urban sos competition brief_final

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  • 8/7/2019 Urban SOS Competition Brief_final



    Submission deadline29 July 2011

    Competition brief

    Apply onlineaecom.com/urbansos

  • 8/7/2019 Urban SOS Competition Brief_final



    Competition terms




    01 Urban SOS: Water

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    Beijing by Alex De Dios, landscape architect

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    Urban SOS is AECOMs annualstudent competition. It wascreated to engage students inthe felds o urban planning anddesign, architecture, landscapearchitecture, environmentalrestoration and engineering

    with the issues conrontingmodern cities. It allows them topropose solutions that, i worthy,will be seen by establishedproessionals in their feld.


    With more than hal o thegrowing world population livingin cities, how we address urban,rural and declining naturallandscapes will determine muchabout the uture o our planet.As a company addressing the

    issues o the built, natural andsocial environments, AECOMrecognizes that cities requirebroad-based, interdisciplinarythinking and, i properlymanaged, can become machinesor environmental and socialprogress. Our aspiration orthe competition is to oster across-disciplinary approachto the complex challengesacing todays built and naturalenvironments.

    The competition will culminatewith an event in November2011 at the NLA, the centreor Londons built environmentin London. We are addressingthe issue o water as thedriving theme o the Urban SOScompetition. Water, the worldsmost vital resource, is central

    to every aspect o city lie: rombasic human sustenance andpublic health to environmentalremediation and urban renewal.In addition to a cash prize or thewinning team, we will arrangea donation to a charitable,humanitarian or relieorganization to help develop thewinning scheme.

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    View rom Governors Island, New York by Dixi Carrillo, principal

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    AECOM is seeking submissionsor our third Urban SOScompetition. The theme o thisyears competition is water.We are seeking integrateddesign, planning, environmentalrestoration and engineering

    proposals in any urban contextthat relates to or improvesthe relationship betweenwater and urban developmentworldwide. Entrants mustsubmit a creative urban design,landscape, architectural,environmental restoration orengineering project where wateris planned responsibly andeectively. Proposals shouldbe on urban sites currentlyadversely aected by water-based conditions or acing waterchallenges now or in the near-uture. Proposals should beimplementable in the short-termas we will be engaging a charityto help implement the proposedproject. Submitted proposalsmust all under one or more othe ollowing criteria:

    Power generation/energy: aninnovative new approach towater-based (e.g., hydroelectric,etc.) power generation or acity, community or humansettlement.

    Potable and safe water access:a proposal that brings saedrinking water and sanitationto an actual urban humansettlement currently lacking it.


    Transportation:a proposal thatintelligently harnesses wateror sustainable non-ossil ueltransport alternatives or a cityor urban community.

    Drought: a creative response

    that guarantees good qualityo lie or an urban site in aclimate/ecosystem prone towater scarcity.

    Natural disaster: a designresponse that will alleviatethe impacts o a water-basednatural disaster such asrecent ooding or storm (e.g.,hurricane, etc.) on an urban area.

    Sea-level rise and/or land basedooding and climate change: acreative design/engineering ideathat mitigates sea-level rise orextreme weather event-relatedooding risks posed to a humancommunity.

    Habitat loss: the restorationo a natural aquatic or riparianhabitat that has been adversely

    aected by urban development,growth or sprawl.

    Water quality: a regenerativeor waterront urban projectcentered on the clean-up o acontaminated and polluted bodyo water.

    Guerrilla treatment of waterand wastewater: initiativesor alternatives to the current

    centralist approach o

    sourcing and/or treating water/wastewater on the outskirtso cities, including either sel-sufcient developments orindividual acilities.

    Water sensitive urban design: a

    proposal that integrates waterconservation with urban designeatures.

    Recycling: re-use o water ornon-potable needs in an urbancontext.

    Responses can range rom astrategic ramework to a surgicalmicro-response, rom a wholelandscape system to a singlepiece o architecture. Entrantsshould demonstrate a holisticand sustainable approach totheir proposals. They shouldpresent a connective languagethat can embrace many or allaspects o the site, expressinga language o built orm thatties together land, buildings,ecology, inrastructure, andeconomic and social activity

    to strategically transorm asite impacted by water. Weare asking or proessionalresponses to challengingquestions. Judges will valuecreativity and innovation,but your response must beundamentally easible.

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    Responses will be judged basedon these criteria:

    Response directly addresseswater in an urban context

    Clear strategy or how

    proposal will aect largercitys environment

    Holistic approach to designthat ully embraces site

    Appreciation orinterdisciplinary thinkingbeyond traditional practice

    Creativity and innovation

    Feasibility and viability

    Ability to communicate ideasin a clear, interesting andcompelling manner

    The most successul responseswill be those that are wellpresented, combining thepoints o view o more thanone discipline architecture,

    landscape architecture,engineering, economics,planning, ecological restoration,climate science, etc., andare realistically able to beimplemented given pre-existing,city-specifc conditions, andsocio-economic and political-cultural realities.

    Engagement with a charity winning team:

    In making their submissionsto the Urban SOS: Watercompetition, teams areencouraged to consider partner

    groups that could beneft romtheir proposal. These partnergroups could be a humanitarian,charitable or relie organizationor agency, a related researchinstitution, or a communityaction group that would be in aposition to urther develop orimplement the design.

    The partner group o the winningdesign will receive an AECOMdonation o US$25,000 incash and in-kind sta time tourther develop and implementthe project. Likely partnershipscenarios could be, but are notnecessarily limited to:

    A humanitarian charity thatcould match the donationto making the proposal areality;

    A local communityorganization prepared to

    jump-start the project;

    A relie agency (public,intergovernmental or NGO)that could use the project todeliver services to people,places or communities inneed;

    A non-proft entity (e.g., aschool, hospital or otherpublic amenity) that woulddirectly beneft rom theprojects implementation.

    Furthermore, an additional

    US$15,000 cash prize will beawarded to the winning team.

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    07 Urban SOS: Water

    Bondi Beach, Sydney by Gabi Parke, landscape architect

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    The competition is open toundergraduate and graduatestudents at all levels o highereducation in all countries othe world. Entrants must beenrolled in a certifed programduring the autumn 2011 term.

    Levels: students enrolledin bachelors, masters anddoctorates degrees.

    Fields of study: urban andregional planning, urbandesign, architecture, landscapearchitecture, environmentalplanning, natural resourcesciences, engineering, andrelated disciplines.


    Urban SOS: Water 08

    Submissions may be romindividuals or teams o upto our members. Teams willbeneft rom having members omultiple disciplines.

    This year, we are encouraging

    entries rom studentsconcentrating on studies inwater, such as water resourcesplanning, hydraulic engineering(hydrology, coastal, water/wastewater, etc.), uvialgeomorphology, aquaticsciences, restoration ecology,water conservation, climatechange and water sensitiveurban design.

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    09 Urban SOS: Water

    Below: Mumbai, India by David Lloyd, photographerAbove: Camogli, Italy by Lisa Eppley, landscape architect

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    Site selection is open andworldwide.

    Sites must be urban; that is,in, o, or pertaining to humansettlement, whether ormal orinormal. They may be at the

    center o a city or at its ringes,and in all locations that mayexist between these conditions.

    Sites must be real places andgeographically identifed witha Google Earth or Google Mapsreerence.

    Sites must directly addresswater in an urban context.


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    11 Urban SOS: Water

    Below: Hong Kong by Dixi Carrillo, principalAbove: Chicago by Han-Oul Joo, urban designer

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    By 29 July 2011Pre-registration o interestdeadline ataecom.com/urbansos

    By 29 July 2011Final submission deadline at


    15 September 2011Announcement o semi-fnalists

    10 November 2011Presentation + critique o semi-fnalists submissions at the NLAin London

    10 November 2011Announcement o winner


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    13 Urban SOS: Water

    Cambodia by Jan Ayalin, landscape architect

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    Submission requirements

    All applicants must pre-registertheir interest at aecom.com/urbansos by leaving a contacte-mail address. They maydo so at any time up to the

    competition deadline o 29 July2011, but must do so beoresubmitting their fnal entry.Once you have pre-registered,you will be the frst to hearabout any news/updates. It isrecommended that you registeryour interest beore 15 June2011.

    Final submission is due bymidnight GMT on 29 July 2011;Entrants must submit:

    A brie description (100-250words) o their proposal.This statement must clearlyidentiy the name o the cityand a challenge or solutionthat is related to water.

    The name(s) and contactinormation o the team


    Site coordinates (via GoogleEarth) o the location, or anaddress that is searchableon Google maps.

    A PDF slide presentationo up to 10 slides. Thesemust include images and/or text. There is no wordlimit but ont size must be

    legible when printed at A4


    paper size. All responsesmust be in English, with anymeasurements provided inmetric units.

    Optional: Student teamsare not required to identiy

    a charitable, humanitarian,relie or non-proft partnergroup, but i they have onepre-identifed they mayspeciy one. I identifed,this organization should beclearly stated in the briedescription or PDF slidepresentation accompanyingthe proposal.

    Entrants are encouraged toocus their submissions onclear, concise communicationemphasizing main ideas, keypoints and visible designsolutions. Students mayinclude photographs, diagrams,drawings, renders, collages orother visualizations, to expresstheir solution.

    Slide presentations must be in

    Adobe Acrobat PDF ormat. Eachfle must be no larger than 5MB.They must be A4 paper size andlandscape orientation.

    Submissions must be uploadedusing the submission link on thiswebsite by midnight GMT on 29July 2011. Entrants will receive aconfrmation that the fles havebeen uploaded. (Please retainconfrmation or reerence.)

    Failure to comply with any othese submission requirementswill result in immediatedisqualifcation.


    submission requirements

    Three semi-fnalist teamswill be selected. They will benotifed by 15 September 2011and given a period o time todevelop their proposals urther.On 10 November 2011, theywill be invited to present theirsubmissions to the fnal judgingpanel.

    Each o these three teams willbe provided with an honorariumto contribute to travel costs(amount varies dependingon location o entrants). Thesemi-fnalists will be invitedto present their submissionsin an appropriate ormat(presentation, video, displayboards, model) to the judgingpanel in an evening event at

    theNLA galleries in London.Further details on submissionrequirements will be provided tothe three semi-fnalist teams.

    The semi-fnalist entries will beeatured in a thematic exhibitionin the NLA galleries in centralLondon rom 10 November to 10December.

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    RegistrationAll registration takes place on adedicated website: aecom.com/urbansos

    Registration requires submissiono an online orm, which includesidentifcation o team members, siteselection, and rationale and submissiono a site plan. Full details can be oundin the How section.

    Entry FeeThere is no entry ee or enteringAECOMs student competition.

    EligibilityThe competition is open toundergraduate and graduate studentsat all levels o higher education in allcountries o the world. Entrants mustbe enrolled in a certifed program duringthe autumn 2011 term.

    Submissions may be rom individuals orteams o up to our members.

    Schedule + deadlines

    By 29 July 2011: Pre-registration o

    interest deadline at aecom.com/urbansos

    By 29 July 2011: Final submissiondeadline at aecom.com/urbansos

    15 September 2011: Announcement othree semi-fnalist teams

    10 November 2011: Presentation +critique o semi-fnalists submissionsat the NLA, the centre or Londons builtenvironment

    10 November 2011:Announcement o winner

    JudgingThe semi-fnalists will be selected by afve-member judging panel chosen byAECOM and comprised o design andengineering proessionals rom withinand outside the company.

    The top 20 entrants will receive specialmention on the competition website aswell as an exhibit that will be on display

    during November at the NLA, the centre

    Competition terms

    or Londons built environment. Threesemi-fnalists will be invited to presenttheir work to the judging panel at thegallery in November 2011. The winning

    team will be determined by the judgingpanel at an event at the NLA on 10November 2011.

    NoticationAll entrants will be notifed by e-mailby 15 September 2011 when the semi-fnalists are announced. The winningteam will be announced at the event atthe NLA on 10 November 2011.

    Winner and prizesEach o the three semi-fnalistteams will receive an honorarium tocontribute to travel expenses relatedto visiting London to present the teamssubmission. The semi-fnalist honorariaare to contribute to expenses related toattendance and presentation at the NLAGallery only and cannot be exchangedor other prizes. In addition, each teamwill receive US$500 to contribute toadditional costs. No other costs orees will be covered by AECOM or thesponsors.

    The winning team (or teams) will receive

    a cash prize. The total prize money isvalued at US$15,000, which may bedivided amongst one or more winningteams.

    A urther US$25,000 in cash and in kindsta will be donated by AECOM to acharitable or humanitarian organizationor related agency to help urtherdevelop the winning proposal.

    Decisions made by the judging panelshall be fnal.

    Number of entriesIndividuals may participate on only oneteam. Each team is permitted to enteronly one submission.

    Publication restrictionsEntrants may not reer to projects thathave already been implemented or thathave been designed on the basis o anyagreement entered into by the entrantor entrants with a public, public/privateor ully private body with the intention

    o actual development o the project

    in question. Similarly, entries may notreer to projects published beore thelast day o the deliberations o thejudging panel.

    Infringement of copyright andother intellectual propertyAll work submitted or the competitionmust be the entrants original work.It is the entrants sole responsibilityto ensure that the work submitteddoes not inringe upon the intellectualproperty rights o any third party,including, but not limited to copyright,trademark and design right. AECOMshall not be responsible or entrantsinringement o any third partyintellectual property rights, regardlesso whether said inringement wasknown or should have been known byentrant.

    Use of submitted worksEntrant agrees that AECOM andcompetition sponsors are granted thenon-exclusive reproduction rights toall entries or AECOMs advertising,promotion, exhibition, print publicationand internet purposes directly relatingto the competition.

    AECOM shall have no responsibility orany unauthorized use o the entrantsworks by any third party, including butnot limited to the sponsors.

    Public announcement and exhibitionThe top 20 submissions will beexhibited online at aecom.com/urbansos and may be included in themonth-long exhibit at the NLA Galleryduring November-December 2011.

    Further information and questionsAll inormation required can be oundon this website. I you have questionsthat cannot be answered online, pleasecontact AECOM at [email protected].

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    Centre Pompidou, Paris by Patricia Fonseca, landscape architect

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    Apply online by 29 July 2011aecom.com/urbansos
