unitary 1607 – jamestown 1732 – thirteen (13) colonies 1774 – first continental congress 1775...

UNITARY 1607 – Jamestown 1732 – Thirteen (13) Colonies 1774 – First Continental Congress 1775 – Second Continental Congress * Articles of Confederation

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Page 1: UNITARY 1607 – Jamestown 1732 – Thirteen (13) Colonies 1774 – First Continental Congress 1775 – Second Continental Congress * Articles of Confederation


1607 – Jamestown1732 – Thirteen (13) Colonies1774 – First Continental Congress1775 – Second Continental Congress

* Articles of Confederation

Page 2: UNITARY 1607 – Jamestown 1732 – Thirteen (13) Colonies 1774 – First Continental Congress 1775 – Second Continental Congress * Articles of Confederation


1776 – Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776*Articles of Confederation

1786 – First Convention (5 delegates)*Shay’s Rebellion (1786 – 1787)

1787 – Second (Constitutional) Convention (55delegates)*Revise Articles of Confederation (commerce, currency, collection of taxes)*Led by Washington *Met in secret

1788 – 9/13 Ratify Constitution

Page 3: UNITARY 1607 – Jamestown 1732 – Thirteen (13) Colonies 1774 – First Continental Congress 1775 – Second Continental Congress * Articles of Confederation

FEDERALISM 1789 - 18321789 – Constitutional Democracy1790 – All 13 Confederate States Ratify Constitution!1791 – Bill Of Rights added (first 10 amendments)1795 – 11th Amendment added1796 – Alien and Sedition Act1803 – Marbury vs. Madison = judicial review1804 – 12th Amendment1819 – McCulloch vs. Maryland = national supremacy1820 – Missouri Compromise

Page 4: UNITARY 1607 – Jamestown 1732 – Thirteen (13) Colonies 1774 – First Continental Congress 1775 – Second Continental Congress * Articles of Confederation

FEDERALISM 1832 - 1865

1833 – Barron vs. Baltimore = selective incorporation1859 – Dred Scott vs. Sanford = court rejected

Congress’ authority to outlaw/abolish slavery1860 – Lincoln elected1861 – 1865 – Civil War

*1864 Nevada became a state (October 31)

Page 5: UNITARY 1607 – Jamestown 1732 – Thirteen (13) Colonies 1774 – First Continental Congress 1775 – Second Continental Congress * Articles of Confederation

FEDERALISM 1865 - 1932

1865 – 13th Amendment1868 – 14th Amendment1870 – 15th Amendment1896 – Plessy vs. Ferguson = separate but equal1913 – 16th Amendment, 17th Amendment1919 – 18th Amendment1920 – 19th Amendment

Page 6: UNITARY 1607 – Jamestown 1732 – Thirteen (13) Colonies 1774 – First Continental Congress 1775 – Second Continental Congress * Articles of Confederation

FEDERALISM 1932 - 1937

1933 – 20th Amendment, 21st Amendment

Page 7: UNITARY 1607 – Jamestown 1732 – Thirteen (13) Colonies 1774 – First Continental Congress 1775 – Second Continental Congress * Articles of Confederation

FEDERALISM 1937 - 1960

1951 – 22nd Amendment1954 – Brown vs. Board of Education = separation

is segregation, which is discrimination, which is unconstitutional

Page 8: UNITARY 1607 – Jamestown 1732 – Thirteen (13) Colonies 1774 – First Continental Congress 1775 – Second Continental Congress * Articles of Confederation

FEDERALISM 1960 - 1970

1961 – 23rd Amendment 1964 – 24th Amendment; Civil Rights Act1965 – Voting Rights Act1966 – Miranda vs. Arizona = 5 miranda rights1967 – 25th Amendment

Page 9: UNITARY 1607 – Jamestown 1732 – Thirteen (13) Colonies 1774 – First Continental Congress 1775 – Second Continental Congress * Articles of Confederation

FEDERALISM 1970/80 - Present

1971 – 26th Amendment1973 – Roe vs. Wade = privacy right (to choose)1992 – 27th Amendment