ugli_newsletter issue 21

times. The lovely A colourful collective of thought-provoking ideas, member news and all the ingredients that make up the loveliness of Ugli. Twenty first edition

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times.The lovely

A colourful collective of thought-provoking ideas, member news and all the ingredients that make up the loveliness of Ugli.

Twenty first edition

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Ugli Campus Survey.

Team Ugli Update.


Bike Yourself Brilliant.

What Have You Missed?

Media Trust Triathlon.


Ugli Bar.

There’s A Reason To All This Napping.

Football Team.

Media Trust Wants Your Ugli Support!

Going To The Movies with BCI Studio.

Great PR For Ugli.

Father’s Days Gifts For The Business Owner.

Did You Know?

Interview With Our Lovely Simone.

Summer in London.

Team Ugli Update.

We just wanted to say thank you all those that completed the Ugli Campus Survey! Your comments are very useful to us and will help to keep Ugli lovely. A lot of you haven’t filled in the survey, but don’t worry, as it’s not too late! Just drop by the Ugli Office for a copy.

Ugli Campus Survey.

As promised, 2 Meal Deals are up for grabs from the Ugli Kitchen for sharing your completed survey with us. Seeing as not all of you managed to get a raffle ticket, we’ve decided to pick the winners based on which animal you think Ugli is!

And the winners are, drumroll please….

Pug and Turtle!

We agree, not only is our campus cool and friendly like a pug, our buildings are also kind of like an old turtle, with a spirit of persistence and wisdom within its shell!

As there were no names on the surveys, please drop Elodie an email if you answered pug or turtle!

Quite a few of you expressed interest in joining the Lovely Insiders committee. Here’s a reminder of what the Lovely Insiders are all about: a small but punchy group of Ugli residents who have committed their time, creativity and overall chutzpah to dream up really good ideas that will help Ugli’s creative culture stay fresh, vibrant and just the right side of irreverent. Please see Elodie for more information and we’ll organise a kickoff meeting very soon!

Hello, lovelies!

Just a quick update to let you know that you’ll find a new Content Creator roaming around the corridors of the Ugli building, trying desperately not to get lost or mistaken for a child (she’s kind of short).

Her name is Chynna Webley and she’s looking forward to getting to know everybody. She’ll be interning with us for the next few months and her current mission is discovering new

ways to make our community pop!

Chynna specialised in Communication, Culture and Media at Coventry University and loves to boast about how cultured she is because she spent 5 months studying in China. Having now finished her education, she spends most of her time with her head in a book or watching way too much television. She’s an aspiring writer, so watch out for her spin on

upcoming blogs and articles.

You may even find some random prose posted on the notice boards.

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Hi everybody, we are Vojo!

We are thrilled to be joining the Ugli community, and look forward to many interesting and fun interactions with its members. Our door is always open to all of you!

What (and Who!) is Vojo?

Vojo came to life initially in 2013 as a research project within the Escuela Superior de Diseño e Ingeniería de Barcelona, a body associated to the Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF), with a view to generate personalised patterns for travel, adapted to social, behavioural and trends-guided influences in the use of technology in general and social networks in particular.

The result was a platform that enabled the generation of routes that allowed both a full immersion in the natural spaces as well as facilitating the social component of the traveling experience, always guided by the specific requirements and preferences of the traveller.

Initially focused on developing a comprehensive route for the Spanish section of the Camino de Santiago (the rambling way associated with the traditional pilgrimage path to Santiago de Compostela, Galicia), what we define as the Vojo Way branch of our business, we are now gearing up towards

Vojo. the launch of Vojo City platforms, focusing on urban trails, with London and Barcelona, our home towns, first in the lineup. Vojo is not only a problem-solving tool for all stages of the journey (the pre, during, and after chapters), but most importantly a bridge that helps link, in real time, individual travellers with a diverse range local service providers, as well as with others following the same path or journey. This is what Vojo likes to define as the DURING (real time) experience.

How does Vojo operate?

Set up both as a web platform and a mobile app, Vojo enables you to configure your own routes, allowing for complete flexibility when designing content, from the actual route and its highlights, to finding local guides and expert knowledge. You can find recommended eateries, book accommodation, benefit from the range of products and offers that local business might be interested in putting forward. You can also geolocate any personal contacts of yours that might be on the same route. Finally, through the logging of your own data, you can track your journey, building a personal profile of statistics, achievements, and experiences to make up a personal travel log.

From the perspective of the local business and service providers, Vojo provides the perfect vehicle to make their offer more dynamic, by directly accessing the valuable tourism population through what is an exclusive online marketing platform. Its flexible nature also

enables them to constantly adapt their offer, from long term offers to ´flash´ promotions, tailoring it to trends in numbers of visitors, as well as the behaviour of competitors. As with other users, local business will also benefit from the generation of a data pool that will help them evaluate the impact of all their activities.

Who are Vojo?

Vojo team is based both in London (as the Ugli team!) and Barcelona, and at present encompasses a group of 16, with a varied mix of engineers, developers, and communicators.

What is TAPPED?

TAPPED organic birch water is made by the forests of Finland and is a natural source of anti-oxidising manganese. There are 3 flavours:

Now available in the UGLI cafe. @tappedtrees


Interested in who your newest neighbours are? Read on to find out and be sure to give them a lovely hello when you see them! We promise they won’t bite.

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Bike Yourself Brilliant.


Illinois University’s research team discovered a mere 5% improvement in cardio-respiratory fitness from cycling led to improvements of up to triple that in mental tests. New brain cells were generated in the hippocampus – the region responsible for memory, which deteriorates from the age of 30.


Cycling just 20 miles during Bike Week would see you reduce your risk of heart disease to less than half those who opt not to exercise. The same amount regularly cements this, of course! You can trust us, this coming from studies at Purdue University in the US.


A study of 200 people carried out by the University of Bristol found that employees who exercised before work or at lunchtime improved time/workload management, with the changes boosting their motivation and ability to deal with stress.


Imperial College London found that passengers in buses, taxis and cars actually inhaled substantially more pollution than cyclists and pedestrians, contrary to what may have been popular assumption! On average, taxi passengers were exposed to more than 100,000 ultrafine particles – posing a risk to lungs/cells. Bus passengers just under, and drivers still a high 40,000. For Cyclists, figures came in at a considerably lower 8,000! Apparently this is because cyclists tend to ride at the edge of the road meaning they’re far less likely to be directly in the line of exhaust smoke.


Biking weekly/daily can actually be exercise enough! According to America’s National Forum for Coronary Heart Disease Foundation, regular cyclists enjoy a fitness level equal to that of a person who’s 10 years younger.

What Have You Missed?

We had a House Warming Party to welcome Allan into the Ugli fold on May 20th. Taking the Pecha Kucha concept, a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each, we had 10 companies come and introduce themselves to all the other lovelies!

Thank you to all who turned up - the event was very successful, and we’ve had some positive feedback because of it. Some lovelies have even managed to set up business opportunities!

For the lovelies who couldn’t attend the night, we’re hoping to hold something similar on a regular basis. We hope to see you there. Huge thanks to Allan for making beers and wine half price!

Media Trust Triathlon.

With Bike Week 2015 (13-21st June) now upon us, it’s useful to know what all the hullabaloo is about; it’s not just the benefit of a bit more pine fresh, pollution free air to enjoy, you know! Biking actually brings a lot more to the table than thighs that look dashing in Lycra, too – here are just some examples of why getting your wheels in motion may be the best thing you ever did…

If you’re looking to show everyone how much of an Olympian you could have been, be sure to enter The Media Trust’s Triathlon on Friday 10 July 2015 at Dorney Lake, Berkshire. Supporting your neighbours means helping them raise vital funds to support their work.

Look out for the posters dotted around the building for more information, and check out the promo video below. It would be great to see some Ugli faces present to participate for the cause!

The event will be followed by a barbecue and a prize-giving ceremony - who can say no to that? Registration is open with a single entry fee of £79. Proceeds from the entry fee go to Media Trust.

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Hello everyone,

I am very excited to share news about one of Community Channel’s most recent acquisitions, a major documentary about the impact of coal trains, which threaten communities in the Pacific Northwest, polluting the air and the environment. This is happening at a time when G7 leaders are putting climate change on the forefront of their agenda and strengthening commitments to phase out fossil fuels by the end of the century.

Today the U.S is confronting a suffocating demand for its abundant coal from a host of international coal plants. This has led to the world’s most prominent U.S coal companies to propose building hundreds of new shipping terminals throughout the Northwest, connected by huge railway lines for the coal’s transportation.

A coal train, shrouded in dust storms through the Northwest U.S.A countryside

The coal mined from the Powder River Basin in the states of Montana and Wyoming is equivalent of 1,200 GT of CO2. In order to feed the hastily growing global appetite for energy, vast amounts of coal are transported in open trains to various ports along the Columbia River and Puget Sound (a beautiful Pacific inlet on the coast of Washington State). From there it begins the second leg of its treacherous journey to China and beyond, ready for burning in gigantic coal plants.


There are currently 120 trains transporting coal through the Pacific Northwest on a daily basis. These trains can each lose up to 31 tons of coal and coal dust during just one journey. Scientists believe at least 205,000 tons of toxic material is escaping into the environment in a single year. If the new proposals are carried through, over 140 million tons of coal will be making its way through the Pacific Northwest in order to fuel ambition and profit.

The proposed developments have sparked outrage from the communities that surround the miles of train tracks. Not only would the heavily filled trains tear through precious ecological spaces such as the Columbia River Gorge and Glacier National Park intensifying climate change and harming the country’s wildlife, but also poison the air, therefore and increasing fatal health risks.

Glacier National Park, Montana, U.S.A

Puget Sound, Washington, U.S.A

This alarming situation prompted Andy Miller to make Momenta. The California born filmmaker and environmental activist, makes a bold statement, in the hopes of triggering action. The film is a fascinatingly insightful exploration into exactly how these trains affect the people falling victim to the power of the coal industry, and documents are ‘ripping up’ and ultimately the future of the planet. It features personal accounts from locals describing their frustration and fear, and includes commentary from the renowned environmental activist and author, Bill McKibben (founder of

I am thrilled that Andy Miller and his team at Plus M Productions in San Francisco have agreed to my request of featuring Momenta on Media Trust’s Community Channel later this year. Further, I believe the inclusion of documentaries like this help Media Trust continue to play a crucial role in educating and informing audiences about the global battle against climate change and be a catalyst for positive change.

To get involved visit

Thank you very much,Zephanie Cole – Volunteer Channel Assistant

Ugli Bar.Allan has been settling in quite nicely in our Ugli Kitchen, and he is pleased to announce that the Ugli Bar will now have Happy Hour!

Thanks to your feedback from the survey we sent around, Happy Hour will be held on Friday afternoons, from 4:00 – 5:00PM. Lager and wine are £2. The use of Ugli Bar glasses within the area will also be available.

The Big Room is a great place to meet other lovelies to collaborate with and create connections. Get on down there to eat, meet and put up your feet!

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There’s A Reason To All

“But, Ugli, how do we become more productive?” Fear not, we are here to help. In fact, we’ll get right back to you after we’ve had a nap.

“A nap?!” We hear you cry. Yes, a nap. A 10–20 minute nap will give you a quick boost of alertness. If you’re looking to sharpen your memory, a 60-minute nap will do and the cruncher - a whopping 90 minutes – will boost creativity, as well as your emotional and procedural memory. No kidding, The Wall Street Journal told us so.

That isn’t the only way to aid in your plans to take over the world… er, we mean plans to be productive. Here are a few other tips:

This Napping.World Productivity Day is on the 20th, and we here at Ugli are all about promoting a productive lifestyle.

This one might sound strange, but try setting extreme limitations on your work. It worked for Dr. Seuss, after being bet by an acquaintance that he couldn’t produce a story using less than 50 different words… The

nature and putting your brain into overdrive, you can bring out the most productive side of yourself.

Staying positive by going into your “positive place” (fun memories, doing some light exercise, watching a funny video) can influence your mood and in turn make you more efficient at work.

We also encourage daydreaming… although, AFTER you get started. Our brains need information to get going, so once you

have the basis for your project you can then daydream.

Make a list at the end of the day. Your list is then ready for when you arrive into work in the morning and you get be work efficient straight away.

You can become really tired and lose concentration if you look at your screens for too long. Be sure to work for an hour at a time, and take a 3 -4 minute break between. Due to reduction in glucose levels, it’s always best to take a breath of fresh air and to always drink plenty of water.

It is also important to reflect on how productive your day is. Think about what you can do to be more productive the next day, but also reward yourself for the great work you did.

Yes, that means you can have the cake you’ve been eyeing up since this morning.

You deserve it.

Football Team.Do you enjoy running around in shorts? Do you enjoy getting sweaty and muddy? Did your mum tell you you’d grow up to be just like David Beckham?

If that dream still hasn’t come true, don’t worry – you can still sign up to join The Elms’ new 7-a-side League starting from 14th July at Burlington Danes Academy.

It costs £549 to enter a team, if paid in two instalments. There is a deposit of £250 and the balance must be paid within the first 4 weeks of the league.

For more information, please visit the Ugli Office.

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Ugli Support!Media Trust Wants Your

Media Trust is the UK’s leading communications charity supporting thousands of charities and communities throughout the UK every year.

We run our very own dating service called Media Matching for charities, hooking them up with volunteer media and communications professionals. We know there is a wealth of talent in our UGLI Campus and would love to make the most of this talent to support our charities.

There are 164,000 charities in the UK but 96% have a turnover of less than £1million. Eight out of ten raise less than £100,000.

Many don’t have the skills, resources, money or connections to invest in the communications they need to spread the word about the work they do and the needs they meet.

Some of the smallest charities and community groups are the only support available for young people and groups on the margins of

society.We get requests from these charities and communities on a daily basis asking to be matched up with marketing and PR professionals; filmmakers and photographers; web experts and graphic designers; branding and social media experts and more.

We work with all types of charities from youth and older people groups; international development and refugee and migrants; sports and environmental; domestic abuse to the homeless and all in between. Support can range from a one-off phone call or meeting; to regular contact to becoming a Trustee.

To find our more and see what volunteer opportunities we have, sign up to our website and meet your perfect charity match.

Charities need you!

Media [email protected] 7871 5658

Fancy watching a movie in trendy Moscow? BCI Studio is proud to announce the opening of its latest project Kinomax Cinema in Moscow. Situated in the brand new shopping centre, Mozaica Mall, this Cinema has 9 stylish halls equipped with latest projection and acoustic equipment, dynamic D-Box chairs and an IMAX screen.As interior designers and architects, BCI’s role was to create an unique and exciting environment of the public areas of the cinema- the foyer, the cafes, a VIP lounge.“We have been working extensively with operator Kinomax and every project delivers a completely new and original design concept.Unlike the UK, where a cinema’s operator offers quite standardised interiors, Russia cinemas boast creative and unique designs where the visitor is invited to step into a world apart and enjoy flamboyant foyers, quirky seating areas and exclusive lounges” explains Samuel Kirk, Director at BCI Studio.Alfred Hitchcock said “the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake” and BCI Studio’s mission is to contribute to such delightful experience with every new cinema it designs!

Going To The Movies With BCI Studio.

Great PR for Ugli.We’ve had some great PR about Ugli thanks to our co-founder JP’s comments in the June issue of Marketing magazine. You can read all about it here. We would love for you to comment on the article about your experiences in keeping your company in London. We’re all about saving creativity from extinction in the capital and having everyone show their passion!

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Business Owner.Father’s Day Gifts For The

Around-the-clock Dad

He works crazy hours and you’re slightly worried that he’s not getting enough sleep. No fear – he’ll be able to catch some zzz’s between meetings with the Inflatable Pillow Tie. No more looking like a crazed zombie!

Calling Dad

Pop Desk is handy for the dad who makes tons of calls. Complete with a detachable headset and stand, your dad can make mobile, Skype and other VoIP calls in comfort and privacy.

Coffee Loving Dad

Running a business is exhausting, and we all need a caffeine boost from time to time. Get your dad a Starbucks/Costa Coffee/Caffe Nero gift card – it’s the gift that keeps giving!

Relaxation Dad

Working long hours can make anyone stressed, especially when work takes up your evenings and weekends. All dads deserve to relax; what better way than to get him aromatherapy gifts. They don’t just benefit dads either; mum and the rest of the family will benefit, too!

Fishing Dad

Fishing is a great way for dads to unwind. How about getting him a fly fishing kit to enjoy the timeless gentleman’s sport and get Zen on the river?

Organised Dad

If he hoards ties, like certain mums do with shoes, then it’s definitely time to get him a motorised tie rack. Way better than a tie box, and saves more space in the wardrobe - plus it can also hold belts!

Did You Know?

Father’s Day is just around the corner, and if you’re still searching for the perfect gift for the entrepreneurial Dads in your life, then look no further! We’ve compiled a list of gifts that are perfect for any business owners – you can even buy them for yourself, too!

Whatever you decide to get him, make sure that beer, football and a BBQ is involved. We all know that’s the way to a dad’s heart.

To all our Ugli fathers, we wish you a Happy Father’s Day!

‘The Dog Days of Summer’ refers to the weeks between July 3rd and August 11th. They are named after the Dog Star (Sirius) in the constellation of Canis Major.

Ancient Romans and Greeks blamed Sirius for the extreme temperatures, drought, sickness, and discomfort that came in late summer.

Mosquitoes, the little pests, have been around for more than 30 million years.

France’s Eiffel Tower grows by more than six inches in summer due to the expansion of the iron on hot daysThe world’s biggest ice cream sundae weighed over 24 tons (or 20,000 kg) and was made in Edmonton, Canada in 1988.

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Simone.Interview With Our Lovely

Ugli: Mairi from Media Trust has nominated you because whenever you call people, you sound like the happiest person ever. We definitely agree! Can you tell us a bit more about yourself and your job?

Simone: Firstly I would like to thank Mairi from Media Trust for nominating me!! That was sweet of her.�Well, my name is Simone Henderson. I’m a friendly and outgoing person and I’ve worked for Imperial College for 1 year. You can usually find me at the Ugli reception desk. I think everybody I’ve met at Ugli so far is really nice!

Ugli: As a receptionist, do you find that you know all the office gossip? You must have heard some juicy stuff from your time here at Ugli. (We promise we won’t tell)

Simone: Well, actually I don’t know any office gossip - how boring! I only have catch-ups with a few of the companies at Ugli.

Ugli: What are some of the things you like to do in your spare time?

Simone: I like socialising with family and friends, going out to eat, shopping and just enjoying life really.

Ugli: Now for some fun – would you rather be a superhero or a supervillain? What powers would you have?

Simone: I think I would rather be a supervillain so I can cause trouble for one day. And I would have extremely dark and dangerous powers.

Ugli: What is the #1 most played song on your playlist?

Simone: Ed Sheeran – Thinking Out Loud - I love that song!

Ugli: If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet and why?

Simone: OMG… I would love to meet Kevin Hart. He is such a funny guy.

Ugli: What would you name the autobiography of your life?

Simone: ‘Testament of a Dreamer’.

Ugli: Last but not least, who do you nominate next?

Simone: I’m going to nominate the lovely Ian on reception with me. He is such a lovely person.

Summer In London.

Summer in the capital is set to be a scorcher this year, so make sure you have your sun cream ready! For those of us on a budget, because the majority of our salary goes to rent (thanks a lot, London!), there are still some amazing fun and, most of all, free things to this summer in London. Here are a few things you can do:

If you haven’t already visited the Udderbelly, then you should make your way down to the South Bank! The big, upside-down purple cow makes way to a packed programme of comedy, circus and family entertainment. Runs until Sunday 19 July 2015.

Undoubtedly one of the biggest carnivals to grace our capital, Notting Hill Carnival boasts a vibrant selection of music and Caribbean food stalls serving up jerk chicken and other delicious delicacies. What better way to spend the August bank holiday than living it up, Caribbean-style! Sunday 30th – Monday 31st August 2015.

Lipton Ice Tea is putting on a series of free morning events throughout London including a morning river cruise in a classic boat and an exclusive screening on a rooftop cinema! Just sign up for a chance to win free tickets to these events (each ticket comes with a plus one). Runs until 10 July 2015.

Hammersmith also boasts their Farmers’ Market and World Food Market. If you’re looking for something other than a normal sandwich lunch, be sure to head down to Lyric Square for handmade pasta dishes, Caribbean style salads and more delicious food. They often have deck chairs, so you can catch some rays during your lunch break! Every Thursday/Friday from 8am to 5pm.

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It’s all about communication and collaboration.

Do contact Ugli with suggestions, thoughts, jokes, random facts... we are all ears...

[email protected]

For more information contact [email protected]