tujuh peringkat hidup manusia

1 Tujuh peringkat hidup manusia Musbri Mohamed Managing Director Yayasan PEKIDA Malaysia Dakwah untuk rakyat Malaysia samada Islam atau bukan Islam

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Page 1: Tujuh peringkat hidup manusia


Tujuh peringkat hidup manusia

Musbri Mohamed

Managing Director

Yayasan PEKIDA Malaysia

Dakwah untuk rakyat Malaysia samada Islam atau bukan Islam

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1. Berkumpul di depan Allah s.w.t

2. Di dalam rahim Ibu

3. Sebelum umur baligh

4. Semasa umur baligh

5. Di dalam kubur

6. Mahsyar

7. Syurga / Neraka

Tujuh peringkat hidup manusia

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Peringkat 1

Berkumpul di depan Allah s.w.t

Kesemua manusia dan makhluk lain berbaiah dengan Allah s.w.t untuk dengar ,tunduk dan patuh kepada perintah Allah s.w.t. jika Allah s.w.t menzahirkan mereka di dunia kecuali kaum Syaitan. Kerana sombong maka kaum Syaitan redha dihumban secara kekal ke neraka di Peringkat 7 dan bersumpah untuk membawa seramai mungkin manusia bersama mereka ke neraka.

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Peringkat 2Di dalam rahim Ibu

Manusia ditanya samada masih ingin hadir ke dunia. Jika “ya” maka lahir ke dunia sehingga Peringkat 4 . Jika “tidak” akan meninggal dalam kandungan di Peringkat 2 atau meninggal sebelum akal baligh di Peringkat 3.

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Peringkat 3Sebelum umur baligh

Ibubapa mencorakkan anak-anak. Meninggal di Peringkat 3 sekiranya mereka menjawab bahawa mereka “tidak” ingin lahir ke dunia di Peringkat 2.

Mereka yang meninggal di Peringkat 3 adalah bersih daripada sebarang dosa.

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Peringkat 4Semasa umur baligh

Masing-masing bertanggungjawab atas perbuatan sendiri.

Akan direkod butiran baik (pahala ) dan butiran jahat (dosa) masing-masing.

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Peringkat 5

Di dalam kubur

And agony of death comes in truth. This is what you wished to avoid. And the trumpet is blown.This is the threatened Day. Sura 50 verse 19-20

Setiap yang hidup wajib mati.

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Peringkat 6


"When we are dead and have become dust and bones, shall we then, indeed be raised again?" Al Quran Sura 37 verse l6

In the name of Allah The Beneficent,The Merciful Man thinks that We shall not assemble his bones Yes Truly! Yes, We are able to restore his very fingers! Sura 75 verses 3 & 4

And Allah it is Who sends the winds and they raise a cloud; Then We lead it to a dead land and revive the earth after its death. Such is the Resurrection. Sura 35 verse 9.

Rising from the grave is going to happen.

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Peringkat 7Syurga / Neraka

And you will see each nation crouching each nation called to its record. (In time). And it will be said to them: This day you are repaid for what you used to do. Sura 45 verse 28

So whosoever does an atom's weight of good shall see it, and whosoever does an atom's weight of evil shall see it (99:7-8).Manusia timbangan baik akan masuk syurga; manusia yang timbangan jahat akan masuk neraka bersama kaum syaitan.

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Dr. Maurice Bucaille said in his book "The Bible, the Qur'an and Science", which was published by the American Trust Publications 1979:

"Thanks to its undisputed authenticity, the text of the Qur'an holds a unique place among the books of Revelation, shared neither by the Old nor the New Testament. In the first two sections of this work, a review was made of the alterations undergone by the Old Testament and the Gospels before they were handed down to us in the form we know today. The same is not true for the Qur'an for the simple reason that it was written down at the time of the prophet".

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When we read authentic knowledge of Islam and other useful knowledge needed to develop our total personality, we become among the believers who do righteous deeds, enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong.  We become among those, who in the Sight of Allah as mentioned in the Holy Qur'an (i.e.,  3:110, 4:122 and 9:72), are the best among mankind (hence, outstanding Muslims) — who deserve  His eternal reward, the Supreme SUCCESS.

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Selain itu , untuk membangunkan sebuah tamadun Malaysia Baru dalam Abad ke 21, pemimpin dan rakyat kita mestilah kembali berpegang pada ajaran Al-Quran yang telah bertanggungjawab membangunkan tamadun dan empayar Islam dari abad ke sembilan hingga ke abad ke 13. Dalam Al-Quran Tuhan memberi contoh raja Mesir atau Firaun yang dianggap sebagai tuhan oleh rakyatnya, dan tuhan itu menghancurkan mereka akhirnya.

Demikian kita mesti mengambil iktibar bahawa kita wajib berpegang teguh dan tunduk kepada Allah dan tidak boleh tunduk pada sesiapa selain Allah s.w.t.

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Modern scientists have been amazed by the accuracy of scientific information presented in the Quran.

The Qur'an states several facts about astronomy which were discovered in the late twentieth century .

There are over a hundred of these examples in several scientific fields in the Qur'an which all have been proven to be scientifically true, in this Book which was revealed fourteen hundred years ago.

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It is the responsibility of the Ummah's thinkers and scholars to concentrate their energies on reform of the Ummah's thought, on clarifying its vision, and on presenting these to the Ummah in such a way that its institutions may derive benefit from them.

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Plan for tomorrow butPlan for tomorrow but LIVE for todayLIVE for today

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The role of the present generation of Muslims is first to understand the nature of the present environment, assess the range of possible activities and available capabilities, and then propose workable and worthwhile ideas.

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Di negara India terdapat lebih kurang 200 Juta orang bangsa India beragama Islam.

Di negara China terdapat lebih kurang 60 Juta orang bangsa China beragama Islam.

Di Malaysia cuma terdapat lebih kurang 16 Juta orang bangsa Melayu beragama Islam. Semua orang Melayu di Malaysia beragama Islam.

Jauh lebih ramai bangsa India di India dan juga bangsa China di China adalah penganut Islam berbanding bangsa Melayu di Malaysia.

Data bagi renungan kawan-kawan bukan Islam di Malaysia

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Masyarakat yang bertamadun ialah masyarakat yang berpaksikan akidah yang mantap, keluhuran undang-undang islam, kemakmuran yang diredhai oleh Allah dan akhlak umat yang tinggi.

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Every one will be taken away to escape the unrelenting effect of time reversal that could take us back to nothingness in our mothers wombs. In the higher dimensions we will face the judgment for our deeds in hell or heaven. From the Quran it appears that the timing of the day of judgment will be never known and it may come at any time. However again I would like to add that the real knowledge of the day of the day of judgment is with Allah only.

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This article would serve as a source of warning as well as encouragement for the believers. As for the non believers I hope this would become a starting point for further investigation into the world of Islam.

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What do Muslims believe?

There is only one God, Allah, who alone is worthy of being worshipped. Mankind has been guided at various times by the messengers of Allah of whom the most prominent were Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed. The final message was sent to the last prophet, Mohammed, which replaces all previous messages. None of the prophets claimed to be god or part-god - they were human and were obedient to Allah.

Finally, we wish to inform you that Islam is the universal message of Allah to all mankind and prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) is the last and final messenger of Allah.

Therefore, Allah will not accept any way of life except Islam. He said in the Gracious Qur'an which is translated as follows: "And any one who chooses a way of life other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him and in the hereafter he will be one of the losers." (3:85)

Please save yourself by embracing Islam.