turning news: issue one

3rd Southern Regional Session of EYP Sweden Malmö, 2013 | 16-17 November Turning News

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Page 1: Turning News: Issue One

3rd Southern Regional Session of EYP SwedenMalmö, 2013 | 16-17 November

Turning News

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Dear delegates,

Right now you are reading the very first issue of Turning News! Our Media Team will accompany you throughout the session and display each of your major steps and achievements through its media products.

We hope that you enjoy every single minute of this unique experience you are about to live and cherish all these moments in joy and appreciation. In a few days, you will be committing yourselves to this journey and this is exactly what you should be doing. Challenge yourselves, do not be afraid to express your ideas and thoughts, connect with people, learn as much as you can from every person you meet. Even a small conversation can make a difference. Be active, be daring, speak up but most of all, between all of those serious talks and discussions, do not forget to have heaps of fun. Seize every minute that passes by!

In the meantime, we will be there to follow your steps and capture all of these moments!

Eleni Giannouli,Editress of the Session

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Welcome KitWe are now pleased to present you the Officials’ Wel-come Kit! You are now given the opportunity to get to know with all of the Officials before even the session

begins! You will find personal information of the chair-persons, the organisers and the journalists while also you will laugh or get surprised while reading funny or weird

facts about them.Enjoy!

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I am Marko and I shall be the President of the Session and chairing DROI, which has the great op-portunity to figure out a way for the EU to deal with Russia, the upcoming Olympic Winter Games in Sotchi and the development around LGBT people there.

EYP has intrigued my since 2010, when I attended my first ever EYP session. Following that, all the people I met, all the relationships that developed and all the places I saw really did contribute to my personal development a lot. Looking back, I am extremely glad that I took the chance and was able to learn so much from it.

Well, when I was in your situation as a first-time delegate, I was wondering who my Chair was and what kind of a personality he might have. Now, I cannot give you a precise account of myself. You will have to wait for this for a few more days. But there are some things about me I feel like sharing with you. Although I am German, some peo-ple even say “very German”, I truly value daily afternoon tea, pristine queues and a decent sense of humour – especially the last is not a character trait most Germans possess. I tend to spend a considerable time of my life at airports and on planes, watching The Big Bang Theory or swimming. I really look forward to spending the coming days with you and would love to have a chat with you during the session.

My advice for you is to really enjoy this event. You will be put into remarkable situations. Make the most of it – by talking to people, trying new things or simply having a great time!

Why EYP? What was my motivation to join and continue EYP? That is a really tough question since it is nigh on impossible to pinpoint one specific reason. But throughout the last years I have been in EYP I made a great number of fantastic friends at the most unusual places all over Europe. That would be one. Secondly, it has been a great challenge, which brought me out of my usual comfort zone numerous times – and always enabled me to feel better afterwards.

Marko Fischer (DE),President of the Session


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William McNeil (UK),Chairperson, DROI

Hailing from across the pond in the UK, I like to think I will bring many British stereotypes with me. Drinking tea, queuing and moaning about the weather are all favorite pastimes of mine and I'm very eager to share them with you. I just hope it isn't too cold or my fellow chairs may get a bit fed up with me!

To me, EYP is an addiction. I can go months without attending a session, but when I do, (even one as short as a regional) memories flood back. I’m positive I’m not alone when I say that after an event I’m always hungry for more, and in quick succession.

After attending many forums across the UK I have been increasingly excited to begin my EYP ca-reer abroad, and where better to start than in Sweden? Having been to Sweden only once before, on a Scout camp back when I was a wee boy, I'm greatly excited to return. I'm looking forward to meeting all some Swedes and bring a bit of British culture to the session. You may even see me dressed up as a famous British wizard! At the end of the day, my love of EYP came from my re-gionals experience and I really want to show you how to party, British style!

EYP will really change you, and if you get through this stage, nationals will be even better. Some of my closest friends came from EYP and every session brings an entire set of new faces added to my ever-increasing Facebook friends list. Jump in, enjoy committee work and meet lots of people but above all, have a great time; YORO - You Only Regional Once!

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My name is Willem Koelewijn, 17 years old from The Netherlands and I'll be one of the VPs in Malmö. I currently live and study in Rotterdam, a city where I used to live where I was younger. It's a city that many people find horrifically ugly, but I kind of love its ugliness, so I'm quite at home here already, although I've only lived here for the past six weeks now. I study at Erasmus University College, where I do Liberal Arts & Sciences. I'm still trying to figure out whether it's what I want to study for the next three years, but we'll see about that. Next to EYP activities, I enjoy football, reading newspapers and magazines, and following the news on a non-stop basis. Currently I'm mainly busy with my work for The Hague 2013 as I'm one of the orgas there, which will kick off in just two and a half weeks

Although I probably will come up with some other creative ways to introduce myself, I thought it would be a good idea to share a tiny bit of something I really enjoy: music. Al-though my only music-related talent is knowing lots and lots of lyrics to songs, I have very strong preferences when it comes to music. I really can't stand most of the "music" that's made these days, so, music-wise, I'm kind of an old man. If the link works (I'm not really ad-vanced when it comes to technology), you should be able to get to my 100 favourite songs on Spotify (not my favourites in general, the best band ever, The Beatles, is not on Spotify, and neither are AC/DC and Led Zeppelin). Should you decide to listen to it, I hope you enjoy!

Willem Koelewijn (NL),Vice-President, FEMM

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I come from Latvia, a teeny-tiny town Kārsava which is right next to Russian bor-der. Currently I spend most of my time in the capital Riga where I study – I did a year of Sociology but now have transferred to Political Science and have it as my major.

I’ve been involved in EYP since 2011, some of the most memorable events are of course both International Sessions that I’ve been to – in Zagreb and Tallinn, but my most favourite sessions so far are Latvian Nationals in 2012 and 2013 which I was organising and head-organising, respectively. This September I was re-elected on the board of Tellus, the umbrella organisation of EYP Latvia and volunteering there takes up most of my free time, but at the same time is a thing that I very much love doing.

When not studying or doing EYP or Tellus things I have my lazy days when I love chilling around with an enormous mug of tea and re-watching old TV shows or films, or, if I am in my hometown, I love taking long walks with my dog. A thing that I would love to take up again but unfortunately haven’t managed to do yet, is play-ing flute in a band or something of that sort. I used to do it back in high school and have been missing it a lot since moving to Riga.

Diāna Orlovska (LV),Chairperson, FEMM

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Dear delegates, please welcome at your historically 1st EYP session,

Although this will already be my 22nd EYP session, I will never forget how enthusiastic I was at my first session. It surely was not purely because of EYP but there must have been something that motivated me to stay…

Since my first session in my homecountry, the Czech Republic, I have started studying law, po-litical science and international relations at the Charles University in Prague in 2012. My stud-ies together with my part-time job in an international law firm unfortunately prevent me from attending as many EYP events as I used to. Apart from studying and working I enjoy doing yoga, debating in the Charles University Debate Club in which I am a vice-president.

I truly hope that no matter where your life leads you after finishing Gymnasium, you will make a good use of your EYP experience. For example, I would have personally never thought of ap-plying for a Masters´ program abroad if it was not for the inspiring people I have met in EYP. And imagine – all this is still ahead of you! Have fun!

Zuzana Holakovská (CZ),Vice-President, LIBE

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Greetings, oh so enthusiastic and nice delegates! My name is Gustaf Westin, I am 18 years of age and I am currently trying to survive my last year of gymnasium in Hersby Gymnasium in Stockholm. I attend the social science program, which pretty much sums up my biggest inter-ests in life; I love history, but above all, politics. Apart from those I love just hanging out with my friends, walking around my hometown, watching good movies, the normal stuff. I some-times daydream about what I’d do during a zombie apocalypse.

I have been involved in EYP for almost a year now, my first session was the Stockholm RS almost exactly a year ago, and since then I have been a delegate several times and by the time you’re reading this, it’ll have been about two weeks since I came home from another EYP experience in Åbo, Finland.

I absolutely love EYP, and it is my sincere hope you will like it too after the ses-sion has ended. I am aware this may sound extremely cheesy, but you know, when I sent in the essay I had to write to get selected to my school delegation a year ago, it was never in my wildest dreams that I’d one day take a boat ride in Istan-bul, spend a day on a beach in Greece or swim in a lake in Finland during Novem-ber before running into a sauna screaming bad words, all in the company of the great people you meet with this organization. So, have fun and give the best you can!

Gustaf Westin (SE),Chairperson, LIBE

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Hey! I’m Laura, currently studying Biology in Madrid, although I have no idea of what my future is going to be like, because in fact I’m also interested in Economics and even Arts.

I play the cello and there are several “loves of my life” that make me happy no matter what (at least most of the times), and those are: Chocolate (well, eating in general!), travelling, living ad-ventures, good books, good movies, good music and of course my family and friends, including my dog and my beloved bed. For those of you who might be wondering, I am a Real Madrid fan but no, I am not in love with Cristiano and no, I do not hate Barça. At least not too much!

My EYP career started back in 2010 and right now I'm so excited to be part of the Organisers Team of what will be a great International Session in Barcelona in 2014 (spam, spam!). Apart from all that, I just want to say I am very, very excited for this “new adventure” we are going to live during the next days. I hope you are as excited as I am! I guess that was it!

Laura Pérez-Galdós (ES),Chairperson, DEVE

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Hello everyone! My name is Fredrik Hultman and I'm from Stockholm, Sweden. I have been involved in EYP for almost three years now. My first session was the National Session in 2011, and since then it has just escalated. During the past year, I have worked as a study coach and taken some courses in English, Swedish and Philosophy at Stockholm University.

Nowadays I study law at Uppsala University, meaning that I spend most of my time in Uppsa-la, although I still go back "home" to Stockholm quite a lot. I am also a member of a municipal committee in my home municipality, so I guess you could say that I am officially a politician as well. One of my main hobbies is American politics, and I could easily name every president the US has had during the past century and how every state voted in the presidential election last year. Apart from politics, I also enjoy watching football. I am an avid supporter of Arsenal and AIK, and I actually used to be a season-ticket holder at AIK.

I am not quite sure what I want to do with my life in the future. So far I've been living my life according to the motto "carpe diem", and it has worked out so far, so I'm just going to wait and see what happens.

This will be the first time that I visit Malmö for as long as I can remember, and it will be my first EYP-session for the past five months, so I am really excited to get started.

Fredrik Hultman (SE),Chairperson, DEVE

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Hejssan alla!

This is Annmarie speaking. I’m 20-yeal-old Finn studying European Studies in the University of Malmö. My origins go to a small Finnish town right next to Russian border, although I don’t speak a word of Russian. This is me in a nutshell:

No-one uses my actual name (apart from my mom). I am called either “Ammi” or “Kiki”. I am addicted to coffee but broke my coffee machine last week which means I am suffering. I love watching and playing football. I am desperately hooked to Finnish licorice candies called “Lumi-pantteri” (Snow Panther) which, unfortunately, I cannot find here in Sweden. I have lived in Italy. I love food. I really do not like kids. Despite the 6 years of studying Swedish I feel completely lost with “Skånska”, a local dialect spoken in this part of Sweden. EYP has been a part of my life for four years now. I want to travel to Africa. I laugh a lot. I have a bad sense of humor. I have danced salsa on a table. My family had a pet fox when I was a kid. The highlight if my year was when I went to London to see Arsenal’s match. My jogging path goes by Zlatan’s ex-house. I am in love with Malmö. That’s a mixture of things related to me, the rest you will find out during the session. Over and out!

Annamarie Kiiskinen (FI),Chairperson, ENVI

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Hello dear delegates,

I'm Felix, 20 years old and I am from Lidingö. I found out that I was attending the same second-ary school as Gustaf, though I graduated two years ago. I currently study law in Uppsala with Fredrik. When I graduate, I want to start saving the world in my own way, but I just have not figured out how I'm going to do it yet. Probably through some form of diplomatic work.

In terms of EYP I attended my first session in 2010, and I have been captivated ever since. I have been to over 20 sessions both home and abroad. During that time span, I have come to realise that chairing is my passion, and I have developed a strong interest in teaching and education.

Outside of EYP I do a bit of everything. I study, I play the guitar, I party, I work as a private tutor and I play American football (though I am rather undersized). Other than that, I like to goof around and have fun as a young person I am. That is all for now! See you soon!

Felix Makarowski (SE),Chairperson, ENVI

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My name is Beatrice and I'm nineteen years old. I'm originally from Malmö but I live and study in Scotland. I'm a student of International Relations and my favorite author is currently Rienhold Niebuhr. I'm a pescatarian and a bit of a sustainability geek.

However, a person can never just be defined by a few facts. To really get to know them, you need to talk to them; you need to ask honest questions and be prepared to offer pieces of your own identity in return. If there's one thing I can tell you about EYP it's that it is all about the people you meet. I therefore invite you all to come up and chat to me at any point in the session, and I deeply encourage you all to get to know one another on more than a superficial plane.


Beatrice Reichel (SE),Chairperson, EMPL

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Andrzej Daniluk (PL),Chairperson, EMPL

Welcome to the land of forests and lakes!

I’m Andrzej ( for your convenience with pronounciation just call me Andy ), 19 years old Pole who comes from the most lovely city in the whole state – Białystok. First thing about me – I adore eating and as Julia Child once Said: ‘ Peope who love to eat are al-ways Best people.’ When it comes to what to eat – american burgers, I extremely hope you have a few pleaces around to hang out for a delicious burger. My second love is chocolate. I like sport and as I am an extremely energetic person I try to do it as much as I can – I swim, run and dance. I am also a great fan of dark humour.

This year I started my studies at Warsaw University of Technology and my field of study is Mechatronics ( if you believe it’s connected with transformers, actually you’re quite close). This step required the move to Warsaw, so I live now in the capital city and as I discovered, I really like big cities. I made friends with Warsaw very quickly.My big gest weaknesses are saving both time and money, same as getting around the city by public transport – I get lost on average 3 times a week. Luckily, it also has posi-tive sides. I always see many different and interesting places, so my knowledge about the urbanizm is widening.

When it comes to EYP, my favourite parts are teambuld-ing and debating at GA, so be ready for some active tasks and a chair encouraging you to make as many points as possibile!

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Hello everyone! My name is Marco, I am 20 years old and I am from Italy. I do not have a nick-name but it is up to you to create it! I am currently studying bachelor of business administra-tion and management.

The length of my beard starts from “enough to be seen” to “incredibly manly” during exam time! Speaking of hair, I am respecting “Movember”: guys do not shave until 1st December (girls, unfortunately, that does not count for you)!I am also into sports. Actually I am part of my university basketball team, I used to play tennis and rugby, too, nevertheless my favourite activity will always remain running…from the fridge to the bed!

I was raised in the name of classical music by my mother, then I shifted to jazz, then I finally started to buy my own CDs and I stumbled upon the rock style. The early teenage mistakes do not count! We all have an Avril Lavigne or Hilary Duff hidden album (or not?)! By now my playlists include almost every genre, with a strong emphasis on the Italian rap scene, my latest passion.

Apart from any love scene during a film I am watching with my parents, the most embar-rassing situation I have ever been involved in could be the time I fell in the Serpentine, in the middle of Hyde Park, and after a difficult comeback on the ground my teacher forced me to run along the lake to “avoid getting a cold”. You can imagine the reactions!

Marco Rossi (IT),Chairperson, BUDG

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My name is John and I am 19 years old. My nationality is Shanghainese (not really) but this is a really long story! I am now studying Business, Asian Cul-ture and Language, Mostly just economics, and a lot of time trying to force myself to get good at writing and reading Chinese characters. I do not have a nickname but I do have a Chinese name, , (Yuēhàn), that teachers and class-mates call me.

Concerning hair, my beard is clean shaven, but I get pretty close to “Hobo” if it’s been a rough week. Unfortunately I am not respecting “Movember”, I have a beard for 12 months out of the last 2 years so I am just enjoying not having a face-mop for a while.

I do not play any sports, just running, but only to keep my lungs from becom-ing dry, shriveled ashtrays.

I listen to a lot of odd electronic musicians and mixes. Lately, I’ve been listen-ing to a lot a French violinist called Chapelier Fou that mixes some crazy violin melodies on electro tracks. I also really enjoy the classics sometimes like Bob Dylan, Elvis, Velvet Undergroud, The Doors etc.

What’s the most embarrassing situation I have ever been involved in? I puked on the bus home after drinking a bottle of champagne myself to celebrate the end of exams. I’ve never felt so disgusted, yet so contented at the same time.

John Como (SE),Chairperson, BUGD

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Ciao a tutti! (Hello everybody!)

I am very looking forward to meeting you all, so let’s start introducing myself! My name is Andrea, I come from Italy but right now I am in Sweden until the end of Jan-uary as an Erasmus student. I was born in Pordenone, which is a little city in North-Eastern part of Italy, one hour by train from Venice.

I am 21 years old and I am attending my last year of the bachelor in Computer Sci-ence, but I’m not that kind of guy, yes, as you might think, nerd... I am a normal guy, who likes using computers and smart phones but I have lots of other interests too: I play basketball since I was very young, I love watching movies (of every kind) but also I enjoy travelling, visiting new countries and meeting new people and cultures.

EYP is a big part of my life: I began as a delegate 3 years ago at the National Ses-sion of Volterra, and I totally fell in love with this great organization, this huge fam-ily, where I built a lot of new friendships from all over Europe and I am still deeply involved! I have participated in many sessions through these 3 years, learning a lot of things and covering different positions such as Delegate, Journo, Organizer and Video editor.

In Malmö I will be the video editor of the Session and I will be close to you, collect-ing lots of unforgettable good memories, including pictures, video recordings and so on. I don’t want you to get bored and I leave you with my latest mixes ( just type “EYP Italy” on YouTube and you will find them easily). I hope you like them and remember: “Always smile to the camera!”

Andrea Montarini (IT),Video Editor

Media Team

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Merel Blok (NL),Journalist

Hello everyone!

Is it a bird, is it a plane? No, it’s just Merel! I’m seventeen years old and I’m from the Netherlands. My name means “blackbird” in Dutch, which, according to Wikipedia, trans-lates to “koltrast” in Swedish. In that way, it actually is a bird.

I graduated from high school last year. Since I did not know what exactly to study, I de-cided to take a gap year. I currently work at the International Institute for Social History, where I do all sorts of chores in the archives. That mostly includes carrying heavy boxes and organizing some very messy archives. If you ever decide to create an archive, please do it in a logical way. It will save the people taking care of it a lot of work. Thanks in ad-vance.

Besides working during my gap year, I attend EYP sessions, go to festivals during sum-mer and visit some family and friends abroad. In my free time I enjoy reading, drawing, hanging with friends and – as much as the Dutch weather allows me to – sport. I would describe my taste of music as one most old people have. The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Buddy Holly, Jimi Hendrix, you name something from before the 80’s and I’ll probably like it. So that’s me in a nutshell. I’m very excited for the session and I can’t wait to meet you all!

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Faryal Choudhry (PK/IT),Journalist

My name is Faryal Ilyas Choudhry (You can call me Fary). I was born and raised in Pakistan (Punjab) but I moved to Italy almost three years ago and now I live in a city near Milan. Since I have moved to Italy, one of the most interesting things for me has been meeting new people and learning new things about a new culture. I must say that, in the beginning, it was difficult too.

Right now I can speak Italian apart from Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi and of course English. I am now in my fifth and final year (finally) of high school (the scholastic system in Italy is a bit complicated so we have 5 years of high school) and next year I will be going to university although I have not yet decided what to take up next. I would love to pursue my interest in sciences, especially biological sciences.

What do I do when I am free? Hmm... I love reading books, fantasy mostly, listening to music (favourite songs and singers change from day to day though! ) and watch-ing movies. My favourite sport is badminton.

Finally, the thing I love most about EYP: the fact that you meet lots of people and you can make lots of new friends from different places. Moreover, you come to knowl-edge of current issues and problems. I guess this introduction portrays me quite well!

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Lorenzo Leuenberger (CH),Journalist

My name is Lorenzo Leuenberger, I am 18 years old and I live in Zurich, a lovely city in Swit-zerland. I am currently in my senior year of high school and I have just started working on my final thesis as the final exams are coming closer and closer.

I am an easy-going person and although my skepticism comes through at certain points, I try to keep it positive and add to that with my ironic thinking. I have been playing tennis for almost ten years now and it is one of my biggest passions. I am dedicated and, although I spend a great amount of time on the tennis court, I also try to counterbalance this by watching numerous series. My favorites at the moment are Revenge and The Blacklist. Nev-ertheless, meeting up with my friends is of course a priority as well, since I value friendship and honesty a lot.

I would have never thought that my life would ever take a twist. However, I was wrong. I have just decided to follow my long-gone dream and study architecture, after wanting to become a doctor for more than 4 years. Therefore, I am going to have my Bachelor’s degree at the ETH in Zurich and afterwards I hope that I will be able to go to London and continue my studies there.

I have been an EYP member for over a year now and I have to admit that I enjoyed every moment of it. At the beginning, I was a bit skeptic while my interest in international politics was not that great as well but this organization had an enormous impact on me and now I simply cannot imagine my life without it. I have recently attended the 74th International Session of the European Youth Parliament in Tbilisi, which again was proof for the greatness of this organization. Being a journo for the first time now, I hope that this session is going to be amazing and I am looking forward to meeting all the participants, writing articles and experiencing the Swedish culture. This is all for now but I am open for a nice talk anytime!

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Andrej Zemtsovski (SE),Head-Organiser

Congratulation. You have made the right decision. By making the choice to participate as a delegate at this session, you have opened up a new world. The EYP world, and you are in for some great things to come.

I, myself participated in my first EYP session as a delegate about two years ago. I didn’t know what to expect, yet I came open-minded to this new thing, and I must say that it blew me away; getting to know a group of people so quickly and working together as a team for the next 36 hours really left an impression on me. That was just the beginning. After you have been introduced to EYP the possibilities are seemingly endless. EYP appeals to all types of people, since there exist so many roles at a session. You can continue to apply as a delegate. Do you like to creative and like to write? You can be a journalist or an editor, and be respon-sible for a session newspaper. Do you like to engage people in interesting topics, and listen to interesting discussions? You can be a chairperson, and have your own committee. And along this journey you will meet some of the most motivated and brightest people of your life, they will become your friend, and suddenly you are in it. You will have a couch to sleep on in every country of Europe, and you might end up traveling a lot to and from sessions, or just to visit good friends.

My experiences in EYP have been the driving factor for me to organize this session for you. It is the cycle of EYP you could say. It has not been easy, but I hope it is going to be worth it, and I wish to see the next head organizer in a couple of years to have been a delegate at my session.

The session theme is A Youth’s Life is aimed at you. It is the first time in his-tory that the older generations don’t believe that their children will ex-perience a better future. I look forward to seeing you all. Also, come pre-pared on your committee topic, because that will make the difference!


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Hey! My name is Cosima Pfannschmidt, I am 17 years old and I am currently in the last year of IB (and school altogether!). My family comes from Germany, where I spent the first four years of my life and another two at a later stage. At the age of four I moved to central Italy, at the age of nine to South Korea's capital of Seoul and finally, three years ago, to Malmö, Sweden.

Having lived in several European countries, I highly appreciate the European Union’s aspi-ration of a united and peaceful Europe, which is also represented in EYP. After school I am planning to volunteer in a developing country for one year and later on study economics at university, since I believe it is a useful tool in resolving many of today's global issues.My personal involvement in EYP started two years ago, when I was chosen for my school's delegation. We went to the Lund regional session, to the national session in Stockholm and later to the Istanbul international youth forum. I loved EYP ever since my first session, which was actually the most impressive, due to the high concentration of extremely hard working and creative young people. I found it stimulating to be in such a friendly environment, where I could reflect and exchange my ideas about the world's challenges.

As an organizer, I hope I can create such an experience for you as delegates as well. I wish you all the best for fruitful and innovative debates!

Cosima Pfannschmidt (SE),Organiser

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Hello everyone and welcome to Malmö and EYP! My name is Emil Juslin, I am 17 years old and I come from Umeå. I will be one of the organisers of the session. I have been involved in the EYP for almost exactly one year. I can´t describe with words how much EYP has given me. It has given me everything from wonderful friends inside Sweden but also from every corner of Eu-rope. It has given me the chance to discuss problems and challenging situations that the world counters every day. Except for that, it has also given me an incredible experience no matter what happens afterwards. I hope this amazing session can you give the same. I give you one important advice before you enter this adventure. Enjoy it as much as you can!

Apart from EYP I am a pretty normal guy studying social science at a school called Dragons-kolan (some of you might have heard of it). I am graduating this spring which will be great and my goal for the future is to study political science. In my spare time, I prefer to relax or play badminton. I am really fund of music, which is a big part of my everyday life. I prefer music from the sixties and the seventies with band as The Beatles, The Beach Boys and Dire Straits. I also play the piano when I get some time to spare! I have also a big interest in sports, espe-cially football.

I do not really have anything else to say. I am really looking forward to meeting all of you and I just know the session is going to be great! Enjoy!

Emil Juslin (SE),Organiser

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My name is Jacob Röing and I’m part of the organizing committee hosting the 3rd re-gional session of EYP Sweden South. I have lived in Malmö my entire life and almost all my relatives are Swedish (I know, a bit boring right,) so if you have any questions about direc-tion during your time in Malmö, the chance will practically be none that I can’t answer.

In my spare time I usually play different sorts of instruments, especially the saxophone. I’ve been playing the saxophone for quite some years now, so I guess that during these years, my enthusiasm for jazz and blues has gradually grown. I also play the drums and basic stuff on the guitar, but I prefer to play for myself, wouldn’t want to make a fool out of myself. Another interest of mine is sailing. Luckily enough Malmö is in the very south of Sweden so the weather is not terribly bad. I spend most of my summer in the harbor, teaching sailing to both adults and children.

I have been active in EYP for approximately a year now and I can honestly say that I have gained a lot of knowledge concerning lots of things, from holding a speech in front of hundreds of people to drinking more than ten cups of coffee during one day. I’m looking forward to continuing within the organization and travel to parts of Europe that I have not yet seen. See you in Malmö!

Jacob Röing (SE),Organiser

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My name is Jeffrey Clark and I come from Malmö, Sweden. I’m doing the IB program at Malmö Borgarskola. One year ago, I was in the exact same spot as all you del-egates, at the Regional Session of EYP Sweden South, but in Hässleholm. Since then I’ve been to the National Session in Stockholm, an International Forum in Greece, and an International Session in Georgia just a few weeks ago. After all these experiences I have grown to love EYP and what the organization does.

Aside from EYP, some of my other interests are playing the trumpet, listening to music, digital designing, cooking, sailing, hiking, and playing volleyball. An interesting fact about me is that I’ve lived in Beijing, China for six years and I speak Chinese.

I want to meet and talk to everyone participating in this session, so if you ever see me around, make sure to stop me and say hi. I will appreciate it a lot! See you soon!

Jeffrey Clark (SE),Organiser

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Isabella Leandersson (SE),Organiser

Hello everybody!

I'm Isabella, one of the members of the Organising Committee of this session.

I currently live in Malmö, where I'm in the process of taking the IB diploma (against my better judgement). I speak Swedish, English and French, I'm a total trekkie, I like cake and I prefer Verdi over Wagner. I have four pets, two cats and two dogs. I own and frequently wear a feather boa and a top hat.

I love glam rock but will listen to anything when compelled. As I'm clumsy I should not be trusted with anything valuable or delicate (consider yourself warned). Overall I'm quite a typical EYPer, weird humor included and all! See you at the session!

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Hello Everyone! My name is Julia Coquard. I am 17 years old and I’ve lived in Sweden my entire life, although I am actually half French but do not attempt to speak French with me though since I won’t understand a word of what you’re saying).

I’m a full time IB Diploma student so that takes up pretty much all of my time but in my free time I enjoy going to concerts. Needless to say, I am a total music addict. I can honestly say that life without music wouldn’t be worth living and I’ve both played and composed my own music for as long as I can remember. I was in a music elementary school for 6 years where I got the opportu-nity to perform all over Sweden and I’ve also played classical piano for over 10 years now. Both my parents are actually musicians so I guess that came rather naturally to me.

I am also into tennis which I’ve done for quite a few years and travelling. If there is one thing I want to do before I die, it is without doubt to travel as much as possible and see the world and experi-ence as many different cultures, traditions and religions as I can. And that is what I believe to be the beauty of EYP. I can promise you that being part of the different global views represented in EYP will help you grow as a person like nothing else. In EYP I have had the time of my life. I have met wonderful people and truly don’t believe I can ever be thankful enough for the experiences that I’ve had and the invaluable knowledge that I’ve gained. I really believe that this session has the potential of being the beginning of a journey that will change your life.

JuliaCoquard (SE),Organiser