t.rllryit$ffi 2 · 15 lor breakins his u tm pace.seller in each .nl.god l{.msilr.r kiuebrcn has s...

AXEnICIN rflclld itrLkr. \ru.2rtrk:x-. n'a 7 \.AIIONTI, I,CAGIIE \Lnn 1. blr .... norr.frs I rtxs a\rtiD t\ yP.s.flaKE STATE AMATEUR GOLF lVleieh Flcy Under Woy Eluslve rvas the lvord for Monday's for the 60th Stale Amateur mAtch play that Nent into Iirst round action at the Golt Clt'b Tuesday, First therc Nas a noticcable lack of ehampions entered. Claude Wright of CheBy Country CIub, Bob Clark of Lakewood Country and Jim English of Columbine Country Club among lhe missing. t!---= tl---9-Il s-","a. .u,.'--" )m n iu uslol | ".]."::;J:r',"i", .. Rengers Edge r?HE DENVI ?u.rd.r, lus. 7, ll Beqt lhe fLsl tiv. samos serici $ilh Dallai. s'.re i@ lroud lo exllolt lo lake a rm ft. DflY !fillins to aile-and lost a The lasrplace Ransers NDs UP IIT SHONT lon, sr.lches oul in lhe linol lew .tider p, ot lh. wii. in Mondoy't ,€olured eighlh r lhird. Cobin D.pth lped five ond on€. 10, 2.60 ond 2.40 or rhc pre{o.e fovorite. qudind silh s i5. Forle., lle clorado f!!, sd n.rerup tc Glid'lins lid nit, 16 ,ih.s at hat DaUs had .. hirs in 6 bies ud lo .S0. pullins hinr only one klind B RBI. A_o.m Cash ot rSoddle e JNS his eiqhth National kase bal-lpralbr was Deces,ry' his l€ad oYer mnnerup shorlston $ng DllJlns bn.l into lhe inskumenrs ollstvo !p lte nn ..d ao to! only dclory ol lhe lonslour.rr at nrr br\e_ 5t ivh;.h in.ludc Itc DtrXhnc ot rhe Brsriand \fatne Grahams onefft trhind in lhe fourlh sho tar be! pl.Iirg >els' Field oll and uien barn by jockey Bradley RoL oElb ldumnhllitr in lhe lum, but sdll came lorr luilnnEs.lGr sitrE !: liurl in lhe linal d.d rs.G hereleighlh lo nip lhe }lonaghan hrrs tu $oblEarms Rullin Red. Sand G.ck rlhnn€.Psrll&dy $as lhid. This s?s rhe u!r. lsecnd slrairhl tocal rriumph irion ro rhislror Tdb call. \vh las J'il\n rer here mlEes and ridins teader Rolins Itrk for fiNi place sirh es Halse!'slson a Fi. to jmpmre his BL Jimen€z- EaEc Oty s Mtie ilas hll, andllion alop the l_nley stedinss. ou{iekler. JinreDez drcppd lhc d!etinglPa.,c tS5.$, in the {Uth 3nd Ilamon KillebEw of IIin: EideFiion. lturs Dram (s7.@t in rhr sla .losed in on Ihc h addiuon lo lds $m Tflb call, notlB \ron $jth Ruming JeNtl G?.{0) ir Chotr on poE. 48. DaUs ot h Angeles to Ilusial lifid his aE.aqe 3i7 by coiieciinq serrtr iii! Del.nding Champlon Di trol rqdd to qlrlib Jablon\tl'. hi silh hroila{ tum igiin{ Frd rmaind in lhid pla.e ar followed by Hank Aamr ot sauke€. -33 and Robedo Tommi DNis drore h hns lo Li*e hls iG biil.d told lo rr2. sillie ltaJs ol Fmn.is.o onllnud lo s.t Ne in [omeE $ilh g. .35. fre fi$ms include SE aDd l:B ba(d in leadec. nrirt sluqse. hltd Iour heF and drc\e in eighl Nom Snith ol creeley. an. . run scorcd on se ptaylsel und$ alt thfre ot thcm. he ryins run rpsisleFd al n-e\rman, larscly bc.iurc enl ldler on tud clad.lrlanr{' r Rdy tiuhn.r d,dn1 s sild Dil.h \vhr.h aFlhire inorher sreller tEsh ed to cMs up car.h€r Billl.noqh lo sork FIi.I. $ont atl he. llh. say d, sni{c &nrer's 11 baSe m8rk ahd tyirs Diry fan's record lor ttu majors. He b$ke hls o$n rcord h 19$, Ianrins 18 h Ihe final aame ot lhe seasd. lale run h ercry one rc lloraghanl J. H. Nsll'! frbin Deplh bur anil me-lbJ nlPPiDa the llonryban ma.k d .i?ltums hl3 ol tlo.hh rr rh. .dlEn[caN -{ssoclAllos RI BOB BOIIE l).nrer Posl SNrb $ritrr FORT @LLlNs. ftlo. - iler or rimlahlol [ou. "l.st" hck slatu kre. mente. Pitlsbursh. .332 P. fome..hampior..ahe $lh a i9 4d clen Bastmm aid qemenlc .ach saind O!..land. the iluntlink gotl Fint rtrle iobiNon that nro Natio.alFmr k.eu. r.rcmhr :nd lhe sild pitch I j, @to. Thislcopped rb. t.anrmd.ishth r&. tub Xarlr, llarlan shff a.d J@ LF.h $ilh ahd lrujlbts mdatisi flislt Risht hhind the s 3S-tule pairing Ior A 1Fha. sehioE nighr il Dafr of the loumampni ft.sdat rh. plan $as €nce her€ on ls'L. b rhE ,irr Md oG.hhrur. irlo a com-lloB sprina. Th6 ,aroFd {in. J6trt Geri Eoustlo. AIIEETC.IN IfIGTE *|irs (n, r. N$biN o rlielenz and Jim ltaschinot llalch play continues in ,nd rBhnslner ss clelrd ln r:Ns/s In &e rlm€ican ka$e. Punnels or ktotr ctihM Parra silEr.l Jekey h k$is $.on lhrc Fint 10 .8. He btuke a dead- Ho'll k .ry Io \{nreE \see &bOLink in ih IiB!. Paso a llo\DtI s trEsIt,N Bill Blanloh, sssisl.nt IltrIoll. Blanton bhiid the se.ond o\ lnlc al tlr Colunrbhc chb..rasinr Il.tuld ol Crand Junclim, lhe Elanlon. hffveY.r. Noblc PGA presi(lcnl, lined Blar 15 lor breakins his U tM pace.seller in each .nl.goD KiUebrcN has S honrcE l{.mSilr.r rill h leading loads h lomers sith S Kahsas Olys Norm has ihe most runs baned in. British Cuppers Arriving Today llB. Fdn.ls snilth, non. IlaJlng .a0hh ol lho Jonll. ,ril Rrlllsh Odls Gp toll l€an, sni n.! alell.$.nrro squad $eE d!6 lo tudr6 at D.!!..'. Ebpkrq Airlsil nr.day trltht. &6 qd k elEul6 lmnr iniiid t. lh Bi.ldmr Ilolrl h @loddo SIrhgs $bE rho rW frnB frP !.im hnr.hrs $ilI b pl6Id Ar!- !:-1! q li. B.dm@rt .namplmstlp .ouM. lIB. DI,m6 Eolot, a.tred rhdfre lot Se BdDmr, f,nd oth.. dll.hls Elll & otr M ro En.l U6 B.l(3n aefr. RATIK FIRST i- F.tJ !Fi.. ii t[. .iti. l^.6 Mounl:i' r..ioi:..- Blonton uqlifies PGA t , , I hiln rhrnn!h-.. I Bm{rs also all6\d a sinqle hil. Il ,vas jtrili... nI sorls. OCIOOX , Cg | ,n-. o* rr.. "n""rl .i.rrr. rr,gn, r.r ".n ru r*rn I h.ausc cain hid ktr rl.. iiii,n Ih: y.ir bc(ore shen I s,t. $. tcl lt.r rr\trna \f,\ nnr otr his r..l- snil rroutd h I Fellar lhretr a nohiller it him, EfUSh I u"orr m r"ur ur rn rhe n.\r !or. I aon nXo,aca his hioltophfi ilon? nl th. stnsh. Hl:Go. colo.-rliPIl "Irul h. found son. .n..s!'aotrest€rr, ud Iulr bull.d I hrklht 'olot ol lhe bns.hill'rs drc bao.ed b! nislt :ui.l,lnlitlll ''.llli,,l'lll";,," nxil.h o.i, G.8.63. s.6,6{, bu, ".. "" I !ffii!i:!:i.i!xry';:;"':,i:i:i,'i:i'i!.,{i::":e lhr.. dri!.s. tsrrd And.rsonl ril." shot rh6rt ,nd rmk il !.!. .dg, !aDa..r $llh td Nllh llls !i lt6 end B!E.!nn, sdnnueH ,hd noll trr6l eomlslrnt aoll Noils*r tEd lt6 dalrs Elanlon had mhsed \ras made easy \\ten No?!!sh, le!! ot p.a in tyolt $hetr he td a e d Columbin.'s fiNt ::i, - : r : t:..r.,j 'fti; t- es! metal- c oarl fid hts tee sM out snrmcE had ! homlnE 6 sd he old ilre to his 5?. Novilskyov€r- Blantn irith his S FI lsl On Rolly in Ninfh ! B, MANfi IIAtrAIVAY D.ni.r PGt spdr Wilt.! It sem3 ihat Dcnvcr's Bcr hnlls fiqurrd in any o,ill: ,,ttos nrnhl [i 2 NFL Vefs &a run scored on fre Dlaylqet under alt thre ot ihem. lrd rhc es'. redhg s6.lbul Chu.k Tann.r $.as nhle Conlinued from posG 45. $rs 16. Ste!€ O'Rourke of {he Dehit Tise6 $rs shui out allhoush he had ollerd a Sorld Serics lrip to the E.ller lmily and Sg.m in cash. Ste\e aho otier€d lo fmt iktilt lo. k Emotal ol the kid's tonsils and adenoids. Bill FcUer nild the smtis sureery and tek the t.tr grand. &b Eurlird lno esFit hecllina In tte Jears $hetr kn.h ,ocl.Js s.re lrollcl€nllI obnoxiotrs. In eshiblllotr !imB, he head ho Durmher ol the Carditrnls holler' "Co M.k to lhc Iirm, f,id. flrJb. Iotr cu lltch hat, but J6u .!n't pltch up hrr. $llh lte hlg bols." ln its li6r E![car. Mc6 aaalnsl Fetler, Dtrrcche. srEna lainlt st $re6 pe!. R6rdy Dick Bartell of the Ciants al. his \sords, tm, "Th }id ain't as la$ as Van llunso," Bartell said. thcn lailed to aet a bt in 19 aibats asninst Eeller, He also Nter that, Ee)ler Nindmilled lo lhe top. fre statistics pmE that Bu[.t tub hlonss ammg the immodab, In his ' a s eou s O su n a I i$-;",.",8 {d#}*;t"ii}iif#*t"iii 'raised by Yanks llE\lco cITl - (lr) - Brrrcl osutr!'r .oudae \rsr | ITELLER lhre,r lhree nGhitteF. one or lh.m @ openiDg I.als.d bJ lD.rlcrn Drrlr (tD le!d..s fr.alrl, irl.r hli I r day i, lg0, tk only such a.hielement in a s..\onal lhrillinA rlr..s{ lidorJ o!.r Jor DouAI.r $ilch .iln.H I inausuht, nr.he timcs he pit.hed one-hitteE, and lost the Atrx.ricrn zotr6 Drris (\D s.nillinab r.. ue\|.o. I ffe oa them H in 1S2 rrhen kb Cain oI lhe SI. buis Tha viclory tlas cGllt -;;;ii;.i;r;i;;i:'ii^^il -T';l'l;:, !nn,.. n,,.r rp rild rno,,cil rhe ",.r"h,r I p.-IISEIIiI' :'f"::ll,::"1'l*:i:lXllil::l r,.*r..n*'rr.'.n*ro{il'ndu$n,r,oonr.nrc..or,* lToo U.S. Neiters I .:: , i.:j,--. .:-.. I nc\l Niil snnn..n. ln trn rrilsil t.llod. "llenrrnrb.r luu l^ r. ;:lll:1"'),::Til,Lii::i:;i'j}i il ,i;i;;--;". rr"ir"u...ro o*,,,, ;,,.i .. a.uir;. ;"' lGoinq to Soviet remainrsinrorrmovolav- | ildrh,ctlou.r[. I souTHillmo]i, N.y. Yugoslovs ^teqd | 1";;;;;i; ";i;""U.':'"i'il.:::i,J^'I'JL-,^lll,;1"iil l[:"?';:;i;,t:l';1," ll*"1: DOViS CUO $g1ig5l **r" u rrs drl.'rncc.' .1rr0r trr rprr, rh. r.Irre. herrd lfrrmpionshiFs bccau"e or rh" pOnr Or SpAlt. Tiinkiad -l pltrS ril'{'h1ililrl,J lo titrlion ltc cro$d s[tr,nri rhoullnF lo lU.S. Daris Op hss in nlexrco (APr-YuaGlsvias &ris Jota.l lh' rlareh lr'@rlod ror ltr${ounf, dtrlv "."r" a"i""*i ri'il.i'"c"ii'l onrhene\rFI!{o\un.is.drrontr.eanilrrntrru[ulH lrilrsdiv.in.rhe ?{rh }rcnddv Fsn,s tsn ltchnald Gl.6.l, &ll otrl rh. rlrtrl Bsnx,. ;ffi;,l"';" fi'" H-l:i:i ;il "" ;;; ;;;,.. ".,,,i,h rrncil sr oq,ns snd sar rnrenoa I oricind"v, ftr'!, oI Be'|hesda rFntnq srngres malch ot the,rl tr\ an t!r\un. *,\icnh ohuil(,,."tJ, L.t Doxihs sld h. llld, snd fttrhlinC ol Coral il;;;;;;;-;;;riliiliil iiil;;ilil;,., rhlr ,re a,h $n{ trrn,cd trr hrm. lFL',',1.i ,il';l#,]'" '"'""" - | ln lh. llird qan,.. nlio ntr r,{,ntr\ rrrrl.e, Doualsr s'N I .,rvir rne oavis Orn toss tn oI ra'n, ocl t.nillns 30.ti $rpn r. hlt { Jnil sil.l lsndd otr s !1n.. llrcxico norvevcr.' drecnvitte 1re closil trl ttnl ^e(lh,n.l lhr.onrl Jr,ld: -O{1, orl" lwatke.' tournamrnt chiirman Slll. lh. llnenrsn ctrltd llr h.tl Bodi, uouEi6. ss t", ih.,.."id. .,rh. U,S. LJtrii T.n 1er Park, eraht mrles Ircm lhel Nmrilr dt\trsclril lnJ hil\\cil il,. nerl rofleJ. It. ats tost lni. A<(n oran( t. s.nd Chuck ,valcrnoBad Guamcara Park 'nl flnr sn,,:f. Iii"rrn_ i"a Dnnnis Rrtsron T1'I'll?*1 'I::'*.Y:Tl Arer rre n'trr.h. Donsriq sn'd. -r snrnt ild a brL lro rh. riu*'", r-'.,-"r. :ij}.Til,::fl'i],S:ljll r*"nr"*c,*",iltrndr,s,.d,.urD,or6.rtr." | - schdure. I o{n! sho lrrtrd douhlca sunrlt. $sq.ohrnier.rv *, lYf*9:yl:l*t"",". ,-,, Thc \rinner ol rlF 6Frhs tlilll on rh hat srl $nq lsretr to ih. dmlsltrr rcom lor I rub_ lbl;"#;i;ii t&iih_i*"ii:;i Drav rr.xico in rhe ame.i.anr (o$tr u!,rcBrn,rnr. li.'-'ll:,'1fr,,:J"i';ii':'';l1l J1"'' id; linnl at lrexho ory. Auq.l "r juqt br.,r Ir," Doutrse lniir. "I had.o ,hanv rhanc.!, l*T''d.ijl;-,'#.I'lf'^'i"i;lli..'*l l?ie. | "1,""r"ir) rtr rh. rrrrh iFr, atrd l lrr rren, tcl s{sIJ' ll].',:li;1,.",ii1i1"X: -""' "'''' ::.:tiffi:*jf.I*3:i*;i:ii;?;3.:?:.:::lr!3f,ffi |i:.:* :::;a.ii:; : s *.# : : : 0'ilEAR['$ d away lha title d he not bqeyd th 1r4f t.rllryit$ffi ln Hitting l;"".{*:Hq:;,#i.l Green Cut Down ol Plole Nes, yOM_rnpr+r.,\ru-lorer-Ds 82. There $ere 13 sial ol st..his, d.iing tolradlNilh e and tetr oFn sFts. lin lirlc. Sahd litt Finls inlas lhrcc plilrers al 82 did ,,{ !re.k s sanles dd incre*ea lstor up for Sr e\lra hol. New York Yonkee cotcher Eliton Howord roises hir mil ofter toooino our tennv Green of rhe Min.eroro Twin' or home ptote in 3econd in"i"g ot uoiJo/ rishr. c'o." "r Yonkee Stodium. Umpi,e Som CorriEon tolls ptoy. cie"n fied 16 sco-re tro-m rhrd when o pickoff rhrov lroh Boword wert eitd; bur didn,r moke il. (Story Doqe 45), rb6 &oi coslly ol lhe &n.labut rho sangoF.Ninning run mlscu.s ras s 3e!€nthln.llt resuld trom ho Bilrket Errc. by shorisroD Cootldebl€ oFnirq lhe ninth Therc $as nolhin! solt lnle )lmday snd h ttre 1N N^timal "i"::iil^;:il'ii;l ,r".,;;;; ;f ;; ;;il;;'i,,..i;i ;ii"; ;; ,i; I l,#:Jill"ll,illl,,l lTl"i,!i::,;"i!:",ii,:,i:,{;,ii:,i: o!tr!'u"h h rhc colo l rtrxrcr\ un l and oaod cnild\.t n.dnts, F.ucrs tctsoilar tite ncftr ltlnS v!. 0l[rs. fI. Y()f,It1 snilo scnriPto Bx(cb.illl "l trnr rrouil .l lh. rsJ l,onaltrr rru.d." srl frrleln I r.as r..ord.d in rte seil,u rr.tiotr oI ilc rnss. c.tr ntrnRm.nr, _ | lnil' [rllirr ul lln l'.\. l.in','Itrl l@ nruch.rdtll.an no( I cnilu. iownqtbt] nt nol iil.rrrkn il Lilblis\it! the ball h lhls seri.s. r'estl The kaF rnsd thrce $ettr E ll.tlhh honner olllhil balk to dFhltield in rh.t r,cd il in the tllh Eye lEt Fii He plared nleday the BMro GleE in thc club s n6l e\hbition b Atlant. W'N STRETI( SHATTER,ED t likcly $iltl!!e lhld Jftkev !1fieroP tub or th.sr rrt-lyeac€r $.as brahkd in eiaht Mae Divot oH, coaE No"g JANET. ,.1V (2 E SISTER SW YOU MTH HII1 x, oF ALL PLACEI A 1RwE- IN AOVIE - a mombs .@nd ?{. lrr Fii-re Whisl<ey..,

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Page 1: t.rllryit$ffi 2 · 15 lor breakins his U tM pace.seller in each .nl.goD l{.mSilr.r KiUebrcN has S honrcE rill h leading loads h lomers sith S Kahsas Olys Norm has ihe most runs baned

AXEnICIN rflclld

itrLkr. \ru.2rtrk:x-. n'a 7


\Lnn 1. blr ....

norr.frs I rtxs a\rtiD t\



lVleieh FlcyUnder Woy

Eluslve rvas the lvord for Monday'sfor the 60th Stale Amateur mAtch playthat Nent into Iirst round action at theGolt Clt'b Tuesday,

First therc Nas a noticcable lack ofehampions entered. Claude Wright of CheByCountry CIub, Bob Clark of Lakewood Countryand Jim English of Columbine Country Club

among lhe missing.t!---= tl---9-Il s-","a. .u,.'--")m n iu uslol | ".]."::;J:r',"i", ..

Rengers Edger?HE DENVI?u.rd.r, lus. 7, ll


lhe fLsl tiv. samosserici $ilh Dallai.

s'.re i@ lroud lo exllolt

lo lake a rm ft. DflY!fillins to aile-and lost a

The lasrplace RansersNDs UP IIT SHONTlon, sr.lches oul in lhe linol lew .tiderp, ot lh. wii. in Mondoy't ,€olured eighlhr lhird. Cobin D.pth lped five ond on€.10, 2.60 ond 2.40 or rhc pre{o.e fovorite.

qudind silh s i5.

Forle., lle clorado

f!!, sd n.rerup tc

Glid'lins lid nit,

16 ,ih.s at hat DaUs had.. hirs in 6 bies udlo .S0.

pullins hinr only one klind

B RBI. A_o.m Cash ot



his eiqhth National kase bal-lpralbr was Deces,ry'

his l€ad oYer mnnerup

shorlston $ng DllJlns bn.linto lhe inskumenrs ollstvo !p lte nn ..d ao to!only dclory ol lhe lonslour.rr at nrr br\e_

5t ivh;.h in.ludc

Itc DtrXhnc ot rhe Brsriand \fatne Grahams onefft trhind in lhe fourlhsho tar be! pl.Iirg>els' Fieldoll and uien barn

by jockey Bradley RoLoElb ldumnhllitr in lhe lum, but sdll camelorr luilnnEs.lGr sitrE !: liurl in lhe linald.d rs.G hereleighlh lo nip lhe }lonaghanhrrs tu $oblEarms Rullin Red. Sand G.ckrlhnn€.Psrll&dy $as lhid. This s?s rhe

u!r. lsecnd slrairhl tocal rriumphirion ro rhislror Tdb call. \vh las J'il\n

rer here mlEes and ridins teader Rolins Itrk for fiNi place sirhes Halse!'slson a Fi. to jmpmre his BL Jimen€z- EaEc Oty s Mtieilas hll, andllion alop the l_nley stedinss. ou{iekler. JinreDez drcppd

lhc d!etinglPa.,c tS5.$, in the {Uth 3nd Ilamon KillebEw of IIin:EideFiion. lturs Dram (s7.@t in rhr sla .losed in on Ihch addiuon lo lds $m

Tflb call, notlB \ron$jth Ruming JeNtl G?.{0) ir

Chotr on poE. 48.

DaUs ot h Angeles to

Ilusial lifid his aE.aqe3i7 by coiieciinq serrtr iii!

Del.nding Champlon Ditrol rqdd to qlrlib

Jablon\tl'. hi silh hroila{ tum igiin{ Frd

rmaind in lhid pla.e arfollowed by Hank Aamr otsauke€. -33 and Robedo

Tommi DNis drore hhns lo Li*e hls iG biil.dtold lo rr2. sillie ltaJs olFmn.is.o onllnud lo s.tNe in [omeE $ilh g.

.35. fre fi$ms include SE

aDd l:B ba(d in leadec.nrirt sluqse. hltd IourheF and drc\e in eighl

Nom Snith ol creeley. an.

. run scorcd on se ptaylsel und$ alt thfre ot thcm.he ryins run rpsisleFd al n-e\rman, larscly bc.iurcenl ldler on tud clad.lrlanr{' r Rdy tiuhn.r d,dn1s sild Dil.h \vhr.h aFlhire inorher sreller tEshed to cMs up car.h€r Billl.noqh lo sork FIi.I. $ont atlhe. llh. say d, sni{c &nrer's 11

baSe m8rk ahd tyirs Diry fan's record lor ttu majors.He b$ke hls o$n rcord h 19$, Ianrins 18 h Ihe finalaame ot lhe seasd.

lale run h ercry one

rc lloraghanl J. H. Nsll'! frbin Deplh

bur anil me-lbJ nlPPiDa the llonrybanma.k d .i?ltums hl3 ol tlo.hh rr rh.

.dlEn[caN -{ssoclAllos RI BOB BOIIEl).nrer Posl SNrb $ritrr

FORT @LLlNs. ftlo. -

iler or rimlahlol [ou. "l.st" hck slatu kre.mente. Pitlsbursh. .332

P. fome..hampior..ahe$lh a i9 4d clen Bastmm

aid qemenlc .ach saind O!..land. the iluntlink gotl

Fint rtrle iobiNon

that nro Natio.alFmrk.eu. r.rcmhr :nd

lhe sild pitch I

j, @to. Thislcopped rb. t.anrmd.ishth r&. tub Xarlr, llarlanshff a.d J@ LF.h $ilhahd lrujlbts mdatisi


Risht hhind the

s 3S-tule pairing Ior

A 1Fha. sehioE nighr ilDafr of the loumampni

ft.sdat rh. plan $as

€nce her€ on ls'L. b rhE ,irr Md oG.hhrur.irlo a com-lloB sprina. Th6 ,aroFd {in.

J6trt Geri Eoustlo.


*|irs (n, r. N$biN o

rlielenz and Jim ltaschinot

llalch play continues in,nd rBhnslner ss clelrd ln r:Ns/s

In &e rlm€ican ka$e.Punnels or ktotr ctihM

Parra silEr.l Jekey h k$is $.on lhrc Fint 10 .8. He btuke a dead-

Ho'll k .ry Io

\{nreE \see &bOLinkin ih IiB!. Paso a

llo\DtI s trEsIt,N

Bill Blanloh, sssisl.nt

IltrIoll.Blanton bhiid the se.ond o\

lnlc al tlr Colunrbhcchb..rasinr Il.tuld

ol Crand Junclim, lhe

Elanlon. hffveY.r. Noblc

PGA presi(lcnl, lined Blar15 lor breakins his U tM

pace.seller in each .nl.goDKiUebrcN has S honrcEl{.mSilr.r

rill h


loads h lomers sith SKahsas Olys Normhas ihe most runs baned in.

British CuppersArriving Today

llB. Fdn.ls snilth, non.

IlaJlng .a0hh ol lho Jonll.,ril Rrlllsh Odls Gp tolll€an, sni n.! alell.$.nrrosquad $eE d!6 lo tudr6 atD.!!..'. Ebpkrq Airlsilnr.day trltht.

&6 qd k elEul6 lmnriniiid t. lh Bi.ldmrIlolrl h @loddo SIrhgs$bE rho rW frnB frP!.im hnr.hrs $ilI b pl6IdAr!- !:-1! q li. [email protected] .ouM.

lIB. DI,m6 Eolot, a.tredrhdfre lot Se BdDmr,f,nd oth.. dll.hls Elll & otr

M ro En.l U6 B.l(3n aefr.

RATIK FIRSTi- F.tJ !Fi.. ii t[. .iti.l^.6 Mounl:i' r..ioi:..-


PGAt , , I hiln rhrnn!h-.. I Bm{rs also all6\d a sinqle hil. Il ,vas jtrili... nI sorls.

OCIOOX , Cg | ,n-. o* rr.. "n""rl

.i.rrr. rr,gn, r.r ".n

ru r*rn I h.ausc cain hid ktr rl.. iiii,n Ih: y.ir bc(ore shenI s,t. $. tcl lt.r rr\trna \f,\ nnr otr his r..l- snil rroutd h I Fellar lhretr a nohiller it him,

EfUSh I u"orr m r"ur ur rn rhe n.\r !or. I aon nXo,aca his hioltophfi ilon? nl th. stnsh.

Hl:Go. colo.-rliPIl "Irul h. found son. .n..s!'aotrest€rr, ud Iulr bull.d I hrklht 'olot

ol lhe bns.hill'rs drc bao.ed b! nislt

:ui.l,lnlitlll ''.llli,,l'lll";,," nxil.h o.i, G.8.63. s.6,6{, bu, ".. "" I !ffii!i:!:i.i!xry';:;"':,i:i:i,'i:i'i!.,{i::":e

lhr.. dri!.s. tsrrd And.rsonl ril."

shot rh6rt ,nd rmk il

!.!. .dg, !aDa..r $llh

td Nllh llls !i lt6 end

B!E.!nn, sdnnueH ,hd noll

trr6l eomlslrnt aoll

Noils*r tEd lt6 dalrs

Elanlon had mhsed

\ras made easy \\ten

No?!!sh, le!! ot p.a intyolt $hetr he td ae d Columbin.'s fiNt

::i, -: r : t:..r.,j




c oarl

fid hts tee sM out

snrmcE had ! homlnE6 sd he old

ilre to his 5?. Novilskyov€r-Blantn irith his S


On Rolly in Ninfh !B, MANfi IIAtrAIVAY

D.ni.r PGt spdr Wilt.!It sem3 ihat Dcnvcr's Bcr

hnlls fiqurrd in any o,ill: ,,ttos nrnhl [i

2 NFL Vefs &a run scored on fre Dlaylqet under alt thre ot ihem.lrd rhc es'. redhg s6.lbul Chu.k Tann.r $.as nhle

Conlinued from posG 45.

$rs 16. Ste!€ O'Rourke of {he Dehit Tise6 $rs shui outallhoush he had ollerd a Sorld Serics lrip to the E.llerlmily and Sg.m in cash. Ste\e aho otier€d lo fmt iktiltlo. k Emotal ol the kid's tonsils and adenoids. Bill FcUernild the smtis sureery and tek the t.tr grand.

&b Eurlird lno esFit hecllina In tte Jears $hetrkn.h ,ocl.Js s.re lrollcl€nllI obnoxiotrs. In eshiblllotr

!imB, he head ho Durmher ol the Carditrnls holler' "CoM.k to lhc Iirm, f,id. flrJb. Iotr cu lltch hat, but J6u.!n't pltch up hrr. $llh lte hlg bols." ln its li6r E![car.Mc6 aaalnsl Fetler, Dtrrcche. srEna lainlt st $re6 pe!.

R6rdy Dick Bartell of the Ciants al. his \sords, tm,"Th }id ain't as la$ as Van llunso," Bartell said. thcnlailed to aet a bt in 19 aibats asninst Eeller, He also

Nter that, Ee)ler Nindmilled lo lhe top. fre statisticspmE that Bu[.t tub hlonss ammg the immodab, In his

' a s eou s O su n a I i$-;",.",8 {d#}*;t"ii}iif#*t"iii'raised by Yanks

llE\lco cITl -

(lr) - Brrrcl osutr!'r .oudae \rsr | ITELLER lhre,r lhree nGhitteF. one or lh.m @ openiDg

I.als.d bJ lD.rlcrn Drrlr (tD le!d..s fr.alrl, irl.r hli I r day i, lg0, tk only such a.hielement in a s..\onal

lhrillinA rlr..s{ lidorJ o!.r Jor DouAI.r $ilch .iln.H I inausuht, nr.he timcs he pit.hed one-hitteE, and lostthe Atrx.ricrn zotr6 Drris (\D s.nillinab r.. ue\|.o. I ffe oa them H in 1S2 rrhen kb Cain oI lhe SI. buis

Tha viclory tlas cGllt

-;;;ii;.i;r;i;;i:'ii^^il -T';l'l;:, !nn,.. n,,.r rp rild rno,,cil rhe ",.r"h,r I


:'f"::ll,::"1'l*:i:lXllil::l r,.*r..n*'rr.'.n*ro{il'ndu$n,r,oonr.nrc..or,* lToo U.S. NeitersI .:: , i.:j,--. .:-.. I nc\l Niil snnn..n. ln trn rrilsil t.llod. "llenrrnrb.r luu l^ r.

;:lll:1"'),::Til,Lii::i:;i'j}i il ,i;i;;--;". rr"ir"u...ro o*,,,, ;,,.i .. a.uir;. ;"' lGoinq to Sovietremainrsinrorrmovolav- | ildrh,ctlou.r[. I souTHillmo]i, N.y.

Yugoslovs ^teqd | 1";;;;;i; ";i;""U.':'"i'il.:::i,J^'I'JL-,^lll,;1"iil l[:"?';:;i;,t:l';1," ll*"1:DOViS CUO $g1ig5l **r" u rrs drl.'rncc.' .1rr0r trr rprr, rh. r.Irre. herrd lfrrmpionshiFs bccau"e or rh"

pOnr Or SpAlt. Tiinkiad -l pltrS ril'{'h1ililrl,J lo titrlion ltc cro$d s[tr,nri rhoullnF lo lU.S. Daris Op hss in nlexrco

(APr-YuaGlsvias &ris Jota.l lh' rlareh lr'@rlod ror ltr${ounf, dtrlv

"."r" a"i""*i ri'il.i'"c"ii'l onrhene\rFI!{o\un.is.drrontr.eanilrrntrru[ulH lrilrsdiv.in.rhe ?{rh }rcnddv

Fsn,s tsn ltchnald Gl.6.l, &ll otrl rh. rlrtrl Bsnx,.;ffi;,l"';" fi'" H-l:i:i ;il

"" ;;; ;;;,.. ".,,,i,h

rrncil sr oq,ns snd sar rnrenoa I oricind"v, ftr'!, oI Be'|hesda

rFntnq srngres malch ot the,rl tr\ an t!r\un. *,\icnh ohuil(,,."tJ, L.t Doxihs sld h. llld, snd fttrhlinC ol Coralil;;;;;;;-;;;riliiliil iiil;;ilil;,., rhlr ,re a,h $n{ trrn,cd trr hrm. lFL',',1.i ,il';l#,]'" '"'"""

- | ln lh. llird qan,.. nlio ntr r,{,ntr\ rrrrl.e, Doualsr s'N I .,rvir rne oavis Orn toss tnoI ra'n, ocl t.nillns 30.ti $rpn r. hlt { Jnil sil.l lsndd otr s !1n.. llrcxico norvevcr.' drecnvitte

1re closil trl ttnl ^e(lh,n.l lhr.onrl Jr,ld: -O{1, orl" lwatke.' tournamrnt chiirmanSlll. lh. llnenrsn ctrltd llr h.tl Bodi, uouEi6. ss t", ih.,.."id. .,rh. U,S. LJtrii T.n

1er Park, eraht mrles Ircm lhel Nmrilr dt\trsclril lnJ hil\\cil il,. nerl rofleJ. It. ats tost lni. A<(n oran( t. s.nd Chuck,valcrnoBad Guamcara Park

'nl flnr sn,,:f. Iii"rrn_ i"a Dnnnis Rrtsron

T1'I'll?*1 'I::'*.Y:Tl Arer rre n'trr.h. Donsriq sn'd. -r snrnt ild a brL lro rh. riu*'", r-'.,-"r.:ij}.Til,::fl'i],S:ljll r*"nr"*c,*",iltrndr,s,.d,.urD,or6.rtr." |


schdure. I o{n! sho lrrtrd douhlca sunrlt. $sq.ohrnier.rv *, lYf*9:yl:l*t"",". ,-,,Thc \rinner ol rlF 6Frhs tlilll on rh hat srl $nq lsretr to ih. dmlsltrr rcom lor I rub_ lbl;"#;i;ii t&iih_i*"ii:;i

Drav rr.xico in rhe ame.i.anr (o$tr u!,rcBrn,rnr. li.'-'ll:,'1fr,,:J"i';ii':'';l1l J1"''id; linnl at lrexho ory. Auq.l "r juqt br.,r Ir," Doutrse lniir. "I had.o ,hanv rhanc.!, l*T''d.ijl;-,'#.I'lf'^'i"i;lli..'*ll?ie. | "1,""r"ir)

rtr rh. rrrrh iFr, atrd l lrr rren, tcl s{sIJ' ll].',:li;1,.",ii1i1"X: -""' "''''::.:tiffi:*jf.I*3:i*;i:ii;?;3.:?:.:::lr!3f,ffi |i:.:* :::;a.ii:; : s *.# : : :

0'ilEAR['$d away lha title dhe not bqeyd th

1r4f t.rllryit$ffiln Hitting l;"".{*:Hq:;,#i.l Green Cut Down ol PloleNes, yOM_rnpr+r.,\ru-lorer-Ds 82. There $ere 13

sial ol st..his, d.iing tolradlNilh e and tetr oFn sFts.

lin lirlc. Sahd litt Finls inlas lhrcc plilrers al 82 did,,{ !re.k s sanles dd incre*ea lstor up for Sr e\lra hol.

New York Yonkee cotcher Eliton Howord roises hir mil ofter toooino our tennv Greenof rhe Min.eroro Twin' or home ptote in 3econd in"i"g ot uoiJo/ rishr. c'o." "rYonkee Stodium. Umpi,e Som CorriEon tolls ptoy. cie"n fied 16 sco-re tro-m rhrdwhen o pickoff rhrov lroh Boword wert eitd; bur didn,r moke il. (Story Doqe 45),

rb6 &oi coslly ol lhe &n.labut rho sangoF.Ninning runmlscu.s ras s 3e!€nthln.llt resuld trom ho Bilrket

Errc. by shorisroD Cootldebl€ oFnirq lhe ninth

Therc $as nolhin!

solt lnle )lmday sndh ttre 1N N^timal

"i"::iil^;:il'ii;l ,r".,;;;; ;f ;; ;;il;;'i,,..i;i ;ii"; ;; ,i; I l,#:Jill"ll,illl,,l lTl"i,!i::,;"i!:",ii,:,i:,{;,ii:,i:o!tr!'u"h h rhc colo l rtrxrcr\ un l and oaod cnild\.t n.dnts, F.ucrs tctsoilar tite ncftrltlnS v!.0l[rs.

fI. Y()f,It1snilo scnriPto Bx(cb.illl "l trnr rrouil .l lh. rsJ l,onaltrr rru.d." srl frrleln I r.as r..ord.d in rte seil,u rr.tiotr oI ilc rnss. c.trntrnRm.nr,

_ | lnil' [rllirr ul lln l'.\. l.in','Itrl l@ nruch.rdtll.an no( I cnilu. iownqtbt] nt nol iil.rrrkn il Lilblis\it! the

ball h lhls seri.s. r'estl The kaF rnsd thrce $ettrE ll.tlhh honner olllhil balk to dFhltield in rh.t

r,cd il in the tllhEye

lEt Fii He plared

nleday the BMro

GleE in thc club s n6le\hbition b Atlant.


t likcly $iltl!!e lhld Jftkev !1fieroP tubor th.sr rrt-lyeac€r $.as brahkd in eiaht


a mombs .@nd ?{.

lrr Fii-re Whisl<ey..,

Page 2: t.rllryit$ffi 2 · 15 lor breakins his U tM pace.seller in each .nl.goD l{.mSilr.r KiUebrcN has S honrcE rill h leading loads h lomers sith S Kahsas Olys Norm has ihe most runs baned




!re(lr \i'ilsn Bils-lls lor'\\'holl

Sitptrt'-rlal ivctosday,r!n har!rise lo

i*;":Hl Feotured DU Sftofersatl hrs.l Vivion ond Ronold Joseph oI Highlond psrk, lll., willprofts.l perforrrr o poir exhibition during Fridoy night's {ourlh

,rs thonl onnuol Denver Free Skoling Chompionships ot DU Areno.Nrtlurnll The Josephs, Nolionol Junior poir chompions in I961,lAu{,, lore omorrg lhe skcllers lroining in Denver lhis summer.,,* ,r,,,.1 The meel is sponsored by lhe Denver Figure Skoting Clubng their'l under the sonction of the United Stotes Figure Skotingr irr Chi-l Assn. The compelilion gels under woy ot I p.m.his prrr-l

- -l-

l}i 3:l::i Befween Roun6[g'.'-'.*,.'.',".''.'a

,,u.,1 ,,,ty I

n,r;#i!r1l i I ! ner Angl i ng


|tlac Divof

Extra-hole sossions anrlbcttcr mcdal plny highlighlod Tucsday's f il st'ortnd action in thc 60thColot'ado Golf Assn,state match play tournamcnt at the FitzsiGolf Club.

!'ivc of lhc 32 p;rir'lnqs ncerlcrlexlftr holes lor,a dccisionDefonding Champion Dr.t';rluck of City Purkthal. nlatch play compctitiona sltonuous pilslili)o.

l)r. \ftlu(k, [,ho nHrtlfllholrs lo xldelino l+s llorller olllotrliler, Cklto,, i[ ltrsl ]rtr'sfinuls ul Cherry Hllls CC, ha(l t0hlrdic lhe lllth TucsdrJ. l0 get

lxrsl .y.rxDg Llriy ltleAtce of thelarkonrxxl Cotrnlr:y Chth, rr ll|.yetrr.okl sophornoro nl Colorml6[rtrlr'0rsill',

Dr. Va[tck trail€dllu'ce (lo\l,n aflcr five holes, Irallied lo lrail only one atend of nine.

It $,as an up and do$.n situa-tion florn lhe 10th through the15th rvith Dr'. Valuck taking a1 up lead into the final thleeholes. llut ilIcAlee birdied thcpal' five 18lh lo sertd.the malchinto exlra holes. Dr. Valuckanss,ered s'ilh a birdie on lhofirsl hole l0 enrl the match.

(iary Polrrntbus. \\ho \yill .ioin$ ilh IUcAtee on lhe CU goltsquad nexl season. hatl a fincl-under-par 08, but lost 1 up onthc :tgth to Johlr Jacks.

II r,llrcr rxlr[ hok: dilr:ls Al(innnlng (lorvne(l llob -l.iuville Iul) 0n 10, nnd liill Flenulken Sr.tttruod ha(k illyriln Cruig lrtrdIient Crrnrpbell defetlulI'al,in, both mnk'hes golngholes.

Chip Berry, a Dcnyerversity sophotitore and co-med"alist. rvas ousted bJ, Ron Cha? and :1 in .rnother fealrralch.

'I'he I o u rn a nl en I conlinllosthrou(h lhc nral(:h pliry

Gailagher ThrotAs Grizzlies Get

((lmtitruerl lronr prgp ll,) lllcat's in \\'crlnesrl;

iWoter Ski Chqmpior,Corded qt Sioons LcI A , ,,,.o wilh fout' nl l ivL, (:onr- tl(,Aioulrl . (.Iruupi


W', i.a ii; r*u s.irhout scoring and ,,*rh"' lllill""; ",1i,1'"l,lj:'lW . *"i*., ;!iiiri"....:i

lirnc :itran(lcd a runnor on thi.dlr:,_lr . . . ,t't, t;rtffi

*.i- Wri'tt'fi l)asr: ll:ls srhe,trrtc,l i'l

W ,. '.,,,i,;1.

. Wji;,;,: 'l'ucsrla.r"s girnr(' \\as thc lastlrurrr trccrrusc of ir

T . ..',.u,,"'lwffi I^;[ ;::l,ii,":;1"T,,H""';;I]':,#l l::iil,llllll,'t ;;7i;,ri;,ii,.:.;, 'l ru si.x of lir g;rrnes ai lho starliunr.iis casling al)r'tll [''::t::':'Ia'1.: ' .l - Donye, cilprurl'd six of seven irlroplirl'o ltinl

..;rr. lhc final scl.ics. l(':tsrtlr , , , l(rtrt

, a llrillils st|cirk s.:rl., r. I I , t1 ()lit'Lzl,l' (;Al! - - (ior(ll' Sol.ll,;rtcsl avet,aq(,s s

' frir{l {ll-5) $,ill pil(.h [ot.lheiwilhonlJ,ono.:]0(,DOUG GATTAGHERClose to no.hitter. l- -



n,i'l.ll.,"'.t'tlJ',,\,'u, n,,;ll;tt '11;'li,,,,,,islti C'hanrPionship-s at sloans,r'fllo(l anrong slci(;r.ori(r r 0 r o'rtr'slisr ; :r r'.:i,Lirke lllis lr'ookend. l<.lr;rllcn,lct.s.fi';ili,1"'"u,, :l [] ; 8$:il,f ii^,i ; i lll 1.:\1'nrs l\.iit srirrl :rt e ,.n,.1 r.),,. D. K. sulol<!lbr'\'lr 4 (' o oiLlIrTil I o I lls;rlrrrrlav irnrl Srrnrlirv ac,:old-lr.hn sor , r(n.l(l riiil,g,,\i' i 3 3 3il'l:lf il"r I ! ,1 lls,,ru,.tn'' anrl Srrnrlav. accord-lsho scr a rvorlrl r

it"llii,".;,.;3 3 Srllii,:1,;,l,. ,'?i i!iinv ro I)r.. Jarncs Nock. roulna-iior iulrpcr.s :rr sArreil!b 3o0oisk,trriotrlbE222ltncnl r:hairrnan. lchiet judge forI:IliXii"" il I 3 8iF.,i,""TJi il i I il i:r",J;i.;;;;., r,rnx.r rvorrrrlsr;;;.:'-*-


ii;illllil'r ; 3 3 l,rcrrye ' ' "lnu,l natonilt ctriuut)ion, rri[ bet The specill sp

prlilols going s :il, rroeli io Seallfu,ttros lla|r, Rolhcnhrw@wF6,l8ffiiqis ihour ryill bc o

Yonkees 14, Twins I lot thc Rocky Watcl'Jack l-Iorton of

----t,rorals 30 I it 1. Tornrs 3? r.r r8 r.l iilIlonK the tolt {.illries, Hrl rrrmifollow regrrlnt' tatlied out for I,rscual ln Jnl. i..,..,,.-.,r r.^-..-... l sr,r'rrnl honors tl thc ll'(f slenr laflcrloon. Dr. Nt]|Iilx.rilr....... .. uuo urii.ouo- li..--,, . .__i_

Ics I,d'k ... 5rl 0u0 ?u\-lllE-ricril. lJo.A-Miuncsorn ! ! -{). }-"" i ffili'*j;iffi.-1fi]f-+iiEfl:1{r.i!

conr.hrrtinq $,irh sun(t;ry's:ui-trotcl,lil',1,"T.ri:,.-.lll:11l"i.ljJiil',.il,l',1;ll,l'f i f}lii,.Hl 4

p;rir.in,r tor. urc trniliisrs. i:;,;li ,l;,ilt;. ,t,,i};,,,1: =,iil[,l;l,iitit,",.ii'i i H+.S,;i'l.l.l.:sl)Al'.sli}:sl'l.'l'slstsIl{nFl,lill|lln,Bl'lcl.(,rrr..Nsr*rr,rcrr, l,,.,1llll.l'i'l;,".r,'l' i' T t'I nj'tliiGionls,,,ij,l''li,li1';l'I1;1,.'J; ",lti'"1'''Ji: :jil;iltrlll1l," : l;': ii ; i ,l li: ,,,*il,'il.r(r.rl d.l. (;nty tsilrtronr,.t trIil J.,(,,lilcrr\ ,$ ro-:r.. f i i i: ! 't -.rrnrr'f. l

iilil;ul,i]ililp;fl;url ii,;ir:j,8liiT:lAnsels 3, Bosox r i;,:li;lii ill,ll Flr!rrkr[ Jr. dcf. \taI'i. lrrrkinrt.l t,rrs ts(it:l,t:s trl,sl(lSI irrr(l jr. Erlrrt drr. N;ril s"u"a"iii.l liii':i. " r,ii l ii ,rr urycis .iri r I rur 1: ' ,r t' t1


O:rtnl i. r;c.,r:c.lilil/,r.lcl. nik N.1..,{r.111"r..,,r(r .l n lt rr:il.iilttr-:1, I ir ir rr rritrrr('r'tD'rr.os r,trlr.t dot. rrn Rr,r'ks. a"murt. rv.ii:.lii.,l'"iii, 'i I i ii ?iriiiiiii'i-.-- i ri o rr Il,j't"t'11'.;r.(s riillt,r drr..rrn R,,r'ls.'.rrtartt. rv"i::lii.,l'i'iii, .i r i ,i?iriliii:i'ii- i rr rr rr D'r'tnrlrar : :: .l 1',1..

i:'ii,'llil:",:,lll':il1:'',,iiilll'iiill;',.'ili;llli',f;t;',',? :i i ;i ili::;i;liilii;:i I il:liii:i;lli"i,, I i;;,ilil,nrrllk'rrd.l'C,n,tahrlslcrq{r,rnnd l.llr"l,._,c I rr I Itlrrtlrrnrr jt rr I lr'rr":rr' '" "IB,il, Rnrlrr d.f. Kilre thlhr, 0 rild 5.1 11tr11'.t:ib :l u l lllnhtr. :! 1l I l:

"..,,.,,- ;;;; ,,

lll'1,,1:lii,'ll' ,',',t l.lilll-*lJlillll: J Llll l: I li; ;,;l'.1' i li ll ll lliilj'ii'," " :l li li :l I ii;;::;',',;'i ,iir i"i .rr,i

I)l.k srn.r/rr drl. irillr lLrl. l nnd I l,'tl,rri.jr I rr I lr 'i.ir\,rr t rr r, rril'r,ilill"lrnrint.lrtr*:R Str.:(HII .iiiri iir.iji,il d.l lhhr'":rr{ l, lt rr 0(iillorr'l ? ll ll lrlsrrr lrrrhl'("

ll',(s llrrrs. 4 rlxl 3. !c[r'nrd \tirrty dnt. I anllrrrky I 2 ', I il \\'ll\i rt lr rl l-] !l ul r:-irilrft. ]tnilclrnl,Jn':k sllrllx!. :l nrxt 2- rnrrv iniorror'llilcrlll I lr rr lr k1rlillll, o D rr .r'llllrrlrltlilir xl-ll, sItdct. )Ike )tiel(n/, r anO t. lil t,a!.ilrrloittr.[t u 0 r, O t:rrlrrl {r l] !J ll tl'_ru,rrr 1., .r,ittur

r,dcr. tsrcd srnrlrier, :l nrrd 2. lttrrlrril rr;,c('r : r' rr rr'r,,'li,rl,i'1,, sl,{'nrr. IrIl.nshuff d(I..lal. $nrdc.., nld 3. Dr. I "---a --'- -;,snr' ts'.,rx{i(,' l. lI}.1Dl(k \.xturk rtcr, tltkc Thircl, i airt i I 1.,..r" : ': : :l 'rir,rl( 3l I I I --t... A[,u. IIn-tr,ttr.i.r;rril lxxrr.nr,tor..ra(k l,,rktiij,:r r.ir iil ..s'r,"ta fii (,,un,ln.attr. ir,,.",' sil. ri,ii"'i'iiii.il t;rrrrlrr( ilor. lluL l.illrllc,'r.'ili. trl l_tntt.lor llurrc'.1rr filrr',

-,-,-: I'tl,l,.r] lP Ilhilrs. CItlr ltrrrqc"r dcr. rrlr rrriiril, il. (_l.hcd lrl!' n dDuDIc I'ltrv lrir rrtlrrr';r!irl'trr'llnt

l';1,; .ji;l,,lll,l1l,,,lii.llilll. ,','.:,:lll"',,1111i,.,,,,,,, ,, rrilk.r !,r,,,u.," u,,, l.,li::,1.'i rrr' s e

trilr l-ilt,, rl) ll({cs, lllll Cxr(y ilr'|,'Jirill o_lllc.l.rn'l !{ ll;illnt/,ln !'ltr..-, | ,$ l l_s' lr ''

illt*l;ll,.ri-.illii,.'i,.'rii:'rt"lilit'fi il'tl,1":'"j.1::,*.1'" r{ s'!trrrr.:'li,li'',li;;-,;;Rec!s

3, eo!t:lrrr,'.-2 ard t. rrni canrrruil,rcr, uliililtt"sturr ..... . .lroo Irl0I'nIIr, r-nr); zir-i',;ies.-iji'iiiiriirii,riiilli'l |rrllu.rD, r'r{r'j! r'o-^-l/5 '\rrt'l( l (rN(rr\rrrlk'lf,o I(ulnr. i nrnt .r. ''' l::'1. n,'rt'ri x?-ll. DI)-GIlc llkj:''rrdl l'l'rrr 'rhrlr.rbr - I'

Ciii i;t lm#r t*lrl::.,,ilil""'*'t|iirif;

I I I li';rI o lo'trskir\r 1-1, t I rr o I {l'i!,rrrulb I I 9::stil

I ennls l,*ll,'l: l,'rt [',' i i I i ri:?l;!;;ilu, i ii i I[i

7eS! tf you wAttT roSETTLE THIS THING, 1


tBums 7, Metttsrrr I st;s- t'otrN,b r r r0r I,lillrr rb r Ir rhiI I : \,,!trirr! I I I I \t'

rrli.{lss3ol0(;i,, rrirrrrt I 0 f, l\\i b.li.k.,{r o lr rr r,Tl, l'trarrrr it 0 l) O ll l:lI r'i ! ,rn,rs lf .l l) O O l!I I I Ir'i!,rn,rslf .l l) O lll!

I lr I lrl'lrr'lr'Ilt, { 1 I t)-!,rr il'IIll,,:rL I 0 ? ort0 ii.nr:'lr.' I I i ).1

Itiil,,,,.tth L I rltr'---,\lnilr 'rrl' I lr r,,rDLI I I' llllJK /rrt, I I' I' rr!rth. l:rl)rnk. I o I l'

fifiil_alD,,\'ilulr I, lr O 0 llrrrr'- r Ir,r).- I II 'lilrh J:l illir:tl_1: l ilsrn. rr.r n,' r,i, ,icn;i,.,, I lrt(,Ir,ril.\\,rrrilrtr: irD(rn.rrrl (\til tcd,,{. SIeIrfr

Page 3: t.rllryit$ffi 2 · 15 lor breakins his U tM pace.seller in each .nl.goD l{.mSilr.r KiUebrcN has S honrcE rill h leading loads h lomers sith S Kahsas Olys Norm has ihe most runs baned

' r4 ra, : i tilri.ta, r,: : ri,, ?r r// ! M.rD ). *,ry:i" r&ri t :ar



g:*rr:at:rBili6uclj6iffi !r:::4sqwl@r'!ry{ !@'i@:k:re-!ttt

Page 4: t.rllryit$ffi 2 · 15 lor breakins his U tM pace.seller in each .nl.goD l{.mSilr.r KiUebrcN has S honrcE rill h leading loads h lomers sith S Kahsas Olys Norm has ihe most runs baned

0nldnts ln lho 1300,mo'tGl4)0 r$ixo f,nd 12 rrtrrds bolow

Itxl,O0 holtlnR hvol.

rri# Bt0 wINNnnTlfriccoxl-solllng Pnco ntilrlilIntldl wlndmvs ls trlso llkc'

tlhrflhnro an nllllnta

r.ntlh ol lhrnc nllhlr wllh{rFr.thnil t4{10,000 hrndlo.

r wlirnlngs tor n slilglo k""nnol,

. n;skxz, rvho srvopl lhc lol

llll0 has lx'otr nrllllcv{{l ol

vo.iirsltlons in lho rhh Tlm'frlha slrko. alrcHrly hflB

18,08,10 throush thc flrst(ht! pl ucing.Il{r{Ulnltrr lhli rvook'r

I !II[i lllf,h wnl h lhs runnltrE, fli.:tnllr Annual SrDtlnx

r ililurdry, Tho flocotrd

ntrl:rpund ot qutrlllYhf, tor,t) Monllo orotrt, rvlll

ro( lftD ntcf,rltrY tnll

lo,.d. tr|-tnh nl.t, sutr(lfiy, Jff,koy JnrrYIJltlc MolfrlY, lhc I.2 l,rlclmkrc, revrl lnn(lhfi lttfil lho wlr.. Sho rvns

l[ ,:118, oflo.llllh lflsl.r

f--c A iH --! LOANS| $zr, ru sl,rrxr, Fu,

"r"^.! tlonr to pnI hlllr, rh0!.I rln(, 6lh.r nrodr,

i L puBltc

irew*-lor.&,,0-I[. Uti,

r r-not Inr!{ il. N1

(Or.d. !8,-iil1. filrt,

lo.rd. ^t-illl.





$lhtrn lho llnro 8)rk{l hy (hhlnl,'hur lfl wlnillng lha Rr(en



ltull, lllM.n ln l.r.nlhddlmet onToo llon.,

n.,,16! lll 602d'rrIllxri w.v. tr,{o rr rsillr az,lo ttr ,o!ilh, Drndn.) ltr .lthlh, Q{l.t I.bl. ld,

rr0 ohnm ,1.- alqrrtr6 w.il Ahr.O-Wl. t{rtlff d.il c.trrr - !M, a.trrt

,rild rhc brNkctbnll squsd rvlll hclcclvctl s scrloilsly cut rlght f@tshylNlghl Ailsllnollnngmont.lln an flccldcnl Sunday nrlcr-

Sorilh in lIroblo, Norlh hskelbnll lcrm only S,rLTho ,mlhnll rorm losl qunr'luillfly aB f, rcnlnccmcn{ lor

I)on Sosslons ol AlrroflrlBrlghlon's Dililnc Upkcs. rc-

sox{lonx rclll h untrhlo to It wes Dot known lf Aus.

In Strhrxlov nlshtrf uoukl hc rapltrccd.

nch0dulul lo 8cl uild.r Ilich Sch@|. 'Ihch Oklohonro. ball gnDle $,ill follolv on salur-rl3lroxmnu,

:o, o o

rEE@: vrtr8r ile

't. !tr.lm.r (rt.

' !. st, srid lel.: riltaD Md: r. rLrh, sl.r. l5).: z, l[, Mill.. (ri.

3. Stv lndr ({1,_ mttrrtr f,li?' I odo lru (3.

'5- ^ln.m

FIE (4r,': ttEtr a^e': !. cu X.rtoi (rl,


"Knew I hod lo moke il."

CU Junior


ace signal callcr to repoillate as Sundry, but lhe Au-

viclory in lhe statehaseball playoffs knockedsicns cut of thc game.

.;: ;ii.;;iliE (i,.': trEtr a^e': !. cu X.rtoi (rl,' t .r.tur kll.r {al.' f,. cr..r Gr0dE. (!r.' irxTn MG: l. ao"t.rJoh tL.

2- Ktnd st.r. {2,.' atrem nA@:, rhn xE rr,.: i. Td sl.t. J.l re).: Erorrtr ilcr:

r- Jur rrlddr l?r." , 6otdd NlrI tal._ xrf,rtr i^c' ,. rlrnor lxil ro,.: r. rlhor lilil ro,.

:r, xh D, r5r.. TETTN MG' 1. eutrtd Gu, lf,r.' ,- Pnnft tu,n ri,,' 3. willos w..! rrr.

, chnn.le r?1.:i. su crt r2r,

itEt nm{,ukt cut rrr h

(C{,ntinned ir0nr }rge 1l)

IIcrBon. Darrlcd and ihe la'

ol a one-yetrr-old son,

Bob Beffs

scrambled surccsstully to holdlTex., lvilh il average ol ?5.06

a 2 uD lead at thc end of 18. I mph in a Brabham Jr.

Tte North l@tball le&mup ooe plsxer. South

r€.!s Ron T'eeJ Ns

Dn"OitroT-nht. N.$ (l)



t{l} & Trnoit 292-1156: cL,P TilIs coOPON

EI]IE'EM UP_Alignment Spaoial

8r, ilffit,'l.,'

PTERSON COES 2 UP lllaserati 6t rvith ilThe Ct iunio. bit only ?5.?2 mph, and third

fainBys in the moming, bul Hap Shnrp, Midland,

trvice husUing out oI the rcugbsto m6tch Reed's par Pe{orm.

He pushed Reed threeback $ith a birdie on theand $,ss slill three up atend oI z? when Re€d thre&Plted the par three nioth hole.

set his fading driv€s, h@kedthe rcugh io the lelt ot the

They halved lhe liNllDles on lhe back nine.

Pteretr Jumped.tnto ttsIIE Slst eil Read sonMlh a par. But n€ed ihree.

lh6 shd lo ao htolour bolei lhree doM

Pier$n again teed inlotrees on ihe 33rd, but R

third sht saved his Dar. On34th. Reed hit e thre ircn six

fmm the pin but Piersnthe l8$yard

rvas h1o up rvilh hro to go.

Reed squeead trlishtily q:Eth, end PieNon, bying lo




luil Sal,,,,

'llllHiii"" /pPalThe champ could orly

shot back thmwh the

thet rvith his great one otr36th.

the falNay short of theReed:s sutine par set

thrilling flnish on the 361h.

PUTTS SUPERBPierson needed 31 and 33

during his hrc tuunds butmiss a short putt, The

green he lhreeputtedthe 34ih and he made up for

Reed, howevor, lost ltot a bslttnt puner. H3

lhee.putted ths entlr6

bul Uad lour thr€e.pute8elnlt Plsrloo. 116 eboitotrbls Fottlng hls lag pultrBnil ltr mtlchltrS Plerson'8

short.Btrgo strokel.Newcomer Pierson ivas a

Juntor snd

toumament Erior to Sun-He whipped ex-CU fetball

Dal Watd I and 5 lo win

JryCee qualifier E a juior in19F8, but had never rvon a

the Boulder Oountry Oub cham.pionshtp, but edmitted surdayhe never hEd tlme to play

Dettlvc coll untll thls Year.

[Th AND S?EER IIYD.oNn 7 AS, to t l,E' ilor.-H.r a.u. lo ! P.il. ltt

MA. 1.01il


0PEH ln.M. to 0,.*.Monday through Friday



Tfte stone7 A,M. to 9 P.M.

l-Bu St.6!n. hru ,3-q, cry!. tsAddlB. uuorN J.n.r, Sbdrt 8F#7r.

SynchronizedSwim Meet

.(d (irrEUn! CoDrr Chr)sor.o

rO IilBs AND UiO'R+N, Sh.rrn tEcr. 53.a60

Front Wheels

ffisoRcrltaamant p!dl ll n.adad

atrd ior.ion i!r.dl!i

Evcry D.w ti,.ttoa. ti.. itGUAIAXfE:D

r. l.rhil a{!d lr r!n!.aol, aia Hl.d.h l, li. |tr. d li. d.ln.l i.r.i. iiliii* ior nr Mr t.(rr r.ilL.rl. ,tBllri .xdil.rd l. .rnd., x,..t, d rr. E

r.;i;;Hrr ffit.d oi txa rdr ... lBrl o. [n dt6 omd .l ti!. d ..lsdndl.

ie Bohn Jr. Topslunytinks'!'ledalistMike Mielenz, medalist in lhelabruDlly in the quailerfinals62 Dcnver PosLcily necrca-lthe "spare lime" toumey 2 ,

mpt. Munylinks Golt Tour-|l by upslad Eddie Bohn Jr.wtrs sidclinnd rslhorl Rohn, en ol stEts

a Blx unde! pil 30 at

up msrgln al lho lum.Mi€lenz, son of the South

lhe 2lst lap and went on to wss only one ander para 35. The maleh nearly

the slftk ear main egent at

skied to a 38 on thewhile Mielenz kept

out, lhen slaved off a

over Nhen he closed out

1? tliPhls rvill compete sun-


oxE xrf,u

Olt$cxT-ft.. k. t$orrd h .slry. ,cn6!t


. NCW CAR SAIISFACIION onour Englnc lt Your Grorunl€a

. F.ri Flclorv lnttollotlon Srnl3.

. T.rmr to. sult You


z EilGlilES

G.r{ hh.r 1u, (

2i fi.rhf, firlor d.l.


(O95 ::i--::L$i::-'l'il ""V ;i;;r-,,i;1"ro*u,o*

Vyf ttTEWALLg * Ssf€ty-Forti6ed Cord

ONL' * Spedway-Prcved lor Tumpike Saleiia2 UORE E lluoNfl no& EMRD GUMW


2OOO IROADWAY W. {'Th AI EATON' A.t6 amE h6ld.06.r, A.H- ao I P.M. ShonEk &nl.r_ uor..frL OM t l.t. b I PJ.' Uo!-fr.'lA.H.totP.[ErL ?Ad.baP[[L4rslt El. ,.w