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Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Institut für Textilmaschinen

und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik




- abstract -




- rezumat teză doctorat-

Doctorand: Ing. Bianca ALUCULESEI

Conducători de doctorat: Prof. Dr. Ing. Antonela CURTEZA

Prof. Dr. Ing. habil. Sybille KRZYWINSKI

IAȘI, 2019


Cuprins / Contents Rezumat teză doctorat .................................................................................................................................. 4

1. Introducere ............................................................................................................................................ 4

2. Obiectivele cercetării ............................................................................................................................. 4

3. Partea experimentală ............................................................................................................................ 5

4. Rezultate și concluzii ............................................................................................................................. 8

5. Contribuția tezei .................................................................................................................................... 8

6. Cercetări viitoare ................................................................................................................................... 9

Abstract ....................................................................................................................................................... 10

Chapter 1: Introduction to the research ..................................................................................................... 10

1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 10

1.2 Research objective ............................................................................................................................ 10

1.2.1. Challenges in the researched area ............................................................................................ 10

1.2.2. Objectives and structure of the work ........................................................................................ 10

Chapter 2: Disabilities: Definitions and clothing needs ............................................................................... 11

2.1. Disability ........................................................................................................................................... 11

2.2. Clothing for persons with special needs ........................................................................................... 11

2.3. Needs and demands of wheelchair users regarding clothing .......................................................... 12

Chapter 3: Garment design methods for wheelchair users - a literature review ....................................... 12

3.1. Anthropometric measurements ....................................................................................................... 12

3.2. Measurement techniques for wheelchair users ............................................................................... 13

3.2.1. Traditional method .................................................................................................................... 13

3.2.2. Three dimensional scanning procedure .................................................................................... 13

3.2.3. Kinematic body model ............................................................................................................... 13

3.3. Computer-aided design systems ...................................................................................................... 13

3.3.1 Conventional garment construction for wheelchair users ......................................................... 14

3.3.2. 3D virtual prototyping of garments for wheelchair users ......................................................... 14

Chapter 4: Methodology establishment in current research ...................................................................... 15

4.1. Research design, procedure and participants .................................................................................. 15

4.2. Three-dimensional scanning procedure ........................................................................................... 16

4.3. Scanning procedure for a wheelchair user ....................................................................................... 18

4.4. Body posture simulation using a kinematic template model ........................................................... 19

Chapter 5: Virtual pattern making for wheelchair users ............................................................................. 20

5.1. 3D-to-2D virtual prototyping ............................................................................................................ 21

5.2. Fit simulation for the tight-fitting trouser model ............................................................................. 23

5.3. 2D-3D virtual prototyping ................................................................................................................. 24


5.3.1. The construction of basic trouser patterns and fit simulation ...................................................... 25

5.3.2. Modification of the basic trouser patterns ................................................................................... 26

5.3.3. Fit simulation of the modified basic trousers ................................................................................ 27

5.4. Designing a pair of trousers for a man wheelchair-user .................................................................. 28

5.5. Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................... 30

Chapter 6: General conclusions and future work ........................................................................................ 31

6.1. Results of the experimental studies ..................................................................................................... 31

6.2 Contribution of the thesis...................................................................................................................... 32

6.3. Future work .......................................................................................................................................... 33

References - selection ................................................................................................................................. 33

List of published papers ............................................................................................................................... 36

Awards ......................................................................................................................................................... 36


Rezumat teză doctorat

1. Introducere În industria confecțiilor, odată cu evoluția tehnologiilor, activitatea de proiectare a trecut de

la etapa manuală la cea computerizată. Sistemele CAD utilizate pentru proiectarea formelor

tiparelor produselor de îmbrăcăminte au module care permit proiectarea plană (2D), proiectarea

3D și simularea în spațiul virtual a interacțiunii produs vestimentar- corp uman [1]. Evoluția

modulelor care permit proiectarea directă 3D a tiparelor produselor de îmbrăcăminte folosindu-se

de manechinul corpului uman a devenit o soluție inovativă pentru activitatea de design a

produselor de îmbrăcăminte, în special cea destinată persoanelor cu anumite dizabilități.

Dizabilitatea reprezintă incapacitatea sau limitarea de a efectua anumite activități legate de

acțiunile normale din viața de zi cu zi. Dizabilitatea poate rezulta din anumite deficiențe care pot

proveni dintr-o serie de probleme fizice, cognitive, mentale, intelectuale, senzoriale sau mentale.

Leziunea coloanei vertebrale reprezintă o leziune a coloanei sau a nervilor care poate afecta

abilitățile motorii sau senzoriale ale unei persoane. Paraplegia rezultă dintr-o leziune a măduvei

spinării [2] și se referă la o deficiență sau o pierdere a funcții motorii și/sau senzoriale la nivelul

toracic (T2-T12), lombar (L1-L5) sau sacral (S1-S5) ale măduvei spinării [3].

Produsele de îmbrăcăminte destinate persoanelor cu dizabilități trebuie să răspundă la

anumite nevoi speciale impuse de postura corpului, limitarea libertății de mișcare și a duratei

mari de ședere în scaunul cu rotile.

2. Obiectivele cercetării Industria de textile și confecții se află abia la începutul etapei de conștientizare a nevoilor

persoanelor cu dizabilități. La nivel European există firme de confecții care realizează produse

vestimentare destinate acestei categorii de purtător, dar în România nu există încă asemenea


Activitatea de cercetare pentru elaborarea tezei de doctorat cu titlul “Cercetări privind

implementarea unor noi metode digitale în dezvoltarea produselor textile pentru persoane cu

dizabilități locomotorii”, s-a orientat spre identificarea și analiza nevoilor și cerințelor

persoanelor care stau în scaunul cu rotile în ceea ce privește produsele vestimentare și s-au

propus soluții de proiectare a acestor produse, perfect adaptate particularităților lor (postură și

limitarea activității de mișcare).

Persoanele paraplegice reprezintă 1% din populația Europei, aproape opt milioane de

oameni [4], și sunt un grup de purtători care au necesități și nevoi specifice și din punct de vedere

vestimentar. În proiectarea și fabricația produselor de îmbrăcăminte destinate acestei grupe de

purtători trebuie să se țină cont de postura particulară a corpului și de durata mare de timp

petrecută în scaunul cu rotile.

Limitarea posibilității de mișcare a persoanelor care stau în scaunul cu rotile ridică

probleme la îmbrăcarea- dezbrăcarea produselor cu sprijin în talie→pantaloni. Principalul

obiectiv al acestui studiu de cercetare a fost proiectarea 3D a unui model de pantaloni, cu module

3D ale sistemelor CAD, folosind manechinul virtual corespunzător poziției șezânde a

purtătorului paraplegic.

În proiectarea tiparelor produselor de îmbrăcăminte prin metoda geometrică se folosesc

informații despre forma și dimensiunile corpului și ale modelului produsului de îmbrăcăminte


dorit. Măsurarea dimensiunilor corpului uman se poate face prin metode directe (metode de

contact) și metode indirecte (metode fără contact).Informațiile despre forma și dimensiunile

corpului uman (persoane paraplegice) necesare scopului tezei de doctorat sunt obținute prin

scanare 3D. Scanarea s-a realizat folosind un scanner de mână și un scanner fix.

Pentru rezolvarea obiectivului tezei a fost necesară animarea unui corp cinematic într-un

mediu virtual, cu anumite mișcări și poziții. Animația unui corp 3D într-un mediu virtual poate

oferi informații despre forma corpului în anumite mișcări sau poziții. Prin realizarea animației

virtuale, s-au obținut diferite poziții dinamice ale corpului 3D.

În etapa următoare s-a proiectat un model de pantaloni folosind modulul 3D de proiectare al

sistemului CAD, potrivit dimensiunilor corpului și posturii acestuia pentru persoane care stau în

scaun cu rotile. După desfășurarea tiparelor, s-au obținut formele 2D ale reperelor de produs și

apoi s-a verificat modul de potrivire al modelului creat cu manechinul virtual al purtătorului.

Motivul alegerii pantalonilor pentru această cercetare a fost interesul pentru rezolvarea

problemelor pe care un utilizator de scaun cu rotile le are cu acest articol de îmbrăcăminte. În

comparație cu un produs pentru partea superioară a corpului, pantalonii necesită o modificare

mai complexa pentru a rezolva problemele de ajustare a produsului în poziția șezândă. Prin

simularea în spațiul virtual al prototipului elaborat se verifică corespondența dimensională

produs vestimentar- corp uman și echilibrul produsului pe corp.

3. Partea experimentală Partea experimentală a cercetării a fost efectuată la Universitatea Tehnică din Dresden,

Institutul pentru utilaje textile și tehnologii pentru materiale textile performante (ITM),

Germania. Protocolul de scanare pentru persoane care stau în scaun cu rotile (utilizarea scanner-

ului fix și mobil) s-a elaborat prin sesiuni succesive de scanarea a 2 persoane: 2 femei (25 și 62

de ani, în poziție ortostatica, persoane care nu au probleme cu poziția și postura corpului.

Scanarea s-a realizat cu scanerul manual MHT Artec și scanerul zSnapper de la Vialux.

Suprafețele mesh ale corpului s-au editat cu programul GeomagicStudio. După elaborarea

protocolului de scanare acesta a fost utilizat pentru scanarea unui bărbat paraplegic, cu vârsta de

54 de ani. Imaginea 3D a subiectului masculin paraplegic a fost utilizată ca suport pentru

obținerea informațiilor (postură și mărimi antropometrice) în proiectarea virtuală reperelor unui

model de pantaloni.

Figura 1: Schema poziționării

dispozitivelor în procesul de scanare

Figura 2: Procedura

de scanare pentru

peroana paraplegică

Figura 3: Corpul virtual obținut înainte și după

procesarea suprafeței de mesh

În activitatea de proiectarea virtuală 3D se utilizează corpuri în poziție ortostatică. Pentru

a putea realiza proiectarea unui model de pantaloni a fost necesar să se elaboreze un corp virtual,


care poate avea diferite poziții dinamice (elaborarea acestui corp s-a realizat în programul 3ds

Max, prin prelucrarea imaginii unui corp scanat în poziție ortostatică cu un șablon cinematic.

(Figura 4).

Corpul 3D cinematic a fost animat pentru a obține diferite poziții dinamice ale corpului,

cu diferite unghiuri între coapsă și gambă (Figura 5). Cu programul DesignConcept -Lectra s-a

proiectat 3D un model de pantaloni, pentru o anumită postură a corpului (trunchiul înclinat cu

130° și unghiul dintre axa coapsei cu cea a gambei de 130° (Figura 6). Modelele au fost

aplatizate și analizate în continuare în procesul de proiectare 3D (Figura 7).

Figura 4: Model cinematic

obținut prin fuziunea de date

scanate cu un template


Figura 5: Diferite poziții

ale parții de jos a

trunchiului pentru corpul

cinematic obținut

Figura 6: Model pantalon 3D Figura 7: Repere 2D


Simularea modului de așezare al prototipului de pantaloni pe manechinul virtual s-a realizat

folosind sistemul Lectra- Modaris V8R1. Forma 2D a reperelor modelului proiectat a fost

analizată pentru o anumită poziție dinamică a corpului, corespunzătoare poziției unei persoane

paraplegice. În această poziție s-a constatat ca lungimea turului este insuficientă, de aceea se

impune o majorare a lungimii acestei linii de contur (Figura 8).

Figura 8: Simularea virtuală a tiparelor obținute din

aplatizarea modelului 3D

Figura 9: Simularea virtuală a tiparelor de baza ale

modelului de pantalon

Analizând modul de așezare al pantalonului pe mijlocul feței, se observă ca lungimea

pantalonului pe linia sa de mijloc este prea mare (pantalonul formează pliuri, care determină

senzația de disconfort). În zona genunchilor, modelul de pantaloni necesită o suplimentare pentru

a asigura confortul la purtare (acest lucru se observă din analiza hărții tensiunilor dezvoltate în

produs la îmbrăcarea pe corp). În continuare un modelul de pantaloni 2D este proiectat pentru


mărimea 42, iar simularea virtuală a modului de așezare a fost făcută pe aceeași poziție dinamică

pe care a fost construit și modelul de pantaloni 3D (Figura 9).

Analizând harta tensiunilor dezvoltate în produs la îmbrăcarea pe corp (spațiu virtual) se

stabilesc care sunt prelucrările care trebuie aplicate reperelor de produs: scurtarea lungimii

pantalonilor pe linia de mijloc față, majorarea lungimii liniei turului (spate) și eliminarea pliurilor

de la spatele pantalonilor .

Formele reperelor modelului proiectat au fost modificate și noul prototip a fost verificat în

spațiul virtual. (Figura 10 - 11). Noul prototip are o așezare mai bună pe corp, mai ales în zona

taliei. Faldul care se formează la nivelul taliei are o adâncime mică și acesta poate fi eliminat prin

modul de finisare a terminației superioare a pantalonilor (bandă elastică). Numărul de pliuri de la

partea posterioară a produsului s-a redus considerabil.

Figura 10: Modificarea tiparului de bază a pantalonilor Figura 11: Simularea virtuală a modelului de pantalon


Figura 12: Modelul de pantaloni pentru

bărbați modificat

Figura 13: Persoană paraplegică purtînd modelul de pantaloni modificat

Folosind dimensiunile manechinului scanat al persoanei paraplegice, un model de

pantaloni bărbătești mărimea 52 a fost proiectat și modificat. Etapele de modelare care au fost

aplicate reperelor primului prototip virtual au fost folosite și pentru modelul de pantaloni pentru

bărbați (Figura 12). Modelul nou creat a fost încercat de către utilizatorul de scaun cu rotile

(Figura 13).


4. Rezultate și concluzii Pentru atingerea obiectivului tezei a fost necesar să se studieze informațiile existente în

literatura de specialitate (rezultate ale unor cercetări anterioare) privind forma, funcționalitatea

produselor vestimentare și caracteristicile materiilor prime care sunt recomandate a fi folosite

pentru fabricarea unor produse destinate persoanelor paraplegice (ca de exemplu pantaloni).

Cercetările antropometrice desfășurate ca urmare cerințelor industriei de confecții, standardele

existente, sunt valabile pentru persoane considerate normale. Pentru persoane paraplegice nu

există rezultate ale unor cercetări antropometrice sau standarde.

În prima parte a capitolului 4 se descrie o procedură de scanare a corpului paraplegic

elaborată prin teste succesive de scanare. Scanarea s-a realizat cu scanerul manual MHT Artec și

scanerul zSnapper de la Vialux, rezultînd un protocol de scanare al unei persoane paraplegice. În

a doua parte a capitolului, s-au proiectat diferite poziții dinamice ale corpului uman folosind un

corp cinematic, care s-au utilizat mai departe în construcția modelului de pantaloni 3D. S-a

demonstrat utiliatea unui corp cinematic pentru a obține diferite poziții dinamice al corpului pâna

la cea specifică unui utilizato de scaun cu rotile.

În capitolul 5 se descrie metodologia de proiectare 3D al unui model de pantaloni (prototip),

cu siluetă ajustată și apoi este analizat modul de așezare al produsului pe corp. Forma reperelor

produsului proiectat a fost modificată pentru a asigura confort la purtarea de către o persoană

paraplegică (metoda 2D-to-3D). Prin simularea virtuală s-a verificat echilibrul produsului pe

corp, respectiv corespondența dimensională produs vestimentar- corp uman, s-au stabilit dacă

mai sunt de introdus alte modificări și în final s-a validat soluția de proiectare elaborată.

5. Contribuția tezei În urma cercetărilor și concluziilor prezentei teze, principalele contribuții pentru

cercetarea designului îmbrăcămintei 3D sunt:

- stadiul actual al cercetărilor antropometrice ("state of art") pentru persoane care stau în

scaun cu rotile (țara noastră și pe plan mondial)

- analiza problemelor medicale și sociale ale utilizatorilor de scaune cu rotile,

- studiul cerințelor și nevoilor vestimentare pentru persoane care stau în scaun cu rotile,

- utilitatea folosirii modulelor 3D ale sistemelor CAD pentru proiectarea formei reperelor

din structura unui produs vestimentar,

- elaborarea unui protocol de scanare al persoanelor care stau în scaun cu rotile,

- proiectarea unui șablon cinematic în diferite poziții dinamice până la obținerea unei

imagini cât mai fidele a unui corp paraplegic în postura lui obișnuită, care se poate utiliza

în proiectarea 3D a unui model de pantaloni,

- elaborarea unei metode de proiectare 3D a unui model de pantaloni, cu siluetă

semiajustată pentru persoane paraplegice.


6. Cercetări viitoare Prin metodele dezvoltate descrise în această teză pot fi elaborate direcții de cercetare


- pentru metoda de scanare, se poate stabili un protocol specific în funcție de categoria de

dizabilitate a persoanei care să permită acuratețe în obținerea informațiilor necesare unor

studii avansate de antropometrie,

- protocolul de cercetare se poate aplica și pentru proiectarea 3D a altor categorii de

produse destinate persoanelor paraplegice,

- stabilirea unor structuri optime de straturi, caracteristici de țesături/ materii prime și

materiale care sunt potrivite pentru fabricația produselor destinate persoanelor


- elaborarea unor soluții de modelare tehnică a reperelor de pantaloni pe partea anterioară

sau posterioară, în corelație cu proprietățile de elasticitate, desime, rigiditate ale

materialului folosit la fabricarea produsului în scopul asigurării confortului la purtare.



Chapter 1: Introduction to the research

1.1 Introduction Disability represents the incapacity or limitation to perform certain activities or

behaviours connected with every-day life normal actions. The disability may result from certain

impairments, which can originate from a series of physical, cognitive, mental, intellectual,

sensory or mental issues.

Disabled people represent 15% of the world’s population and across EU the disability is

about 10% from the whole population, with a big probability of going up in the next years [1]. In

Romania at the end of 2018 there were reported 812,594 disabled people, almost 4% from the

entire population [2]. It can be understand that regarding the disability aspect, this important and

numerous group of people are in high demand of personalized and functional products on the


Regarding the clothing products, disabilities often lead to special functional requirements,

which increase the necessity of physical and psychological comfort.

Most of the garments for disabled people that exist now on the market don’t have fabrics

adapted to the individual’s medical problems and also, the products don’t have a suitable pattern

construction for the atypical body, posture or movements of the wearer. It is necessary a bigger

attention upon the research and development of functional clothing for disabled people in order

to improve the functionality, attractiveness, ease in use and affordability of the clothing products.

1.2 Research objective

1.2.1. Challenges in the researched area

In order to develop a customized product that can fulfil the necessities of a target market

is necessary an extensive research about the characteristics of the studied group, especially when

this includes people with a variety of physical abilities. A market research in this matter can be

more complex and challenging because of the variety of needs and characteristics of the disabled

persons. Clothing needs of the people that are living with a sort of disability are not being met;

there is an absence of appropriate clothing which hinder this group of people in having normal

social activities and relationships, jobs or everyday life activities [3,4].

The variety of disabilities which have special design requirements for clothing is big and

each one needs to be studied carefully. The present research was focused on the persons who

suffer from paraplegia and are using a wheelchair for the locomotion process.

The wheelchair users are very sensitive to the clothes they are wearing regarding

functional and design characteristics. They have to take into account every time their health

problems (e.g. skin fragility) and the fitting of the clothes on their body which is most of the

times problematic due to their body shape and sitting. The main attributes the wheelchair users

are searching for in clothing are the functionality, attractiveness, ease in use, affordability and


1.2.2. Objectives and structure of the work

The main objective of this research activity consists in implementing 3D CAD

technologies in designing trousers for wheelchair users. The design of any type of garment has at

the base information about the shape and dimensions of the body of the wearer. There are two


methods of human body measuring: direct methods (contact methods) and indirect methods (non-

contact methods). For this research the indirect method – 3D scanning- was used for better

understanding the shape and dimensions of a wheelchair users’s body. Multiple scans trials were

done using a hand-held scanner and a whole-body scanner. The research was developed further

with the animation of a kinematic body model. The animation of a 3D body in a virtual

environment can give information about the body shape in certain movements or positions. By

doing the virtual animation, different 3D body models in several positions were obtained, from

standing to sitting. Further, 3D-to-2D and 2D-to-3D prototyping was used to create a trouser

model that can fit to the shape and dimensions of a wheelchair user. 3D virtual simulation was

applied to test the applicability of the pattern modifications and in the end a trouser prototype

was designed and tried-on. The reason for choosing the trousers for this research was the interest

in solving the problems a wheelchair user has while sitting with this piece of garment. In

comparison with a garment for the upper part of the body, the trousers are involving some

problems that require more complex pattern modification to solve the fitting issues.

The thesis is structured in six Chapters:

- Chapter 1 and 2, with the introductive part and the analysis of paraplegic people

regarding their disability and their clothing needs;

- In Chapter 3, it is gathered information about the functional clothing for paraplegic

people and the existing literature on measuring techniques, virtual body animation,

scanning procedures and 2D or 3D prototyping of clothing for wheelchair users;

- Chapter 4, the experimental data of this research regarding the scanning procedure and

3D body animation;

- Chapter 5, with the 3D-to-2D and 2D-to-3D trouser prototyping, and

- Chapter 6 with the general conclusions, the thesis contribution in the domain and the

future possible research regarding the thesis subject.

Chapter 2: Disabilities: Definitions and clothing needs

2.1. Disability

Disability is defined from the context of health experience, by the International

Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps (Geneva 1980), as a limited

participation in daily living activities that can come from a physical or psychological impairment


Taking to another level of understanding, with the development of International

Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (Geneva 2001), the World Health

Organization takes the meaning of disability to a wider caption, covering impairments, activity

limitations, and participation restrictions [6], putting together aspects of both health aspects and

the social model problems. The medical aspect of disability refers directly to the health problems

of an individual which can be caused by different diseases, traumas or other causes, while the

social model takes disability into a section of a socially created problem which takes it further

into a problem of integration of individuals into society. In conclusion, disability embodies more

than one medical attribute, but a complex set of environmental factors [7].

2.2. Clothing for persons with special needs Clothing for disabled people should follow the next requirements [16,39]:


- to match the disability and keep the handicap under control by adequate patterns and fasteners –

posture matching, adequacy to joint mobility,

- to encourage independence in movement while wearing, the independence while using the

fasteners and ensure a high level of comfort and safety – ease of use, wear /tear resistance,

- to have an easy maintenance with fabrics easy to wash and iron - repellence / stain -resistance,

- to be made from fabrics that will not chafe or irritate the skin and assure good thermal isolation

- moisture management, perspiration control, thermal insulation,

- the fabric should be from natural fibres or treated with antibacterial solvents – anti-

microbial/bacterial requirements, and

- to provide a certain psychological comfort and self-confidence of the person wearing it.

2.3. Needs and demands of wheelchair users regarding clothing Paraplegia refers to an impairment or loss of motor and/or sensory function in thoracic

(T2-T12), lumbar (L1-L5), or sacral (S1-S5) segments of the spinal cord [10]. It can affect the

functions of the trunk, legs and some of the pelvic organs but the upper part of the body and the

arms are not affected. It can be caused by damaging the spinal cord in accidents, in appearance of

tumours, tuberculosis, and transverse myelitis or it can have hereditary provenience.

Wheelchair users represent 1% of European population, nearly eight million people.

Because of their permanently or semi-permanently sitting position, the contact area has to carry

their body weight during long periods. The absence of muscle tone in their legs and the lack of

activity are reducing the natural body cushioning, it decreases the size in circumference of the

legs with a possible increase of the upper part of the body and makes their circulatory system less

efficient. The nerve spine being damaged, there is an absence of sensory feedback which makes

their skin tissue especially vulnerable to oedemas and ulcerations. Because of the prolonged time

in sitting position or even the incontinence problems, the moisture on the affected areas increases

which makes the skin even more sensitive. There are many aspects to understand that wheelchair

users are in a need of adaptive clothing [11].

Different aspects of the comfort that can be treated are thermal isolation and permeability,

tactile factors, usability, fitting, or hypoallergenic agents [16,6,42].

Chapter 3: Garment design methods for wheelchair users - a literature


3.1. Anthropometric measurements

The design of any type of garment product must be based on information about the shape

and dimensions of the body of the wearer. Anthropometry represents the study of measuring the

dimensions of the human body [13].

There are two methods of human body measuring: direct methods (contact methods) and

indirect methods (non-contact methods) [44,46,47]:

contact methods: ● traditional measuring tools

non-contact methods:● scanning or photogrammetry


3.2. Measurement techniques for wheelchair users

3.2.1. Traditional method

Anthropometric measurements of wheelchair users are used for designing their

occupational environments and products. Many of the existing studies in the literature regarding

their anthropometry are being done for the design of living, public or workplaces, with the

purpose of eliminating harmful and uncomfortable positions. The accessibility demands and the

special design recommendations are also being analysed [67,68,69,70]. Ergonomic studies for

wheelchair users are not enough to be used for the garment construction area, as the ergonomic

measurements are more related to the environment where the person is living. For the garment

construction, the measurements need to be taken directly on the body, but in this case, with the

person sitting in the wheelchair.

3.2.2. Three dimensional scanning procedure

Regarding the scanning procedure for wheelchair users, there are a couple of studies

where are analysed, most of the times on healthy peoples: how to obtain a useful 3D body model

in the sitting position, the necessary equipment and the scanning procedure that a disabled person

can follow. There is a certain interest to acquire an accurate 3D body model in a sitting position

for garment prototyping, as in the past years the industry for customized products tends to

develop, being more aware of the demands and necessities of disabled peoples.

For scanning the sitting position, several methods have been tested regarding the

necessary equipment, the scanning procedure or the posture of the body for the optimal gathering

of the scanning data [89,90,91].

3.2.3. Kinematic body model

An interesting approach in observing the changes in a human body in the sitting position

would be the animation of a kinematic body model in 3D programs. The field of application of

virtual human models is diverse. The adaption and individualization of human models can be

applied in areas like [96,97]: ergonomics, entertainment industry (e.g. film and video production,

games, sports), medical rehabilitation, product design (e.g. automotive industry, virtual clothing

construction and fitting), training through interactive simulation, and providing knowledge (e.g.,

museums, airports, websites).

A kinematic body model is the result of merging a scan data with a template model in

body animation programs with the help of defined landmarks. Within these animation programs,

the body motions can be controlled and it can be analysed the change of the body shape in

different motions [98,99].

3.3. Computer-aided design systems

Garment CAD technology represents the use of computer technology in designing

garment products [28]. Based on the importance of CAD technology in the garment industry, the

CAD technology was strongly studied until these days, much of research being made on garment

modelling and simulation, garment design, garment grading, as well as the existing of available


3D CAD systems for the clothing industry [119,120,121,122,123,124]. All of these reviews are

gathering information about virtual prototyping process, which can be approached from a 2D-to-

3D and 3D-to-2D technique.

The 2D design techniques are based on several sizing rules, using the measurements of

the standard body, and the conventional garment design method. The garment industry is based

on 2D patterns for product manufacturing but more recently the 3D virtual fit simulation started

to get into attention. The virtual fitting on 3D body models would be an important step for the

clothing industry to reduce the number of prototypes in garment development [119,129]. The

basic 2D patterns can be designed and later assembled through a virtual sewing procedure to

produce realistic draping simulation on a 3D mannequin [130,131,132].

3D virtual garment construction is a technique for the garment development that requires

the application of innovative CAD solutions. The objective of virtual prototyping is the

integration of garment characteristics, pattern cuts and fabric properties, to check the fitting on a

virtual body model [32]. In the 3D environment it is possible to modify the shape of the garments

and to apply certain fabric properties. 3D-to-2D technique is based on the development of 3D

human body measurements and modelling, 3D garment design on virtual body models, 3D

garment simulation, and 2D pattern generation from the designed 3D garment model [119,120].

3.3.1 Conventional garment construction for wheelchair users

In the process of creating customized garments for wheelchair users there are many

dimensional changes compared to a basic model that must be considered. There are several

studies focused on the pattern modifications for the lower and upper garments for this type of

clothing. Analysing these studies, the garments for the lower part of the body usually need

adaptation in length and waist area, the crotch was shortened in front and lengthened in the back

side, while for the waist there were added some extra darts to equilibrate the difference between

the hip area and the waistline in the sitting position [39]. Other modification necessary to apply

were the extension of the pants in length and width, knee-line reposition, and widening the sitting

crotch area [21]. Besides the pattern modification, the placement of the opening systems was

reconsidered, by adding special plackets on the sides, zippers to detach the crotch area or elastic

bands on the waist to facilitate the dressing and undressing [147,148]. Detachable legs in sections

or tight-fitting bottoms were also considered, with the usage of soft and water absorbent knitted

fabrics, fabrics made from a mix of synthetic and natural fibres, softer material at the backside

and flat and smooth seems [12]. The garments for the upper part of the body usually needed to

have reinforced back sleeves, longer back, shortened front, large armholes, the full sleeves

without cuffs and the centre front with placket easy to utilize. The elbow area needed more

lightness by using darts and pleats. There is still needed a special attention on the placement of

opening systems [42,89,147,148]. Besides the analysis of regular clothes, protective textiles also

caught the attention, protective pads or diapers for incontinence, protective clothing for wind and

rain being also important [41,147,149].

3.3.2. 3D virtual prototyping of garments for wheelchair users

For the research on virtual prototyping of garments for paraplegic people a series of

studies were made using 2D-to-3D technique. All researches were made using OptiTex 3D

[89,91,95]. The patterns [21] for basic trousers and blouse for a standing position were designed


and virtually simulated on a sitting body model. After this, according to the virtual measured

dimensions from the sitting body, the patterns were modelled and the new ones were virtually

simulated. The proposed modifications of the basic patterns were a first step to understand the

garment construction for a sitting position but the procedure is cumbersome and requires a

different approach. In [23] study were designed three garments for wheelchair users: a jacket, a

dress and a pair of trousers. The virtual prototype of the garments was made based on the virtual

measurements taken on the scan body of the disabled persons. After this, the virtual fit

simulation of the designed models was carried out for a standing and a sitting position. Doing

this comparison between the virtual fittings, it was possible to see what modifications are

necessary for the garments for a sitting position.

The presented literature on 3D scanning and virtual prototyping of garments for

wheelchair-users helped to have a basic idea about individualized functional garments from the

ergonomic point of view and to understand better the functional and aesthetical needs of

paraplegic people. There is still need for the improvement of the scanning procedure for the

sitting position, in order to obtain more data from the sitting area. This would be helpful in

obtaining better 3D body models for accurate virtual measurements and virtual prototyping of

garments. The virtual prototyping of the garments would be less time consuming if the 2D-3D

technique would be transformed to a 3D-2D technique, as it would be easier to see, from the

beginning, the necessary dimensional modifications for the basic patterns.

Therefore, the major lack of dimensional data for wheelchair users, necessary for the

garment construction, was the starting point of this research. The scanning procedure and the

virtual garment prototyping are proposed to be analysed in this research in order to obtain

improved results for this matter.

Chapter 4: Methodology establishment in current research

4.1. Research design, procedure and participants

With reference to the needs and demands of paraplegic people regarding clothing, in this

part of research was analysed the 3D scanning procedure and some computer simulation

techniques to see the possibility of using a kinematic body model in the virtual garment

prototype dedicated to wheelchair users.

All investigations were carried out at TU Dresden, Institute of Textile Machinery and

High Performance Material Technology (ITM), Germany. The scanning procedure of the

selected persons (two healthy and one paraplegic), was performed using the handheld MHT

scanner form Artec [45] and the body scanner zSnapper cart from Vialux [46]. Both scanners

were used for the scanning procedure in order to analyse the capacities these technologies have

in obtaining good scan data for virtual body models. The editing of the mesh surfaces of the

obtained scanned data was made in GeomagicStudio program from 3D Systems [47]. The

scanned image of the body was imported and animated in 3dsMax program from Autodesk [48]

with the purpose of obtaining different positions of the lower part of the body. This entire

procedure was important in the research area of trousers design for the sitting position that can

offer suitable ergonomic comfort for the wheelchair users.

The 3D scanning procedure was made on three participants, two healthy females, age 25

and 62 and one paraplegic male, age 54. The need of using healthy people in the first place was


necessary for the establishment of the scanning procedure for the sitting position and to select

devices that could help in the scanning process. The trials with the healthy participants helped to

understand better the usability and efficiency, both of the handheld and whole body scanner, the

methodology needed to be applied in order to obtain better data and better time managing, and

necessary devices possible to use in the scanning procedure of sitting position.

4.2. Three-dimensional scanning procedure

The starting point of the scanning procedure for the sitting position was to test the

usability and efficiency of Artec MHT handheld scanner to catch data from such a problematic

body posture. The tested person had to sit on a normal chair without a backseat, with the legs

fixed on the ground and bend knees. The arms had to be bended up from the elbow area so that

they don’t appear in the scan data for the lower part of the body. The scanned person had to wear

tight-fitting clothing for obtaining a realistic shape of the body. It was necessary to pinpoint

white clay markers on different locations of the body (Figure 4.1) in order to merge multiple

scanning in the next steps of data processing. The position being defined, multiple scan trials

were done starting from different sides and angles in order to see the best scanning procedure for

obtaining optimal data. The multiple scan trials revealed that it is difficult to scan a large area of

the body with a handheld scanner without obtaining overlapping images or double mesh layers

that would hinder the achievement of realistic and correct scan data. Because of that, it has been

decided to scan one leg to obtain better data for analyzing the missing parts in sitting posture.

The scan data was achieved and edited in ArtecStudio (Figure 4.2). The result is a polygonal

model that was saved as an .obj file for further mesh editing in GeomagicStudio (Figure 4.3).

The mesh editing process consisted in filling the missing holes, smoothening the mesh surface

and erasing the unnecessary parts. After the mesh processing, the leg was mirrored to have a full

lower part of the body that can be further used in 3D environments (Figure 4.4).

Figure 4.1: Scanning with

Artec MHT handheld scanner

Figure 4.2: Obtained

and edited scan data in


Figure 4.3: Obtained

virtual body model

before mesh processing

in GeomagicStudio

Figure 4.4: Obtained virtual

body model after mesh


Based on the gained experience from the scanning procedure using a normal chair and

knowing what the difficult parts to scan are, the idea was to develop a special chair for better

results. The chair was made from transparent Plexiglas® that can allow for the scanner light

beams to reach the back side of the thighs and buttocks. Only a small area from the centre of the

chair table, that is made from a thicker Plexiglas® used to fix the leg of the chair, doesn’t allow

for the scanner to take data. The design included also a seat-back useful in sustaining the


paraplegic’s body during the scanning procedure. Knowing that the scanning time with

zSnapper® scanner takes less than one minute for the entire body, the designed chair was fixed

on a plate that could be set on the turntable of Vialux equipment. The scanner cart was positioned

to catch data from the rotating chair and the hand scanner was placed on the ground at 50 cm

distance from the backside of the turntable, with the angular field of view towards the buttocks.

Both scanners were turned on in the same time, Vialux scanner catching data from the entire

body and Artec scanner from the lower part of the body (Figure 4.6). The person had to sit on the

chair with the legs placed on the turntable, leaned on the back seat and hands raised up above the

back of the neck. The subject had to wear light colored clothes and clay markers were fixed on

the body with the scope of merging together the data from both scanners (Figure 4.5). The

obtained scan data were further processed in ArtecStudio and GeomagicStudio.

Figure 4.5: Scheme for scanner positioning in the scanning


Figure 4.6: Scanning procedure with

ArtecMHT and VialuxzSnapper® cart

The body scanner form Vialux proved to have difficulties to catch data from the areas

where the light beams couldn’t reach directly. There were missing parts from the top of the

thighs, back legs and buttocks. The MHTArtec scanner successfully catches data from the

buttocks side. The processing of the data was made in ArtecStudio. The two scans were aligned

by fixing a set of point pairs between them (Figure 4.7). The result of the alignment (Figure 4.8)

shows that the scanning method is accurate in catching data with the same precision with two

different scanners in the same time. An .obj file was saved for further mesh processing in

GeomagicStudio. The fusion method between two scan data obtained with two different scanners

proved to be not only feasible but also made it possible to obtain a 3D body model in the sitting

posture with less missing areas from the buttocks and back area of the thighs (Figure 4.9). With

the help of these new existing scanned areas, the buttocks can be more easily repaired to follow a

realistic body shape of the sitting posture (Figure 4.10).

Figure 4.7: Fusion between Figure 4.8: Figure 4.9: Obtained 3D body Figure 4.10: Obtained virtual


the scans obtained from

Vialux and Artec scanners


result between

the two scans

model in GeomagicStudio body model after mesh


4.3. Scanning procedure for a wheelchair user

The method established in this research proved to be efficient in obtaining data and low-

time consuming. The first purpose was to establish a better method by which data from the lower

part of the body in sitting posture can be obtained. The second purpose was to obtain a good

timing while scanning so that a disabled person wouldn’t be kept for a long time in a special

position. If the first trial with the handheld scanner gave an overall view of what capturing data

from the sitting posture involves, the procedure of capturing data with both scanners proved to be

an important step in the development of proper equipment possible to use in this case. Having the

developed special chair and knowing from previous trials what is the best technique to catch data

in a short time, it was possible to make a scan trial with a wheelchair user, in order to test the

usability of the new chair in this special case, and the possibility to scan the paraplegic user

(Figure 4.11).

The first step was to see if a wheelchair user can transfer himself from his chair to the

turntable. The maneuver did not bring any problem as long as the chair is stable; he can move by

himself easily and fast. The second step was to see if a paraplegic person can maintain the

established posture for the scanning period, sit leaned against the seat back and keep the hands

over the back of the neck. Having the seat back of the chair to support him, the posture that he

had to maintain for less than one minute did not create any problems to him. Because of the

incapacity to maintain his legs in a proper position for the scanning process, it was necessary to

use a tape to keep them in a fixed position (Figure 4.11). The procedure being established, he had

to wear tight-fitting and light colored clothes to obtain a proper shape of the body during the

scanning procedure. The scan data obtained with Vialux, and Artec scanners were merged

together and saved for the mesh repairing process in Geomagic (Figure 4.12). After the mesh

processing, a 3D body model in the polygonal phase of a paraplegic person was obtained (Figure


Figure 4.11: Scanning

procedure for a wheelchair


Figure 4.12: Obtained 3D body model

in GeomagicStudio Figure 4.13: Obtained virtual body model

after mesh processing


The effectiveness of Artec and Vialux scanners used in the same time proved to be a first

step in gathering more data from the buttocks and thighs area. The possibility of merging

multiple scan data in one single 3D model using ArtecStudio was also important for the final

result. In the end, GeomagicStudio proved to have important tools for easy and quick mesh

processing. The faced problems in the body scanning for the sitting posture could not be yet fully

solved, but the idea of the transparent chair and the combination of multiple scanners is an

important step in gathering scan data in a more efficient way.

4.4. Body posture simulation using a kinematic template model

The objective of the virtual body simulation for this research was to analyse the

possibility to obtain a sitting 3D body model that could be used for the virtual development of

garments. The virtual prototyping of garments nowadays offers the opportunity to design

comfortable and functional clothing but the majority of the CAD systems are using, for the

pattern design and fit simulation, virtual body models with a standard body shape in standing

posture. One of the objectives of this research was to obtain a realistic virtual body model in

sitting posture, leaded to the possibility of using the 3D animation programs that can allow

obtaining different postures of a scan data from standard posture. In this part of research were

achieved different body postures of the lower part of the body, going from the standing position,

passing through different positioning angles, and ending with the sitting position. In order to

obtain an animable “kinematic body model”1, a scan data of a female person size 42 (Figure

4.14) was merged together with a “kinematic template model”2 developed in a previous research

[25] in 3dsMax program (Figure 4.15).

Figure 4.14: Female scan image size 42 Figure 4.15: Kinematic template

1used name for further explanations in this research regarding the merged data between the scan and the kinematic

template 2the template represents the designed kinematic human model in 3dsMax consisting of a skeleton, muscle system

and surface mesh


The entire procedure of adapting the kinematic template model to the scan object was

applied several times, with different scans in different sizes and different adjustment techniques,

so that an optimal kinematic body model can be obtained to be used further in the animation

process (Figure 4.16). From a variety of position sequences, a couple of them, with different

bending angles, were selected to be used further in the study of garment construction for the

sitting position.

Figure 4.16: Motion sequence of the kinematic body model

The selected bent positions of the lower part of the body were converted to

EditablePatch, which gives a smoother geometry for the mesh edges, and exported as .obj file

for 3DDesignConcept from Lectra (Figure 4.17). The exported positions were further used to

study the possibility of 3D construction of trousers. It can be seen that for the sitting position

there is no additional support for the sitting area that could offer a realistic body shape in this

particular case.

Figure 4.17: Sequence of different positions for the lower part of the body in 3D DesignConcept

Chapter 5: Virtual pattern making for wheelchair users

Over time, the clothing industry has switched from conventional pattern making on paper

to the CAD pattern making. As early mentioned, the clothing computer design systems can

include three integrated parts: 2D pattern designing, 3D garment construction and virtual try-on

for clothing simulation [49]. With the development of 3D CAD technologies, the idea of


designing a garment directly on a 3D body model comes as an innovative solution for garment

construction for people with certain disabilities. Few studies are analysing the 3D garment

construction for people with scoliosis [145,171,172]. When it comes to the virtual prototyping of

clothing for wheelchair users, the current literature is based on 2D-to-3D technique

[89,91,94,95]. All these studies approached the idea of garment-fitting for the wheelchair-users

by implementing CAD systems in the experimental methods regarding pattern modification.

With the purpose of finding an improved solution for the pattern modification, necessary to apply

for obtaining a good fitting of the garments on the body in a sitting posture, a 3D-to-2D

technique is described in the following chapter. The attempt to find a standard procedure for the

pattern modifications for trousers designed for wheelchair-users was also an objective in this part

of research.

5.1. 3D-to-2D virtual prototyping

The 3D-to-2D technique involves the construction of the garment directly on a virtual

body model in the 3D environment and then the 2D pattern pieces are generated by flattening the

created regions. First, construction lines defining the garment’s shape are drawn on the virtual

body model, then, 3D patterns are generated in accordance with the drawn regions. The obtained

3D pattern pieces are flattened into 2D patterns by applying a meshing process through a

mathematic algorithm, and finally the 2D patterns are ready to be used in the creation of the

garment model. The garment product that comes out from the 3D-to-2D technique follows the

silhouette and the measurements implemented in the 3D body model. In this way, the phase of

modifying a basic model in several steps until it matches the silhouette of the person is

eliminated and the time is reduced for the product development.

A 3D virtual construction of a tight-fitting trouser model was made using DesignConcept

from Lectra [54]. A tight-fitting garment follows closely the contour of the body. In order to find

a proper posture to obtain 2D patterns by applying the flattening procedure, many bending angles

for the knee and trunk area were analysed. Three different postures with different bending

degrees for the knees and trunk are detailed in Figure 5.1. First, the curves were drawn to define

the trouser model, secondly, the patterns were obtained by creating the mesh regions according to

the boundaries defined by the curves, and in the end the regions were flattened and 2D patterns

were obtained. It can be seen that a big bending degree doesn’t allow to obtain good 2D patterns

for the front side hip and back knee area, as the software cannot transform the same dimensional

surface from 3D to 2D (Figure 5.1 a. and b.). A posture with a lower bending degree is more

appropriate to obtain good 2D patterns (Figure 5.1 c.).

Taking into account the results from the pattern development with different bending

angles, a posture with 90° trunk bending and 110° knee bending was chosen to create a tight-

fitting trouser prototype (Figure 5.2). It was kept the same bending degree in the trunk area as in

the sitting posture but the in the front hip area were the flattening procedure failed, the region

was divided in four. The bending degree for the knee was increased from the 90° in the sitting

posture to 110° to allow the designing of a pattern to define the back of the knee. The flattening

procedure was successful for each 3D pattern. The patterns for the front side hip were merged

together to avoid an unnecessary seam line. The 2D pieces were converted in .dxf files and

printed for sewing the trouser prototype which was tried-on by a person to check the fitting on

the body.


a. b. c.

Figure 5.1: Tight-fitting trouser model on: a - Posture with 90°knee and trunk bending degree, b - 110° knee

bending degree and 90° trunk bending degree, and c - 130° knee bending degree and 100° trunk bending degree

Considering the functionality demands of paraplegics for the comfort of garment

products, it would be necessary to avoid thick and hard seams, especially in areas exposed to

high levels of pressure, like back and buttocks, which can lead to pressure sores and skin

wounds. Knowing this problem, it was necessary to design a new tight-fitting trouser model by

reducing the seam areas in the patterns for the buttocks and thighs (Figure 5.3). The bending

degree for the trunk area was raised to from 90° to 130° and for the knees from 110° to 130°. The

new posture was chosen to design the 3D trouser model with less seam lines and to make the

flattening procedure feasible for obtaining good 2D patterns. Creating a trouser model with less

seam lines on the first posture with 90° and 110° bending degree was not practicable to obtain

good 2D patterns from the flattening procedure as the curvature level of the body was too big.

a. b. c. d.

Figure 5.2: Tight-fitting trouser model on a defined bent posture a - 90° trunk bending and 110° knee bending, b –

designed trouser model, c – 2D patterns and d – modified patterns

The new tight-fitting trouser model has for the back side only two patterns, being divided

only on the knee area, where the fabric needs to be reduced. The front side has three patterns,

being necessary to create a dividing area for the knee, where the fabric needs to have a bigger



a. b. c.

Figure 5.3: Tight-fitting trouser model with less seam line areas on a defined bent posture a - 130° trunk bending

and 130° knee bending, b – designed trouser model, and c - 2D flattened patterns

Making a comparison with the first patterns, there can be seen that even if the bending

degree was smaller, there were still obtained the necessary modifications for the interest areas,

buttocks, crotch and knees. The unnecessary seam lines were in this way excluded and the

information about the dimensional change for the specific areas still obtained.

5.2. Fit simulation for the tight-fitting trouser model

With the purpose to verify the fitting of the patterns obtained from 3D-to-2D technique, it

was done further a virtual fit simulation on a 3D body model. For the obtained 2D patterns in the

3D-to-2D methodology, the virtual fit simulation was done, in this part of research, using

ModarisV8R1 program.

For the trouser simulation on the mannequin, an interactive prepositioning of the patterns

was necessary (Figure 5.4). There can be seen from the fit simulation (Figure 5.5) that the

patterns from the back side don’t fit in a good way. The reason is that in the 3D-2D flattening

procedure the mesh surface in the curved area can suffer some modifications because of the

inaccuracies in flattening such curved pattern pieces. The differences between the 3D surface and

2D surface can vary accordingly to the level of the curvature.

Figure 5.4: Interactive preposition of the patterns Figure 5.5: Simulated trousers


In order to see if an ease value would solve the problem for the 3D trouser model in the

virtual simulation process, the 2D patterns were modified further by increasing the width. The

patterns were modified following the dimensions of a basic trouser size 42 (168-96-104)3, with

the waist girth of 80 cm, knee girth of 25 cm and the trouser hem width of 22 cm.

Figure 5.6: Virtual simulation of the modified 3D trouser

model with fabric ease distribution

The modified patterns were

stitched together in Modaris and after

this exported in Modaris 3D. The seam

lines were defined, the same fabric was

chosen and after the preposition of the

patterns, from the Assembly command

bar the Simulate process was applied.

Although there was obtained a better

fit, the knee line was properly situated

and the ease distribution showed a good

fitting for comfort, but the problem

with the back side was still not solved

(Figure 5.6). That means the missing

part from the flattened pattern for the

back side could not be corrected only

by modifying the ease in width of the

3D model.

Analysing the functional traits of the obtained 2D patterns it can be seen that the trousers for the

bent posture needs the following modifications for a better fitting on the body:

- a bigger back crotch length to cover properly the back side, so, it was necessary to

measure the back crotch length for this position to be used in the pattern construction


- the length for the front crotch had to be shortened to offer a proper fitting in the waist


- the fabric from the back knee area had to be reduced to avoid the excess of folds that

could bother the skin, and

- the fabric for the front knee needed more allowance to offer a good comfort in the sitting


Although it offers good information about the pattern modification, the 3D-to-2D

technique cannot be used without modifications to obtain directly tight-fitting trousers for a bent

position because of the flattening process error. Therefore, the fitting traits from the 3D trouser

model were further analysed to see if there is a possibility to obtain customized loose-fitting

trousers by applying the modifications resulted from the 3D-to-2D technique.

5.3. 2D-3D virtual prototyping

As stated before, 2D-to-3D virtual prototyping involves the 3D simulation of 2D

designed patterns. In this manner, the patterns are designed at the beginning in the conventional 3 168 - body height, 96 - breast girth, 104 - hip girth


way in CAD programs and after this are imported in the 3D simulation programs. A 2D basic

trouser model was designed following the pattern construction specifications of size 42. The

patterns were further modified following the changes from the flattened patterns of the 3D

trouser model. The fitting, of both the basic trouser and the modified one, was analysed for the

bent posture.

5.3.1. The construction of basic trouser patterns and fit simulation

Figure 5.7: Front and back basic

patterns for women trousers (size


The 2D construction of the basic patterns for the

women trousers size 42 (the size of the scan data that was

used to obtain in the animation program different positions of

the lower part of the body) was done following the

measurements for the construction of ladies' outerwear based

on the DOB size charts of the DOB - Verband, Cologne

Edition 1995, using Modaris program from Lectra. The

needed line segments, curves or circles were calculated using

the specific mathematical formulations from the construction

specifications chart, defining body dimensions like inseam or

side-seam length, crotch length, waist or hip line etc. After

completing the entire network of necessary lines for the

patterns, the front and back pieces were extracted (Figure 5.7)

and used further for the virtual fit simulation.

To verify the correctness of the obtained 2D basic patterns, the virtual fit simulation was

done on the standing posture obtained in 3dsMax (Figure 5.8). The fitting result showed that the

obtained trouser model was suitable for the standing posture. Next, the fit simulation of the basic

trouser was made on the bent position with a bending angle in the knees and trunk area of 130°.

From the virtual fit result (Figure 5.9) it can be seen that a basic trouser, in a bent position of the

body, suffers some fit modifications. The back side of the body remains uncovered and the front

waist line of the trousers goes upper than the natural waist line. In the back side of the knees

some extra folds are appearing. All of these aspects would cause discomfort for a wheelchair user

that spends all time sitting.


Figure 5.8: Fit simulation of basic trousers on a

standing position – front, side and back views

Figure 5.9: Fit simulation of basic trousers on a bent

position with 130° bending degree for the knees and trunk

– front, side and back views

5.3.2. Modification of the basic trouser patterns

According to the results from the fit simulation it was concluded that the basic patterns

must be modified in the back area by extending the crotch.

Next, the fitting traits from the 3D trouser model were analysed to see if there is a

possibility to obtain customized loose-fitting trousers by applying the modifications resulted

from the 3D-to-2D technique. The basic patterns were further modified following the changes

from the flattened patterns of the 3D trouser model. For the back side pattern, the dimension of

the crotch length was increased with 4 cm and the dart was closed to avoid unnecessary seam

lines. The pattern was divided in the knee area to reduce the fabric for the knee back line with 6

cm. For the front side pattern, the crotch length was reduced with 8 cm and for the knee area it

was given allowance by creating two darts of 1.5 cm.

The procedure that was done to transform the patterns for the basic trousers followed

logical and calculated steps. The new model of trousers combines the traits of a loose-fitting

trouser with the shape and dimensional characteristics from the tight-fitting trouser model

(Figure 5.10 and 5.11).


Figure 5.10: Back view for the three pattern models

Figure 5.11: Front views for the three pattern models

5.3.3. Fit simulation of the modified basic trousers

To verify the correctness of the modified trouser model it was necessary to make also a

virtual fit simulation. Analysing the obtained fit result (Figure 5.12), it can be seen that the new

trouser model had a good fitting for the waist area. The back side was covered and the front waist

line had a good position to offer comfort for the bent body position. The small fold that appears

in the back waistline can be adjusted with an elastic waist band that in the simulation process was

not designed. The modification of the pattern in the back knee area reduced the number of fabric

folds. From the fabric ease distribution (Figure 5.13) it can be seen that the trouser has a good

fitting degree. The part of the waistline and crotch area with an ease allowance of -0.43 cm is

offering balance for the trouser to fit on the body. Going down from the crotch area, the ease

allowance increases, offering comfort to the body.

Figure 5.12: Fit simulation of the modified basic trouser Figure 5.13: Fabric ease distribution for

the modified basic trouser


5.4. Designing a pair of trousers for a man wheelchair-user

The next step was to take a basic trouser model for men and to apply the pattern

modifications which were made in the case of the women trousers. By comparing the obtained

body measurements for the wheelchair user for the hip area with the size chart SizeGermany of

the dimensional specifications for clothing designed for men, a basic trouser model size 52

(Figure 5.14) was created and further modified (Figure 5.15) so that the prototype can be tried-on

by the wheelchair-user. Taking measurements of the body of the wheelchair user, it was

concluded that the knee line has to be lowered with 3 cm for a better fitting on the body.

Figure 5.14: Back and front patterns for a

man trouser model, size 52

Figure 5.15: Modified patterns for the men trouser


So, on size 52 patterns, the length of the basic trouser was lowered with 3 cm from the

knees down. The obtained patterns were further printed, prepared for sewing and then try on by

the wheelchair user (Figure 5.16, Figure 5.17).

For the trouser prototype it was chosen a zipper with the same length as the front crotch,

so that the dressing process can be easier. For the waistband it was chosen an elastic tape to fix

the trouser on the body and to prevent the slipping when the person has to move from the chair.

According to the discussions with the wheelchair-user, the trouser prototype was fitting in a good

way, following his demands regarding fit comfort. Because of the conformation of his body, with

a more prominent belly, he said he prefers the front waist lower with 2 cm, but it was not a big

inconvenient for him. This aspect cannot be valid for all the wheelchair-users, as it depends on

their particular preferences and body morphology. The back was fully covered, and the knee line

was fitting well, with reduced folds for the back knee. The fact that the trousers were loose-

fitting was from his point of view a good aspect, as it can hide the deformity of the atrophied



Figure 5.16: Modified trouser prototype size 52

Figure 5.17: Wheelchair-user wearing the modified trouser model size 52

When it comes to the used fabric, the person said he prefers and uses for daily living,

jeans trousers made from 100% cotton, as it lets his skin to breath properly and the fabric has a

lower elasticity level to help him move when he grab his legs from one side to another.


Following this request, a pair of jeans was designed following the same modification rules, with

a fabric of 100% cotton composition (Figure 5.18).

Figure 5.18: Wheelchair-user wearing jeans model size 52

5.5. Conclusions The main purpose in analysing the 3D design method was to implement the efficiency of

3D CAD programs for the development of functional trousers for wheelchair-users. The 3D-to-

2D method proved to be successful in obtaining important information about the dimensional

changes a pair of trousers for sitting position should have. Designing the 3D tight-fitting trouser

model gave the opportunity to analyse the modifications necessary for the patterns of the basic

loose-fitting trouser model. After the modifications of the patterns for the basic trousers size 42,

the virtual fit simulation demonstrated that the applied changes improved the fitting of the

trousers on the bent posture. With the positive results from the virtual fitting of the modified

basic trouser for women, it was necessary further to create a prototype that can be tried by a

wheelchair-user. The modifications applied on the trouser model for women proved to be

relevant for the men trouser also, with just some small personal notifications from the

wheelchair-user, regarding his personal body traits. Evaluating the fitting results from both

trouser models, it can be concluded that the pattern modification method is valid to obtain

functional trousers for paraplegics. A further research can be conducted to establish a standard

pattern design method to create functional trousers for this group of people, for different body

types and sizes.


Chapter 6: General conclusions and future work

6.1. Results of the experimental studies

The presented research started with a detailed literature research in the field of garment

design for wheelchair users. Analysing the needs and requirements these persons have regarding

clothing based on their health problems, we can see a considerable demand for functional traits in

the clothing design. Different pattern modifications and special fabric properties are requested in

order to adapt to the needs of wheelchair users. The construction of any clothing product is

based on accurate anthropometric measurements of the body. If, for healthy people the gathering

of anthropometric data has long been studied and many standards are defined, we can see (from

the existing literature) that there is a lack of information regarding the collection of

anthropometric data for wheelchair users. Trials using 3D scanning procedure were made but

much more research is needed until a standard methodology can be applied to obtain correct 3D

measurements. The existing studies regarding clothing design for wheelchair users are also in the

early stages. Although there are described some aspects of the pattern modifications and fabric

properties that can be applied to obtain adapted clothing products for their special body

requirements, the proposed methods still need further research in order to obtain a fixed

methodology for the pattern modification process. In conclusion, the chosen subject for the thesis

is topical and reliable in accordance with the research necessities of the functional clothing

requirements for wheelchair users.

With the results from the theoretical research, the steps to be followed for the

experimental part were established:

the selection of the garment product to be analysed in accordance with the wheelchair

user’s requirements – the attention went on researching the special traits the trousers need

to adapt to the sitting position of the wheelchair user,

the possibility to obtain information about the body shape and dimensions of a wheelchair

user in a 3D environment – it was applied the 3D scanning procedure and 3D body


virtual prototyping of a tight-fitting trouser model in a 3D environment using information

from the scanning and animation procedures,

2D prototyping of a loose-fitting trouser model using information from the 3D design


virtual simulation of the obtained trouser models, and

the development of a trouser prototype that was tried-on by a wheelchair user.

The experimental research was divided in two major parts: the anthropometric research

and the virtual prototyping research.

Chapter 4 describes the protocol establishment for the anthropometric research

concerning the scanning procedure and virtual body simulation. The first part of the chapter

describes the applied scanning procedure. It was analysed the possibility to obtain a 3D body

model in the sitting position. Both handheld and whole-body scanners were used in several

scanning trials in order to define a scanning technique useful to collect data from the problematic

areas of the body. It was important that this technique to be applicable also for wheelchair users.

The described method is an important improvement in obtaining scan data for the realisation of a


body model for virtual garment construction and a big step in achieving a standard method for

gathering anthropometric measurements using scanning procedure on wheelchair users. In the

second part of the chapter it was studied the possibility of using a kinematic body model to

obtain different body positions of the lower part of the body, useful for the virtual garment

construction. Although it was proven that the sitting position is not feasible in following realistic

body shape, the other obtained body positions were analysed and concluded to be usable as

virtual body models.

Chapter 5 describes the implementation of 3D programs in designing a trouser prototype.

Both 3D-to-2D and 2D-to-3D design methods are used. The 3D-to-2D-to-3D method is used to

create a tight-fitting trouser model which was necessary to analyze the modifications the patterns

of the trouser are suffering in different positions of the body. Following the modifications from

the 3D model, the 2D-to-3D method was used to create a loose-fitting trouser model that can be

worn by a wheelchair user on a daily basis. Virtual fit simulation was used for testing the

accuracy of the designed models. The positive results of the virtual fit simulation end up with the

creation of a trouser prototype destined for wheelchair users, thus validating the method used.

6.2 Contribution of the thesis

Following the research and the conclusions of the present thesis, the main contributions

for the 3D clothing design research can be reviewed in the next final statements:

the literature review reveals the present stage, until this moment, of the existing studies

regarding clothing design for wheelchair users,

the thesis identifies and describes in a detailed way the medical and social problems of

wheelchair users due to their disability,

the needs and demands of wheelchair users regarding clothing are closely analysed and


the research is emphasising the importance of 3D CAD programs implementation in the

garment construction in the clothing industry,

for the scanning procedure, a protocol was established and validated,

for the virtual body animation, it is demonstrated that a kinematic template in a virtual

environment can maintain the same shape and dimensions as the adapted scan data; it is

shown that in the animation process, the kinematic body model keeps the shape of the

real body, but for the sitting position is not possible due to the absence in the virtual

environment of the contact zone for the sitting area, which gives to the muscles another

shape than in the reality, and

the 3D design method for the tight-fitting trouser model and the virtual fit simulations are

leading to the development of a standardized pattern modification method for a classic

loose-fitting trouser for wheelchair users that can be applied both in the case of women

and men trousers.


6.3. Future work

In order to understand the trouser construction for wheelchair users, a lot of work using

3D CAD programs was done during this research. Detailed procedures were analyzed and

described in order to find the best possible solutions for obtaining anthropometric information for

wheelchair users and to create a standard method in designing trouser models for this group of

people. With the developed methods described in this thesis, new research directions can be

elaborated further:

for the scanning procedure, it can be established a specific protocol according to the

disability of the person, that can allow accuracy in obtaining information for advanced

anthropometric studies,

the research on 3D garment design for wheelchair users can be continued also with other

type of products, and

taking into account the importance of the comfort for the disabled people regarding their

clothing, the fabric properties is another aspect that has to be more researched in order to

improve and develop proper materials for this type of products,

development of technical design for the trouser model, correlated with the fabric

properties, like elasticity, density or stiffness, for the comfort of the product while


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List of published papers 1. Aluculesei Bianca, Curteza Antonela - "Anthropometric measurements for disabled

people– an international review" – 15th AUTEX World Textile Conference 2015 June10-

12, 2015, Bucharest, ROMANIA, Proceedings, ISBN 978-606-685-276-0, Editura


2. Aluculesei Bianca, Curteza Antonela - "Anthropometric measurements for disabled

people– an international review", The XIX-th International Conference INVENTICA

2015, June 24th-26th, 2015, Iasi, Romania, Proceedings

3. Bianca Aluculesei, Antonela Curteza, Sybille Krzywinski, Ellen Wendt- "3D Body

Scanning in Sitting position – Processing techniques in mesh modeling and surface

reconstruction of human body", The XX-th International Exhibition of Inventics,

Research and Technological Transfer "INVENTICA 2016”, June 29th

– July 1th, 2016,

Iasi, Romania, Proceedings

4. Bianca Aluculesei, Sybille Krzywinski, Antonela Curteza and Christine Meixner –

“Animation of 3D human scanning data - extracting the sitting posture for a better

understanding of the garment development for wheelchair users.", 16th Romanian

Textiles and Leather Conference – CORTEP 2016 Iasi, 27-29 October 2016, Proceedings,

ISSN-L 2285-5378, Editura Performantica, Institutul Naţional de Inventică, Iaşi pg. 208-


5. Bianca Aluculesei; Sybille Krzywinski and Antonela Curteza - "Three dimensional

construction and simulation of trousers for wheelchair users.", 9th INTERNATIONAL


October , 07th to 10th 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Proceedings, ISSN 1847-7275, 2018

6. Bianca Aluculesei, Sybille Krzywinski and Antonela Curteza - "Scanning procedure for

wheelchair users - a step forward in obtaining a 3D body model for the sitting posture.",

17th Romanian Textiles and Leather Conference – CORTEP 2018, Iasi, 7-9 November

2018, Proceedings, ISSN-L 2285-5378, Editura Performantica, Institutul Naţional de

Inventică, Iaşi pg. 155-159

7. Aluculesei Bianca, Curteza Antonela, Avadanei Manuela, Sybille Krzywinski,

“Implementation of 3D CAD programs in the garment construction for wheelchair users”,

Conferinţa tehnico-ştiinţifică a studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor, 26-29 martie

2019, Univ. Tehn. a Moldovei. – Chişinău: Tehnica-UTM, 2019, ISBN 978-9975-45-

587-9/ ISBN 978-9975-45-589-3, pg. 314 – 3017


1. Golden medal for Inventica 2015 - "Anthropometric measurements for disabled people–

an international review", The XIX-th International Conference INVENTICA 2015, June

24th-26th, 2015, Iasi, Romania

2. Golden medal for Inventica 2016 - "3D Body Scanning in Sitting position-Processing

techniques in mesh modeling and surface reconstruction of human body", The XX-th

International Exhibition of Inventics, Research and Technological Transfer

"INVENTICA 2016”, June 29th

– July 1th, 2016, Iasi, Romania