unit eight knowledge and wisdom — bertrand russell

Unit Eight Knowledge and Wisdom Bertrand Russell

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Page 1: Unit Eight Knowledge and Wisdom — Bertrand Russell

Unit Eight

Knowledge and Wisdom

— Bertrand Russell

Page 2: Unit Eight Knowledge and Wisdom — Bertrand Russell

Contents• A. Text one

I. Pre-reading: warm-up questions (II). Background information II. While-reading: Text Analysis (I) Structure analysis (II) Comprehension questions (III) Language points (IV) Difficult sentencesIII. Post-Reading: (I) Grammatical items (II) Translation Exercises (III) Oral activities (IV) Writing practice B. Text two(I)Questions for text comprehension (II)Language points

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I. Pre-reading: warm-up questions

1. What’s the difference between “being clever and being wise”?

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2. What kind of people are considered wise? Cite some examples?

3. How can you become wise? Do you think what you are doing in college contributes to wisdom?

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II. While-reading: Text Analysis(I) Structure analysis

• Part Ⅰ(1) Introduction• Part Ⅱ (2—5) Main body of the

essay, telling us what constitutes wisdom.

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• Paragraph 2: Of these I should put first a sense of proportion: the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach to each its due weight.

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• Paragraph 3: There must be, also, a certain awareness of the ends of human life.

• Paragraph 4: It is needed in the choice of ends to be pursued and in emancipation from personal prejudice.

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• Paragraph 5: I think the essence of wisdom is emancipation, as far as possible, from the tyranny of the here and now.

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Test Analysis

• What view is commonly accepted in terms of knowledge and wisdom?

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• Has the writer stated the purpose of the writing?

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• Surpass (exceed)• Vt. To go beyond in quality,

amount or degree.• The result surpasses all our

expectations.• 结果超出了我们的一切预料。

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• Surpassing • Adj. to a degree above anything else• her surpassing beauty 她那非凡的美丽 • sur- over , above, beyond

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• Correlative• Two or more things naturally

related. 相关的

• Correlate • (with) have a closed or shared

relationship or connection of cause and effect

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• They are trying to find out if these behavior patterns correlate with particular changes in diet.

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• Correlation• A high correlation between

unemployment and crime• 失业与犯罪的密切相关

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• Cease• To stop (formal)• It rained all day without ceasing.• 雨下了一天,一直没停。

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• This regulation will cease to have effect from the end of this month.

• 从本月底起,此规章将停止生效。• The company has ceased trading

in this part of the world.• 公司已终止在世界这个地区的贸易活动。

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• Ceaseless: unending, continuous 不停的,持续的

• ceaseless activity 持续进行的活动

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Paraphrase • But agreement ceases as soon as we

attempt to define “wisdom” and consider means of promoting it.

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Promote• 1 ) To give sb. A higher position or

rank • My daughter has just been

promoted.• The young army officer was

promoted to (the rank of) captain.• 这个年轻军官被提升为上尉。

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• After this win, Manchester United were promoted to the First Division.

• 这次踢赢之后,曼彻斯特联队升入了甲级。

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• 2 ) to help in the growth or development

• Milk promotes health.• 牛奶可增进健康。• New efforts to promote the world

peace. 促进世界和平的新努力。

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• Promotion

• an advancement in rank or position• Congratulations on your promotion!• 祝贺你提升• There are good chances of

promotion in this firm.

• 在这家公司提升的机会很多。

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• 2)an activity intended to help the development or success of something, esp. a product for sale.

• This year’s sales promotions haven’t been very successful.

• 今年的促销活动不是很成功。

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Paragraph 2—5

• Identify the topic sentences of P. 2-5 and the four factors that constitute wisdom.

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• A sense of proportion• An awareness of the ends of

human life• Emancipation from personal

prejudice• Impartiality

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• What does “sense of proportion” mean?

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• Contribute to : • to help to cause or bring about• Poor food contributed to his illness.• Her singing will contribute greatly to

the success of the party.

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• disproportion• [U] the correct relationship between

the size, position, and shape of the different parts of a whole. 相称,协调

• This drawing isn’t in proportion; the man is larger than the house.

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• [U,C] the compared relationship between two things in regard to size, amount, importance, etc. (两件)事物的比列,比 /

• The proportion of men to women in the population has changed in recent years.

• 人口中,男性同女性的比例最近几年有了变化。

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• The tax increases in proportion to the amount you earn.

• 所得税随你的收入额按比例增加。• Mix the paint in proportion of one

part of paint to two parts of water.• 按颜料一份,水两份的比例调和颜料。

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• 3 )( of ) a part or share compared with the whole. 部分,份额

• “What proportion of your wages do you spend on rent?”

• “ about a quarter.”• An increasing proportion of the

children come to school by train.

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• Take account of= take something into account

• His exam results were not very good, but we must take into account his long illness.

• 他的考试成绩不好,但是我们必须考虑到他曾经长期生病。

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• The teachers promised to take account of the wishes of the parents before making any changes.

• 教师们答应在做出变更之前要考虑家长的愿望。

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• Their estimate of the cost takes no account of inflation.

• 他们对费用的估算没有把通货膨胀考虑在内。

• Your objections will be taken into account.

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• Attach to• 1 ) To cause to belong to for a

limited period 使参加,使属于• During the war I was attached to the

naval college as a gunnery instructor.

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• 战争期间我被分配到海军军事学院当泡术教官。

• I got lost, so I attached myself to another party of tourists.

• 我由于迷了路,所以只好加入另一个旅行团。

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• 2 ) to regard a having ( special meaning or importance )重视, 认为…重要性

• She attached great importance to regular exercise.

• It would be unwise to attach too much significance to these opinion polls.

• 把这些民意检测看的尤为重要是不明智的

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• Proper, adequate• They will surely meet with due

punishment.• Due care must be taken while one is


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• Paraphrase:• This has become more difficult than

it used to be owing to the extent and complexity of the specialized knowledge required of various kinds of technicians. (P.2)

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• Populous having a large population 人口稠密的

• London is the most populous area of Britain.

• 伦敦是英国人口最稠密的地区。

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• —ous: characterized by: of the nature, characterized by

• Mountainous poisonous

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• Spectacular : attracting, grand 壮观的,雄伟的

• A spectacular firework display• The new play was a spectacular

success.• A spectacular waterfall 蔚为奇观的瀑

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• —ar of the kind specified• molecular• scholar

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• Lunatic• An extremely foolish person (derog)• You lunatic-you nearly drove straight

into me.• Lunatic behavior

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• Pursue: try to achieve• She is ruthless in pursuing her

objectives.• It was wrong not to have pursued


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• pursuit of• He devoted every spare moment

to the pursuit of his passion.• The police car raced through the

streets in pursuit of another car.

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• Why, according to the writer, is comprehensiveness an important factor that constitutes wisdom?

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• Comprehension:• What does “the ends of human life”

refer to?

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• To form or make up (fml) 不用于进行时• The 50 states that constitute the USA

组成美国的 50 个州• Your attitude constitutes a direct

challenge to my authority.• 你的态度成了对我权威的直接挑战。

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• To formally establish or appoint 制定 ,设立

• Government should be constituted by the will of the people.

• 政府应依人民的意志而设立。

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• Many eminent historians have done more harm than good because they viewed facts through the distorting medium of their own passions. (P.3)

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• ( of a person )• famous and admired• Even the most eminent doctors could

not cure him.•甚至是最杰出的医生都治不好他的病。

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• Distort• Give a false or dishonest account of• Stop distorting what I’ve said.•别再歪曲我的话了。• The newspaper gave a distorted

account of what had happened.

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Lack• To be without • The female bird lacks the male’s

bright coloration.•雌鸟没有雄鸟那种鲜艳夺目的颜色。• He is good at his job, but he seems

to lack confidence.

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• What the company lacks is the sufficient money to invest in new products.


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Lack sth• Be lacking in • The teacher said that the child

was lacking in confidence.• Lack of

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• The plants died for lack of water.• There is a certain lack of enthusiasm

for these changes among the membership.

• 会员对这些变动没有多大兴趣。

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Inculcate (fml)

• Fix the idea in the mind of sb.反复灌输

• They inculcate the will to succeed in all their children.

• 他们向子女反复灌输立志成功的决心。• They inculcate all their children with

the will to succeed.

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• Standard-bearer• One of the standard-bearers of the

anti-nuclear movement.•反核运动的领导者之一。

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• It is by no means uncommon to find men whose knowledge is wide but whose feelings are narrow.

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by no means

• In no sense; certainly not:•并没有;绝不:• This remark by no means should be

taken lightly.• 这次讲话绝不能等闲视之

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Emancipate • (from) to make free socially,

politically and legally• This new machine will emancipate us

from all the hand work we once had to do.

• 这部新机器把我们从过去不得不干的繁重劳动中解脱出来。

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• Emancipation [u]• The emancipation of slaves/


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Paraphrase:• Even an end which it would be

noble to pursue if it were attainable may be pursued unwisely if it is inherently impossible of achievement. (P. 4)

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Attain• To gain or achieve after long

effort 达到,获得 • She attained rank of deputy

director. 她晋升为副局长。• Attain one’s objective• Attainable

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Elixir• Don’t imagine that lowing inflation is

an elixir for all our economic ills.• 不要以为减少通货膨胀率就是医治我们所


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Confer• ( on, upon ) to officially give sb. a

title, honor, favor,etc, especially as a reward for something they have achieved.grant

• An honorary degree was conferred on him by the University.

• 这所大学授予他荣誉学位。

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• as it was VS. as it is VS. as it were• I thought things would get better,

but as it is, they are getting worse.• We expected to arrive at 6:30 p.m.,

but as it was, we arrived at 6:40 p.m.

• He becomes, as it were, a man without a country.

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• Vice-virtue• Badness of character ( 性格上的 )缺陷,弱点,邪恶 )

• Would you like a whisky?• No, thanks; alcohol isn’t one of my

vices.• 我没贪杯这个习惯

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• What does “convincing each that the other has only the normal share of human wickedness” suggest?

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• Wickedness• Extremely bad; morally wrong; evil• A wicked man 邪恶的男人

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• Enmity—hostility• (fml) the state of being an enemy or

feeling hatred fro sb.•敌对,敌意,仇恨

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• instill: to teach sb. to think, behave, or feel in a particular way over a period of time 逐渐灌输,逐步培养

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• instill confidence/fear/discipline etc into sb.---A manager’s job is to instill determination into his players.

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• We instilled the need for discipline and obedience into the new recruits.

• 我们逐渐使新兵懂得遵守纪律和服从命令的必要性。

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Paraphrase• I think the essence of wisdom is

emancipation, as far as possible, from the tyranny of the here and now. (P.5)

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• be bound up with: be involved in, dependent on

• The survival of these creatures is intimately bound up with the health of the ocean.

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• What does “This is of course a matter of degree.” mean?

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• impartial---impartiality• fair• an impartial judge 公正的法官• an impartial news report 不偏不倚的新闻报道

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• not showing or including personal feelings. 不受个人情感影响的

• a impersonal letter 不带个人感情的信• a large impersonal organization 一个


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1 。我们的健康状况取决于均衡的食物搭配﹑坚持不懈的体育锻炼和良好的生活习惯。

• Our health is bound up with a balanced diet,steady physical exercises and a healthy life habit.

• 2 。参加本次峰会的各国领导都表示要重视国际交流与合作,促进世界和平。

• The national leaders present at the summit meeting have all agreed to promote world peace by attaching due weight to international cooperation and communication.

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3 。这篇有关中国的报道显然意在歪曲事实真相,向世人灌输关于中国的错误印象。

• By distorting facts and truths,this report on China obviously means to inclucate a wrong image in the world.

• 4 。比尔 . 盖茨由于对计算机科学的杰出贡献而被许多大学授予荣誉学位。

• Many universities conferred honorary degrees on Bill Gates for his remarkable contribution to computer science.

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5 。 要充分理解巴以两国的敌对情绪,就必须首先考虑两国在宗教信仰上的分歧。

• To fully understand the enmities between the Palestinians and the Israelis, we must first take account of their different religious beliefs.

• 6 。妇女解放运动意在帮助广大妇女树立这样一种观念,即女性并不比男性差,只是缺少平等的发展机会。 The women’s ema-ncipation movement has meant to instill in most women the idea that women are not inferior to men, but lack as it is equal opportunities for development.

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• Thank You