updated webinar registration process jomarhilario

Registration Process for Jomar Hilario’s Webinars

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Post on 18-Jul-2016




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UPDATED Webinar Registration Process Jomarhilario


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Registration Process for

Jomar Hilario’sWebinars

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As a member of the Jomar Hilario

Webinar UpdateNewsletter,

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you will receive updates

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and remindersof our upcoming

webinars.© 2014 JomarHilario.com – Learn More Internet Marketing Now 4

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These emails contain your

webinar registration link.

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Here’s an example:

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Click the registration link

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Here’s an example:

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Enter your first name here.

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Enter your email address here.

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Enter your country code here.

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Enter your phone number here.

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Click register now here.

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Now, check your email for your webinar link.

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You will receive a confirmation

email© 2014 JomarHilario.com – Learn More Internet Marketing Now 23

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containing the webinar link

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with the date and time.

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Like this

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You can savethe date on your


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If your account is Gmail,

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Clickadd to Google calendar here.

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If your account is Yahoo,

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Clickadd to

iCal / Outlook here.

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Now, you can join the webinar.

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Click your webinar link

here.© 2014 JomarHilario.com – Learn More Internet Marketing Now 37

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A new tab will open.

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Enter your first name here.

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Enter your emailaddress here.

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Click the enterwebinar here.

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A new tab will open.

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Like this.

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Now you can sit back and enjoy,

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while learning valuable lessons at

the same time.© 2014 JomarHilario.com – Learn More Internet Marketing Now 52

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If you have questions during

the webinar© 2014 JomarHilario.com – Learn More Internet Marketing Now 53

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Type in your questions in the

box here.© 2014 JomarHilario.com – Learn More Internet Marketing Now 54

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Then clicksubmit here.

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Question:How will I know

what date© 2014 JomarHilario.com – Learn More Internet Marketing Now 58

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and time the webinar will be?

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Answer:You can see the date and time

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just above your webinar link.

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Let’s review.

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This is your webinar link.

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As instructed, you are to click this link

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at the specified time and date.

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After clicking on your webinar link,

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a new tab will open.

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Like this.

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Welcome to the webinar!

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“As you go to your limits, your limits

expand.”-Robin Sharma-

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