user guide and reference manual

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  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual





    Lagos State Integrated Billing System

    Author: Adey !"# Free$#!

    Cre#t o! D#te: Au%u t '0( )01*

    U+d#ted o!: Fe,ru#ry 1-( )01-


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual



    Change Record)

    Date Author ersion Change Re!erence'1 Au% 1* Adey !"# Free$#! Dr#/t 1# No re ou Do2u$e!t1- Fe, 1- Adey !"# Free$#! Dr#/t 1, Dr#/t 1#


    Name #ositionLoo"$#! A+#t r# De e3o+er( So/t4#re De e3o+$e!t5u!3e Ade,o!# D6A( So/t4#re De e3o+$e!t

    Ade$o3# O3#d +o U! t e#d( So/t4#re De e3o+$e!t

    Re$ie%ersName #ositionO3#tu!de A3#3#de Ge!er#3 M#!#%er( So/t4#re De e3o+$e!t6#,#tu!de O8u$u Ge!er#3 M#!#%er( Te2h! 2#3 Ser 2eG,e!%# O$o3o"u! Ge!er#3 M#!#%er( I$+3e$e!t#t o! Ser 2e6 A !# D re2tor( So3ut o! De3 ery

    Distri"utionCo&y No' Name Location1 L ,r#ry M# ter ) Do2u$e!t Re+o tory So/tLA6' Do2u$e!t Re+o tory Goo%3e Dr e 9 LASG 6 33 !%


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual



    Document Control''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' )

    Ch#!%e Re2ord............................................................................................................................... 1Co!tr ,utor .................................................................................................................................... 1Re e4er ....................................................................................................................................... 1D tr ,ut o!...................................................................................................................................... 1

    Ta"le o! Contents'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' *

    ) Introduction'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''+

    1.1 ur+o e....................................................................................................................... '1.) I!te!ded Aud e!2e......................................................................................................'1.' o4 the U er Gu de I Or%#! ed...............................................................................'

    Feed,#2" #!d Co$$e!d .......................................................................................... ;

    * NA I,ATION AND ACCESS''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-

    + ADMINISTRATION'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.

    '.1 I!2o$+3ete Lo% ! Crede!t #3 .....................................................................................-'.) Lo% !...........................................................................................................................-'.' F# 3ed Lo% !................................................................................................................ 7'.; o$e+#%e................................................................................................................... <

    '.;.1 Cu to$er O4! !% T#,....................................................................................<'.;.) U!+# d I! o 2e T#,.....................................................................................10'.;.' # d I! o 2e T#,..........................................................................................10'.;.; Re,#te =D 2ou!t T#,................................................................................... 1'

    '.* Lo%out.......................................................................................................................1*'.- Ch#!%e # 4ord..................................................................................................... 17'.7 N# %#t o! Me!u.......................................................................................................1<'.< A %!ed Re>ue t #!d Not / 2#t o! ........................................................................)0

    / Raising your Bills0In$oices''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''**

    ;.1 rodu2t ( T#r // #!d R#te .......................................................................................));.) N# %#t o!.................................................................................................................)';.' Cu to$er Se#r2h......................................................................................................)';.; Cre#t !% # Ne4 Cu to$er.........................................................................................)-;.* Cre#te 6 33=I! o 2e..................................................................................................... )<;.- r !t !% or S# !% I! o 2e .......................................................................................'1

    - Transaction Re$ie%''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''++

    *.1 My Tr#! #2t o! ........................................................................................................''*.) A33 Tr#! #2t o! Se#r2h..............................................................................................'**.' #y$e!t ..................................................................................................................'?

    . ,lossary'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''//

    1 O&en and Closed Issues''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/-

    7.1 O+e! I ue ..............................................................................................................;*7.) C3o ed I ue ............................................................................................................;*


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual



    )') #ur&ose

    Th U er Gu de #!d Re/ere!2e $#!u#3 +ro de you 4 th the re>u red !/or$#t o! !e2e #ry to 4or" 4 th

    the L#%o St#te I!te%r#ted 6 33 !% Sy te$.

    The 6 33 !% Sy te$ # +rodu2t o/ So/tA33 #!2e & Re our2e L $ ted 4h 2h 4ou3d ,e #22e ,3e ,y #33 MDA@

    o!3 !e #!d L#%o St#te Go er!$e!t@ Metro+o3 t#! Are# !et4or".LASG I!te%r#ted 6 33 !% Sy te$ # , 33= ! o 2e $#!#%e$e!t y te$ th#t he3+ L#%o St#te #uto$#te the

    2o33e2t o! o/ re e!ue /ro$ t 2u to$er . th the I!te%r#ted 6 33 !% Sy te$( MDA ! the St#te 2#!

    #uto$#te the 2o33e2t o! o/ re e!ue #!d !te%r#te to the F !#!2 #3 $odu3e o/ Or#23e E 6u !e Su te

    )'* Intended Audience

    Th do2u$e!t !te!ded to ,e u ed # # %u de /or 6 33 !% O// 2er ! the O// 2e o/ the Sur eyor Ge!er#3 o/

    L#%o St#te.

    )'+ 2o% the User ,uide IsOrgani3ed

    Th U er Gu de #!d re/ere!2e $#!u#3 h#!d3e #33 #2t t e th#t ! o3 e , 33 !% o// 2er #t the o// 2e. The 6 33

    ty+e 2o ered ! th u er %u de the L#%o St#te Ge!er#3 6 33 Ty+e 4h 2h 4# #do+ted #/ter # thorou%h

    re e4 o/ your ,u !e +ro2e e .

    Other A2t t e 2o ered ! th U er Gu de !23ude:

    Lo% ! #!d A22e Co!tro3

    o4 to 3o2#te !/or$#t o! #,out 2u to$er

    ro2edure /or 2re#t !% # , 33 /or # 2u to$er

    o4 to %e!er#te #!d +r !t # +#y$e!t #d 2e /or # 2u to$er

    o4 to e4 +re ou tr#! #2t o! r# ed ,y # , 33 !% o// 2er

    o4 to e4 +#y$e!t $#de ,y # 2u to$er o! #! ! o 2e r# ed ,y # 6 33 !% O// 2er


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    (eed"ac4 and Commends

    So/tA33 #!2e #!d Re our2e L $ ted #3ue #!d #++re2 #te your /eed,#2" #!d 2o$$e!t # # u er #!d

    re#der o/ th $#!u#3.

    A 4e 4r te( re e( #!d e #3u#te our do2u$e!t#t o!( your 2o$$e!t #re the $o t #3u#,3e !+ut 4e

    re2e e. I/ you 4ou3d 3 "e to 2o!t#2t u re%#rd !% 2o$$e!t #!d u%%e t o! o! /uture re3e# e o/ the LASG

    !te%r#ted 6 33 !% Sy te$( +3e# e u e the /o33o4 !% #ddre or te3e+ho!e !u$,er :

    • So!tAlliance and Resources Limited

    O8uo3#+e ou e

    ?( NERDC Ro#d( Ce!tr#3 6u !e D tr 2t(

    A3#u # I"e8#.

    E$# 3: he3+de "B o/t#33 #!2e.2o$

    ho!e !o: 0701????''?( 0

  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual



    The LASG I!te%r#ted 6 33 !% Sy te$ # 4e,= !tr#!et #22e ,3e #++3 2#t o! th#t #33o4 o// 2 #3 ! MDA !

    L#%o St#te to r# e , 33 #!d ! o 2e /or the r 2u to$er /or er 2e re!dered or to ,e re!dered ! L#%o


    To ,e #,3e to #22e the 6 33 !% Sy te$( you 4ou3d re>u re:

    1. A! !ter!et e!#,3ed de 2e u2h # L#+to+ ( De "to+ ( T#,3et or ho!e .

    ). A!y ,ro4 er Goo%3e Chro$e( Mo 33# F re/o #!d O+er# 6ro4 er o/ your 2ho 2e o! #!y o/ the

    de 2e .

    '. A22e to L#%o St#te@ !et4or". LAN( MAN or I!ter!et 2o!!e2t ty

    he! #33 the 3 ted re>u re$e!t t#ted #,o e h# e ,ee! $et( +3e# e 3#u!2h your ,ro4 er #!d e!ter the

    URL: htt+:==te to// 2e.3#%o t#te.%o .!%= ! the #ddre ,#r #!d e3e2t the S %! I! ,utto!.

    I/ th do!e 2orre2t3y( you 4 33 ,e red re2ted to the 4e,+#%e ! the $#%e ,e3o4:


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual



    +') Incom&lete LoginCredentials

    To 3o% !to the 6 33 !% #++3 2#t o! you 4ou3d !eed # U er !#$e #!d # 4ord. I/ you #tte$+t to 3o% ! 4 th

    o!3y # u er !#$e #!d 4 thout # +# 4ord( you 4ou3d %et the !ot / 2#t o! t#ted ,e3o4:

    +'* Login

    O!3y MDA E$+3oyee 4 th Or#23e ID #++ro ed ,y the O// 2e o/ the Sur eyor Ge!er#3 # , 33 !% o// 2er 2#!

    r# e , 33 = ! o 2e /or the MDA@ 2u to$er . To ,e #,3e to 3o% ! u22e /u33y !to the y te$( the e$+3oyee

    $u t h# e ,ee! # %!ed # u er !#$e #!d +# 4ord ,y the MDA Ad$ ! tr#tor.


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    Th u er !#$e #!d +# 4ord # %!ed 2re#ted ! Or#23e E6S 4 th the re +o! , 3 ty to r# ed , 33

    # %!ed to the 6 33 !% O// 2er.

    To Lo% !to the 6 33 !% A++3 2#t o!( +3e# e /o33o4 the te+ t#ted ,e3o4:

    1. E!ter the u er!#$e you 4ere # %!ed ,y your MDA Ad$ ! tr#tor ! the U er !#$e / e3d

    ). E!ter the +# 4ord you 4ere # %!ed ,y your MDA Ad$ ! tr#tor ! the # 4ord / e3d

    '. C3 2" o! the S %! I! ,utto! o! the Lo% ! #%e

    +'+ (ailed Login

    I/ the 3o% ! 2rede!t #3 you h# e +ro ded ! #3 d( you 4 33 !ot ,e %r#!ted #22e to the 6 33 !% A++3 2#t o!.I/

    your u er !#$e 4ro!%( you 4 33 ,e !ot / ed 4 th the $e #%e I! #3 d U er N#$e or # 4ord .

    I! u2h tu#t o! ( e!ter the 2orre2t u er!#$e #!d +# 4ord( or 2o!t#2t your IT re our2e +er o! / you do !ot

    re$e$,er your 3o% ! 2rede!t #3 .


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    #LEASE NOTE5 6

    I! you ha$e login access 7username and &ass%ord8 "ut cannot login or you ha$e !orgotten

    your login details9 4indly contact your MDA Administrator to ha$e your &ro"lem sol$ed'

    +'/ 2ome&agehe! you 2#! u22e /u33y 3o% !( you 4ou3d ,e d re2ted to # d# h,o#rd 4 th !/or$#t o! th#t u! >ue to you

    #!d your MDA.

    +'/') Customer O%ning Ta"

    The o4! !% 2u to$er t#, d +3#y # 3 t o/ 2u to$er 4ho #re o4 !% the MDA. The 2u to$er 3 td +3#yed #re o! ! o 2e r# ed ,y the 6 33 !% O// 2er.

    To d +3#y th 3 t( the , 33 !% o// 2er e3e2t the More I!/o o! the o4! !% 2u to$er t#,. Th 3 !"

    d +3#y o4! !% 2u to$er ,y:

    #yer ID

    Cu to$er Nu$,er

    Cu to$er N#$e

    Cu to$er Addre

    V e4 Co3u$! 4h 2h d +3#y the V e4 I! o 2e 6utto!

  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    I/ you e3e2t the V e4 I! o 2e 6utto! o/ # 2u to$er t d +3#y # 3 t o/ the 2u to$er@ ! o 2e

    The V e4 I! o 2e 6utto! d +3#y the ! o 2e


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    +'/'* Un&aid In$oices Ta"

    For the u!+# d ! o 2e t#,( the 3 t o/ ! o 2e d +3#yed #re ! o 2e 4h 2h h# e ,ee! e ther +#rt #33y or !ot /u33y+# d ,y the 2u to$er. To e4 th 3 t:

    The 6 33 !% O// 2er e3e2t the More I!/o 3 !" o! the U!+# d I! o 2e t#,

    Th red re2t to the U!+# d I! o 2e +#%e

    +'/'+ #aid In$oices Ta"

    For the +# d ! o 2e t#,( the 3 t o/ +#y$e!t 2o!/ r$#t o! re+ort =re2e +t d +3#yed #re 2o! o3 d#ted +#y$e!t2o!/ r$#t o! re+ort 4h 2h %! / e +#y$e!t $#de ,y the 2u to$er. To e4 th 3 t:

    The 6 33 !% O// 2er e3e2t the More I!/o 3 !" o! the +# d I! o 2e t#,

    Th red re2t to the +# d I! o 2e +#%e ho4 !% # 3 t o/ 2u to$er@ tr#! #2t o! !/or$#t o! ho4 !%:

    o #yer ID

    o Cu to$er N#$e


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    o 6 33 Nu$,er

    o I! o 2e D#te

    o Or % !#3 A$ou!t

    o A$ou!t Re$# ! !%

    o St#tu o/ +#y$e!t

    o V e4 Re2e +t Co3u$!

    he! the 6 33 !% O// 2er e3e2t the Re2e +t 6utto! o! the V e4 Re2 e+t Co3u$!

    The 2o! o3 d#ted #y$e!t 2o!/ r#$t o! re+ort d +3#y # /u33 3 t o/ +#y$e!t the 2u to$er h# $#de#!d to 4h 2h / !#!2 #3 ! t tut o! =+3#t/or$ 4ere $#de:


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual



  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    +'/'/ Re"ates0Discount Ta"

    For the Re,#te =D 2ou!t t#,( the 3 t o/ re,#te =d 2ou!t d +3#yed #re re+ort 4h 2h %! / e d 2ou!tued ,y $#!#%e$e!t t#// o! 2u to$er@ , 33. To e4 th 3 t:

    The 6 33 !% O// 2er e3e2t the More I!/o 3 !" o! the Re,#te =D 2ou!t t#,

    Th red re2t to the re,#te =d 2ou!t +#%e ho4 !% # 3 t o/ 2red t !ote ued o! I! o 2e @

    tr#! #2t o! !/or$#t o! ho4 !%:

    o #yer ID

    o Cu to$er N#$e

    o 6 33 Nu$,er

    o I! o 2e D#te

    o Or % !#3 A$ou!t

    o A$ou!t Re$# ! !%

    o D 2ou!t A$ou!t

    o St#tu o/ +#y$e!t o! ! o 2e

    o V e4 Cred t Note Co3u$!


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    he! the 6 33 !% O// 2er e3e2t the Cred t Note 6utto! o! the V e4 Cred t Note Co3u$!

    The Cred t Note re+ort d +3#yed de+ 2ted ,e3o4:


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    +'- Logout

    The e2ur ty o/ your #2t ty o! the I!te%r#ted 6 33 !% Sy te$ "ey. 3e# e #34#y $#"e ure th#t you 3o%out

    o/ the #++3 2#t o! 4he! you #re throu%h 4 th #33 your #2t t e or you 4ou3d ,e #4#y /ro$ your y te$. The

    #++3 2#t o! 4 33 ho4e er 3o% you out #uto$#t 2#33y #/ter Te! 10 $ !ute o/ !#2t ty. I/ u2h 2e!#r o o22ur (

    you #re re>u re to 3o% ,#2" !to the y te$ to 2o!t !ue your #2t t e .

    To 3o%out o/ the #++3 2#t o! ,y your e3/( /o33o4 the ! tru2t o! ,e3o4.

    C3 2" o! your Name #t the to+ r %ht 2or!er o/ the +#%e # ho4! ,e3o4:


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    Se3e2t the 3o%out o+t o! /ro$ the dro+dro4!

    Hour +#%e 4ou3d ,e red re2ted to the Lo% ! #%e o/ the 6 33 !% A++3 2#t o!

    A3ter!#t e3y to Lo%out o/ the 6 33 !% A++3 2#t o! you 2#! e3e2t the Lo%out O+t o! ! the N# %#t o



  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    To retur! to the #++3 2#t o!( you $u t +ro de your 3o% ! 2rede!t #3 #%# !.

    +'. Change #ass%ord

    O! your ery / r t 3o% !( #/ter re2e !% your 2rede!t #3 /ro$ the Sy te$ Ad$ ! tr#tor( #!d #t #!yt $e you

    /ee3 your +# 4ord h# ,ee! 2o$+ro$ ed( or re2e!t3y re et ,y your IT re our2e +er o!( you #re re>u red to

    2h#!%e your +# 4ord. To 2h#!%e your +# 4ord( /o33o4 the ! tru2t o! ,e3o4.

    Se3e2t the Ch#!%e +# 4ord o! the N# %#t o! $e!u


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    Hour +#%e 4ou3d red re2t to the Ch#!%e +# 4ord +#%e

    E!ter your 2urre!t +# 4ord ! the Curre!t # 4ord / e3d

    E!ter your Ne4 # 4ord ! the Ne4 +# 4ord / e3d

    E!ter your Ne4 # 4ord ! the Co!/ r$ Ne4 +# 4ord / e3d to 2o!/ r$ 2ho 2e

    C3 2" o! S# e to 2h#!%e your +# 4ord to the !e4 o!e +ro ded.

    3e# e %u#rd your +# 4ord 2#re/u33y #!d e! ure t !ot e# 3y %ue ed ,y your 2o33e#%ue .

    +'1 Na$igation MenuE ery U er 4ho h# ,ee! +ro/ 3ed # # 6 33 !% o// 2er o! the 6 33 !% A++3 2#t o! h# # N# %#t o! Me!u th#t

    u! >ue to the o+er#t o! he= he 2#rr e out. For # 6 33 !% O// 2er( the 3 t o/ u,$e!u ! the N# %#t o!

    $e!u # # 3#,3e /or h $ to 2#rry out h tr#! #2t o! !23ude:


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    o$e +#%e=D# h,o#rd 9 # +ro%re t#, th#t ho4 # 3 t o/ , 33= ! o 2e !/or$#t o! r# ed ,y the 6 3 !%

    o// 2er

    Ne4 Tr#! #2t o!: Th 3 !" #33o4 the MDA e#r2h /or # 2u to$er ,e/ore 2re#t !% # , 33 /or the

    2u to$er. It #3 o u++ort the 2re#t o! o/ 2u to$er / !o re2ord /ou!d

    Tr#! #2t o! Re+ort 9 Th 3 !" h# u,$e!u 4h 2h !23ude:

    o #y$e!t 9 th #33o4 the , 33 !% o// 2er to e4 # 3 t o/ +#y$e!t !/or$#t o! ,y 2u to$er

    4ho $#"e +#y$e!t #%# ! t ! o 2e r# ed ,y #33 6 33 !% O// 2er ! the MDA

    o My Tr#! #2t o! 9 Th 3 !" #33o4 the 6 33 !% o// 2er to e4 # 3 t o/ #33 tr#! #2t o! det# 3

    he= he r# e o! ,eh#3/ o/ 2u to$er

    o A33 Tr#! #2t o! Se#r2h 9 Th 3 !" #33o4 the 6 33 !% O// 2er to e#r2h #2ro #33 tr#! #2t o!

    det# 3 %e!er#ted ! the MDA ,y #33 6 33 !% O// 2er

    Ch#!%e # 4ord 9 Th 3 !" #33o4 the 6 33 !% O// 2er 2h#!%e h =her +# 4ord

    Lo%Out 9 Th 3 !" #33o4 the 6 33 !% o// 2er to %! out o/ the 6 3 !% #++3 2#t o!.

    To !# %#te #rou!d the #++3 2#t o!( there #re 2ert# ! hort2ut 3 !" th#t $#"e $o !% /ro$ o!e +#%e

    +o ,3y ,y the 23 2" o/ # 3 !". So$e o/ the e hort2ut !23ude:


    The e #re 3 !" th#t #++e#r #t the to+ 2or!er o/ # +#%e. They he3+ the 6 33 !% O// 2er to !# %#te to

    +re ou or d //ere!t +#%e ! o!e !%3e 23 2".


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    Bac4 Button

    Th ,utto! he3+ the 6 33 !% O// 2er retur! to the +re ou +#%e

    th the ,re#d2ru$, #!d ,#2" ,utto!( , 33 !% o// 2er 2#! !# %#te throu%h d //ere!t +#%e 4h 3e o! # +#%e

    # de+ 2ted #,o e.


    Assigned Re;uests and


    The A %!ed re>ue t #!d !ot / 2#t o! % e 6 33 !% O// 2er # t#tu u+d#te o! e ery , 33 r# ed. Fro$

    your d# h,o#rd( your !ot / 2#t o! #rr#!%e$e!t 4ou3d /o33o4 the tru2ture ,e3o4:

    E ery , 33 you r# ed #!d e!t to # 2o33e#%ue /or +ro2e !% 4 33 ,e /ou!d ! the Re>ue ted ,y

    Me e2t o!.E ery , 33 th#t 4# #33o2#ted to you /or #++ro #3=+ro2e !% 4 33 ,e /ou!d ! the A %!ed To Me

    e2t o!

    E ery , 33 th#t 4# r# ed #!d you #++ro ed #t #!y t $e 4 33 ,e /ou!d ! the ro2e ed ,y Me

    e2t o!.


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    I/ or"/3o4 e!#,3ed( the My Tr#! #2t o! Gr d o! the o$e #%e d +3#y :

    Ser 2e Ty+e: Th the 3e e3 the u er o! the #++ro #3 +#th e.%. 1 t Le e3 A++ro #3

    T t3e: Th the MDA 4here the #++ro #3 #2t ty t#" !% +3#2e e.% M ! try o/ Tour $( Art

    Cu3ture 0-1

    I! t #ted 6y: Th the !#$e o/ the U er 4ho ! t #te the tr#! #2t o! to %o throu%h #++ro #3

    L# t A %!ed o!: th the d#te the tr#! #2t o! 4# ! t #ted

    ro2e : th 3 !" $#"e # # 3#,3e /or e4 the tr#! #2t o! to ,e +ro2e ed ! the 4or"/3o4

    5 !d3y !ote th#t o!3y , 33 4h 2h h# e !ot ,ee! 2o$+3ete3y #++ro ed( #!d t 33 +e!d !% #++ro #3 4 33 ,e /ou!d

    u!der A %!ed Re>ue t #!d Not / 2#t o!.


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    / RAISIN,

  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    Permit Fee - $r%an Hotels (Band #) 100,00


    Renewal Fee - $r%an Hotels (Band #) 50,0


    Form Fee - &'% $r%an Hotels2,5


    Permit Fee - &'% $r%an Hotels (Band 1) 150,00


    Renewal Fee - &'% $r%an Hotels (Band 1) 75,0


    Permit Fee - &'% $r%an Hotels (Band 2) 125,00


    Renewal Fee - &'% $r%an Hotels (Band 2) !2,5


    Permit Fee - &'% $r%an Hotels (Band ) 100,00


    Renewal Fee - &'% $r%an Hotels (Band ) 50,0


    Permit Fee - &'% $r%an Hotels (Band #) 75,0


    Renewal Fee - &'% $r%an Hotels (Band #) 7,5


    Permit Fee - &'% $r%an Hotels (Band 5) 50,0


    Renewal Fee - &'% $r%an Hotels (Band 5) 25,0


    Form Fee - Fast Food (International) 2,5


    Permit Fee - Fast Food (International) 180,00


    Renewal Fee - Fast Food (International)



    Form Fee - Fast Food ("ational) 2,5


    Permit Fee - Fast Food ("ational) 100,00


    Renewal Fee - Fast Food ("ational) 50,0


    Form Fee - Resta'rant (International) 2,5


    Permit Fee - Resta'rant (International) 180,00


    Renewal Fee - Resta'rant (International) 90,0


    Form Fee - Resta'rant ("ational) 2,5


    Permit Fee - Resta'rant ("ational) 90,0


    Renewal Fee - Resta'rant ("ational) #5,0


    d'lt l'% 1,000,00



  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    "i*+t l'% 1,000,00


    5 !d3y !ote th#t $ore +rodu2t 2#! ,e 2re#ted #!d the r r#te 2#! ,e u+d#ted #t #!y t $e. To u+d#te +rodu2t

    #!d t#r // ( +3e# e 2o!t#2t the MDA Ad$ ! tr#tor.


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    /'* Na$igation

    To r# e # , 33 /or # 2u to$er( 23 2" o! the Ne4 Tr#! #2t o! o+t o! o! the M# ! N# %#t o!.

    Th 4ou3d red re2t to the Cu to$er e#r2h #%e:

    /'+ Customer SearchThere #re e er#3 u! >ue de!t / er th#t 2#! ,e u ed to de!t /y # 2u to$er ! order to 2re#te # , 33 /or th#t

    2u to$er. To 2#rry out # e#r2h( the , 33 !% o// 2er e#r2he /or the 2u to$er u !% the #!y o/ the /o33o4 !%

    u! >ue de!t / er o/ the 2u to$er. The e u! >ue de!t / er !23ude:

    #yer ID

    Cu to$er Nu$,er


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    LASRAA Nu$,er

    Dr er@ Re% tr#t o! Nu$,er

    I!ter!#t o!#3 # +ort Nu$,er

    N N N#t o!#3 Ide!t / 2#t o! Nu$,er

    I/ !o!e o/ the #/ore$e!t o!ed re2ord e t /or the 2u to$er( the 2u to$er@ !#$e 2#! ,e u ed to 2re#te #

    , 33 /or the 2u to$er.

    There #re e er#3 +o ,3e e#r2h 2r ter # th#t 2#! ,e u ed to e#r2h /or # 2u to$er. O!e o/ tho e 2r ter #

    !23ude :

    Se#r2h !% u !% #33 the Cu to$er@ N#$e

    Se#r2h !% u !% e ther 2o$, !#t o! o/ the Cu to$er@ Nu$,er

    Th 4ou3d %e!er#te # +#%e 4 th #33 # # 3#,3e !/or$#t o! #,out 2u to$er 4ho h#re the #$e !#$e ,ut

    d //ere!t 2u to$er !u$,er #!d +#yer ID.


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    The Det# 3 ,utto! #33o4 you to ee $ore !/or$#t o! #,out the 2u to$er # 4e33 # +re ou

    tr#! #2t o! the 2u to$er h# h#d 4 th 3#%o St#te


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    I! the d #%r#$ ,e3o4 th 2u to$er h# h#d +re ou tr#! #2t o! 4 th L#%o St#te ,ut !ot o4 !% #!y

    MDA ! the St#te

    I! the d #%r#$ ,e3o4 th 2u to$er h# h#d +re ou tr#! #2t o! 4 th L#%o St#te #!d o4 !% the St#te

    Go er!$e!t U!+# d ! o 2e


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    /'/ Creating a Ne%Customer

    I/ the 2u to$er +ro de h =her !#$e or #!y u! >ue de!t / er( #!d # e#r2h do!e( 4 th retur!ed ! #3 d

    2u to$er or !#$e # ho4! ,e3o4 the 6 33 !% A++3 2#t o! +ro$+t the u er to 2re#te # !e4 2u to$er.

    Hou 2#! e3e2t the Ne4 Cu to$er


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    E!ter the det# 3 o/ the Ne4 2u to$er 4h 2h hou3d !23ude F r t N#$e ( M dd3e N#$e ( L# t N#$e (

    Addre ( Lo2#3 Go er!$e!t ( E$# 3 ( #!d Mo, 3e ho!e Nu$,er the! you # e.

    A/ter you h# e 23 2"ed o! the S# e ,utto!( you hou3d re2e e # Cu to$er S# ed Su22e /u33y!ot / 2#t o!.

    The !ot / 2#t o! d +3#yed ho4 th#t you 2#! %o #he#d to e#r2h /or the 2u to$er you h# e 2re#ted u !%the Cu to$er N#$e #!d e#r2h !% ,y the U e A33 N#$e or U e e ther N#$e e#r2h 2r ter #. PleaseSee Below


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    The Cre#te I! o 2e ,utto! red re2t to the %e!er#3 6 33 /or$ 4h 2h 2o!t# !:

    #. Hour MDA M ! try o/ Tour $( Art & Cu3ture (

    ,. The 2u to$er !#$e(

    2. The re/ere!2e ID=A++3 2#t o! ID o/ the tr#! #2t o! e.%. Sur ey 3#! No #!d Re/ere!2e No )

    d. Re/ere!2e det# 3 o/ the tr#! #2t o!

    #. The d#te o/ the tr#! #2t o!

    ,. The +rodu2t= er 2e #!d

    2. The >u#!t ty re>u red ,y the 2u to$er.


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    e. O!2e the e !/or$#t o! h# e ,ee! / 33ed +3e# e e3e2t the Su,$ t o+t o! to %e!er#te # , 33

    I/ the , 33 %e!er#ted h# !o error re>u r !% 2orre2t o! #!d #22e+t#,3e to the 2u to$er@ re>ue t( +3e# e

    e3e2t the Ge!er#te I! o 2e ,utto! to +rodu2e the 2u to$er@ ! o 2e

    Hou 2#! +e2 /y to the 2u to$er ho4 to $#"e +#y$e!t o! the ! o 2e %e!er#ted ,y the te+ t#ted o!

    the ! o 2e''

  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    3e# e !ote th#t #33 +#y$e!t #re $#de u !% the Bill Num"er 4h 2h the 2u to$er $u t +re e!t #t #33#y$e!t Ch#!!e3 .

    /'. #rinting or Sa$ingIn$oices

    To +r !t %e!er#ted ! o 2e (

    #. Se3e2t the r !t o+t o! /or +re e4 #!d +r !t


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    To S# e the %e!er#ted ! o 2e o! your y te$

    Se3e2t the S# e o+t o! #!d the 3o2#t o! you 4#!t to # e the / 3e


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual



    U!der the Tr#! #2t o! Re+ort o+t o!( 4e h# e the My Tr#! #2t o! #!d Ge!er#3 6 33 re+ort #%e .

    -') My Transactions

    The My Tr#! #2t o! +#%e #33o4 you to ee #33 the tr#! #2t o! you h# e %e!er#ted # # 6 33 !% O// 2er.

    The My Tr#! #2t o! +#%e d ded !to %r d .


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    The / r t %r d the Tr#! #2t o! e#r2h 4h 2h h#!d3e / 3ter #!d e#r2h /or +#rt 2u3#r 6 33 u !%:

    D#te R#!%e

    o Fro$ D#te

    o To D#te

    6 33 !u$,er

    #yer ID o/ the 2u to$er

    The e2o!d %r d My Tr#! #2t o! h#!d3e #33 tr#! #2t o! det# 3 %e!er#ted ,y the 6 33 !% O// 2er.


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    I!/or$#t o! d +3#yed !23ude :

    Cu to$er Det# 3 : 4h 2h d +3#y

    #yer ID

    Cu to$er N#$e

    Tr#! #2t o! Det# 3 : 4h 2h d +3#y

    6 33 Nu$,er

    I! o 2e D#te

    Or % !#3 A$ou!t r# ed o! the ! o 2e

    A$ou!t re$# ! !% / 2u to$er $#"e #!y +#y$e!t

    St#tu o/ the I! o 2e U!+# d( +#rt +# d( # d

    V e4 6utto! to re e4:

    Cu to$er@ I! o 2e +er tr#! #2t o!

    Cu to$er@ 2red t !ote +er tr#! #2t o!

    #y$e!t 2o!/ r$#t o! re+ort=re2e +t +er tr#! #2t o!

    Hou 2#! 3 $ t or !2re# e the !u$,er o/ !/or$#t o! d +3#yed o! your My Tr#! #2t o! +#%e ,y / 3ter !%u !% the +#% !#t o! o+t o! o! the %r d 9 #lease See Belo%5 6

    Or / 3ter the ty+e o/ !/or$#t o! you 4#!t to ee d +3#yed o! the My Tr#! #2t o! %r d


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    -'* All TransactionSearch

    The A33 Tr#! #2t o! Se#r2h +#%e #33o4 the 6 33 !% O// 2er to e#r2h /or # , 33 2re#ted ,y other o// 2er ! the

    MDA. To $#"e th +o ,3e( 3e# e e3e2t the A33 Tr#! #2t o! Se#r2h u,$e!u ! the !# %#t o! $e!u

    u!der the Tr#! #2t o! Re+ort 3 !".

    The A33 Tr#! #2t o! Se#r2h 3 !" red re2t to # Tr#! #2t o! e#r2h %r d 4here the u er 2#! e#r2h /or #

    2u to$er ,# ed o! d //ere!t 2r ter # u2h # :


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    I! o 2e D#te R#!%e 4h 2h you 2#! +e2 /y

    The retur! #3ue 4he! # d#te e3e2ted %e!er#te # re+ort o! , 33 2re#ted 4 th ! the +e2 / ed d#te

    e3e2ted # ee! /ro$ the d #%r#$ ,e3o4:

    The e#r2h re u3t %r d d +3#y #33: I! o 2e ( 2red t !ote #!d +#y$e!t 2o!/ r$#t o!=re2e +t %e!er#ted

    4 th ! the d#te r#!%e e3e2ted:


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    A3ter!#t e3y you 2#! u e the 6 33 !u$,er( #yer ID or=#!d I! o 2e Nu$,er to e#r2h /or +re ou

    tr#! #2t o! r# ed o! ,eh#3/ o/ # 2u to$er ,y #33 6 33 !% O// 2er ! your MDA.

    To e#r2h /or # , 3 u !% the 6 33 !u$,er +3e# e /o33o4 the te+ de+ 2ted ,e3o4:

    E!ter the 6 33 !u$,er e.%. *>?>>>>>>*** ! the 6 33 Nu$,er / e3d

    Se3e2t the Se#r2h 6utto!

    The Se#r2h Re u3t Gr d 4ou3d d +3#y:

    The 2u to$er@ #yer ID


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    Cu to$er N#$e

    The 6 33 Nu$,er 7*>?>>>>>>***8

    I! o 2e D#te

    Or % !#3 A$ou!t

    A$ou!t Re$# ! !%

    St#tu o/ the Cu to$er@ 6 33 e.%. U!+# d( # d( #rt3y # d

    V e4 I! o 2e ,utto!V e4 2red t !ote ,utto!

    V e4 Re2e +t= #y$e!t Co!/ r$#t o!

    For , 33 4h 2h 2u to$er h# e h#d d 2ou!t #++3 ed to #!d +#y$e!t $#de #%# ! t you hou3d ,e #,3e

    to ee the 2red t !ote #++3 ed to h =her , 33


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual



  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    I/ you do !ot e!ter #!y !/or$#t o! ! #!y o/ the / e3d #!d you e#r2h( you 4ou3d %et the /o33o4 !%

    !ot / 2#t o! t#ted ,e3o4:

    -'+ #ayments

    The #y$e!t +#%e #33o4 the 6 33 !% O// 2er to e#r2h /or # +#y$e!t re+ort 2re#ted ,y #33 o// 2er ! the

    MDA. To $#"e th +o ,3e( 3e# e e3e2t the #y$e!t u,$e!u ! the !# %#t o! $e!u u!der the

    Tr#! #2t o! Re+ort 3 !".

    The #y$e!t 3 !" red re2t to # 6 33 #y$e!t e#r2h %r d 4here the u er 2#! e#r2h /or # 2u to$er ,# ed

    o! d //ere!t 2r ter # u2h # :


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    #y$e!t d#te R#!%e 4h 2h you 2#! +e2 /y

    The retur! #3ue 4he! # d#te e3e2ted %e!er#te # re+ort o! , 33 2re#ted 4 th ! the +e2 / ed d#te

    e3e2ted # ee! /ro$ the d #%r#$ ,e3o4:

    The #y$e!t Det# 3 %r d d +3#y :

    the Cu to$er !#$e(

    The re2e +t=+#y$e!t 2o!/ r$#t o! !u$,er /ro$ Or#23e E6S(

    The +#y$e!t d#te( the or % !#3 #$ou!t to ,e +# d(

    The #$ou!t +# d ,y the 2u to$er(

    St#tu o/ the 2u to$er@ ! o 2e +#rt +# d #!d +# d #!d #

    V e4 ,utto! to d +3#y the +#y$e!t 2o!/ r$#t o! re+ort o/ the 2u to$er


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    A3ter!#t e3y you 2#! u e the 6 33 !u$,er( #yer ID or=#!d I! o 2e Nu$,er to e#r2h /or +re ou

    tr#! #2t o! r# ed o! ,eh#3/ o/ # 2u to$er ,y #33 6 33 !% O// 2er ! your MDA.

    To e#r2h /or # +#y$e!t 2o!/ r$#t o! u !% the 6 33 !u$,er +3e# e /o33o4 the te+ de+ 2ted ,e3o4:

    E!ter the 6 33 !u$,er e.%. ***>>>>>>*-+ ! the 6 33 Nu$,er / e3d

    Se3e2t the Se#r2h 6utto!


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    The Se#r2h Re u3t Gr d 4ou3d d +3#y:

    Cu to$er N#$e

    Re2e +t Nu$,er 7*>?>>>>>>***8

    #y$e!t D#te

    Or % !#3 A$ou!t

    A$ou!t # d

    St#tuV e4 Re2e +t= #y$e!t Co!/ r$#t o!

    To V e4 #y$e!t Co!/ r$#t o! Re+ort o! +#y$e!t $#de ,y 2u to$er ( e3e2t the Re2e +t 6utto!.

    Th #2t o! d +3#y the 2u to$er@ +#y$e!t 2o!/ r$#t o! re+ort o! +#y$e!t $#de


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    I/ you do !ot e!ter #!y !/or$#t o! ! #!y o/ the / e3d #!d you e#r2h( you 4ou3d %et the /o33o4 !%

    !ot / 2#t o! t#ted ,e3o4:


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual


    . ,LOSSAR<

    Term Ty&e De!inition or Synonym


  • 8/20/2019 User Guide and Reference Manual



    1') O&en Issues

    ID Issue Resolution Res&onsi"ility Target Date Im&act Date

    1'* Closed Issues

    ID Issue Resolution Res&onsi"ility Target Date Im&act Date