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_______________ X

Picture Description

002R iS

(A) The woman is reading through the book.


[6 0 0 ] (B) The woman is finding a book [7301L U to read. L l J

(C) The woman is taking apicture of the book.

(D) The woman is about to pay forthe book.







A) The old man is trimming some bushes.

B) One man is standing in front of the river.

C) One man is sitting on the lawn reading.

D) The man is reading a book on the bench.

A) The people are fishing at the lake.

B) They are lying down on the boat.

C) The people are rowing the boat.

D) The river has flooded the area.

A) The doctors are standing in circles.

B) Nurses are checking the monitor.

C) The doctors are performing surgery.

D) Patients are asking for their medical history.

A) The cars are parked along the road.

B) A bus has stopped to pick up the passengers.

C) There is a car broken down on the road.

D) There is a group of people riding bicycles.

A) The woman is taking some notes.

B) The woman is making a copy of a paper.

C) The copy machine is out of order.

D) The paper is folded in half.


(A) The men are enjoying their time having drinks.

(B) The men are leaning against the railing.

(C) The beach is crowded with sunbathers.

(D) There are lots of other people in the restaurant.

(A) The table has been set up for a party.

(B) This store has some stocks of furniture.

(C) All of the cups are piled on the cupboard.

(D) This store sells kitchen supplies.

(A) The garbage man is putting away the trash.

(B) The man is sweeping the floor.

(C) The player is greeting the people from the door.

(D) One of the doors is opened.

(A) Several seats are occupied.(B) The board will be used for a

meeting.(C) The room is closed at this

time.(D) The tables are arranged in

several rows.


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ÍABZ 2Questions & Responses

Did you write the letter?

(A) I’m riding later.(B) No, Yuki did.(C) I was on the right side.

When will they receive the letter?

(A) The letter was delivered this morning.(B) Probably tomorrow afternoon.(C) You will get it soon.

Could you show me the closest bus stop?

(A) No, in 5 minutes.(B) Yes, I’m sure of where he is.(C) It’s right across from here.





I heard you got the tickets for the concert.

(A) Yes, I ordered them online.(B) My favorite player is playing.(C) The concert was just amazing.



015 How long are you going to be away from your nmm home?

600 (A) Not that bad.(B) Only for a couple of days.(C) About 5 hours ago.





I am about to send you the e-mail again.

(A) Could you please e-mail me again?(B) Hopefully I’ll get it this time.(C) I’ve had it since a year ago.



017 Don’t you have an appointment at the dentist now?

E E ! (A) Oh, my teeth hurt very much.I I (B) No, it’s not until later.------- (C) Come to the hospital with me.



Who is going to be in charge of the demonstration?

(A) Let’s go by bus.(B) They have yet to decide.(C) I think there will be some charge.



Why is he leaving the company?

(A) Yes, he will accept this offer.(B) His family is moving to another country.(C) This business trip was awful.


Mr. Franklin’s speech was awesome, wasn’t it?

(A) Yes, he did a fine job.(B) He needs to train his employees.(C) I heard he is very famous.

Isn’t it very hot in here?

(A) It is really hard.(B) Yes, I’ll open a window.(C) No, it’s going to be chilly.

What else do we need to bring to Jack’s birthday party?

(A) Some roses would be good.(B) I don’t want to meet the other party.(C) Yes, you must get that for yourself.

Are you going to be here tomorrow morning?

(A) I won’t be here until 9:15.(B) It depends on the distance.(C) That would be Mr. Roy.

Mr. Defrost expected the notebook to be delivered today, didn’t he?

(A) He likes it a lot.(B) Yes, he’s downstairs waiting for it.(C) I heard they were robbed.

Would you like to sign up for the new club?

(A) Yes, could you tell me more about it?(B) She already signed up for the club.(C) I would like to go to the club.

Is it true that there’s an extra charge for shipping?

(A) Yes, the battery is charged.(B) It will be on sale soon.(C) No, it’s included in the price.

Should I mark these two pages?

(A) Please mark both of them.(B) Yes, the growth is remarkable.(C) Yes, those are the right pages.

Did the company mention an initiation date?

(A) I heard they haven’t decided.(B) I am starting to date someone.(C) He said it won’t happen again.


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Don’t you think the commercial could be more interesting?

(A) The Accounting Department will do it.(B) No, I like the other one.(C) That’s the only difference.



Shall we meet in the conference room?

(A) I attended that conference last year.(B) The conference room is very nice.(C) It might be more comfortable here.

030 Do you prefer to play soccer or football?

|M I (A) I’d like to vote one more time.16J°| (B) Neither. I don’t like sports.-------(C) Which players do you like?

031 Could you help me move this couch to Jack’s office?

IWHI (A) I will repair it later.16001 (B) The sofa is quite nice.-------(C) Sure, if it’s not too heavy.

036 I didn’t know you liked to work out.

p i --(A) It is one of my favorite hobbies. m --(B) That would be very good, thanks. -------(C) I work problems out every day.

037 Janice just got a job with a law firm, didn’t she?

mm (A) They hired an accountant for their campaign.I.*01 (B) She is always eager to work.-------(C) I’m not a new employee.

032 Why don’t you ask for an opportunity to go on armmm business trip?p30| (A) I am going on vacation again.1----- (B) Opportunities are everywhere.

(C) Yes, that sounds good.

033 Has anyone heard which client is visiting next week?

ffSBl (A) It’s Mr. Peterson.m (B) I’ve never heard of that company.-------(C) No, at the office.

034 What do you think about the new DNA experiment?

ffW (A) It is a great contribution to science.17J° I (B) I need to go to the laboratory.-------(C) Yes, Dr. Stephens told me about it.

038 How do you like our new office?

flSWl (A) I got there just in time.(B) It is quite luxurious.

----- (C) No, I bought the office last month.

039 When would you like to recruit new employees?

D B (A) I’d say not for another month.m (B) Our boss is ready to take off.-------(C) I don’t have any more work.

040 Something seems to be wrong with the TV.

nSHi (A) How much was this TV?p®M (B) It does that every so often.-------(C) Maybe I can go get something to drink.


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..._ 3

Short Conversations

Questions 041-043 refer to the following conversation.

WB: Have you been to that place right across the street? I heard it’s really good.

MA: Yes.1411 Everything on the menu is excellent, especially every kind of fish.

WB: Did you know that the restaurant was on TV the other day? 1421 It must be even more popular now. l43] We might have to wait for an even longer time every time we go now.

MA: Well, at least it is still right across the street. Anyway, let’s stop talking about it and go there.

044 Where does this conversation take place?

ffM (A) At a shopI ?3° I (B) In the sales division of a company----- (C) At a factory

(D) At a customer service office

045 Who are the man and woman?

IfWSI (A) Customers that came for the sale 16 ° I (B) Security agents at the store----- (C) Store clerks

(D) Tourists from overseas

041 What are the speakers discussing?

B (A) A new bookstore m (B) A popular restaurant----- (C) A marketplace

(D) A seafood wholesale store

042 What is true about the store?

IfgHl (A) It is a used bookstore.m (B) The store is advertised on the radio.----- (C) It is successful in business.

(D) It is about to close down.

043 What is the woman worried about?

IFMSI (A) The price of fish went up.17301 (B) They might have to wait long.----- (C) They might not get the food on time.

(D) Seafood might make them sick.

Questions 044-046 refer to the following conversation.

046 What does the woman predict?

nwsi (A) They w ill be busy until next Wednesday.17 ° I (B) The sales rate will not change much.----- (C) They will be out of stock by Wednesday.

(D) They will raise prices soon.

Questions 047-049 refer to the following conversation.

WA:1471 You look exhausted, Ross. Are you okay? I think you should get home soon.

MA: No, I’m fine. I’m just a little tired, i’ve been working all night preparing for my presentation on the new product.

WA: Well, your health is more important than that presentation, Ross. When is it due? m Is there anything I can help you with? I can get you some evaluations on it.

MA: That’d be great!1491 Having that in my presentation will make it much stronger and more reliable.It’s due in three days. I know I’ve got some time, but I want to finish this so I can spend some quality time with my family.

MB: Wow, m look at all these customers! It’s usually not this busy at all on Wednesdays!

WA: Well, don’t you remember? 1451 We’ve beenpromoting our big closing sale since Monday.

MB: 1451 Oh yeah! That’s right. Sorry, but I don’t have a good memory these days. Anyway, it really has brought in a lot of business! I hope it w ill stay this busy through the weekend.

WA: Yes, of course.m Actually, I think it w ill stay busy through next Wednesday when our closing sale ends. That should do a lot to raise our low sales rate.

047 How is the man feeling?H (A) Excited[eool (B) SickI— î— I (C) Worn out

(D) Confused

048 What will the woman give the man?

nsffil (A) Her opinion of the new product I I (B) A customer survey of the new product----- (C) Pictures of the new product

(D) The design and price list of the new product


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What does the man say the evaluations will do?

(A) Make his presentation look more confusing(B) Support the claims in his presentation(C) Give more examples to his presentation(D) Guarantee the success of his presentation



What is the man looking for?

(A) A colorful shirt(B) A dark blue shirt(C) A smaller shirt(D) A larger shirt

Questions 050-052 r

MA: 1511 We need to hire a few more sales staff since our annual sale season is approaching.

WA: Hmm,16011 can hand out brochures at theuniversity, or maybe I w ill put an advertisement in the newspaper instead. Which one do you think is better?

MA: m The brochures should do. I think lots of people read those. By the way, how many do you think we should hire? Five?

i WA: Well, m I think we should hire just a couple at first and then see if we need more.





What will the man probably do next?

(A) Go to another store for a similar style(B) Find a similar style in white(C) Buy the shirt the sales clerk recommended(D) Buy the white shirt in the small size

What does the salesperson tell the man about the price?

(A) The price has been marked down.(B) It will go up soon.(C) It is quite expensive.(D) The clothes are reasonably priced.





How will the speakers find more workers?

(A) By distributing pamphlets(B) By calling the university(C) By hiring an employment agency(D) By putting an ad in the newspaper

Why do they need more workers?

(A) Many workers resigned this season.(B) They are usually short of workers during this

time of the year.(C) They want to make more products.(D) They are trying to reduce unemployment.

How many people will they hire?

(A) More than three(B) More than five(C) About two(D) About five

Questions 053-055 refer to the following conversati

MA: Excuse me.1531 Do you have this shirt in a large size? I really like the style, but I couldn’t find any of them in my size.

WB: We have some, but not in white. The large ones are ail dark blue.

MA: Just blue? Oh well,15411 guess I am going to have to compromise this time. The price seems pretty good at thirty-five dollars.

WB: Yes, [5Si it used to be over sixty-five dollars, but the price went down during the sale season.



Questions 056-058 refer to the following conversation.

WB: I’m very concerned about how much we were charged for the gardening work that was done in August.

MB: Oh, here’s the bill. Let’s see... Oh, no! mThis is like twice what we normally pay! This is unbelievable. I am going to call their office to see why they charged us so much.

WB:1571 Okay. You go ahead and do that. Don’t back down no matter what they tell you. We are not paying this much.

MB: Don’t worry.1581 It w ill be just like the last time when we bargained with the phone company about the unreasonable price they charged us. Let’s ask the landscaping service for more details.



What are the speakers discussing?

(A) An abnormally large bill(B) The new landscape system(C) A high telephone bill(D) Tips on gardening

057 What is their reaction to this case?




(A) They are irritated.(B) They are confused.(C) They are calm.(D) They are energized.

How did they solve another similar situation?

(A) They called the police.(B) They sued the company.(C) They negotiated with the company.(D) They threatened the company.


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Questions 059-061 refer to the following conversation.

WA: Are you visiting Seoul for a vacation or for a business trip?

MB: W ell,1581 i’m a journalist covering the Korean Music Festival for the New York Times,m but I hope I w ill get some free time to experience Korean culture and visit several attractions.

WA: Yeah, there are certainly many places you can go here in Seoul.t61] I could take you around if you don’t mind.

MB: Really? Well, of course I don’t mind. I desperately need a guide. I’ve already gotten lost more than three times!

063 What does the man ask the woman?

rePHi (A) If her sister can work todayW (B) If her sister could stop by for an interview----- (C) If her sister could work for Yuri

(D) How long her sister can work

064 What does the woman’s sister want to know?

I f f l l (A) The employee discount rate m (B) How much she w ill get paid----- (C) Her working hours

(D) The kind of work she will be doing

059 Which of the following describes the man’s job?

(A) He takes photographs.(B) He teaches music at a college.(C) He is a producer.(D) He writes news articles.

060 What does the man wish to do?

(A) Live in Korea in the future(B) Visit a variety of places in Korea(C) Experience Korean food(D) Find a good place to rest

Questions 065-067 refer to the following conversation.

WA: I’m getting nervous now. We’ve been driving this path for almost 30 minutes. But we haven’t even seen another car.16511 doubt there is a gas station around here.

MB: What can we do then? Do you want to go back? We’ve come way too far. Let’s just keep going this way.

WA: Well, okay. You are the driver. But you know it’s getting darker, and 1661 the gas warning sign has been on ever since we got on this road. I am not pushing the car if it stops.

M B:1671 Could you just be quiet? Let me take care of this. Just go to sleep or something.

061 What does the woman offer the man?

nswgl (A) To take him to the Korean Museum I boo I (B) To give him news articles about Korea

' (C) To take him back to the U.S.(D) To be his guide during his stay in Korea

Questions 062-064 refer to the following conversation.

MA: Hey, Stephanie. m Could you put the ladies’ boots and sandals on the shelves?

WB: Sure. But don’t I have to cover the cash register because Yuri will not be here today?

MA: No, her interview for the university was cancelled, so she’ll be here all day.1631 By the way, could you ask your sister to come in for an interview for the job tomorrow? I am traveling from the day after tomorrow until next Monday. So it would be good if she could come in tomorrow for about 30 minutes.

WB: Okay. I will call her today and ask her. By the way, 16411 think she wanted me to ask you about how much she’ll make.

065 Why is the woman getting nervous?

irarai (A) They don’t know their way back home.173° I (B) They are already late to a place.'----- (C) They are lost and have no money.

(D) They might not find a gas station soon.

066 What does the woman warn the man of?

nsBHl (A) The car will break down soon.1730 I (B) The car is almost out of gas.----- (C) The car has been running with a flat tire.

(D) The car doesn’t have any headlights.

067 Which of the following best describes the man?

nsiHi (A) Annoyed 6J° (B) Abandoned

(C) Frustrated(D) Lonely

062 Where do they probably work?

IWWI (A) In the Personnel Department(B) At a restaurant

----- (C) At a university(D) At a shoe store


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Questions 068-070 refer to the following conversation.

WA: Mr. Washington, m we received 20 applications yesterday and 15 applications this afternoon for the new manager position.

MA: Great! Now, I need you to schedule 5 of them to come in for an interview by tomorrow morning.

WA: You said tomorrow morning, sir? 1691 Isn’t that too short of a notice? I think most of them have jobs in the morning. Most w ill not be able to make it.

MA: I am very well aware of that.1701 This w ill help me see who wants the position badly enough that they are w illing to risk missing work. I like those who take risks for what they want.

069 How does the woman feel about the interview?

IWH1 (A) It will be very successful.I 7J° I (B) It will be crowded with applicants.----- (C) It isn’t necessary.

(D) It isn’t a good idea.

070 Why does the man want to conduct interviews on iia fli short notice?

I *5° I (A) To make some give up the position ----- (B) To see who wants the position enough

(C) To find out who currently has no job(D) To meet applicants when they are unprepared

068 How many people submitted their resumes?

E B (A) 5 r f | (B) 151-----1 (C) 35

(D) 40


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'ART 4Short Talks

Tp all passengers and staff, your attention, please. Due to some problems,1711 the train that was to arrive here at Boston from New York City at 7:15 P.M. has been delayed. It is now scheduled to arrive at 8:30 P.M. Therefore, trains leaving from Boston to Chicago w ill also be delayed by about an hour. Please check the schedule board for the new exact times of arrivals and departures. For passengers going to Atlanta, we recommend that you stay alert for the possibility of a delay in your departure time.1735 But please purchase your tickets now so you w ill not lose your seat to other passengers who are coming later.



In which city is this announcement heard?

(A) New York(B) Boston(C) Chicago(D) Atlanta

072 What is the announcement about?

730(A) The cancellation of the train to Chicago(B) The completion of train repairs(C) A new schedule for trains(D) The departure of a train



What does the announcement advise the passengers to do?

(A) Stay alert for passengers going to Chicago(B) Go ahead and wait on the train(C) Use other modes of transportation(D) Don’t delay buying train tickets

Questions 074-076 refer to the following weather report.

Now, here’s the weather for this week and the following week.1741 You can expect a few showers from Wednesday through Friday, but starting Saturday, it will be clear and warm. By the beginning of next week, the skies will still be clear, but it will be a little bit warmer.1751 However, in the middle of next week, we are expecting some cold winds with a slight chance of snow or ra in .1761 It seems like that w ill continue until the end of the week as we head into November. I recommend that you start getting out your winter clothes as the weather will get colder starting at the end of next week. Now, sports news is next.

074 How will the weather be on Thursday?

p i (A) It will be windy.I 6J° I (B) There will be light snow.----- (C) There w ill be showers.

(D) The skies will be clear.

075 When will it start to get cold?

raPHi (A) Friday 173° I (B) Saturday----- (C) Next Monday

(D) Next Wednesday

076 When did this weather report take place?

ifSBI (A) The middle of October 8 ° (B) The end of October

----- (C) The beginning of November(D) The middle of November

II Thank you for calling the Mongolian. We are | faithfully serving you in the Detroit area every day.

m Our lunch time is from 11 o’clock until 3 o’clock, and dinner is served from 4:30 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. On j

| the weekends, we have special parties and concerts in our fellowship hail.1781 Reservations are accepted only j

I for parties of 20 or more. To make a reservation,1 m you need to leave your name, the date, and time

when you would like to make the reservation. You must also say how many w ill be attending and leave a number where you can be contacted. Thank you.

077 What kind of business is the Mongolian?

W l (A) A travel agency 6°o (B) A party store

(C) A restaurant(D) A resort hotel

078 What is the least number of customers needed to ■■-■n make a reservation?|®“ | (A) Five ^ (B) Ten

(C) Twenty(D) Twenty-five

Questions 077-079 refer to the following message.


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079 Which of the following is needed to make a reservation?

(A) The customer’s address(B) The customer’s ID number(C) The customer’s name(D) The customer’s seating preference

students commented that they are looking forward to meeting Oxford students and sharing their lives with them for one semester.1851 The students from both universities have a field trip to the country scheduled for the next day, where they w ill enjoy the

! good spring weather of England while getting to know the other students.

Questions 080-082 refer to the following talk.

1801 Welcome to the Truman Art and Music Museum! Today, we’re lucky and honored to be able to view two special pieces of art by two of the greatest artists in history.1811 The firs t work is a piece by Truman, which he painted during the Renaissance. It is on view now in the 1800’s Hall. You’ll see the second piece after lunch. It’s a very famous work by the artist Peter Dickinson. Admission is $50 each, and {82J our security guard w ill prohibit you from carrying any sharp metal objects, guns, cameras, and other similar objects. In a moment, we’ll go through the security line. Don’t be scared as they are friendly guys. Please feel free to ask any questions.



Who most likely is the speaker?

(A) A famous artist(B) A tour guide(C) A descendant of Truman(D) A security guard






Who is visiting the area?

(A) The president of the USA(B) Students from England(C) Professors from England(D) Students from the USA

What was one of their programs?

(A) The opening address(B) Orientation(C) Introducing roommates(D) Taking pictures

What are the students scheduled to do the next day?

(A) They will visit an English museum.(B) They will go to a concert.(C) They will have a meeting with the principal.(D) They w ill go on an outing.

081 What is true about Truman?

730(A) He lived during the Renaissance.(B) He drew Peter Dickinson.(C) He still draws lots of good art pieces.(D) He is not well known among historians.

082 Which of the following items CANNOT be brought nmm into the museum?

(A) Brochures(B) Digital cameras(C) Purses(D) Mobile phones

Questions 086-088 refer to the following report.

m Let’s talk about today’s business news. The Delicious Town Corporation, which owns and runs the food court in the city mail, declared bankruptcy today. According to Jack Smith, the president of the company, 1871 the long strike by the employee union members, the decreasing value of the company’s stock, and the constant low sales have negatively affected the corporation. Some economic experts say thatm the results of this w ill be a slight increase in the unemployment rate and a temporary economic depression in the area.

Questions 083-085 refer to the following news story.

As part of a university exchange program between the University of Southern California (USC) in the USA and Oxford University in England,1831 a group of 30 students from USC arrived here at Oxford University J yesterday at about 5 P.M. The students from USC excitedly began the program with the students from Oxford early this morning,1841 starting with introduction ! of the program and then the orientation. The USC I

086 Where would this report most likely be heard?

IM I (A) In a business conference m (B) In a company meeting----- (C) In an economics class lecture

(D) On the television news

087 What is one of the causes of the bankruptcy?

BSBl (A) Not enough employees I 6J° I (B) A long strike----- (C) Higher rent payment

(D) The increasing stock price


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088 What is assumed to be one of the consequences of the bankruptcy?

(A) An increase in employment(B) A rise in food prices(C) Slow economic activity(D) Competition with other corporations

Hello, this is Charles Rock of Perso Insurance. Mr. Quake,1901 I’m calling about the letter we sent you last week in which we listed the amount o f money you would be reimbursed through the Healthy Always Plan.1891 We haven’t heard from you since then, and we would like to know if you are satisfied with our service. I know that you suffered greatly from cancer, and it is a pleasure for us to help our clients in their times of trouble. We would greatly appreciate your calling us back to let us know how you are doing, and 1011 if there’s anything else we can do to support you financially in your figh t against the disease. My name is Charles Rock, and my number is (343) 542-9589.

What is the purpose of this message?

(A) To look after a client(B) To check on an insurance amount(C) To offer a new insurance plan(D) To offer a solution to a health crisis

What was the content of the letter?

(A) A list of medicine taken(B) A list of operations performed(C) A receipt for refund(D) Reimbursements fo r diseases

What does the man offer his client?

(A) An operation in a bigger hospital(B) Coverage for some of his medicine costs(C) Any services he may need(D) The Healthy Always Plan


clear our computers currently in use by Thursday | the 5th. Also; on Wednesday the 4th, a few workers 1 from the cable company will come in to check our

Internet network to make sure everything is okay. Now, I let’s start with a presentation from the Marketing


What is the announcement about?

(A) A breakdown in the Internet network(B) Computer repairs(C) A meeting agenda(D) The installation of new computers

What does Ms. Wonders remind the employees to do?

(A) Help move the old computers(B) Preserve all information(C) Cooperate with the cable company employees(D) Not to be late next Saturday

When will the computers be removed?

(A) July 4th(B) July 5th(C) July 6th(D) July 7th


Good morning, and welcome to this year’s conference.19549611 would like to remind you that for the firs t tim e we have translators that w ill translate English into Korean and Chinese to Korean. So now m if you are interested in attending a seminar led by an English or Chinese speaker, now you can attend them w ithout language problems. Also m if you cannot attend some of the seminars you want because they overlap w ith another seminar, you can buy the DVDs fo r those seminars you wished to attend. The DVDs will be on sale in the convention center store on the last day of the conference. We hope you enjoy the conference and become leaders of the business world. Thank you!


Questions 092-094 refer to the following announcement.

Welcome to the Advertising Department’s monthly meeting. My name is Chris Wonders, and I have an announcement before we start.19211 just wanted to remind you that all employees in the Advertising Department w ill get new computers per the president’s order, and m you w ill need to save all your data and work onto a hard drive so that you w ill not lose any im portant information. The new computers come in on Saturday the 7th of July, and 1941 we need to

095 What is the purpose of the announcement?

nswi (A) To thank people for attending 1600 I (B) To applaud the guest speakers'----- (C) To announce the new conference schedule

(D) To inform people about a new service

096 What is the new service being offered?

n u ll (A) Translated documents for attendees p30| (B) A seminar on translating languages

(C) Simultaneous interpreters(D) Light refreshments


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097 What are the contents of the DVDs?

mwgi (A) Seminars by other famous speakers 1850 I (B) Scenes from the conference

' (C) Different seminars from the conference(D) A movie about the business world

Questions 098-100 refer to the following announcement.

I’m afraid I have some bad news. m The president has announced that the Christmas bonus w ill not be provided this year. {m Due to declining revenues in the 4th quarter, our company has been forced temporarily to suspend some of the employee benefits. Let me remind you that the growth of the firm rests with you. We need to serve our customers better and expand into new markets. This will create the growth needed to keep our company going. m As the vice president of this firm, I ask for your patience; understanding, and full cooperation. I know that you won’t let me down.

098 Who is making the announcement?

D n (A) The president I ®J° I (B) An accounting executive----- (C) A customer

(D) The vice president

099 What is the announcement about?

O S (A) The Christmas bonus p w j (B) The president’s birthday — (C) Promotions to management positions

(D) Employee satisfaction

100 What is the reason for the cutback in benefits?

IHIHI (A) Lower customer satisfaction I 730 I (B) The company’s expansion in the market----- (C) The company’s declining income

(D) The employee’s lack of patience


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Incomplete Sentences

101 The federal government will continue to monitor thelyjHl employment levels in ------industries.m (A) various

(B) variety(C) vary(D) variously

The name is ------on the outside of the envelope,making it easier to deliver the letter to the correct client.(A) type(B) typist(C) typing(D) typed

102 We look forward to [M l this new market. «M (A) provide

(B) providing(C) provided(D) provision

superb financial services toYou will be------updated as to the status of yourclaim, so please don’t call.(A) scarcely(B) indifferently(C) significantly(D) regularly

103 All successful------will be contacted no later thanm n April 15 to arrange a formal interview.| y j (A) applicants

(B) applicable(C) apply(D) application


The program w ill------any figures you enter in theformulas you register.(A) calculate(B) calculation(C) calculative(D) calculated

104 Proceeds from today’s concert will benefit the SavelEHfli the Children Foundation------the Books for[ 6001 Children Program.

(A) and(B) but(C) so(D) yet



The salary is highly --— , and full benefits (including dental and the year-end bonus plan) are guaranteed.(A) spread(B) equal(C) exact(D) competitive



Bona Lee is a professional singer who loves spending her time — — songs.(A) composes(B) composed(C) composing(D) composer

112 Minho Lee, the newly-appointed supervisor, willn m contact all applicants------to reschedule their[fiool interviews.^ (A) he

(B) him(C) himself(D) his



The annual minutes should be submitted - Monday to the director of the department.(A) upon(B) within(C) before(D) next to

113 While they approved------the change, theyifB l requested certain conditions be put in the contract.

(A) of 1---- 1 (B) for

(C) at(D) in



For a small charge, the post office offers a service that confirms the------of a package.(A) deliver(B) delivery(C) delivering(D) delivered



Ms. Kim will — -- replace Ms. Hadyn, who is taking three months off, as the receptionist.(A) minimally(B) decisively(C) temporarily(D) directly


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115 In order to ------ just the right flavor for our new 122 The new materials developed by the ABC Companymm dog food, we have tested a new product with n M are guaranteed to last longer than — of the16001 thousands of dog owners. |7 3 o l competitors.

(A) find ----- (A) they(B) finding (B) that(C) findings (C) them(D) found (D) those

116 The — — successful candidates for the generalI fH manager position are required to handle customers[ 6oo l from a wide range of different backgrounds andL -i-l personalities.

(A) high(B) highly(C) higher(D) highest



The restaurant is ------ from noon to 11:00 p.m.every day and has a special brunch buffet available on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 2:40 p.m.

(A) open(B) opened(C) opener(D) to open





— -A- - 15% of the country’s farmers are more than 60 years old, and most people raised on farms leave for a post-secondary education or a job in the city.

(A) Approximately(B) Approximation(C) Approximate(D) Approximative

The industrial park,------ construction for the pastthree years, had been scheduled for completion by late spring.

(A) over(B) in(C) of(D) under

------ baby boomers are beginning to retire,governments are becoming very aware of an impending labor shortage.

(A) However(B) During(C) As(D) Yet

Power to the International Conference Building was lost when an electric pole------ during a typhoon.

(A) falls(B) fallen(C) fell(D) falling

121 We hope you enjoy the convenience and comfort of rmmm a personal vehicle and driver while------ with us.









(A) staying(B) stay(C) stays(D) stayed

Excellent craftsmanship and the world’s best quality made Borbio Furniture superior — — other brands.

(A) to(B) than(C) as(D) at



I appreciate the information you sent inquiry about Satin Finish Paints.

(A) regard(B) regards(C) regarded(D) regarding

126 You may not use this voucher in nanqi discount offers.


with any other



(A) relation(B) conjunction(C) agreement(D) alignment

With only 3 weeks left until the deadline, the manager now has to decide — -- - - - applicants will be chosen.


(A) about(B) whom(C) on(D) which

Mr. Donaldson was surprised that AGD Ltd. became not only a — — business but also a global company.

(A) profit(B) profits(C) profitable(D) profited


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Because the item arrived in damaged condition, Mr. Moritz would like to have his money------ .

(A) refunds(B) refunding(C) refunded(D) is refunded

136 The government - — to implement the water Irm conservation plan before the upcoming drought 16001 season.

(A) decided(B) minded(C) suggested(D) denied

130 - — its travel policy, every employee may be I M authorized to fly business class only if the total r 6001 estimated flight time is 5 hours or more.

(A) According to(B) Because(C) Whether(D) Despite

137 - — you have requested a two-month credit on n m your account, It is necessary for us to check your [ 600] credit history.

(A) Since(B) Although(C) Whether(D) Despite

131 Their attention was caught by an advertisement for a m new cleaning product recently put on the market by 16oo l a ------ .

(A) competition(B) competitive(C) compete(D) competitor

138 There is a $25 registration------_ _ materials and parking validation.

18501 (A) revenue ' (B) fare

(C) rate(D) fee

which includes all

132 - — November 1, every book which is borrowed nyfli from the Salisbury County Library will be due in 2 [ 8501 weeks.

----- (A) As if(B) As to(C) As of(D) So as



The corporation was------ not to dump anymanufacturing residue into the local waterways.

(A) advised(B) to advise(C) advising(D) advice

133 The department has already spent most of theUSB! money that was allocated for repairs and----- - for[ 600] the current fiscal year.

(A) maintenance(B) maintain(C) maintainable(D) maintained

140 If you open an account on Saturday, all remittance I M charges will be ------ for the first 2 months.

p f ] (A) waived(B) deleted(C) obtained(D) vaporized



New residents have n o ------ to pay for any damagedone to the house before they move in.

(A) pledge(B) promise(C) engagement(D) obligation

135 - — the report will cover a wide range of subjects, mm they need to work collaboratively to finish it before 16001 the due date.

(A) Because(B) Due to(C) Although(D) Rather than


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Text Completion

I ------ your letter of complaint regarding theservicing of your 2006 Concord on December 14.(A) receiving(B) will receive(C) has received(D) received

148 Every sales staff member should meet regularly per month to consider how------ customer service.

730 (A) improving(B) improvable(C) to improve(D) improved

I understand from your letter that the serviceprovided was not exactly------ you had requestedwhen you dropped off your automobile.

(A) which(B) what(C) who(D) whose



So, training costs have risen years.

(A) dramatically(B) independently(C) probably(D) superficially

in the past 3

We value your business, and we will of the additional work.

(A) hold(B) cover(C) close(D) resolve

the costs150


We w ill------ our new deluxe line of homeappliances next year.

(A) research(B) exhibit(C) launch(D) purchase

If you need to take------ of this guarantee, pleasefollow the instructions below.

(A) merit(B) usage(C) advantage(D) improvement



Next week, promotional packets will be forwarded tonumerous------ and existing clients as selected byour Public Relations Team.

(A) prospective(B) upcoming(C) nearby(D) identifying

Please fill in the form below, and — it when you return the product.

(A) encircle(B) regard(C) enclose(D) exclude

— — your refund application has been filed, we will process your claim within seven days.

(A) Whether(B) Once(C) Although(D) In case

152 — initial feedback on the products from focus ifmt groups of potential customers indicates strong [ 6001 consumer appeal, the company is confident that the L-i-1 new line will help us meet our sales expectations

and achieve our profit margin goals in the coming year.

(A) As(B) As if(C) Moreover(D) So as

Following complaints from customers, we have to discuss a dress code for all personnel and guidelines on individual------- .

(A) face(B) complexion(C) rest(D) appearance


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Reading Comprehension

Why did KP Electronics sell one of its divisions?

(A) The company was legally bankrupt.(B) The LCD market was shrinking.(C) The division was not profitable.(D) The firm needed to repay Terraiongẻ

What is the tone of the customer’s request?

(A) Urgent(B) Apologetic(C) Complimentary(D) Understanding

154 What is learned about the selling price? 161n (A) It was reasonable. ỊEEỊÍ 6001 (B) It was overpriced. I 850 I

L J U (C) It was undervalued.





(D) It was astonishingẽ

What will KP Electronics do with the proceeds?

(A) Invest in another industry (Đ) Hire additional staff(C) Increase R&D spending(D) Reduce its total debt

What is the problem?

(A) A refund of a computer fee(B) A broken calculator(C) A power shortage(D) A computer virus

What are employees asked to do?

(A) Copy important data(B) Update their accounting information(C) Call the security office(D) Purchase new hardware

Why did Ms. Morrison write to Eastern Telecom?

(A) To complain about her telephone service(B) To report a problem with her Internet service(C) To request that her telephone service be

restored(D) To inquire about Internet access rates

When did Ms. Morrison start receiving DSL Internet access?

(A) Six years ago(B) Several months ago(C) A month ago(D) Six weeks ago






What is the purpose of the letter?

(A) To request that Mr. Petrescu send a deposit(B) To inform Mr. Petrescu that the hotel has many

convenient facilities(C) To offer Tour Express special prices(D) To encourage Tour Express to place a room


What does the Sophitel Hotel offer Tour Express?

(A) The opportunity to book rooms before other agencies do

(B) Cheaper tickets to some aquariums in the area(C) A discount price for larger bookings(D) Free shuttle service to the travel agency

What means of transport does Ms. Goldenberg suggest for Mr. Petrescu’s groups?

(A) Taxi(B) Boat(C) Train(D) Plane

What does the announcement suggest about the exhibit?

(A) It will be held indoors.(B) It will be funded by ticket sales.(C) It will be very formal.(D) It w ill be unprecedented.

What is Greenfield Commons?

(A) A museum(B) An auditorium(C) A park(D) An estate

What does the exhibit prohibit?

(A) Pets(B) Beverages(C) Infants(D) Blankets


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PEfl (A) The opening of a bus station(B) Programs to attract tourists to a city(C) The expansion of an art museum(D) Recommended hotels

167 What does the article mainly discuss? 175 Why did Mr. Barr write the letter?

ffW (A) To praise a store for its service 6J° (B) To complain about a missing part of an item

(C) To order a user’s manual(D) To inquire about a delayed response

168 Who is Francisco Maldini?

B B (A) A local artist m (B) A museum director

(C) A city mayor(D) A tourism board member



What does Mr. Barr say about the company’s products?

(A) They are cheap.(B) They are outdated.(C) They are well made.(D) They are very fragile.



What will the hotels offer?

(A) Discount transportation rates(B) Free museum tickets(C) Reduced rates(D) Displays of historic artwork



What has Mr. Barr sent with the letter?

(A) A list of products(B) A sales receipt(C) A toy(D) A personal check



What can be inferred about the $80 per barrel figure?

(A) It was a long-time floor for oil prices.(B) Oil was expected to reach the mark.(C) It’s several dollars below the record.(D) Analysts consider it significant.



What will Mr. Barr probably do if the company does not resolve the problem?

(A) Go to the store and request a refund(B) File a letter of complaint(C) Contact the customer protection board(D) Purchase a different item



Why is the tourism industry concerned?

(A) Higher prices may affect the favorable climate.(B) Consumers may not drive to tourist

attractions.(C) Recent trends in gas prices had been positive.(D) Economists say the industry is in trouble.



Why did Peter Born write this letter?

(A) To respond to a customer’s letter of complaint

'(B) To request a replacement part(C) To advertise a new PMP player(D) To confirm a new order



What is NOT mentioned as a consequence of higher oil prices?

(A) A price hike on non-essential consumables(B) A side effect on travel-related industries(C) The inability of airlines to afford expenses(D) A negative change in consumer spending habits



What is Mr. Mintzberg advised to do?

(A) Purchase a new monitor(B) Check his PMP player for signs of defects(C) Add a missing part to his player(D) Contact a repair service center as soon




What does Best Catch Services provide?

(A) Marketing consulting services(B) Telephone answering services(C) Product development(D) Information access

181 How was the library first used?

BB (A) As a hall for council meetings W (B) As a fire station----- (C) As a hall for parties

(D) As a place of worship

174 What is mentioned about Best Catch Services?

BB (A) Successful companies are some of their 17+° | clients.

(B) It is equipped with up-to-date technology.(C) It provides 24-hour repair service.(D) It offers rental services.

182 Why did renovations NOT take place earlier?

B B (A) The building was not insured.8+° (B) Funding was incomplete.

(C) Council members had resigned.(D) The plans were lost in a fire.


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183 What does Ms. Chen ask? m What is NOT on the meeting’s agenda ?

R B (A) How to make donations 7 ° (B) When her books are due

(C) How late the books are(D) When construction will end

184 What happened to Ms. Chen before?

D B (A) She moved away without paying her late fees. 7+° (B) The library in her old town shut down.

(C) She paid a late fee on the books.(D) She got caught stealing books.

B (A) 3D graphic design r f l (B) A Q&A session

(C) A workshop(D) Sales records

192 How often does this event take place?

Q S (A) Once a week 17®° I (B) Every Monday

(C) Every few months(D) Once a year



Why does Ms. Chen ask if she can return the books?

(A) She was afraid she w ill have a lot of late fees.

(B) The library will charge her 48 dollars.(C) She didn’t contribute to the fundraising.(D) The books are needed by another member.



What penalties are given to employees who do not show up at the meeting?

(A) They cannot attend the next meeting.(B) The information is not provided.(C) Their salary will be reduced.(D) They have to write a report.



What is done to make the rooms safer?

(A) Keys are kept at the front desk.(B) Security guards patrol the hallways.(C) Numerical codes on keys are changed

frequently.(D) Guests are required to check out in person.



What does the memorandum ask the Advertisement Heads to do?

(A) Change the date of the meeting(B) Hold a separate meeting for the Marketing

Department(C) Hold the meeting later than the time set(D) Have a meeting with employees from another


187 When did the guest most likely receive this key?

Q B (A) At check-out time I ®5° I (B) When he checked in

(C) At noon(D) On the date of departure

188 What does the man think the problem is for the ifSHl locked door?

(A) It’s a problem with the numerical key.(B) It is past noon.(C) The last customer forgot to check out.(D) The door is jammed.

195 What is the marketing meeting ?

Q B (A) A meeting with another company to share 7+° knowledge

(B) A day off for the Marketing Department(C) Full-time work for all employees(D) A meeting held once a year

196 What is the first article about?

|B 9 (A) Reducing government spending 1730 I (B) The creation of an international monetary unit----- (C) Improvements in computer technology

(D) The rapid increase in currency fraud

What happens when the key doesn’t work on the door?

(A) The door makes a noise.(B) The key gets jammed.(C) The numeric code gets disabled.(D) Nothing happens.

What will the customers do if there is another problem?

(A) They will complain to the hotel manager.(B) They will not pay.(C) They will call the president of the hotel.(D) They w ill check out right away.

According to this report, what will governments do in March?

(A) Issue new currency(B) Hold a major conference(C) Institute security measures(D) Print more banknotes


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198 What is said to be about bills?

B H (A) Have bumps on them 7J° (B) Make them harder to copy

(C) Stop making bills(D) Stop making printer ink

199 What should be done so that normal citizens do not make fake notes?

(A) Make stronger penalties(B) Advertise through the mass media(C) Conduct fierce supervision(D) Thoroughly inspect clerks in stores

200 Why are there more counterfeit bills?

n (A) There have been technological 6J° advancements.

(B) Bills are being made simple.(C) A new type of paper has been developed.(D) There is a new type of photography.