transitioning our toolkit

Transitioning our Toolkit Andrew Williams Lead Product Analyst April 2015 The movement to integrated document management

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Transitioning our Toolkit

Andrew Williams – Lead Product Analyst

April 2015

The movement to integrated document management


In this session I intend to cover how we have taken the traditional analysis and design tools and changed

the way in which they are used, to provide an integrated approach to document management, which

reduces inconsistences in our documents and takes the effort out of generating new versions of


This session will focus on:

• An introduction to IRESS.

• Then – how we used to document the systems that we built and the challenges it gave us.

• Now – an insight into our new approach.

• Conclusion 3

Setting the Scene 4

An Introduction to IRESS

Here at IRESS we are passionate about creating market leading technology solutions. Within the UK we

currently providing solutions in the following spaces:

• Sourcing Systems – The Exchange and Trigold Prospectors enable financial advisors to source

products within the UK financial services industry.

• Wealth Management Systems – XPLAN, Advisor Office and Momentum enable wealth managers,

investment advice firms and mortgage brokers to operate efficiently, profitably and compliantly in the

post-RDR world.

• Mortgage Sales and Originations – Internally referred to as MSO, this enterprise mortgage solution

manages the process from initial enquiry through to release of funds and completion.

Personally, I have been working for IRESS for over 3 years on various implementations of MSO, having

previously worked for a local Building Society in a variety of roles. 5

An Introduction to IRESS

The Lending division of IRESS, who are responsible for all of the Mortgage Sales and Originations

solutions were originally N4 solutions, then Avelo before becoming part of the global IRESS family.

Whilst N4 and Avelo, the focus of the organisation was to produce stand alone sales solutions for the

financial planning, insurance and mortgage markets, as well as, custom implementations of MSO.

Since becoming part of IRESS, the focus has been switched to make us a product company, as there

has been internal investment in building a version II Mortgage Sales and Originations solution which will

be a true product, with multiple implementations of a single code base appropriately configured for each


It was this move towards constructing a product which started us thinking, what are the requirements for

documentation to aid construction and testing of MSO Product and what are the needs of our clients, in

terms of understanding the behaviours and configuration options?

With this question in mind, it was important to assess whether the tools in our toolkit were the right ones

and were we using them to their full potential. 6

The Old Way 7

Old documentation approach

Overtime we have naturally

been evolving the approach to

the way in which we gather

requirements and how we

complete the functional design.

This has historically varied by

both client and implementation

team, this diagram illustrates

what was produced.


Old documentation approach

Data Content Specification:

An excel spreadsheet per module, containing 15 columns of

information including:

• Screen Name

• Label

• Layout details

• Type

• Validation Rules

• Data Mapping

Functional Specification:

Word document which contains:

• A high level activity flow (at the level of 1 activity per screen)

• Textual description of each screen including details of any

additional business processes or special processing which is


• Traceability matrix for requirements included in the document. 9

Old documentation approach

For our FPPOS (Financial Planning Point of Sale) solution a more visual approach to

documentation was taken.


Using Axure wireframes, a representation of the actual screens were constructed.

These were prototypes, which contained:

• The actual branding of the site

• The layout of the screens

• Widget properties which contained specific information about each field (i.e.

applicability rules, notes, data type, minimum/maximum restrictions.)

These were available as an html website and a Word document.

Functional Specification:

Word document which contains:

• Textual description of each screen including details of any additional business

processes or special processing

• Details of all calculations which are performed by the system 10

Old documentation approach

For our MSO solution a slightly different approach was taken:

Data Content Specification:

A Word document per module, containing a table (and some narrative).

Functional Specification:

We invested in a new tool, Enterprise Architect from Sparx. This was used to draw

use case and activity diagrams, which were then copied/resized/split across pages

and pasted into the functional specification Word document. (Essentially, we were

using it to draw pictures). These activity diagrams effectively showed the data

capture process with the workflow and service interactions.

The Word document also contained:

• Textual description of each process.

• References to messages and parameters.


With MSO there are a number of additional catalogues:

• Rules and Parameters – values for each parameter and pseudo code

representation of the rules.

• Messages – text of message and notes of where used

• Case Events – audit events of things which happen. 11

Other Factors

In addition to our established

documentation approach for each

product, we have an SDLC process

which has an effect on the

documentation that we produce.

This process means that as part of

the development process we need

to produce requirements, estimates

and some form of functional design


Tool that our SDLC processes were

built around, from managing our

requirements, through tracing to test

cases and defect management.

SharePoint services for TFS were

also to be used to store documents. 12

Summary of toolkit

• Requirements Definition

• Functional Specification

• Data Content Specification

• Data Content Specification

• Catalogues

• Requirements

• Wireframes

• UML Diagrams

• Document Storage 13

Weaknesses with old approach

• Different approach per

solution/team, therefore difficult

to move resource between


• To ensure that Document A

which references item X in

document B, mentions item X

need to manually complete

cross checking.

• Functional Specification Word

documents and Excel

documents are stored in

SharePoint, therefore limiting

updates to a single user.

• Use Case / Activity diagrams

are manually copied/pasted

into Word from EA, therefore

changing diagrams requires a 2

step process.

• Long winded manual process

to impact assess change

without in-depth knowledge.

• Ability to impact assess change

is very difficult as scanning such

a range of document types is a

manual task.

• Inconsistences between 2

documents causes more rework

and costs more.

Maintenance Time Consistency 14

Transitioning Forward (part 1) 15

Transitioning Forward

With the decision to move forward and build MSO Product we decided that we needed to review / agree

the approach to our documentation. The development was to follow our SDLC process following a

waterfall approach and TFS must be used for requirements. We selected the following options:

• The feedback that we had had from the FPPOS team was the client’s really

like the visual representation of what they were actually going to get.

• Developers found it easy to code from, easier than data content specs.

• As some of our product has processes without a UI, then we decided that we would

need to produce process diagrams.

• Tool that our SDLC processes were built around, from managing

our requirements, through tracing to test cases and defect


• Document management solution which was already in place for storing and

managing versions of documents. 16

Transitioning Forward

Consistency 1. A documentation set which

was consistent with itself.

2. Diagrams/Documents with

consistent styling.


1. Ability to be able to find where

parameters, messages, reference data,

data items were used easily

Usability 1. Documentation which told our

customers how the system

actually worked.

2. A format which was easy to

understand for customers and


Improved Efficiency

2. Reduce the time spent producing


So having selected our tools, what were we hoping to achieve? 17

Requirement Management

• Requirements were

created and published

into TFS

• Requirements exported into a file and

mail merged into a Word document to

produce a client-friendly Requirements

Definition document

• Requirements Definition stored in


As part of our objective to improve efficiency we looked at how we could integrate the tools together. We

tackled this first with requirements. 18

Functional Specification The next area that we tackled was the functional specification, including traceability of processes to

requirements. One of the biggest issues with the old process was the fact that we were constructing the

activity diagrams in Enterprise Architect, but then manually copying/cropping these into the Word

documents (where we were then maintaining the narrative).

For anyone who has used the in-built documentation generation tool in EA, we quickly realised that this

was not going to give us what we needed, therefore we looked into a new tool. We picked eaDocX.

This gave us the ability to produce professional documents in our IRESS templates with a high level of

customisation. But most importantly, it gave us the ability to be able to have a single version of the truth,

in that we maintained the use case/activity diagrams (with narrative) in EA and then generated several

different documents for different audiences with the same content, without all of the manual copying,

pasting and cropping. 19

Functional Specification

• Requirements were

created and published

into TFS

• Requirements

exported into a file

and imported into


• Functional Design Spec

stored in SharePoint.

With eaDocX now added to our toolkit, we were now able to automate the generation of our Functional

Specifications from EA, including traceability matrices.

• Profile configured in eaDocX to

generate a document which include

use cases/activity details.

• Profile configured to include matrix of

requirements to processes.

• .docx generated 20


• We have deployed EA against a SQL Server,

therefore it is possible to write a SQL statement

against the database to report out the


• These queries are then embedded into Excel.

• Functional Design Spec

stored in SharePoint.

The next artefact to work on was the configuration catalogues that we needed to produce. As part of our

review of EA usage we decided that we would store the configuration artefacts in EA and link them to

diagrams as appropriate. Thus we should be able to identify where configuration items were used in EA

diagrams. To get this out we decided to automate the extraction. 21

Wireframes Wireframes were produced to show what the screens looked like, each field was annotated

with widget properties. 22

Customer feedback

Wireframes “because all fields are always

shown, it is difficult to actually see what the screen will look like”

“I have to click on every field in turn to be able to see the widget


“I have to lookup the message text or parameter values in another


FDS “The process diagrams duplicate (sometimes

contradict) the wireframes”

“I have to cross reference too many documents”

RD “does as per its name,

defines our requirements.”

Catalogues “I like the ‘Where Used’ column as I understand the context when deciding on the value, shame it

doesn’t include cross references to the wireframes”

“There are instances where not all of the

parameters are consistent, it looks like documents have been generated at different times”

“There are too many, couldn’t they all be


With work underway it was important to get feedback on what had been produced.

General theme: Better than original approach,

but still issues. 23

Transitioning Forward (part 2) 24

Transitioning Forward (again)

Following the feedback from clients and a change of focus within IRESS, we had the opportunity to

review the toolkit again and the approach. For this latest iteration we decided that we would use an Agile

approach and we were free to choose the tools that we used. One of the principles that we adopted was

taken from the Government Service Design Manual of:

Discovery Alpha Beta

Essentially, this approach starts with a short discovery phase whereby the team have been able to

research and explore the user story. Followed by a short phase of prototyping solutions, before moving

into building for the demands of a live environment. 25

Transitioning Forward (again)

So how did this affect our toolkit?


• By adopting an Agile approach and the Discovery, Alpha, Beta process, we

removed the need to spend a large amount of time building upfront


• Also, based on feedback, the wireframes didn’t seem to meet customers’



• During our discovery phrase we used (use) hand drawn sketches or white

board illustrations.

• In parallel we started to define a data contract. A data contract is the

definition of the actual data, the business rules for applicability,

minimum/maximum, data type, caption etc.

• Document management solution which was already in place for storing and

managing versions of documents. Does an OK job, so CONTINUE. 26

Transitioning Forward (again)

So how did this affect our toolkit?


• The feedback for the FDS was really positive therefore continue with these

tools. However, we need to address the following points:

• We need to avoid duplicating content which is in the data contracts.

• We need to use more of the EA and eaDocX functionality.

• We need to produce self-contained functional specifications (i.e. for a

module we include all of the messages, parameters, interfaces)

• By working in an Agile approach we have traded requirements for a backlog.

However, as we are new to Agile, we decided to track this in Excel. So


The new framework

Having selected our tools, we now needed to decide on how best to use them. Introducing our

documentation framework:

• Data Contracts stored

in SQL Server database

• EA configured to store content

in SQL Server database

• A validation framework whereby every

night we run a number of queries

against the data contracts and EA

content to highlight errors. These then

get emailed to the teams, so they can

be fixed as soon as possible. (150+


• A layer of views, stored procedures

and functions created within the

database to combine the data

contracts and EA content to allow

intelligent documents to be generated. 28

Demonstration 29

Conclusions 30


The journey that we have been on has meant that we have added eaDocX to our toolkit, changed the way in which we

have used some of our tools and stopped using others. Although, we would keep all of them in there – as you never know

when we will need to transition our toolkit again.

Thank you

1 – 8 Priory Court





T: ++ 44 (0) 1285 852200

[email protected]

Andrew Williams BSc (Hons)