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Unmistakable 1 Peter - Small Group Bible Study Guide

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Page 1: Unmistakable€¦ · 6 Unmistakable - Bible Study Guide - 1 Peter Parramatta Baptist Church MAY/JUNE 2020 Week 5 - Unmistakable Suffering 1 Peter 4:12 - 19 • Ask 1 or 2 members

1 Unmistakable - Bible Study Guide - 1 Peter Parramatta Baptist Church MAY/JUNE 2020


1 Peter - Small Group Bible Study Guide

Page 2: Unmistakable€¦ · 6 Unmistakable - Bible Study Guide - 1 Peter Parramatta Baptist Church MAY/JUNE 2020 Week 5 - Unmistakable Suffering 1 Peter 4:12 - 19 • Ask 1 or 2 members

2 Unmistakable - Bible Study Guide - 1 Peter Parramatta Baptist Church MAY/JUNE 2020

1 Peter 1:1-12

What does it mean to be a Christian and live like a Christian in a world that isn’t?When feeling the tension of not belonging in this world, what are some of the ways people can be tempted to respond?

Read 1 Peter 1:1-12

• What has the Lord drawn to your attention from this passage either just then, through the daily devotional readings or from the message last week? (Encourage people to use the daily devotional readings if they aren’t already)

• In verses 1-2, Peter describes the readers and hearers of his letter by their identity. What words does he use to describe their identity? What strikes you about their (and therefore our) identity?

• What is the source and the implications of our identity?

• In verses 3-5, Peter, with great enthusiasm, describes the hope we have. What is this hope and why is it such a cause for celebration?

• What promise is attached to this?

• What do verses 6-9 reveal about the situation faced by the Christians hearing this letter?

• Rather than seeing their situations negatively, what opportunities (there are least 2) does Peter say arises out of hardship and suffering?

• Read verses 10-12. What does Peter say here in relation to the gospel as part of God’s big story for humankind?

• How does knowing who you are (child of God), whose you are (belong to God) and where you belong (citizen of heaven) change the way you experience and live life as someone in but not of the world?

• Would you describe yourself as someone who lives with great hope and joy? Why/why not? How does 1 Peter 1 help re-frame hope and joy in light of our eternal relationship with God?

• How has experiencing grief or trials that come because of your allegiance to Jesus hadarefiningeffectonyourfaith?Inthoseexperiences,didyoucometoagreater appreciation of the value of belonging to God? If so, how?

An opportunity to share or pray:

Where do you currently experience the greatest tension of being a believer among a people and culture who aren’t?

Week 1 - Unmistakable Hope

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Week 2 - Unmistakable Holiness

1 Peter 1:13-2:12 • What are you grateful for in this past week? • What has been challenging?

Read 1 Peter 1:13-2:12

• What has the Lord drawn to your attention from this passage either just then, through the daily devotional readings or from the message last week? (Encourage people to use the daily devotional readings if they aren’t)

In the message, Kathy spoke about living today in light of what is to come when Jesus returns.On a scale of 1-10 (10 being a lot), how much do you give thought to Jesus’ return over the course of a week? • Why do you think that might be?

In this passage, Peter encourages us to live today in light of Jesus’ return. • What are the 3 things Peter encourages us to do (v.13)?

“Prepare your mind for action” literally means “gird up the loins of your mind”. Can you think of an example of when you have done that and were encouraged by how God used you? (share any stories) • What things are helpful/unhelpful in having minds prepared for action?

• What can you do practically this week to do better?

Being self-controlled is set in the context of living in our new identity. • What are the ways that Peter describes our identity in this passage?

• Taking them one at a time, what impact does each description of our identity have on being self-controlled?

• In 1:17 Peter refers to the Father judging each person’s work impartially. How do you feel about this? What encouragement can we draw from it? • How does this knowledge spur you on to live today in light of Jesus coming? Going back to the 1-10 scale earlier, how can you become more mindful of the truth of Jesus’ return on a day to day basis?

Thirdly, set your hope fully on the grace to be given to you when Jesus Christ is revealed. Take time now to share together what you imagine it will be like… Personally, what are you looking forward to? Is there anything that you are hesitant about?

The series that we are doing is called Unmistakable. How might your life and witness be more distinct if you were living today in light of what is to come when Jesus returns?

An idea for prayer.As a lead into your time of prayer, play the song “I Can Only Imagine”.Thank Jesus for the truth of his return one day and pray in response to what we looked at in this study.

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Week 3 - Unmistakable Relationships

1 Peter 2:11 – 3:12 Have you had ever experienced a person with strong feelings against the Church or the Christian faith? What accusations or grievances against the church did they raise? • How did you respond? Read 1 Peter 2:11 – 3:12

• What has the Lord drawn to your attention from this passage either just then, through the daily devotional readings or from the message last week? Consider verses 2:11-12. How do these verses set the scene for what follows? How does their identityshapetheirresponsetothecontext(increasinghostility)theyfindthemselvesin?Read from 2:13 – 3:6. • What is the command that Peter instructs the weaker party to the relationship to do? • What reasons does Peter give for submission to authorities? To masters? To husbands? • What does he mean to live as free people and as God’s slaves? (2:16)

•WhatisPeterdoingbyaskingslavestoconsidertothecrucifixionofJesus?(2:21-25) When Peter refers to the wife as “weaker”, what do understand by this? Read 3:8-12. How does this summary and the quote from Psalm 34 help us in understanding Peter’s intent in the preceding verses? • How do you apply these verses in our context with respect to: - Our bosses and political leaders? - Those who continue to be in slavery? - Our marriages and our relationships with the opposite sex? • What questions are you still left with? For self-reflection:

Are there attitudes and words that you bring to relationships that need to change? If so, what will you do? Is there someone (or some people) who consistently give you a hard time. What response does this passage call for? Pray, that our relationships would be unmistakable in their compassion, love and humility.

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Week 4 - Unmistakable Witness

1 Peter 3:10 – 4:11 • What are you grateful for in this past week? • What has been challenging? Read 1 Peter 3:8-17 • What has the Lord drawn to your attention from this passage either just then, from the daily readings or from the message on the weekend? Peter’s letter is written to believers who are facing increasing opposition to their faith in Christ. They face the choice as to whether they will live their faith visibly and bear testimony to the truth of Jesus, or they will stay silent and avoid trouble. What advice or encouragement does Peter speak into this dilemma? • In what ways do you think we might be blessed for doing what is right? “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord” v.15. If Christ is truly Lord in our hearts how should that impact our public witness of Him? Our persecuted brothers and sisters today ask us not to pray that persecution will stop. For it to stop all they would need to do is be silent about their faith. Instead they ask for the courage to keep speaking. • In what ways might this challenge many Christians in Australia? • Why might we be more silent about giving public witness to our faith than our persecuted brothers and sisters? Is there an aspect of your life or a relationship where you need to be more open in your witness of Christ? What might that look like? Read 1 Peter 3:18 – 4:6As he did in the previous chapter, Peter again brings us back to the suffering of Jesus. Rather than debating what Peter is meaning regarding Noah and imprisoned spirits, what is he encouraging the hearers of his letter to do by pointing them to Jesus? Read 1 Peter 4:7-11. As Peter draws to a conclusion to this section, what encouragement does he again give when it comes to living in a way that gives praise and honour to God? Peter says, “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have.” Whilst apologetic and theological answers have their place, it is our stories that are often most memorable and impacting. Take a few minutes to think through how you might use a snippet of your testimony to answer a person who asks, “So why are you a Christian?” If you are with a group, share a snippet of your testimony (3 minutes) to one another. Share the places where you are seeking to be salt and light. Pray for one another for: • Opportunities to share Christ to come up • Wisdom to recognise opportunities • Courage to speak

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Week 5 - Unmistakable Suffering

1 Peter 4:12 - 19

•Ask1or2membersofyourgrouptosharesomeoftheirreflectionscomingout of the Moving Forward Together survey that came out on Friday. Also can be found on our website under resources/downloads. • What has the Lord drawn to your attention from this passage either just then, from the daily readings or from the message last week?

• What does Peter say about the experience of persecution?

• In what ways is persecution a participation in the sufferings of Christ?

• How does Peter link their experience of persecution with the return of Christ?

• What encouragement does Peter give the hearers?

Take time to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. Ask for the courage to keep strong in the faith and to continue speaking about Jesus. [Open Doors Australia have prayer resources on their website]

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Week 6 - Unmistakable Humility

1 Peter 5:1-14 Ask1or2membersofyourgrouptosharesomeoftheirreflectionscomingoutoftheMoving Forward Together survey that came out on the previous Friday. • When you think of humility, how do you understand it and is there someone who comes to mind who is a good example of it? • What has the Lord drawn to your attention from this passage either just then, from the daily readings or from the message last week? • In verses 1-4, Paul addresses the elders in the churches, appealing to them to exercise their leadership in a certain way. How are they to exercise it? In what ways is Jesus their model? • Inwhatcontextdoyouexercisespiritualleadershiporinfluenceoverothers? How does Peter’s appeal relate to your context? • In verses 5-14, Peter’s instructions are expanded to all those listening. Why would Peter (and elsewhere Paul) be so concerned that Christians pursue humility as a lifestyle? • What is the relationship between humility and agape love? Between humility and submission? Between humility and knowing our identity in Christ? • Peter comes back to addressing the impact of increasing persecution on the church. In addition to humility, what responses does he call for from the believers? What reasons does he give for doing so? • What encouragements does Peter provide for the hearers of this letter? In his sermon, Steve gave 7 examples of ways that we can practice humility. They were: - Seeing people as God sees them - Admit our mistakes - Learn from others - Listen more, speak less - Value integrity over image - Give credit to others - BesatisfiedwithGod’scommendation • Which (if any) of these speak most powerfully to you in your own context? • Isthereaspecificresolveyoucanmakeinresponsetothispassage?