useful jtbd training eng

Jobs-to-be-Done training program Facilitated by USEFUL September 2016 [email protected]

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Jobs-to-be-Done training program

Facilitated by USEFUL

September 2016

[email protected]

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Who are we?

We did a lot of account planning in digital agencies, as well as product marketing at Dream Industries. Now we help startups and e-commerce ventures to research their users and build proper messaging strategies.

Some of our clients: The Locals, Rybakov Fund, Zenmoney, Boft, Red Keds, Geobeat

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1.What’s JTBD methodology

2.Why leading IT companies use it today

3.How it can be applied to your product

4.What you need to do that, how we can help

What we’ll try to make clear in 30 mins

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1.No product/market fit

2.It’s unclear why customers behave the way they do

3.Communication with low ROI: bad conversion, low-quality leads

4.Teams speak about user problems in different languages

Some of the frequent problems…

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There’s one solution

Jobs-to-be-Done is a marketing framework made popular by Clayton Christensen, a Harvard professor best known for his theory of disruptive innovation.

The job is neither a product nor its features, but a higher purpose it’s hired for. JTBD helps to understand customer’s motivation, what anxieties and habits prevent him from switching, which alternatives he considers and how the product can be improved.

A short video with Clay explaining the

basics of JTBD

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1.To display true empathy when discovering customer problems

2.To talk about important stuff in clear language (in videos, landings, emails, etc.)

3.To launch new products and improve existing ones without blind / idle iterations

4.To see the real competition (incl. other categories)

JTBD helps leading IT companies:

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How JTBD helps IntercomProduct marketing:

products aligned with key user problems and described on separate

landing pages

CRO: structures and messages on these pages are in line with the

same JTBDs (more details in their article)

Onboarding: the first session begins with a tutorial focused on popular jobs (which reduces the churn)

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How JTBD helps Yandex

Product management: doing user interviews and

planning new features (more details in this video)

Acquisition: short ads about the context of hiring

products (here’s an example)

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A 30-minute talk with a customer about his particular problem and his experience of solving it. 5-8 interviews enable to understand key drivers and barriers that matter when switching from the old solution to yours.


Customer’s path from passive looking to satisfaction. It’s very useful to visualize the progress he makes towards solving the problem in order to help him on each stage, product and comms-wise.

Emotional forces

True empathy lies in focusing on the context of registering, buying or cancelling a subscription, but not on the person. What made him do that on that particular day? What was he tired of? Maybe he was afraid of something?

Main tools

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Marketing of a healthy company

Research (interviews, surveys, competitive analysis)

Making new features / prototyping

Product analytics


Comms planning

(messaging, touchpoints)

Web analytics A/B testing

Synthesis (timeline, emotional forces, job stories)

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• Write a brief

• Invite participants

• Prepare the room

• Prepare the deck

• Schedule interviews

The sprint

• Learn theory

• Do the interviews

• Write job stories

• Generate ideas

• Get some feedback

• Daily summaries


• Update the roadmap

• Document

• Summary email

• Participant survey

• Planning next steps

What needs to be done

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Day 1

• Introduction: what is JTBD, how to use it and why

• Theory: interviews, timeline, forces

• Assignment 1: do 5 interviews, analyse

Day 2

• Assignment 1 review, discussion

• Theory: JTBD statement, job stories

• Assignment 2: write a statement & job stories for a certain segment / type of user

• Assignment 2 review, discussion

Day 3

• Theory: product vs. communication, how to use job stories, how to generate ideas

• Assignment 3: product improvement, CRO, churn reduction

• Assignment 3 review, discussion

The sprint in detail

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Why hire us?

1.Deep plunge into relatively complex methodology

2.Adoption through practice on real projects

3.Immersion of the whole team at once

4.Quick user research (can be used as a sample)

5.Improvement of product strategy & communication

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How much?


10 hours

40 hours = 120 000 RUR



6 hours

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Start growing faster through understanding.

[email protected]

+7 925 58 58 876 Artem Zhiganov