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Upload: haliem

Post on 10-Jun-2018




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A&P 1 Nervous Tissues, Nerves, Spinal Cord and Reflexes #1 -

Pre-Lab Exercises Have someone in your group read the following out loud, while the others read along:

In this "Pre-lab Guide", we will be looking at Nervous Tissues, Nerves, Spinal Cord and Reflexes. This should be done before lab, so we don't waste time in lab! This guide should only be attempted after reading the correct sections in either the lab or lecture book, or watching any videos that have been assigned.. We will have several weeks of labs covering the Nervous System. During that time, we will be covering these topics:

1. Nervous System Cells 2. Basics of Nervous Tissues 3. Structure & Function of the Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves 4. Basic Reflex Anatomy & Physiology 5. Structure & Function of the Brain & Cranial Nerves 6. The General Senses 7. Special Senses: Eyes, Vision & Vision Tests 8. Special Senses: Ears, Hearing & Equilibrium

During this first week of labs, we will be covering topics 1-4 on the list:

1. Nervous System Cells 2. Basics of Nervous Tissues 3. Structure & Function of the Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves 4. Basic Reflex Anatomy & Physiology

This material is found in more than one section of the lecture and lab book. The STEPS found in this guide will refer to sections in the lab book.


Step 1. Introduction to the Nervous System Chapter: Review Key Concepts from the book and videos

Have someone in your group read this, while the others follow along:

Introductory Paragraph (we will be referring to this later):

Lab books and text books often begin the discussion by going over some basic concepts of nervous cells & tissues. You may use either lab or lecture book to define the following terms, or answer the question. Keep each definition short. USE A SEPARATE PIECE OF PAPER if you need more space:

Q1. Define Neuron: Q2. Define Neuroglial (glial) cell: Q3. Define Synapse:

Read Me

Q4. Define Myelin: Q5. What is the difference between the CNS & PNS? Q6. What is the differnce between saying "neuron" and "nerve"?


#2 ID


Q7. Theyou can

Read Me

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#3 ID

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#4 ID

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