ultimate lifestyle

The ultimate healthy lifestyle By Rich McKeating

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Post on 07-May-2015



Health & Medicine

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the aim of this talk is to uncover how we can add true meaning to our lives, and how we can stop getting by, and start living!!


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The ultimate healthy lifestyle

By Rich McKeating

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Healthy Lifestyle

Lifestyle was originally coined by Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler in 1929

Incorporates a persons habits, patterns of behaviour and in general means the way they live their life

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Key concepts we will cover

• Controlling stress is the key to success• Sleep is not a luxury• Organize your life• How to have the energy of a Child!

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Controlling stress is the key to success

• Military training• 30th March 2003

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WHO Estimates we have up to 100 times more stress than our grandfathers

Stress is catabolic- it eventually makes you weak and slows down metabolism

Stress should only ever be short term- fight or flight

Stress has many forms

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Your stressed body!

Nutrients broke down ready to be used straight away for energy

Enhanced blood flow to muscle

Enhanced heart rate, blood pressure and fast breathing

Long term repair projects are put on hold, Sexual drive decreases

Immune system in inhibited Pain response is dulled Become much more in tune

with your senses

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Long term effects of Chronic stress

Heart disease Obesity Loss of Libido Depression Decreased immune system leads us more

susceptible to colds and viruses

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Identify your stress

Job Relationship Financial Lack of sleep Lack of social interaction Scare mongering media? Chemical toxicity Radiation Dehydration Exercise?

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Steps to resolving stress Drinking? Hiding away? Watching television? Identify it Take steps to resolve it!

Grateful log Sedona technique Mindfulness meditation Breathing techniques Hypnotherapy Enjoy nature Have a hot bath/ massage/ facial or just do something for you!!!

You can’t fill up other peoples cup if yours is empty Exercise correctly Drink a lot of water, add Himalayas salt and limes Eat a diet that not only gives you nutrients, but doesn’t take too many away Supplements 10g EPA/DHA, 300mg 5HTP , 400mg Valerian (planetary formulas) In the case of high stress loads Phosphatidyl Serine at up to 300mg could also be

very useful

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Sleep is not a Luxury

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Randy Gardener

– 11 straight days

– 5 days- signs of dementia! Sleep experiments! The cumulative effect of sleep

deprivation over 20 years is thought to be a large contributing factor to many of society's modern ailments

To get soaring energy levels and fight fatigue we must learn to sleep better

Sleep is not a luxury Origins of sleep

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Sleep Questionnaire

Do you have problems getting to sleep? Do you wake up once or more during the night? For a pee or

otherwise Do you struggle to wake up in the mornings? Do you sleep in a room with any light? Do you sleep in a room with any electrical equipment? Do you sleep in a room with any noise? Do you go bed later than 11? Do you wake up earlier than 6? if you answered yes to 1 or more questions then you need to

address your sleep problems

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Basic how to get more sleep

Make sure the room is pitch black Take a quality magnesium supplement ½ hour before

bed (400mg magnesium optimizer) Wake up at the same time each day Eliminate all electrical items from room Fight against getting up for a pee Make sure your well hydrated Ensure good quality diet, optimal level of anti-oxidants

will help with poor sleep Try using a sun lamp

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Basic how to get more sleep

Don’t look at the time if you wake up Get up if you cant get back to sleep, what you resist,

persist! Get a warm bath an hour before bed to lower body

temperature Have as much fresh air in the room as possible Turn LED lights off/ or away Eat cottage cheese, low glycemic carbs and other

foods containing serotonin such as banana’s, blue mackerel

Try 6mg melatonin cream ½ hour before bed, particularly useful for jet lag

Avoid caffeine 6 hours before bed

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Use a dawn stimulator Use inositol, start at 500mg, build up to 9g Accumulative shift working can be detrimental to health, however if

the following steps are taken it can be managed Fix meals to time of bed Make bedroom pitch black when coming in from work, Try to use Full spectrum light at night time and supplement with vitamin


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Join the likes of Churchill and Einstein, and take a 20 minute nap!

Increase alertness by 55%

Repay-sleep deficit!

Boost productivity and performance by 34%

A 30 Min snooze, 3 times a week, lowers heart disease risk by 37%(Harvard University)

Key part of Mediterranean lifestyle

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Organize your life

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• Eat that frog– Pareto's principle

• Clear your desktop• De-clutter• Technology makes a great slave, but a

terrible master– The rules of phone and email!

• Plan your day the night before

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Clear you mind

Use a journal for focus- distinguish between thousands of thoughts

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How to have child like energy

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10 Min workouts Be childish

Do we grow old because we stop playing, or stop playing because we become old?

Make a promise “if you keep telling it like it is, and you keep

saying it like it is, and you keep making it happen, your word becomes Law in the Universe”

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The most important list you will ever make


On of the greatest gifts we can offer is our time

Studies show volunteers have higher self esteem, less depression and get more satisfaction in life.


-Learn from our greatest teachers

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The French paradox

The French eat four times as much butter, 60 percent more cheese and nearly three times as much pork as American society

Considerably Reduced heart disease, lower levels of obesity

In France eating is seen as a joyous occasion, there is no guilt, shame attached to food

They often take their time and eat smaller portions, they don’t just consume or eat a meal, they enjoy it

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Final Words

Every day is a gift

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Any Questions?

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Mobile: 07792062276
