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Birmingham Lions Juniors Risk Assessment for Gameday updated 24 th April 2014 by Wayne Hill University of Birmingham Lions Juniors 2014 Home Gameday Risk Assessment

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Birmingham Lions Juniors Risk Assessment for Gameday updated 24th April 2014 by Wayne Hill

University of Birmingham Lions Juniors

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Birmingham Lions Juniors Risk Assessment for Gameday updated 24th April 2014 by Wayne Hill

Emergency Contact Information Emergency Services Emergency Services: 999 Nearest Accident and Emergency Unit (See Appendix A) Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre Birmingham B15 2TH Telephone: 0121 627 2000

Home Ground Metchley 3G Pritchatts Park Village Pritchatts Road Birmingham B15 2XQ 0121 414 4117 Birmingham Lions Juniors Contacts Director of Football: Wayne Hill – 07429 188499 Head Coach: Jay Alexander – 07739 838187 Game day Medical Cover A4MTS: 0121 604 6555

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Birmingham Lions Juniors Risk Assessment for Gameday updated 24th April 2014 by Wayne Hill

Introduction American Football is a high impact collision sport, participation in that sport carries inherent risks, however the Birmingham Lions Juniors have a duty of care to both their members, spectator, the public and visiting teams to assess the risks involved and to take reasonable steps to minimise those risks. Studies in the United States have shown that injuries in American Football are broadly similar to other participation sports with roughly 6/1,000 participants and that the majority of injuries of a minor nature, with 40% of injuries being sprains and strains, 25% contusions, 15% dislocations, 10% fractures and 5% concussions. Sport safety in American Football in the UK is achieved by means of a multifaceted responsibility. BAFANL is the National Governing Body (NGB) and sets the framework for the sport, it stipulates the rules of competition, provides guidance to the clubs, and implements disciplinary procedures. BAFRA provides officials with knowledge of the rules of the game, ensures compliance with those laws and provides an element of protection to players and spectator caused by unsafe acts or omissions of others. BAFCA is coaching body associated with the sport and provides training, advice and guidance for coaches. The clubs themselves prove the risk assessments, medical provision, coaching and training. The players themselves are the final piece and provide their own fitness and capability, understanding of the rules and laws and their own personal equipment. The Birmingham Lions Juniors will aim to promote safety within the sport by complying with the rules and laws of the game, complying with the governing body, appointing appropriately qualified coaches (Level 1 as a minimum), ensuring all games are played under the auspices of appointed officials and providing suitable facilities and equipment. This assessment will review the risks involved in the game day activities of the club and establish procedures for removing those risks or minimising them to an acceptable level given the nature of the sport.

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Birmingham Lions Juniors Risk Assessment for Gameday updated 24th April 2014 by Wayne Hill

Assessment Completed by (Name):_____________________________ Signed:________________________________ Date:__/__/_____


People most likely to be affected

Control measures in place

Assessment of risk Additional control measures required

Owner Residual Risk


Home Game Players, officials, spectators

All home games will take place under the supervision of BAFRA officials, following the rules of BAFA and the guidance of BAFANL. However, American Football is a contact sport and risk will remain.

Medium None Medium


Pitch Players, officials The general public do not have regular access to the ground.

Medium Game day checklist to be completed by game day manager prior to kick-off.

Gameday Management


Parking Players, officials, spectators

There is parking on site and additional public parking on the road.

Medium Gameday Management to liaise with UofB to ensure visitors have coach parking available on the day.

Gameday Management


Changing Rooms Players, officials Dedicated secure changing facilities to be provided for home, visiting and officiating teams.

Medium Gameday checklist to be completed.

Gameday Management


Drinking Water Players, officials Drinking water is provided at the Munrow Changing Rooms and at the

Medium Gameday checklist to be completed.

Gameday Management / UofB Staff


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Birmingham Lions Juniors Risk Assessment for Gameday updated 24th April 2014 by Wayne Hill


Access to the pitch Players, officials, spectators

Due to the nature of the ground the pitch is a significant walk from the main sports centre.

Medium Contact with main sports centre through UofB staff on duty and mobile phone. Away team to be walked by a member of gameday staff to the field. (Mindful of Road Safety.)

Gameday Management / UofB Staff


Welfare Facilities Player, officials, spectators

UofB Facilities are purpose built facility that iswell managed and subject to regular inspection and assessment.

Low UofB H&S official to review existing fire risk assessment and management arrangements.

Director of Football / Uof B Staff


Other Events Player, officials, spectators

The league schedule is discussed in advance with the venue management.

Medium Check with venue management that no other events are planned at the same time.

Gameday Management



Goalposts (Not required for 8v8 games)

Players Goal posts to be erected by UofB & Birmingham Lions trained staff.

Medium Game day checklist to be completed prior to kick-off.

Gameday Management


Goalposts (Not required for 8v8 games)

Players Goal posts to be padded before use.

Medium Game day checklist to be completed prior to kick-off.

Gameday Management


Filming Tripod Players, Coaches, Club videographer

Filming tripod to be erected by one of the Birmingham Lions trained staff.

Medium Tripod to be examined before and throughout use.

Gameday Management / Club videographer



Participants aware of the risks of participation

Players Through providing qualified coaches and suitable training players will be made familiar with the risks associated with the sport.

Medium Check Coaches Qualifications. Director of Football to monitor.

Director of Football Low

Participants Players Through training all Medium All players are made Head Coach / Game Low

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Birmingham Lions Juniors Risk Assessment for Gameday updated 24th April 2014 by Wayne Hill

physically capable of participation

players will be prepared to meet the physical demands of the sport.

aware that they need to work on their own physical fitness. Any players deemed to be unfit, either by the coaches or medical staff will not be allowed to participate in the game.

day medical staff

Participants warmed up

Players Pre-game and before the start of the second half all players will be warmed up by theteam captains, to a programme developed by the coaching staff.

Low Coaches to lead designated Warm-ups

Coaching Staff Low

Participants adequately trained

Players Club have 1 Level Three Coach and all other coaches are Level 1 with extensive experience. See club training risk assessment for further details.

Medium Club to monitor and promote coach education.

Director of Football Low

Participants understand the rules

Players During coaching all positional coaches will make the players familiar with the rules available for their position. All new rules or points of emphasis will be discussed the players for the coming season. Player will also be directed to read and understand the rules themselves.

Medium Officials to give a demonstration to the players before the start of each season.

Players / Club committee


Participants aware of protective equipment

Players All players will be made aware of the

Medium Coaches to check and monitor equipment

Coaches / Gameday Management.


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Birmingham Lions Juniors Risk Assessment for Gameday updated 24th April 2014 by Wayne Hill

requirements minimum requirements for personnel equipment outlined in the BAFA rulebook 2014.

throughout season.

Participants equipment is suitable

Players Positional coaches will discuss the minimum requirements with the players before Kick-off. The officials will remove a player who does not meet the requirements.

Medium Coaches to check and monitor equipment throughout season.

Coaches / Gameday Management.



Competence of officials

Officials, players All games will be played under the supervision of BAFRA appointed Officials where available. If BAFRA officials are not available then Level 1 qualified coaches with experience will officiate games.

Low None N/A Low


Getting to the ground Spectators UofB Metchley 3G is a purpose built sports facility that is well signposted on approach. Sufficient parking is available at the ground and across the road.

Low None N/A Low

Getting to the pitch Spectators The pitch is a reasonable walk from the main facility and is not clearly signposted.

Medium Signage to provided to allow spectators to readily identified the safest route to the pitch.

Gameday Management / UofB Staff`


Disabled Access Spectators Disabled access to Low Disabled access Gameday Low

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Birmingham Lions Juniors Risk Assessment for Gameday updated 24th April 2014 by Wayne Hill

the facility itself is very good but access to the pitch is problematic due to the layout of the venue.

provision to be discussed with the venue management.

Management / UofB Staff`

Segregation of spectator areas

Spectators, players Segregated area for spectators to be provided.

Medium Spectators to be reminded of the need to keep their distance from the pitch. Team areas to be roped off.

Gameday Management / UofB Staff


Condition of spectator area

Spectators Game day checklist to be completed before kick-off

Low None Gameday Management / UofB Staff



There is no access to the ground for the general public.


Club videographer Media Access to filming tripod – see Equipment above

Club photographer Media Club photographer will have access to the club area only.

Low None N/A Low

Local news Media Local media access will be as per spectators above

Low None N/A Low

Emergency Services

Adequate first aid cover provided

Players, officials The club has employed A4 MTS to provide suitable first aid cover in-line with the guidance provided by BAFANL. This will consist of a competent paramedic familiar with the sport. The club also

Previous minimum medical cover was for an ambulance to be on site. The removal of this requirement has caused fierce debate within the sport. Given the likely nature of the injuries and close proximity of the A&E

Gameday Management / UofB Staff


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Birmingham Lions Juniors Risk Assessment for Gameday updated 24th April 2014 by Wayne Hill

has a qualified pshyiotherapist designated as the first responder and who will assist the players with pre-game taping and stretching.

Department we believe the level of cover is suitable and sufficient, however, this is a new service provider for the club and first aid provision will continue to be monitored throughout the season.

Contact with the emergency services

Players, officials, spectators

Director of Football will follow UofB emergency procedures and liaise with UofB staff in calling emergency services. There will be a mobile phone and land line available to contact emergency services.

Low The venue has a land-line if there is an issue with the mobile phone networks, however the area has been checked and mobile phone reception is good.

Gameday Management / UofB Staff


Other Issues

None identified at the time of the assessments

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Appendix A: Nearest A&E – Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre

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Birmingham Lions Juniors Risk Assessment for Gameday updated 24th April 2014 by Wayne Hill

Appendix B: Game day Checklist

To be completed by the game day manager at least 1 hour before kick-off. Weather Conditions Are extreme weather conditions present which may have an effect on player safety? Yes/No Pitch and Equipment Following an inspection of the playing surfaces are there any areas that may have an effect on player safety, including Yes/No cracks or uneven surfaces? Is there any visible debris on the playing surface? Yes/No Have the markings been checked to ensure that they are in line with the rules of the game or following Yes/No league issued guidelines?

Are all goalposts securely in place and padded? Yes/No

Where applicable, are all lights operational and do they illuminate the playing area and run-offs? Yes/No Does the run off (clear space) outside each side line meet the required distance as defined in the BAFA rulebook (12 feet)? Yes/No

Are there visible obstructions or hazards within the run off or perimeter areas? Yes/No Facilities Are there any visible hazards in the public areas, including the seating or spectator areas? Yes/No Are there any visible hazards in the player’s/officials areas including the changing rooms? Yes/No First Aid Are the first aid requirements for the player in accordance with those outlined in the BAFA rulebook? Yes/No Is there access to a working telephone? Yes/No

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Other factors

Are there other factors which require attention prior to the players accessing the field of play? Yes/No

If Yes to any of the above provide details:

Action Required To be completed by Completed before kick-off

Checklist Completed by (Name):_________________________________ Signed:__________________________ Date:__/__/____