understanding hinduism

Understanding Hinduism Understanding Hinduism Sanjay Sampath, M.S, M.B.A, B.S. (Chem. Engg) Location: Woodlands Hindu Temple January 24, 2010 Contact Information: [email protected] Website: www.urbanhindu.com This presentation is for free distribution

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Understanding Hinduism. Sanjay Sampath, M.S, M.B.A, B.S. (Chem. Engg) Location: Woodlands Hindu Temple January 24, 2010 Contact Information: [email protected] Website: www.urbanhindu.com This presentation is for free distribution. Prayer. oṃ saha nāvavatu saha nau bhunaktu - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Understanding Hinduism

Understanding HinduismUnderstanding Hinduism

Sanjay Sampath, M.S, M.B.A, B.S. (Chem. Engg)Location: Woodlands Hindu Temple

January 24, 2010Contact Information: [email protected]

Website: www.urbanhindu.com

This presentation is for free distribution

Page 2: Understanding Hinduism

PrayerPrayeroṃ saha nāvavatu

saha nau bhunaktu

saha vīryaṃ karavāvahai

tejasvināvadhītamastu mā vidviṣāvahai

oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ

OM Let both of us protect each other together

May both of us enjoy together

May both of us work together

Let our study become radiant, let there be no hatred between us

OM Peace, Peace, Peace.

Page 3: Understanding Hinduism

Learning/Discussion GoalsLearning/Discussion GoalsWho is a Hindu? What are the Vedas?When were the Vedas written?What is their relevance in today’s day and age?Why are Vedas are relevant and important?How are Hindu scriptures classified?Understanding major Sampradayas in Hinduism

And if time permits which it usually doesn’t…..

Importance of Hindu festivals Importance of Hinduism and India to the world

Note: A side effect may be additional clarity to better understand the Katopanishad

Page 4: Understanding Hinduism

Vedic thoughts are becoming Vedic thoughts are becoming more popular worldwide!!more popular worldwide!!

Yoga and Meditation

“The Biology of Belief” - Dr. Bruce Lipton


“Messages from water” by Masuru Emoto

Oprah’s series with Eckhard Tolle

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Vedas - BreakdownVedas - BreakdownEach of the 4 Vedas is divided into these parts

Part 1: Samhita

Collection of mantras or hymns and prayers in praise of Deities for attaining prosperity and happiness.

Mainly meant for Brahmacharis, those who are in the first stage of their lives.

Part 2: Brahmana

Guides people in the performance of Vedic Karmas or rituals;

Brahmana is suitable for the householders, those belonging to the second stage in life.

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Vedas - BreakdownVedas - BreakdownPart 3: Aranyaka

Methods of meditation based upon symbolical interpretations of sacrificial rites

The Aranyakas are intended for the Vanaprasthas or people who prepare themselves for the last stage.

Part 4: Upanishads

Concluding portions which discuss philosophical issues. They are the essence of the Vedas containing their

knowledge aspects.

Roughly speaking, the Samhitas and Brahmanas constitute Karma Kanda, the Aranyakas the Upasana Kanda and the Upanishads the Jnana Kanda

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ClassificationClassification Rig Veda - Hymns whose function was to invoke the


Yajur Veda - Defines actions to be performed during Yagnas or sacrificial rites.

Sama Veda - Collection of all the musical chants.

Atharva Veda - Contains mantras to ward off evil/hardship.

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Shaka is a branch of Samhita, Brahmana, Aranyaka and Upanishad

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Some Vedic TermsSome Vedic Terms

Sookta Number of Riks or mantras constitute a Sookta Examples: Purusha Sooktam, Narayana Sooktam, Sri Sooktam


Sootra Sootras are aphorisms or declarations. Using minimum words to project a maximum dimension of

thought. Examples: Brahma Sootra, Patanjali Yoga Sootra, Narada Bhakti

Sootra, Ashtadhyayi of Panini etc.


Because of their cryptic nature, Bhashyas or commentaries are necessary to understand Sootras. SriBhashya by Ramanuja on the Bramhasutras

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Rig Veda: Interesting factsRig Veda: Interesting facts “Rik” means hymns in praise

This Samhita contains masterpieces of poetic compositions like the famous Purusha Sooktam and the morning prayers to Ushas, the goddess of dawn.

It was said to have 21 Shakhas but now only five of them are known to exist

10,552 mantras

‘ekam sat viprah bahudha vadanti’ meaning ‘Truth is one, sage’s call it by various names’

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Yajur Veda: Interesting Yajur Veda: Interesting factsfacts Yajur Veda Samhita is in two parts viz. Krishna

Yajurveda and Shukia Yaiurveda.

Krishna Yajurveda - Vaishampayana.

Shukla Yajurveda Samhita - Yajnavalkya from Vaajasani which means the Sun God.

Only 2/17 Shakhas of this Samhita exist. ( Kanva and Madhyandina Shakhas).

Sri Rudram is from the Yajur Veda. Also has its own version of Purusha Sooktha.

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Sama Veda: Interesting Sama Veda: Interesting factsfacts The word Saama also means that which brings peace to the


Of 1000 shakas, only 3 are available now.

The mantras of Samaveda are known as Saman. Have seven svaras or musical scales. Basis of the seven svaras

Sri Krishna says in the Gita (Ch.10 Verse 22) ‘vedaanaam saamavedosmi’ meaning ‘among the Vedas I am the Sama Veda’

Lalita Sahasranama, one of the epithets used to describe the Divine Mother is ‘Saama Gaana Priye’ meaning one who is pleased with the recital of Saman.

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Atharva Veda: Interesting Atharva Veda: Interesting factsfacts It deals more with things here and now. This Veda

contains many types of mantras designed to ward off evils and hardship as also to destroy enemies.

Also deals with diseases and their cure, rites for prolonging life, for fulfilling one’s desires, construction activities, trade and commerce, statecraft, defense systems of the country etc.

Only 2 of the 9 Shakhas are available now. They are Pippalada and Saunaka. Only one Brahmana called Gopatha Brahmana has been discovered.

The three well known Upanishads viz. Prasna, Mundaka and Mandukya as also the Kaivalya Upanishad belong to this Veda.

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Auxiliaries to VedasAuxiliaries to VedasVEDANGA – Limbs of Vedas

 Title  Subject Dealt With

 1. Siksha Science of phonetics or pronunciation and intonation.

 2. Vyakarana  Science of the grammar of language

 3. Nirukta Etymology or the science of origin, meaning and explanation of the Vedic words.

 4. Chandas Prosody or science of composition of the hymns like meter, rhyme, paada etc. of the mantras

 5. Jyotisha Astronomy and astrology mainly directed towards fixing up of auspicious moments for the performance of the Vedic sacrifices 

 6. Kalpa Science or manual of sacrificial rituals, both Vedic and domestic.

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Auxiliaries to VedasAuxiliaries to Vedas

Veda Upaanga

Remaining Vidyas

 Meemaamsa  Deeper Analysis of Vedas

Nyaya Science of logic and expediency

Puranas Vedas magnifying glasses

Dharma Shastras

Road to realize Puranic goal

Saankya* Description of 24 Tattwas

Yoga* Yoga for union with ishwara

* Not considered Upaanga in Some Classifications

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Auxiliaries to VedasAuxiliaries to Vedas UPA VEDA Or Subsidiary Vedas

 Title  Subject Dealt with Veda to which attached


 Science of life, of sound health including the art of preventing and curing diseases

 Rig Veda

 Gandharva Veda Science of fine arts like music and dance

 Sama Veda.

 Artha Veda

 Known as Artha-sastra science of economics, politics and statecraft

 Atharva Veda

 Dhanurveda Science of archery and warfare


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Major Hindu SampradayasMajor Hindu Sampradayas

Very simplistically put –

Advaita – Atma and Paramatma become one and the same

Vishistadvaita – Surrender to Lord Narayana (Many Sesis (Atmas) who carry out service of the Sesa (Paramatma))

Dvaita – Ultimate realization is Atma and Paramatma are different.

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Adi Sankara (788 AD - Adi Sankara (788 AD - 820 AD)820 AD)

Adi Sankara was one of the foremost Acharyas of the Hinduism.  

He is considered by devotees to be an avatar of Lord Shiva.  

He only lived to be 32 years but till date his influence in Hinduism is unmistakable.

Belonged to the Advaita tradition

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Sri Ramanujacharya Sri Ramanujacharya (1017 AD - 1137 AD)(1017 AD - 1137 AD)

Ramanuja was a devotee of Vishnu par excellence.  

Granting entry into temples for the Harijans (Dalits) a thousand years back when caste still ruled the roost in India.  

He initiated the distribution of holy food (Prasadam) to all devotees without discrimination.  

He introduced worship in local languages at the temples (Previously done only in Sanskrit).  

He advocated total surrender (Prapatti) as the easiest way to god.  

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Madhvacharya (1238 AD - Madhvacharya (1238 AD - 1317 AD)1317 AD)

The most well known guru in the Dvaita tradition.  

The main icon (vigraha) in Udupi of Lord Krishna was established by Madhvacharya.

The 8 monasteries (ashta mathas) of Udupi have been following his philosophy since then.

Sunil is the most well known follower of this tradition in our group.

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