twenty ninth sunday in ordinary time - mother church of...

1 Oct 21, Saturday, Weekday, BVM 12:05 John Grier 5:15 Eduardo Osberg Oct 22, Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 Pro Populo- For the People of the Parish 9:30 Msgr. James Howard 11:00 Benedict Victor Arul 12:30 Teresa Rosario 6:30 Pro Populo- For the People Oct 23, Monday, Weekday St. John of Capistrano, Priest 7:15 Bill Bartley 12:05 Antonio Russo Oct 24, Tuesday, Weekday St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop 7:15 Elizabeth L. Lucas 12:05 Patrick Graveley Oct 25, Wednesday, Weekday 7:15 Mari F. Byron 12:05 Ann Zuccarini Oct 26, Thursday, Weekday 7:15 Helen Nelson 12:05 Catherine Gallagher Oct 27, Friday, Weekday, 7:15 Anthony A. Trama 12:05 Brother Thomas Chadwick, FSC Oct 28, Saturday, Ss. Simon and Jude, Apostles 12:05 Silvio Bernardini 5:15 Peppino DiFonzo Oct 22, Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 Pro Populo- For the People of the Parish 9:30 Mini Wienberg 11:00 Alfonzo Altobelli 12:30 Aldegundo y Esperanza Serrano 6:30 Pro Populo- For the People Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 22, 2017 “Shine like lights in the world as you hold on to the word of life.” Phil 2:15D, 16A Dear Parishioners, Today is World Mission Sunday. In a sense, every Sunday is mis- sion Sunday. When Mass concludes, the deacon or the priest sends us from the celebration of the Eucharist with a mission mandate. In a variety of forms provided in the Roman Missal, we are dismissed from the Mass to go and to live the great Mystery of Christ we just celebrated. The Word of God and the grace of Holy Communion assist us to live our Faith more fully and make it known to others, especially to our families and to those with whom we work. Today, World Mission Sunday highlights at the same time our personal re- sponsibility to be a missionary at home and to support the missionar- ies and missions here in the United States as well as those abroad. We can support the missionaries and missions in so many ways. A most important way is financially. Last week and this Sunday we have collected for the missions. This money will be distributed all throughout the world by our Archdiocesan Pontifical Mission Society for the Propagation of the Faith. We can also support the missionar- ies and missions by our prayers, especially praying the Holy Rosary for this intention. In his message for this World Mission Sunday, our Holy Father, Pope Francis invites us to understand that mission is at the heart of the Christian faith. So, as we observe this World Mission Sunday, let us pray for all Christians, especially here in our Cathedral Parish, that we will be more attentive to our own role in making Christ known to others, and to be even more supportive in whatever way possible of missionaries everywhere. Saint Therese, patroness of the Missions, pray for us! This Saturday, October 28, 2017, is the Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Washington, DC. Parishes from all throughout the Archdiocese are making the pilgrimage to honor our Blessed Mother and ask her continued intercession upon the Archdiocese of Philadel- phia. Archbishop Chaput will lead the pilgrimage. The events of the Pilgrimage, which begin at noon, include an opportunity for the Sac- rament of Penance and Reconciliation, a procession and crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Holy Rosary, and conclude with a Solemn Mass at 3:00 PM. Everyone is welcome. I encourage any parishioners who might be able to join the pilgrimage to do so. Please call the Parish Office for more information. I remind you that October is Respect Life Month and the Month of the Holy Rosary. When you pray the Rosary during these days, please remember the intention of respect for human life, from the first moment of conception until natural death. The second collection this Sunday will be again to support the missions. Therefore, the second collection at Mass next Sunday will be to supplement utilities expenses for the Cathedral Basilica. Thank you so very much for all of your goodness and generosity to the Ca- thedral Parish in so many ways, especially to the annual Fall Collec- tion and to the Annual Catholic Charities Appeal. God bless you, Father Dennis Gill

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Oct 21, Saturday, Weekday, BVM

12:05 John Grier

5:15 Eduardo Osberg

Oct 22, Twenty-Ninth Sunday

in Ordinary Time

8:00 Pro Populo- For the People of the Parish

9:30 Msgr. James Howard

11:00 Benedict Victor Arul

12:30 Teresa Rosario

6:30 Pro Populo- For the People

Oct 23, Monday, Weekday

St. John of Capistrano, Priest

7:15 Bill Bartley

12:05 Antonio Russo

Oct 24, Tuesday, Weekday

St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop

7:15 Elizabeth L. Lucas

12:05 Patrick Graveley

Oct 25, Wednesday, Weekday

7:15 Mari F. Byron

12:05 Ann Zuccarini

Oct 26, Thursday, Weekday

7:15 Helen Nelson

12:05 Catherine Gallagher

Oct 27, Friday, Weekday,

7:15 Anthony A. Trama

12:05 Brother Thomas Chadwick, FSC

Oct 28, Saturday,

Ss. Simon and Jude, Apostles

12:05 Silvio Bernardini

5:15 Peppino DiFonzo

Oct 22, Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 Pro Populo- For the People of the Parish

9:30 Mini Wienberg

11:00 Alfonzo Altobelli

12:30 Aldegundo y Esperanza Serrano

6:30 Pro Populo- For the People

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 22, 2017

“Shine like lights in the world as you hold on to the word of life.” Phil 2:15D, 16A

Dear Parishioners,

Today is World Mission Sunday. In a sense, every Sunday is mis-

sion Sunday. When Mass concludes, the deacon or the priest sends

us from the celebration of the Eucharist with a mission mandate. In a

variety of forms provided in the Roman Missal, we are dismissed

from the Mass to go and to live the great Mystery of Christ we just

celebrated. The Word of God and the grace of Holy Communion

assist us to live our Faith more fully and make it known to others,

especially to our families and to those with whom we work. Today,

World Mission Sunday highlights at the same time our personal re-

sponsibility to be a missionary at home and to support the missionar-

ies and missions here in the United States as well as those abroad.

We can support the missionaries and missions in so many ways. A

most important way is financially. Last week and this Sunday we

have collected for the missions. This money will be distributed all

throughout the world by our Archdiocesan Pontifical Mission Society

for the Propagation of the Faith. We can also support the missionar-

ies and missions by our prayers, especially praying the Holy Rosary

for this intention. In his message for this World Mission Sunday, our

Holy Father, Pope Francis invites us to understand that mission is at

the heart of the Christian faith. So, as we observe this World Mission

Sunday, let us pray for all Christians, especially here in our Cathedral

Parish, that we will be more attentive to our own role in making

Christ known to others, and to be even more supportive in whatever

way possible of missionaries everywhere. Saint Therese, patroness of the Missions, pray for us!

This Saturday, October 28, 2017, is the Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed

Virgin Mary in Washington, DC. Parishes from all throughout the

Archdiocese are making the pilgrimage to honor our Blessed Mother

and ask her continued intercession upon the Archdiocese of Philadel-

phia. Archbishop Chaput will lead the pilgrimage. The events of the

Pilgrimage, which begin at noon, include an opportunity for the Sac-

rament of Penance and Reconciliation, a procession and crowning of

the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Holy Rosary, and conclude with a

Solemn Mass at 3:00 PM. Everyone is welcome. I encourage any

parishioners who might be able to join the pilgrimage to do so.

Please call the Parish Office for more information.

I remind you that October is Respect Life Month and the Month of

the Holy Rosary. When you pray the Rosary during these days,

please remember the intention of respect for human life, from the first

moment of conception until natural death.

The second collection this Sunday will be again to support the

missions. Therefore, the second collection at Mass next Sunday will

be to supplement utilities expenses for the Cathedral Basilica. Thank

you so very much for all of your goodness and generosity to the Ca-

thedral Parish in so many ways, especially to the annual Fall Collec-

tion and to the Annual Catholic Charities Appeal. God bless you,

Father Dennis Gill


Please remember these parishioners and friends of the Cathedral Parish in your prayers/ Ora por los enfermos:

George Gunning, Carlos Montoya, John Cantwell, April DeMatto, Laura Kerr, Cris Burbage, Robin Abate, Bryan Anderson,

Glen Jackanis, Susan Silverstein, Joshua White, Ed & Shirley Pinto, Susan Kirk, Robert Dove, Doreen Quinn, John Zelez, Charlotte McLaughlin, Philip Costantini, David , David O'Shea, Mary McManus, Christopher & Stephanie Tama, Marilyn

Mullen, Carolyn Jacobs, Stephen Garramone, Kim Cantwell, Janet Campellone, Nancy Rice, Frank Byrne, Gerald Leo,

Eileen Swartz, Dan Moyer, Rose Johnston, William Zawacki, Carla McCollaum, David Hernandez, Edward Panek, Irene McCarthy, Paige Bednarsky, Patrick DiGiovanni, Patricia Capone, Rosemary Lovett, Grace Teti, Nick Capozio, Darcel

Burney, Fred Hankinson, Renee Kenny, Thomas J. Kenny, Stacey Smit, Anadelia Cacique, Alis de Pachecho, JoAnn Stein,

Francis Pham, William Spiro, Scott Towers, Daniel Moyer Sr., and those in nursing homes or hospitals and all the sick.. Please call the Parish Office with the name of anyone who is sick, to be included in our prayer list. Por favor llamar a la oficina

parroquial para añadir a la lista los nombres de personas que estén enfermas.


The Financial Support of the Cathedral Parish is the duty of

our parishioners. Here at the Cathedral Parish we are greatly

supported as well by our many visitors. If you only put $1

in the collection would you consider $5, if you put $10,

would you consider $20? The Offertory Collection for

10/15/2017 was $13,070.50. Thank you very much for your

generous financial support.


Masses for All Souls’ Day, November 2, 2017

7:15 AM (Chapel), 12:05 PM (Chapel),

and 7:00 PM (Basilica) in the Extraordinary Form

Confessions in the Basilica at 11:30 AM

Subscribe to this exciting online platform, which can be

streamed to your TV or mobile device, To register go to Type in our parish code, 07854f. Set

up a username and a password. More info at (267)485-1463


Aid For Friends is a non-profit organization

that seeks volunteers to prepare meals in their

homes and/or to deliver food for those unable to prepare

their own meals. These prepared meals are a tremendous

service to the elderly and disabled who cannot afford their

meals or have difficulty getting to the food store.

Please consider helping Aid for Friends by picking up

the meal trays in Chapel Hall on Sunday mornings during

the Mass times, from 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM. These trays are

located next to the Aid For Friends freezer with further in-

structions in Chapel Hall. Please return prepared meals any

weekday between 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM or Sunday morn-

ings during the Mass times.

If you are interested in taking meals to the homebound,

especially in the Cathedral Parish area, please contact

Mrs. Lynn Trumbetta, by phone (215-464-2224) or email

[email protected]. You must first register with Aid For

Friends to deliver meals. Aid for Friends encourages a visit

with the persons receiving the meal as well.


BLESSED SACRAMENT Adoración Eucarística el primer viernes del mes

Friday, November 3, 2017

11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Cathedral Chapel

The Most Blessed Sacrament will be exposed

for adoration before the 12:05 PM Mass.

Please come to adore the Lord!

The Sacrament of Penance will be available on the

First Friday of each month, beginning at 11 AM

El Santísimo Sacramento será expuesto para adoración antes

de la Misa de las 12:05 pm el primer viernes de cada mes

a partir de las 11:00 am en la Capilla de la Catedral. Confe-

siones en ingles a las 11am. Por favor ven a adorar al Señor

“Do you realize that Jesus is there in the tabernacle

expressly for you - for you alone?” St. Thérèse of Lisieux


Thursday, October 26, 7:00 PM

Meeting in the Neumann Room

The weekly catechetical session is primarily for the adults

among us who are preparing to receive the Easter

Sacraments. However, anyone interested in the topic for

better understanding and faith formation is most welcome to

attend. Anyone, especially our parishioners, seeking more

information on the reception of the Sacraments or assisting

as a sponsor, please call the Religious Education Ministry

line, 267-570-0074.

Masses for the Solemnity

of All Saints

(Holy Day of obligation)

November 1, 2017

5:15 PM Anticipated Mass (Chapel)

on Monday, October 31, 2016;

7:15 AM (Chapel), 12:05 PM (Basilica),

12:35 PM (Chapel), and 5:15 PM (Chapel)

7:00 PM (Basilica) in the Extraordinary Form

Confessions in the Basilica at 11:30 AM




La trayectoria de todas las culturas está llena de histo-

rias con decisiones fatídicas. La gente muchas veces se en-

cuentra frente a dos puertas, una lleva al desastre, la otra a

una dicha incalculable. El famoso poema de Robert Frost

“The Road Not Taken” (El Camino no Tomado) subraya el

hecho de que nuestras decisiones cambian para siempre el

curso de nuestra vida. Semana tras semana se nos brinda la

oportunidad de declarar a quién pertenecemos, al dios mi-

núsculo del dinero y las posesiones o al gran Dios a quien

Jesús llamó Abba, que en arameo (el idioma de Jesús) quie-

re decir papá o papaíto. El domingo algunos de nosotros

ponemos en la colecta aquello que pensamos es lo suficiente

o tal vez una cantidad habitual que nunca echaremos de me-

nos, o si no, el cambio que tengamos en el bolsillo en ese

momento. ¿Y si enfocáramos esto desde otro ángulo? Cuan-

do recibimos un beneficio financiero, ya sea por el sueldo,

por algún subsidio personal, por el rendimiento de una in-

versión, algún tipo de bono o aun la ganancia inesperada en

la lotería, hemos de dar gracias en primer lugar a Dios por

tal bendición. Después debemos sacar una porción (la canti-

dad es decisión nuestra) y compartirla agradecidamente con

los demás; una mitad para construir la Iglesia y la otra para

alguna causa buena de nuestra predilección. Esta actitud

pone a Dios como la mayor prioridad de nuestra vida. En

gratitud por el inmenso amor que Dios nos tiene debemos

primero devolver una porción de lo que hemos recibido an-

tes de quedarnos con el resto. Las Escrituras nos desafían a

dar de los “primeros frutos” y no de la parte mínima que nos

sobra después de hacer lo que hemos querido. Las investiga-

ciones científicas modernas demuestran que las personas

que dan generosamente tienden a vivir más tiempo y más

felices. Además, dar con gratitud cambia nuestra manera de

pensar sobre la vida y nos hace verdaderamente responsa-

bles por las constantes bendiciones que recibimos de Dios.

La Corresponsabilidad Vivida Ahora ¿Sabías que el Vaticano tiene un presupuesto anual para

sus operaciones que es menos de la mitad del de una univer-

sidad grande? La obra de Dios, tanto en la parroquia, como

en la diócesis y alrededor del mundo, depende de nosotros.

¿Es tu donativo generoso o das lo menos posible?

Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved



El aborto es un atentado directo que ocasiona la muerte del

más débil de los seres humanos: el no nacido. No es la inte-

rrupción del embarazo, al fin y al cabo, interrumpir el em-

barazo no es más que un eufemismo para evitar pensar en lo

que se interrumpe o más bien extermina: EL PROCESO



La vida humana comienza al momento de la fecundación:


ZOIDE. A partir de aquel momento tiene el material genéti-

co propio, tiene un proceso propio de desarrollo. Es tan cla-

ro que ya hay conexiones neuronales dos semanas después

de la concepción y 20 días después ya late el corazón. Pro-

cesos que se dan independientemente del proceso vital de la



Eso es absolutamente cierto, tan cierto como que el no naci-

do tiene derecho al suyo. Por eso es un error utilizar tal fra-

se para sustentar el aborto.



Si, aunque es necesario hacer una aclaración. La pastilla del

día después como "anti-conceptivo" disminuye el tiempo

de ovulación, y genera unos efectos en las paredes uterinas

que impiden el desplazamiento de los espermatozoides. Sin

embargo, también genera un efecto abortivo. Si el óvulo ya

está fecundado (es decir) ya hay un ser humano en desarro-

llo, baja por la trompa de falopio y cuando llega al útero no

puede implantarse porque la pared uterina se lo impide, lo

que genera la muerte del embrión. ¿Se arriesgaría a no saber

si está matando al embrión o no? Y ¿se le olvidan los efec-

tos secundarios?

5. "Hay que promover el aborto porque muchas mujeres que

se practican abortos inseguros están muriéndo-

se." Realmente esta cuestión es un sofisma de distracción

sobre la verdadera conducta: el atentado directo contra el no

nacido. Si lo leemos bien es como decir "hay muchos ladro-

nes heridos por los perros de las personas a quienes roba-

ban, por eso hay que permitir el hurto". Sin embargo, aun-

que efectivamente no existe una estadística concreta de

muertes ocasionadas por abortos inseguros, las cifras oficia-

les hacen dudar de tal situación.

Mas información en

What’s Happening at the Parish

Outside the Liturgical Schedule

Oct 24 Legion of Mary Meeting,

Neumann Room, 7:00 PM

Oct 25 Morning Scripture for Lawyers,

Neumann Room, 8:00 AM

Charismatic Prayer Group,

Neumann Room, 6:00 PM

Oct 26 Catechetical Session, Neumann Room, 7:00 PM

Oct 28 Concert by Cantus Choir, Basilica, 8:00 PM

All program schedules, registration and e-tuition

payment options have been posted on our new website. You

may register, or contact us with questions, via the website,

phone, text, or email. All Cathedral Catechetical Programs

are in English, (with Spanish speaking supports as needed).

Volunteers needed, (necessary training, certifications and

support will be provided). Phone: 267.570.0074 (text mes-

sages acceptable). Website

Coordinator Email: [email protected]

To speak with a representative in Spanish, contact

Nora Martin in the Parish Office, (215)561-1313.


Join us in praying the ROSARY prior

to the 6:30 PM Mass each 2nd Sunday of the month.

We gather at 5:45pm in the Basilica, sitting in the front

right side of the church.

Friday, December 1, 2017, 7:30 PM:

Discipleship Series - Session Four (last session):

Christian Disciples as Witnesses to Jesus and his

Church to Others. Presenter: Fr . Dennis Gill, Rector

& Pastor of the Cathedral. Where: The Archdiocesan

Pastoral Center, 222 North Seventeenth St., Philadelphia,

PA. All of the other sessions have been marvelous and even

if you haven't made any of the previous sessions, do not

worry, just plan to join us for the our final session. Spread

the word and bring friends too! If you have any questions please e-mail us at [email protected]

Jesus’ Disciples for Today

Now that we are coming to the end of our Liturgical

Year, we hear the last chapters of the Gospel of St. Mat-

thew, who shares the words of Christ which conclude with

what really counts: the law of Love. In these last passages,

Jesus is inviting us to face the reality of our own personal

interior lives, as seen in the stories of the Pharisees, the

foolish and wise virgins, those who bury or multiply their

talents and those who reach out to others. These are calls

to holiness which Jesus would not have us miss. We are

his beloved ones and as Baptized Catholic Christians, the

Gospels serve as a reality check: we are to hear the simple

words and understanding their profound implications. We

have but one life and just how we choose to live it, how

well we understand the meaning of virtue and the sacrific-

es that are part of such a life, gives us a blueprint to follow

Him as a disciple. Are we ready to name and claim the

cross as part of our life? When we live in a culture over-

flowing with invitations to over-indulgence, where grave

injustices and inequities abound in our own and in so

many other cultures, where we all can do more to address

racism and care for the earth…we clearly see our need for

God. When these truths are clear to us and we are moved

to address them, we know we are ready for spiritual

growth through faith, prayer and good works.

The power of grace is something we may overlook,

but it is the critical part of our journey to our final destina-

tion, which is with God for all eternity. Grace or God’s

life is available to each of us for the asking. Do we, do I,

ask for help from God? As life moves on and days go by,

do we see the larger picture of the meaning of it all? Yes,

at the time of our death, we will indeed see the magnifi-

cence, the splendor and glory of God. Will that be the mo-

ment when God’s glory and love absorbs us into fullness

of life with God or will we realize how very unworthy we

are to be in there, and the Truth of God’s majesty dismiss-

es us on a temporary or permanent basis. These times of

judgement when we are face to face with the truth, beauty

and the goodness of God bring forth both God’s justice

and mercy. Now is the time for us to prepare for that mo-

ment and the life that is to come.

Our lives all vary as do our many different gifts and

talents. These are meant to bring life to the world and to

help us to share loving concern and care with others which

bring hope and strength to many. Soon we will celebrate

the Feast of All Saints Day. Here we have multiple exam-

ples of loving human beings who gave their all for God

and others. May this feast give us pause and the courage

to make some personal conversions in our own lives.

S. Eleanor McCann, R.S.M

Gospel Reflection Gathering

Oct. 31st is the last Tuesday of the month.

All are welcome to come at 11:00 AM to the

Neumann Room for s brief period of reflection

and prayer. The session will be focused on the

Gospel of the coming Sunday, Nov. 5th which

is: Matthew 12, verses 1 – 12. We conclude

our session at 11:55, which allows anyone who

wishes to attend the 12:05 Mass to arrive in time.

During Advent and Lent this time of reflection is

offered every Tuesday at this same time. At other times, we

meet on the Last Tuesday of the month. If you would like to

attend and to have the reading prepared, we will order a

book for you for $10. Please fill out the form below and

submit it with cash or a check made out to the Cathedral

Parish. Please enclose in an envelope, addressed to the

attention of Sister Eleanor McCann, RSM. You may put it

in the collection basket or bring it to the Sacristy, but do so

on or before Monday, Nov. 6th. The books will be ordered

on the 7th. Eventually, you will be able to pick up your

labeled book in the Sacristy to prepare for the 1st Tuesday of




Phone __________________________________________

E-mail __________________________________________

# Of books ________ $_______ is enclosed.

Check made out to: Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter & Paul

To be returned on or before Monday, Nov. 6th.




The folklore of all cultures is filled with stories of fate-

ful choices. People find themselves in front of two doors—

one door leading to disaster, one to untold bliss. Robert

Frost’s famous poem “The Road Not Taken” underscores

the fact that our lives are forever changed by the choices we

make. Week after week, we are offered a choice to declare

to others and to our God whom we belong to—the small

god of money and possessions, or the great God whom Je-

sus called Abba (Jesus spoke Aramaic, and this word means

Daddy or Papa). On Sunday some of us simply drop into the

offertory basket what we think is good enough, or perhaps a

habitual amount that we will never miss, or what we just

happen to have in our pocket. How about a different ap-

proach? Whenever we receive a financial blessing, whether

from a weekly paycheck, a personal allowance, an apprecia-

tion of investments, a sales bonus, or even a lottery wind-

fall, first and foremost let’s thank God for this blessing.

Then take a portion—the amount is up to us—and share it

gratefully with others: half to build up the Church, and the

other half to good causes you favor. This places God as the

highest priority in our lives. In gratitude for God’s over-

whelming love for us, we give back a portion of what we

have received, and only then keep the rest for ourselves.

The scriptures challenge us to give this “first fruits,” not the

tiny part that’s left over after we’ve done what we want.

Modern scientific research shows that people who give gen-

erously tend to live happier and longer lives. So becoming a

grateful giver changes how we think about life, and makes

us true stewards of God’s constant blessings.

Living Stewardship Now Did you know that the Vatican has a yearly operating

budget less than half the budget of a major university?

God’s work—in the parish, the diocese, and around the

world—depends on us. Is your giving generous, or the least

you can spare?

Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. rights reserved

Tours of the Cathedral Basilica

A guided tour of the Basilica is available af-

ter the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass. Please

gather in front of the Side Altar of the Sacred

Heart, which is located to the right of the

Main Sanctuary.


Seminary Lecture Series - Theology Lecture

Monday, October 23, 2017, 7pm

Topic: "The Reformation After 500 Years: An Ecumenical

Remembrance." Presenter: Dr. Timothy George, Professor

of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School. Location: St. John

Vianney Hall, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, 100 E.

Wynnewood Rd. Wynnewood, PA 19096. The event is free

and open to the public. More info:

Fuel the Flame

Mon. October 30, 2017—7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Vianney Auditorium

For: All Church Leaders, Clergy and Volunteers. Impact

the future of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia by attending

this engaging, informative, and vibrant evening! Mike Patin,

national speaker, will present practical strategies for pro-

moting vocations and helping to create a culture of voca-

tions in our parishes, schools and communities. This event

is free, but all are asked to register at


Men of Iron – I Command You To Be Strong and Steadfast

November 4, 2017 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Please join us for our 2nd annual Men’s spirituality Confer-

ence. Nationally known author and Counselor Dr. Peter

Kleponis will be making morning and afternoon presenta-

tions. Location: St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Ambler PA

More info: The cost is $20 per person. Please visit us at for complete details.

Come and Experience

Great Music in the Cathedral

Next Concert –Cantus

October 28, 2017 at 8:00 PM

For more information and to purchase Tickets visit:

Six day candles are available all throughout the month of November as we join with the

Church and pray for the Holy Souls in

Purgatory. You are invited to remember

especially your beloved deceased with an All Souls

Memorial Candle. These candles burn at the All Souls Altar

on the Race Street side of the Basilica and remind us of our

prayers for those who have died.

A fifteen dollar donation is requested for each candle and

your request for prayers for your loved one will be placed

on the candle. You can obtain a candle in the Cathedral

Sacristy before or after Mass or complete the information

below and place it along with your donation in the

collection basket.

Name of the deceased: ____________________________


(Please Print) This name will be placed on the candle

At the request of: __________________________________

Amount enclosed:______ Tel.#:______________________