user guide of structure interpretation v2.2.0

User guide of structure interpretation 1 Quick look 1.1 Introduction In the structural interpretation module, can for seismic interpretation of the seismic data volume, he 2D structure map location for structure interpretation, interpret data can be extracted directly to the modeling module and rock mass structure modeling module. Structural interpretation is not only an important way to explain the structure data, insufficient data or fixed abnormal data complement structure modeling is effective means (Fig.1-1). Rock models tend to be more complicated geometrical form, any complex shape can be obtained through the structure interpretation of rock data, directly used for modeling complex rock (Fig.1-2). Fig.1-1 Structure interpretation data. Fig.1-2 Rock interpretation data modeling. 

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Page 1: User guide of structure interpretation v2.2.0

User guide of structure interpretation

1 Quick look

1.1 Introduction

In the structural interpretation module, can for seismic interpretation of the seismic data

volume, he 2D structure map location for structure interpretation, interpret data can be

extracted directly to the modeling module and rock mass structure modeling module.

Structural interpretation is not only an important way to explain the structure data, insufficient

data or fixed abnormal data complement structure modeling is effective means (Fig.1-1). Rock

models tend to be more complicated geometrical form, any complex shape can be obtained

through the structure interpretation of rock data, directly used for modeling complex rock


Fig.1-1 Structure interpretation data.

Fig.1-2 Rock interpretation data modeling. 

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1.2 Module relationships

Structural interpretation module provide data support for the structural modeling and rock

modeling (Fig.1-3)

1) Structural module loads interpretation data, structure model is set up.

2) Rock module loads interpretation data, complex rock model is set up.


Fig.1-3 Relationships between the structural interpretation modeling module and other modules.

1.3 Workflow

Based on the structure of the seismic data volume interpretation function, the data flow

oriented, interpretation the fault data, horizon model, rock data. Process as shown in the

figure below (Fig.1-4).

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1.3.1 Interpretation fault data

Through the way of human-computer interaction, based on the three 3D seismic section, 2D

seismic section and BMP bitmap interpretation fault data. Has explained the fault line can be

adjusted by editing the way, to interpret data more accurate and reasonable, loaded into the

tectonic fault model is set up directly after the module (Fig.1-5).

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Fig.1-5 Fault interpretation data modeling process.

1.3.2 Interpretation horizon data

Interpretation horizon data method with the same fault. Use there are two kinds of horizon

interpretation data: one is the direct modeling (Fig.1-6), the second is used to correct

distortion formation, formation of supplement or missing data. In the second case, can be

directly in the distortion or missing parts, through the way of human-computer interaction for

a detailed explanation, after the module is loaded into the structure directly for horizon



Fig.1-6 Horizon interpretation data modeling.

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1.3.3 Interpretation rock data

Structure interpretation can be through the way of human-computer interaction, different

direction of section is established, the interpretation of the high rock data. Rock model is set

up directly after loaded into the module of rock (Fig.1-7).


Fig.1-7 Rock interpretation data modeling.

1.3.4 Load interpretation data

Load fault interpretation data and horizon interpretation data, first of all, data and associated

structure interpretation module structure, then, in the structure module extraction and interpret

data (Fig.1-8) .Load interpretation data when there are two of the original method: Clear the

original data and not to empty the original data.


Fig.1-8 Load interpretation data fault and horizon.

Load rock interpretation data, first of all,in the module to create complex rock model, then,

load interpretation data (Fig.1-9).

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Fig.1-9 Load rock interpretation.

2 How to model a structure interpretation model

Please refer to the teaching video of Structure Interpretation

3 Special topic

3.1 The data source of structure interpretation

The data sources have four categories: 2D seismic data volume, 3D seismic data volume,

geological profile, and blank section.

1) 2D seismic data volume: the seismic profile (Fig.3-1).

 Fig.3-1 2D seismic data volume.

Right click Structure interpretation, then activate new 2-D seismic, and the 2-D seismic

profile is imported. By right key-click on the import sub-nodes, the Load seismic data are

select (Fig.3-2), showing corresponding seismic attributes of the profile. Based on

two-dimensional structure of seismic profiles, structures are interpreted. Interpretation process

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is illustrated in the reference video.

   (a) (b)

Fig.3-2 Load seismic data are select.

2) 3D seismic data volume: SEG - Y file of 3D seismic data volume is seen as below figure1

(Fig.3-3). Interpretation process is in the reference video.


Fig.3-3 3D seismic data volume.

3) Profile interpretation

The New 2D seismic section can start by clicking right key of 2D seismic. The section lines

are drawn, and a new section is created (Fig.3-4 )


Fig.3-4 New 2D seismic section.

Right click profile node, choose Import BMP bitmap, and bitmap is shown in the profile

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(Fig. 3-5).

 Fig. 3-5 Import BMP bitmap.

Similarly, right click profile node, choose Edit anchor points, draw spot at any position of

the profile picture, and import its coordinates in the attribute column (Fig.3-6).

 (a) (b)

Fig.3-6 Edit anchor points.

Generally the data source of anchor point coordinates can be got by two kind methods:Field

geological work record; planar graph for x, y from, and section map for the z value.

Then, the Homing profile is chosen under section node selection (Fig.3-7 ), and profile needs

to be repaired according to the geographical coordinates. Interpretation process is in the

reference video.

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Fig.3-7 Homing profile.

4) Blank section. 2D seismic is chosen by right clicking Structural interpretation, without

browsing data. Right click the new 2D seismic section, draw lines to create a blank section in

the work area (Fig.3-8). Interpretation process is in the reference video.


Fig.3-8 New 2D seismic blank section.