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  • 8/14/2019 Values of Love Curriculum


    Unit One

    Care and be kind

  • 8/14/2019 Values of Love Curriculum


    ObjectivesIn this unit Superbunny will face a challenge of force. How does he deal with violence

    while supporting compassion? How do you handle your anger when you are

    challenged? Anger destroys compassion. So does violence. Superbunny follows some

    basic habits:

    I am fair.

    I listen to others.

    I dont hurt others.

    I am gentle.

    I protect others.

    We will also introduce problem solving methods such the ABCD of conflict


    Pictures to talk about

    Care for those who are hurt - sick - old.

    Who else can you care for?

    Superbunny song

    Each Superbunny story starts with this song. We hope you will make singing this song

    a routine before you start every Superbunny story.

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    Superbunny, woodpecker and the rest,

    Always do their best,

    To stop what is wrong,

    And help everybody get along.

    Superbunny woodpecker and the rest.

    Never stop,

    And always do their best.

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    The Woodcutter and the Six Piglets

    1. Superbunny was in the forest. It was very peaceful and pretty. (forest song)

    2. Suddenly he heard a loud bang. Superbunny ran to see what had happened. Hesaw that a woodcutter had caught Mother Pig. She cried to Superbunny, Please go

    and take care of my little piglets.

    3. Superbunny went to Mother Pigs home and said, Piglets follow me and kept

    the piglets safely.

    4. The next day they saw the woodcutter again. He wanted to cut the trees.

    Superbunny said. Dont hurt the trees. They are the homes of many animals. The

    woodcutter said, But now they are mine and I am going to cut them.

    5. The animals sat together and discussed what to do. We can attack him. We can

    bite him, or kick him. said the piglets. Superbunny said, He was wrong in taking

    your mother, but that does not mean we should be wrong too. We must stop him but

    we have to do it in the right way. (Arms are for huggingsong)

    6. The next day the animals stood in front of the trees. They said, If you want to

    cut the trees, you will have to cut us too. Just as the woodcutter got his bulldozer

    ready, Street kid made a picture and gave it to the newspaper.

    7. The newspaper wrote about the animals and the woodcutter. The King read the

    newspaper. He called the woodcutter.

    8. The King said, Woodcutter, you can cut trees, but you must first plant them.

    Here, I give you a land. You can plant your trees there! The woodcutter started to

    plant the trees. He was not so happy, but the animals could live in peace again.

    Questions to discuss

    In this story there are many characters who wanted to use force. Can you name some

    of them? What did they want to do?

    Why did Superbunny refuse to attack the woodcutter?

    What is the right way to fight for peace?

    Have you ever heard of win-win solutions?

    If somebody attacks you, can you control yourself?

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    Ideas for movements and dance

    Act out the following different scenes with movement

    1. Superbunny is doing meditation . Other children are trees and make a tableaux of


    2. Clap hands (hit a drum/ tambourine) as the children act out the pig getting shot,

    while the others run and cry for help.

    3. Superbunny protects the children (piglets).

    4. The woodcutter acts bossy and proud while the animals are humble but strong.

    5. The children sit down and one by one act out how they can hurt the woodcutter.

    Superbunny shows we must find a good solution.

    6. Some animals are trees, others stand in front of them and protect them.

    7. Streetkid makes pictures which are going to the king.

    8. The king tells the woodcutter to plant trees first (sit on knees). (Finally he lies

    down in relaxation pose)

    Make kindness stars!

    Roleplay: Solving problems Lovingly

    It is not possible to live a life without problems. But we can learn how to deal with

    our problems. When children have differences, we also have to solve our problems

    lovingly, without anger or hatred. In the Montessori tradition children work out their

    problems by sitting at a Peace Table. Help them use the following steps to work out

    their differences:

    ABCD of Conflict Resolution

    Ask What is the problem?

    Brainstorm What can be solutions?

    Choose Choose the best solution.

    Do it Implement your choice.

    Arrange a role play to help the kids practice talking and listening and negotiating


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    Arms are for hugging

    Helping and Loving

    They may go leftThey may go right

    My arms they never fight

    They never fight.

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    Why do people do bad things?In the story the woodcutter wanted to cut down the trees. Do you know why? Do you

    know why people do bad things to others? Our anger and greed hurt our own peace.

    The Whale BoyThis story is from the Eskimo people of northern Russia.

    A long time ago, a man married his second wife. Though her husband was good to

    her, she didnt fit in with the others and often felt lonely and went for long walks

    along the seashore. On one such day, she saw something very large coming closer and

    closer to her. She stopped and noticed it was a whale. And as the whale reached the

    beach, a man emerged. The man talked with her and they became very friendly. He

    asked her to meet him again the next day. Thus they spend much time together and

    were very glad together.

    Her husband had started to worry. He followed his wife on one of her long walks and

    when he saw the whale man holding her close, he ran out

    from his hiding place and wanted to attack the whale

    man. He however knew what was going to happen, and

    ran off. The husband hit the whale with his spear, and

    saw the whale off, bleeding from his side.

    Shortly after this, the young wife gave birth to a whale baby. She nursed the child till

    it was big enough to go out into the sea. There it learned to swim, get its own food and

    protect itself. Later a group of whales, one with a large wound at his side, came and

    took the little whale with them.

    Each spring, the young whale boy would come back, with many other whales. The

    villagers hunted many whales and their village became rich. The neighboring village

    became jealous. They couldnt accept that the other village was doing better than their

    own. They knew that the wealth of the other village was the special favor of the whale

    boy. That following spring they took out a hunting group and killed the whale boy.

    Without him, the whales never came back.

    This made the whale boys village so upset, that they started to attack the other

    village, a fight that hasnt ended yet until today.

    Discuss how the people could have prevented this war.

    How can they bring about peace? It is easy to spread hatred. Can you spread kindness too?

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    Make many kindness cards. Give each child two at

    the beginning of the day. Each time a child does

    something for others, they can give one away. Who can

    end the day without cards?

    Animals suffer from our greed tooJealousy and Greed are everywhere but it is easiest to see it in how we, the people

    treat nature. Many animals have died out because of the greed of the people. One

    example is the buffalo in North America. Another is the innocent dodo on Mauritius.

    Which other animals have died out or are endangered?

    Superbunny wanted to protect the animals and trees. What can we do to protect them?

    We have to save the rhino,

    The rhino and its horns.

    We have to save the rhino.

    There arent many anymore.

    So we shouldnt wait

    To save the rhino,

    Or soon it will be too late.

    Substitute with the names of other animals, such as: Elephant tusks, Shark fin,

    Tiger skin, Monkey paw, .

    Loving the animals means loving the treesThough there are some people who are selfish and dont mind to hurt the planet, many

    people protect the Earth, like Green Peace, Jane Goodall, and others. (Talk about

    them) They all say that to protect the animals we need to protect the trees. Do youknow why? Do you feel it is right for people just to go and cut the trees that have been

    home to animals for many generations? Learn this song:

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    Stop, stop dont cut me

    I am an apple tree

    Ill care for you

    If you care for me.

    Substitute with: a pine, maple, oak, banana, pear, mango, ..

    The Girl who could talk with the birdsOnce there was a girl who wanted to learn to talk with the birds. Her aunt was a little

    bit of a witch and told her in a whisper, Its easy! Every day feed them some grain

    and love them and you will know what they say.

    And yes, indeed after a few weeks, she could understand their songs. It wasnt muchof a conversation though, as whole day they chirped Hello! Im here. Hello! Im


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    But one day the birds said, Be careful, a storm is coming. Be careful! A storm is

    coming. The Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds told her father and he at once told

    all the farmers that they should secure their fruit trees because a storm was coming.

    The other farmers laughed at him and said. It is impossible. Look! The skies are all

    blue. And the storm season is still far away.But the next day there was a very big storm, and many fruit trees were lost. Only the

    father of the Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds, had secured their trees and saved the


    The farmers were angry. How was it possible? they thought. That girl must be a


    Then the Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds went to see her aunt again and asked

    how she could learn to talk with the moles. Its easy! she said, but you wont like it

    very much. They are very boring animals.

    But the Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds didnt mind. And just as with the birds,

    she fed them every day and loved them and yes, in no time, she understood their

    sounds. Of course, all they said, was Dig! Dig! Dig! Lets dig! Dig, dig, dig!

    But one day the moles started to say something different, Its going to freeze

    tomorrow. Its going to freeze tomorrow. Again the Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-

    Birds, quickly went to her father, and told him to pull out his carrots. He too told his

    fellow farmers to pull out their carrots. But those farmers laughed at him and said,

    How is it possible, it isnt winter yet!

    The next night it froze terribly, and all the other farmers lost their carrots and potatoes.

    Only the father of the girl who could talk with the birds had saved his. Again the

    farmers said, That girl, she must be a witch!

    The Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds now wanted to learn to talk with the bees.

    And as her aunt was not at home, she found her own way to talk to them by loving

    them and feeding them everyday.

    Again they were not very entertaining, as all they said was, Honey, there is honey in

    those flowers. Honey, there is honey in those flowers.

    But one day they stated to say, Dont go out. Dont go out. It is going to rain! She

    told her father who took in his harvest of grains and told the other farmers to do the

    same. But again they could not believe him and rested in their homes. But that night

    there was a terrible storm and all the other farmers lost their crops.

    This time the farmers got so upset that they called the soldiers of the kings palace and

    told that the Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds was a witch and should be beheaded.

    The soldiers brought the girl and decided then and there that she should be beheaded.But just as one of them wanted to take out his sword, the little girl called the bees and

    cried, Save me! Save me. In no time there came thousands of bees who swarmed all

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    From the story: The Girl who could talk with the birds

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    around the soldiers and chased them away, allowing the Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-

    Birds to go back home.

    But the farmers were not satisfied and again told the soldiers where to find her and tie

    her to a pole to be burned as was common those days. They had prepared a lot of drywood and the fire started to really rise quickly and surround the Girl-who-could-talk-

    with-the-Birds who was tied to the pole. But then she called her bird friends to save

    her. And they all carried away the tiny branches of wood, so that the fire died out very

    quickly. They also untied her hands and helped her escape again.

    The Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds went home again to live her life peacefully.

    But the farmers were really burning with anger and this time asked the soldiers to put

    the girl into a jail, deep under the palace. The soldiers did so, and the Girl-who-could-

    talk-with-the-Birds was really very sad. There was nobody who could help her, she

    thought. And as she sat on the mud floor she suddenly hear a familiar sound! It were

    the moles! Dig! Dig! Dig! Lets dig! Dig, dig, dig! They made a small tunnel, just

    big enough for her, from the jail into the garden of the palace.

    There the Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds got up and saw the prince, who fell in

    love with the beautiful girl and then and there asked her to marry him.

    The Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds looked at him for a second and then shook

    her head. You people are not very good. I dont want to be near you anymore. She

    left them, and walked into the forest, where she lived the rest of her life with the

    animals and her other friends.



    How did the Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds deal with violence?

    Do you know about people who leave the world and live in the mountains or

    caves to find peace?

    Do you think it is possible to find peace with your friends?

    What do we need to do to find peace?

    Review the habits:

    I am fair.

    I listen to others.

    I dont hurt others.

    I am gentle. I protect others.

    Learn this song:

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    Do you want peace?

    Oh, yes we do.

    Do you want love?

    Oh, yes we do.

    Then these are the things you should do:

    Care and be kind

    Never steal

    And speak good words all the time.

    Make a banner

    Put your hand prints around the words!

    Success is what you

    do for others.

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    Game: Problems and Solutions.

    Draw a board game on the white board and make problem spots and good habits.

    Mark the problem spots as a little fire. If they cant solve the problem, they have to go

    back. When they hit a good habit, they can move ahead two spots.The good habits:

    I am fair.

    I listen to others.

    I dont hurt others.

    I am gentle.

    I protect others.

    Problem Spots:

    Any classroom situations that often occur. Make them up according to the needs

    of the students.

    Peace Circle

    Give out the stones with the key words written on them. Place candles for each child

    in the middle. Put on the soft music. Ask one child to say something about the good

    word in his hand and place that stone/ card/ piece of wood with the word in the

    middle. In return they may take a candle. Then ask a second child to do the same.

    Continue to do so until all the children got their candle and are quiet. Then blow out

    the candles.

    To all the people,And other living beings too

    I wish all things wonderful

    I wish all the good.


    "When you bow deeply to the universe, it bows back;

    when you call out the name of God, it echoes inside you."

    -Morihei Ueshiba

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  • 8/14/2019 Values of Love Curriculum


    Unit Two

    Speak Good Words

  • 8/14/2019 Values of Love Curriculum


    Objectives1. Discuss how we can bring about friendship. Use this song:

    Its so easy to be friends

    Its so easy to do.

    You care for me

    I care for you.

    Ask the children to bring up more ideas and substitute care with

    other words such as: swim, run, eat, sleep .. Do they bring up any

    ideas related to speech and listening?

    2. How can words help make friendship and peace? Do the children know about the

    magic of the words they speak? Do they have any example how words made

    them lose their friends? How do words from other people affect them?

    3. Then discuss the power of listening. Do they feel their parents have time to listen

    to them? Do the children always listen to what parents say?

    4. Learn the basic habits of good language:

    I do what I say.

    I can say what I think. I am polite.

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    I dont lie.

    I can admit my mistake.

    Pictures to talk aboutDescribe the situations. Can speaking good words solve their problems?

    Parents play sisters

    A Wrinkled Heart

    I do an activity with my kids that runs along the lines of this "tale". With the kids

    seated on the floor I start talking about the difference in the things we say that make

    people feel good or that hurt them. While talking I am cutting out a big heart. After I

    have it cut out, I hold it up and tell the kids that each one of us starts out with a heart

    that is as pretty as this one. I ask the kids to start telling me things that a person might

    say that might hurt another person's feelings. With each response, I fold the heart

    (any direction....just put a fold in it). Eventually the heart is crumpled in my hands. I

    tell the children that each time they say something hurtful to someone, they are

    putting a little wrinkle in that person's heart. We talk about how someone's heart

    might begin to look like this crumpled heart if people continue to say mean things to

    them. I then have the kids start to tell me things that they might say to someone to

    make that person feel good. With each response, I unfold one of the creases in the

    heart. Eventually I have pressed out all of the "hurts"....except, of course, for the fact

    that the wrinkles can still be seen, even though the heart is now all the way unfolded.

    We talk about how we each have those wrinkles in our hearts from things that people

    have said to us, and how we want to be careful with what we say so as to not add

    more wrinkles to anyone's heart. We put that heart up in a high corner of a bulletin

    board and leave it in plain view all year. Frequently someone will mention it....that

    their heart is wrinkled like that one, etc. It serves as a great reminder all year long.

    Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place,

    but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at thetempting moment. Benjamin Franklin

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    Beaver and the Bear School

    1. Superbunny was sitting by the river, daydreaming and enjoying the sun.

    Suddenly he heard a loud noise. It was the Bears. They were shouting.Drmamdrmamdramadmramamdaremam,,

    2. What are you doing here? asked Superbunny. Bear was angry. Our school is

    flooded. We cant go to school. The Beaver did it on purpose! It is terrible.

    Drmamdrmamdramadmramamdaremam, Superbunny, you must help us.

    3. Superbunny sighed. He didnt like bad words and said, Let me see what

    happened and then see how we can solve the problem. He got on the back of

    woodpecker and flew off to the Bear school.

    4. There he saw Beaver. He was working very hard, making his house.

    Superbunny asked, Beaver, do you know that the Bears are very angry? They say you

    flooded their school and are doing very bad things.

    5. Beaver said, Me bad? You are joking! Im just making my house. And look

    everybody is happy! Dragonfly, Turtle, Crocodile, Fish, Egret, they all like me very

    much. Just then the Bears came. You Drmamdrmamdramadmramamdaremam,,

    They shouted again.

    6. Superbunny stopped them. Dont argue anymore, this will only bring us more

    trouble. Come with me and sit down and lets find out what the problem is and what

    we can do to solve it.

    7. Superbunny said, When you do something, it must be good for everybody.

    Beaver admitted that he was sorry for giving trouble to the Bears. But he had wished

    they had talked to him nicely before shouting at him. He said he could build a new

    school easily.

    8. Beaver built a new school for Bear. The Bears were very happy and shook

    Beavers hands. The school was very beautiful. Superbunny smiled too. Its easy to

    be friends, if we speak nicely.

    Questions to discuss

    Bear was very upset about Beaver. Do you understand why?

    Was Beaver really so bad?

    Do you think Bear judged Beaver too early?

    Could the Bears have avoided the problem?

    Was it easy to find a solution to their problem?

    What would have happened if Superbunny hadnt done anything? If there had been a fight, what would have happened then?

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    Can you always tell others how you feel?

    Do you easily fire up when people attack you?

    Do you know which things are your trigger points?

    Ideas for movement and dance for dramatizing the story

    Children look for their own place in the classroom space. Then start to tell and act out

    the story.

    1. Superbunny is enjoying the beauty of nature: Roll on the floor

    2. The Bears are angry and shouting: sit and stamp your feet to express the Bears.

    3. Superbunny asks the Bears to be quiet: mime quiet feeling and show Superbunny

    and Woodpecker fly off.

    4. Superbunny and Beaver are talking nicely. Mime and act out a discussion.

    5. Bears arrive - sit and stamp your feet to express the Bears. Use your hands to clap

    on the floor to express the Beaver.

    6. Increase crescendo as the argument increases in intensity.

    7. Superbunny jumps and breaks the argument with a clapping of his hands. Sing any

    of the songs about words (Lets talk, talk, talk. Or There are some words,)

    8. Mime a discussion with finger pointing and slowly cooling of the emotional


    9. The smiling and hand shaking of friendship, SingIts so easy to be friends.

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    Talking makes Friends - I can say what I think.

    Use the example of a volcano: it can release steam slowly and also burst all of a

    sudden. Talking is like a slow release. A sudden eruption is like the violence we see inthe world. It is not always easy to talk about our feelings but it is necessary if we want

    to find peace.

    Anger often leads to shouting.

    Shouting may lead to pushing,

    Pushing to fighting and hitting and this will lead to

    A new problem.

    This is called the Anger Escalator

    Talk about feelingsOne way to stop climbing the anger escalator is to learn to talk out your feelings. It is

    not bad to tell somebody what you feel, even if it is not very nice, as long as you say it

    in a nice way.

    It is also good to understand that many people say they

    are okay when they are really not okay. You can help

    them release their feelings and this way bring about

    peacefulness and love.

    Listen to this song on your CD:

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    Once I saw a cat, who was angry

    I saw that.

    But he did not tell

    What was wrong

    So I sang him this song:

    Lets talk, talk, talk

    So we understand

    Lets talk, talk, talk

    How we can be friends.

    She wanted to fight

    And hit me on my head

    I thought that was not right

    And again I said:


    Finally she told me

    Her feelings inside

    And though I could not help

    Talking helped

    her anger subside.

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    Role play Learn to Cool DownMany problems become big arguments because of talking without thinking. Thats

    why people say somebody has a poisonous tongue; it may mean that the words they

    speak make others upset and hate others. This can happen because people may beselfish and overcome by anger and greed which often take away our ability of making

    rational judgments. One way to contain these strong emotions and drives is to develop

    the habit of this Cool Down habit .

    When youre angry

    Or mad

    Fearful or sad,

    Breathe in.

    Breathe out.

    Breathe in

    Breathe out

    Do it one more time

    And think

    Think, think

    (Breathe in)

    of the best way out.

    (breathe out)

    This rhyme gives you time to think before you decide how to respond to any


    Practice this in role plays.

    - Somebody bumps into you.

    - Fight over a chair.

    - People dont want to share toys.

    - One eats the others candy

    Each time, use about ten seconds to come up with a win-win solution.

    If speaking is silver, silence is goldSome words can solve a problem, and sometimes it is better to keep quiet. Thats why

    people say, If speaking is silver, silence is gold. Certainly that was true in the fable

    ofCrow and thePiece of Cheese and so it applies to the following tale:

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    The Talkative Turtle

    A turtle liked to talk.He talked in the day.

    He talked in the night.

    He talked to the left.

    And he talked to the right.

    He never stopped.

    He talked and talked away,

    Even if there was no oneTo hear what he had to say.

    And because he talked and


    At no end,

    He didnt have a single


    Now there was a fire one


    That burned and burned

    the forest away.

    All the animals ran, and ran

    and ran.

    Only the little turtle didnt


    Because he knew he wastoo slow.

    He cried, Help me! Help

    me! Help me

    But there was no one to

    hear,No one who could help or

    even hear.

    Till two geese flew by,

    Who said, Let us carry you

    up so high.

    Bite in this stick,

    And please dont talk as wefly.

    He kept quiet for a while.

    And it went very well.

    But then he saw some


    Who started to yell.

    He greeted them with a

    loud Helooooooooooo

    For how long? I do not


    But then there was a


    And that, Im sure, was the

    turtles end.

    And after that, I heard

    No turtle has ever spoken


    A single word.

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    Game: Chinese whispers

    Many quarrels in the world come from misunderstanding.

    Misunderstandings happen a lot, especially when people dont listen, as in this joke:

    Three guys all of who didnt usually listen carefully to each other, were

    playing ball one sunny spring morning. One says to another, "Windy, isn't

    it?" "No," the second guy answers, "it's Thursday." The third guy, listening

    in, pipes up, "So am I! Let's drink some milk"

    Play Chinese whispers ( pass the message and see what others hear.) Is it easy to


    Step in my Shoes and learn about Point of View

    Sometimes people say that the whole world is full of

    misunderstanding. To understand somebody needs a feeling

    we call empathy. It means that you feel what others feel

    and you understand their point of view. Like in a zoo, can

    you imagine how it feels to be the elephant instead of the visitor? What would you

    feel about the things people shout at the elephant? If you understand the elephants

    feelings, would you do bad things to it?

    Can you understand other classmates thinking?

    Draw two circles on the floor and ask two children to stand in each.

    Each child will tell what she thinks and feels.

    When they have finished, ask them to change circle. Use this role play to see how

    much they can remember about the other persons ideas.

    Learn this song:

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    I would like you to

    Step in my shoes and see

    How it feels to

    Think and be like me.

    And I will step in your shoes too

    So I can also come to know you.

    I will eat rice

    And you will eat bread,

    I will watch cartoons

    And you will sleep in my bed.

    And when we change back again

    Youd speak my wordsAnd I would feel your hurts

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    Then in the end

    We wont no more be enemies

    No, Im sure

    That in the endwe will,

    we will be friends.

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    Talking can also help!Just as there is a time to keep quiet, there are also times that talking can help you, or

    even save your life. Do you know the story of The 1001 Arabian nights and how

    Scheherazade saved herself by telling stories. Here follows another tale of how talkingcan be the right choice.

    How Hare married a Princess

    Once there was a king who was very happy. He was a good king and many

    people liked him. He also was rich. But what really made him happy was

    his daughter, whom he loved very much. She had long hair, beautiful eyes,

    sweet mouth and a kind heart.

    As she grew up, many people admired her and wanted to marry her. But the

    king refused. Even when she was big, the kind couldnt agree to let her

    marry. I wont be able to stand it if she is not here. He often said, speaking of her

    long hair, beautiful eyes, sweet mouth and kind heart.

    But then one of his advisers said, But King, you must set an example for everybody.

    You cant prevent your daughter from getting married. If you do so, every father will

    have the right to do the same!

    The King, who was just and wise, thought about it and came up with a plan. He said,

    Alright, my daughter who has long hair, beautiful eyes, a sweet mouth and a kind

    heart will marry. But whoever wants to ask for her hand, must first drink the oil in this

    hot, hot, pot. And with a bang he dropped a pot in front of the people.

    Many people came. Princes from all over the land asked to marry her. They praised

    themselves, their strength, their families and their wealth. But the King hardly looked

    at them. Instead he told them, Well, if you want to marry her, first drink the oil in this

    hot, hot pot.

    Some couldnt even touch the pot. Others were unable to lift it, and again others

    burned their lips, as they tried to lick up the oil. No one succeeded, and the King was

    very pleased with himself. Finally there came a hare, who too asked to marry the

    princess. The King didnt even look at the animal, and just replied, Well, if you want

    to marry her, first drink the oil in this hot, hot pot.

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    From the Story: How Hare married a Princess

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    The hare touched the pot and

    saw it was very hot. Then he

    began to talk. He said, Weare so lucky! We have a

    wonderful King. He is just

    and wise and strong. And I

    am lucky too, because I am

    going to marry a wonderful

    princess with long hair,

    beautiful eyes, a sweet mouth and a kind heart.. Meanwhile he touched the pot. It

    was still very hot. He continued, And you know, you the King are lucky too. He has

    wonderful people, who work hard and love them and listen to every word he says .

    Some of you are bakers, others are cooks, and again some are police officers. And

    now I am going to marry this princess with long hair, beautiful eyes, a sweet mouth

    and a kind heart. Again he touched the pot, which by now had cooled down a lot but

    still was a little bit too hot. Hare continued his speech. He talked about the trees and

    the grass, the animals and the birds, the beautiful mountains, then again the lucky

    king, the people and of course his own lucky self and the princess with the long hair,

    beautiful eyes, a sweet mouth and kind heart. Finally he said, And now I will drink

    the oil in this hot, hot pot. Of course the oil was not so hot anymore, and when he

    drank it the people clapped their hands. The King, who had dozed off, woke up. When

    he realized what happened, he was shocked and wanted to refuse to give his daughter

    to the clever hare, but the people said, What you promise, you must do And that is

    what happened and how Hare married the princess.

    Keeping Promises

    Tell the story of The Frog Prince and the Golden Ball.

    Stress how The King told the princess again and again What you promise, you must


    The Story of Strong Wind

    What is more important than truthfulness? (discuss)Listen to this story from the

    Native American tradition that shows how truthfulness has more power than physical


    Strong Wind was a kind of shaman. Shamans are magicians who can control the

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    elements. He could change the weather, make himself invisible and create anything he

    thought of.

    But he was still very human, and though he lived with his sister, he was lonely and

    wanted to marry. His sister told him, To marry is easy, but how can you find the rightone?

    Strong Wind had wisdom. He said, I want somebody who is truthful.

    His sister put out the word that her brother

    was looking for a bride. Many girls tried

    their luck, and whoever came to meet

    Strong Wind in his house, was asked,

    Tell me, now that you are with him, what

    does Strong Wind look like?

    Being invisible at the time, the girls made up all sorts of stories. Some said that he

    was like a tree so strong, that he was riding a sleigh or that he was tall like a tree.

    Others told that he was wearing green pants, a yellow shirt made of cotton, or had

    beautiful jewelry around his neck.

    The sister knew at once that they were lying.

    In a nearby village, there lived a chief, who three daughters. Their mother had died a

    long time ago. The two eldest were lovely to look at, but the prettiest was the

    youngest one, who was loved by all. Out of jealousy, the bigger sisters would do all

    kinds of bad things to their younger sibling. Once they cut off her beautiful long hair.

    Another time they tore her dress. Another time, they smeared hot ashes over her face.

    And each time, their father was told it was the little ones own fault!

    The two eldest sisters also wanted to marry Strong Wind. When they reached his

    house and were asked if they could see Strong Wind, they said, Yes, we can. And

    started to describe him. The more they talked about Strong Wind, the more they

    exposed their own lies.

    The youngest sister wanted to try to win Strong Winds heart too. Even though her

    face was burned, her hair chopped off in a most ugly manner and her clothes torn, she

    wanted to give it a try.

    When she came to the house of Strong Wind, the sister asked her too, Can you see

    Strong Wind?She was quiet for some time. Then she said, I cant see anything.

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    The sister was surprised. Until then, everybody had pretended that they could see her

    brother. Look again! said the sister excitedly.

    The young sister looked again. She looked outside and saw the trees move, the clouds

    part and her mouth opened in wonder. He is so beautiful. she said.What is his bow made of? asked the sister. The rainbow! cried the young girl.

    What do you see in his hair? asked the sister. Its made of the stars. said the girl.

    The sister than asked the young girl to wash herself in

    the water from their magic well. At once her beautiful

    hair grew back, long and prettier than before. Her face

    shone with kindness and compassion. Then Strong Wind

    showed his human form and asked the girl to be his wife.

    She agreed at once and had their wedding then and there.

    The young bride became known as The Bringer of Truth and many people came to

    ask her for advice, as whatever she told them was of great use to their lives.

    Only the two elder sisters kept anger in their heart. They plotted one day to burn their

    sister in the oven fire, but Strong Wind turned them into two trees. And when you

    look today, every time the wind blows, you can see the tree leaves tremble and shake,

    because they are still so scared of Wind.

    Peace CircleStars shine because they always smile, did you

    know that? And when little stars are born, their

    parents teach them to shine. Little Stars try to

    shine brighter and brighter so that they can give more love and be kind to all the

    others. They like that there is peace everywhere.

    Now one day it happened that on the earth, the animals were quarreling. They spoke a

    lot of bad things about each other. The lion said the elephant was fat. The elephant

    said that the monkey was too noisy, and the monkey told the cow not to be lazy, and

    so on. There was no love feeling between, and only hatred.

    From very far, Little Star looked at them and said, Father and Mother, why do those

    animals always quarrel? Cant they say something nice about each other? Father told

    of all the stars that had dropped from the sky and fallen to the earth to tell the animalshow to be kind and loving, but that they had not changed. Little Star said, I also want

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    to go and teach them. And before her father and mother could say No! She had

    dropped and started to fall from the sky. Little Star had become a falling star too and

    went straight to the earth!

    Unfortunately she fell right into the water. Little Stars dont know how to swim. So

    she cried, Help! Help!

    Fortunately a little fish came and tried to help her.

    Unfortunately he was not strong enough to push her out of the water.

    But fortunately enough, the fish called his friend and together they could pull and

    push her out on to the land.

    When Little Star was a little dry, she met the pig and horse. They were scolding each


    You have to change! said the horse.

    Me change? Why? Said the pig.

    You are too fat! Said the horse

    Me fat? No Im not fat. Im just strong.

    I dont want to change. Said the pig.

    But do you know who should change?

    Its the cow.

    Me change? Said the cow. Why?

    You are too lazy! Said the pig.

    Me lazy? Im not lazy. Im steady.

    But do you know who should change?

    Its the monkey.

    Me change? Said the monkey. Why?

    And so the quarrel went on with the elephant being too fat, and the mouse too

    naughty, the snake to scary, the zebra too foolish, the cat too mean and so on and so


    Little Star then said: Please listen. You all know how to say bad words about each

    other. Cant you find anything good to say? That will make you all much happier.

    Maybe you even can become friends!

    First pig spoke, Well horse, maybe you are very fast. Yes, you can run very well. Thehorse became so glad he hugged the pig and said, Oh my chubby friend, I like you!

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    Then the monkey told the cow how steady she was. Hm, said the cow, I like to hear

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    From the Story: Little Starthat. Thank you. And the elephant looked at the little mouse, and started to smile.

    You are really cute you know? At once the little mouse jumped on the elephants

    nose and hugged him with his little arms. I thought so too, he said.

    The animals began to be happy. But who werent happy? Father and Mother Star.

    They wanted Little Star to come back. You must come home, Little Star. they said.

    Giraffe who had passed by and come to like Little Star too, said. Climb on my

    shoulders, Little Star. And though the giraffe was tall, Little Star still wasnt high

    enough. Then elephant told giraffe to climb on his shoulders, but still they were not

    tall enough. Even with lion, supporting elephant, they couldnt push Little Star back

    into the sky! They fell down instead with a loud bang, and got really hurt.

    Elephant said, I have an idea. We use a seesaw. Little

    Star sat on one side, and elephant climbed a tree, then

    jumped on the other side. Little Star went up really high.

    The animals were holding their breath. Would she make

    it? Could she reach the sky? She went higher, and higher

    and then Little Star began to fall down and with a loud

    bang, fell back to the earth.

    All the animals started to run around, calling Little Star,

    Little Star

    The bear, the giraffe, the elephant, the lion and monkey, even the lazy hippo were

    running and jumping up and down, but they couldnt find her. Only one person said he

    had seen Little Star, and that she had broken into a thousand pieces, and then

    disappeared. But where she was now, nobody could tell.

    As they sat together thinking about their good friend, who had shown them to be kind

    and loving, they were very quiet. They didnt run. They didnt jump. They were very


    And it is then that they could really feel the little stars

    shining in their heart. And when they opened their eyes,

    they became even kinder and more loving. It seemed as

    if they all had become Little Stars! And though many

    animals would forget Little Star, you still can find allover the world many, many little animals who quietly sit

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    and think of the beautiful Little Star in their heart and speak good and kind words.

    After telling this story, ask the children to close their eyes, and think of the love

    shining in their hearts. After opening their eyes, ask everybody to thank somebody

    before they can take a candle from the center.. Then sing Baba nam Kevalam orThere are friends, friends as far as I can see.

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    Unit Three

    Dont Steal

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    ObjectivesTo help children understand about stealing in the society, cut out newspaper stories

    and collect them. Explain the kids the things that were reported stolen. Explain that

    some thieves steal children too.Then explain the importance of respecting other peoples things and respectable ways

    of earning money by working for what you want.

    Also teach the kids to be careful that you dont lose your things.


    I am honest.

    I dont take what is not mine.

    I ask before I take.

    I can take turns.

    I can share.

    Miss Dog and the Pearl Thief


    Miss Dog is a movie star. Everybody likes to take her

    picture. Superbunny says, Miss Dog, be careful, somebody

    may want to steal your necklace.


    Miss Dog is very tired. She is sleeping. Fat Cat steals the necklace. He smiles I like

    money, but I dont like to work. Superbunny is watching.


    Fat Cat is singing, It is my lucky day, everything is going my way. He is hungry. He

    sees six birds sleeping in a tree.


    He carefully picks them up and ties them to his belt. Then he feels sleepy too and

    takes a nap.


    Superbunny tells Woodpecker to wake up the birds and fly to Miss Dogs house.

    Woodpecker says, Birds, follow me.


    Superbunny is at Miss Dogs house. She is worried. Her necklace is missing. The

    birds drop Fat Cat on the ground. He wakes up. You are a thief. I am going to call thepolice. says Miss Dog.

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    The Police officer puts Fat Cat in his van. Where are we going? asks Fat Cat.

    Superbunny smiles, To jail! Bye, bye!


    Fat Cat doesnt like the jail. How long do I have to stay here? he asks. The jailor

    snarls, As long as it takes for you to learn to work for what you want.


    Why did Super bunny warn Miss Dog?

    Can you tell who a thief is? What do they look like?

    Why do thieves steal things?

    Cant they learn to be good?

    Cat thought she was lucky. Do you think she was really lucky?

    People say that the bad may look so strong, but in the end the good will always

    win. Do you think that is true?

    Super bunny didnt try to catch the thief himself. Do you think that was wise?

    How about you, would you try to catch the thief or call for help?

    What happened to the Cat in this story?

    Why do people steal? (and how you can protect yourself)

    There are many people who steal in some part of their lives. Many children steal too.

    Knowing the five good habits can help you and prevent you from forgetting the right


    I am honest.

    I dont take what is not mine.

    I ask before I take.

    I take turns.

    I can share.


    If you saw a nice pen, for example, and you dont have any, you might want to take it

    home. Maybe you just tell yourself you borrow it, because you know you can not

    steal. But actually you dont want to give it back. So it is stealing, isnt it? When your

    mother finds out, you try to make a story to escape. But she knows you, and you havecome to face the truth: you were selfish and stole something.

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    Remember, these good habits could have protected you:

    I am honest.

    I dont take what is not mine. I ask before I take.

    You have to line up in class to get a present. It is not your turn, but you cut in line. Or

    you want to play with somebodys toys. But your friend doesnt want to share with

    you right then. What good habit can protect you?

    Dont Steal

    Dont Steal (2x)

    Because do you know how it makes us,

    makes us feel?If you take this or that

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    It makes us cry,

    It makes us sad.

    So, dont steal (2x)


    Once I was looking for my pen

    Could not find it anywhere

    So I asked

    Everybody everywhere

    But they did not know where that pen of mine

    did go

    So I started to cry

    Really loud

    When my teacher said,

    Let me find out.

    And yes in no time he found

    The thief of that pen of mine.

    He told him to look at the wall

    Really long

    And think about what is right and what is


    And even though he began to cry

    Everybody asked him,

    Why, why, why did you take that pen

    As you already have lots and lots of them.

    So my dears,

    This story is full of sadness and tears

    Thats why I say

    Dont steal.

    JailChildren dont go to jail. If they do something really bad, the government may put

    you in special care. But kids who steal usually grow up into adults who do the sameand then, if it is really bad, they go to jail. Tell the story of The thief and his mother.

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    The Thief and his Mother.

    A little boy stole a book

    And instead of calling him a crook,

    His mother said:

    Hm, a book, that is not bad.

    Then he stole a coat and brought it home.

    His mother said: Now you can call it your own.

    Every day he did something wrong.While his mother praised him all along.

    But one day he stole a car.

    And that of course went too far.

    The police caught him and said:

    For this we are going to cut off your head.

    Before he was to die,

    He asked to see his mother

    To say a last goodbye.

    He came to her very near

    And then bit off her ear.

    Everybody looked with surprise,

    And said: it is better that he dies

    But the young thief shook his

    head,Because of her, I have become so bad.

    If she had taught me

    What is wrong and what is right,

    I wouldnt have to die here tonight.

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    The Police mans song

    Catch the thieves

    Weve got to run

    Weve got to catch the thieves

    One by one

    There are

    Cookie thieves

    And book bag thieves

    Elephant thieves

    And shoe thieves

    But whatever their name

    They are thieves all the same!

    Now do not worry.

    Cause we are really smart.And those thieves, those thieves

    will be gone

    once we start

    Now weve got a job to do!

    Catch .

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    The Diamond Thief

    Prepare an A4 envelope with two pieces of paper as in the illustration, one with a thief

    in baklava, and another of a lady.

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    Draw a large diamond on the whiteboard. Ask the children if it is expensive or not.

    (Of course)

    Who likes to have it? (..) and thieves too!

    Ask the children to protect it.

    One day a thief (pull out card one from the envelope) and he said, Ah, my lucky day.

    A diamond! And nobody around!

    (Encourage the children to call for the police)

    The police comes (sirens and sing the catch the thief song.)

    The thief hides in the envelope.

    Pretend to be the police officer and ask the children whats wrong. Encourage them to

    say, there is a thief!

    Knock on the envelope. Pull out the card of the lady.

    Police officer: Is this the thief? Children: Nooooo!

    He apologizes and disappears.

    Repeat again: the thief comes out ..

    Finally the police officer tells the children Dont call me again. You are telling lies!

    Make your own ending..

    Then make the same kind of envelope as yours with the children.


    Stealing and bad reactions

    When you steal and hurt others, bad things can happen to you too. It is a law of

    nature, just like you throw a ball against the wall, it also comes back to you! But

    people who do bad things also can change and learn to do good. Jail is the place

    where we hope that people can learn to be good. Discuss how the law helps people to

    be good.

    Do what is right

    not what is easy

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    Valmiki was a very good hunter. But inspite of that, his family was often hungry. Hisincome was too little to provide enough food for his wife and children. So he started

    to steal the people who were passing through the forest.

    One day he saw a group of holy men. He wanted to rob them too. Their clothes looked

    very beautiful and he thought he could sell them. But then he realized that they were

    very kind and loving people. Seeing them, made him want to be kind and loving too.

    The saint who had almost been attacked, saw that Valmiki wanted to be really good

    and taught him the way to grow his own love, through meditation.

    Valmiki immediately started to sit very quietly. He didnt move, even for many days.

    In fact he was so quiet, that ants started to build an anthill over his body. The name

    Valmiki actually means anthill.

    While sitting for meditation he got many good ideas and good thoughts. And thats

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    how, even though he had been a robber, he became a very kind man, who later wrote

    famous books about loving others!

    What is Money for?

    Many thieves like to steal money. For many people money is the result of helpingothers. If you care and do something meaningful, you can get money. Thieves dont

    see it that way. They want money quickly.

    What is money for?

    Who invented money?

    How do you get money?

    How do your parents get money?

    What do you do with it?

    Some societies used shells as currency, others used leather pieces or carved stones.

    Some societies didnt have money and they used barter to exchange goods. In again

    other places they used cattle (cows and sheep) to pay their debts. Whatever its shape,

    money can help you do good things. But money comes through hard work.

    Good Habit: I am honest.

    Would you like to have money? How could you get money?


    Help at home

    Wash cars

    Recycle garbage

    Clean the garden

    Take care of other

    peoples pets

    Grow flowers/ vegetables

    Sell beetles

    What would you like to do with the money you got?

    Make good work cards and give them to the children who help others. Also prepare

    some small presents they can buy for the points. For the period of a month use the

    good work points to reward children and get them to buy things.

    Ability can take you to the

    top doing the right thing

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    keeps you there.

    Stolen goods dont bring luck.There is a saying that Stolen goods dont bring luck.

    Do you think that it is true? Listen to this story from Tibet.

    Before you tell the story, use these movements each time you say: Stolen goods dont

    bring luck.

    Stolen goods dont bring luck.

    Stolen Goods dont bring luck

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    Somewhere in the mountains, there traveled an old man. He climbed up and down the

    mountains and never seemed to tire. This man was a weather maker. He helped people

    and people often gave him many gifts. These he put in a bag, which he carried on his

    back.In the mountain there was a hare, who was very hungry. As there was no food to eat,

    he thought about stealing some food from the old mans bag.

    The eagle was hungry too. He wanted to eat the rabbit, but he said, Lets work

    together, and steal the old mans bag. There is much more for all of us to eat!

    A little later, the fox joined them. He too was hungry. I too will help you steal the old

    mans food. He said

    When the old man was sleeping, the hare, the fox and the eagle, stole the bag from the

    old man and then and there divided the food. The fox got the old mans boots. The

    eagle the old mans drum, and the rabbit took the old mans food.

    When the old man got up and looked for his bag, he shook his head and said, My

    things are gone, but stolen goods, dont bring luck

    After one year, the three thieves met again. The fox was the first one to talk. Look,

    said he. I almost died.

    What happened? asked the rabbit.

    Do you remember that we stole those boots from that old man?

    Well, after I left all of you, I went to a farm to eat some ducks. I was walking in those

    boots. But then the farmer came and with those boots, I couldnt run well. I got beaten

    badly and almost died! Stolen goods, dont bring luck.

    Look at me. Said the eagle. Do you remember that I took the drum from that old


    One day I played the drum when I came to my nest. I hit the drum really loudly:

    bang, bang, bang. My babies got so scared that they jumped out of the nest and died.

    Really, stolen goods, dont bring any luck!

    Well, said rabbit. You all speak the truth. When I went home to eat the old mans

    food, my whole family joined me. We thought we had a wonderful meal. My cousins,

    my uncles, my grandparents, everybody joined in.

    Before my mouth was beautiful, but when we woke up the next day, we found that all

    of us got a cleft lip. Really, stolen goods dont bring luck.

    Role playAct out how one feels when somebody steals, and another person who loses

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    One of the students will sit in the middle of the room. Some common objects areplaced near the student. The student is given a rolled up newspaper and then

    blindfolded. The other students have to steal the objects without getting touched by

    the newspaper of the student in the middle.

    Was Robin Hood right?Robin Hood is a hero to many English children. He lived many

    years ago when few people were very rich and many poor

    people too poor to live. Though he was from a rich family

    himself, he decided to steal from the rich and give to the poor.

    He would hide in the forest and rob the business people who

    traveled there.

    He had many friends, who followed him everywhere. One such

    friend was a monk, called friar Tuck.

    Do you think Robin Hood was correct? Even if we have good wishes, can we steal

    others things to help other people. Does the goal justify the means?

    How can we raise money to help others?

    Do you know any organizations that collect money for good works?

    If your friends are hungry, can you take food from home and give to them without

    asking your parents?

    If you want to buy something, can you take your parents money?

    Good Habits:

    I dont take what is not mine.

    I ask before I take.

    Peace CircleThe only way to prevent the bad to happen to us is to cultivate the

    good and make our minds strong by remembering the good habits.

    Repeat the five good habits in this unit and then take the candle,

    close your eyes and tell yourself to think good things only.

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    Unit Four

    I Believe in Good

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    ObjectivesThe value we want to teach here means that you see beauty in everything and feel

    infinitely positive about life. This realization will make you succeed! The habits

    connected to this Love Value are:

    There is goodness in all.

    I am always positive.

    I always encourage others.

    I dont give up.

    There is a way out.


    Piglets go to school

    A. Superbunny got a letter from the Principal. The Piglets have to go to school.

    B. At school they wore uniforms and had back packs.

    C. Deer, Squirrel and Porcupine were their classmates but they didnt like the


    D. The piglets went home sad. Nobody liked them. They didnt want to go to

    school anymore.

    E. Superbunny said, Dont give up. They dont know what you can do.

    Superbunny had a great idea. They made cookies together.

    F. The next day at school, the piglets shared their cookies and their classmates

    said, Your cookies are good! Yes, say the piglets, and we are good too!

    G. At recess they were happy playing soccer together. Now, they liked school.

    H. Superbunny told the piglets, Next time dont give up so quickly! Believe in


    Ideas for movements

    Act out the story as a drama

    Positive at all timesThe power of positive thinking can help us overcome many difficult times. And it is

    good to train our minds before problems come, so that we can be ready. Just like asoldier learns to fight before he goes to battle, so you have to make yourself strong.

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    Listen to this story and learn from the positive attitude of Two eyes.

    Before you tell this tale, prepare three masks: one with one eye, another with two eyes

    and a third with three eyes. Use them whenever you act either character.

    One eye, Two eyes and Three eyes.Once upon a time there was a young girl who lost her mother when she was young.

    Her father was a businessman and often had to travel far. He married a widow with

    two children, so that his daughter could have a family again.

    The step-mother initially loved her new husbands daughter. But as she stayed with

    her for more and more time, she came to realize that her own daughters were far less

    beautiful than her husbands child. The main reason was that though she had two eyes,

    one of her daughters had only one eye, while the other had three eyes.

    Out of spite, the step mother made two-eyes do all the chores at home while her own

    children would spend the day idling around.

    Not only that, often Two-eyes would not get enough food to eat, wore rags for clothes

    and had to sleep on the stone floor. As father was out most of the time, this went on

    for a long time.

    As part of her duties, Two eyes had to take a goat

    grazing. She would often talk to the goat about all her

    troubles as she had no friend to share her pains with. One

    day the goat talked back and said, Two-eyes, I will help

    you. Whenever you are hungry, say:

    Little goat, little goat bleat.

    Give me something nice to eat.

    A table with rice and tofu and vegetables will appear. When you have had your fill,


    Little goat, little goat I say,

    Take the table away.

    It happened as the goat had told, and Two-eyes became a happy child again, healthy,

    even a bit plump and often would sing.

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    This made her step mother suspicious. She thought that Two-eyes happiness must

    have something to do with the goat. So she sent One-eye to check on her. One eye

    fell asleep though and didnt see what happened when Two-eyes took the goat for

    grazing. The next day, step mother told Three-eyes tofollow Two-eyes and the goat. She too could not stand

    the heat and fell asleep. But one of her eyes didnt close,

    and she saw how the goat would conjure a table with

    delicious food for Two-eyes.

    She told her mother upon their return and that night, the

    step mother killed the goat.

    Two eyes cried for three nights. Then she had a dream. The goat appeared and said,

    Ask your step-mother for my horns and plant them in the garden. The stepmother,

    who could not give anything of value to Two-eyes, gave her the horns thinking they

    were useless.

    Two eyes planted them in the garden and went to sleep.

    The next day there was a beautiful apple tree in the front yard. And it was full of

    golden apples. Two-eyes, who was still very kind to others, told her step-mom, who

    sent her own daughters to pick the apples. They couldnt pull any of the apples from

    the tree. But when Two-eyes picked an apple it yielded the apple. Every day Two-eyes

    would pick one apple and give it to her step mom, who in return never gave her

    anything back. Instead she would dress her own daughters in the best clothes, get

    special food and continue to abuse Two-eyes.

    Two-eyes suffered a lot. Father had not come back for a long time and she was in real

    pain. But then one day a prince passed by on a horse. When he saw the apple tree with

    the golden apples, he asked for one. Two eyes, afraid to be seen in broken rags and

    dirty from the hard work she had to do every day, hid her herself. One-eye, who was

    eager to show herself to the prince, offered to pick one of the apples. So did Three

    eyes, but they of course failed and finally they had to summon Two-eyes,

    who offered the apple to the prince.

    He was very grateful and asked if he could do her a favor. Two eyes didnt

    have to think long. Please, take me away. She said.

    The prince who had seen through the dirt on her face and the broken rags,

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    at once pulled her on his horse and took her to his palace. There he asked her to marry

    her and cared for her as a good husband should. With the Two-eyes, the tree with the

    golden apples had come to the palace too. They lived very happily in the palace.

    Now one day there was a knock on the palace door. Two-eyes opened and saw two

    beggars. They really looked badly off. They were shivering, their clothes were rags

    full with mud, and they were bend over from exhaustion. When one of the said, Can

    you give us something to eat, dear lady? she at once knew what she had felt in her

    heart: they were her step-sisters.

    She didnt hesitate. Two-eyes asked them to come in. She bathed them, clothed them

    and gave them a place to rest. The sisters cried. Their mother had died and after Two-

    eyes had left they hadnt been able to live well. Two-eyes forgave them for all the

    pains they had brought her when she had been living with them. The two step sisters

    couldnt believe their eyes. Two-eyes was really very kind and also found two

    husbands for the sisters, so that they could have a good family. And these sisters,

    though still very ugly, were shining with thankfulness. So that they didnt look perfect

    was not a problem to their husbands at all! And that all by the grace of someone who

    really believed in good!


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    I believe in good

    I really do

    I believe in all the good

    In me and the people around me too.

    There are stories, they are really sad

    Of monsters and witches

    And other things so bad.

    But I believe in good .

    And one day, I know it will come to passThat these bad things will not last

    I believe in good

    I really do

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    Bad things can also make us betterSometimes we can not understand why bad things happen to good people. Fate seems

    so cruel. Still there is a sense of benevolence in everything that happens to us, as all

    the pain is a step towards finding peace. Play this game and learn the story of One-eye, Two-eyes and Three-eyes and how Two-eyes never stopped believing in good:

    Draw a board game on the whiteboard. Mark some shares as problem squares. Call

    the last one Peace. In the squares of the board game write or draw some of the

    problems Two-eyes had to face.

    Mother dies.

    Her step mother doesnt like her.

    Her step sisters dont like her.

    She has to work very hard.

    She is always hungry.

    She has to sleep on the kitchen floor.

    A goat helps her.

    But her step mum killed it.

    She got a dream and planted a tree that gave her golden apples.

    Her mother took all the golden apples.

    She didnt give her anything in return.

    A prince came by and saved her.

    Her sisters became very poor.

    They came begging to her palace.

    She forgave them and cared for them.

    They lived in peace.

    Play with a dice with one and twos. Who is the first one to find peace?

    You can make a similar game for many other fairytales

    (Cinderella/ Hansel and Gretel, Brother and Sister, etc.)

    Lord Shiva and the PotterSometimes we cant see the beauty of the great plan

    because of our own foolishness. And when we want to

    make changes in Gods plan, we sometimes make it

    worse! This story is from long before the plastic juice

    bottles and milk cartons. It is from a time that people hadpotters.

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    One such potter in India, would always pray to his god, Lord Shiva, before starting

    any new pot. And after many years of this devotion and love for God, indeed Lord

    Shiva himself appeared and said, I am deeply touched by your love. I will grant you

    any wish you want.The potter was a simple man. He didnt ask for wealth, power or fame. He said, Lord,

    I make beautiful pots, but sooner or later they break. That is very painful for me. I

    would like to make pots that are unbreakable, pots that we can always admire and

    look at.

    The potter was afraid to look up to the Lord, but heard a soft, As you wish. And then

    felt the Great One had disappeared.

    At once he tried out if the wish had come true and started a new pot. When it was

    ready and dry, he threw it on the ground, and yes, it was unbreakable indeed! The

    potter got a lot of business. Many people came to buy his pots. Other potters couldnt

    sell any of their pots and lost their income. The Potter though was proud and got

    wealthy very fast.

    But then less and less people started coming to his shop too. In fact if he could sell

    one pot a day, he was lucky. People didnt need pots anymore, as they were all

    unbreakable. He too started to regret his decision to ask for unbreakable pots.

    Breaking things seemed sad to him, but in the Great Plan, it was right!

    For many nights, he cried to Lord Shiva, Please grant me one more wish. Please let

    my pots be unbreakable again. The Lord is forgiving and kind to all. And when we

    realize our foolishness, even when we blame him, he will help us. After three nights

    of deep crying for Him, the Lord came to him again, and granted him his second wish.

    His pots could break again! It made him even happier than the first time he could

    make unbreakable pots, because he now knew that in the Great Plan, everything is


    Topics for discussion

    Discuss things children feel are not fair in life.

    How would they like to change these?

    Can they learn through discussion to see the meaning of these things?

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    The Man who Couldnt DieDiscuss with children the saddest thing that ever happened in

    their lives. Maybe they will talk about somebody dying.

    Dying is a very sad thing for many of us. (discuss childrensexperiences) But death also happens as part of the Great Plan.

    Once a woodcutter was hard at work when he suddenly felt a

    cold rush of air pass by. When he looked up, he saw it was


    He asked, Have you come to take me?

    Death said, No, I have come for that lady over there. And as he

    pointed, he saw her fall dead on the floor.

    The woodcutter then asked, When will you come for me?

    After five years. replied Death.

    That night the woodcutter thought what he would do in the next five years, the last

    five years of his life. He stopped cutting trees and made a plan.

    Five years later, Death came again. The woodcutter looked up and said, Ah, I knew

    you would come. But before you take me, can I show you what I have done in these

    five years?

    Death said he would like to know. The woodcutter smiled and said, I wanted to make

    something special. So I stopped cutting trees and made a house in this beautiful tree.

    He opened the door, and asked Death to follow him. Downstairs they saw a beautiful

    living room. Then they went to the second floor and saw a bedroom and bathroom. It

    was all very pretty. Then they went down stairs, the woodcutter first and Death

    following him. But as soon as the woodcutter had gone through the door to go

    outside, he closed the door, and locked death inside. Death shouted and cried to be

    released. But the woodcutter wouldnt hear of it. Instead he hid the key under a stone

    and went home.

    All over the world, animals, insects, even plants and grass couldnt die. People didnt

    die either. The woodcutter grew older and older. His body was sick, was hurting, but

    he couldnt die. All over the planet, animals were crowding the forests. People were

    standing on top of each other, but they could not die and they didnt know why.

    But the one who did know what was wrong, was the woodcutter. And when he sawthat things were really getting worse by the minute, he asked one of his great, great,

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    great grandsons to carry him to the tree, get the key and open the door.

    Death came out very quickly, and swiftly helped all those old and broken bodies die,

    so the earth had breathing space again. Then he went to God, to ask to be invisible, sothat nobody would ever lock him up again. God agreed. And thats why we cant see

    Death anymore.

    Discuss with the children that everything has meaning and is part of the Great


    Make a TreePrepare tree cut outs with a wide trunk. Cut out doors and stick on some paper. Ask

    the children to complete the picture with their drawing, coloring and painting.

    The Heart of Greatness

    The peoples heart is not just a center of feeling. It is a place of greatness. By caring

    for it and deepening our link to the heart, we can learn to live this greatness in our

    lives. Listen to this story:

    Story: The Peoples Heart

    When God made all the animals, He was extremely busy. He had to fix the ears, the

    tails and claws of all the animals and make sure that all were looking good. He also

    had to make the people, boys and girls. In all this hard work, He suddenly realized

    that He had forgotten to give the children their hearts. As there was not much time, He

    quickly took the heart and gave it to the boy and girl.

    The heart was really very beautiful and when the children held the heart in their

    hands, they felt soft and their faces became sweet and tender.

    The animals also looked longingly at the children: Could they

    also get a heart like this?

    Well, God was tired of all the hard work, so He didnt pay

    attention to the animals wish. But the children felt that they

    should do something. And because the heart was very big,

    they decided to divide it and give everybody a little piece.They counted all the animals, and broke the heart in the same

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    number of pieces.

    But then, what a shock! When they had given out the last piece of heart, they

    suddenly realized that they had forgotten to count themselves. There wasnt any piece

    of heart left over for themselves! The children looked at each other. How could they

    have made such a foolish mistake?

    The children started to cry. How could they ever live without a heart?

    God noticed this and when He saw how good the children had been in sharing with

    everybody their big heart, He decided to solve the problem. From His own heart He

    broke a piece, and gave it to the children.

    The children were shocked. How can we take care of your heart? they said. We

    dont always know how to do the right thing

    God smiled and said, Dont worry. If you listen, my heart will teach you. And from

    that day onwards the children who really liked to see good in everything, took some

    time off in the day to close their eyes and be very quiet and listen to their heart, the

    heart of God.

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    Seeing the Beauty in AllThere are many stories of Yogis who saw beauty in

    everything. Some tell of ho they would eat with the

    dogs. But there is one special story that stands out.It is a story of Krishna who suddenly wanted to visit

    a house of one of His devotees. The poor man and

    woman who lived there quickly readied the place.

    The man was still busy when Krishna arrived. His

    wife served Krishna a banana and massaged His feet. He was deeply touched by the

    womans devotion. When her husband came in the room where Krishna and his wife

    were seated, he saw Krishna eating the banana peel. He scolded his wife for feeding

    the peel, instead of the banana. Krishna smiled and told him not to rebuke her as

    everything giving in love was equally delicious to Him.

    Can you see the beauty in everything?

    Draw Krishna eating the banana peel.

    Always encourage others and

    never give up.Life can be difficult, but that doesnt mean we can give up. Our hopes and dreams can

    make us very strong and succeed! Thats why we like to support others and help them

    be positive and full of strength. We also dont give up ourselves. Here are some stories

    of people who didnt give up and succeeded.

    Henry Ford failed and went broke five times before he finally succeeded.

    Beethoven handled the violin awkwardly and preferred playing his own

    compositions instead of improving his technique. His teacher called him

    hopeless as a composer.

    Colonel Sanders had the construction of a new road put him out of business in

    1967. He went to over 1,000 places trying to sell his chicken recipe before he

    found a buyer interested in his 11 herbs and spices. Seven years later, at the age

    of 75, Colonel Sanders sold his fried chicken company for a finger-lickin' $15


    Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor for lack of ideas. Disney also went

    bankrupt several times before he built Disneyland.

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    Charles Darwin, father of the theory of evolution, gave up a medical career and

    was told by his father, You care for nothing but shooting, dogs, and rat

    catching. In his autobiography, Darwin wrote, I was considered by my father, a

    very ordinary boy, rather below the common standard in intellect. Albert Einstein did not speak until he was four years old and didnt read until he

    was seven. His teacher described him as mentally slow, unsociable and adrift

    forever in his foolish dreams. He was expelled and refused admittance to Zurich

    Polytechnic School. The University of Bern turned down his Ph.D. dissertation

    as being irrelevant and fanciful.

    The movie Star Wars was rejected by every movie studio in Hollywood before

    20th-Century Fox finally produced it. It went on to be one of the largest grossing

    movies in film history.

    Louis Pasteur was only a mediocre pupil in undergraduate studies and ranked 15

    out of 22 in chemistry.

    The father of the sculptor Rodin [The Thinker Statue] said, I have an idiot for a

    son. Described as the worst pupil in the school, Rodin failed three times to

    secure admittance to the school of art. His uncle called him uneducable.

    Dr. Seuss' first children's book, And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street,

    was rejected by twenty-seven publishers. The twenty-eighth publisher, Vanguard

    press, sold six million copies of the book.

    Never give up believing in yourself!!!


    Quiet Time Visualization of BeautyTell the tale of Grandpa Flowers, one who didnt give up on his dream.

    Grandpa liked flowers. Thats why they called him Grandpa Flowers. After grandma

    died, he had not much to do. So he started to plant flowers. First one. Then two, three

    four, and more and more. After a few years there were flowers everywhere. And not

    just in the garden. They were on the roofs, the cars, the bicycles, the highways.

    Grandpa even had planted flowers on peoples hats. It had become a flower world.

    And Grandpa was constantly planting more and more, watering them weeding them

    so that his flowers would always be bright and shining.

    All these flowers made the people feel very nice. Flowers mean love. Flowers meankindness. Flowers touch the heart. And when people looked around they couldnt get
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    angry, because it was so sweet and pretty all around them.

    But when they looked around, there was also one place where there were no flowers.

    Do you know where?Yes, it was on the moon.

    And when Grandpa Flowers was sitting on the balcony and looking out at the sky, he

    thought about it for a long time. Then he started to sing:

    Wouldnt it be beautiful

    Flowers everywhere

    Growing on the moon and floating in the air.

    Wouldnt it be beautiful

    Flowers in the sky

    That sprout and blossom while they fly.

    Wouldnt it be beautiful

    To have flowers that can say

    More than words ever can convey

    Wouldnt it be beautiful

    Flowers everywhere

    Growing on the moon and floating in the air.

    John, his grandson came over and smiled: But how, grandpa? There is no air on the

    moon. Flowers cant grow without air!

    Im going to do something about it. He said. John and

    grandfather carried stones and cement and started to build.

    What are you making? the people asked. But they could see

    for themselves. It was a huge chimney that was so tall that it

    disappeared into the clouds!

    When that was finished, grandfather collected all the wood they could find and

    hammered almost day and night. It was a noise all could hear wide and far. Again the

    people came and asked What are you making? But they could see that too for

    themselves. It was a boat, no a giant ship! But we dont have water around here. saidthe people. Yes I know, said Grandpa. It is a space ship! The people shook their

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    heads. They went away, murmuring and laughing Ships cant fly.

    But the next day when the people came again, they saw that the ship had disappeared

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    From the Story: Grandpa Flowers

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    along with Grandpa Flowers.

    That night, when all the other people had been asleep Grandpa Flowers had tied

    hundreds of pigeons to the ship, that was now full of bags with seeds and had flownaway.

    And with the help of the pigeons, they had almost passed the

    clouds on their way to the moon.

    But as they went further and further away from the earth they

    got caught in a storm. The boat was shaking, there was lots of

    rain. John cried, Grandfather, the chimney is broken.

    Grandfather was shocked, but then got busy trying desperately

    to get his boat back to the earth safely. To no avail. They turned

    over, spreading all the seeds all over the place, and throwing grandpa Flowers and his

    grandson into free fall. The faithful birds however helped them land safely, but heart

    broken. They had worked so hard and all in vain, so it seemed. Dejected and sad, they

    walked over the mountain tops to their homes.

    They walked through valleys, over rivers and passed by lakes. They were walking but

    not talking. They thought: All our work has failed. Now that the chimney is broken

    the seeds wont sprout, there is not enough air.

    They were scared to go back to their home. They were sure the people there would

    laugh at them. And after many days they waited for the night to go home secretly.

    But as they came to the village, there were many people looking at the sky. And they

    were shouting, Look! Look at the sky!

    And really, grandfather saw first the yellow

    of the marigolds, then the purple of the

    violets, the white of the lilies, the red of the

    roses, shining in a beautiful circle on the

    moon. And then in the sky popped up

    dahlias, carnations, daffodils, spots of

    flowers between the twinkling stars. The

    people were dancing with joy. This was

    amazing. Really amazing. They snapped

    pictures, they made movies, they shouted

    and pumped their fists, and then they sang

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    Wouldnt it be beautiful

    Flowers everywhere

    Growing on the moon and floating in the air.

    Wouldnt it be beautiful

    Flowers in the sky

    That sprout and blossom while they fly.

    Wouldnt it be beautiful

    To have flowers that can say

    More than words ever can convey

    Wouldnt it be beautiful

    Flowers everywhere

    Growing on the moon and floating in the air.

    That night nobody went home. They all stayed and looked at the sky, the stars, the

    moon and the thousands of flowers that made everything look so beautiful. Really


    And after that, the flowers slowly disappeared. In space, there was nobody to water

    the flowers or to pull the weeds. Grandpa was old. He couldnt get up any more.

    But even then the flowers never disappeared from the peoples heart, and everything

    still remained so beautiful.

    Sit in a circle and do Quiet Time by softly singing the song and visualizing the

    flowers falling from the sky.

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    Unit Five

    Simple Life

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    Voluntary simplicity believes that by living simply without, one will be richerwithin. Simple things can be beautiful. And really air, water, nature are all free (or

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    nearly free) and most beautiful. By forgetting this we lose the sense of thankfulness

    and compassion that go along with the values that give us peace.

    In this study, we focus on the beauty of simple life and the wonders it can do if wecombine it with the spirit of compassion and service. Also learn about humility and

    the importance of setting aside personal ambitions for working towards collective

    goals. Finally start to understand the dangers of waste.


    I am not greedy.

    I am thankful.

    I work together to help others.

    I dont waste.

    I like unity.

    Rosy Roach


    Rosy Roach was a grass cutter. She earned enough for her self to eat. The rest of the

    money she saved in a jar. One day she found the jar was full. She gave it to

    Superbunny to buy a ring. Then she said, But what can I do with this ring. I dont

    need it. I like simple life!


    Just then they saw Lady Bug at the tire shop. Can you give me some tires? I need

    them so that I can work and feed my family. I will pay you later. She asked. But the

    Tire Man said, I am sorry Lady, but no money, no tires. Rosy gave her ring to the tire

    man and said, Here, take this ring. And give this good Lady her tires. The Tire Man

    looked at the ring and said, This can buy you even fo