tuesday 21 january 2020 - nwo

For the 2020 edition, the theme of Physics@Veldhoven is ‘The Art of Physics’. You will find various art objects throughout the venue that show the beautiful interfaces between art and physics. You can also create your own art during a walk-in workshop by artist Ana Oosting. More information about the art and the workshop can be found in the conference app. QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, CANCELLATIONS? PLEASE GO TO THE INFORMATION DESK IN THE KEMPENZAAL OR SEND AN EMAIL TO [email protected] NWO COMPLETE PROGRAMME POSTER PRIZES NEW THIS YEAR: PHYSICS MEETS INDUSTRY NWO PHYSICS PRIZES NWO Domain Science promotes, coordinates and finances fundamental research in the Netherlands in the exact and natural sciences. If you have any questions concerning the NWO organisation, please come and meet us at the NWO information stand in the Kempenzaal or join the NWO info session on Tuesday at 13.20 hours. More information about this session can be found in the conference app. The Physics@Veldhoven Poster Prizes will be awarded on Wednesday at 16.30 hours. Please note: to be eligible for a Poster Prize nomination, the presenting author of the poster must be present during their appointed presentation time-frame, as well as during the Poster Prize award ceremony on Wednesday. Our exhibition floor, where industry meets the visitors of Physics@Veldhoven. Find partners for future collaborations and expand your network! A variety of companies is present. Come and meet ASML, Canon Production Printing, Q-corner, Single Quantum, TNO, Optics, TMC, SCM and Hamamatsu Photonics Deutschland GmbH. The following prizes will be awarded on Tuesday evening: • NWO Physics Thesis Award • Minerva Prize • NWO Physics Valorisation Prize All prize winners will present their prizewinning work on Wednesday in session PW9. 21-22 JANUARY 2020 NWO EVENTS APP Download the free NWO Events app for iOS or Android! Search for ‘NWO Events’ in your app store. In the NWO Events app you will find the event Physics@Veldhoven. Once installed, all information of the Physics@Veldhoven event can be accessed offline. Now you can create your personal programme, find all the abstracts, and consult the floorplan. session Focus session FT1 Focus session FT2 Focus session FT3 Focus session FT4 Focus session FT5 Focus session FT6 Focus session FT7 Focus session FT8 Focus session FT9 title Probing the dark sector in space and in the lab Antiferromagnets as the next challenge in magnetism Quantum technology prospects for the 2020’s Hydrodynamics at all length scales: high-energy, quantum and soft matter, and industry applications New perspectives in quantum gravity Follow your passion. Should you? Challenges in plasma physics Machine learning for soft materials The science of diversity location Room 10 (Baroniezaal) Room 3 (Auditorium) Room 9 (Brabantzaal) Room 2 (82-83) Room 4 (Parkzaal) Room 7 (Boszaal) Room 6 (63-64) Room 8 (55-58) Room 1 (80-81) chair Alexey Boyarsky (LEI) Reinoud Lavrijsen (TU/e) Carlo Beenakker (LEI) Jácome Armas (UvA), Jan de Boer (UvA) Frank Saueressig (RU) Johan Klootwijk (Philips Research / NNV) Paola Diomede (DIFFER) Corentin Coulais (UvA), Martin van Hecke (LEI) Liesbeth Janssen (TU/e) 11.10 - 11.40 FT1.1 Gaia Lanfranchi (INFN - Laboratori Nazionali) Feebly interacting particles: experimental landscape FT2.1 Tomas Jungwirth (Czech Academy of Sciences) Antiferromagnets for neuromorphics and opto-electronics FT3.1 Mattias Troyer (Microsoft) Quantum computing: from academic research to solving real world problems FT4.1 Gregory Falkovich (Weizmann Institute) Wonders of viscous electronics FT5.1 Iosif Bena (Institut de Physique Théorique of CEA-Saclay) Black hole microstate geometries, antibranes and the deSitter landscape 11.11 - 11.25 FT6.1 Niels Bultink (QuTech) Follow your passion, you should! 11.25 - 11.40 FT6.2 Arjan van der Meij (Docent natuurkunde) Three reasons to be a teacher: June, July and August FT7.1 Isabel Tanarro (Nat. Research Council of Spain) Low temperature plasmas for laboratory astrophysics FT8.1 Shmuel Rubinstein (Harvard University) Machine learning and benchtop experiments FT9.1 Herma Cuppen (RU) Unconscious bias in science 11.40 - 12.10 FT1.2 Joop Schaye (LEI) To better constrain fundamental physics with astronomical observations we should understand galaxies FT2.2 Rembert Duine (UU) Magnon spin transport in antiferromagnetic insulators FT3.2 Thomas O’Brien (LEI) Quantum computing for quantum chemistry FT4.2 Umut Gursoy (UU) Magnetohydrodynamics and particle physics FT5.2 Eric Bergshoeff (RUG) New avenues in non-relativistic gravity 11.40 - 11.55 FT6.3 Kees Wesdorp (Philips) Having impact, leaving a legacy 11.55 - 12.10 FT6.4 Mischa van der Haar (NS) FT7.2 Ute Ebert (CWI) Lightning physics – new observations and puzzles FT8.2 Marjolein Dijkstra (UU) Machine learning and inverse design of soft materials FT9.2 Petra Rudolf (RUG), Jasper Knoester (RUG) Making diversity work: a long-term project 12.10 - 12.40 FT1.3 Christoph Weniger (UvA) Uncovering dark matter with deep learning FT2.3 Alexey Kimel (RU) Antiferromagnetic opto-spintronics FT3.3 Florian Schreck (UvA) Quantum sensing with ultracold atoms FT4.3 Luca Giomi (LEI) Hydrodynamics of collective cell behavior: the good, the bad and the chiral FT5.3 Anupam Mazumdar (RUG) Shedding light on quantum aspects of gravity in a laboratory 12.10 - 12.25 FT6.5 Natasja Jovanovic (Bloomon) 12.25 - 12.40 FT6.6 Fiona van der Burgt (Wheather Impact) Physics@Africa FT7.3 Josefine Proll (TU/e) On the path to an optimised fusion reactor FT8.3 Miguel Bessa (TUD) Machine learning in metamaterial design: fragile becomes super- compressible 12.10 - 13.10 FT9.4 Wim van Saarloos (LEI), Diederik Jekel (NNV), Evangelia Demerouti (TU/e), Herma Cuppen (RU), Petra Rudolf (RUG) Panel discussion 12.40 - 13.10 FT1.4 Patrick Decowski (UvA/Nikhef) Detecting dark matter directly FT2.4 Bert Koopmans (TU/e) Synthetic antiferromagnets for advanced spintronic control FT3.4 Stephanie Wehner (TUD) Towards a quantum internet FT4.4 Federico Toschi (TU/e) Complex flows of complex fluids FT5.4 Renate Loll (RU) Addressing foundational challenges of quantum gravity 12.40 - 12.55 FT6.7 Eduard Meijer (Máxima MC) Clinical Physics: work with passion! 12.55 - 13.10 FT6.8 Hassan El Barakat (Signify) Follow your passion FT7.4 Ana Sobota (TU/e) Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasmas for medicine FT8.4 Tristan Bereau (UvA) Physics in and out of machine learning for molecular simulations: priors and predictive constraints session Parallel session PT1 Parallel session PT2 Parallel session PT3 Parallel session PT4 Parallel session PT5 Parallel session PT6 Parallel session PT7 Parallel session PT8 Parallel session PT9 title Atomic, molecular and optical physics I Light and matter I Strongly correlated systems I Physics of fluids I Statistical physics and soft condensed matter I Surfaces and interfaces I Subatomic physics I Nanoscience and -technology I Nanoscience and -technology II location Room 1 (80-81) Room 2 (82-83) Room 10 (Baroniezaal) Room 6 (63-64) Room 8 (55-58) Room 4 (Parkzaal) Room 7 (Boszaal) Room 3 (Auditorium) Room 9 (Brabantzaal) chair Daniel Horke (RU) Said Rodriguez (AMOLF) Jan Aarts (LEI) Maike Baltussen (TU/e) Valeria Garbin (TUD) Jörg Meyer (LEI) Maxime Schubiger (Nikhef) Milan Allan (LEI) Menno Veldhorst (TUD) 15.15 - 15.30 PT1.1 Koen Sponselee (University of Hamburg) Dynamics in the dissipative Fermi-Hubard model PT2.1 Gabriel Wolfgang Castellanos (TU/e) Strong light-matter coupling with electric and magnetic resonances in dielectric metasurfaces PT3.1 Evgenii Barts (RUG) Novel topological defects in iron langasites PT4.1 Andrés Aguirre-Guzmán (TU/e) Large scale vortices in rotating thermal convection PT5.1 Jeroen Rodenburg (UU) Thermodynamic variables for active Brownian particles PT6.1 Vera Janssen (LEI) 3D-ARRES: direct measurement of the 3D, unoccupied band structure of 2D materials PT7.1 Darren Scott (UvA) Model-independent descriptions of new physics PT8.1 Rubi Km (RU) Aperiodic quantum oscillations in the two-dimensional electron gas at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces PT9.1 Hamit Eren (TUD) Towards stable and permanent electrochemical doping of quantum dots via photo-polymerization 15.30 - 15.45 PT1.2 Henrik Hirzler (UvA) Buffer gas cooling of a trapped ion to the quantum regime PT2.2 Manashee Adhikary (UT) Allowed light in forbidden gaps PT3.2 Ping Zhang (RUG) Robust skyrmion-bubble textures in single SrRuO_3 thin films stabilized by magnetic anisotropy PT4.2 Ivan Girotto (TU/e) The making of a turbulent emulsions PT5.2 Christine Linne (LEI) Selective microparticle-surface binding via multivalent interactions PT6.2 Tzu-Chao Hung (RU) Real-space engineering the optoelectronic properties of single molecules PT7.2 Carsten Burgard (Nikhef) The future of Higgs and Standard Model analyses: prospects for a global EFT combination PT8.2 Talieh S. Ghiasi (RUG) Charge-to-spin conversion in two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures PT9.2 Gertjan Eenink (TUD) Hot universal quantum logic with semiconductor quantum dots 15.45 - 16.00 PT1.3 Victor Colussi (TU/e) Strongly-interacting quantum gases PT2.3 Sonakshi Arora (TUD) Visualization of edge states in topologically non-trivial photonic crystals PT3.3 Daniel Varjas (TUD) Topological quasicrystalline insulators? Topological phases without crystalline counterparts PT4.3 Amitosh Dash (TUD) Mining for new flow regimes: suspensions in Taylor-Couette flow PT5.3 Arjun Wadhawan (UvA) Unraveling the nucleation of gas hydrates PT6.3 Thomas Gardenier (UU) Characterisation of seperated s- and p-orbital bands in electronic honeycomb lattices PT7.3 Chan Wing Sheung (Nikhef) Search for lepton flavour violation in Z boson decays with the ATLAS detector PT8.3 Sander Kooi (UU) Crystalline topological phases without symmetry indicators PT9.3 Daniël Bouman (TUD) Spin triplet blockaded supercurrent in a double quantum dot 16.00 - 16.15 PT1.4 Ruud van der Beek (VU) Kicking helium atoms with light; diffraction in an optical lattice PT2.4 Ananya Ghatak (UvA) Observation of non-Hermitian topology and its bulk-edge correspondence PT3.4 Mikael Fremling (UU) Chern insulators in ln(8)/ ln(3) dimensions PT4.4 Tariq Shajahan (TUD) Turbulent sediment transport in a horizontal pipe PT5.4 Bohdan Yeroshenko (UU) Monitoring the charge of a single nanoparticle with optical tweezers electrophoresis PT6.4 Manuel Steinbrecher (RU) Electron spin resonance of an individual atom at mK temperature PT7.4 Cristina Sánchez Gras (Nikhef) Central exclusive production of J/? mesons at LHCb PT8.4 Xu Yang (RUG) One-dimensional charge transport in a two-dimensional van der Waals chiral crystal PT9.4 Damaz de Jong (TUD) Dispersive sensing of electron cotunneling between quantum dots in proximitized InAs nanowires 16.15 - 16.35 coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break 16.35 - 16.50 PT1.5 Frank Cozijn (VU) High-precision absorption spectroscopy on molecular hydrogen for tests of fundamental physics PT2.5 Igor Milov (UT) Similarity in Ru damage induced by photons with different energy: from visible light to hard X-rays PT3.5 Huaqian Leng (UvA) Superconductivity in the Dirac semimetal PdTe2 PT4.5 Tim Nijssen (TU/e) On the influence of unsteady interaction forces in liquid-solid systems PT5.5 Soumyadipta Sengupta (TU/e) Multiscale modelling of membrane interfaces for fuel cells and flow batteries PT6.5 Rinse Liefferink (UvA) New insights in the physics of ice skating PT7.5 Nadezda Proklova (RU) Search for the Z? decays of the 125 GeV Higgs boson with 139 fb-1 of pp collisions at vs = 13 TeV PT8.5 Artem Pulkin (TUD) Coupled-cluster study of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides PT9.5 Michal Pacholski (LEI) Thermo-electric transport along the vortex lattice of a Weyl superconductor 16.50 - 17.05 PT1.6 Yanning Yin (RUG) Sensitive electron-EDM measurement using a slow, intense and cold molecular beam PT2.6 Lars Loetgering (ARCNL) Novel zone plate design approaches for hyperspectral high-harmonic and soft X-ray microscopy PT3.6 Damianos Chatzopoulos (LEI) A strongly inhomogeneous superfluid in an iron-based superconductor PT4.6 Evan Milacic (TU/e) Free liquid surface in agglomerates: a numerical approach PT5.6 Guillermo Amador (TUD) Hydrodynamic shear transmission across cellular membranes PT6.6 Raisa Rudge (WUR) Rolling or sliding lubrication? How friction is reduced by hard and soft microparticle layers PT7.6 Birgit Stapf (Nikhef) Search for heavy ZZ resonances in the llvv final state with the ATLAS detector PT8.6 Sridevi Krishnamurthi (UT) Lateral heterostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides PT9.6 Mark Peeters (TU/e) Dynamics of all-optical toggle switching in ferrimagnetic Co/Gd bilayers 17.05 - 17.20 PT1.7 Tim de Jongh (RU) Resolving the onset of the resonance regime in state-to-state controlled NO-He collisions PT2.7 Jeroen Bosch (UU) Universal spectral properties of transmission channels in multiple scattering media PT3.7 Matija Culo (RU) Hall effect study of FeSe1-xSx: search for signatures of quantum criticality PT4.7 Elin Vesper (TUD) Interaction between rarefied sonic metal vapor plumes PT5.7 Aswin Muralidharan (TUD) Actin networks change cell membrane responses during application of electric pulses PT6.7 Hao Wu (UT) Energy harvesting from water droplet bouncing and sliding on charged fluoropolymer surfaces PT7.7 Michele Veronesi (Nikhef) Quantum oscillations and interference phenomena of neutral particles containing the beauty quark PT8.7 Louis Maduro (TUD) Metallic edge states in zig-zag vertically-oriented MoS2 nanowalls PT9.7 Roy op het Veld (TU/e) In-plane selective area networks (InSANe) of InSb-Al nanowires 17.20 - 17.35 PT1.8 Muhammad Ali Abbas (RU) Time-resolved mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy in an electrical discharge PT2.8 Rasmus H. Godiksen (TU/e) Correlated fluorescence fluctuations in a two-dimensional semiconductor PT3.8 Floris Balm (LEI) Isolated zeros destroy Fermi surface in holographic models with lattice PT4.8 Simone Silvestri (TUD) DNS of coupled convection and radiation on heterogeneous computing facilities PT5.8 Carmine Anzivino (UU) Equilibrium configurations and capillary interactions of Janus particles at a fluid-fluid interface PT6.8 Harshal Agrawal (AMOLF) Single crystals from solution at room temperature via assembly and epitaxy of nanocubes PT7.8 Huibert het Lam (UU) Black hole entropy from string theory PT8.8 Forrest Bradbury (UvA) An improved current standard using electron turnstiles atop superfluid helium PT9.8 Youri van Hees (TU/e) Deterministic writing of magnetization via spin current-assisted all-optical switching 17.35 - 17.50 PT1.9 Hernán Velásquez Navarro (UvA) Electronic behaviour of planar and non- planar polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PT2.9 Maarten Degen (TUD) Quantum memories for robust storage in quantum networks PT3.9 Enea Mauri (UU) Plasmons in the holographic strange metal PT4.9 Fei Xu (TUD) Blood flow patterns in the patient-specific left ventricle model with dynamic valves PT5.9 Martin Essink (UT) Universal features of sticky creases PT6.9 H. Tunç Ciftci (TU/e) Nanopatterning on polymer surfaces using a localized phase transition PT7.9 Amir Khosravi (RU) Can spacetime be discrete? PT8.9 Juriaan Lucassen (TU/e) Extraction of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction from propagating spin waves validated PT9.9 Iacopo Bertelli (TUD) Imaging coherent spin waves using electron spins in diamond PARALLEL SESSION PT1 TO PT9 FOCUS SESSION FT1 TO FT9 TUESDAY 21 JANUARY 2020 Tuesday 21 January 2020 09.30 - 10.00 Registration Limburgfoyer 10.00 - 10.10 Welcome Beneluxzaal 10.10 - 10.55 Plenary lecture: Andrea Liu (University of Pennsylvania) Beneluxzaal 11.10 - 13.10 Focus session FT1-FT9 See programme focus 13.10 - 14.00 Lunch Kempenzaal 13.20 - 14.00 NWO info session: KIC 2020-2023 and knowledge utilisation Brabantzaal 13.30 - 17.50 Art workshop (walk-in): Soft robotics art Kempenzaal ‘Get creative here’ 14.00 - 15.00 Poster session even numbers Kempenzaal 14.00 - 15.00 Science communication speed dates Limburgfoyer 15.15 - 17.50 Parallel session PT1-PT9 See programme parallel 18.15 - 20.00 Dinner Beneluxzaal 20.00 - 20.25 Award ceremony NWO Physics Prizes 2019 Beneluxzaal 20.30 - 21.15 After dinner lecture: Heino Falcke (Radboud University) Beneluxzaal 21.30 - 01.00 Bar open Baroniezaal Wednesday 22 January 2020 09.00 - 11.20 Parallel session PW1-PW9 See programme parallel 11.30 - 12.30 Poster session odd numbers Kempenzaal 11.30 - 13.30 Physics meets Industry speed dates Limburgfoyer 12.30 - 13.30 Lunch Kempenzaal 13.30 - 15.30 Focus session FW1-FW10 See programme focus 15.45 - 16.30 Plenary lecture: Rupert Huber (University of Regensburg) Beneluxzaal 16.30 - 16.35 Award ceremony Physics@Veldhoven Poster Prizes Beneluxzaal 16.35 Conclusion Beneluxzaal 16.45 Departure buses to Eindhoven Central Station Main entrance NH Koningshof PHYSICS VELDHOVEN PHYSICS VELDHOVEN

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Page 1: TUESDAY 21 JANUARY 2020 - NWO


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NWO Domain Science promotes, coordinates and finances fundamental research in the Netherlands in the exact and natural sciences. If you have any questions concerning the NWO organisation, please come and meet us at the NWO information stand in the Kempenzaal or join the NWO info session on Tuesday at 13.20 hours. More information about this session can be found in the conference app.

The Physics@Veldhoven Poster Prizes will be awarded on Wednesday at 16.30 hours. Please note: to be eligible for a Poster Prize nomination, the presenting author of the poster must be present during their appointed presentation time-frame, as well as during the Poster Prize award ceremony on Wednesday.

Our exhibition floor, where industry meets the visitors of Physics@Veldhoven. Find partners for future collaborations and expand your network!

A variety of companies is present. Come and meet ASML, Canon Production Printing, Q-corner, Single Quantum, TNO, Optics, TMC, SCM and Hamamatsu Photonics Deutschland GmbH.

The following prizes will be awarded on Tuesday evening: • NWO Physics Thesis Award • Minerva Prize• NWO Physics Valorisation Prize

All prize winners will present their prizewinning work on Wednesday in session PW9.


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NWO EVENTS APPDownload the free NWO Events app for iOS or Android! Search for ‘NWO Events’ in your app store. In the NWO Events app you will find the event Physics@Veldhoven. Once installed, all information of the Physics@Veldhoven event can be accessed offline. Now you can create your personal programme, find all the abstracts, and consult the floorplan.

session Focus session FT1 Focus session FT2 Focus session FT3 Focus session FT4 Focus session FT5 Focus session FT6 Focus session FT7 Focus session FT8 Focus session FT9

title Probing the dark sector in space and in the lab

Antiferromagnets as the next challenge in magnetism

Quantum technology prospects for the 2020’s

Hydrodynamics at all length scales: high-energy, quantum and soft matter, and industry applications

New perspectives in quantum gravity

Follow your passion. Should you? Challenges in plasma physics Machine learning for soft materials The science of diversity

location Room 10 (Baroniezaal) Room 3 (Auditorium) Room 9 (Brabantzaal) Room 2 (82-83) Room 4 (Parkzaal) Room 7 (Boszaal) Room 6 (63-64) Room 8 (55-58) Room 1 (80-81)

chair Alexey Boyarsky (LEI) Reinoud Lavrijsen (TU/e) Carlo Beenakker (LEI) Jácome Armas (UvA),Jan de Boer (UvA)

Frank Saueressig (RU) Johan Klootwijk (Philips Research / NNV) Paola Diomede (DIFFER) Corentin Coulais (UvA),Martin van Hecke (LEI)

Liesbeth Janssen (TU/e)

11.10 - 11.40 FT1.1 Gaia Lanfranchi (INFN - Laboratori Nazionali) Feebly interacting particles: experimental landscape

FT2.1 Tomas Jungwirth (Czech Academy of Sciences) Antiferromagnets for neuromorphics and opto-electronics

FT3.1 Mattias Troyer (Microsoft) Quantum computing: from academic research to solving real world problems

FT4.1 Gregory Falkovich (Weizmann Institute)Wonders of viscous electronics

FT5.1 Iosif Bena (Institut de Physique Théorique of CEA-Saclay) Black hole microstate geometries, antibranes and the deSitter landscape

11.11 - 11.25FT6.1 Niels Bultink (QuTech) Follow your passion, you should!

11.25 - 11.40FT6.2 Arjan van der Meij (Docent natuurkunde)Three reasons to be a teacher: June, July and August

FT7.1 Isabel Tanarro (Nat. Research Council of Spain) Low temperature plasmas for laboratory astrophysics

FT8.1 Shmuel Rubinstein (Harvard University)Machine learning and benchtop experiments

FT9.1 Herma Cuppen (RU)Unconscious bias in science

11.40 - 12.10 FT1.2 Joop Schaye (LEI)To better constrain fundamental physics with astronomical observations we should understand galaxies

FT2.2 Rembert Duine (UU) Magnon spin transport in antiferromagnetic insulators

FT3.2 Thomas O’Brien (LEI) Quantum computing for quantum chemistry

FT4.2 Umut Gursoy (UU) Magnetohydrodynamics and particle physics

FT5.2 Eric Bergshoeff (RUG) New avenues in non-relativistic gravity

11.40 - 11.55FT6.3 Kees Wesdorp (Philips)Having impact, leaving a legacy

11.55 - 12.10FT6.4 Mischa van der Haar (NS)

FT7.2 Ute Ebert (CWI)Lightning physics – new observations and puzzles

FT8.2 Marjolein Dijkstra (UU)Machine learning and inverse design of soft materials

FT9.2 Petra Rudolf (RUG), Jasper Knoester (RUG)Making diversity work: a long-term project

12.10 - 12.40 FT1.3 Christoph Weniger (UvA)Uncovering dark matter with deep learning

FT2.3 Alexey Kimel (RU) Antiferromagnetic opto-spintronics

FT3.3 Florian Schreck (UvA) Quantum sensing with ultracold atoms

FT4.3 Luca Giomi (LEI)Hydrodynamics of collective cell behavior: the good, the bad and the chiral

FT5.3 Anupam Mazumdar (RUG) Shedding light on quantum aspects of gravity in a laboratory

12.10 - 12.25FT6.5 Natasja Jovanovic (Bloomon)

12.25 - 12.40FT6.6 Fiona van der Burgt (Wheather Impact)Physics@Africa

FT7.3 Josefine Proll (TU/e)On the path to an optimised fusion reactor

FT8.3 Miguel Bessa (TUD)Machine learning in metamaterial design: fragile becomes super-compressible

12.10 - 13.10FT9.4 Wim van Saarloos (LEI), Diederik Jekel (NNV), Evangelia Demerouti (TU/e), Herma Cuppen (RU), Petra Rudolf (RUG)Panel discussion

12.40 - 13.10 FT1.4 Patrick Decowski (UvA/Nikhef)Detecting dark matter directly

FT2.4 Bert Koopmans (TU/e) Synthetic antiferromagnets for advanced spintronic control

FT3.4 Stephanie Wehner (TUD) Towards a quantum internet

FT4.4 Federico Toschi (TU/e)Complex flows of complex fluids

FT5.4 Renate Loll (RU) Addressing foundational challenges of quantum gravity

12.40 - 12.55FT6.7 Eduard Meijer (Máxima MC)Clinical Physics: work with passion!

12.55 - 13.10FT6.8 Hassan El Barakat (Signify)Follow your passion

FT7.4 Ana Sobota (TU/e)Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasmas for medicine

FT8.4 Tristan Bereau (UvA)Physics in and out of machine learning for molecular simulations: priors and predictive constraints

session Parallel session PT1 Parallel session PT2 Parallel session PT3 Parallel session PT4 Parallel session PT5 Parallel session PT6 Parallel session PT7 Parallel session PT8 Parallel session PT9

title Atomic, molecular and optical physics I

Light and matter I Strongly correlated systems I Physics of fluids I Statistical physics and soft condensed matter I

Surfaces and interfaces I Subatomic physics I Nanoscience and -technology I Nanoscience and -technology II

location Room 1 (80-81) Room 2 (82-83) Room 10 (Baroniezaal) Room 6 (63-64) Room 8 (55-58) Room 4 (Parkzaal) Room 7 (Boszaal) Room 3 (Auditorium) Room 9 (Brabantzaal)

chair Daniel Horke (RU) Said Rodriguez (AMOLF) Jan Aarts (LEI) Maike Baltussen (TU/e) Valeria Garbin (TUD) Jörg Meyer (LEI) Maxime Schubiger (Nikhef) Milan Allan (LEI) Menno Veldhorst (TUD)

15.15 - 15.30 PT1.1 Koen Sponselee (University of Hamburg)Dynamics in the dissipative Fermi-Hubard model

PT2.1 Gabriel Wolfgang Castellanos (TU/e)Strong light-matter coupling with electric and magnetic resonances in dielectric metasurfaces

PT3.1 Evgenii Barts (RUG)Novel topological defects in iron langasites

PT4.1 Andrés Aguirre-Guzmán (TU/e)Large scale vortices in rotating thermal convection

PT5.1 Jeroen Rodenburg (UU)Thermodynamic variables for active Brownian particles

PT6.1 Vera Janssen (LEI)3D-ARRES: direct measurement of the 3D, unoccupied band structure of 2D materials

PT7.1 Darren Scott (UvA)Model-independent descriptions of new physics

PT8.1 Rubi Km (RU)Aperiodic quantum oscillations in the two-dimensional electron gas at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces

PT9.1 Hamit Eren (TUD)Towards stable and permanent electrochemical doping of quantum dots via photo-polymerization

15.30 - 15.45 PT1.2 Henrik Hirzler (UvA)Buffer gas cooling of a trapped ion to the quantum regime

PT2.2 Manashee Adhikary (UT)Allowed light in forbidden gaps

PT3.2 Ping Zhang (RUG)Robust skyrmion-bubble textures in single SrRuO_3 thin films stabilized by magnetic anisotropy

PT4.2 Ivan Girotto (TU/e)The making of a turbulent emulsions

PT5.2 Christine Linne (LEI)Selective microparticle-surface binding via multivalent interactions

PT6.2 Tzu-Chao Hung (RU)Real-space engineering the optoelectronic properties of single molecules

PT7.2 Carsten Burgard (Nikhef)The future of Higgs and Standard Model analyses: prospects for a global EFT combination

PT8.2 Talieh S. Ghiasi (RUG)Charge-to-spin conversion in two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures

PT9.2 Gertjan Eenink (TUD)Hot universal quantum logic with semiconductor quantum dots

15.45 - 16.00 PT1.3 Victor Colussi (TU/e)Strongly-interacting quantum gases

PT2.3 Sonakshi Arora (TUD)Visualization of edge states in topologically non-trivial photonic crystals

PT3.3 Daniel Varjas (TUD)Topological quasicrystalline insulators? Topological phases without crystalline counterparts

PT4.3 Amitosh Dash (TUD)Mining for new flow regimes: suspensions in Taylor-Couette flow

PT5.3 Arjun Wadhawan (UvA)Unraveling the nucleation of gas hydrates

PT6.3 Thomas Gardenier (UU)Characterisation of seperated s- and p-orbital bands in electronic honeycomb lattices

PT7.3 Chan Wing Sheung (Nikhef) Search for lepton flavour violation in Z boson decays with the ATLAS detector

PT8.3 Sander Kooi (UU)Crystalline topological phases without symmetry indicators

PT9.3 Daniël Bouman (TUD)Spin triplet blockaded supercurrent in a double quantum dot

16.00 - 16.15 PT1.4 Ruud van der Beek (VU)Kicking helium atoms with light; diffraction in an optical lattice

PT2.4 Ananya Ghatak (UvA)Observation of non-Hermitian topology and its bulk-edge correspondence

PT3.4 Mikael Fremling (UU)Chern insulators in ln(8)/ ln(3) dimensions

PT4.4 Tariq Shajahan (TUD)Turbulent sediment transport in a horizontal pipe

PT5.4 Bohdan Yeroshenko (UU)Monitoring the charge of a single nanoparticle with optical tweezers electrophoresis

PT6.4 Manuel Steinbrecher (RU)Electron spin resonance of an individual atom at mK temperature

PT7.4 Cristina Sánchez Gras (Nikhef)Central exclusive production of J/? mesons at LHCb

PT8.4 Xu Yang (RUG)One-dimensional charge transport in a two-dimensional van der Waals chiral crystal

PT9.4 Damaz de Jong (TUD)Dispersive sensing of electron cotunneling between quantum dots in proximitized InAs nanowires

16.15 - 16.35 coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break

16.35 - 16.50 PT1.5 Frank Cozijn (VU)High-precision absorption spectroscopy on molecular hydrogen for tests of fundamental physics

PT2.5 Igor Milov (UT)Similarity in Ru damage induced by photons with different energy: from visible light to hard X-rays

PT3.5 Huaqian Leng (UvA)Superconductivity in the Dirac semimetal PdTe2

PT4.5 Tim Nijssen (TU/e)On the influence of unsteady interaction forces in liquid-solid systems

PT5.5 Soumyadipta Sengupta (TU/e)Multiscale modelling of membrane interfaces for fuel cells and flow batteries

PT6.5 Rinse Liefferink (UvA)New insights in the physics of ice skating

PT7.5 Nadezda Proklova (RU)Search for the Z? decays of the 125 GeV Higgs boson with 139 fb-1 of pp collisions at vs = 13 TeV

PT8.5 Artem Pulkin (TUD)Coupled-cluster study of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides

PT9.5 Michal Pacholski (LEI)Thermo-electric transport along the vortex lattice of a Weyl superconductor

16.50 - 17.05 PT1.6 Yanning Yin (RUG)Sensitive electron-EDM measurement using a slow, intense and cold molecular beam

PT2.6 Lars Loetgering (ARCNL)Novel zone plate design approaches for hyperspectral high-harmonic and soft X-ray microscopy

PT3.6 Damianos Chatzopoulos (LEI)A strongly inhomogeneous superfluid in an iron-based superconductor

PT4.6 Evan Milacic (TU/e)Free liquid surface in agglomerates: a numerical approach

PT5.6 Guillermo Amador (TUD)Hydrodynamic shear transmission across cellular membranes

PT6.6 Raisa Rudge (WUR)Rolling or sliding lubrication? How friction is reduced by hard and soft microparticle layers

PT7.6 Birgit Stapf (Nikhef)Search for heavy ZZ resonances in the llvv final state with the ATLAS detector

PT8.6 Sridevi Krishnamurthi (UT)Lateral heterostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides

PT9.6 Mark Peeters (TU/e)Dynamics of all-optical toggle switching in ferrimagnetic Co/Gd bilayers

17.05 - 17.20 PT1.7 Tim de Jongh (RU) Resolving the onset of the resonance regime in state-to-state controlled NO-He collisions

PT2.7 Jeroen Bosch (UU)Universal spectral properties of transmission channels in multiple scattering media

PT3.7 Matija Culo (RU)Hall effect study of FeSe1-xSx: search for signatures of quantum criticality

PT4.7 Elin Vesper (TUD)Interaction between rarefied sonic metal vapor plumes

PT5.7 Aswin Muralidharan (TUD)Actin networks change cell membrane responses during application of electric pulses

PT6.7 Hao Wu (UT)Energy harvesting from water droplet bouncing and sliding on charged fluoropolymer surfaces

PT7.7 Michele Veronesi (Nikhef)Quantum oscillations and interference phenomena of neutral particles containing the beauty quark

PT8.7 Louis Maduro (TUD)Metallic edge states in zig-zag vertically-oriented MoS2 nanowalls

PT9.7 Roy op het Veld (TU/e)In-plane selective area networks (InSANe) of InSb-Al nanowires

17.20 - 17.35 PT1.8 Muhammad Ali Abbas (RU)Time-resolved mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy in an electrical discharge

PT2.8 Rasmus H. Godiksen (TU/e)Correlated fluorescence fluctuations in a two-dimensional semiconductor

PT3.8 Floris Balm (LEI)Isolated zeros destroy Fermi surface in holographic models with lattice

PT4.8 Simone Silvestri (TUD)DNS of coupled convection and radiation on heterogeneous computing facilities

PT5.8 Carmine Anzivino (UU)Equilibrium configurations and capillary interactions of Janus particles at a fluid-fluid interface

PT6.8 Harshal Agrawal (AMOLF)Single crystals from solution at room temperature via assembly and epitaxy of nanocubes

PT7.8 Huibert het Lam (UU)Black hole entropy from string theory

PT8.8 Forrest Bradbury (UvA)An improved current standard using electron turnstiles atop superfluid helium

PT9.8 Youri van Hees (TU/e)Deterministic writing of magnetization via spin current-assisted all-optical switching

17.35 - 17.50 PT1.9 Hernán Velásquez Navarro (UvA)Electronic behaviour of planar and non-planar polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

PT2.9 Maarten Degen (TUD)Quantum memories for robust storage in quantum networks

PT3.9 Enea Mauri (UU)Plasmons in the holographic strange metal

PT4.9 Fei Xu (TUD)Blood flow patterns in the patient-specific left ventricle model with dynamic valves

PT5.9 Martin Essink (UT)Universal features of sticky creases

PT6.9 H. Tunç Ciftci (TU/e)Nanopatterning on polymer surfaces using a localized phase transition

PT7.9 Amir Khosravi (RU)Can spacetime be discrete?

PT8.9 Juriaan Lucassen (TU/e)Extraction of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction from propagating spin waves validated

PT9.9 Iacopo Bertelli (TUD)Imaging coherent spin waves using electron spins in diamond



Tuesday 21 January 2020

09.30 - 10.00 Registration Limburgfoyer

10.00 - 10.10 Welcome Beneluxzaal

10.10 - 10.55Plenary lecture: Andrea Liu (University of Pennsylvania) Beneluxzaal

11.10 - 13.10 Focus session FT1-FT9 See programme focus

13.10 - 14.00 Lunch Kempenzaal

13.20 - 14.00NWO info session: KIC 2020-2023 and knowledge utilisation Brabantzaal

13.30 - 17.50Art workshop (walk-in): Soft robotics art

Kempenzaal ‘Get creative here’

14.00 - 15.00 Poster session even numbers Kempenzaal

14.00 - 15.00 Science communication speed dates Limburgfoyer

15.15 - 17.50 Parallel session PT1-PT9 See programme parallel

18.15 - 20.00 Dinner Beneluxzaal

20.00 - 20.25Award ceremony NWO Physics Prizes 2019 Beneluxzaal

20.30 - 21.15After dinner lecture: Heino Falcke (Radboud University) Beneluxzaal

21.30 - 01.00 Bar open Baroniezaal

Wednesday 22 January 2020

09.00 - 11.20 Parallel session PW1-PW9 See programme parallel

11.30 - 12.30 Poster session odd numbers Kempenzaal

11.30 - 13.30 Physics meets Industry speed dates Limburgfoyer

12.30 - 13.30 Lunch Kempenzaal

13.30 - 15.30 Focus session FW1-FW10 See programme focus

15.45 - 16.30Plenary lecture: Rupert Huber (University of Regensburg) Beneluxzaal

16.30 - 16.35Award ceremony Physics@Veldhoven Poster Prizes Beneluxzaal

16.35 Conclusion Beneluxzaal

16.45Departure buses to Eindhoven Central Station

Main entrance NH Koningshof

















Page 2: TUESDAY 21 JANUARY 2020 - NWO

session Parallel session PW1 Parallel session PW2 Parallel session PW3 Parallel session PW4 Parallel session PW5 Parallel session PW6 Parallel session PW7 Parallel session PW8 Parallel session PW9

title Atomic, molecular and optical physics II

Light and matter II Strongly correlated systems II Physics of fluids II Subatomic physics II & Surfaces and interfaces II

Statistical physics and soft condensed matter II

Plasma and fusion physics Nanoscience and -technology III Prize winners & Nanoscience and -technology IV

location Room 9 (Brabantzaal) Room 2 (82-83) Room 1 (80-81) Room 7 (Boszaal) Room 3 (Auditorium) Room 4 (Parkzaal) Room 6 (63-64) Room 8 (55-58) Room 10 (Baroniezaal)

chair Richard Hildner (RUG),Katharina Doblhoff-Dier (LEI)

Rebecca Saive (UT) Nadine Hauptmann (RU) Guillaume Lajoinie (UT) Meike Stöhr (RUG),Suzan Basegmez du Pree (Nikhef/Cern)

Laura Filion (UU) Jannis Teunissen (CWI),Thomas Morgan (CWI)

Wolfgang Löffler (LEI) Tamalika Banerjee (RUG)

09.00 - 09.15 PW1.1 Marten Koopmans (RUG)Charge transport in highly doped organic semiconductors limited by Coulomb pseudo-gap

PW2.1 Sudeshna Maity (VU)Visualizing polaron signatures in organic semiconductors

PW3.1 Thierry van Thiel (TUD)Coupling lattice instabilities at oxide interfaces

PW4.1 Thijs de Goede (UvA)Solving crimes with blood. the splashing and spreading of (blood) droplets

PW5.1 Milo Vermeulen (Nikhef)Handles on the pi0 in DUNE and ProtoDUNE

PW6.1 Emanuele Boattini (UU)Classifying local structures in colloidal systems using unsupervised machine learning

PW7.1 Andy Martinez (CWI)Understanding discharge inception in air using high-voltage experiments and PIC simulations

PW8.1 Federico Galeotti (TU/e)A nano opto-electro-mechanical transducer for nanoscale displacement sensing

PW9.1 Hugo Doeleman (ETH Zürich)Winner Physics Thesis Award: When two is better than one. hybrid resonators for strong light-matter interactions

09.15 - 09.30 PW1.2 Koen Heijmans (TU/e)Molecular simulations for composite and doped thermochemical materials

PW2.2 Martha Rivera-Medina (RUG)2D/3D hybrid-halide perovskites for promising blue-light-emitting diodes

PW3.2 Robbert Schoo (TU/e)Charge ordering mechanisms in partially hydrogenated, compressed graphene on SiC

PW4.2 Wojciech Kwiecinski (UT)Evaporation of dilute sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) droplets on a hydrophobic substrate

PW5.2 Alfonso Garcia (Nikhef)Results using first detector units from KM3NeT experiment

PW6.2 Massimiliano Chiappini (UU)Exotic nematic phases of banana-shaped particles revealed by lifting the “smectic blanket”

PW7.2 John Sheil (ARCNL)Opacities of laser-produced Sn plasmas and their relevance for next-generation nanolithography

PW8.2 Tomas Manzaneque (TUD)Mass resolution limits of nanomechanical resonators in closed loop

PW9.2 Federica Burla (AMOLF)Winner Minerva Prize. Stress management in composite biopolymer networks

09.30 - 09.45 PW1.3 Luis Enrique Aguilar Suarez (RUG)Singlet fission materials for enhancing solar cell efficienc: a theoretical study

PW2.3 Isabelle Palstra (AMOLF)An unbiased view on perovskite quantum dot intermittency by changepoint analysis

PW3.3 David Soriano (RU)Unveiling magnetic exchange mechanisms in monolayer CrX3

PW4.3 Bo Liu (ARCNL)Mass loss from a semi-transparent stretching sheet of liquid tin

PW5.3 Peter Gaemers (Nikhef)First observation of two-neutrino double electron capture in 124Xe with XENON1T

PW6.3 Vincent Peters (TU/e)Multi-phase coexistence in rod-polymer mixtures

PW7.3 Carl Shneider (CWI)Tomorrow’s space weather: a deep learning approach to forecast geo-effective solar storms

PW8.3 Philip Lucke (UT)Adaptive piezoelectric actuators for XUV wavelengths and scaling of hysteresis

PW9.3 Ron Heeren (Maastricht University)Translational Molecular imaging: how a physicist contributes to personalized medicine

09.45 - 10.00 PW1.4 Carolyn Jil Moll (AMOLF)Anomalous structure of water in between a hyperactive antifreeze protein and the surface of ice

PW2.4 Nasim Tavakoli (AMOLF)Hyperuniform designs for enhanced light trapping in ultrathin single and tandem solar cells

PW3.4 Natalia Chepiga (UvA)Simulating constrained models with tensor networks

PW4.4 Walter Tewes (UT)Self-similar coalescence of liquid lenses

PW5.4 Cornelis Ligtenberg (Nikhef)A pixel TPC readout for a detector at a future e+e- linear collider

PW6.4 Hamed Abbaszadeh (LEI)Liquid-crystal based photonic topological insulators

PW7.4 Aaron Ho (DIFFER)Accelerating tokamak plasma turbulence predictions through the use of neural networks

PW8.4 Anne-Marije Zwerver (TUD)Industrial quantum dot arrays for spin-qubit quantum computation by all-optical 300mm lithography

PW9.4 Hugo Doeleman (ETH Zürich)Federica Burla (AMOLF)Ron Heeren (Maastricht University)Meet and greet prize winners

10.00 - 10.20 coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break

10.20 - 10.35 PW1.5 Sophie Hermans (TUD)Entanglement between a diamond spin qubit and a photonic time-bin qubit at telecom wavelength

PW2.5 Carl Davies (RU)Plasmonic layer-selective all-optical switching of magnetization with nanometer resolution

PW3.5 Oleksandr Gamayun (UvA)Modeling finite entropy states with free fermions

PW4.5 Pablo Peñas (UT)Ultrasound-enhanced mass transfer during single-bubble diffusive growth and dissolution

PW5.5 Seenivasan Hariharan (LEI)Vibrational lifetimes of surface phonons from molecular dynamics simulations: Rayleigh mode on copper

PW6.5 Brice Saint-Michel (TUD)Acoustic excitation of small bubbles in yield-stress fluids

PW7.5 Timo Ravensbergen (DIFFER)Feedback control of the impurity emission front during divertor detachment in tokamaks

PW8.5 Guanqiao Li (RU)THz emission spectroscopy as an ampermeter of subpicosecond photocurrents in Co/Pt

PW9.5 Qikai Guo (RUG)Tunable resistivity exponents in the metallic phase of epitaxial nickelates

10.35 - 10.50 PW1.6 Sebastian Stäter (RUG)Towards directed exciton energy transport in supramolecular poly(3 hexylthiophene)-nanofibres

PW2.6 Rifat Kamarudheen (DIFFER)Plasmon-driven synthesis of single core@shell nanoparticles

PW3.6 Wouter Buijsman (UvA)Gumbel statistics for entanglement spectra of many-body localized eigenstates

PW4.6 Vignesh Murali (TU/e)Infrared thermograpy of sorptive heating of thin porous media

PW5.6 Yigitcan Uzun (UT)Acoustoelectric transport at the LAO/STO interface by surface acoustic waves

PW6.6 Kianoosh Taghizadeh (UT)Elasticity and wave propagation in granular materials

PW7.6 Peter Rindt (TU/e)Liquid metal and 3D-printed tungsten: solving the heat load problem in fusion reactors

PW8.6 Sourav Maiti (TUD)Dynamics of singlet fission in tetracene and triplet transfer to silicon

PW9.6 Andreas Wallucks (TUD)An optomechanical quantum memory at telecom wavelengths

10.50 - 11.05 PW1.7 Gerwin Osnabrugge (UT) Maximizing the field-of-view of optical microscopes using scattered wave correlations

PW2.7 Patrick Spaeth (LEI)Photothermal circular dichroism: a new technique to study chirality

PW3.7 Joris Kattemölle (UvA)Dynamical fidelity susceptibility of decoherence-free subspaces

PW4.7 Andrei Kozhevnikov (TU/e)Influence of the recoating parameters in stereolithography on the liquid layer uniformity

PW5.7 Brian Baker (RUG)On-surface atom exchange reactions in cyanophenyl and pyridyl-functionalized porphyrin networks

PW6.7 Corrado Rainone (UvA)What can we learn from pinching a glass?

PW7.7 Ray Chandra (DIFFER)Plasma exhaust for fusion reactors: numerical simulation and comparison with plasma beam experiments

PW8.7 Marco Valenti (AMOLF)Electrochemical growth of III-V photonic crystal slabs

PW9.7 Xukai Zhang (RUG)Precipitate evolution in ultra-low loss transformer core steel

11.05 - 11.20 PW1.8 Vitaly Fedoseev (LEI)High efficiency coherent state transfer in optomechanics

PW2.8 Matthias Liebtrau (AMOLF)Spatial mapping of nano-scale plasmonic near-fields with electrons

PW3.8 Bart van Voorden (UvA)Quantum many-body scars from a single particle perspective

PW4.8 Abel-John Buchner (TUD)Near-surface kinematics of a model swimming organism at low Reynolds number

PW5.8 Mahesh Krishna Prabhu (LEI)Operando observation of CoMoS catalyst under hydrodesulfurization conditions using the ReactorSTM

PW6.8 Joep Rouwhorst (UvA)Visualizing the internal fracture mechanism of soft composite materials

PW7.8 Wei Ou (DIFFER)Deuterium retention in liquid metal (Li&Sn) samples exposed to fusion-relevant flux plasmas

PW8.8 Elham Fadaly (TU/e)Efficient direct bandgap emission from hexagonal SiGe

PW9.8 Christian Dieleman (AMOLF)Direct patterning of semiconductor nanocrystals by e-beam lithography

11.20 - 11.35 PW7.9 Isabel Krebs (DIFFER)Theoretical model for magnetic flux pumping in hybrid tokamak discharges


Room Focussession




1 (80-81) FT9 PT1 FW5 PW3

2 (82-83) FT4 PT2 FW2 PW2

3 (Auditorium) FT2 PT8 FW6 PW5

4 (Parkzaal) FT5 PT6 FW7 PW6

5 (65) - - FW9 -

6 (63-64) FT7 PT4 FW1 PW7

7 (Boszaal) FT6 PT7 FW3 PW4

8 (55-58) FT8 PT5 FW4 PW8

9 (Brabantzaal) FT3 PT9 FW8 PW1

10 (Baroniezaal) FT1 PT3 FW10 PW9

11 (Limburgfoyer) Communication speed dates

Physics meets industry speed dates

session Focus session FW1 Focus session FW2 Focus session FW3 Focus session FW4 Focus session FW5 Focus session FW6 Focus session FW7 Focus session FW8 Focus session FW9 Focus session FW10

title High-harmonic generation sources for lensless imaging and diffraction metrology

Contact materials and interfaces for perovskite solar cells

HFML-FELIX: matter under extreme conditions of intense infrared radiation and high magnetic fields

Mysterious puzzles in particle physics

Iontronics from a nanoscale perspective

Physics meets math Science communication Correlated quantum phenomena in novel 2D materials

Physics meets Industry Physics for energy

location Room 6 (63-64) Room 2 (82-83) Room 7 (Boszaal) Room 8 (55-58) Room 1 (80-81) Room 3 (Auditorium) Room 4 (Parkzaal) Room 9 (Brabantzaal) Room 5 (65) Room 10 (Baroniezaal)

chair Peter Kraus (ARCNL) Monica Morales Masis (UT),Sjoerd Veenstra (Solliance)

Moniek Tromp (RUG) Niels Tuning (Nikhef),Marcel Merk (Nikhef)

René van Roij (UU),Sanli Faez (UU)

Walter van Suijlekom (RU),Kees Storm (TU/e)

Pam van Schouten (NWO Office)

Nadine Hauptmann (RU),Malte Rösner (RU)

Bram Borkent (NWO Office) Richard van de Sanden (DIFFER)

13.30 - 14.00 FW1.1 Stefan Witte (ARCNL) Lensless imaging with coherent extreme ultraviolet radiation

FW2.1 Stefaan de Wolf (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) Defect and contact passivation for perovskite solar cells

FW3.1 Britta Redlich (RU) HFML-FELIX: Matter under extreme conditions of intense infrared radiation and high magnetic fields

FW4.1 Gudrun Hiller (TU Dortmund) Directions for physics beyond the Standard Model

FW5.1 Lydéric Bocquet (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris) Water flows at ultimate scales and exotic ionic transport

13.30 - 13.45FW6.1 Francesca Arici (LEI) Operator algebras and quantum theory

13.45 - 14.00FW6.2 Jan Bouwe van Berg (VU)Symmetric energy-minimizing structures in the Ohta-Kawasaki model for diblock copolymers

FW7.1 Julia Cramer (LEI) Is the Netherlands quantum ready? About attitude and acceptance of societal groups

FW8.1 Maciej Koperski (University of Manchester) Thin layers of CrBr3 and CrI3: reconnaissance ventures into 2D magnetism

FW9.1 Erwin Kessels (TU/e) Atomic-layer-deposited nanolayers enabling higher efficiency solar cells at your roof

FW10.1 Andrea Baldi (DIFFER) Plasmonics for chemistry: sensing and driving chemical reactions at the nanoscale using light

14.00 - 14.30 FW1.2 Cord Louis Arnold (Lund University)Spatiotemporal coupling of attosecond pulses

FW2.2 Loredana Protesescu (RUG)From conventional colloidal nanocrystals to novel nano-heterostructures for energy applications

FW3.2 Alexander Brinkman (UT)Quantum transport in high fields

FW4.2 Kjeld Eikema (VU)The proton radius puzzle - testing fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy

FW5.2 Esther Alarcón-Lladó (AMOLF)Probing ion dynamics at the solid-liquid interface with an electrochemical force microscope

FW6.3 Lydia Bieri (University of Michigan)Insights into the gravitational wave memory effect

FW7.2 Maria Sovago (Stralia)Science on stage: transferable skills for any 21st century scientist

FW8.2 Brian Kiraly (RU)Interplay between moiré structure and electronic instabilities in monolayer vanadium sulfide

FW9.2 Daniel Bonn (UvA)The physics of blood pattern analysis: CSI Amsterdam

FW10.2 Jonathan Citrin (DIFFER)Fast and accurate turbulence modelling for fusion plasmas with neural networks

14.30 - 15.00 FW1.3 Robert Riedel (Class 5 Photonics GmbH)Femtosecond 100 W-level OPCPAs from near-IR to short-wave-IR wavelengths as HHG driver sources

FW2.3 Mariadriana Creatore (TU/e)Design of interfaces in hybrid perovskite solar cells by atomic layer deposition

FW3.3 Filip Cuyckens (Janssen R&D)Infrared ion spectroscopy: a promising tool for metabolite identification

FW4.3 Miriam Lucio Martinez (Nikhef)Anomalies in quark flavour physics

FW5.3 Michel Orrit (LEI)Towards optical probing and manipulation of single molecules with gold nanoparticles

14.30 - 14.45FW6.4 Timon Idema (TUD)The maths of membranes: differential geometry in living cells

14.45 - 15.00FW6.5 Maris Ozols (UvA)Undecidability and quantum mechanics

FW7.3 Diederik Jekel (NNV)How to communicate your science!

FW8.3 Jasper van Wezel (UvA)Charge order in real (2D) materials

FW9.3 Jacob Hoogenboom (TUD)From milimeter to molecule: multi-scale, multi-modal micro-scopy with photons and electrons

FW10.3 Süleyman Er (DIFFER)Autonomous energy materials discovery

15.00 - 15.30 FW1.4 Christina Porter (University of Colorado at Boul)Quantitative lensless imaging reflectometry using tabletop high harmonic EUV light

FW2.4 Erik Garnett (AMOLF)Understanding halide perovskites at the nanoscale

FW3.4 Ben Murdin (University of Surrey)Orbit and spin dynamics in silicon donors: high fields and THz pulses for the when, where and how

FW4.4 Daan van Eijk (Nikhef)Mysteries in neutrino oscillations

FW5.4 Serge Lemay (UT)Electrochemistry in micro- and nanochannels controlled by streaming potentials

FW6.6 Stephanie Wehner (TUD)Post-disciplinary quantum science: quantum information in context

FW6.7 Margot Snel (NWO)NWO info talk

FW7.4 Maarten van der Sanden (TUD)Catch the waves

FW8.4 Jianting Ye (RUG)Ising superconductivity in 2D materials

FW9.4 Team Somni Solutions10 years of Physics with Industry – the Case of Somni Corporation

FW10.4 Richard Stevens (UT)Flow structure and turbulence in wind farms





































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