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1/60 Tsinghua Retarget Open64 to an Embedded CPU A practice for automatic approach SS&SE Group (System Software & Software Engineering ) Department of Computer Science and Technology Tsinghua University

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Page 1: Tsinghua 1/60 Retarget Open64 to an Embedded CPU  A practice for automatic approach SS&SE Group (System Software & Software Engineering ) Department of



Retarget Open64 to an Embedded CPU

A practice for automatic approach

SS&SE Group(System Software & Software Engineering )

Department of Computer Science and Technology

Tsinghua University

Page 2: Tsinghua 1/60 Retarget Open64 to an Embedded CPU  A practice for automatic approach SS&SE Group (System Software & Software Engineering ) Department of



Overview of the Current Design

Prototype System

Background and Motivation




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Why Open64

Background and Motivation

Not Difficult retarget manually

• Based on a short procedure guideline and some guidance, one of our students had made a preliminary retarget of Open64 to PowerPC within 6 weeks

• Work is still laborious and tedious

changes are scattered in many places

wrong results due to erroneous changes are hard to find for a new developer

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Why Open64

Background and Motivation

Good Research Platform for Automatic Retarget and Computer Architecture

• High level IR (WHIRL) is machine independent.

• Performance of code generated is already of high quality right after retarget

• There is no contribution in open source to explore automatic retarget. It brings an “clean” platform to research on computer architecture and ISA enhancement

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Our Current Practice

Background and Motivation


• Explore a reasonable solution to automatic retarget for Open64 without changing the current CG framework

• Experience a realistic new target CPU (we chose PowerPC)

• Seek more opportunities in research about automatic retarget (software engineering, machine description, etc.)

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Our Current Practice

Background and Motivation


• A preliminary solution to automatic retarget (exercised with PowerPC)

Overview of the Current Design follows

• A Prototype system

Prototype System will be discussed later

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design

Principle of Current Design

Keep the basic structure unchanged

Determine automatable part incrementally

Make machine description as abstract as possible

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design Flowchart of Code Generator From Tutorial on the SGI Pro64 Compiler Infrastructure by Gao et. al., PACT 2000

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design

Targeting Pro64 to a New Processor From Tutorial on the SGI Pro64 Compiler Infrastructure by Gao et. al., PACT 2000

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design

Automation retarget approach

Generate target information including ISA information and some ABI information from machine description automatically

Produce expanding code automatically by using Olive tool (Steve Tjiang) as the code-generator generator

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design

Machine Description

Regular Target Information (ISA, ABI, etc. to generate TARG_INFO)

Tree Patterns for WHIRL Operators (to generate Olive rules)


• Information for other retargetable part

• Abstract model for processor properties (to be developed)

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design Design of Prototype System


Framework for Olive




ParserA ParserB

Complete manually Code Generator Generator

C source programsto collect

target information

C source programsto perform

code generation

Regular target informationTree patterns

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design

Regular Target Information Description

ISA information

• Registers, Operators, Operands, …

ABI information

• Calling convention, …

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design


{SECTION "architecture" ARCH = "PPC32";END}{SECTION “registers“ ……END}{SECTION “operands“ ……END}……{SECTION "abi_properties" …… END}……

Regular Target Information Description

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design

Files Produced from Machine Description By Regular Target Information ( ParserB )

• isa_registers.cxx, isa_operands.cxx, isa_subset.cxx, isa_bundle.cxx, isa_decode.cxx, isa_enums.cxx, isa_print.cxx, isa_properties.cxx, isa_pseudo.cxx, isa_hazards.cxx, isa_lits.cxx, isa_pack.cxx, isa.cxx,

(under ../common/targ_info/isa/)

• abi_properties.cxx

(under ../common/targ_info/abi/)

• proc_properties.cxx, proc.cxx, (PPC specific)ppc_si.cxx

(under ../common/targ_info/proc/) /*To do*/

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design

Produce expanding code automatically

Olive tool

• Code generator generator

• A follow-up to Aho, Ganapathi & Tjiang's TWIG [TOPLAS89]

• Generate C source program to perform optimal instruction selection

( the program implements dynamic programming algorithm with cost function, performing tree pattern matching and graph covering )

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design Produce expanding code automatically

Grammar for Olive Rules

rule nonterm tree [cost] actiontree term ( tree_list ) term nontermtreelist tree_list , child childchild tree _cost C-code C-expraction C-code

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design

Produce expanding code automatically

Expand WHIRL to TOP

• Produce the expander by Olive

• Input VL-WHIRL tree to the expander (Very Low WHIRL, some registers are exposed)

• The expander produces TOP instruction sequence equivalent to the input WHIRL tree semantically (TOP CGIR-level abstraction)

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design

Produce expanding code automatically

Expand WHIRL to TOP

• Only expand expressions in the current design

• Why not expanding the whole tree?

Tradeoff benefit change proportion of original CG structure how easy in writing Olive rules

• To investigate further on this in the future

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design

2-Stage Editing for Olive rules

• Stage 1: Abstract description of Olive rules (tree patterns) which will produce the framework used in the next stage

• Stage 2: Fill uncompleted Olive rules in the framework description for the specific target

Produce expanding code automatically

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design

Stage 1

• Ex.1 Abstract description of a special Olive rule

#reg : I4ADD(reg, reg)(I4ADD res(0, reg, int32); src(0, reg, int32); src(1, reg, int32);=> "add res(0) src(0) src(1)" 1


Cost(count of cycles)

2-Stage Editing for Olive rules

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design

• Ex.1 A Olive rule automatically produced by the special Olive rule above

Framework Description Produced by ParserA

reg : I4ADD(reg, reg){ $cost[0].cost = 1 + $cost[2].cost + $cost[3].cost; }

= {$action[2](ops);

$action[3](ops); $0->result = Build_TN_Of_Mtype (WN_rtype($0->wn)); Build_OP(TOP_add, $0->result, $2->result, $3->result, ops); }

2-Stage Editing for Olive rules

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design

• Ex.2 Abstract description of a general Olive rule (for PowerPC)

# reg : I4F8TRUNC(f8reg) (=>)

Stage 1

2-Stage Editing for Olive rules

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design

• Ex. 2 A Olive rule automatically produced by the general Olive rule above (which is an uncompleted Olive rule)

reg : I4F8TRUNC(f8reg){

} = { }

Framework Description Produced by ParserA

2-Stage Editing for Olive rules

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design

Stage 2

• Complete uncompleted Olive rules

2-Stage Editing for Olive rules

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TsinghuaOverview of the Current Design

By Olive Rules

• Update Expand_Expr( )

(under ../be/cg/whirl2ops.cxx)

• Replace expand.cxx, exp_loadstore.cxx, exp_divrem.cxx, exp_branch.cxx, etc.

(under ../be/cg/ppc32/, where ppc32 is target specific)

Files Produced from Machine Description

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TsinghuaPrototype System

Prototype for Retargeting to PowerPc

Connect the Machine Description

Get regular target information from the machine description and distribute them into source trees (in proper form)

Expand WHIRL to TOP

Expander is produced automatically by the Olive tool, to which specific Olive rules is input

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TsinghuaPrototype System

Description for Regular Target Information

ISA and ABI Information

Syntax definition reflects directly the data organization in source code where these information is processed

To be further improved in the future

Connecting to the Compiler

The parser, produced by YACC, translates these information to C programs, then connected to the compiler by Makefile

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TsinghuaPrototype System

Examples: Target Information Description

ISA and ABI Information

{SECTION "architecture"ARCH = "PPC32";


{SECTION "isa_list“isa = add,



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TsinghuaPrototype System

ISA and ABI Information

{SECTION "operand“#name=size,type,lit_classLiteral_Type={simm16=16,SIGNED,LC_simm16;uimm16=16,UNSIGNED,LC_uimm16;uimm5 =5, UNSIGNED,LC_uimm5;}

Register_Type={ …… } Enum_Type={ ……} Use_Type={ ……} Instruction_Group={ ……}END}

Examples: Target Information Description

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TsinghuaPrototype System

ISA and ABI Information

{SECTION "registers" # registers definition

# isa_register_class definition NAME = "integer", BIT_SIZE = 32,

CAN_STORE = true, MULTIPLE_SAVE = false; ……

# isa_register_set definitionRCLASS = rc_integer,MIN_REGNUM = 0,MAX_REGNUM =31,


Examples: Target Information Description

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TsinghuaPrototype System

ISA and ABI Information

{SECTION "abi_properties" #ABI properties definition

(integer, ABI_PROPERTY) = { {……}; # list of integer registers (REG_LOW_BOUND, REG_UPPER_BOUND) = (0, 31); ALLOCATABLE(0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, -1) CALLEE(1, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, -1) CALLER(0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, -1) FUNC_ARG(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, -1) FUNC_VAL(3, 4, -1) STACK_PTR(1, -1) FRAME_PTR(1, -1) GLOBAL_PTR(13, -1)}

(float, ABI_PROPERTY) = { … }

… END}

Examples: Target Information Description

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TsinghuaPrototype System

Expand WHIRL to TOP

Interface to Olive

Example Rules Specific to PowerPC

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TsinghuaPrototype System

Interface to Olive

typedef struct COST { int cost;} COST;


static COST COST_ZERO = { 0 };

#define COST_LESS(x,y) ((x).cost < (y).cost)


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TsinghuaPrototype System

Interfacing to Olive

typedef struct burm_state * STATE;typedef struct olive_node * NODEPTR;typedef struct olive_node * TREE;

#define GET_KIDS(r) ((r)->get_kids())#define OP_LABEL(r) ((r)->op_label())#define STATE_LABEL(r) ((r)->state_label())#define SET_STATE(r,s) (r)->set_state(s)


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TsinghuaPrototype System Interfacing to Olive

Tree Nodesstruct olive_node{ OPCODE opcode; OPERATOR opr; TOP top; int num_opnds; WN * wn; WN * parent; INTRINSIC intrn_id; TN * result; TN * opnd_tn[OP_MAX_FIXED_OPNDS]; NODEPTR kids[OP_MAX_FIXED_OPNDS]; STATE state; int opc; olive_node(WN * w, WN * p, TN * res, INTRINSIC iid); virtual ~olive_node() ; void set_state(STATE s) { state = s; } STATE state_label() { return state; } NODEPTR* get_kids() { return kids; } int op_label() { return opc; } void Print() { /* printf("WN\n%s\n", dump_wn(wn));*/ } };

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TsinghuaPrototype System

Example Rules Specific to PowerPC

Classification of PowerPC Operators

• Integer (arithmetic/compare/logical/rotate/shift)

• Floating-point (arithmetic/multiply-add/rounding and conversion/compare/status and control register/move)

• Load/Store (integer/floating-point/integer byte-reverse /integer multiple/string)

• Branch (unconditional/conditional/conditional to LR/conditional to CTR)

• Misc (system call/trap/ condition register logical)

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TsinghuaPrototype System

Example Rules Specific to PowerPC


reg : I4I4LDID // Integer load{

$cost[0].cost = 3; // Cycles}

= { $0->result = Build_TN_Of_Mtype (WN_rtype($0->wn)); Handle_Load($0->wn, $0->result, TOP_lwz, ops); }

static TN * Handle_Load(WN * , TN *, TOP, OPS *);

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TsinghuaPrototype System

null : I4STID(reg) // integer store{

$cost[0].cost = 3 + $cost[2].cost; }

= { $action[2](ops); $0->result = $2->result; Handle_Store($0->wn, $0->result, TOP_stw, ops); }

static void Handle_Store(WN * , TN *, TOP, OPS *);

Example Rules Specific to PowerPC


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TsinghuaPrototype System

f4reg : F4F4LDID // floating-point load { $cost[0].cost = 4; } = {

$0->result = Build_TN_Of_Mtype (WN_rtype($0->wn)); Handle_Float_Load($0->wn, $0->result, TOP_lfs, ops); }

static TN * Handle_Float_Load(WN * , TN *, TOP, OPS *);

Example Rules Specific to PowerPC


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TsinghuaPrototype System

null : F4STID(f4reg) // floating-point store { $cost[0].cost = 4; } = {

$action[2](ops); $0->result = $2->result; Handle_Float_Store($0->wn, $0->result, TOP_stfs, ops); }

static void Handle_Float_Store(WN * , TN *, TOP, OPS *);

Example Rules Specific to PowerPC


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TsinghuaPrototype System


null : I4CALL { $cost[0].cost = 2; } = { Handle_Call_Site($0->wn, $0->opr); };

static void Handle_Call_Site (WN *, OPERATOR);

Example Rules Specific to PowerPC

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TsinghuaPrototype System

Example Rules Specific to PowerPC


reg : I4ADD(reg, reg){

$cost[0].cost = 1 + $cost[2].cost + $cost[3].cost; }

= {$action[2](ops);$action[3](ops);

$0->result = Build_TN_Of_Mtype (WN_rtype($0->wn)); Build_OP(TOP_add, $0->result, $2->result, $3->result, ops); }

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TsinghuaPrototype System Example Rules Specific to PowerPC

Addition of Immediate

const : I4INTCONST { $cost[0].cost = 0; } = { $0 = $1; };

reg : I4ADD(reg, const) // small immediate { if (!(ISA_LC_Value_In_Class(WN_const_val($3->wn), LC_simm16))) return 0; $cost[0].cost = 1 + $cost[2].cost; }= { $action[2](ops); $action[3](ops); $0->result = Build_TN_Of_Mtype (WN_rtype($0->wn)); Build_OP(TOP_addi, $0->result, $2->result, Gen_Literal_TN(WN_const_val($3->wn), 4), ops);};

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TsinghuaPrototype System

Example Rules Specific to PowerPC Addition of Immediate (continue)

reg : I4ADD(reg, const) // big immediate { $cost[0].cost = 2 + $cost[2].cost; }= { $action[2](ops); $action[3](ops); $0->result = Build_TN_Of_Mtype (WN_rtype($0->wn)); INT64 val = WN_const_val($3->wn); Build_OP(TOP_addi, $0->result, $2->result, Gen_Literal_TN((short)(val & 0xffff), 4), ops); Build_OP(TOP_addis, $0->result, $2->result, Gen_Literal_TN((short)(val >> 16), 4), ops);};

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TsinghuaPrototype System

Floating-Point Arithmetic (multiply-add)

f4reg : F4MADD(f4reg, f4reg, f4reg) {

$cost[0].cost = 5+ $cost[2].cost + $cost[3].cost + $cost[4].cost ;}

= {$action[2](ops);

$action[3](ops); $action[4](ops); $0->result = Build_TN_Of_Mtype (WN_rtype($0->wn));

Build_OP(TOP_fdivs, $0->result, $2->result, $3->result, ops); }

Example Rules Specific to PowerPC

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TsinghuaPrototype System Example Rules Specific to PowerPC

Floating-Point Rounding and Conversionreg : I4F8TRUNC(f8reg) { $cost[0].cost = 11 + $cost[2].cost; }

= { $action[2](ops); TN* tmp_tn = Build_TN_Of_Mtype(MTYPE_F8); Build_OP(TOP_fctiwz, tmp_tn, $2->result, ops); ST * tmp_sym = CGSPILL_Get_TN_Spill_Location(tmp_tn, CGSPILL_LRA); INT64 ofst = TN_offset(tmp_tn); ST* base_sym; INT64 base_ofst; Base_Symbol_And_Offset_For_Addressing(tmp_sym, 0, &base_sym, &base_ofst); Build_OP(TOP_stfd, tmp_tn, FP_TN, Gen_Literal_TN(base_ofst, 4), ops); $0->result = Build_TN_Of_Mtype (WN_rtype($0->wn)); Build_OP(TOP_lwz, $0->result, FP_TN, Gen_Literal_TN(base_ofst + 4, 4), ops ); }

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TsinghuaPrototype System

Example Rules Specific to PowerPC Conditional Branch

reg : I4F4GT(f4reg, f4reg) {

$cost[0].cost = 7 + $cost[2].cost + $cost[3].cost ;}

= {$action[2](ops);

$action[3](ops); $0->result = Build_TN_Of_Mtype (WN_rtype($0->wn)); Handle_Cond_Branch(TOP_bgt, TOP_fcmpu, $0->result,

$2->result, $3->result, ops); }

static void Handle_Cond_Branch(TOP, TOP, TN *, TN *, TN *, OPS *);

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TsinghuaPrototype System

Example Rules Specific to PowerPC

static void Expand_Cond (TOP top_branch, TOP top_cmp, TN *dest, TN *src1, TN *src2, OPS *ops)

/*Expand_Cond is an auxiliary function shared by compare operators */

/* For example */

reg : I4F4NE(f4reg, f4reg) vs Expand_Cond(TOP_bne, …)reg : I4F4GT(f4reg, f4reg) vs Expand_Cond(TOP_bgt, …)reg : I4F4EQ(f4reg, f4reg) vs Expand_Cond(TOP_beq, …)reg : I4F4GE(f4reg, f4reg) vs Expand_Cond(TOP_bge, …)reg : I4F4LE(f4reg, f4reg) vs Expand_Cond(TOP_ble, …)reg : I4F4LE(f4reg, f4reg) vs Expand_Cond(TOP_ble, …)

Conditional Branch

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TsinghuaPrototype System

Condition Move

reg : I4I4GT(reg, reg){

$cost[0].cost = 3 + $cost[2].cost + $cost[3].cost ;}

= {$action[2](ops);

$action[3](ops); $0->result = Build_TN_Of_Mtype (WN_rtype($0->wn)); Handle_Cond_Move(OPR_GT, TOP_cmpw, $0->result, $2->result, $3->result, ops); }

static void Handle_Cond_Move(OPERATOR, TOP, TN *, TN *, TN *, OPS *)

Example Rules Specific to PowerPC

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TsinghuaPrototype System

Condition Move

reg : I4I4GE(reg, reg){

$cost[0].cost = 4 + $cost[2].cost + $cost[3].cost ;}

= {$action[2](ops);

$action[3](ops); $0->result = Build_TN_Of_Mtype (WN_rtype($0->wn)); Handle_Cond_Move(OPR_GE, TOP_cmpw, $0->result, $2->result, $3->result, ops); }

static void Handle_Cond_Move(OPERATOR, TOP, TN *, TN *, TN *, OPS *)

Example Rules Specific to PowerPC

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TsinghuaPrototype System

Condition Move static void Handle_Cond_Move (OPERATOR opr, TOP top_cmp, TN *dest, TN *src1, TN *src2, OPS *ops) { Build_OP(top_cmp, Gen_Literal_TN(0, 3), src1, src2, ops); Build_OP(TOP_mfcr, dest, ops); switch (opr) { case OPR_GT: Build_OP(TOP_rlwinm, dest, dest, Gen_Literal_TN(2, 5), Gen_Literal_TN(31, 5), Gen_Literal_TN(31, 5), ops); break; case OPR_GE: …… }}

Example Rules Specific to PowerPC

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TsinghuaPrototype System

static void Handle_Cond_Move (OPERATOR opr, TOP top_cmp, TN *dest, TN *src1, TN *src2, OPS *ops) { …… case OPR_GT: …… case OPR_GE: Build_OP(TOP_rlwinm, dest, dest, Gen_Literal_TN(1, 5), Gen_Literal_TN(31, 5), Gen_Literal_TN(31, 5), ops); Build_OP(TOP_xori, dest, dest, Gen_Literal_TN(1, 16), ops); break; case OPR_EQ: …… case OPR_NE: …… case OPR_LE: …… case OPR_LT: ……}

Condition Move

Example Rules Specific to PowerPC

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TsinghuaPrototype System

int main(){ int a = 1; int b = 2; int c = (a > b);}

-O0, Just show IS

Result Samples Condition Move stwu 1,-48(1) #

mflr 0 #stw 0,52(1) # lcl_spill_temp_0li 7, 1 #stw 7,8(1) # ali 6, 2 #stw 6,12(1) # blwz 4,8(1) # alwz 5,12(1) # bcmpw 0,4,5 # mfcr 3 # rlwinm 3,3,2,31,31 # stw 3,16(1) # cmtlr 0 #addi 1,1,48 #blr #

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TsinghuaPrototype System int foo(int a, int b, int c, int d)

{ return ((a > b) && (c > d));} //-O0 home location for debugging

Result Samples Conditional Branch

.BB1_foo: stwu 1,-48(1) # mflr 9 # stw 9,52(1) # lcl_spill_temp_0 mr 8,3 # stw 8,8(1) # a mr 7,4 # stw 7,12(1) # b mr 5,5 # stw 5,16(1) # c mr 4,6 # stw 4,20(1) # d lwz 0,8(1) # a lwz 3,12(1) # b cmplw 0,0,3 # ble 0,.L_0_5 # .BB2_foo: lwz 10,16(1) # c

lwz 11,20(1) # d cmplw 0,10,11 # ble 0,.L_0_5 # .L_0_6: li 0, 1 # li 12, 1 # b .L_0_4 # .L_0_5: li 0, 0 # li 0, 0 # .L_0_4: lwz 0,28(1) # lcl_spill_temp_1 mr 3,0 # mr 0,0 # lwz 0,52(1) # lcl_spill_temp_0 mtlr 0 # addi 1,1,48 # blr #

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From Prototype to Available

Complete Open64 Compiler for PowerPC

Estimated time: July 2007

Testing: Specs, MPC7450 developing board

Sophisticated Machine Description

More Abstract and Compact Syntax Improve parser to process necessary semantic information

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From Prototype to Available

Exploit more Automatable Aspects for Retarget

• Resource usage

• Delay slots

• Debugging info

• ……

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Research on Retargetability

Difficult Aspects of Retarget

Processor Properties (multi-threads, multi-cores, etc.) Data Prefetch

More Powerful Machine Description Language

Petri Net based Approach

New Back End Architecture to Improve Retargetability

New Software Engineering Methodology

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Team at Tsinghua


Zhenyang Yu ([email protected])

Ming Lin ([email protected])

Duo Zhang ([email protected])

Yunmin Zhu ([email protected])


Shengyuan Wang ([email protected]) Yuan Dong ([email protected])

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Thank You

Welcome for your suggestions