unlimited fafnir 04 - spirit howling

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  • 7/25/2019 Unlimited Fafnir 04 - Spirit Howling


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  • 7/25/2019 Unlimited Fafnir 04 - Spirit Howling



  • 7/25/2019 Unlimited Fafnir 04 - Spirit Howling



  • 7/25/2019 Unlimited Fafnir 04 - Spirit Howling



  • 7/25/2019 Unlimited Fafnir 04 - Spirit Howling



  • 7/25/2019 Unlimited Fafnir 04 - Spirit Howling



  • 7/25/2019 Unlimited Fafnir 04 - Spirit Howling



  • 7/25/2019 Unlimited Fafnir 04 - Spirit Howling


    Copyright Notice

    Copyrigh 2015

    First Edition

    Some righs reserved; all wrongs reserved. Tis unauhorized English digi-al publicaion o volume 4 o he novel series Unlimied Fanir may bereproduced or modified wihou atribuion, bu may no be used commer-

    cially wihou permission rom he auhor or he copyrigh holder.

    Tis novel is brough o you by sukasa (auhor) and Korie Riko (illusra-or), via Kodansha Bunko. Tis English ranslaion is being done a Baka-suki by Enropy (ranslaor) and Belakuro (edior). Te easer was done

    by jonahanasd (ranslaor).

    Conens in his publicaion were eched on 30 Nov 2015 (local ime),and are up o dae wih he revision o 06:23, 30 Nov 2015 on Baka-suki

    websie. Local changes were made as needed.

    Tis publicaion was executed(pun inended) independenly by dream-er2908 / [email protected]. Te ex ace isArno Pro, designed byRober Slimbach, issued by Adobe. Te headings are se in Nuvo Pro, de-signed by Siegried Rckel, issued by FonFon.

    Please suppor he auhor and he ligh novel indusry by purchasing au-horized copies o his ligh novel or derivaive producs when i becomesavailable o you.

  • 7/25/2019 Unlimited Fafnir 04 - Spirit Howling



    is a ligh novel series wrien by sukasa and illus-raed by Korie Riko. he series is serialized in Kodansha Bunko. Nine

    volumes have been released so ar, as o Augus 2015. Produced by Dio-media, an anime adapaion aired during he Winer 2015 anime season,covering he irs hree volumes o he ligh novel.

    Tis is volume 4, eniled Spiri Howling, released on 02 April 2014 by

    Kodansha Bunko (ISBN: 4063753638 / 978-4063753639).

    Story Synopsis

    Making a conrac wih Yggdrasil and losing memories as he price, Yuu re-vealed his whole secre o Iris, and she deermined o recover his memo-ries.

    A he same ime, Kili, a D who had been deemed disaser, showedup a Erlia principaliy, Firills home counry. o respond o her proecionreques, Yuus class headed o Erlia.

    Tey enjoyed hemselves wih dance and ood in he exraordinary or-

    eign counry. However, he spiri-eaing devil birdYellowHraesvelgrcame o hem

    I promise youNo mater wha happens, his kiss is he one hing Iabsoluely won' orge.

    Ill proec you a all cos.(Back cover o volume 4)

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    Table of Contents

    Prologue ..................................................................................... 12

    Chaper 1: Te Princess Who Fighs Dragons ................. 19

    Chaper 2: Silver-Armored Hreidmar .............................. 124

    Chaper 3: Yellow Hraesvelgr ......................................... 207

    Chaper 4: Noah o Soul Desrucion .............................. 278

    Epilogue ................................................................................... 320

    Aferwords ............................................................................... 339

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    Tree years ago, o proec my homeown rom being

    desroyed by Blue Hekaonkheir, I made a deal wihGreen Yggdrasil.

    Because he knowledge o power ha Yggdrasil rans-mited o medaa regarding weaponry rom a los civili-zaionwas oo vas in volume, I los memories every ime

    I downloaded.

    My younger siser Misuki would surely eel sad i she

    ound ou abou his, hence I kep i secre rom her, be-cause I did no wan o see suffering on Misukis ace

    Bu i was already oo lae.I had even orgoten ha Misuki was no my siser by

    blood. Even my precious eelings owards her had been

    los.I am mysel. Simply his alone would already hur

    Misuki. A some poin in ime, I was already no longer my

    original sel.And i was acually jus now ha I finally noiced his


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    I conessed his secre, which I had kep hidden in my

    hear unil now, never disclosing o anyone a all.

    I old he girl who should be he mos precious o mecurrenlyIris Freyjaorcing her o shoulder he heavy

    burden I could no wihsand on my own.Inside he mildly rocking ranspor ship, in ron o he

    cabin assigned o me, I embraced Iris ighly as hough cry-

    ing ou or help, elling her everyhing.I sruggled inernally, rying my hardes o squeeze ou

    words ha sounded like a guily conession.

    Iris silenly lisened o me.

    Sorry or elling you his kind o hing ou o heblue

    Afer I finished, I apologized o her wih a heavy con-science.

    Wha am I doing?

    Sunned a my own weakness, an inense wave o regresurged in my hear Bu ime could no urn back.

    Hmm You old me so much in one go, my mind is o-

    ally muddled.Iris replied o me wih a wry smile and wrapped her

    arms around my back.Full o chagrin, my hear pounded in response.

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    Prologue 14 / 344

    Bu i heres one hing I definiely el, is ha youre

    relying on me, Mononobe, so don worry!

    Iris separaed rom me and looked me in he eyesquarely.

    Tis ime, is my urn o help you, Mononobe.Iris declared wih clear deerminaion on her ace.

    Tere was no he slighes hesiaion in her eyes. She

    simply ocused, saring a me.Iris

    Tis isn somehing o ell everyone, righ? In ha case,

    les go ino he cabin o alk. I wan o hear more rom you,

    Mononobe, o hink abou wha should be done.Tus, we enered my cabin and sa down side by side

    on a bed, o coninue he conversaion.Specifically, she asked me how I los my memories and

    why I could no ell ohers

    Iris asked wih an expression o unparalleled serious-ness on her ace while I answered all her quesions honesly.

    Finally, she sopped asking quesions and he cabin re-

    urned o silence.I saw Iris silenly sare a he ceiling or a while beore

    whispering sofly:

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    For you, Mononobe, alling in love wih me mus be

    he mos painul or you.

    No, hasI reflexively ried o deny wha she said, bu words

    ailed me mid-senence.Because Iris was righ on arge. Wha made me eel he

    wors was ha I had berayed my pas selI had berayed

    my promise wih Misuki.Even afer becoming siblings I will sill love you

    more han anyone else, Misuki, and we will ge married

    when we grow up.

    I had apparenly made such a vow o Misuki duringour childhood.

    Having orgoten such an imporan promise, alling inlove wih Iris, I was no longer he Mononobe Yuu whom

    Misuki knew.

    Hence, I could no longer bear i. I el inense guil orconinuing o preend o be Mononobe Yuu, which was

    why I revealed everyhing.

    Mononobe, you don need o orce yoursel o deny i,because even i is rue, Im sill very glad.


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    Prologue 16 / 344

    Unable o undersand Iris, I asked her. Iris leaned her-

    sel over and resed her head on my shoulder.

    Yes, only because is he curren Mononobe, I eel likedoing his Te curren Mononobe loves meTis

    means ha our eelings are muual, righ?Well, I guess youre righ

    Ten is fine. I eel very happy jus knowing his alone.

    Iris smiled wih blushing cheeks, looking up shyly ame.

    My guil-filled hear insanly el slighly warmer.

    Mononobe, now is no he ime o agonize or eel los.

    Les hink ogeher abou he uure.Te uure?

    Yes, we must find a way to get your memories back.Hearing her say ha, my jaw dropped in surprise.

    I could no undersand. I really could no comprehend

    how Iris could say his so nonchalanly.Are you serious?

    Eh? Yes, o course Im serious. Do you hink ill be very

    hard, Mononobe?No, his isn an issue o easy or hard You do realize

    wha i means, righ? I by any chance, I rerieve my memo-ries

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    Tere would be no harsher realiy han ha, so I was

    unable o finish my senence.

    Bu Iris seemed o realize wha I waned o say. Shesmiled a litle sadly.

    I know, hen you won be he curren Mononobe any-more Bu is okay, because Ive decided o help you,


    Iris was making hersel very clear. Even i i migh meanlosing her curren happiness, she would sill go ahead.

    How could she become so srong?

    Tinking back, she was like his already rom our firs

    encouner. I was never able o undersand Iris syle and be-havior. Wheher in a good sense or a bad sense, she was al-

    ways beyond my predicion.Probably because she was so impossible o under-

    sand Ta was why I ell in love wih her.

    I sared a Iris ace, mesmerized, only o see her slighlyavering her gaze shyly.

    Umm Alhough I made such a bold promise, I acu-

    ally haven come up wih a specific plan, sorry.Don apologize. Tank you. Is he hough ha


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    Prologue 18 / 344

    Alhough I did no hink here was a way o recover my

    memories, I sill hanked her sincerely.

    Oh, bu heres one hing bohering me a lo. Alhoughyou don seem concerned abou i, I find i quie surpris-

    ingWhas bohering you ha much?

    Mononobe, you los your memories because you en-

    ered a conrac wih Yggdrasil, righ?Y-Yeah, bu has he unavoidable price

    I was jus abou o ell her how massive he inormaion

    I was orced o download was, bu Iris inerruped me. Wih

    inense worry, she said:Is ha really rue? I don hink so. Why aren you wary

    o Yggdrasil, Mononobe? Tat thingis humaniys enemyA dragon, you know?

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    Chapter 1: The Princess Who Fights


    Part 1

    -, .We are going o be lae.While running along he pah rom dormiory o he

    school, my younger siser Misuki urged me. Wih every

    sep, Misukis long black hair would fluter lighly.Teres sill ime. Even i we jus walk briskly, well sill

    make he firs bell.

    Holding my school bag which conained a lapop-syleporable erminal, I answered in a careree one o voice.

    As he suden council presiden, how could I serve as

    he role model or ohers sudens i I arrive a school in henick o ime? No mater how lae, I mus pass hrough he

    school gaes five minues early. Oherwise, i is no differenrom being lae.

    In ha case, Misuki, youd beter run firs. Im sill di-

    gesing breakas, so le me walk a my own pace.

    Due o oversleeping, I had jus finished breakas in a

    hurry. Holding my somach, I replied.

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    Chaper 1: Te Princess Who Fighs Dragons 20 / 344

    Unaccepable! Because I am in charge o supervising

    you, Nii-san, i is my responsibiliy i you are lae, ha is

    why we mus run ogeher.Misuki finished hen held my hand mater-o-acly.

    H-Hey.We are almos here, Nii-san. Hang in here a litle


    Holding my hand, Misuki quickened her pace.Te sensaion o slender fingers, a size smaller han

    mine, made i hard or my emoions o remain calm.

    Afer he Basilisk batle, only a couple days had passed

    since he ranspor ship ook us back o Midgard.Having learned ha Misuki was no my blood-relaed

    siser and lisened o her conession o her eelingsIcould no longer no noice her.

    Afer Misuki declared she would no give up on me,

    she sared o ac more proacively, no More accuraely,she had decreased he amoun o unnecessary reservaions.

    Currenly, Misuki looked very naural. As Midgards

    suden council presiden, as my amily, she used o adhererigidly o sandards. Ta kind o lie mus have been sifling

    or Misuki.

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    Chaper 1: Te Princess Who Fighs Dragons 22 / 344

    Misuki now looked ull o vialiy. A her urging, I

    quickened my pace.

    Arriving a he inersecion beween he road o schooland he girls dormiories, Misuki insanly le go o my

    hand and swiched o a moderae pace. She probablyhough ha i would be unseemly or he suden council

    presiden o be rushing hrough he school gaes in a hurry.

    Bu having run all he way up o his poin, here waspleny o ime o spare now. On he owering clock ower

    which could be seen rom anywhere on he island, he mi-

    nue hand indicaed ha here were sill fifeen minues un-

    il class.Te clock ower was already resored o normal. Is

    broken and iled sae earlier seemed like i had never hap-pened.

    Recalling how he op porion had been desroyed and

    he clock ower was in a sae o ruin earlier, I could nohelp bu eel impressed inside.

    Roughly a monh ago, Midgard had suffered severe

    damage rom Kili and Hekaonkheir bu while we wereaway o pu down Basilisk, he clock ower had been re-

    paired or he mos par.

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    Precisely because Midgard was he casle o he Ds who

    ough dragons, hey had finished consrucion as quickly

    as hey could.Boh Misukis room, originally damaged by Kilis blas,

    and he gyms roo, which had been wrecked by alling de-bris, were likewise repaired.

    Te only lingering signs o desrucion were probably

    he rees rampled by Hekaonkheir.We swiped our cards and passed hrough he school

    gaes o head o our classroomBrynhildr Class.

    Along he way, afer we enered he school building, I

    immediaely heard someone call my name rom behind.Yuu

    I spun around and looked back o see a young girl wihiny horns on her head. ia Lighning. Her ligh-colored

    hair swaying while she ran owards me, he srands o her

    hair looked pink under he ligh in a kind o opical illusion.Good morning!

    ia used he momenum rom running o jump and

    hang ono my neck.OhG-Good morning, ia.

    I caugh her ligh body and greeed her.Ehehe, so happy o see Yuu oday again.

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    Chaper 1: Te Princess Who Fighs Dragons 24 / 344

    ia smiled and clung ighly o my body.

    ia-san, please do no make excessive displays o ini-

    macy in public.Misuki pu on her suden council presiden ace o

    correc ia, bu ia poued unhappily.No excessive, his is wihin normal or ia.

    In communiy lie, you need o respec common sand-

    ards more han personal values. Judged according o ha,ia-san, your acions are excessive.

    Hmph Misuki is oo sric.

    ia relucanly le go o me and sared piiully a me.

    Yuu, i jus a litle bi, did your hear fluter because oia?

    Huh? Suddenly geting hugged O course a litle.Hearing my describe my eelings honesly, ia happily

    closed her eyes parially.

    Grea, ia will coninue o make Yuus hear fluter,hen Yuu will love ia he mos!


    Conroned wih her pure and sincere eelings, I couldno help bu panic.

    Ever since reurning o Midgard, ia had been acinghis way. Compared o he previous phase when she plead-

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    ed like a child or us o ge married, she was now couring

    me as a girl, making i even harder or me o know how o

    reac.Nii-san, wha are you losing composure or? Okay, le

    us ge o class.Misuki finished wih sligh displeasure in her one,

    hen grabbed my hand and dragged me off.

    Ah! So unair ha only Misuki ges o hold hands. Sohas no excessive?

    Because Nii-san and I are amily. Tis level o conac

    is very normal.

    Misuki guilily shifed her gaze away and answered.Ten ia will hold hands wih Yuu oo! Lisa said ha

    comrades in he same class are no differen rom amily.Compared o ha, he kind o amily I am reerring o

    is Fine, I suppose he wo meanings are no enirely dis-

    similar.Misuki replied ambiguously.

    Tinking back now, I had spoted Misuki making simi-

    lar expressions many imes beore. So acually, Misuki hadalways been conscious ha we were no siblings by blood, i

    was jus ha I never noiced.

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    Chaper 1: Te Princess Who Fighs Dragons 26 / 344

    In he end, Misuki and ia held my lef and righ

    hands respecively. Te hree o us made our way o he

    classroom.By he way, ia, you came o school alone? Wha hap-

    pened o Lisa?In he beginning when she firs ranserred here, ia re-

    used o leave my side, bu now ha she had opened her

    hear o her classmaes, she was rooming wih Lisa High-walker.

    I looked back along he corridor bu could no see any

    signs o Lisa.

    Lisa says she has o alk o Firill, so ia came o schoolalone oday.

    alk o Firill? Did somehing happen?Wha could have happened ha required her o ask ia

    o go o school firs? Feeling curious, I asked.

    Dunno Bu Firill seemed a bi srange.Srange?

    She seems disraced Oh, and she didn bring a book

    oday.Ta really is quie srange

    I rowned and nodded.

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    As a bibliophile, Firill always had a book in her hand.

    Somehing definiely seemed wrong Bu righ now, here

    was no way o confirm why.All I could do was wai quiely or Firill o ge o school.

    Righ beore enering he classroom, Misuki releasedmy hand and opened he door. Tree sudens were already


    Hi, good morning.Greeing us in a casual one was he omboyish girl

    Ariella Lu.


    Ten greeing us wih jus a wave o her hand was heredhead, Ren Miyazawa.

    Good morning.Morning!

    Misuki and ia greeed while enering he classroom.

    Good morning, Ariella and Ren.I greeed he wo girls hen urned my gaze o he re-

    maining girl in he classroom.

    G-Good morningSammering her greeing was Iris Freyja.

    Good morning, Iris.

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    Chaper 1: Te Princess Who Fighs Dragons 28 / 344

    I smiled and replied, bu Iris shifed her gaze away rom

    my ace afer giving Misuki a glance.

    Even afer I sa down nex o her, Iris coninued o sareou he window. Previously, Iris would always sar alking

    o me requenly on her own, so his el quie uncomora-ble o me.

    Nii-san, did you ge ino a figh wih Iris-san?

    Seeing us like ha, Misuki asked me.No, has no i

    Acually, Iris and I had grown even more inimae afer

    I conessed my memory loss.

    However, in direc conras o Misuki who had saredbehaving more proacively, Iris no longer iniiaed inimacy

    wih me like when fighing wih ia or my atenion, espe-cially when in ron o Misuki.

    She was probably worried abou Misukis eelings.

    I hink ha afer she heard my conession, having de-clared she would rerieve my memories, his was he only

    hing she could do.

    Because o he pah she had chosen, perhaps in he end,she mus give up on he curren me.

    Seeing Iris push hersel like ha, I el very useless bu Idid no know wha o do. Bu here was one hing I could

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    be cerain. Somehing seemed o be off abou he curren


    While I was hinking abou he correc hing o do, hebell rang or class. Jus beore he ringing sopped, only

    hen did Lisa and Firill ener he classroom.Jus as ia said, Firill was no carrying a book in her

    hand. She looked very preoccupied wih her houghs.

    I will be fine, Firill-san. I shall help you find a soluion.Lisa Bu

    Speak no more. Leave i o me.

    Tere was a heavy amosphere hanging around Lisa and

    Firill while hey alked and ook heir seas. Ten becauseShinomiya-sensei, our homeroom eacher, enered imme-

    diaely, I did no ge a chance o alk o hem. Siting in hecener o he las row in his 33 arrangemen o desks and

    chairs, I could only look a he backs o he he girls who sa

    on he lef and righ ends o he ron row.Now les begin wih he regiser.

    Including me, Brynhildr Class only had eigh sudens.

    Alhough one could ell a a glance who was missing in hissmall class, Shinomiya-sensei sill opened he regiser and

    ook roll call one by one.Lisa Highwalker.

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    Chaper 1: Te Princess Who Fighs Dragons 30 / 344

    Firs o be called was Suden No. 1, Lisa.

    However, Lisa did no respond sraigh away. She wassaring silenly a Firill.

    On he oher hand, Firill was aking on Lisas gaze wiha los and hesian look on her ace.

    Lisa Highwalker, are you lisening?

    Shinomiya-sensei called her name again. Immediaely,Lisas expression looked like she had made some kind o

    decision. urning her gaze away rom Firill, she pushed her

    chair back and sood up.

    Shinomiya-sensei, I have a reques or you.You do know ha his is homeroom ime, righ? Save

    i or laer.I am erribly sorry bu because he mater is o umos

    urgency, i canno be saved or laer. Sensei, may I ask ha

    you gran Firill-san permission o exi Midgard as soon aspossible?

    Lisa asked Shinomiya-sensei solemnly.

    Permission o exi Midgard?Alhough I did no know why, his was ruly an unrea-

    sonable reques made all o a sudden. Midgard was boh he

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    sel-governed organizaion o Dsusers o dark mater cre-

    aionbu also an isolaion aciliy a he same ime.

    Midgard exised boh o isolae Ds rom all sors o ma-levolence as well as o proec ordinary people rom geting

    harmed by Ds.Wha are you suddenly alking abou? You should

    know ha prior o reaching he age o weny, when powers

    naurally vanish, Ds are essenially orbidden rom leavingMidgard.

    Shinomiya-sensei brough up Midgards rule. Indeed,

    once arriving in Midgard, Ds mus live in his school unil

    hey reached adulhood. Tis decision was chosen o keepricion beween hem and ordinary people o a minimum,

    o avoid conflic wih he world.O course I know ha, bu could you make an excep-


    Do no ask or he impossible. Besides, why on earhOh, I see now Because hepassed away.

    Shinomiya-sensei urned her gaze o Firill and spoke.

    Yes, ha is why I would like Firill-san o atend he u-neral.

    I looked like someone relaed o Firill had passed away.No wonder she was acing differenly rom normal, bu

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    Chaper 1: Te Princess Who Fighs Dragons 32 / 344

    I undersand how you eel Bu I canno allow her o

    enjoy special reamen as a lone excepion.

    Shinomiya-senseis answer was jus as I expeced. Teremus be quie a ew people who had encounered he same

    siuaion so ar, bu Midgards rules were no lax enough oallow hem o make brie ouings or such reasons.

    Lisa should undersand his very clearly, bu sill, she

    reused o give up.Shinomiya-sensei, ha saemen is already wrong on

    many assumpions. Firill-san is a special case. Te Princi-

    paliy o Erlia has made huge conribuions o Midgard ac-

    quiring he righ o auonomy. Even now, hey are sill ma-jor sponsors o Midgard. All hings considered, she is

    heirNo mater wha posiion she held ouside o Midgard,

    she is only an ordinary suden here. Your line o reasoning

    does no work.Shinomiya-sensei inerruped Lisa and old her clearly.


    Lisa, orge i. Tank you Tas enough.Lisa was abou o argue back when Firill sopped her.


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    Rules mus be ollowed afer all. Sorry, Sensei, I made a

    willul reques.

    Firill bowed her head and apologized o Shinomiya-sensei.

    No, waning o atend a amily uneral is a mos nauralreques. Im he one who eels sorry I canno agree o your


    Shinomiya-sensei apologized o Firill while Lisa sadown relucanly.

    Hence, homeroom began under a slighly grave amos-

    phere. Lisa and Firill had evidenly given up on arguing, bu

    here was sill one hing I did no undersand.Righ now, i was hard or me o speak o Iris, so I asked

    Misuki quiely:Misuki, wha did she mean by Firill being a special


    Nii-san, do no ell me you sill have no idea? Surelyyou mus have heard he name o he Principaliy o Erlia

    menioned in class?

    Misuki looked a me wih an expression o surpriseand lamenaion.

    Huh? Oh, o course I know he Principaliy o Erlia Iremember is he counry ha lobbied srongly or he res-

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    Chaper 1: Te Princess Who Fighs Dragons 34 / 344

    oraion o he Ds human righs, which led o Midgards

    independence, righ?

    Tis name was menioned requenly in he Ds mod-ern hisory class. Te Principaliy o Erlia was a small land-

    locked counry in wesern Europe. Trough he expor oscarce resources, hey had reporedly achieved asounding

    economic growh in recen years.

    Apparenly only Japan, where he birhrae o Ds washe highes, and he Principaliy o Erlia were he wo spon-

    sors o Midgard ha ar ousripped all oher counries.

    Alhough he Principaliy o Erlia is a democracy, he

    royal amily has been reained as naional symbol. And heone who led he movemen pushing or he resoraion o

    he Ds human righs was he curren king. So, wha is hisname, may I ask?

    Misuki iled her head slighly wih a mischievous look

    and posed ha quesion o me.N-Name? Well, Ive orgoten.

    Seriously How I worry or your nex exam i you

    canno even remember his. Te correc answer is AlberCres, bu unorunaelyHe passed away several days

    ago.Cres? I remember has

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    I had some recollecion o his amily name. I looked a

    Firill siting in he ron row.

    Following my gaze, Misuki nodded affirmaively.Yes, sheFirill-sanis he granddaugher o he lae

    King Alber. She is veriably a rue princess.

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    Part 2


    During he lunch break, we members o Brynhildr

    Class wen o he caeeria ogeher. Walking alongside Lisain ron, Firill was sill empy-handed. She probably was in

    no mood or reading sill.

    Te depressed Firill exuded a dreamy impression, mak-ing her seem harder o approach han usual. Looking a her

    now, I could eel an air o nobiliy in her posure and gai.

    Afer her grandaher passed away, i her aher suc-

    ceeded o he hrone, ha would make Firill he kingsdaugher.

    Princess, he kings daugherposiions ha only ap-peared in ficion were now presened beore my eyes.

    I was a srange eeling, lacking in a sense o realiy.

    Youve been saring a me or a while now, why?She seemed o have noiced me saring a her. Firill

    slowed down and walked side by side wih me.

    Huh? F-Forgive his unworhy peasan.Why are you suddenly speaking so deerenially?

    OhI jus learned ha youre a princess, Firill, so Isubconsciously

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    I smiled wryly and replied.

    I see, so youre saring a me because you find princess-

    es very exoic.Firill asked somewha sharply.

    Well, I can deny eeling a bi o haBu wha wor-ries me more is ha you don have a book in your hand.

    Ta proves ha youre really sad, righ?

    OhFirill sared a her own hands in surprise.

    You only noiced now?


    Firill nodded gloomily and answered. Now i lookedreally serious.

    Your grandaherpassed away, righ?Yes, he died, beore I could repay him a all.

    Firill nodded and murmured quiely.

    Repay?Apar rom sorrow, her expression conveyed heavy re-

    gre as well.

    Grandaher ook grea pains on my behal. When heound ou I was a D, he said How could I allow my grand-

    daugher o be locked away in a some kind o deenion a-ciliy!? and hrew ou he Asgard saff.

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    Wha an amazing grandaher.

    Asgard was he inernaional organizaion commanding

    Midgard and . Is express purpose was o oppose drag-ons. Rejecing Agards demands was equivalen o opposing

    he world.However, he rules could no be ignored compleely

    Hence, afer ha, Grandaher changed his approach and

    worked owards making Midgard an appropriae home orme. Hence, he go he enire world involved and sared a

    movemen o resore he Ds human righs Despie his

    poor healh a he ime.

    So, is all hanks o your grandahers painsakingeffors ha we have he curren Midgard

    Trough he expor o resources, he Principaliy o Er-lia was very well off financially. Over he years, he Princi-

    paliy had also provided grea amouns o financial aid o

    he various European naions plagued by dragon disasersand economic recessions. Perhaps due o such ineracions,

    he Principaliy was able o exer widespread influence.

    Righ Bu I have ye o repaid him a all. A leas ahe endI really wish I could have said hank you o

    Grandaher.She waned o say hank you raher han goodbye.

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    I could eel inense eelings o graiude in hose words

    o hank you.

    I possible, I waned o ake her o he uneral, o allowher o say hose words direcly. Bu I had neiher ha sor o

    auhoriy nor ha kind o power.Don worry.

    Originally lisening o our conversaion on he side, Ar-

    iella suddenly joined in and assered in a srong one ovoice.


    Hearing me call her name, she smiled cheerully and

    said:No mater where you are, Firill, your houghs will

    definiely reach your grandahers soul.Do souls really exis?

    Firill murmured wih a complicaed look on her ace.

    She was admitedly happy abou Ariellas well wishes, bu iwas probably impossible or her o accep ha noion readi-


    Yes, because Ive see hem mysel.However, Ariella confirmed wihou hesiaion.

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    Wih no idea wheher she was serious or no, Firill and

    I could only sare a each oher wih roubled looks on our


    As soon as we enered he caeeria, I quickly noiced

    he unusual mood.

    Did somehing happen?Misuki seemed o noice he same sense o dissonance

    and looked around.

    Te air was ense in he caeeria and abnormally quie.

    Teres a lo o people gahered in he lounge.Iris poined a he lounge where a large elevision was

    insalled.A memory o waching a Basilisk news repor in he

    lounge flashed across my mind. Did a dragon make a move

    again?Alhough i doesn eel like anyhing good Le us

    head over o have a look.

    Lisa led he way while we ollowed.As soon as we neared he crowd gahered around he

    lounge, I heard voices rom he elevision.Wha are your views on he inciden?

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    Well Fundamenally, is cerain ha he siuaion re-

    suled rom doing hings by orce.

    Judging rom he ac ha was menioned, his didno seem o be a opic irrelevan o us.

    I ipoed slighly o ge he elevision ino view. Since allhe people in Midgard were girls, my view was no blocked

    in siuaions like hese.

    I could see he newscaser and commenaors on hescreen, discussion a cerain opic.

    Yuu, ia can see, please le ia ride on your shoul-


    ia ried o climb on my body rom behind. Wrappingher arms around my neck, she choked me.

    C-Can breahe. I go i, le go firs.o make i easier or ia o ge on my shoulders, I knel


    Tanks!ia hanked me and sa down on my shoulders, clamp-

    ing my head beween her highs, hugging my head ighly.

    As or he sensaion o abric agains my neckEh?

    Discovering he absence o somehing ha should bepresen, I could no help bu exclaim in surprise.

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    Siting on my shoulders, ia peered a my ace rom

    above wih an incredulous expression.ia, Id like o ask you a quesion

    Wha is i?Don ell me you orgo o wear underwear?

    I asked ia in repidaion.

    Muu, Yuu, youre so rude. ia is no he kind o litlekid who orges o wear underwear, because ia is already a

    maure lady.

    -Tas rue Sorry or asking you a weird quesion.

    Alhough here was classmae who really would comeo school occasionally wihou remembering o pu on

    panies despie being he same age, normally speaking, hawas impossible. She was an excepion in many ways.

    Oh, bu ias are differen oday.

    ia seemed o recall somehing and leaned in closer owhisper in my ear.

    Whas differen?

    Seeing ia wary o geting overheard by Lisa, I whis-pered back as well.

    Lisa was speaking wih Firill he whole ime odayand did no prepare a change o clohes or ia. So ia wen

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    o look or panies alone, bu couldn find any So ia

    borrowed Lisas o wear.

    Wha B-Bu he size won mach, righ?Yeah, so ia chose he ype has sring-ied. I won

    all off i ied ighly.S-Sring!

    I raised my voice involunarily.

    Wearing her panies wihou permission, is bad,righ?

    N-No I can be helped in his case, I don hink Li-

    sa will be mad.

    Seeing ia quie worried, I reassured her.Tank goodness.

    ia breahed a sigh o relie bu o me, his was a hugeproblem, because I had o carry ia on my shoulders bu

    she was wearing he ype o underwear ha ohers could

    misaken or no wearing any.Sop hinking nonsense. I mus keep my mind clear,

    keep my mind clear

    I warned mysel no o le my houghs sray whilesanding up and holding ias legs.

    Wow, so high up!

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    ia cheered bu ignoring he sensaions around my

    neck was already aking my ull effor.

    Jus as I finally urned my atenion and gaze o he el-evision wih much difficuly, he commenaors discussion

    came o a close.Ten le us reurn o he siuaion a he press coner-


    I looked like hey were going o play a news video clip.While alking o ia jus now, I had heard almos nohing o

    he discussion, bu now, I could ge a grasp on he siuaion.

    Immediaely, he screen swiched o show a girl.

    Ehias hoarse voice enered my ears. I gasped in surprise

    oo. Te worries abou underwear earlier were insanlyeviced rom my mind.

    I sincerely hank his counry or acceping me despie

    his ime o mourning or hem.

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    Shown on he elevision was a girl wih long black hair

    and a prim and proper ace. Her inelligen eyes were look-

    ing ino he camera. I knew clearly who she was.Kili

    ia called her name in a rembling voice.Indeed, she was Kili Surr Muspelheim, he leader o

    he dragon worshiping cul, he Sons o Muspell. Deemed a

    disaser, she was also a D ha had argeed or prioriyeliminaion.

    Roughly a monh ago, Kili had disguised hersel, aking

    on he ideniy achikawa Honoka o infilrae Midgard, in-

    ending o ake ia away.Kili had disappeared wihou race afer ha, so why

    did she openly make an appearance on elevision?Te ac ha a D was he leader o a erroris organiza-

    ion was no disclosed o he public, because such news

    would discredi all Ds i i spread hroughou he world.Hence, he news probably was no reporing on her as a

    criminal. Ten wha kind o posiion exacly was she sand-

    ing beore he cameras o he media?IKiliam a creaor o dark mater. In oher words,

    wha everyone calls a D. My posiion would normally re-quire me o head o he auonomous educaional insiue

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    o he Ds, Midgard, bu due o cerain reasons righ now, I

    canno go o Midgard.

    Afer lisening o Kilis saemen, a reporer asked: Bycerain reasons, you mean?

    Judging rom he press conerence, Kili was speaking asa D whose powers had awakened, raher han as a erroris.

    Because migh very well inerere during he pro-

    cess o ransporaion o Midgard. Unil he very end, hisorganizaion opposed Midgards independence. Even

    now, when he Ds human righs have been resored,

    sill regards us as monsers. I really canno rus hem. Ru-

    mor has iTey secrely filer he Ds sen o MidgardHas anyone heard o his rumor?

    Gahered around Kili, he reporers clamored whilecameras flashed nonsop.

    O course, I don know i is rue or no. Bu ever since

    I sared invesigaing he veraciy o his rumor, Ive heardseveral imes abou he disappearance o Ds. I wouldn

    hand mysel over o ha kind o organizaion or even a

    second.Gahered around he elevision, Midgards sudens

    were whispering among hemselves.I heard someone say suff like I knew i

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    Bu proeced by he secure deenses o Midgardsormr,

    Midgard is in a sae o isolaion rom he ouside world

    wihou any direc way o reaching hem. As a commoner,even rying o conac hem is impossible. Hence, I can only

    rely on his counry.Kili spoke gravely o he camera:

    Considering he Principaliy o Erlia ha had rejeced

    Asgard and s demands in he pas, concealing heirprincess who had awakened as a DI believe hey will

    guaranee my saey i I make such a suggesion.

    Principaliy o Erlia?

    Hearing ha name, I looked or Firill who should benearby. She was compleely sill, saring inenly a he im-

    age on he elevision.I hope o be ranspored direcly rom he Principaliy

    o Erlia o Midgard wihou going hrough Asgard or .

    I Ds come direcly o pick me up, I will be able o hand my-sel over o hem wihou worry. I hereby requesPlease

    save me.

    Kili bowed deeply wih her head down. Ten he cam-era swiched scenes.

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    Inside he recording sudio, he commenaors began

    anoher round o discussion. However, I almos did no reg-

    iser any o heir opinions.Wha on earh is going on?

    Kilis goal was compleely incomprehensible. For a longime now, Kili had persised in evading s pursui. I i

    was her, here was no need o seek any sides proecion,

    righ? Even i she had some goal requiring her o infilraeMidgard again, doing i his way would atrac way oo

    much atenion.

    Considering her abiliy o perorm biogenic ransmua-

    ion, urning hersel ino a oally differen person would bea more pracical mehod.

    Apar rom us, no one seems o noice she is Honoka-san

    Lisa whispered afer observing he nearby sudens.

    Indeed, everyone was ervenly discussing wheherwha hey jus saw was real or no, or wheher Midgard

    would ak e any acion. None o hem seemed o have real-

    ized her ideniy. Alhough i was common knowledge bynow ha Honoka was a erroris who had infilraed Mid-

    gard, her name being Kili was no disclosed o ordinarysudens.

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    When infilraing as achikawa Honoka, she had glass-

    es and was wearing her hair in braids. Despie looking he

    same, she gave off a compleely differen impression, whichwas probably why people ailed o associae Honoka wih

    Kili.Disguised as Honoka, she was imid, quie and genle,

    bu in he video, she was compleely unaraid and quie

    ougoing in one.Wha is she doing in my counry? I mus hurry and

    inorm Faher and he ohers o her rue ideniy

    Firill spoke wih anxiey.

    I undersand how you eel, bu please calm down a bi.I you ac recklessly, i could endanger your parens.

    Misuki placed her hand on Firills shoulder and cau-ioned her.

    Kilis srengh is enough o oppose s army. Based

    on his ac, his is he same as aking Firills counry iselhosage

    I remarked wih deep worry.

    I he ruh was revealed, orcing he Principaliy o Er-lia o make Kili an enemy, she would probably eliminae all

    hreas mercilessly.No way Wha should I do?

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    I seems ha we will be deciding wha o do sraigh


    aking ou her porable erminal, Misuki showed ushe screen. Shinomiya-sensei was calling or her.

    Ten I shall head over o he conerence. Nii-san, eve-ryone, please have lunch firs.

    Saying ha, Misuki swifly lef he caering building.

    YuuSiting on my shoulders, ia hugged my head ighly.

    ia had been subjeced o Kilis brainwashing educaion

    beore. Te pair o horns on her head were also given o her

    by Kili hrough biogenic ransmuaion. And her parensmurderer was also

    Don worry, alhough is unknown wha Kilis goalis I don hink she wans o ake you away like beore,

    because we already deeaed Basilisk.

    Really?Yeah. Even i youre her arge, ia, Ill sill proec you,

    so don worry.

    I reached ou and sroked ias head.Yeah Ten ia is relieved.

    ia relaxed her body as hough breahing a sigh o re-lie.

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    On he oher hand, Firill showed a siff expression on

    her ace while saring a he nex news repor. Wih hergrandahers passing and her home counry in danger, i

    was only naural or her o eel unsetled.However, I could no offer comoring words irrespon-

    sibly wihou undersanding he siuaion.

    Te problem was how Midgard would choose o reac.And he only suden involved in ha decision was

    Misuki as he suden council presiden.

    Misuki, Im couning on you.

    Believing in my non-blood-relaed younger siser, Iprayed ha she could poin ou a beter pah.

    Even afer he bell rang or afernoon classes, Misuki

    sill had no reurned. Charlote B. Lord showed up as hesubsiue eacher o cover Periods 5 and 6.

    Te principals childish appearance mean ha she did

    no look ou o place sanding among he sudens. Shelooked especially happy o be eaching. Alhough she did

    no look any older han us in appearance, rumor had i ha

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    she was already on his island since Midgards incepion,

    hence her age likely did no mach her appearance.

    When a D is argeed by a dragon and her dragonmark changes color, she will urn ino he same ype o

    dragon jus by making conac wih he dragon. All o youshould know his already. Bu according o he laes re-

    search, a Ds dragonificaion migh be brough abou by he

    dark mater generaed rom her own body.I was supposed o be Hisory class righ now, bu she

    was proudly alking abou he laes D research while

    dressed in a loose-fiting lab coa. Every ime she jumped o

    poin ou somehing projeced on he blackboard, herblonde hair flutered lighly behind her.

    She menioned she had a medical license when I re-ceived a healh examinaion rom her las ime, so perhaps

    her main job was being a researcher.

    Tis hypohesis means ha a D migh be using her owndark mater o perorm biogenic ransmuaion o ake on a

    dragons orm. Bu heres he problem now. A human brain

    does no have sufficien specs o conrol and process bio-genic ransmuaion

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    Tis was a very ineresing opic, so I had no com-


    However, I wondered: Was i really okay or Midgardschie adminisraor o be spending ime in his kind o

    place?Essenially, I asked her in he beginning, doesn he

    principal need o atend he meeing? Bu she said since

    Haruaka is Midgards commander, has her job. Im jushe principal.

    Any defici mus be made up somewhere. Mos likely

    during a Ds dragonificaion, a powerul link is ormed wih

    he dragons brain, hereby conerring massive processingpower. Tere is also evidence ha a D can eel he dragons

    consciousness when her dragon mark changes color. Suchesimonies also lend suppor o his hypohesis.

    Saying ha, he principal urned her gaze o Iris and

    ia. Tey had been argeed by dragons separaely and hadsensed he houghs o dragons.

    Excuse me

    Lisa raised her hand a his momen.Yes, wha is i? Do you have a quesion?

    Te principal asked Lisa in deligh.

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    Yes, alhough I find his hypohesis very compelling

    I does raise he quesion, how is Kili Surr Muspelheim

    able o use biogenic ransmuaion?Lisas quesion was only naural, because we had wi-

    nessed wih our own eyes how she used biogenic ransmu-aion o heal her wounds insanly.

    Lisa probably recalled ha inciden afer seeing Kili jus

    now.Well, here are wo kinds o possibiliies.

    However, he principal raised wo fingers and spoke.

    wo kinds?

    Yes. One is ha she is also using some mehod o sup-plemen her processing power. Te oher is ha she is no

    human o begin wih.No human? Are you saying ha she migh no even

    be a D?

    Lisa exclaimed in surprise bu he principal noddedwih a nonchalan expression.

    Assuming ha wihou exernal aid, she is capable o

    hings ha are beyond you DsTa implies she is a differ-en lieorm. She supposedly claimed o be a dragon and I

    would no be surprised even i ha were rue.Te principal remarked calmly.

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    Tinking logically, his was he naural conclusion. Bu

    or us, who had hough o Kili as simply a D he whole

    ime, we were rendered insanly rendered speechless.Inside he classroom where you could hear a pin drop,

    he bell rang o announce he end o he period.Oh, is ime. Wha a delighul lesson, wih he gazes o

    beauiul maidens gahered upon me, ime sure flies.

    Te principal spoke in a wisul one o voice. Taseemed o be he reason why she was in a good mood.

    As much as Id like o coninue, has i or odays

    lessons. Dismissed.

    Y-Yes. Please sand, everyone.Since Misuki was no presen, Lisa ook on he role o

    issuing orders.Bow.


    Te principal sared walking and was abou o exi heclassroom when she sopped beore opening he door and

    looked back a me.

    Mononobe Yuu, come over here. Ive go business wihyou.

    Okay, go i

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    I wondered wha i was abou while ollowing he prin-

    cipal o he corridor.

    Show me your dragon mark.Hearing ha, I insanly undersood he principals in-

    en.Teres nohing unusual.

    I showed he back o my lef hand where he dragon

    mark was locaed while I spoke.Te small wound ha had appeared afer Leviahans

    deea was now par o my dragon mark.

    Since I had gained he abiliy o creae anigraviaional

    mater afer he wound appeared, he principal was suspec-ing a causal relaionship beween he wo.

    Hmm Ta seems o be he case. Ten has here beenany changes in your powers? Are you able o perorm new


    Sroking my dragon mark wih her fingerip, he princi-pal asked.

    None so ar

    I see. Id be ineresing i you became capable o emu-laing Basilisk. Bu since i hasn been ha long since he

    eam deeaed Basilisk, perhaps he change will occur laer.Repor o me insanly i you discover anyhing.

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    I nodded affirmaively and he principal insanly

    urned her gaze o he door o Brynhildr Class.Animater and mihril was obained rom Kraken

    while anigraviaional mater was obained rom Leviahan.In each batle agains he dragons, Ds would gain new pow-

    ers afer vicory. Tis ime should be no excepion. Apar

    rom you, here could be changes in he ohers, so you muspay exra atenion.

    Creaing new mater uninenionally is very danger-

    ous. Ill be careul.

    A suddenly obained power could go ou o conrol orcause accidens. Hence, I mus pay atenion and no miss

    minue sympoms.Grea, hen finallyCould you crouch down slighly.

    Huh? Like his Is ha okay?

    I had no idea wha he principal waned bu I sill bendown and lowered my posure.

    Immediaely, he principal placed her hand on my head.

    Mononobe Yuu, you did excellen work. Is all hankso your conribuions ha Basilisk could be aken ou suc-

    cessully wihou sacrificing a single person.

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    I el quie embarrassing o have her iny hand rubbing

    my head.

    P-Principal, wha are you doing so suddenlyHmm? Im praising you Youre unhappy wih his

    level o praise?No, Im no unhappy a all

    Ten accep i wih graiude. Is exremely rare or me

    o personally reward a man.Afer ruffling my hair or a while, he principal smiled

    and lef.

    I reurned o he classroom. In he middle o packing

    heir belongings, my classmaes all sared speechlessly.Mononobe-kun, your hair is such a mess, uu Is

    so weird.Having worn a gloomy expression all day, Firill chuck-


    Seeing her smile, I el somewha hankul or he prin-cipals reward.

    Perhaps geting sroked on he head was no a bad hing

    once in a while.

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    Part 3

    rom he girls dormiories was adorm belonging o Misuki alone. My accommodaions

    consised o a room in ha building.Normally, we would have our meals ogeher in he din-

    ing hall a seven in he morning and he evening, bu oday,

    Misuki sill had no reurned when dinner ime came.Alone, I ae he meal prepared by he housework ro-

    boshe auo-maidshen reurned o my own room.

    Afer finishing my daily muscle raining in my room, I

    ook a shower and jus as I was geting sleepy, I go receiveda message. My porable erminal showed an icon or incom-

    ing mail and rang.Please come o conerence room number one on he

    firs floor o he clock ower immediaely.

    Te sender was Misuki. Te email only conained hebrie insrucions above.

    Head over o school a his hour?

    Tis was surely abou handling Kili, righ? Bu why askme o come over?

    Despie no knowing he reason, I sill ollowed insruc-ions and made my way o school.

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    Alhough everyhing was shrouded under he canopy

    o he nigh sky, he sars were brigh and i was no difficul

    o find my way.Te schools clock ower, visible rom everywhere on

    he island, was sill brighly li.I used my porable erminal or idenificaion o ge

    pas he gaes, hen enered he silen campus. Since he

    usual enrance o he clock ower rom he corridor wasclosed, I enered hrough he back door

    Conerence room number one Tas here, righ?

    I looked a he room signs and walked. Afer finding my

    desinaion, I opened he door.You arrived a las. How slow, Mononobe Yuu.

    I el roubled o be suddenly greeed by Lisas glare, on-ly o see ha all o Brynhildr Class had already gahered.

    Nii-san, hurry and ake a sea.

    Sanding in ron o he whieboard, Misuki urged meo si down. Nex o her was Shinomiya-sensei while he

    ohers were already seaed.

    Yuu! Over here!Hearing ia called me, I ook he sea nex o her.

    ia, all o you were called here?Yes, weve been waiing or Yuu he whole ime.

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    Since Misukis dorm was arher away han he girls

    dorms, i looked like everyone ended up waiing or jus

    me.I looked around he room and me gazes wih Iris, who

    was siting diagonally in ron o me on he righ.Good evening, Mononobe.

    O-Oh Good evening.

    Iris greeed me shyly in a quie voice and I repliednervously.

    Lisa and Firill were siting in he ron row. Ren was

    sprawled on he able napping while Ariella shook her

    shoulder.Looks like everyone is here. Ten I will sar he an-

    nouncemens. Ren Miyazawa, ime o wake up.Shinomiya-sensei ook a sep orward whereas Misuki

    rereaed o he side.

    MmRen rubbed her eyes and looked up.

    Sorry or summoning you a his hour. Alhough i is

    very sudden, I would like you all o se off or he Principali-y o Erlia a 0600 omorrow.


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    I was no he only one exclaiming in surprise. Everyone

    was saring speechlessly a Shinomiya-sensei.

    Currenly saying in he Principaliy o Erlia, Kili SurrMuspelheim is seeking Midgards proecion and demands

    o be picked up by Ds. Hence, I have seleced you as hepickup eam.

    Afer saying ha, Shinomiya-sensei looked a each o us

    in urn.Mononobe Yuu and Lisa Highwalker have comba ex-

    perience agains her. ia Lighning has a long and involved

    hisory wih her. Mononobe Misuki is he capain o he

    Dragon Subjugaion Squad whereas Firill Cres is a princessrom he Principaliy o Erlia. Given such a alened group, I

    believe ha Brynhildr Class is he mos suied o carryingou his mission.

    H-Hold on! Shinomiya-sensei, are you implying she

    will be admited ino Midgard again!?Lisa asked loudly wih disbelie.

    I was only naural or her o be worried. Kili had

    caused serious desrucion in Midgard. Welcoming some-one like her would be suicidal behavior.

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    I know wha you are rying o say. However, since her

    message has been broadcas widely across he enire world,

    Midgard has no choice bu o respond humanely.Bu shes a erroris, righ!?

    All Ds will be discredied i she were o be exposed as aerroris. Having covered up heir crimes so ar, prob-

    ably won disclose he ideniy o a deemed disaser eiher.

    In oher wordsWe canno rea her as a criminal.E-Even so I sill don agree ha his is he correc re-


    Lisa argued desperaely. Precisely because Lisa cher-

    ished her riends more han anyonecherishing hem asamilyshe could no allow a dangerous person o ener

    Midgard.Yes, i is definiely no he correc response. Bu o he

    ouside world, we can only ac in his manner, hen adjus


    Yes, meaning afer we ake her ou o he Principaliy o

    Erlia. You will ell her ha we will pu many resricions onher reedom i she is o live in Midgard. I she does no ac-

    cep, you will le her go on he condiion ha her being adeemed disaser will no be disclosed.

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    Resricions on reedom is an appropriae measure

    Bu is i really okay o le her go i negoiaions break

    down?Lisa rowned and asked.

    Midgard is an organizaion ha proecs Ds. Even i sheis deemed a disaser, we have neiher reason nor obligaion

    o kill her. More imporanly, I canno allow any o you o

    commi murder.Hearing Shinomiya-senseis answer, Lisa could no help

    bu all silen.

    o commi murderSuch was he weigh behind

    hose words.I will coninue i here are no oher quesions. Al-

    hough Ds are orbidden rom sepping ou o Midgards er-riorial waers, or his special excepion, you are graned a

    five-day exempion. We will use his period o ravel o he

    Principaliy o Erlia and make conac wih Kili SurrMuspelheim.

    Shinomiya-sensei, I hink ha kind o duraion seems

    oo long or simply ransporing Kili.Te five-day exempion bohered me so I raised my

    hand and asked.

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    Indeed, here are grounds or ha. Saring he day afer

    omorrow, he Principaliy o Erlia will hold a grand uneral

    or King Alber or hree days. And she has openly old hemedia ha she would paricipae in a flower offering cere-

    mony on he las day, so we will ranspor her only afer heuneral. Beore ha, I wan your eam o serve as her body-


    Bodyguards Really?will likely arge her lie, bu while she is saying in

    he Principaliy o Erlia, she is purely a D rying o seek

    help. A leas unil we negoiae wih her, we mus no allow

    her o be killed.I Kili was reaed as a D, Midgard was duy-bound o

    proec her. I undersood his principle quie well, buTa Kili I don hink she needs bodyguards.

    Recalling her powerul abiliies, I remarked. I killing

    her was he objecive, ha would be a separae mater, buin normal comba, she was definiely sronger han me.

    Even so, unexpeced hings will always come up.

    Hence, I am couning on you, Mononobe Yuu.Judging rom he way Shinomiya-sensei worded hings,

    he one acually perorming bodyguard duies was probablyme. I undersood his oo, because wha we needed o

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    guard agains were humans. As a ormer soldier o ,

    here was no beter candidae han me, bu I sill el

    quie worried.I undersand.

    Sill, giving anyone else his ask would be oo danger-ous. Hence, I sighed and gave up on resising. Relucanly,

    unwillingly, I acceped he job.

    Afer deailed explanaions on he iinerary, we weredismissed roughly an hour laer.

    We are seting off early omorrow, so we mus hurry

    and ge ready Nii-san, may I rouble you o pack my lug-

    gage or me?No problem, leave i o me.

    I nodded o Misuki and lef he conerence room o-geher.

    I never expeced we would leave Midgard again so soon

    afer deeaing Basilisk.Alhough i was a journey o oreign landsI could no

    eel exciemen sirring in my hear.

    Feeling ha wha awaied us was a uure impossible oimagine, I wiped my sweay palms on my clohing.

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    Part 4

    , led by Shinomiya-sensei, allmembers o Brynhildr Class depared rom Midgard.

    Firs, we ook a large high-speed helicoper or severalhours o reach an airpor somewhere. Ten rom here, we

    ranserred o a privae je ha we had hired.

    I slep on he plane. By he ime I woke up rom an in-fligh announcemen, he sunligh sreaming hrough he

    window was already he seting suns glow.

    All ravelersOur plane is se o arrive a he desina-

    ion in roughly en minues.Despie having spen almos weny-hours raveling,

    he ime was sill only dusk. Tis place mos likely had aseven o eigh hour ime difference wih Midgard.

    I el weigh on my shoulder. Siting in he neighboring

    sea, Misuki was sleeping wih her head resing on myshoulder. Judging rom he ac ha he announcemen had

    no woken her up, she mus have accumulaed quie a lo o

    aigue.Tinking I should le her sleep longer as much as possi-

    ble, I looked ouside he window wihou rousing her.

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    Te plane sill seemed o be high in he sky. I could see

    layers o clouds, dyed orange-red by dusk, covering he dis-

    an ground in paches. Proruding rom he clouds was aowering mounain range wih snow-capped peaks.

    Is all mounains.Because has he characerisic o he Principaliy o


    Firill suddenly poked her head ou rom he sea inron.


    Her explanaion came unexpecedly, making me ex-

    claim quiely in surprise. She had apparenly heard mymuterings.

    Le me ell you, because he Principaliy o Erlia is sur-rounded by all mounains, is known as he Landlocked

    Island and mehods o ransporaion o he ouside world

    are very limied.I had heard ha hey relied on planes as he chie mode

    o ransporaion Bu o such an exen?

    Yes, all land roues basically have o cross mounains.Alhough here are rivers passing hrough he mounain

    range, he rapids only allow one-way raffic exiing he

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    counry. Unil he airpors consrucion, i was oally an

    isolaed counry.

    Firill poined a he land visible ouside he windowand explained.

    Acually Beore gaining independence during hechaos afer World War II, i was no even a counry

    simply a par o a large naions erriory. Prior o my grea-

    grandaher, my ancesors were dukes, no kings.Ah, so has why is called a principaliy raher han a


    I remarked in comprehension.

    Indeed. Te Cres amily has ruled his region or cen-uries bu only sared he royal adminisraion no oo long

    ago.Firill seemed especially excied and alkaive, perhaps

    due o geting close o her homeland.

    I see. So is currenly a democracy?I remember Misuki menioning ha.

    When Grandaher succeeded he hrone, he volunari-

    ly gave up power and opened up sae-owned land o hepeople o exrac rare resources Tis made he counry

    exremely rich. Grandaher really was an amazing person.

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    Apar rom ha, he was also involved in resoring he

    Ds human righs as well as Midgard gaining independence,

    righ? How should I pu i? He is a man who changedcounries and he world.

    I sincerely admired he accomplishmens o Firillsgrandaher.

    Simply as a single human, he had revoluionized so

    much. Tis ac was asounding enough already.Yes, everyone respecs Grandaher.

    Ten Im sure he Principaliys ciizens mus be very


    I imagined he enire counry o be shrouded in sorrow,bu or some reason, Firill laughed as hough she ound i

    unny.I hink he ciizens will be sad Bu definiely, i won

    be like wha youre imagining, Mononobe-kun.

    Wha do you mean?Youll know when you see i.

    Firill smiled mischievously.

    Our fligh is abou o land, please secure your seabels.

    Anoher announcemen was heard in he plane.

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    Once we arrive, Ill ake you all o go sighseeing.

    Misuki, ime o wake up.

    Firill reached ou and poked Misukis cheek. Ten shereraced her head and sa properly on her own sea.

    Mmm Nii-san?Misuki rubbed her eyes sleepily. I old her we were

    abou o arrive while pondering wha Firill mean by

    Youll know when you see i.

    As soon as we exied he plane, I el cold wind agains

    my ace insanly.Woah S-So cold

    MmAriella and Ren hunched up and rubbed heir exposed


    I would have worn hicker clohing had I known earli-er

    Carrying ia on her back, Lisa exied he plane, speak-

    ing wih a rown.On Lisas back, ia was soundly asleep, reusing o wake

    up no mater how much we called o her.

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    I descended he gangway while looking a he scenery

    aar. Jus as Firill had menioned, here was a mounain

    range ainly visible in he disance, enclosing he enire re-gion. Te aliude el quie high oo or he air was cold and

    rarefied.Tis was quie a harsh environmen or us, coming rom

    a ropical island.

    Wow, so cool and rereshing!Iris was aking deep breahs comorably despie exhal-

    ing whie mis. Speaking o which, I had never asked where

    she was rom. Perhaps Iris had grown up in a cold counry.

    As soon as I descended he gangway, I saw an exra longluxury vehicleprobably a srech limousineparked be-

    ore us. I looked like he car had driven direcly on herunway o welcome us. Sanding nex o he car was a wom-

    an in a heavy coa.

    Oh!Firill insanly rushed down he gangway he insan

    she saw he woman.

    P-Princess FirillTa is very dangerous!Helen!

    Ignoring he voice elling her o sop, Firill rushed overand hugged he woman.

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    As soon as we descended he gangway, Firill insanly

    urned around o ace us and inroduce her o us.

    She is Helen, my lady-in-waiing. She used o be mywe nurse during my inancy oo.

    My name is Helen Brown. Dressed like ha, you musall be cold. Please hurry and ge in he car. I will prepare

    warm clohing or all o you once we reach he palace.

    Tank you. I is a pleasure o mee you.Misuki walked up and bowed o her.

    We boarded he vehicle a Helen-sans urging. Te hea

    was on inside he and i was very warm. Te inerior o he

    limousine was very spacious wih wo rows o seas acingeach oher. Afer we had setled ino our seas, he limo

    immediaely sared moving smoohly. Helen-san was hedriver.

    Well hen, les briefly confirm our schedule rom

    here on. Ah, beore ha, synchronize your imepieces. Teime is currenly 18:23 in his counry.

    Shinomiya-sensei revealed her radio-conrolled wach.

    Afer making sure we had all checked our waches or pora-ble erminals wih i, she coninued:

    Nex, we will be welcomed a he palace as sae guess.Te palace will prepare individual rooms or us. You will ge

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    ready in your rooms o atend he dinner pary a 2000.

    During he pary, you will probably mee Firill Cress par-

    enshe nex king and queenas well as Kili SurrMuspelheim, o course.

    Someone gulped.Meeing thatKili againTe hough o ha insanly

    dispelled any uplifing eeling o rip abroad.

    Since here was no elling wha Kilis goal was, nohingcould be prediced. I Kili inended o harm someone, we

    would need o figh her. And in order o sop her, my only

    choice was o figh her wih he inenion o killing her.

    Te schedule or omorrow and beyond will be adjus-ed afer we alk o her. Any quesions?

    Shinomiya-sensei asked and swep her gaze across ouraces.


    Wih he ia sound asleep, using her lap as a pillow, Li-sa raised her hand and spoke hesianly.

    Wha is i?

    How should we ace Honoka-sanraher, how shouldwe ace Kili?

    I won ask you o be riends wih her, bu or he sakeo finding ou her goal, please ry o alk o her as much as

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    possible. Naurally, I am reerring o peaceul and cordial

    communicaion. However, do no lower your guard he

    slighes. In a dangerous siuaion, please prioriize yourown saey when aking acion.

    Undersood.Despie a worried look, Lisa sill nodded affirmaively.

    Te conversaion ended here. I urned my gaze ouside

    he window, only o see he limo leaving he airpor runway.Passing hrough he erminal a he ron o he airpor, he

    limo drove along a sree lined wih many large hoels.

    Perhaps because i was nex o he airpor, he sree

    scenery looked unexpecedly modernized. Because I wasold ha his counry was remoe and isolaed by moun-

    ains, I hough he scenery would be more agriculural andcounryside.

    Bu beore long, brick buildings wih disincive syles

    became abundan. Tis seemed o be an area consisingmosly o hisoric buildings.

    Vendor salls were lined along he sides o he road wih

    huge crowds moving abou. I looked ou he window dur-ing a red ligh and saw people decoraing buildings and he

    sree wih elecric illuminaion and colored abric.Looks especiallylively.

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    Seeing he siuaion inside o own, I mutered in puz-

    zlemen. Clearly he king had died bu I could no sense any

    mourning.Yes, because he esiviies sar omorrow.

    Seeing my reacion, Firill smiled while she spoke,siting opposie me.

    Eh? Isn i he kings uneral saring omorrow?

    In his counry, unerals are he same as esivals. Ourcusom is o send he deceased off o heaven in a lively cel-


    Afer he sun se in he wesern mounains, he ciys

    neon lighs were li. Saring ou a he dazzling lighs, Firillexplained.

    I ge i now So has why you said earlier Ill knowwhen I see i.

    I will definiely be more un-filled saring omorrow,

    bu I ear ha person migh do somehing nearious.Gloom flashed across Firills expression. She likely

    mean Kili by ha person. Firill was probably he mos

    worried person here. Afer all, her parens had unknowinglyaken in a dangerous erroris.

    Don worry. As long as Im here, I absoluely won al-low Kili o do whaever she wans.

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    I was very worried oo bu I sill had o asser his, be-

    cause raher han being a quesion o wheher I could do i

    or no, i was somehing I mus do. Even i Kili had any ul-erior moives, I was no going o le sadness or harm come

    o Firill.Mononobe-kun, youre quie reliable someimes.

    Someimes is redundan.

    Fuu.Hearing my reply, Firill laughed happily.

    Ten eeling srong gazes a his momen, I ollowed

    hem o heir source.

    For some reason, Misuki and Iris were saring coldly ame.

    W-Wha?Nohing, none a all.

    Misuki answered, her words inexplicably prickly.

    Mononobe Somehow wihou me knowing i, youvebecome such good riends wih Firill-chan.

    Iris remarked wih a sligh sulk.

    N-No, has noWe aren?

    Looking a my ace, Firills quesion pu me a a loss orwords.

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    Perhaps I guess is no enirely

    In he process o resolving he conundrum beween

    Misuki and Iris, I had many opporuniies o inerac wihFirill. I was rue ha we had become much beter riends

    han beore.I mus be rue, becaue we did thisand thatogeher.

    Firill leaned orward, drew near my ace and whispered

    in my ear.Urgh

    My ears began o eel ho while memories flashed

    across my mind o how she was ouching my body random-

    ly while sraddling me on a bed or pressing her bosomagains my back in he ho spring.

    Nii-san, do you know ha your ace is very red?Mononobe Did somehing happen beween you and


    Misuki and Iris sares urned even sharper.N-Nohing a all! Puting ha aside, look, ha sores

    decoraions are so prety

    I was rying o change he subjec orcibly when Isopped mid-senence.

    From among he hick crowds in he sree, I sensed aninense sare direced a us.

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    Wha is he mater? Nii-san?

    I was brough back o realiy by Misuki calling o me.

    However, he scenery rapidly receded ino he disance.rying o find he person saring a us was no longer possi-

    ble.No, I was jus mesmerized by he lovely scenery.

    I was probably hard no o be he subjec o envy while

    raveling in his luxury vehicle. Or perhaps, Ds ou o Mid-gard were under surveillance

    Alhough I could hink o many possibiliies, since no

    conclusion could be reached, I vaguely covered hings up.

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    Part 5

    ancien srees hen saredcrossing a large bridge. Te surace o a vas lake was reflec-

    ing he seting suns lingering glow. Looking ahead wherehe car was going, I saw a brighly li casle come ino view.

    Surrounded by all walls o sone. Counless spires ow-

    ered.How specacular. Is ha casle he royal palace?

    I asked Firill bu she shook her head.

    No, has Erlia Casle, a World Heriage ouris sie.

    Nowadays, is only used or special ceremonies.I see, so wheres he palace?

    Over on he side, well be here soon.Afer he limo crossed he bridge, i coninued on a

    road along he casle walls hen acceleraed. Tere were no

    cars coming in he opposie direcion and no pedesriansvisible eiher.

    Jus as Firill had said, a building resembling a palace

    quickly came ino view.A owering and magnificen palace was adjacen o he

    casle. Wihou casle walls and wach owers or deendingagains invaders, i was less inimidaing han he casle, bu

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    i sill exuded an air o hisory and grandeur. Is gohic ar-

    chiecural syle indicaed ha he palace was buil more re-

    cenly han he casle.Afer passing hrough he heavily secured main gae

    where many guards were saioned, crossing a spacious gar-den, he limo sopped a a side door insead o he ron o

    he palace.

    I eels like were sneaking in even hough he prin-cess is clearly reurning in riumph. We didn go hrough

    official immigraions a he airpor eiher

    Ariella mutered afer she go off he car, looking a he

    unassuming side door.I asked hem beorehand no o publicize our visi, be-

    cause i migh cause unnecessary roubles i people oundou ha several Ds were ouside o Midgard.

    Shinomiya-sensei answered Ariellas quesion while

    waiing or everyone o exi he vehicle.Carrying ia, Lisa was he las o aligh. Helen-san hen

    led us ino he palace.

    Well hen, I shall firs ake you o your rooms.Afer sepping ino he palace hrough he side door, I

    insanly el mysel surrounded by warm air.

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    Te inerior had been modernized. Te air condiion-

    ing was warm and genle. Perhaps his was supposed o be a

    corridor used by servans, here were no exravagan urni-ure or inerior decoraions.

    Bu as soon as we reached he hird floor by he sairs,he impression was much differen. Te lighs on he ceiling

    had complicaed carvings while he floor was covered by a

    sof velve carpe.Helen-san led us o where here were many rooms

    spaced a regular inervals. Reaching ino her pocke, she

    ook ou a noebook.

    Shinomiya Haruka-sama, please use his room.Reading her noebook, Helen-san poined a he room

    beside her and opened he door. Te rooms were apparen-ly all allocaed already.

    Clohes have already been prepared inside he rooms,

    please use hem as you please. Te sizes are based on whayou provided in advance, bu we will prepare alernaives i

    none prove o be o your liking.

    Afer explaining fluenly, Helen-san ook us o our re-specive rooms in order.

    Te rooms seemed o be assigned according o SudenNo. essenially.

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    Te only excepions were ia rooming wih Lisa and

    Firill geting skipped over.

    Now hen, please come wih me, Princess Firill.Called las, she mos likely had her own room.

    Hence, Firill and Helen-san walked owards he oherend o he corridor ogeher.

    A princess room mus be very grand.

    Alhough I el a bi curious, i was no like I could headover or a peek, so my only choice was o ener my room



    Since he doors were spaced quie ar apar, I alreadyexpeced i o some exen. However, he luxurious room

    beore my eyes urned ou o be even more spacious han Ihad imagined.

    Te ceiling had a chandelier as one would expec. Te

    bed in he room was also especially huge. I opened heclose sanding on he side o he wall and saw a large

    amoun o menswear made wih op-qualiy abric and de-

    signs.Te windows seemed o open up o a balcony. I ried o

    open he windows genly and cold wind immediaely blew

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    ino he room. Alhough i el a bi cold since I had no

    changed ye, I sill ried walking in he balcony.

    Te sun had compleely se by now. Te sars werewinkling in he sky. Perhaps due o he aliude, he sars

    looked nearer han usual.I urned my gaze o he ground and could see a vas

    garden, meiculously mainained. I did no look like he

    ron garden we saw when he car came in. I was he cour-yard ha was no visible rom ouside he palace. Tere was

    a ounain in he cener. I could hear he sound o flowing


    Clack.I heard someone open a window. Since ia and Lisa

    were rooming ogeher, he room on my righ was empywhile he lef one was Iris, which mean ha

    I spun lef o have a look and insanly me eyes wih

    Iris on he adjacen balcony. Our balconies were no con-neced. Alhough here was a gap separaing hem, here

    was no pariion o block our view.

    OhIris showed a slighly surprised look hen smiled.

    We hink alike, Mononobe.

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    Iris smiled happily. Leaning ou rom her balcony, Iris

    exended her hand owards me.

    H-Hey, has dangerous, you know?ComeExend your hand oo, Mononobe.

    ?Alhough I had no idea wha was he poin o doing

    ha, I did as old.

    Our fingerips ouched slighly.Ah, were ouching.

    Iris smiled wih a happy voice.

    Yeah, jus barely. Ten wha do you wan o do?

    Hmm? Nohing, i jus occurred o me how glad Id eeli we were able o ouch.

    Iris widened her eyes and answered.Glad?

    For our hands o be able o ouch when were clearly in

    differen rooms, doesn ha se your hear racing?Hmm No really.

    I was hard or me o imagine because such romanic

    noions did no occur o me.Eh, bu I already eel my hear racing

    Iris glared a me unhappily. Hearing her upron cones-sion, I el my hear rae accelerae. Perhaps as a backlash o

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    keeping her disance when Misuki was around, Iris was

    now expressing her eelings wihou any hesiaion.

    Hear racing huh.Hearing me repea hose words, Iris blushed.

    R-RighIris scrached her cheek shyly.

    Silenly, we gazed a each oher or a while. Ten a

    srong gus o cold wind blew.Kyah!?

    Iris skir was lifed up by he blowing wind.

    My hearbea acceleraed. For an insan, my gaze was

    drawn o he exposed whie abric.Did you see i?

    Iris ranically held down her skir and asked me.S-Sorry.

    Covering up was impossible afer all, so I apologized

    honesly.Ten Iris seemed o breahe a sigh o relie or some

    reason and ouched her ches genly.

    Ah Luckily, Im wearing panies oday.Tas wha youre concerned abou?

    I could no help bu ask her ha. Iris smiled embar-rassedly.

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    Because Mononobe, you menioned beore ha see-

    ing panies is like eeling you profied. Is embarrassing or

    me, bu i i makes you happy, Mononobe, hen is no aailure o me, oh Or are you unhappy o see panies?

    Uh, nohing o ha sorTen heres no problem!

    Seeing Iris smile sweely, I could no help bu nod in

    agreemen.I guess

    Anoher srong gus o wind blew, orcing me o shiver.

    Iris held down her skir as well. I looked like she el really

    cold.Is ime we ge back ino our rooms o change. Say-

    ing ouside in hese clohes is uncomorable.Y-Yeah

    Shivering, Iris nodded and walked back o he window.

    Mononobe, see you laer! Since here are los o won-derul clohes, you should look orward o i!

    Saying ha, Iris closed her window and drew he cur-

    ains.Wih embarrassed eelings, I reurned o my room oo.

    Speaking o which, I had ye o urn on he ligh.

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    Hence, I pressed he swich near he enrance. Immedi-

    aely, he chandelier li up and he room became brigh.

    Te ime was jus afer 7pm. I walked o he close opick ou my clohing or he dinner pary.

    Bu a ha momen, my porable erminal rang.I was an incoming call bu here was no caller ,

    which gave me a bad eeling. No, I was cerain already.

    Te same had happened beore. Capable o concealinghis caller , making calls o my Midgard-issued porable

    erminal, here was only one person I could hink o.


    o be hones, I did no wan o pick up, bu no know-ing wha migh happen aferwards, I relucanly pressed he

    call buton. An image wih saic appeared on he erminalsscreen.

    Hi, 2nd Lieuenan Mononobe.

    Shown on screen was a man dressed in s miliaryuniorm, saring a me wih his slender eyes.

    As expeced Is Major Loki.

    I sighed. Te caller was jus as I suspeced, my com-manding officer back in my days, also he man who

    waned o culivae me ino he sronges killer.

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    Is been a whileTas no a greeing I need o use

    given he las ime we spoke. Firs o all, le me commend

    you or successully aking ou Basilisk. Congraulaions.Excellen job. Was Misileinn o use?

    Yes, hanks o you. Bu I could no have deeaed Bas-ilisk on my own. Geting hrough he crisis was he resul o


    I had asked Major Loki during he Basilisk batle or a-developed bombMisileinno be handed over

    or us o use. Ta reques was made according o Major

    Lokis verbal promise o a avor no mater wha, which he

    made afer he Leviahan batle. Tis mean ha we wereeven now, bu I el slighly apologeic because my demand

    much have been oo much.No no, you were amazing. Now, he deeaed dragons

    number hree: Purple Kraken, Whie Levihan and

    Red Basilisk. Black Vrira has gone missing and BlueHekaonkheir has no suraced ever since i was driven off

    rom Midgard. Te only dragons currenly confirmed as ac-

    ive are Yellow Hraesvelgr and Green Yggdrasil.Yeah

    Major Loki alked up a sorm bu I replied briefly.

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    You are very orunae2nd Lieuenan Mononobe.

    You are ruly orunae ha Yellow Hraesvelgr wasn

    among he dragons you were orced o deea earlier.Huh?

    Unable o undersand wha Major Loki was geting a, Imade a quesioning sound.

    Oh my, youre no aware? Hraesvelgr is currenly re-

    garded as he dragon ha is impossible o figh.No Ive heard ha is he mos roublesome oppo-

    nen, bu no o he poin ha is impossible o figh

    rue, has a posiion ha canno be approved rom

    Midgards sandpoin. Bu we o has come o ha con-clusion rom he sandpoin realiy.

    I had ofen heard ha Hraesvelgr was a ormidable oebu his was my firs ime being old explicily he dragon

    was impossible o figh. In charge o handling dragon disas-

    ers across he enire world, possessed vas quaniieso daa. Perhaps as a resul o ha, heir assessmen was ar

    harsher han Midgards.

    Why can you say wih such cerainy is impossibleo figh?

    Te reason is simple, because we have atemped allkinds o atacks o no effec a all.

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    Bu he same applies o all he oher dragons, righ? Be-

    cause hey can be deeaed no mater wha, has why hu-

    mans have suffered rom dragon disasers or over wenyyears.

    Indeed, apar rom Hraesvelgr, canno deea anyo he oher dragons eiher, bu ha sems purely rom

    weapon specs. Even i he opponen was ha Leviahan, we

    could sill inflic scraches by using laser weaponry in sau-raion atacks, bu Hraesvelgr is on a compleely differen


    Wha do you mean by ha?

    I rowned and asked.I said i already, no effec a all. Currenly, here is abso-

    luely no mehod capable o inerering agains Hraesvelgr.Had i been Hraesvelgr atacking recenly insead o Basi-

    lisk Youd probably be orced o choose a differen solu-

    ion.A differen soluionReally?

    I remarked biterly afer realizing wha Major Loki im-

    plied.Your ace berays your skepicism. You don mean o

    say ha even i Hraesvelgr were o atack, youd sill fighi?

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    I could answer his quesion wihou any hesiaion a

    all. However, Major Loki made a look o disappoinmenand sighed.

    2nd Lieuenan Mononobe, ha is called a uilesruggle, no a figh. Because Ive menioned ha fighing is

    impossible, I wish you could come up wih he bes solu-

    ion while aking his as a precondiion.

    I knew wha Major Lokis bes soluion was reerring

    o. Namely, o kill he D argeed by he dragon, bu I could

    no approve o ha kind o mehod a all.Your ace berays your wish o differ. Alhough your

    conribuions o Leviahan and Basilisks deeas wereamazing accomplishmens You seem o have orgoten

    your real job. Your power exiss purely or murder

    Major Loki, wha business do you have his ime?I inerruped him and demanded or him o ge o he

    main poin.

    Because I did no wan o lisen any urher o a conver-saion ha pissed me off.

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    HooAre you ha unwilling o conron who you are?

    Fine, les ge o he main poin. Your curren posiion

    should be he Principaliy o Erlia, righ?Yes.

    Having applied or permission o leave Midgards bor-ders, our acions were naurally known o . Tere was

    no poin in hiding hings.

    Your objecive is o guard Kili Surr Muspelheim andranspor her o Midgard, righ? Seriously Midgards de-

    cision really calls heir saniy ino quesion.

    Major Loki sighed deeply hen urned his sharp gaze a

    me.However, is convenien ha he eam includes you.

    I have only one iem o business wih you, namely, I wan oask you o eliminae Kili.

    I had prety much guesse