u.s./china u.s./taiwan relations leaders briefing june 2005

U.S./China U.S./Taiwan Relations Leaders Briefing June 2005

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Page 1: U.S./China U.S./Taiwan Relations Leaders Briefing June 2005

U.S./China U.S./Taiwan Relations

Leaders Briefing

June 2005

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Chinese GovernmentOrganizational Structure (source)

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Chinese Communist PartyOrganizational Structure (source)

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China’s Government (brief)Organizational Structure





National PeoplesCONGRESS


MOFA Defense Commerce Others


Central Committee(2,000)

Leadership Committees

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Chinese President & Party Leader

Hú Jǐntāo ( 胡 錦 濤 )(Bio) ( 胡 锦 涛 )

中國國家主席 中国国家主席 Zhōng guó guó jiā zhǔxí

中國共產黨總書記 中国共产党总书记 Zhōng guó Gòng chǎn dǎng zǒng Zhōng guó Gòng chǎn dǎng zǒng shū jishū ji

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Chinese Premier (leader State Council)

Wēn Jiābǎo ( 溫 家 寶 )(Bio) ( 温 家 宝 )

國務院總理 国务院总理 Guó wù yuàn Zǒng lǐ

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Chinese Foreign Minister

Lǐ Zhào Xīng ( 李 肇 星 )(Bio) ( 李 肇 星 )

外交部長 外交部长 Wài jiāo bù zhǎng

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Chinese Minister of Defense Chief of Staff

Cáo Gāng Chūn ( 曹剛春 )(Bio) ( 曹刚春 ) 國防部長 国防部长 Guó fáng bù zhǎng

總參謀長 总参谋长 Zǒng cān móu zhǎngZǒng cān móu zhǎng

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Chinese Minister of Commerce

Báo Xī Lái ( 薄 熙 來 )(Bio) ( 薄 熙 来 )

商業部長 商业部长 Shāngyèbù zháng

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Chinese Diplomatic Representation

Ambassador Zhou Wen Zhong (Bio)

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U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld

Secretary of Defense


國防部長 ( � 拉姆斯費爾德 )国防部长 ( 拉姆斯费尔德 )

Guó fáng bù zhǎng Lā mǔ sī fèi'ěr dé

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U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez

Secretary of Commerce Gutierrez

商務部長 ( 古 鐵 雷斯 )商务部长 ( 古 铁 雷斯 )

Shāngyèbù zháng Gǔ tiě léi sī

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U.S. Diplomatic Representation

Ambassador Clark T. Randt, Jr. (Bio)

Chengdu – C.G. Jeffrey A. Moon

Guangzhou – C. G. Edward Dong

Hong Kong – A/ C. G. Marlene Sakaue

Shanghai – C. G. Douglas G. Spelman

Shenyang – C.G. David Kornbluth

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U.S. - Taiwan Relations

• Taiwan Relations Act – & 3 Joint Communiques (U.S. & China)

• “Unofficial relations” between U.S. & Taiwan• Refer to “Taiwan” NOT a “country”

– “.. 4 European and 6 Asian countries and Taiwan.

• “Taiwan authorities” Táiwān dāngjú ( 臺灣當局 )

NOT “Taiwan government” ( 台湾当局 )

• State officers are detailed to AIT• 04 STATE 213125

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Taiwan Authorities’ Organizational Structure

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Taiwan’s President

Chén Shuǐ biǎn ( 陳水扁 )(Bio) ( 陈水扁 )

台灣總統 台湾总统Táiwān zǒngtǒng

DPP – Democratic Progressive Party

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Taiwan’s Foreign Minister

Chén Tángsēn ( 陳唐森 )(Bio) ( 陳唐森 )

外交部長 外交部长 Wài jiāo bù zhǎng

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Taiwan’s Minister of Defense

Lǐ jié ( 李杰 )(Bio) ( 李杰 )

國防部長 国防部长 Guó fáng bù zhǎng

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Taiwan Minister of Economic Affairs

Hé měi yuè ( 何美玥 )(Bio) ( 何美玥 )

經濟部長 經濟部長 Jīngjìbù zháng

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Taiwan’s Representation in U.S.

Taiwan Economic & Cultural Representative’s Office (TECRO)臺灣駐美國經濟文化代表處台湾驻美国经济文化代表处Táiwān zhù Měiguó jīngjì wénhuà dàibiǎo chù

Chief RepresentativeDavid Tawei Lee (Bio)


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US Representation in Taiwan

American Institute in Taiwan美國 在 台 協會美国 在 台 协会Měiguó zài tái xiéhuì

DirectorDouglas H. Paal (Bio)美國在台協會 / 台北辦事處處長 包道格美国在台协会 / 台北办事处处长 包道格Měiguó zài tái xiéhuì Táiběi bànshìchù chùzhǎng

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Resources & Links

China Internet Information Center Chinese Embassy in the United States

U.S. Embassy & Consulates in ChinaU.S. Consulate General (Hong Kong, Macau)American Institute in Taiwan

Taiwan Government Information OfficeTECRO

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