uncertainty in the environmental modelling process … in the environmental modelling process e a...

Uncertainty in the environmental modelling process e A framework and guidance Jens Christian Refsgaard a, * , Jeroen P. van der Sluijs b , Anker Lajer Højberg a , Peter A. Vanrolleghem c,d a Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Copenhagen, Denmark b Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation, Department of Science Technology and Society, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands c BIOMATH, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium d Water Quality Modelling modelEAU, University Laval, Quebec, Canada Received 20 December 2005; received in revised form 5 February 2007; accepted 7 February 2007 Available online 27 April 2007 Abstract A terminology and typology of uncertainty is presented together with a framework for the modelling process, its interaction with the broader water management process and the role of uncertainty at different stages in the modelling processes. Brief reviews have been made of 14 different (partly complementary) methods commonly used in uncertainty assessment and characterisation: data uncertainty engine (DUE), error propaga- tion equations, expert elicitation, extended peer review, inverse modelling (parameter estimation), inverse modelling (predictive uncertainty), Monte Carlo analysis, multiple model simulation, NUSAP, quality assurance, scenario analysis, sensitivity analysis, stakeholder involvement and uncertainty matrix. The applicability of these methods has been mapped according to purpose of application, stage of the modelling process and source and type of uncertainty addressed. It is concluded that uncertainty assessment is not just something to be added after the completion of the modelling work. Instead uncertainty should be seen as a red thread throughout the modelling study starting from the very beginning, where the identification and characterisation of all uncertainty sources should be performed jointly by the modeller, the water manager and the stakeholders. Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Integrated water resources management; Water framework directive; Catchment modelling; Uncertainty 1. Introduction New guidelines on water resources management emphasise the importance of integrated approaches, cross-sectoral plan- ning and of public participation (GWP, 2000; EC, 2003; Jønch-Clausen, 2004). The commonly accepted approach inte- grated water resources management (IWRM) is defined as ‘‘a process, which promotes the co-ordinated development and management of water, land and related resources, in order to maximise the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems’’ (GWP, 2000). IWRM deals with complex problems involving technological, environmental, economical and societal aspects. In addition a wide range of uncertainties ranging from ambiguity in defining problems and goals to un- certainty in data and models have to be taken into account in the management process. The fundamental importance of uncertainty in water man- agement can be illustrated by EU’s Water Framework Direc- tive (WFD). The WFD is an outcome of EU environmental policy, where one of the basic principles is ‘‘to contribute to the pursuit of the objectives of preserving, protecting and im- proving the quality of the environment in prudent and rational use of natural resources, and to be based on the precautionary principle’’ (EC, 2000). As the precautionary principle aims to protect humans and the environment against uncertain risks by * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ45 38 142 776; fax: þ45 38 142 050. E-mail address: [email protected] (J.C. Refsgaard). 1364-8152/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2007.02.004 Environmental Modelling & Software 22 (2007) 1543e1556 www.elsevier.com/locate/envsoft

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Page 1: Uncertainty in the environmental modelling process … in the environmental modelling process e A framework ... multiple model simulation, NUSAP, ... focuses on uncertainty in the

Environmental Modelling & Software 22 (2007) 1543e1556www.elsevier.com/locate/envsoft

Uncertainty in the environmental modelling process e A frameworkand guidance

Jens Christian Refsgaard a,*, Jeroen P. van der Sluijs b, Anker Lajer Højberg a,Peter A. Vanrolleghem c,d

a Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Copenhagen, Denmarkb Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation, Department of Science Technology and Society,

Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlandsc BIOMATH, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium

d Water Quality Modelling modelEAU, University Laval, Quebec, Canada

Received 20 December 2005; received in revised form 5 February 2007; accepted 7 February 2007

Available online 27 April 2007


A terminology and typology of uncertainty is presented together with a framework for the modelling process, its interaction with the broaderwater management process and the role of uncertainty at different stages in the modelling processes. Brief reviews have been made of 14 different(partly complementary) methods commonly used in uncertainty assessment and characterisation: data uncertainty engine (DUE), error propaga-tion equations, expert elicitation, extended peer review, inverse modelling (parameter estimation), inverse modelling (predictive uncertainty),Monte Carlo analysis, multiple model simulation, NUSAP, quality assurance, scenario analysis, sensitivity analysis, stakeholder involvementand uncertainty matrix. The applicability of these methods has been mapped according to purpose of application, stage of the modelling processand source and type of uncertainty addressed. It is concluded that uncertainty assessment is not just something to be added after the completion ofthe modelling work. Instead uncertainty should be seen as a red thread throughout the modelling study starting from the very beginning, where theidentification and characterisation of all uncertainty sources should be performed jointly by the modeller, the water manager and the stakeholders.� 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Integrated water resources management; Water framework directive; Catchment modelling; Uncertainty

1. Introduction

New guidelines on water resources management emphasisethe importance of integrated approaches, cross-sectoral plan-ning and of public participation (GWP, 2000; EC, 2003;Jønch-Clausen, 2004). The commonly accepted approach inte-grated water resources management (IWRM) is defined as ‘‘aprocess, which promotes the co-ordinated development andmanagement of water, land and related resources, in order tomaximise the resultant economic and social welfare in anequitable manner without compromising the sustainability of

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ45 38 142 776; fax: þ45 38 142 050.

E-mail address: [email protected] (J.C. Refsgaard).

1364-8152/$ - see front matter � 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


vital ecosystems’’ (GWP, 2000). IWRM deals with complexproblems involving technological, environmental, economicaland societal aspects. In addition a wide range of uncertaintiesranging from ambiguity in defining problems and goals to un-certainty in data and models have to be taken into account inthe management process.

The fundamental importance of uncertainty in water man-agement can be illustrated by EU’s Water Framework Direc-tive (WFD). The WFD is an outcome of EU environmentalpolicy, where one of the basic principles is ‘‘to contribute tothe pursuit of the objectives of preserving, protecting and im-proving the quality of the environment in prudent and rationaluse of natural resources, and to be based on the precautionaryprinciple’’ (EC, 2000). As the precautionary principle aims toprotect humans and the environment against uncertain risks by

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means of pre-damage control (anticipatory measures) it cannot be implemented without incorporating uncertainty assess-ments into the decision making process.

Uncertainty assessment of model simulations is thereforeimportant, when models are used to support water managementdecisions (Beven and Binley, 1992; Beven, 2002; Pahl-Wostl,2002; Jakeman and Letcher, 2003; Refsgaard and Henriksen,2004; Pahl-Wostl, 2007; Vandenberghe et al., 2007). Model un-certainty is in practice often done as an ‘end of pipe’ analysisthat is carried out after model set-up, calibration and validationhave been completed. For integration of model results into thebroader water management process and to increase effective-ness of knowledge production and use, Refsgaard et al.(2005a) emphasise the importance of making uncertainty anal-yses an ongoing theme from the beginning with problem defi-nition and identification of modelling objectives and thenthroughout the modelling process.

The objective of this paper is to analyse the need and rolefor uncertainty analyses at the various stages of the modellingprocess and to briefly review methodologies and tools suitablefor these various types of uncertainty assessments. The paperfocuses on uncertainty in the modelling process. As such ittouches upon aspects of uncertainty related to the broader pol-icy and public participation processes, but it does not intend tofully cover these broader aspects.

2. Modelling as part of the planning andmanagement process

A modelling study will involve several phases and severalactors. A typical modelling study will involve the followingfour different types of actors:

� The water manager, i.e. the person or organisation responsi-ble for the management or protection of the water resources,and thus of the modelling study and the outcome (the prob-lem owner).� The modeller, i.e. a person or an organisation that develops

the model and works it, conducting the modelling study. Ifthe modeller and the water manager belong to different or-ganisations, their roles will typically be denoted consultantand client, respectively.� The reviewer, i.e. a person that is conducting some kind of

external review of a modelling study. The review may bemore or less comprehensive depending on the require-ments of the particular case. The reviewer is typically ap-pointed by the water manager to support her/him to matchthe modelling capability of the modeller.� The stakeholders/public, i.e. an interested party with

a stake in the water management issue, either in exploitingor protecting the resource. Stakeholders include the fol-lowing categories: (1) competent water resource authority(typically the water manager, cf. above); (2) interestgroups; and (3) general public.

The modelling process may, according to the HarmoniQuAproject (Refsgaard et al., 2005a; Scholten et al., 2007, http://

www.harmoniqua.org), be decomposed into five major steps(Fig. 1), which again are decomposed into 48 tasks (not de-tailed here). The contents of the five steps are:

� STEP1 (model study plan). This step aims to agree ona Model Study Plan comprising answers to the questions:Why is modelling required for this particular model study?What is the overall modelling approach and which workshould be carried out? Who will do the modelling work?Who should do the technical reviews? Which stake-holders/public should be involved and to what degree?What are the resources available for the project? The watermanager needs to describe the problem and its context aswell as the available data. A very important (but often over-looked) task is then to analyse and determine what are thevarious requirements of the modelling study in terms of theexpected accuracy of modelling results. The acceptablelevel of accuracy will vary from case to case and must beseen in a socio-economic context. It should, therefore, bedefined through a dialogue between the modeller, watermanager and stakeholders/public. In this respect an a priorianalysis of the key sources of uncertainty is crucial in orderto focus the study on the elements that produce most infor-mation of relevance to the problem at hand.� STEP 2 (data and conceptualisation). In this step the mod-

eller should gather all the relevant knowledge about thestudy basin and develop an overview of the processesand their interactions in order to conceptualise how thesystem should be modelled in sufficient detail to meetthe requirements specified in the model study plan. Con-sideration must be given to the spatial and temporal detailrequired of a model, to the system dynamics, to the bound-ary conditions and to how the model parameters can be de-termined from available data. The need to model certainprocesses in alternative ways or to differing levels of detailin order to enable assessments of model structure uncer-tainty should be evaluated. The availability of existingcomputer codes that can address the model requirementsshould also be evaluated.� STEP 3 (model set-up). Model set-up implies transforming

the conceptual model into a site-specific model that can berun in the selected model code. A major task in model set-up is the processing of data in order to prepare the inputfiles necessary for executing the model. Usually, the modelis run within a graphical user interface (GUI) where manytasks have been automated.� STEP 4 (calibration and validation). This step is con-

cerned with the process of analysing the model that wasconstructed during the previous step, first by calibratingthe model, and then by validating its performance againstindependent field data. Finally, the reliability of modelsimulations for the intended type of application is assessedthrough uncertainty analyses. The results are described sothat the scope of model use and its associated limitationsare documented and made explicit.� STEP 5 (simulation and evaluation). In this step the model-

ler uses the calibrated and validated model to make

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2. Data and Conceptualisation• Collect and process data • Develop conceptual model • Select model code • Review and dialogue

3. Model Set-up• Construct model• Reassess performance criteria• Review and dialogue

4. Calibration and Validation • Model calibration• Model validation• Uncertainty assessment• Review and dialogue

5. Simulation and Evaluation• Model predictions• Uncertainty assessment• Review and dialogue

1. Model Study Plan• Identify problem• Define requirements • Assess uncertainties • Prepare model study plan

Modelling Process

The Environment





Public Opinion




Water Management Process

Fig. 1. The interactions between the five steps of the modelling process and the water management process (inspired from Refsgaard et al., 2005a and Pascual

et al., 2003).

simulations to meet the objectives and requirements of themodel study. Depending on the objectives of the study,these simulations may result in specific results that canbe used in subsequent decision making (e.g. for planningor design purposes) or to improve understanding (e.g. ofthe hydrological/ecological regime of the study area). Itis important to carry out suitable uncertainty assessmentsof the model predictions in order to arrive at a robust deci-sion. As with the other steps, the quality of the results needsto be assessed through internal and external reviews thatalso provide platforms for dialogues between water man-ager, modeller, reviewer and, often, stakeholders/public.

Fig. 1 shows the key actors in the water management pro-cess and the above five steps in the modelling process. Theinteractions between the modelling process and the watermanagement process are very clear at the beginning of themodelling process (Step 1), where the modeller receives thespecifications of objectives and requirements for the model-ling study from the water management process, and towards

the end of the modelling study (Step 5), where the modellingresults are provided as input to the water management pro-cess. These two interactions are usually participatory in thesense that not only the water manager, but also key stake-holders, are involved in the dialogue with the modeller. Inthis respect a participatory-based assessment of the mostimportant sources of uncertainty for the decision process isimportant in Step 1 as a basis for prioritising the elementsof the modelling study. During the main modelling processitself (Steps 2, 3, 4) the link between the water managementprocess and the modelling process consists of dialogue, re-views and discussions of preliminary results. The amountand type of interaction depend on the level of public partic-ipation that may vary from case to case, from providinginformation over consultation to active involvement (Henrik-sen et al., submitted for publication).

The typical cyclic and iterative character of thewater manage-ment process, such as the WFD process, is illustrated in Fig. 2,where the interaction with the modelling process is illustratedby the large circle (water management) and the four smaller

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‘Unbounded uncertainty’

(not all outcomes known)


(outcome known)

‘Bounded uncertainty’

(all possible outcomes known)

All probabilities known No probabilities knownSome probabilities known


Some outcomes

and probabilities

Some outcomes,

No probabilities

No outcomes,

“Do not know”

State of knowledge about ‘reality’ (uncertainty concepts)

Statistical Qualitative

Scenarios Recognised ignorance

Ignorance: unaware of imperfect knowledge

Fig. 3. Taxonomy of imperfect knowledge resulting in different uncertainty situations (Brown, 2004).

external economic, environmental, political, social andtechnological circumstances that form the context of theproblem.� Input uncertainty in terms of external driving forces

(within or outside the control of the water manager) andsystem data that drive the model such as land use maps,pollution sources and climate data.� Model structure uncertainty is the conceptual uncertainty

due to incomplete understanding and simplified descrip-tions of modelled processes as compared to reality.� Parameter uncertainty, i.e. the uncertainties related to pa-

rameter values.� Model technical uncertainty is the uncertainty arising from

computer implementation of the model, e.g. due to numer-ical approximations, resolution in space and time, andbugs in the software.

The total uncertainty on the model simulations, model outputuncertainty, can be assessed by uncertainty propagation takenall the above sources into account.

3.3. Nature of uncertainty

Walker et al. (2003) explain that the nature of uncertaintycan be categorised into:

� Epistemic uncertainty, i.e. the uncertainty due to imperfectknowledge.� Stochastic uncertainty or ontological uncertainty, i.e. uncer-

tainty due to inherent variability, e.g. climate variability.

Epistemic uncertainty is reducible by more studies, e.g.comprising research and data collection. Stochastic uncer-tainty is non-reducible.

Often the uncertainty on a certain event includes both epi-stemic and stochastic uncertainty. An example is the uncer-tainty of the 100 year flood at a given site. This flood eventcan be estimated: e.g. by use of standard flood frequency anal-ysis on the basis of existing flow data. The (epistemic) uncer-tainty may be reduced by improving the data analysis, bymaking additional monitoring (longer time series) or by deep-ening our understanding of how the modelled system works.However, no matter how perfect both the data collection andthe mechanistic understanding of the system are, and, no mat-ter for how long historical data time series exist, there will al-ways be some (stochastic) uncertainty inherent to the naturalsystem, related to the stochastic and chaotic nature of severalnatural phenomena, such as weather. Perfect knowledge onthese phenomena cannot give us a deterministic prediction,but would have the form of a perfect characterisation of thenatural variability.

3.4. The uncertainty matrix

The uncertainty matrix in Table 1 can be used as a tool toget an overview of the various sources of uncertainty ina modelling study. The matrix is modified after Walkeret al. (2003) in such a way that it matches Fig. 3 and sothat the taxonomy now gives ‘uncertainty type’ in descrip-tions that indicate in what terms uncertainty can best be de-scribed. The vertical axis identifies the location or source ofuncertainty while the horizontal axis covers the level andnature of uncertainty.

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Table 1

The uncertainty matrix (modified after Walker et al., 2003)

Taxonomy (types of uncertainty) Nature Source of uncertainty







Context Natural, technological,economic, social, political

System dataDriving forces


Model structureTechnicalParameters


Model outputs

It is noticed that the matrix is in reality three-dimensional(source, type, nature). Thus, the categories type and natureare not mutually exclusive, and it may be argued that the ma-trix should be modified in such a way that the two uncer-tainties within nature (epistemic and variability) shouldbecome subcells within the type categories. This is not donefor graphical reasons.

4. Methodologies for uncertainty assessment

Many methodologies and tools suitable for supporting un-certainty assessment have been developed and reported inthe scientific literature. We have selected 14 methods to repre-sent the commonly applied types of methods and tools. Guid-ance to the applicability of these methods is provided inSection 5. In the following the 14 methods are briefly reviewedin alphabetical order:

� Data uncertainty engine (DUE)� Error propagation equations� Expert elicitation� Extended peer review (review by stakeholders)� Inverse modelling (parameter estimation)� Inverse modelling (predictive uncertainty)� Monte Carlo analysis� Multiple model simulation� NUSAP� Quality assurance� Scenario analysis� Sensitivity analysis� Stakeholder involvement� Uncertainty matrix

References to more detailed descriptions and to supportingsoftware tools are provided in Refsgaard et al. (2005b). Forseveral of the methodologies more extensive descriptions areavailable in the RIVM/MNP Tool Catalogue, that served asa starting point for the overview presented here (Van der Sluijset al., 2004). A summary of statistically based methods forpropagation of statistical uncertainty is given by Helton andDavis (2003).

4.1. Data uncertainty engine (DUE)

Uncertainty in data may be described in 13 uncertainty cat-egories (Table 2) depending on how data varies in time andspace (Brown et al., 2005). Each data category is associatedwith a range of uncertainty models, for which more specificprobability density functions (pdfs) may be developed withdifferent simplifying assumptions (e.g. Gaussian; second-orderstationarity; degree of temporal and spatial autocorrelation).Furthermore, correlation in time and space is characterisedby correlogram/variogram functions. Categorical data (3) dif-fer from numerical data (1, 2), because the categories are notmeasured on a numerical scale.

A software tool, the data uncertainty engine (DUE), forsupporting the assessment of data uncertainty within the aboveframework has been developed within the HarmoniRiB project(Refsgaard et al., 2005c). This software tool and a report withreviews of data uncertainty for different types of data (VanLoon and Refsgaard, 2005) can be downloaded from the pro-ject website http://www.harmonirib.com.

Data uncertainty is an important input when assessing un-certainty of model outputs. Assessment of data uncertainty isan area that theoretically is complex and full of pitfalls, espe-cially when considering the correlation structure and its linkwith the scale of support.

4.2. Error propagation equations

The error propagation equations (e.g. Mandel, 1984) arewidely used in the experimental and measurement sciences

Table 2

The subdivision and coding of uncertainty-categories, along the ‘axes’ of

space-time variability and measurement scale (Brown et al., 2005)

Space-time variability Measurement scale





Categorical Narrative

Constant in space and time A1 A2 A3

4Varies in time, not in space B1 B2 B3

Varies in space, not in time C1 C2 C3

Varies in time and space D1 D2 D3

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to estimate error propagation in calculations. The error propa-gation equations are valid only if the following conditions aremet: (1) the uncertainties have Gaussian (normal) distribu-tions; (2) the uncertainties for non-linear models are relativelysmall: the standard deviation divided by the mean value is lessthan 0.3; and (3) the uncertainties have no significantcovariance.

The error propagation equations for the most common oper-ators can be seen in Box 1. The method can be extended to al-low non-Gaussian distributions and to allow for co-variances.

The main advantage of the error propagation equations is thatthey are easy and quick to use. The key limitations lie in theunderlying assumptions that seldom hold, especially not forcomplex calculations. The error propagation equations aretherefore mainly suitable for preliminary screening analysis.

4.3. Expert elicitation

Expert elicitation is a structured process to elicit subjectivejudgements from experts. It is widely used in quantitative riskanalysis to quantify uncertainties in cases where there are noor too few direct empirical data available to infer on uncer-tainty. Usually the subjective judgement is represented asa ‘subjective’ probability density function (PDF) reflectingthe expert’s degree of belief. Typically it is applied in situa-tions where there is scarce or insufficient empirical materialfor a direct quantification of uncertainty, and where it is rele-vant to obtain inscrutable and defensible results (Hora, 1992).

Several elicitation protocols have been developed amongstwhich the much-used Stanford/SRI Protocol was the first one(Spetzler and von Holstein, 1975).

Expert elicitation typically involves the following steps: (1)Identify and select experts. (2) Explain to the expert the natureof the problem and the elicitation procedure. Create awarenessof biases in subjective judgements and explore these. (3)Clearly define the quantity to be assessed and choose a scaleand unit familiar to the expert. (4) Discuss the state of knowl-edge on the quantity at hand (strengths and weaknesses in

Box 1. The error propagation equation

The error propagation equations for the most commonoperators are (s is the standard deviation):

Addition and Subtraction: z ¼ x þ yþ/ or z ¼x � y�/

sz ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi�s2





rMultiplication by an exact number: z ¼ cx

sz ¼ csx

Multiplication and Division: z ¼ xy or z ¼ x=y











available data, knowledge gaps, and qualitative uncertainties).(5) Elicit extremes of the distribution. (6) Assess these ex-tremes: could the range be broader than stated? (7) Furtherelicit and specify the distribution (shape and percentiles orcharacterising parameters). (8) Verify with the expert thatthe distribution that you constructed from the expert’s re-sponses correctly represents the expert’s beliefs. (9) Decidewhether or not to aggregate the distributions elicited from dif-ferent experts (this only makes sense if the experts had thesame mental models of the quantity for which a distributionwas elicited).

Expert elicitation has the potential to make use of all avail-able knowledge that cannot easily be formalised otherwise.The limitations are linked to the subjectivity of the resultsthat are sensitive to the selection of experts. In case of differ-ences among experts it may be difficult to safely quantify theuncertainties.

4.4. Extended peer review (review by stakeholders)

Extended peer review is the involvement of stakeholders inthe quality assurance of the modelling process. Stakeholders’reasoning, observation and imagination are not bounded byscientific rationality. This can be beneficial when tacklingill-structured, complex problems. Consequently, the knowl-edge and perspectives of the stakeholders can bring in valuablenew views on the problem and relevant information on thatproblem. The latter is known as ‘‘extended facts’’. Stake-holders can contribute to the quality of knowledge in a numberof ways. These include improvement of the quality of theproblem formulation and the questions addressed by the scien-tists; the contribution of knowledge on local conditions whichmay help determine which data are strong and relevant orwhich response options are feasible; providing personal obser-vations which may lead to new foci for empirical researchaddressing dimensions of the problem that were previouslyoverlooked; criticism of assumptions made by the scientist,which may lead to changes towards assumptions that bettermatch real-life conditions; and, creative thinking of mecha-nisms and scenarios through which projected environmentaland hydrological changes may affect different sectors of soci-ety (De Marchi, 2003).

The main strength of extended peer review is that it allowsthe use of extra knowledge from non-scientific sources. Thekey limitations lie in the difficulty for stakeholders to under-stand the sometimes complex and abstract concepts, to ensurerepresentativeness of the selected stakeholders and in thepower asymmetries that may be reproduced.

4.5. Inverse modelling (parameter estimation)

Parameter values are often estimated through inverse mod-elling. This is also denoted as automatic calibration (Duanet al., 1994; Doherty, 2003). An optimal parameter set is sought‘‘automatically’’ by minimising an objective function, oftendefined as the summed squared deviation between the calibra-tion targets (field data) and their simulated counterparts. Many

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software tools support inverse modelling and some universaloptimisation routines can be downloaded as freeware, e.g.PEST (Doherty, 2003) and UCODE (Poeter and Hill, 1998).

Most inversion techniques have the benefit that they in ad-dition to optimal parameter values also produce calibrationstatistics in terms of parameter- and observation sensitivities,parameter correlation and parameter uncertainties. An impor-tant limitation of these parameter uncertainty techniques isthat the model calibration is based on a single model (withone possible model structure). Errors in the model structurewill therefore wrongly be allocated to model parameter uncer-tainties. The estimated parameter uncertainties are thus uncer-tainties for the effective model parameter given both the modelstructure and available observations. This also means thatestimated parameter uncertainties will not compensate ade-quately for the model structure uncertainty, when the modelis used for prediction of conditions beyond the calibrationbase (e.g. when calibrating on groundwater flow and subse-quently using the model to simulate solute transport).

4.6. Inverse modelling (predictive uncertainty)

In addition to parameter estimation some of the inverse opti-misation routines include the ability to estimate predictiveuncertainties. The method by which the predictive uncertaintyis derived varies among the inversion routines. But commonto many of the local optimisation routines based on non-linearregression, is that the prediction of interest is treated as an obser-vation, and the regression algorithm is then used to quantify theeffect of the parameter uncertainty on this ‘‘observation’’. Somemethods rely on a semi-analytical solution in which the regres-sion algorithm is used to compute either a predictive uncertaintyinterval for the output variable or uncertainty in the differencebetween a reference case and a scenario simulation. Othermethods use the regression to seek the maximum or minimumvalue of the prediction under the constraint that the modelmust be calibrated at an acceptable level, which is defined bysome predefined acceptance level of the objective function.

This method provides an objective estimate of the predic-tive uncertainty given the applied model structure. The mainlimitation, apart from assumptions on linearity and normallydistributed residuals, is that uncertainty can only be predictedfor data types for which observations exist. This means thatuncertainties on variables that are interpolated or extrapolatedcompared to the available field data cannot be quantified bythis method.

4.7. Monte Carlo analysis

Monte Carlo Simulation is a statistical technique for sto-chastic model calculations and analysis of error propagationin calculations. Its purpose is to trace out the structure of thedistributions of the model output. In its simplest form this dis-tribution is mapped by calculating the deterministic results(realisations) for a large number of random draws from the in-dividual distribution functions of input data and parameters ofthe model. As in random Monte Carlo sampling, pre-existing

information about correlations between input variables canbe incorporated. Monte Carlo analysis requires the analyst tospecify probability distributions of all inputs and parameters,and the correlations between them. Both probability distribu-tions and correlations are usually poorly known. Ignoring cor-relations and co-variance in input distributions may lead tosubstantial under- or over-estimation of uncertainty in modeloutcome. Advanced sampling methods have been designedsuch as Latin Hypercube sampling to reduce the required num-ber of model runs needed to get sufficient information about thedistribution in the outcome (mainly to save computation time).

A number of commercial and free software packages areavailable to do Monte Carlo analysis, e.g. Crystal Ball(2000) and @risk (Palisade Corporation, 2000) and SimLab(Saltelli et al., 2004). In addition Monte Carlo functionalityis built into many modelling software packages. EPA (1997)provides a good guidance for use of Monte Carlo analysis.

The advantage of Monte Carlo analysis is its general appli-cability and that it does not impose many assumptions on prob-ability distributions and correlations and that it can be linked toany model code. The key limitation is the large run times forcomputationally intensive models and the huge amount ofoutputs that are not always straightforward to analyse.

4.8. Multiple model simulation

Multiple model simulation is a strategy to address uncer-tainty about model structure. Instead of doing an assessmentusing a single model, the assessment is carried out using dif-ferent models of the same system. For instance, this can be re-alised by having alternative model codes with differentprocess descriptions (Linkov and Burmistrov, 2003; Buttset al., 2004) or, in the groundwater case, by having differentconceptual models based on different geological interpreta-tions (Selroos et al., 2001; Højberg and Refsgaard, 2005).

Refsgaard et al. (2006) present a new framework for deal-ing with uncertainty due to model structure error, based on al-ternative conceptual models and assessment of their pedigreeand adequacy.

The main advantages of this method are that the effects ofalternative model structures can be analysed explicitly and thatthe robustness of the model predictions increases. An impor-tant limitation is that we cannot be sure whether we have ad-equately sampled the relevant space of plausible models andthat important plausible model structures could be overlooked.

4.9. NUSAP

The NUSAP system for multidimensional uncertainty as-sessment (Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1990; Van der Sluijs et al.,2005) aims to provide an analysis and diagnosis of uncertaintyin science for policy. The basic idea is to qualify quantities byusing the five qualifiers of the NUSAP acronym: numeral,unit, spread, assessment, and pedigree. NUSAP complementsquantitative analysis (numeral, unit, spread) with expert judge-ment of reliability (assessment) and systematic multi-criteriaevaluation of the different phases of production of a given

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knowledge base (pedigree). Pedigree criteria can be: proxyrepresentation, empirical basis, methodological rigor, theoret-ical understanding, and degree of validation. Pedigree assess-ment can be further extended to also address societaldimensions of uncertainty, using criteria that address differenttypes of value ladenness, quality of problem frames, etc. NU-SAP provides insight on two independent uncertainty-relatedproperties expressed in numbers, namely spread and strength.Spread expresses inexactness whereas strength expresses themethodological and epistemological limitations of the under-lying knowledge base. The two metrics can be combined ina Diagnostic Diagram, mapping strength of for instance modelparameters and sensitivity of model outcome to spread in thesemodel parameters. Neither spread alone nor strength alone isa sufficient measure for quality. Robustness of model outputto parameter strength could be good even if parameter strengthis low, if the spread in that parameter has a negligible effect onmodel outputs. In this situation our ignorance of the true valueof the parameter has no immediate consequences. Alterna-tively, model outputs can be robust against parameter spreadeven if its relative contribution to the total spread in the modelis high provided that parameter strength is also high. In the lat-ter case, the uncertainty in the model outcome adequately re-flects the inherent irreducible (stochastic) uncertainty in thesystem represented by the model. Uncertainty then is a prop-erty of the modelled system and does not stem from imperfectknowledge on that system. Mapping components of the knowl-edge base in a diagnostic diagram thus reveals the weakestspots and helps in setting priorities for improvement.

The strength of NUSAP is its integration of quantitative andqualitative uncertainty. It can be used on different levels ofcomprehensiveness: from a ‘back of the envelope’ sketchbased on self elicitation to a comprehensive and sophisticatedprocedure involving structured, informed, in-depth group dis-cussions on a parameter by parameter format. The key limita-tion is that the scoring of pedigree criteria is to a large extentbased on subjective judgements. Therefore, outcomes may besensitive to the selection of experts.

4.10. Quality assurance

Quality assurance (QA) may be defined as protocols andguidelines to support the proper application of models. Impor-tant aims of QA are to ensure the use of best practise, to buildconsensus among the various actors involved in the modellingprocess and to ensure that the expected accuracy and modelperformance are in accordance with the project objectives.

Key elements of QA procedures include: (1) framing of theproblem and definition of the purpose of the modelling study;(2) assessment of sources of uncertainties jointly by watermanager, modeller and stakeholders and establishment of ac-curacy requirements by translation of the water manager andstakeholder needs to preliminary performance criteria; (3) per-formance of model validation tests, i.e. testing of model per-formance against independent data that have not been usedfor calibration in order to assess the accuracy and credibilityof the model simulations for situations comparable to those

where it is intended to be used for; and (4) reviews carriedout by independent auditors with subsequent consultation be-tween the modeller, the water manager and possibly the stake-holders at different phases of the modelling project.

Many QA guidelines exist such as Middlemis (2000) andVan Waveren et al. (1999). The HarmoniQuA project (Schol-ten et al., 2007; Refsgaard et al., 2005a) has developed a com-prehensive set of QA guidelines for multiple modellingdomains combined with a supporting software tool, MoST(downloadable via http://www.harmoniqua.org).

QA improves the chances that best practise is used, it makesit possible to involve stakeholders into the modelling process ina formalised framework, and it improves the transparency andreproducibility. If not designed and performed thoroughly,QA may become a ‘rubber stamp’ and generate false credibility.

4.11. Scenario analysis

Scenario analysis aims to describe logical and internallyconsistent sequences of events to explore how the futuremay, could or should evolve from the past and present (VanDer Heijden, 1996). The future is inherently uncertain. Differ-ent alternative futures can be explored through scenario anal-ysis. As such, scenario analysis is also a tool to deal explicitlywith different assumptions about the future.

Different types of scenarios can be distinguished. For in-stance, Alcamo (2001) discerns baseline vs. policy scenarios,exploratory vs. anticipatory scenarios and qualitative vs. quan-titative scenarios. Baseline scenarios present the future state ofsociety and environment in which no (additional) environmen-tal policies do exist or have a discernible influence on societyor the environment. Policy scenarios depict the future effectsof environmental protection policies. Exploratory scenariosstart in the present and explore possible trends into the future.Anticipatory scenarios start with a prescribed vision of thefuture and then work backwards in time to visualise howthis future could emerge. Qualitative scenarios describe possi-ble futures in the form of narrative texts or so-called ‘‘story-lines’’. Quantitative scenarios provide tables and figures incor-porating numerical data often generated by sophisticatedmodels. Finally, scenarios can be surprise-free or trend scenar-ios, that extend foreseen developments, on the one hand or in-clude surprises and exploring the extremes (e.g. best case/worst case) on the other hand.

Scenarios can ensure that assumptions about future devel-opments are made transparent and documented and are oftenthe only way to deal with the unknown future. A limitationfor qualitative scenarios is that it is difficult to test the under-lying assumptions. For quantitative scenarios, the analysis islimited to those aspects of reality that can be quantified. Fre-quently, scenarios do not go beyond trend extrapolation andare surprise-free.

4.12. Sensitivity analysis

Sensitivity analysis (SA) is the study of how the variation inthe output of a model (numerical or otherwise) can be

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qualitatively or quantitatively apportioned to different sourcesof variation, and of how the outputs of a given model dependupon the information fed into it (Saltelli et al., 2000, 2004).

Depending on the complexity of a model’s output space SAmethods may range from the simple to the relatively complex. Ifa model’s output space is linear or approximates a hyperplane,SA may be conducted through a straightforward application ofdifferential analysis. This is typically done by taking partial de-rivatives of the output with respect to one input, holding allother inputs constant. If a model’s output space is non-linear(or does not approximate a hyperplane) then the assumptionsfor differential analysis do not hold. Differential analysis maybe conducted, but the analyst should be aware that the resultsmay apply only to a narrow range of the output space. Forthis reason, differential analysis in this situation is referred toas Local SA.

If the analyst wishes to conduct Global SA (i.e. SA acrossthe model’s entire output space) for non-linear (non-hyperpla-nar) models, then other analytical methods should be used.These include such methods as Monte Carlo analysis, Morris’One-at-a-time method and various variance based methodssuch as Fourier amplitude sensitivity test (FAST).

The strength of SA is that it provides insight in the potentialinfluence of all sorts of changes in input and helps discrimina-tion across parameters according to their importance for theaccuracy of the outcome. A limitation is the tendency of SAto yield an overload of information. Furthermore, SA mostoften takes the model structure and system boundaries forgranted.

4.13. Stakeholder involvement

Stakeholder involvement in not only the decision makingprocess, but also in the modelling process, can help to assessand manage complex (environmental) problems in a betterway. This potential can be tapped in three ways (Kloproggeand van der Sluijs, 2006): (1) by enabling them to articulate

issues of concern and to improve the problem framing for re-search and policy; (2) by utilising their own (non-scientific)knowledge and observations and their capacity to invent newoptions; and (3) by involving them actively in the quality con-trol of the operational knowledge that is co-produced (ex-tended peer review, See section 4.4).

The RIVM/MNP guidance for uncertainty assessment andcommunication (Van der Sluijs et al., 2004) has a useful sec-tion on stakeholder involvement, including an instrument fordiscourse analysis. The HarmoniCOP project has developeda typology to characterise tools to support the public participa-tion process in relation to the implementation of the WaterFramework Directive (Maurel, 2003).

The key strengths of stakeholder involvement are that it in-creases the level of public accountability and it may increasethe public support for implementation of subsequent manage-ment decisions.

4.14. Uncertainty matrix

The uncertainty matrix (Walker et al., 2003; Janssen et al.,2003) can be used to identify and prioritise the most importantuncertainties in a given model study. The matrix shown inTable 3 is an example of a project specific adaptation of themore general uncertainty matrix shown in Table 1.

For a specific application the different sources of uncertaintyare listed in the rows and the type of uncertainty associated toeach source is noted and characterised. This may be done eitherquantitatively or, as in Table 3, qualitatively. The importance ofeach source may then be characterised by weighting dependingon its impact on the modelling study in question. The sum of un-certainty may then be assessed, e.g. by use of the error propaga-tion equations (Section 4.2). It may not be possible to identifyall sources of uncertainty and/or assigning correct weightingsfrom the project start. The matrix may thus be reassessed ateach review, where new sources of uncertainty may be addedor the weight of the uncertainty adjusted as more insight into

Table 3

Example of use of the uncertainty matrix for an initial assessment of sources of uncertainty and their importance in a specific project context

Source of uncertainty Type of uncertainty Importance









Weighting (Uncertainty � weight)

Problem context

e Future agricultural practice Medium Medium Medium Large Medium

e Future climate Medium Medium Large Medium Medium

Input data

e Catchment data Medium Small Large Medium

e Nitrate load from agriculture Small Small Large Small

Parameter uncertainty

e Water quantity Small Small Medium Small

e Water quality Medium Medium Medium Small

Model structure (conceptual)

e Geology Large Large Medium Large Large

e Nitrate reduction in underground Medium Medium Large Large Large

Model technical uncertainty

e Numerical approximation Small Small Medium Small

e Bugs in software Medium Medium Small


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the system is gained. An uncertainty matrix used interactivelyduring the modelling process supports the identification of all rel-evant sources of uncertainty and a prioritising based on a qualita-tive assessment of their importance. The matrix also providesa framework to keep track of all sources of uncertainty duringthe modelling process, so that sources identified early in the modelstudy are not forgotten at the end of the model study, where theuncertainties are typically quantified by uncertainty simulations.

The uncertainty matrix is a good platform that may facili-tate a structured dialogue between water managers, modellersand stakeholders on possible sources and types of uncertainty,which helps the key actors to approach a common understand-ing on the uncertainties and their importance. Its main limita-tion is that it strongly relies on expert judgement and mainlyyields qualitative insight.

5. Guide to select an appropriate methodology foruncertainty assessment

Some of the more important types of methodologies andassociated tools that may be applied for assessing uncertaintieswere briefly reviewed above. The next question is which method-ology should be selected for different purposes and in differentsituations. This is addressed from three different perspectivesin the following three subsections.

5.1. Methodologies according to modelling process andlevel of ambition

Table 4 provides a list of applicable methodologies that areconsidered to be adequate at different stages in the modellingprocess. Furthermore, it includes hints for which methodolo-gies are more suitable for comprehensive analysis with rela-tively large economic resources for the study and whichmethodologies correspond to a lower level of ambition (de-noted as ‘‘basic’’ in Table 4).

Uncertainty aspects are important throughout the modellingprocess. Considering the HarmoniQuA modelling protocolwith the five steps shown in Fig. 1 and described in Section

2 above, uncertainty should be considered explicitly in allfive modelling steps. However, it is treated in different waysat different stages of the modelling process. The three main ac-tions of dealing with uncertainty may be characterised as:

� Identify and characterise sources of uncertainty. The vari-ous sources of uncertainty need to be identified and char-acterised in Step 1 (model study plan). This should bedone by the water manager but typically after a dialoguewith relevant stakeholders. Depending on the framing ofthe model study some of these uncertainties may be lo-cated as external non-controllable sources. It is crucialthat uncertainty is considered explicitly so early in the def-inition phase of the model study. Here uncertainties areseldom quantified. It is also at this early stage that the firstanalyses are made on the acceptable level of uncertaintyand the expected model performance.� Reviews e dialogue e decisions. The last task in each of

the modelling steps is a dialogue or decision task wherea dialogue between water manager and modeller takesplace. Often independent reviews are conducted as a basisfor the decision and stakeholders and/or the general publicare involved in the dialogue. As part of this dialogue, un-certainty aspects become important, e.g. when discussingwhether there are sufficient data to proceed with the mod-elling, or whether the uncertainty of the model simulationsis at a level where the results can be expected to be useful.The reviews and the stakeholder dialogues are also impor-tant platforms for a reflection on whether the assumptionsmade in the model are realistic and on how the study out-come may be influenced by the implicit and explicit as-sumptions made in the model. In many cases, more thanone assumption is scientifically tenable. If such assump-tions influence the model outcome, then the ignorance re-garding which assumption is the best assumption can be animportant source of uncertainty.� Uncertainty assessment and propagation. Towards the end

of Step 4 an uncertainty analysis should be made of the cal-ibration and validation results. This is used for evaluating

Table 4

Suitable methodologies to deal with uncertainty at various stages of a modelling process

Type of uncertainty aspect Step in the modelling process (cf. Fig. 1) Level of ambition/available resources

Basic Comprehensive

Identify and characterise

sources of uncertainty

Model study plan (Step 1) UM EPE, SI, UM

Reviews-dialogue-decisions Review of Step 2 QA EPR, QA (Update of) UM

Review of Step 3

Review of Step 4

Review of Step 5

Uncertainty assessment and


Uncertainty analysis of calibration and

validation (Step 4)



Uncertainty analysis of simulation (Step 5) DUE, EPE, SA DUE, EPE, EE, IN-UN, MCA, MMS,


Abbreviations of methodologies: DUE, data uncertainty; EPE, error propagation equations; EE, expert elicitation; EPR, extended peer review (review by stake-

holders); IN-PA, inverse modelling (parameter estimation); IN-UN, inverse modelling (predictive uncertainty); MCA, Monte Carlo analysis; MMS, multiple model

simulation; NUSAP, NUSAP; QA, quality assurance; SC, scenario analysis; SA, sensitivity analysis; SI, stakeholder involvement; UM, uncertainty matrix.

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possible biases in model simulations and assessing whetherthe model performance is good enough compared to theagreed accuracy requirements. Similarly, uncertainty analy-sis of simulations should be carried out in Step 5. Here theuncertainties in the problem framing (the context) and themanagement scenarios are also taken into account.

5.2. Methodologies according to source and type ofuncertainty

Table 5 provides a list of applicable methodologies for ad-dressing uncertainty of different types and originating from dif-ferent sources. Note that the nature of uncertainty (epistemic orstochastic) has been omitted as compared to the uncertaintymatrix in Table 1. The reason for this is that this is a third di-mension and that each of the cells below may be divided intoreducible (epistemic) and irreducible (stochastic) uncertainty.

It is noted that none of the methods covers all the cells ofthe table, implying that for all modelling studies a suite of un-certainty methodologies has to be selected and applied. Somemore general methods, such as expert elicitation, are poten-tially applicable for different types and sources of uncertainty,while other more specialised methods, such as Monte Carloanalysis, are only applicable for one type (here statistical un-certainty) and a couple of sources of uncertainty.

5.3. Methodologies according to purpose of use

The methodologies can roughly be divided in five groupsthat differ in purpose of use:

� Methods for preliminary identification and characterisationof sources of uncertainty. This category is identical to thefirst category in Section 5.1 and the first row in Table 4.The uncertainty matrix used together with stakeholder in-volvement is a suitable tool for this purpose. If a first roughquantification is desired the simple error propagation equa-tions may be suitable.

� Methods to assess the levels of uncertainty for the varioussources of uncertainty. This use is addressed in some de-tails in Section 5.2 and in Table 5. As can be seen manydifferent methodologies may be suitable here. The exactselection will vary from case to case. It is noted from Ta-ble 5, that different methods apply to the different types ofuncertainty (e.g. statistical versus qualitative uncertainty).� Methods to propagate uncertainty through models. When

all sources of uncertainty have been assessed they canbe propagated through a model to assess the total uncer-tainty. In practise uncertainty propagation is often confinedto include the data/parameters/model characteristics thathave a significant effect on the total uncertainty. This se-lection is often supported by a sensitivity analysis. Themethods suitable for uncertainty propagation are listed inthe last row in Table 5. It is noted that uncertainty propa-gations is much easier to do for statistical and scenario un-certainty, while NUSAP and the simple error propagationequations are the only methods suitable for qualitative un-certainty (and ignorance). In practise uncertainty propaga-tion of mixed statistical/qualitative uncertainty is verydifficult to do in a rigorous manner.� Methods to trace and rank sources of uncertainty. When the

total uncertainty has been estimated it is often interesting toknow how much the various sources contributed to the totaluncertainty. This can be analysed by used of Monte Carlotechniques and sensitivity analysis as far as the statisticaluncertainty is concerned, while NUSAP may support suchanalysis with respect to the more qualitative aspects.� Methods to reduce uncertainty. When an uncertainty as-

sessment has been made it is often desired to evaluate ifsome of the uncertainty can be reduced. The part of the un-certainty that is epistemic may be reduced in differentways. The classical approach in natural science is to col-lect more data and carry out additional studies to gainmore knowledge. For modelling studies quality assuranceand extended peer reviews (stakeholder involvement in themodelling process) may reduce the uncertainties as well.

Table 5

Correspondence of the methodologies with the source and types of uncertainty distinguished in the uncertainty taxonomy (inspired by Van der Sluijs et al., 2004)

Source of uncertainty Taxonomy (types of uncertainty)

Statistical uncertainty Scenario uncertainty Qualitative uncertainty Recognised ignorance

Context and


Natural, technological,

economic, social, political




Inputs System data DUE, EPE, EE, QA DUE, EE, SC, QA DUE, EE DUE, EE

Driving forces DUE, EPE, EE, QA DUE, EE, SC, QA DUE, EE, EPR DUE, EE, EPR

Model Model structure EE, MMS, QA EE, MMS, SC, QA EE, NUSAP, QA EA, NUSAP, QA

Technical QA

Parameters IN-PA, QA IN-PA, QA QA QA

Model output uncertainty

(via propagation)




The bottom row lists methodologies suitable for uncertainty propagation. Abbreviations of methodologies: DUE, data uncertainty engine; EPE, error propagation

equations; EE, expert elicitation; EPR, extended peer review (review by stakeholders); IN-PA, inverse modelling (parameter estimation); IN-UN, inverse modelling

(predictive uncertainty); MCA, Monte Carlo analysis; MMS, multiple model simulation; NUSAP, NUSAP; QA, quality assurance; SC, scenario analysis; SA,

sensitivity analysis; SI, stakeholder involvement; UM, uncertainty matrix.

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6. Discussion and conclusions

A terminology and typology of uncertainty is presentedwith the aim to assist the management of uncertainty in mod-elling studies for integrated water resources management. Be-cause we focus on the use of model studies in decision making,we have adopted a subjective interpretation of uncertainty inwhich the degree of confidence that a decision maker has aboutpossible outcomes and/or probabilities of these outcomes is thecentral focus. Other authors define the term uncertainty not asa property (state of confidence) of the decision maker but asa property (state of perfection) of the total body of knowledgeor information that is available at the moment of judgement.Uncertainty is then seen as an expression of the various formsof imperfection of the available information and depends on thestate-of-the-art of scientific knowledge on the problem at themoment that the decision needs to be made (assuming thatthe decision maker has access to the state-of-the-art knowl-edge). The state of perfection view goes well together witha traditional natural science basis, while our definition allowstaking broader aspects of uncertainty, including those usuallydealt with in social science, into account. The broader viewis necessary if we want to consider all aspects of modelling un-certainty when modelling is used as an element in the broaderwater management process.

We have briefly reviewed 14 methods for assessing and char-acterising uncertainty. These methods are very different innature, some originating from the statistical world, while othershave their roots in social science. The 14 methods have beenmapped against a framework for the modelling process, its inter-action with the broader water management process and the roleof uncertainty at different stages in the modelling processes.

Numerous methods that deal with uncertainty exist. The 14methods we have included are by no means exhaustive, but in-tend to present a representative cross-section of commonly ap-plied methods covering the various aspects of uncertainty inwater resources management. Many methods reported in litera-ture naturally fall within one of the 14 ‘boxes’, while others fallin between. An example of a method that does not fit well to ourselection of methods is the generalised uncertainty likelihoodestimation (GLUE) method (Beven and Binley, 1992; Beven,2002). GLUE can be used both as a kind of calibration methodor as an uncertainty propagation method. It is based on the con-cept of equifinality and can be seen as a method having similar-ities in approach with three of the above 14 methods: Inversemodelling (parameter estimation), Monte Carlo analysis andmultiple model simulation. Similarly many software toolshave functionality corresponding to a couple of the 14 methods.

None of these methodologies is applicable to address all thedifferent relevant aspects of uncertainty in the modelling inrelation to water resources management. Most of the methodswe have selected are complementary in approaches and con-tent. However, there are also some important overlaps. Thebest example of that is the quality assurance method that in re-ality is a framework within which some of the other methods,such as stakeholder involvement and extended peer review aretypically recommended. In the quality assurance tool MoST

(Refsgaard et al., 2005a; Scholten et al., 2007) all othermethods are incorporated.

The key conclusion of the analysis in this paper is that uncer-tainty assessment is not just something to be added after the com-pletion of the modelling work. Instead uncertainty should be seenas a red thread throughout the modelling study starting from thevery beginning. Traditionally, uncertainty assessments are car-ried out only at the end of a modelling study when the modelshave been calibrated and validated. Standard techniques, often in-cluded in the model GUIs, are then used to propagate and quantifythe uncertainty, e.g. sensitivity analysis or Monte Carlo analysis.The major argument towards this type of uncertainty assessmentsis that the standard techniques do typically only address one typeof uncertainty, namely the statistical uncertainty. By performingthe uncertainty analysis as an ‘add-on’ by standard techniques inthe end of the model study, and report this as the uncertainty anal-ysis, it is implicitly assumed that the statistical uncertainty is themost important uncertainty. The statistical uncertainty does, how-ever, only comprise a limited space of the total uncertainty, as il-lustrated in Fig. 3. Moving towards the use of models in a broaderperspective, such as water management plans and the participa-tory processes in the WFD, other types of uncertainty emergedthat have not traditionally been addressed in a model study. It istherefore crucial that the uncertainty assessment is introducedin the introductory phase and tracked throughout the model studyand that the identification and characterisation of all uncertaintysources are performed jointly by the modeller, the water managerand stakeholders in connection with the problem framing andidentification of the objectives of the modelling study.


The present work was carried out within the Concerted Ac-tion Harmoni-CA, which is partly funded under EC’s 5th Frame-work Research Programme (Contract EVK1-CT2001-00192).A previous, and much longer, version of the work can be foundin a report (Refsgaard et al., 2005b) which emerged after formalexternal reviews and discussions at a CATCHMOD TechnicalWorkshop, Copenhagen 16.11.2004. The constructive com-ments of two anonymous reviewers are acknowledged.


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