urban academy strategic plan

Courage, Confidence & Passionate Presence! Looking To Our Future

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The Urban Academy strategy for 2012-2017.


Page 1: Urban Academy Strategic Plan

Courage, Confidence & Passionate Presence!

Looking To Our Future

Page 2: Urban Academy Strategic Plan

“There are some people who live in a dream world, and

there are some who face reality; and then there are those

who turn one into the other.” ~ Douglas Everett

Page 3: Urban Academy Strategic Plan

Please find the following information included in the Urban Academy Strategic Plan:

Our Journey…………………………………………………………………………………………...p.4

Our Essence………………………………………..……………………………………………….…p.5

A Mature Urban Academy………………………………………………………..…………….p.6

Planning Process…………………………………………………………………………………….p.7

Strategic Goals……………………………………………………..………………………………..p.8








Marketing & Admissions…………………………………………………………….………..p.17

Glossary of Terms…………………………………………………….……………….………….p.18

Page 4: Urban Academy Strategic Plan

Urban Academy’s history speaks to what makes it such a special place today. Formed by three

founding families who believed that a smaller, community involved school option was needed

in the New Westminster area, this non-profit society humbly began in September 2001, with

just one teacher and 10 students, Kindergarten to Grade One, in the rented space of Knox

Presbyterian Church.

The creation of the school was rooted in the belief that creativity, heart and collaboration of

individual talents, were key in the success of a school and with sleeves rolled up, the founders

began the undertaking.

Developing an affordable learning environment that provided the opportunity for teachers to

be at their best, included parents as partners in learning, valued the arts and was able to see

each child as an individual, was a big vision, yet Urban Academy proved that “if you build it,

they will come.” Soon many other parents, staff and students caught the vision and began to

share their ideas, talents and hearts.

Adopting a growth model of adding one grade at a time, Urban Academy has now grown to

over 120 students from JK-Grade 12 and 21 Staff. Additional programs such as Out of School

Care, summer camps, clubs and activities are now also offered. The patient, gradual approach

taken to growth has allowed the school to maintain the intimacy and flexibility inherent in a

smaller school and to develop a leading edge program of excellence in education. Most

importantly, Urban Academy is a place where families can be part of a warm, caring and diverse


Classes now take place in a beautiful 10,000 square foot heritage home, Robson Manor in

beautiful Queens Park, purchased in 2006 and upgraded over the years.

Leading by example to our students, Urban Academy continues to grow and develop with

creativity, heart and the collaboration of the incredible talents of the individuals within our

community. We invite you to be part of the wonderful memories and the continued success

that will be added to the Urban Academy history.

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We are a force for positive change in the world by cultivating courage,

confidence and a passionate presence in everything we do.

We will provide an academically rigorous, arts-infused education in a safe and supportive learning community.

We will ignite the personal potential of our students and empower them to become compassionate,

powerful thinkers and leaders.

We value an educational approach that allows our students to:

Acquire an outstanding academic foundation and be enthusiastic about continuing their learning

Face challenges with confidence, persistence and creativity

Develop self-awareness and reach their potential artistically, socially & emotionally

Bring compassion to their friendships and their local and global communities

We believe that community is built through the practice of open, supportive, and constructive engagement.

Through this we will:

Maintain a strong and vibrant community

Explore and develop opportunities for community growth and enrichment

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Community is the fabric that gives Urban Academy its dynamism. It is a community of students

working with one another cross grades, of parents collaborating together in a shared vision and the

wider community supporting the creativity that emerges from our school. It is this community that

has, and will continue, to propel Urban Academy to its ultimate maturity.

As Urban Academy continues to grow, we will not lose or compromise our values. As such, the

leadership has established our ultimate school maturity at two classes per grade, or 450 students.

Studies show that the close community we have grown to enjoy can be retained in a school of

under 500 students.

This increased enrollment will allow Urban Academy to continuously expand its program offering and

add further resources to the school. It will allow us to increase our size of facility and add the unique

programming that we wish our students to have access to. It also supports the growth in our

athletics and extra-curricular activities that will further expand our student’s access to sports, clubs

and additional learning.

The mature school size will allow students to further expand their social circles, and create an even

wider network of friendships. Teaching staff will also benefit as they continue to learn from one

another and challenge one another in their own professional growth.

We are excited about growing into a mature Urban Academy that will not only maintain the strong

values of community, but will also offer so much to a growing student body. Thank you for being a

part of our growth as we continue to build a legacy of excellence!

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The Urban Academy Board has worked hard in creating the vision for the future of the school and the strategy

through which we will achieve that vision. Each member brings with them passion, experience and a drive to

see Urban Academy truly achieve its potential. Here are our Directors who give much of themselves to

continue to grow and build the academy to ensure it is the best possible place for our children today, and those

to come in the future.

Deborah McKenzie, Chair

Laura Bradley, Vice Chair

Laura Drummond, Past Chair

Elizabeth Fletcher, Treasurer

Jennifer Danielson, Secretary

Donna Clarke, Member at Large

Ted Hamilton, Member at Large

Cheryle Beaumont, Independent Member at Large

Brian Drummond, Ex Officio

Michael Bouchard, Ex Officio

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This 2012-2017 five year strategic plan has been created to achieve goals set in eight strategic

areas. The board will work hard to continually assess these goals, while the Head of School,

Administration and Staff strive operationally to ensure the overall strategy, as outlined in the

plan, is constantly progressing.

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We believe that children are capable of greatness, and it is our responsibility to support them and challenge

them in their educational career. We are committed to offering academic excellence, and constantly building up

our program to ensure our students are met with the most innovative and comprehensive education possible.

We will achieve our educational goal through the following objectives:

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It is important to continue building Urban Academy as a school that is both accessible and well funded. Through

increasing both enrollment and revenue, we can be sure to further enhance programming and ensure the other

seven goals of the plan are met as effectively and efficiently as possible. We will achieve our financial goal

through the following objectives:

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Part of what makes Urban Academy so unique is the diverse and passionate community that includes young

and old, students and parents, friends and alumni, neighbours and supporters. Our community is second to

none, and we are committed to engaging and fostering positive relationships with this talented and dynamic

group. We will achieve our community goal through the following objectives:

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A school program can only be as good as the people standing up in front of our students, guiding them and

challenging them every day. We value our staff and want to ensure they too are challenged to grow and learn.

As we grow, we also wish to add new members to the team who will continue to bolster our programs and offer

excellence in education. We will achieve our staffing goals through the following objectives:

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Creating a vision and strategic direction for the school is the foundation for a successful organization. Urban

Academy’s Board of Directors is committed to offering sound guidance and ensuring the community is kept

abreast of the governance of the school. We will achieve our governance goal through the following objectives:

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Urban Academy is committed to growing and building our advancement activity to support the current and

future goals of the school. By increasing the awareness of advancement and integrating it into various aspects of

Urban Academy, we will continue to build upon our solid foundation and support the vision of the school. We

will achieve our advancement goal through the following objectives:

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As we continue to grow and expand, we will further develop the facilities and infrastructure that our students

need to be as successful as possible. We will achieve our facilities goal through the following objectives:

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We have spent the last number of years honing in on our program and ensuring it is of the highest quality. Now

we are ready to tell the world about it… and they are responding. We will ensure Urban Academy continues to

build our community with families who share our passion and vision for education. We will achieve our

marketing and admissions goals through the following objectives:

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In order to be clear in our communication, there are specific terms used in this document that

require further clarification. Please see clarification for the italicized terms found throughout the

strategic plan.

21st Century Learning Program: A grade by grade plan stating the 21st century skills to be taught.

21st century skills include: real-world problem solving skills, concept-based learning, and

technology skills.

Arts-Infused Learning: A process that encourages students to identify connections that transcend

disciplines (e.g., language arts, math, science, social studies, and the Fine Arts) and apply their

understandings in authentic and creative ways. In this process, concepts in the Fine Arts and other

disciplines reinforce one another.

Academic Rigour: When instruction is academically rigorous, students actively explore, research

and solve complex problems. Students engage in weighing evidence, considering varying view-

points, examining assumptions, identifying patterns, evaluating outcomes, and/or assessing value.

Concept-Based Learning: Concept-based teaching involves placing concepts at the center of

learning. Concepts are broad and abstract, universal in application, timeless, and can be

represented by different examples that share common attributes.

Global Technology Plan: A plan to use a wide range of technology (e.g., Skype, ePals, Voicethread)

to connect our students personally with people and cultures from around the world.

Community Service Plan: A plan with strategies laid out to provide JK to Gr. 12 students an

opportunity to contribute to their wider community.

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Courage, Confidence & Passionate Presence!

101 Third Street

New Westminster, BC

V3L 2P9

604 524-2211
