understanding standard deviation – bacon bits

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  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Standard Deviation – Bacon Bits


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    Bacon BitsDelicious bits of Excel and Access Training from DataPig Technologies

    Understanding Standard


    datapig March 26, 2014   Business Statistics, Excel

    Formulas   28 Comments

    Standard Deviation is one of those statistical terms thrown

    around the corporate world with vague abandon. Many business

    analysts don’t truly understand the concept of Standard

    Deviation. If you’re one of those folks, you can stop living the lie.

    In today’s Pulitzer worthy post, you’ll learn how this

    underestimated statistical measure can help you better 

    understand the data you’re working with.


    What Standard Deviation Measures

    Imagine you supervise two deli managers who sell bacon. Since

    you don’t want any bacon to be wasted, it’s important that these

    two managers hold a steady inventory. In an effort to measure

    how well they manage inventory, you decide to analyze the

    boxes of bacon each manager ordered in the last six weeks.

    Taking the average of the last 6 weeks shows that each

    manager orders an average of around 32 boxes of bacon per 

    week. On the surface, the averages make it look like they are

    performing equally.


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    But if you look closer, you’ll see that one of the managers has

    weekly orders of 22, 34, 58, 52, 10 and 21 boxes. For this

    manager, the average may be mathematically correct, but it

    hides the volatility of his weekly orders. In other words,

    sometimes the average of a dataset doesn’t do a good job

    representing the data. This is where Standard Deviation comes



    Standard Deviation gives you a sense of how dispersed (spread

    out) the data in your sample is from the Mean (Average). Said

    another way – it lets you know if you can rely on the Mean to

    give you a meaningful representation of the data.


    In our example, we use the STDEV  function in Excel to give us

    Standard Deviation along with our Mean.

    In the case of the first manager, the Standard Deviation is 2.

    This tells us that each data point in the sample sits an average

    distance of 2 statistical data points from the Mean (Average). Is

    that good? Well, think of it this way – a Standard Deviation of 0

    would say every data point is exactly equal to Mean of the

    sample (32.3 in this case). So a Standard Deviation of 2 is not

    far off from that, indicating that a majority of data points are

    positioned extremely close to the Mean. The closer the Standard

    Deviation is to 0, the more reliable the Mean is. More than that


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    though, Standard Deviation close to 0 tells us that there is very

    little volatility in the sample. With a Stanadard Deviation of 2, the

    first manager’s weekly orders are remarkably consistent.


    In the case of the second manager, the Standard Deviation is

    18.9. The average distance each data point is from the Mean is

    18.9 statistical data points. That’s a huge spread! The further 

    away a Standard Deviation is from 0, the less accurate the Mean

    for that sample. In this case, a Standard Deviation of 18.9 alerts

    us that the Average shown for this manager (32.8 boxes per 

    week) is just not reliable. It also indicates that this manager’s

    weekly orders are extremely volatile. Of course, with only six

    data points, you can confirm the volatility with your eyeball.


    That is basic Standard Deviation in a nutshell. Although it doesn’t

    get the attention afforded to other statistical measures (Mean,

    Median, Mode, etc.), Standard Deviation is actually critical to

    many statistical calculations. An understanding of how Standard

    Deviation works will pave the way for you to do things like:

    determine the volatility of a stock, normalize comparisons

    between datasets, identify outliers, create standardized z-

    scores, and much more.


    How Standard Deviation is Calculated

    OK, we know what Standard Deviation shows. Let’s now take a

    look at how it’s actually calculated.

    We’ll start with this set of numbers (in black). As you can see,

    I’ve already used the STDEV function to calculate the Standard

    Deviation of 21.6 (in orange).

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    Here are the steps Excel took to calculate 21.6 as the Standard


    Note these steps are purposefully visual to better relay what’s

    going on. In reality, all this stuff happens instantly behind the



    First, Excel calculates the Mean (the Average) for the Sample. In

    this case, the Mean is 40. It then calculates the difference

    between each data point and 40. For instance, the difference

    between 50 and 40 is +10 statistical data points. The difference

    between 10 and 40 is -30.



    The next thing Excel does is Squares those differences so that

    all the differences will be a positive number (+10 would become

    100; -30 would become +900).

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    Excel then adds up all the Squared Differences to get the Total

    Squared Differences.


    Next, Excel uses the Total Squared Difference to calculate the

    Sample Variance. This is done by dividing the Total Squared

    Differences by the count of data points in the sample minus 1. In

    this example the count of data points is 7, so we divide the Total

    Squared Differences by 7-1.



    Finally, Excel calculates the square root of the Sample Variance.

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    This square root becomes our Standard Deviation.



    Population Standard Deviation vs Sample

    Standard Deviation

    In statistics, you’ll often hear the terms Population and Sample.

    These terms refer to the completeness of the data in your 

    possession. The differences between the two are sometimes not

    all that clear.


    If you’re using a complete dataset, you’re using a population.

     An example of a population would be if you were analyzing the

    time in service for all the sales reps in your company. You would

    have the data for all the sales reps that exist in your company; a

    complete population.


    If you are using a partial set of data, or a subset of data, you’re

    dealing with what is called a sample. An example would be if 

    you were analyzing sales data for one quarter of a year. A

    quarter is merely a subset of an entire year’s data, so in this

    case, you’re working with a sample.


    The reason this population and sample designation matters is

    because the calculation for Standard Deviation changes slightly

    depending on the nature of the data you’re dealing with.

    Specifically, the way you calculate the Sample Variance changes.

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    Remember in Step 4 of the calculation steps above? We said

    that Excel divides the Total Squared Differences by the count of 

    data points in the sample minus 1. Well, this only applies if your 

    data is a sample (a subset of a bigger data pool).


    If your data is made up of the entire population, the calculation in

    Step 4 changes to divide the Total Squared Differences by the

    complete count of data points. In other words, there is no need

    to subtract 1.


    This difference in calculation will obviously yield different

    Standard Deviations.


    So why the difference in calculation? Well, the difference is not

    an Excel quirk. It’s an actual statistics tenent called Bessel’s

    Correction. Bessel’s Correction states that when you use a

    sample dataset instead of a population, you need to subtract 1


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    from the count of data points used (written in the statistics world

    as N-1). This correction accounts for the bias introduced by

    estimating a Mean using a subset of data instead of using the

    true population Mean. The reasoning behind the need for this

    correction is admittedly a bit difficult for us non-math geeks to

    wrap our brains around. I’ll try to explain it in my simplified



    When you use a sample, you’re using a subset of data chosen

    from the true population. In this case, you won’t have the benefit

    of using the true population Mean. You will need to estimate a

    new Mean based on data you grabbed in the sample. This

    estimated Mean is already biased towards fitting the data

    chosen in the sample, so you need to exclude that one point (the

    estimated Mean) from calculating the Sample Variance. This is

    called losing a degree of freedom. Another way to look at it is

    this. If I said you could have five variables in an Excel formula,

    but one of them would have to be used to calculate the Mean,

    you would have only four variables available to you (5-1). The

    fact that you have to calculate Mean loses you a degree of 



    If you use a population set instead of a sample set, you have the

    benefit of the true population Mean. So you’re not losing a

    degree of freedom by being forced to introduce an estimated

    Mean. Thus there is no need to subtract 1.



    Standard Deviation Formulas in Excel

    Excel has the ability to handle Standard Deviation calculations

    for both population and sample datasets. Simply click in any cell

    and start to enter a =STDEV. You’ll see a tool-tip dropdown that

    gives you, what seems to be, a ridulous number of Standard

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    Deviation functions.

    Here’s a quick rundown of what each function does.

    STDEV: Calculates Standard Deviation for a sample using

    Bessel’s Correction (N-1).

    STDEVP: Calculates Standard Deviation for a population.

    STDEV.S: Calculates Standard Deviation for a sample using

    Bessel’s Correction (N-1). This function technically replaces

    the STDEV function.

    STDEV.P: Calculates Standard Deviation for a population.

    This function technically replaces the STDEVP function.

    STDEVA: Calculates Standard Deviation for a sample using

    Bessel’s Correction (N-1). Allows for text and TRUE/FALSE


    STDEVPA: Calculates Standard Deviation for a population.

     Allows for text and TRUE/FALSE values.


    I can’t imagine any scenario where I would use the STDEVPA

    and STDEVA functions. I think you can safely ignore those.


     As far as I can tell, there is no discernible difference between

    STDEV.S and STDEV. Microsoft says you should move toward

    the newer STDEV.S function, but you can technically use those

    two functions interchangably.


    Likewise, I don’t see any discernible difference between

    STDEV.P and STDEVP. Although STDEV.P is the newer function,

    you can use those two functions interchangably.

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    Until next week…Happy Mathing!

     Business Statistics, Formulas

    28 thoughts on

    “Understanding Standard


    1. Ola

    March 28, 2014 at 1:14 am

    Much better than Wikipedia:


    Can also compare the std deviation to mean.

    2. Roger Govier 

    March 31, 2014 at 2:41 pm

    Very nice article Mike.

    I wish this had been around when I did Statistics as part of 

    my Economics at University. I did manage to grasp to grasp

    the techniques back then – but this would have made life so

    much easier.

    Of course, life would have been much easier if I had Excel


  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Standard Deviation – Bacon Bits


    4/23/2016 Understanding Standard Deviation – Bacon Bits

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    available to me back in 1963!!!

    3. Doris Choo

     April 8, 2014 at 7:02 pm

    The best explanation and simplified version, I came across

    so far. Put my

    4. Doris Choo

     April 8, 2014 at 7:11 pm

    Sorry using 2 thumbs typing with my IPAD. Click wrong


    I meant – put my old stat teacher to shame. All the other 

    Stat books used in college are full of mumbo jumbo, makethe subject more complicating than it seems, most all hard

    to absorb.

    Thanks Mike you are the Best!

    5. Peter Bedson

    May 12, 2014 at 12:34 pm

    Generally, if N> about 20 you can ignore Bessel’sCorrection completely because the sample mean and the

    population mean are effectively the same.

    6.  john k

    May 27, 2014 at 7:28 pm

    Very nice explanation – simple yet effective.

    One thing I would add to the standard deviation section is

    Relative St Dev, where

    RSD(%) = (stdev/mean)*100

    This makes the stdev more meaningful with respect to your 

    mean. Sure, stdev = 2 is close to zero, but if your mean is

    around 5 (RSD = 40%), your data is much more disperse

    than if your mean is around 40 (RSD = 5%).

  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Standard Deviation – Bacon Bits


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    7. datapig

    July 16, 2014 at 8:57 pm

    John: Great tip! Thanks!

    8. Brad J

    July 26, 2014 at 10:53 pm

    Excellent summary, wish I had you at my school.

    One thing to considering your example is you have to

    understand the context of the data. The Deli managers are

    different in how they order with the similar average is what

    the data tells us. If you know more context about the

    operation the data may tell you more. Maybe the sales

    target is 32 boxes and one manager just orders close to

    that without knowing if it will impact inventory and the other 

    manager is compensating for the first by balancing sales

    and inventory and doing a better gob of forecasting sales.

     Alternatively maybe the second manager orders wildly for 

    other reason and isn’t the better performer. Without

    knowing the context of the data all we can say is they order 

    significantly different but not sure of the reasons or which is


    Excellent Summary once again.

    9. sankar 

    July 28, 2014 at 9:40 am

    Useful insight

    10. Nick Leifeld

    July 30, 2014 at 5:28 pm

    Very nice explanation, I wish Excel had a STDEV function

    for calculating Cpm in which the average variation around

    he Target is calculated and not the average variation

    around the Mean


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    http://datapigtechnologies.com/blog/index.php/understanding-standard-deviation-2/ 13

    11. Gabby

     August 5, 2014 at 5:43 pm

    Thanks for the explanation.

    It helps me a lot to differentiate STDEV from MEAN and

    how to relate it to my job.

    12.  Alanex

     August 21, 2014 at 5:12 am

    Useful and well done article.

    13. Sivakumar Viswanathan

    September 20, 2014 at 11:02 am

    This is the simplest & clearest way to explain SD. Wish I hadthis 2 decades ago. But I come across SD on a daily basis

    as a quality evaluation tool for our incoming raw materials. I

    hope many of the technical experts in manufacturing refer 

    to SD without actually grasping the underlying inference

    Now I understand exactly what I am talking about. Also

    wonder how I topped Statistical Quality Control paper during

    my engineering days 22 years back. Thanks for this article

    14.  julian

    October 3, 2014 at 9:47 pm

    Congratulation! It is really perfect expalanation!

    Unfortunately I read it too late

    15. roskin

    November 1, 2014 at 5:04 am

    wow ,now i understand it ,will definitely share the


    16.  Ahsan

    November 7, 2014 at 10:29 am

  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Standard Deviation – Bacon Bits


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    Very Very easy to understand S.D through this example.

    17. Tim McGuire

    December 20, 2014 at 3:17 pm

    Great summary, easy to understand with the example


    18.  Anna

    January 5, 2015 at 11:05 am

    Million thanks for this great explanation, you made my day! I

    am just writing my Master’s thesis and was in trouble

    understanding basic statistics, now I am a step further down

    on the road! I will share this article with my classmates!Wish you good work and looking forward reading more

    great articles!

    19. Yukiko Sawada

    January 6, 2015 at 6:50 pm

    This article was very interesting for me.

    I learned a lot from that.Thank you.

    20. Yukiko Sawada

    January 6, 2015 at 6:52 pm

    This article is interesting for me.

    I learned a lot from that, thank you.

    21. Lilian Salan

    February 9, 2015 at 11:36 am

    Now I understand the STANDARD DEVIATION. The

    discussion, explanation, and examples are very clear and

    simple. Its give real situation for the example.

    Thank you so much!

  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Standard Deviation – Bacon Bits


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    22. Nandy

    March 27, 2015 at 11:52 am

    Bravo, this is the brief and clear explanation i have seen.

    straight to the point. i wish you could be my stat teacher. i

    give you five stars.

    23. Moha

    May 18, 2015 at 12:53 pm

    Thanks for your clear explanation

    24. Samuel David

    July 14, 2015 at 1:24 pm

    Very simple and easy understand example to comprehendStandard Deviation.

    Thanks a lot.


    Samuel David

    25. Samuel David

    July 14, 2015 at 1:25 pmVery simple and easy to understand example to

    comprehend Standard Deviation.

    Thanks a lot.


    Samuel David

    26. Ahmad August 26, 2015 at 10:21 am

    The explanation is very clearly and sample ,we understood

    very easily.

    Thank you so much

    27. arash

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    February 3, 2016 at 9:26 pm

    a million thanks.very clear and simple to

    understand.it helped me a lot …..

    28. Pradeep

    February 4, 2016 at 11:03 amVery clearly explained! thanks

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