understand the importance of yellow journalism on


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Post on 05-Apr-2022




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Understand the importance of Yellow Journalism on today’s society and society in the 1800’s

Describe the events leading up to the Spanish-American War

Understand the impacts of the Spanish – American War

What does the term “The Splendid Little War” mean to you?What does it make you think of?

Why would a war be “splendid?”

What war could this be referring to?

What’s happening here?

How would a US citizen

react to this?

What would it be like to be

there during the explosion?

1890’s: Cuba controlled by Spain. Spanish putting Cubans into labor camps – “Reconcentracion”

Had become major sugar producer

Unsuccessfully battled for independence

1895: Jose Marti – leads an expedition to the island attempting to seize power from Spain

US Has economic interests in Cuba – wants to stabilize situation

Agreement negotiated between US and Spain = Cuba become self-governing by January 1, 1898


President William McKinley

Sends USS Maine to Havana to protect US citizens and interests

February 15, 1898

Explosion sinks the Maine!

Kills 266 men on board

Nobody has ever established who attacked the Maine

Plenty of theories:Mine placed outside the ship – Spain?

Cuban rebels blowing it up to bring US into the war?

Destroyed from the inside? Burning coal = explosion?

Ammunition stored too close to the boiler room?

This telegram, in code from Assistance

Secretary of Navy Roosevelt to Admiral

Dewey, Commander, Pacific Squadron,

was sent without the knowledge of

Secretary of Navy Long. The telegram

authorized Dewey to engage the

Spanish fleet.

Should Roosevelt have done this?

“Search for Missing Bride Continues.”

“Bride Missing! Groom’s Family Blame History of Mental Illness.”

How do these headlines differ?

What does each imply?

What do you think would be the most reliable study?

Based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration

The New York Journal’s illustration of

a woman stripped and searched by

Spanish officials. Female insurgents

were indeed searched—but by other

women and behind closed doors.

According to this song,

what happened to the


What emotions are the

song’s lyrics supposed

to invoke?

How would the

average American

feel after seeing

these headlines and


US Congress issues resolutions that declare Cuba’s right to independenceDemanded withdrawal of Spain’s armed forces

McKinley authorizes use of force

Spain declares war on US on April 24th

US declares war on Spain on 25th

Retroactively made to April 21st

George Dewey leads US naval squadron into Manila Bay Destroys anchored Spanish fleet in 2 hours – pauses to order crew a

2nd breakfast

370 Spanish lost, less than 10 Americans lost

What does this tell you about Spanish forces in the War?

Spanish Caribbean fleet in Santiago harbor, Cuba

“Rough Riders” – 1st US Volunteer Cavalry

Includes Teddy Roosevelt

Didn’t “ride” much – transport constraints = abandon horses/mules in Florida

Riders advance on coast east of Santiago to force Spanish fleet out of harbor

Spanish try to escape westward, attacked by US, all ships beached or sunk

Spanish surrender

Treaty of Paris:

Spain renounces all claim to Cuba

Guam and Puerto Rico to US

Philippines to US for 20 million

Philippine-American War

3,000 Americans die – only a small # from combat, Yellow Fever and typhoid decimated entire units

Spain focuses attention inward – cultural and literary renaissance

US emerges as world power

Do you understand the importance of Yellow Journalism on today’s society and society in the 1800’s?

Can you describe the events leading up to the Spanish-American War?

Do you understand the impacts of the Spanish –American War?