universal approximations in network design rajmohan rajaraman northeastern university based on joint...

Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar Radhakrishnan, Ravi Sundaram, Emanuele Viola

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Page 1: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Universal Approximations in Network Design

Rajmohan RajaramanNortheastern University

Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin,

Jaikumar Radhakrishnan, Ravi Sundaram, Emanuele Viola

Page 2: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

A day in the life of a courier

8 2






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 20 15 25 40 35 10 10

2 40 10 35 30 20 15

3 30 20 15 10 20

4 10 20 25 20

5 10 35 35

6 25 35

7 10



1,2,3,6: 20+15+15+30=90

2,3,4,5: 10+10+20+40=80

Page 3: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

8 2








1,2,3,6: 20+15+15+30=9020+15+15+30=90 20+40+15+20=95

2,3,4,5: 10+10+20+40=80 40+30+10+35=115

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 20 15 25 40 35 10 10

2 40 10 35 30 20 15

3 30 20 15 10 20

4 10 20 25 20

5 10 35 35

6 25 35

7 10


Stretch ≥ 115/80

Consider tour 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

A day in…a lazy courier

Page 4: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Is there a smart lazy courier?

8 2






• Is there a single tour that is universally good?

• Given any subset of the cities, the restricted subtour (preserving the order) is a good approximation to the best tour for that subset

Page 5: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Universal TSP

• Given a metric space (V,d), design a tour T over V that minimizes

– Ts is the sub-tour of T induced by S

– Cost(X) is length of tour X– OPT(S) is cost of an optimal tour for S


Cost(TS )


Page 6: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Universal Steiner tree (UST)

Candidate spanning tree TSet S

Cost of inducedSubtree TS = 16

OPT(S) = 6

Stretch ≥ 16/6

Page 7: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Universal Steiner tree (UST)

• Given: A weighted graph G over set V of vertices, and a root vertex

• Goal: Determine a spanning tree T of G that minimizes

– Ts is the subtree of T induced by S and root

– OPT(S) is cost of optimal tree connecting S to root– Cost(X) is the sum of weights of edges in X

• Graphical UST: T only has edges from G• Metric UST: Work with metric completion of G• Graphical UST at least as hard as metric UST


Cost(TS )OPT(S)

Stretch of T

Page 8: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Universal approximations framework

• Universal version of optimization problem has two additional notions

• Sub-instance relation ≤• Restriction function R: Takes a solution S for

instance I, a sub-instance I’ of I, and returns a solution R(S,I,I’) for I’

• Goal: For given instance I, determine a solution T for I that minimizes

maxI '≤I



Page 9: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Universal set cover

• Given set V of elements, collection C of subsets of V, determine f: V C such that – For all x in V, f(x) contains x, and – The following stretch is minimized


Cost( f (S))


Page 10: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar


• Optimization under uncertainty– Universal solutions are robust against adversarial


• Aggregation tree in a sensor network– Data is being generated at several sensors, and

aggregation queries arrive at a sink – Setting up aggregation trees dynamically as

queries and data change may be expensive– Universal Steiner trees provide good

approximations for all query and update patterns

• Universal solutions are differentially private [Bhalgat-Chakrabarty-Khanna 11]

Page 11: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Universal approximation results

Upper bound Lower bound

UTSPO(log4n/loglogn) [JLNRS 05]O(log2n) [GHR 06]O(log n) for doubling metrics

Ω(log n) [GKSS 10, BCK 11]

Ω(log1/6n) Euclidean

Metric UST

O(log4n/loglogn) [JLNRS 05]O(log2n) [GHR 06]O(log n) for doubling metricsO(log n) for planar [KHL 06]

Ω(log n) [JLNRS 05]

Ω(logn/loglog n) Eucl.

Graph UST [DRRSV 11]

for O(1) doubling dim

Same as for metric UST

USCWeighted: O(√nlogn) [JLNRS 05]

Unweighted: O(√n)Ω(√n) [JLNRS 05] €

2˜ O (log3/4 n )

2˜ O ( log n )

Page 12: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

The roadmap

• Landscape around universal approximations• Universal Steiner trees

– Bounded locally consistent partitions– Metric UST– Graphical UST– Lower bound

• Concluding remarks and open problems

Page 13: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

The “universal” landscape• O(log n)-stretch universal TSP for the Euclidean plane

[Platzman-Bartholdi 89]• Simultaneous approximations for single-sink buy-at-

bulk– Given a graph, demands to be routed to a sink, cost for each

edge, route demands to minimize total cost– A single tree is a simultaneous O(1)-approximation for all

concave cost functions [Goel-Estrin 03,…,Goel-Post 10]

• Tree decompositions– [Fakcharoenphol-Rao-Talwar 03] yields metric tree whose

expected stretch for each set is O(log n)– O(log n loglog n) using [Elkin-Emek-Spielman-Teng 06,

Abraham-Bartal-Neiman 09] distribution over spanning trees– The cut-based decompositions of [Räcke 02,08] also aim for a

distribution over trees or tree with prob. embedding

Page 14: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

The “universal” landscape

• Oblivious routing and network design– Given graph, source-sink pairs, and per-edge routing cost,

determine routes that are oblivious to demand pairs and cost function

– O(log2n)-approximation for sub-additive cost functions – [Räcke 02, Harrelson-Hildrum-Rao 03, Gupta-Hajiaghayi-

Räcke 06]

• A priori approximations [Schalekamp-Shmoys 08]– For TSP, set of vertices visited drawn from a probability


• Set covering with eyes closed– Determine a single mapping of elements to sets to minimize

expected cost of covering random element subset– [Grandoni-Gupta-Leonardi-Miettinen-Sankowski-Singh 08]

Page 15: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Universal Steiner tree (UST)

• Given: A weighted graph G over set V of vertices, and a root vertex

• Goal: Determine a spanning tree T of G that minimizes

– Ts is the subtree of T induced by S and root

– OPT(S) is cost of an optimal tree connecting S to root

– Cost(X) is the sum of weights of edges in X€


Cost(TS )OPT(S)

Stretch of T

Page 16: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

What does a good UST look like?

Candidate spanning tree T

Page 17: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

What does a good UST look like?• At each distance level, T

provides a clustering of G• Given tree T, adversary

identifies set S such that– S is “well-separated” in T– S is “close” in G

• To avoid this, UST should cluster nodes so that – Each node’s neighborhood

does not intersect too many clusters

– Otherwise, adversary will select several nodes from this neighborhood lying in different clusters

Page 18: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Bounded locally consistent partitions• A partition of the metric

space with the following properties:– Diameter of every cluster in

partition is at most αR– Every R-ball intersects β


• Every metric space has an (O(log n),O(log n),R)-partition for every R– Sparse partitions [Awerbuch-

Peleg 90], [Peleg 00]

β = 4

Page 19: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Hierarchical partitions

• A collection of partitions Pi with the following properties:– Partition: Pi is an (α,β,Ri)-


– Hierarchy: Pi is a refinement of Pi+1

– Root padding: Cluster in Pi containing root contains ball of radius Ri around root

• Every metric space has a hierarchical (O(logn), O(logn),O(logn))- partition

Page 20: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

A metric UST algorithm [JLNRS 05]

• Compute a hierarchical (O(log n),O(log n),O(log n))-partition

• For each level i, from lowest to highest:– For each level i cluster:

• Select leader from leaders of its constituent level i-1 clusters

• connect level i leader to level i-1 leaders

• Root is always leader of its clusters

Page 21: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Proof sketch for stretch

• To prove: For every set S, Cost(TS) is at most polylog(n) times OPT(S)

• For a level j, cost in UST is O(njlogj+1n):– nj is the number of level-j

ancestors of nodes in S

• Main Lemma: – If Pj is a maximal set of nodes in

S pair-wise separated by logj-1n– Then nj = O(|Pj| log n)

• Cost(OPT(S)) is Ω(|Pj|logj-1n)• Cost at level j in UST is thus


Page 22: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Bounding the cost at a level

Proof sketch of Main Lemma:• Any node’s ancestor at level j

is within O(logjn) cost of node• Therefore, O(logjn)-ball

around the ancestors of Pj at level j covers all nj ancestors of S at level j

• By partitioning scheme, it follows that nj is O(|Pj|log n)

Pj is maximal set of nodes in S pair-wise separated by logj-1nnj is the number of nodes at level j of induced tree We have nj = O(|Pj| log n)

Page 23: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Improved bounds for special metrics

• For doubling metrics, the UST algorithm achieves a stretch of O(log n)– Hierarchical (O(1),O(1),O(1))-partition

• Doubling metrics include Euclidean metrics as well as growth-restricted metrics

Page 24: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

An O(log2n)-stretch metric UST

• Gupta-Hajiaghayi-Räcke 06• α-padding: A node v is α-padded in a

hierarchical decomposition if– At level i, the ball of radius α2i around v is fully

contained within its cluster at level i

• Theorem: For any v, in any tree drawn from the [FRT 03] distribution, probability that v is Ω(1/logn)-padded is at least 3/4

Page 25: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

An O(log2n)-stretch metric UST

• Simple metric UST construction:– Sample O(log n) trees from the FRT distribution– For each vertex v select a tree where v is

Ω(1/logn)-padded– In each tree, build the sub-tree induced by the

root and vertices that selected the tree (using metric completion)

– Return the union of the O(log n) sub-trees computed above

• O(log2n) stretch

Page 26: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Challenges for Graphical UST

• Bounded locally consistent partition:– Partition G into clusters of strong diameter at

most αR– Each R-ball intersects at most β clusters– How small can α and β be? – Open: Is (polylog(n), polylog(n),1)-partitioning


• Lemma (Necessity): If σ-stretch achievable for graphical UST, then (σ,σ2,R)-partition exists for all R.

Page 27: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Challenges for Graphical UST

• Hierarchical partition:– Unlike in the metric case, cannot simply elect

leaders and connect directly– Connecting lower level partitions arbitrarily may

introduce huge blowup in costs

• In the [GHR 06] approach:– Can replace the O(log n) FRT trees by the spanning

trees drawn from [EEST 05] distribution– Not clear how to combine paths drawn from these

trees into a single spanning tree

Page 28: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Graphical UST construction

• Construct (2Õ(√logn), 2Õ(√logn),R)-partitions– (O(1),O(1),R) for doubling graphs

• Convert to a hierarchical partitioning:– (2Õ(√logn),2Õ(√logn),2Õ(√logn)) for general graphs– (O(1), O(1), O(log2n)) for doubling graphs

• Build UST from hierarchical partition:– Connect lower-level trees using shortest paths– Invoke properties of partitioning to bound stretch

• for general graphs and 2Õ(√logn) for doubling graphs

• [Dutta-Radhakrishnan-R-Sundaram-Viola 11]

2˜ O (log3/4 n )

Page 29: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Lower bound for UST

• Every algorithm for on-line Steiner trees over n nodes has a competitive ratio of (log n) for metrics [Imase-Waxman 91] (log n/loglog n) for Euclidean metrics [Alon-

Azar 92]

• Any UST for an n-node metric space with stretch s(n) can be transformed into an on-line algorithm with competitive ratio of s(n)– Consequence: Every UST has a stretch of (log

n) for n-node metrics, (log n/loglog n) for Euclidean metrics

Page 30: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Complexity of universal problems

• For a given terminal set S:– Finding OPT(S) is NP-hard– Poly-time O(1)-approximations known (Minimum spanning


• For a candidate UST, finding the worst-case set is NP-hard

• Finding whether there exists a UST with stretch at most σ is coNP-hard

• Universal problems are “ ”-optimization problems– The -quantification is over an exponential-sized domain

– Lies in ∑2

– Open: is it ∑2-hard?


Cost(TS )OPT(S)

Page 31: Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar

Open problems

• Close the gaps for UTSP and metric UST– Euclidean UTSP: Ω(log1/6n) vs O(log n)– UTSP: Ω(log n) vs O(log2 n)– Metric UST: Ω(log n) vs O(log2n)

• Is there a polylog(n)-stretch graphical UST?• Strong diameter partitions:

– Can we partition any graph into components of strong diameter polylog(n) such that each vertex has neighbors in polylog(n) components?

– [Peleg 00]

• Universal approximations for other optimization problems