ujian tengah tahun 2015 tahun 2

UJIAN PERTENGAHAN TAHUN ENGLISH YEAR 2 SECTION A: Complete the mind maps with the correct answers. coffee candy orange sweet strawberry cake lemon vegetables bitter 1 | Page ____ _ ______ medici ne ______ __ sour _____ _ _____ __ _____ __ ____ _ _____ _ _____ __ sugar

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Ujian Tengah Tahun 2015 Tahun 2


UJIAN PERTENGAHAN TAHUNENGLISH YEAR 2SECTION A: Complete the mind maps with the correct answers.coffeecandyorange



( / 9 ) Marks

SkillBandDescriptorAchievedNot Achieved

Reading2Read and recognise words and group words according to word families correctly.

Section B: Write what the character can do with parts of its body.


He can ___________ .She can ___________ .

He can ___________ .

She can ___________ .He can ___________ .

( / 5 ) MarksSkillBandDescriptorAchievedNot Achieved

Reading3Read and understand phrases and sentences in linear and non linear texts

Section C: Choose one food, and complete the list and the dialogues

What would you like to buy?

My favourite food is __________ . So, I would like to buy __________ and __________. I also need to buy ___________ and __________ .

( / 10 ) Marks

SkillBandDescriptorAchievedNot Achieved

Reading2Read and recognise words and group words according to word families correctly.

This is Dora. Dora has a pet. It is a monkey. Dora calls him Boots. Dora likes to eat Curry Noodles. Boots likes to eat banana. Dora has a short hair, while Boots has a long tail!Section D: Answer questions based on the story given.

1. What is the girls name? a. The girls name is _______________ .2. What does she has?a. She has a _______________ .3. What is the name of her pet?a. She calls her pet _______________ .4. What is Doras favourite food?a. Doras favourite food is _______________ .5. What does Boots likes to eat?a. Boots likes to eat _______________ .6. Does Dora have a long hair, or short hair?a. Dora has a _______________ hair.7. Who has a long tail?a. _______________ has a long tail.( / 14 ) Marks

SkillBandDescriptorAchievedNot Achieved

Reading5Read and understand a short paragraph by answering questions correctly

Section E: Complete sentences using correct words.a) Match pictures with the correct wordsputaddshakedrinkstirpour

b) Complete sentences using words given above.1. _______________ some water in the jug.

2. Sarah helps her mother to _______________ the rice porridge.

3. _______________ the toothpaste on the toothbrush.

4. You need to _______________ the bottle before drinking the juice.

5. Carefully, _______________ the water inside the water bottle. 6. We need to _______________ water every day.

( / 12 ) Marks

SkillBandDescriptorAchievedNot Achieved

Reading2Read and recognise words by matching words with spoken words

Writing1Write words in neat legible print

Section F: Rewrite the story using the words given.fishsunnyto draw


( / 12 ) Marks

SkillBandDescriptorAchievedNot Achieved

Writing4Write simple sentences correctly

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