coordinator

Dheeraj Pulavarthy

Editorial Board

Abirami Rajkumar

Arvind Kumar PS

Sankalp Banerjee

Cover Page Design

Joydeep Laskar

Page Layout & Design

Dheeraj Pulavarthy

Page 1

We present to you with pride and cheer, another issue of the Quarterly VBS Newsletter, Second Issue of Vantage

Point. The past few months have been eventful. There were Guest Lectures by eminent personalities from the

corporate world. There were simulation games, workshops and many more learning activities. It has been our

sincere endeavor to ensure that this issue represents as far as possible, the spirit of the young minds on campus.

The Fresher’s party would remain memorable and so would be the numerous other cultural events which were

initiated by the student council of VBS. We must admit that the last few months have been vibrant, lively and very

busy. Student driven activities like ‘Restore Green!’ were organized which saw enthusiastic participation by one

and all. You will find in these pages an ordinary world, made extraordinary by the collective and sustained efforts

of the Vanguard Family. It has been an absolute pleasure for us to see and recapture some unique and

unforgettable moments.

Page 3: Vantage Point

Mr. Krishnan Sitaraman is the Sr. Director at

CRISIL Limited, Mumbai. Having a vast

experience of 25 years in the corporate

field, he spoke about CRISIL's role in

ratings of companies/bonds, risk and

policies. He divulged in facet how the

rating is done and also made us execute

the process of rating.

The interaction started with a beautiful

analogy that he contrived, to explain the

students about how to utilize their time

during an MBA. The analogy was built with

a spring board being compared with a

B-School and the height that we reach in a

jump to the perfect launch of our career.

He explained both the pros and cons of

that hedge in our career and how to

manage after a bad start. After a perfect

start, he spoke about handling of one’s

income wisely by saving from the very first

salary. He quoted Warren Buffet’s saying

that “You spend what you have after saving”

and insisted on inculcating the habit of

saving from the commencement of our

corporate life and that the percentage of

investment in riskier products would

always be higher during youth. Triggering

our thinking, he accentuated that whatever

are the ‘means’, we extend ourselves only

till that.

He shared his views on some of the

profitable investment options available in

the market like Diversified Equity Mutual

Funds and Term Life Policies which can

yield good money in the tenure of


Mr. Krishnan Sitaraman: Wounds into Wisdom

Insights: For an aspirant of Analytics, a

typical characteristic trait of giving a lot of

importance to minute details is inevitable.

There is also a need to ask as many “So

what?” questions as possible. Additionally,

one should have a good grip on technology

and should be a passionate storyteller.

Analytics is not just data structure, simply a

statistical tool or machine learning but the

combination of all techniques.

Mr. Anindya Ghosh, Practice Head of Data

Analytics at Wipro visited our campus and

provided his valuable insights on Data

Analytics. The session was an eye opener

for most of us as we had little clue about

the whole buzzword Data Analytics which

is making huge rounds in the industry.

Right from the start, he made sure that the

session was interactive and we students

get the most out of it. He kindled our

thought process rather than making some

random statements. He touched upon the

basics and the building blocks of Data

Analytics so that we could follow up and

have a better understanding about it. He

clarified about the misconceptions that

made headlines about data analytics which

is going to be the go-to technology for

most of the organizations. We were also

exposed to a lot of keywords that forms the

core of this technology like data

governance, data scientist, dashboards,

platform agnostic, ETL (Extract Transform

and Load) and much more. He also

mentioned about how those three

technologies viz. Big Data, Mobility and

Cloud Computing could drive data

analytics in the near future. He also talked

in length about the various career

opportunities in store for MBA graduates in

this field and the profiles that suit them the

most. It was very much evident that every

one of us had a better understanding about

Data Analytics towards the end. The

session was so good that even folks who

had little or no idea about data analytics

did make up their mind to pursue a career

in it.

Whole Buzz about Data Analytics - Mr. Anindya Ghosh

Page 2

Insights: “Good judgment comes from

experience, and experience comes from

bad judgment.” The area of investment

is one of the most sorted after, but at the

same time involves colossal jeopardy.

One should always go with the least

expensive plan. He probed the students

to pick and select the least costly and

most effective policies based on the


Guest Speakers

Page 4: Vantage Point

Insights: “Everything that you see and

experience is something that you have to

process, analyze and decide whether you want

to file away in your mind, because you’ll never

know when you’ll be actually getting used to it”

Mr. Bijou Kurien is the President and CEO

of Lifestyle at Reliance Retail Pvt. Ltd., Bijou

Kurien has about 27 years of experience in

Indian Industry. A post graduate in

Management from XLRI, India, he joined

Hindustan Lever Ltd. as a management

trainee in 1981. After a successful stint of 6

years in various capacities in Sales,

Marketing and Projects, he joined Titan

Industries Ltd., India’s leading

manufacturer and marketer of watches and

jewellery. He was a part of the inception

team which set up Titan Bangalore. He

provided a lot of revelation on retail

sector in India. He illustrated various

careers in marketing, inspired

everyone with his journey so far, and

also shared how Reliance Retail


Mr. Bijou Kurien: Fall seven times, stand up eight

Insights: “You don’t close a sale; you open

a relationship if you want to build a

long-term, successful enterprise”. He came

up with his views towards the “Needs of

customers”. Accordingly, either

customers have to identify the needs or

the vendor proactively lets the customers

know about their needs along with an apt


“Down to earth” is emphatically an

understatement in describing Mr. Nikhil

Gupta who is the Co-Founder and CEO at

ItsMyMeal, Bangalore. He has an

experience of close to 16 years in the

corporate arena. He was modest and

completely composed in his diction

throughout the discussion in spite of his

prominent profile which comprised

significant corporate names in it. Unlike

most of the orators, he dinned the

complete interactive discussion while

disclosing his objectives of the lecture. By

giving certain activities to the volunteers,

he synchronously came up with a precise

explanation and differentiation of “Box

Selling” and “Solution selling”.

Mr. Gupta also coined a newer term called

“Consultative Solution” and articulated its

features and the scale of importance in

today’s corporate arena. He excellently

explicated the broader business design

from RFP (Request for Proposal) to the

process of pricing in the market. This

gentleman’s holistic perception of business

and organization was completely

transparent from his encompassing

elaboration on his concepts

Mr. Nikhil Gupta: Go big, or Go Home

Page 3

Mr. Sreedhar Prasad: Get dirty in the field

Mr. Sreedhar Prasad is the Director,

Advisory Services at KPMG. He gave a talk

on the current state of the corporate world.

He emphasized on ‘learning with

exposure’ and the requirements of the

corporate, what it demands from an MBA

and what not. Highlighting the generation

gap and the deteriorating standards of the

current generation, he stated that

attainment does not happen overnight.

There is a lot of gap between the

requirements and the skill sets of the

current students. They are impatient and

disobedient. He shared his B-school

experience, which evoked a lot of

questions within the students and

indeed built the necessary stimulus to

achieve more in life.

Insights: You have to acclimatize

yourselves to the requirements of the

organization. Don’t show Leadership

skills blatantly but show that you are

a leader by working hard not by

showing off. In MBA you will learn

things from elsewhere, Professors are

there here to just guide you, so till the

time you complete MBA fold up your

sleeves and get into the field and work

hard .

Guest Speakers

Page 5: Vantage Point

Mr.Aditya Pratap is the Manager, Sell in and

Technology Marketing for Nokia, Fin-

land. It was an upbeat discourse about

things that we should never forget during

an MBA. With a quantifiable approach, he

set out a clear depiction about the do’s and

don’ts. He emphasized on the importance

of reading almost anything and everything

is for us right now because of presence of

library with books, journals, magazines

etc. To be updated with business news and

the economics of the world is preordained.

The real question which most of us were

waiting to hear, “What happened to

Nokia?” finally came into picture. A

company which was once a world leader in

mobile phones has now been kept aside as

a junk and deemed unfit to make any

investment. Students were blown over by

the way he approached this part; he didn’t

sugar-coat anything. He went on to say that

Nokia was pushed out of the market due to

one simple reason, “It failed to adapt the

change in people’s mindset”. He

explained the drastic drop in the shelf

share and how Nokia lost almost its entire

market share in a short span of time. The

unsurpassed entity about his speech was

that he never blamed his competitors of

any conspiracy theory for the current

predicament of Nokia, at the same time he

never saw their condition as ‘the end of the

world’. When questioned about his loyalty

towards Nokia, he replied, “I just don’t run

away from a sinking ship”. That summed up

his idiosyncrasy. Nothing and none could

break his spirit.

Insights: Some men just won’t give up;

some men can be destroyed but can never

be defeated. The identity of the successful

is the characteristic of those who

subsequently fight back by travelling the

extra mile and not giving up till the very

end. He said, “Do not cry because it's over,

smile because it happened”. Having a

sentient example of such a legend gave us

a much needed personal boost and

motivation at the right moment in our


Mr. Bikramaditya Ghosh: Corporate Consciousness

Mr. Aditya Pratap: Nokia- Bolting back to Actuality

Page 4

Mr. Bikramaditya Ghosh, alumnus of IMT

Ghaziabad and a private banker for 11

years currently heads two companies. He

is an entrepreneur (Corporate Training &

Consulting) & owns Bhaskar Investments

(Portfolio Management). Mr. Ghosh travels

all around the world for his business and

he has travelled across almost 32 countries

till now. He shared his experiences of

corporate life which was all about whirling

around time and integrity, either through

shortcut or through a protracted path.

Emphasizing on sincerity, he quoted

“Don’t hound for success, chase work”.

He shared various techniques to deal with

clients. He put in the picture that it is

important to connect emotionally with

clients and travel with them to get the job


Insights: Travelling, networking and

gaining knowledge are imperative to any

MBA graduate. He said, “Anticipate blows at

work and act quickly so that you can be at

the acme of your game”. To think in all

directions without any restrictions would

come handy in making a successful career.

He also added, “Believe in yourself, never be

de-motivated by mockery, never be a critic

and not to care a damn about others”. It was

highly inspiring and thought provoking

which woke up the positive attitude within

all of us.

Guest Speakers

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The Fresher’s Party was held at

Gopalan Innovation mall on 14th August 2012.

The event was organized by seniors. The

theme of the party was purple and black. The

fun started at 7 pm, All were dressed

beautifully for the occasion. The hosts for the

day were Bhanu and Pulin (Batch 01). There

were dance performances, songs sung and

roses given. The dinner was served at 9 pm

and was cherished by all. Abhishek Todi and

Sonal Singh Rana were Mr. and Miss Fresher

respectively. Ashish and Manali were Mr. and

Miss Rose respectively. The party was a great

success and a memorable one.

Fresher’s Party

On 16th July 2012, Vanguard Business School welcomed

the second batch of students for the PGPM program. The

Induction day started with the lighting of diya followed by

the speeches of our directors. The chief guest for the

event was Mr. M.S. Ganesh (Chief Mentor Vanguard

Business School). They shared their acumen and valuable

experiences with the students. Post lunch, there were

speeches by the respected members of faculty. Their

speeches were highly motivational and they also ex-

plained the vision and mission of Vanguard Business

School. It was a remarkable beginning.

Induction Day

Page 5 Campus Diary

College Anniversary

On 4th July, 2012 the 1st anniversary of Vanguard Business

School was celebrated with great joy. It was a great moment for

all of us to celebrate the day which reminded us about our

arrival in the family called Vanguard Business School, a home

away from home. The function was presided by our honorable

Director Mr. ARKS Srinivas and our Dean Mr. Arka Bhattacharya

along with the Faculty and staff members of the college. The

ceremony started with the cutting of cake which was a followed

by speech by Director Sir and then followed by the function

which comprised of dance, song, skits, mimicry and other

performances by the students of the first batch. Mr. ARKS Srinivas Mr. Arka Bhattacharya

Mr. ARKS Srinivas lighting Diya

Students Enjoying Freshers Party

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"SREHSERF" Party - Redefining Partying Experience

Exuberance, Excitement and lots of fun are the perfect

adjectives to describe our "SREHSERF" Party. It was the

REVERSE Freshers’ Party .Theme of the party was Angels &

Demons. Accordingly, people who felt like they deserved to

be angels came in White attire and those who felt they deserve

to be the demons came in red attire .

The party was organized at Naushad-The Big chef in Kormangala,

Bangalore. The party kick started off with Emcee Snigdha Saha

(Batch 02) briefing about the events for the day and then followed

by songs by Narendra and Sankalp. Then, Guru & Group rocked

the dance floor with their amazing medleys. This was followed by

many exciting games where seniors participated and had

unforgettable fun.

Then we had a mind blowing dance performance by

Swayang & Group (Batch 02) which Followed by dinner

The seniors and juniors together invaded the food court.

Post dinner, Dapmon (Batch 02) performed a sizzling solo

dance when people started rushing on to the DJ floor with

the crest of their vigor.

Mr. and Miss Reverse Fresher Titles were awarded to Syed

Basharat Akthar and Bhanu Oberoi (Batch 01). The Seniors

and Juniors flocked to the DJ floor and our DJ Avinash Gulia

(Batch 01) played songs which were in tune to the mood of

the people and we danced crazily for more than two hours!

At the end of the party when the clock struck 12, we

Celebrated the birthday of our beloved class mate Nithin

(Batch 02). Then we left the party venue unwillingly because

we were still in party mood but the subsequent day we had

classes early in the morning. This party concretized our

attachment with the seniors.

Campus Diary

B02 Students

Seniors Enjoying the Party Disco Night

Celebrating Nithin’s Birthday

Page 8: Vantage Point

The second session of the Strategic Innovation Simulation

Game in association with IIT Kanpur was conducted on 8th No-

vember, 2012 at our campus. It provided enormous learning to

everyone. We handled real time business situations, where the

viability of applying our ideas was exercised. It was a great

experience for all of us to do business in real time through a

Simulation Exercise. A total of 34 teams including faculty

members participated from our college which was an added

excitement for the participating students.

Strategic Innovation Game

Club Activities

Debate Competition

The second version of the debate competition was held on 4th

August, 2012 at 6:30 pm by the Literary Club (Vyasa). There was

a huge response from the students. As a result of overwhelming

response the club decided to go for an essay writing contest to select

out the most eligible teams for the contest. Out of the total

respondents a total of 12 teams were formed on the basis of the essay

competition which was the general round. The debate went on very

well. There were 3 rounds that were designed for the event. Syed

and Indresh (Batch 01) secured the first prize for the event. The

prizes were given away by our Dean Mr. Arka Bhattacharya to the

winners and runners up.

The second version of the much awaited Finance Quiz Money

Mania 2 was conducted on 5th of November, 2012 at 5:30 pm by

the Finance Club (Fintelligent). There was a surge in the

number of participating teams compared to last year which

stood to 17 this year. Chandra Mouli and Sudharshan (Batch 02)

bagged the winning feat. The prizes were distributed by our

respected faculty of Finance Mr.Ashish Didwania.

Money Mania 2

Page 7 Campus Diary

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Ad Making Competition

The first version of the Ad Making Contest was successfully organized on 11th of

August, 2012 at 4:30 pm by Street Smart the Marketing Club. There was an

overwhelming response of participation from the students. A total of 14 teams

participated in the event and it was a cut throat competition among the teams out of

which 5 teams qualified to enter for the final round. Team 3 Idiots – Swarup (Batch 01),

Prashanth and Joydeep (Batch 02) bagged the winning slot. The prizes were given

away by our Faculty Dr. Vasanth Kiran and Mr. Ajay Nayar.

B - Plan Contest

On 26th August 2012, a Business Plan contest was held on

campus by the Entrepreneurship Club to encourage the

budding entrepreneurial spirit in the students. Students from

both the batches actively participated in the event. The event

required each group to do a presentation followed by a Q&A

session. Students came up with very novel and innovative

business ideas. The winners (Team Aamchi Mumbai of Batch

02), were declared after being evaluated carefully by the


All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. So the

students of both the batches took a day off and

dedicated it to sports. Cricket, badminton, tug of war,

football and running races were some of the games

played. There was enthusiastic participation from all

the students. Winning and losing both were taken in

good spirits.

Sports Day

Campus Diary

B02 and B01 Students

Chakravarthy (Batch 02)and Team Presenting a


Gurucharan (Batch 02)

Presenting his ideas

Page 10: Vantage Point

Logo Making Competition LOGI(O)CAL

Marketing Club- Street Smart conducted a creative

event of making logos on 15th of November 15

2012. The event was really a matter of exhilaration

for the students were in they created and designed

new logos. It kindled the innovativeness in them as

the event was all about generating new logos in a

limited duration of time along with developing

team building skills. The winners of were Sandhya

and Rohith K (Batch 02). The prizes were awarded

by our Faculty members Dr. Vasanth Kiran and Mr.

Ajay Nayar.

The college witnessed the cult of solving cases in a competitive

manner among pairs in the discipline of Marketing, Finance,

Human Resources and Entrepreneurship. More than a

competition, it was a three day festival which started on 27th of

November, 2012 and ended on 1st of December, 2012. The cases

were rolled out to students in the above discipline; there was a

faculty in charge of each discipline. There were two rounds for

the case study competition that the students had to undergo. The

first round involved submission of the solution to the case study

within deadline which was further categorized by our eminent

faculty in-charge. The final list of selected students had to give a

presentation of about 15 minutes of their cases in front of the

panel comprising of the eminent faculty members. It was a tough

fight among the groups to enter the finals. After a series of mind

boggling presentations from the contestants, the panel finally

decided upon the winners and the runners-up.

Winners for cases are as listed

Entrepreneurial case- Gurucharan and Sankalp (Batch 02)

Finance Case- Harin and Pardeep (Batch 02)

Human Resources Case- Subhashish and Sudarshan (Batch 02)

Marketing Case- Rajarajan and Manali (Batch 02)

Vyuha Case Study

Page 9 Campus Diary

Deepak and Manpreet (Batch 01) Presenting their Logo

Winners of Marketing Case Study

Runners up of Marketing Case Study

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Page 10

The Sports Club organized an intra-level cricket match between the PGPB01 (senior) vs. PGPB02 (junior) on Sunday (25.11.12) at

Udupi Garden. Both the batches assembled at the ground at 8 am in the morning at Udupi garden. It was decided that two T10

matches will be played The first match was won by PGPB02 and the credit very well goes to their batting and fielding performance.

The second match was a complete vice-versa of the first where PGPB01 came back in to the contest with a top-notch performance.

Overall, it was a very close and amusing tournament between both the teams. It served to further fortify the ties between the juniors

and the seniors of the college.

Intra-Level Cricket Match

Winners Excited After winning after the first match

Winners Excited After winning after the second match

Campus Diary

Cricket Match in Progress

Page 12: Vantage Point

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has!”

Painting the city green!

As evident from the above quote, the students of Vanguard Business

School decided to take a societal initiative. It was an initiative for the

betterment of Bangalore, to keep the city green again and it was

named “RESTORE GREEN” campaign. The main idea of the campaign

was to create awareness among people about the changing scenario of

Bangalore from “Garden city” to “Garbage city”. Free Saplings were

distributed to people in “Cubbon Park” in order to motivate them to

plant trees in and around their homes.

Around 6:30 A.M, when the city was still under kip, everybody reached

Cubbon Park high spirited with our green and white tees on. It is an

amazing place with splendid greenery and situated in the heart of the

city. It is the best place in the city to exercise or go for a walk early in

the morning and that was the reason why Cubbon Park was chosen.

Our target audience was elderly people who have time to spare and to

care about the environment. Also the refined ones who could possibly

understand the intensity of the problem were considered.

A team of 40 students individually approached entities and

spoke to them about the current environmental hazardous

issues of Bangalore. Awareness was created among them by

giving free saplings and they were incited to plant more

such saplings in the near future.

Fortuitously Mr. Vinay Choudry from Kolkata played an

enormous role in planting trees in Cubbon Park. He was

very happy with the initiative and encouraged all to do

more such activities. Another humble person from an agri-

cultural background also joined hands. Despite knowing

that the saplings were free of cost he extended a hundred

rupee note and asked to buy few more of them and distrib-

ute it to people.

Page 11 Campus Diary

Sharan (Batch 02) Spreading the Green Idea

Restore Green - Student Rally

Human Leaf Formation

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Page 12

“Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something” Going by this quote, the students of Vanguard Business School

initiated a blood donation camp on December 15th which was conducted by Sankalp India Foundation. Sankalp India Foundation

is an organization which consists of volunteers who work for the welfare of the people. Altruism was the common motive for al l;

the response was amazing as many willingly came up for donating blood. Not only students and faculty members, but also people

from surrounding areas also donated blood. First timers might have had different apprehensions regarding blood donation but

the benefit they got out of it outweighed the apprehensions totally.

Blood Donation Drive- " A life waits for a blood bag

Media extended inordinate support for the campaign. There were television channels

as well as photographers and journalists from various newspapers to cover this

initiative. At 11.30 am, a press conference was arranged at the press club of Bangalore.

The Director of Vanguard Business School, Mr. ARKS Srinivas and Head of Marketing

Mr. Pritam Sarkar presided over the conference.

On the whole, this student driven initiative was a massive success and “We owe our lives

to the sun… How is it, then, that we feel no gratitude?” So, Restore Green! Step out and

make Bangalore a Garden city again!

Later on, chanting slogans with strong and precise banner support served the necessity

to be cautious about the environment.

Campus Diary

Abirami (Batch 02) Distributing Plant Saplings

Students Donating Blood Token of Appreciation from NIMHANS - Blood Bank

Page 14: Vantage Point

The essential curriculum design for the PGPM + MBA program at

vanguard consists of following distinct areas

Management concepts - Here we have done a wide-ranging

consultation with Academic experts and corporate managers

with the idea of understanding what concepts are critical and

what is not. We are asking two simple questions? What are the

concepts required by frontline managers in the first five years of

their career? What are the concepts required to understand key

industry sectors where students are likely to be placed?

Rahul Reddy

Director – Vanguard Business School

Redesigning the MBA Curriculum: The Vanguard Experience

Director’s Etch

Practical exposure - For every class care has to be taken to relate

the topics taught to actual business practices. One way is through

industry lectures. However, we do not plan to call very senior

leaders who will give motivational talks, but young managers

who are applying the same business concepts on a daily basis. So

a class on pricing strategies may be followed by a product or

brand manager explain how he or she takes pricing decisions

Essential skills and Attitude - Many a time when we speak to Corporate Managers and HR professionals,

the chief concern regarding fresh MBA’s has been lack of essential skills and poor attitude. Essential skills

are skills, which are cross-functional and applicable in all industries. These skills include understanding

technology as well as communication and team skills. The importance given to this area can be seen from

the fact there are 6 courses in the first year alone which focus on essential skills and personality

development. These courses are a part of the curriculum and will be graded, unlike some B-schools

where these are taught as special classes where both teacher and student interest is low.

Evaluation - One of the chief problems with University education in India has been the evaluation system.

The system of annual or semester exams loads all the pressure at the end and is primarily based on

memorization of course. Any good MBA program should have a continuous evaluation system which also

measures the work done by students in terms of case studies, projects etc. While the actual evaluation

system is dependent on Subject/Course, at Vanguard, the evaluation system would be Quizzes,

Assignments and Projects. The Mid and End Term exams would never exceed a maximum of 50% of the

available marks for a course.

Use of Technology - Technology is an important component of management in a corporate. At Vanguard

we will use technology to enable better quality education and at same time make students comfortable

with the use of technology. All students will have Wi-Fi enabled notebooks. All students will log onto an

online Learning Management System where they can access Class schedules, Case studies, Assignments,

Presentations etc. At the same time all assignments have to be submitted online or by email. Also many

additional features like blogs, chat etc will be enabled through the LMS. Podcasts from top B Schools

worldwide as well as Webinars from Industry experts would also be done through the LMS

Page 13

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Marketing is turning out to be a hard nut to crack with an inflow of numerous

players for each and every product available on the earth. Even the main

players with millions and millions of budgets solely on advertising and

promotions find it real hard to grab the eyeballs of their consumers. In this

current scenario try to imagine the plight of the startups and SMEs who needs

to compete with the big guns in the industry with only meager funds on

advertising. We have a quick fix for this problem in the name of Guerrilla

marketing, which refers to unconventional, offbeat and even crazy system of

promotions to reach their target audience and shortly it is a low-cost,

high-impact strategy. One of that worth mentioning in guerrilla strategy is the

“talking” print ad in which a small talking machine which briefed about

Volkswagen Vento was attached along with the daily.

GUERRILLA MARKETING- A lifeline for SMEs and Startups


Guerrilla marketing tries to decipher the psychology of humans and find ways to influence smaller groups of

customers before moving on to the bigger stage. It also concentrates more on co- existence with other players in

the market rather than trying to eliminate them completely from the picture, which makes it best suitable for

small businesses and SMEs. It stresses more on excellence of the product that is being offered and tries to push

the existing buyers from mere customers into more loyal customers who is going to drive the business for the

future. Internet with the aid of concepts like online publishing and going viral can take guerilla marketing to

unimaginable heights if leveraged properly. Guerrilla marketing has its own associated risks and can sometimes

backfire as it can lead to negative publicity along with loss of loyal, potential and prospective customers. Also

this strategy involves a mix of strategies which involves a lot of marketing concepts, it is difficult to measure

which strategy aided in the success or the failure of the entire campaign.

It is always easier said than done and the same case applies perfectly to this scenario as well. It takes immense

vision, energy and time to make the intended strategy to perfection so that it satisfies all the parties involved

like marketers, company and ultimately target audience. It is crystal clear that this model is tailor-made for the

SME’s and start ups but it is also being adopted by big organization, as it lifts some pressure on the budget

which could be directed elsewhere.

Arvindh Kumar - PGPB02

Page 16: Vantage Point

It’s not me anymore running you, your people your machinery. It’s you, all

alone yourself who is on the move of revolution, changed world, took charge

from me and making it worse than ever. Creating fear within yourself of

becoming extinct. You do wrong, thoughts strike for a fraction of second “is this

the way I am, was this the purpose I was here, am I really the same creature

created by almighty” authority of universe replied – Almighty

Page 15

Letter from the creature

Avinash Gulia - PGPB02


You steal, create a fear of being caught, you kill, create fear being of dying and there are immoral things you do

making you creating one’s own hell, living in the world of fear. I was one, you divided me giving different

identity and fighting among yourself in the name of so called word you formed “religion”. I don’t know from

where you brought the concept of messenger, judgement, caste, race, sex, and colour.

There’s no one good or bad in this world. It’s all about the kind of lens we use to see them. Terrorist is a good

person taking revenge for his people and bad for the terror victims. Bread stealer is thief for store manager but

godly figure for his starving children. Look from the lens of humanity. The world is beautiful. There’s no one bad

over here nor were they born. They learned from you, living in the hell you created of fear, jealous, corruption.

I still love you. Be it whatever you do, hardly makes a difference of what you are today. No matter what you did or

what you are going to do tomorrow, parents are going to be parents, still loving their children because you are

my creature.

Today this world needs smile on face, satisfaction in eyes, freedom in their breath, purity in their thoughts,

unpolluted heart. Believe me or not but I sent you this way only.

Take care…

Love you son !

You are a beautiful person, magnificent soul, great personality, generous

human whom I knew. You devastated you, yourself, the way I have sent you

and the kind of a person you are today, figured differences from then and now,

which are uncountable.

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Page 16

Urbane! Aficionado Debauchery This poem is about the apparently strange lifestyle and psychology of the urban people.

A small town brought up finds himself lost in the city.

One thing I don't understand why;

dumbfounded gaping prudes feel shockingly shy.

Though I have had no abnegation, nor shame

expecting an accolade for all the same.

A perpetrator buried abyss, lost in the city;

None had concerns, none had pity!

Life goes on, as it never ends;

assaulted, persecuted, tortured, netras of stone observe and enjoy

these trends.

Renege, rationale, rumors, rubbish!!All rescinded;

for an amateur, aberrations never ended.

Gusto of life is COMPLEX; you can't directly sort out.

Everyday changes, every space with sprout,

Alibi all over, no mirrors on the ceiling,

No abstinence, no surprises, what a feeling!!

Experience means big, that's a pinch of what is needed;

At this point everyone agreed, everyone conceded.

As a child he either incarnates or manifest difficulties

Right from infancy he cultivates watching pogroms and carnages

And this recluses his childhood, continues for ages.

Life never promises you to be colorful, fruitful or easy

But competition and challenges make you busy

Awry, bizarre it’s the race with clout

Being sanguine and simple bowls you out!!

Yes, nobody is concerned about the destitute abject

Plush, buffets and pubs are the only subjects.

Someone's pain is someone's joy

Acerbic, abstruse and selfish, but it’s the truth of life my boy.

Sankalp Banerjee - PGPB02


Page 18: Vantage Point

“Who are you?” It was a question thrown to us by a seeming simple gentleman

on the session on “Life skills” in the induction week of my new b-school life.

Indifferent answers stroke everyone’s mind in the class that we intended to

disclose our name. Few did it. Few got into scientific streaming and answered “I

am a human”, “Human being”, “Animal”, “Animal with sixth sense” and some

moved bit deeper in contemplation and responded “Homo sapiens”, “Mammal”

and finally everyone ended clueless as he went on negating our answers! Before

answering his query, he requested all those people who are mentally below the

age of 18 to walk out of the class! Later he stated, “This is what science and

society taught you all these years. But still I want to ask ‘who are you?’ “. We

stayed with our emptied thoughts and continued listening to him.

Page 17

I Wanna Be Stupid!

Gurucharan R - PGPB02


Then he revealed what we were supposed to say, “You are INSIGNIFICANT! Yes, you are! Also, you are nothing in

this world. Unfortunately, you have nothing and no one with you. You are cornered to be ALONE on this humanly


Completely perplexed, we knew not what to speak.

“You might think that you have many people around you. May be your spouse, parents, may be your girl or boy

friend, your friends, siblings or whoever in whatever tags of love in your life. But still, they are meaningless when

you start contemplating from the perspective of reality. Yes, this is a factoid! World is extremely huge and survival

of human species is something beyond the existence. Your existence is NEGLIGIBLE! Because, you are existing

over the hugest denominator possible and your evolution has the greatest influence in you rather than yourself. He

recited. There was more than a pin drop silence in class with extreme confusion of thoughts streaming in

everyone’s mind. We got into a complete bewildered thinking about themselves and ended up with empty

solutions. And, we kept heeding to him. He justified with a math sticking to it. Yes. Anything with the denominator

of infinity becomes infinite again! Our existence below the infinite existences of earth ultimately makes us infinite!

So, he rationalized his justification and very first time I made sense to the philosophical application of Math to our

life which I have never thought of before! None of my math teachers from kindergarten to my graduation has taught

me how to apply it when it comes to life. Interestingly, he did it.

He also stated, “Even after interpreting this untold and unfelt truth, if you want someone to guide or motivate, you

are none other than a STUPID! Yes, you are! His diatribe kindled our unrevealed realization around us all these

years. He also said that to survive in this life of insignificance, you need to make yourself SELF MOTIVATED. No one is there to disclose our pathway in front to move on. Everything is ours and we are everything for ourselves.

Just we have to learn to live and survive alone. Nothing is persistent and permanent as well. He said these add-ons

together comprise our maturity level. He also stated that he respects each and everyone's maturity and he believes

in it. To be unfeigned, we were completely in a different world throughout the session. He might seem simple but

he is such a down to earth superlative gentleman composed with intense DNAs throughout. Yes sir! We were

seriously stupid until your session which was indeed an eye-opener to almost all of us.

And, I cordially wanna be a STUPID if someone like you motivates me!

Let me be another Ekalavya to get to learn intense stuffs from you without your knowledge in this new journey of

my life! The personality about whom I was describing was Rishiraj Dasgupta sir! One of the esteemed faculty of Vanguard Business School! ‘Thanks’ would definitely be an understatement for his session and waiting more such

‘Gyaan’ sessions from him in our resourceful journey at Vanguard.

Page 19: Vantage Point

Page 18

The world we thought we knew...

“2012” has been an unforgettable year for various reasons. One of those reasons

is very ignominious, that of Damini. Like any other girl, she was coming back

home with a friend in a bus, hoping that to be safe, although it was the rape

capital where she was in. Things changed, reality checked in and she became a

victim of rape and brutalization of six fiends.

Abirami R - PGPB02


The ‘Government’ witnessed all this as an administrative and political hitch rather than a humanitarian one. With

politicians coming up with absurd rules for reducing rape, the country screams for capital punishment. Are

Women the reason for rape? Is modernization the reason for rape? The bigger concern that haunts is that

probably the society supposes something akin. Perhaps deep inside, our ‘representatives’ and ‘deities’ are our

voice, regrettably. Damini was lying on the road, bleeding and crying for help. Shamefully, people passing by

never had the courage or humanity to help her. The Brave Soul passed away, leaving the country ashamed with

the kind of people it nurtures. Whether women wear proper clothes or not, something called a brain, a heart and a

mind should function inside every man’s body telling him that he is a human and has no such right to touch women

without her consent.

Again, is capital chastisement enough for the person who has imposed the most horrible and terrifying act? Why

would the victim suffer from so much of shame and unacceptability where the victimizer gets away with a two

minute capital punishment? The punishment must be anguishing and appropriate so that others fear and think a

million times before raping any girl.

Rape has been taking place for so many years; it has been so frequent that it does not evoke notice. It was never

considered as a critical problem in our society till now. Activities such as eve-teasing, passing personal comments

in public places and behaving in an inappropriate way has become so common that women have started to

tolerate and ignore it rather than standing up and speaking back for it. The more they tolerate and ignore,

activities like these would continue and men would have no fear before making such comments. Stringent rules

should be framed, men should have the fear and women should become fearless.

To all those women out there, we are in this world filled with people of different breeds, unpredictable and

treacherous. It is no more the world we once thought was our home .It is our responsibility to be safe, fearless and

fight for the life we want to live!

“Women don’t get raped because they were drinking or doping. Women do not get raped because they weren’t

careful enough. Women get raped because someone raped them”.- Jessica Valenti

There are many incidents like this which we have heard and many­­ gone into

the shadows. This one of Damini infuriated millions of Indians, who wanted to do

something to stop all this gruesome. Gamut of Indians went on for protests week

after week claiming capital punishment for those brutes.

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Page 19

Survey says that an average Indian youngster has poorly developed common sense and gesticulations. Why no Indian can even dream

of building a Facebook or Google??, or if they do at all what sort of support they are getting here. We are not only devoid of

infrastructure to bring about revolutionary technological changes, but also most of us never ponder deeply against conventional

approaches. So we perhaps need to be updated with certain central global doctrines that should be developed at a very early age of

life, when we are lithe enough to be molded into the required ‘Icon’ of the society. One colossal change that can be observed in

contemporary India is that we have become very cognizant about our ‘image’, in a very complex manner. But the worst part is that the

muddle of orthodox credence and mimicking the west ensuing slavery to the rulers has given rise to a huddle of Hypocrites. They have

conflicting ideals, and often fail to preach what they pretend to teach. The simplicity of thoughts is corrupted with an outlandish

apprehension, a fear of confusion. Keeping our houses clean and sullying public places is an archetypal attribute of us Indians. Are we

not taught that these are improper signs of actions? Why do senior officials of the govt. provided with free electricity benefits misuse it?

Why do elected officials blame modernization as the primary reason for rapes?

Education should be able to remove such barriers and augment the intelligence of man. Education should educate people, create

awareness in them. It should foster human values, build us to become judgmental not based on following what is being taught, but by

challenging the facts, questioning and developing newer insight. Change is inevitable. If innovation was absent (Unfortunately in our

country most of the time it never comes to limelight), technology would stagnate, and everything would fester. So transformations have

to happen. But to our misfortune education itself in our country is peripherally besieged by Political hedges. There are these legislators

who themselves are chameleons. If norms regulate the market, the fate is similar to the Sovereign debt of the Europe. They want to

exploit by not letting people modernize. Modernizing is a major part of learning and contravene with inapt and expired principles.

Challenging also means lack of slavery. The lawmakers will lose clout. People will stop forgetting rape cases, start behaving in a mature

manner instead of putting up arms against the cops. It is our duty to sermonize basic responsiveness to the lesser privileged. I recall

once I had a heated argument with an elderly rural person regarding littering on the railway station platform. Finally, it ended when he

spit on the platform again and I put water on it. Culpability impinged on him and he apologized. Not everyone will be the same. Some

people have deceased conscience. But as long as there is a will, there is a way. The youth must be interested in politics and current

affairs. They should be alert and motivated. The languid and carefree generation needs to build a lot of fortitude in and around them. It

feels excruciating to let go off the immense efforts of our young revolutionaries, who died for our country. I see CRY coming to our

college, but the locality in which I live, I see children working in mills, their parents forcing them to earn something rather than going to

schools. If Satyamev Jayate affected the way certain corrupt practices function, what are we doing on our part? Do we ever wonder what

conditions actually give birth to criminals? Are we doing anything to prevent such conditions? If it depends only on the people who are

literate (I won’t say educated), it is our responsibility to educate others (post educating ourselves). Julian Assange once quoted “Every

time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to

defend ourselves and our loved ones because In a modern economy it is impossible to seal oneself off from injustice.” Our Negligence

towards educating the society will have serious implications on us one or the other time in future for sure.

I leave all the questions unanswered, provoking some thoughts and ideas to develop.


Education: Construed As Granted

Dheeraj Pulavarthy - PGPB02

The thought of defining education amuses my mind. Defining it is conceivably beyond the

scope of the most astute people. But the purpose of education also varies, not only with

different individuals, but also the same individual in different stages of life. After a lot of

observations, delving into the matter I see a serious disorder in people who are privileged

with this blessing in India. The psychology in most of the Indian parents regarding education

is very remarkable, with one common motive- Establishment. They say that they want their

brood to reach a certain level of Respect in the society. The idea in itself is not flawed, but

the conformist assumptions that are forced on their children are at times gaffe. For instance,

most of them never educate their children to develop a fervent approach towards it. They

impose certain fixed surmises like science and math without letting the intellect of the child

widen. How many of us even wonder whether some of the cheap Hindi and regional

commercial movies impede our pondering aptitude permanently? Have you observed that

most Indian movies today hardly relate to the situations where the songs are compellingly

put? Have you observed that the Lord of the rings, Amadeus or Inception are movies of the

Hollywood, and that we are almost 50 years behind enjoying common Indian movies.

Page 21: Vantage Point

Indresh Vikram Singh presented in the International Conference on Marketing practices in small businesses: Concentration on

cottage industry at Pune, Maharashtra during 4th-6th October, 2012 on the focal theme “Inclusive and Sustainable Growth

(Role of Industries, Governments and Civil Society)” organized by The BAIF Development Research Foundation and Institute o f

Management Technology (IMT) at BAIF Campus, Pune

Sandhya S and Rohit.K secured second place in Sellocalypse - Marketing event held at Symbiosis Institute Of Business

Management, Bangalore

Snigdha Saha secured first place in theme event– Skyfall in “USHUS” management fest organized by Christ University, Bangalore

Sudarshan S secured first place in the event Agragami (Budding Manager) in the Management Fest Organized by

Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad

Abishek A Jain secured second place in the event Agragami (Budding Manager) in the Management Fest Organized by

Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad

Sudarshan S secured first place in the event Nivesh (Portfolio Management) in the Management Fest Organized by

Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad

Harin Shah secured second place in the event Nivesh (Portfolio Management) in the Management Fest Organized by

Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad

Chandra mouli R and Harin Shah Secured second place in Kurukshetra (Launch Pad) in the Management Fest Organized by

Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad

Page 20

Indresh Vikram Singh - PGPB01


Sandhya S - PGPB02

Sudarshan S - PGPB02

Rohith K - PGPB02

Harin Shah - PGPB02 Chandramouli R - PGPB02 Abishek A Jain - PGPB02

Snigdha Saha - PGPB02

Page 22: Vantage Point

Page 21 Digital Memories

Coorg Trip - B02

Adventure Boating - B02

Cultural Day

A Movie With Seniors DJ Senior

Mr. ARKS Srinivas with Students of B01 And B02

“I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun”

- Charles R Swindoll

Page 23: Vantage Point

Vantage Point encapsulates the essence of all activities on campus and it is

heartening to see the second edition of this newsletter. These pages are a

summary of the year that was and capture the flavour of what it means to be a

part of Vanguard Business School - from Guest lectures to Club Activities to

Inter-College events; from Sports events to Social awareness campaigns,

Vanguard students have done it all and exhibited a spirit that we are particularly

proud of. With final placements around the corner a huge rush of excitement

marks all moments on campus and we hope you enjoyed a glimpse of this

interesting fork in our journey at Vanguard Business School.


From Dean’s Desk

Placement Committee 2012-2013

From Left to Right

Isha Ringshia, Subhasish Dey, Rajarajan Mohan, Ujwal Shah, Radhakrishnan Swaminathan, Swathi Mundra

Student Council 2012-2013

From Left to Right

Narendra Kulakarni, Manali Sarkar, Rajarajan Mohan, Gurucharan Rao, Swayang Prakash Kar, Dheeraj Pulavarthy

Page 24: Vantage Point

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