user centred development

Slide 1 User Centred Development UCD Werkcollege blok 1 week 7

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User Centred Development. UCD Werkcollege blok 1 week 7. Agenda. Opdracht 3: Desktop Research for HvA Eindopdracht Eindopdracht Werkgroep Afspraken Persona Construction. 1. Opdracht 3: Desktop Research for HvA. Opdracht 3: Desktop Research for HvA. How do users get information? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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User Centred Development

UCD Werkcollege blok 1 week 7

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• Opdracht 3: Desktop Research for HvA

• Eindopdracht

• Eindopdracht Werkgroep Afspraken

• Persona Construction

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1. Opdracht 3: Desktop Research for HvA

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Opdracht 3: Desktop Research for HvA

• How do users get information?

• What does the competition do?

• What is HvA doing wrong?

• What is your advice to HvA?

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Opdracht 3: Desktop Research for HvA

• Feedback from students

• Feedback from teacher Please send opdrachten to your teacher Please follow instructions

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2. Eindopdracht

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The stages of a UCD process


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Eindopdracht• Aim Use knowledge about UCD concepts, techniques and methods

Analyse the manner in which specific target groups use a product/service

Develop solutions to improve product/service experiences for a specific target groups

Deliver and communicate solutions and recommendations to a client

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Eindopdracht• Work in duos Your original teams Work together to produce the eindopdracht “Make it work” (Project Catwalk’s Tim Gunn)

• Grading Marks between 0 and 10 Worth 50% of your final UCD grade Marks below 5.4 = Onvoldoende Fail Eindopdracht = Fail UCD (overall) Herkansing

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Eindopdracht• What to do Identify the User Perform User Research (Observation + Desk Research + Interviews)1. Develop a Scenario2. Develop a Persona3. Develop a User requirements list4. Give your client clear advice on ways to improve the product/service5. Give your client clear advice on how the improvement/s will enhance

user experiences

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Eindopdracht• What to submit1. Film 3 minutes in length FLV format Give advice to your client (detail & depth required)

1. Evidence supporting your advice Summarise your entire research process

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Eindopdracht• Deadlines Submission 1: Week 9 Evidence of your completed research Persona + Scenario User requirements List User experience improvements Film storyboard Submit digitally to your tutor. Look online for deadlines in schedule Make an appointment to present these items with your tutor in Week 9

Submission 2: Week 10 Submission 1 plus Final Film Submit digitally to your tutor Look online for deadlines in schedule Make an appointment to discuss your Eindopdracht mark in Week 10

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3. Eindopdracht werkgroep Afspraken

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Eindopdracht werkgroep Afspraken

Submission 1: Week 9 meet with your tutor

Submission 2: Week 10 meet with your tutor

Attendance is compulsory Schedule your meeting dates today, with your tutor

Eindopdracht Afspraken Schedule

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Eindopdracht werkgroep Afspraken

• 5 minutes read “Opdracht Instructions”

• Site and location for Eindopdracht submission

• Questions?

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4. Persona Construction

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Persona Construction Research (collects data)

• Data (is translated into information)

• Information (builds persona/s)


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Persona Construction

Personas = Demographic Information Behaviours Goals Other relevant information: habits, hobbies

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Persona Construction Exercise

1. Review the four user briefs

1. Complete the Persona Matrix Identify:Demographic InformationBehavioursGoalsOther relevant information: habits, hobbies

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Persona Construction Exercise Review the Matrix for Patterns

Construct the Persona based on Patterns that you observe

What/Who is our Persona?

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• Eindopdracht – there are 2 deadlines

• Afspraken – make today with tutor

• 19th Oct – 23rd Oct Herfst Recess

• Good luck and ‘happy research’