transition tasks for our new year 7 - the clarendon academy · film/cartoon character. the inside...

Transition tasks for our new Year 7

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Page 1: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the

Transition tasks for our new Year 7

Page 2: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the

Let’s Get Ready To Go!Dear Year 6,

It’s been a very strange few months for all us, but we are so excited about you all joining us at Clarendon.

Usually as part of your induction you would have lessons in our school which would give you a taste of what is to come and that would help your teachers to work out what you already know from primary school and what you need to work on.

Sadly that’s not the case this year so we’ve pulled together a set of tasks which will give you an opportunity to show each subject what you can do!

All of the tasks are designed to be done by hand on paper or on a computer, and it would be great to see you attempt as many as you can and bring them in when you join us.

If you have any questions, you can contact me at [email protected] or telephone the school and I’m more than happy to talk to you.

We hope you find the tasks fun and that they give you a good chance to show off what you can do. We can’t wait to see you and provide you with brilliant lessons!

Take good care and we will see you soon

Mr Lawrence

Assistant Headteacher:

KS3 Curriculum Leader

Page 3: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the

ArtOne of the many artist you will be introduced to at Clarendon is an artist called Hundertwasser. He was a unusual artist who loved colour, people, the environment and architecture. He believed that if you were unable to afford to build or design your own house then you should be allowed to make your window as unique as the person living behind it. With this in mind use the layout below to create your own window to you property. Is that you in the window? Do you have bright colours and flowers growing up and around? Perhaps mosaic, interesting stamps and marks. Your work will need lots of colour for sure.

Information about Hundertwasser:

What year was he born-died? ( - )

Where was he from?

What five descriptive words best describe his work?

What do you like about his work?

Page 4: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the

Beliefs and ValuesTASK 1: Clarendon Values

At The Clarendon Academy we have three values that you will keep hearing and seeing, they are part of our lessons in Beliefs & Values, part of our Tutor Programme, part of our Assembly Programme and are at the centre of our Reward and Behaviour policies. With this in mind, I want you to think about one of the Values and create a poster showing what you think it means that could be displayed around the school. The values are:RESPECTDETERMINATIONEXCEL

TASK 2: World Religions

Over the first three years at The Clarendon Academy you will learn, among other things, about the 6 main world religions. I would like you to choose one of these and create a fact file.


Things to include in your fact file are:God or gods; holy books; key people; worship services; celebrations and commemorations and key teachings. You are not limited to these, they are suggestions. Also include pictures if you are able.

Page 5: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the

ComputingA pixel (a word invented from "picture element") is the basic unit of programmable colour on a computer display or in a computer image. You can create images in all kinds of software but here at Clarendon we like to introduce you Microsoft Excel using pixel art.

Page 6: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the

DanceWe are very much looking forward to meeting all of you in Septemberwithin the Performing Arts department at Clarendon and we hope thatmany of you will want to get involved with some new and excitingopportunities for you such as Dance clubs, the school choir or maybetake part in the school musical shows! Now many of you may not havedone Dance before or are maybe feeling a little worried about havingDance lessons in September, but please do not fear! We are a bigbeliever that anyone can Dance, we are not looking for the nextprofessional dancer, it is simply just about moving, having fun and beingcreative! 😊😊

Before moving around in a Dance studio it is very important to haveknowledge about Health and Safety and good Dance practice,therefore we have set a couple of tasks based on this to help get youstarted so you have all the knowledge ready for September!

Task 1:

Before you can move around the room safely, you must check yourself and the room for hazards. What hazards can you spot in the picture below? Circle each one and write down below why it might be dangerous.

Page 7: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the

Dance“What is wrong with what

I’m wearing?”TASK 2 Before taking part in physical activity we not only need to prepare the space, but also ourselves. What do you think we need to consider and what clothing would be safe to Dance in?






Warming up is the process of preparing the body for activity. The three main things a warmup should do are (fill in the blanks):

• Prepare the ________________and body for movement, increasing _____________ rate and breathing.

• Prepare ________________for dance activity.

• Offer a focus for the ______________ ahead.

Why is warming up and cooling down an important part of a dance class?

Write or draw three examples of a movement that can be included in a dance warm up and explain how it is warming up the body.

Page 8: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the

Drama A role on the wall is a great way to analyse a character and use your imagination. Create a role on the wall mind map for your favourite film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the gingerbread man is what other characters think of your chosen character. You could add a costume design to your character too. Be creative and we look forward to seeing your favourite characters soon.

Page 9: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the

EnglishStorytelling has been the foundation of cultures across the world for centuries. We use stories to make sense of our world and to share that understanding with others. Stories are an essential part of your study of English when you move up to secondary school. Read the extract below from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The extract describes the moment Lucy discovers a portal into another world: Narnia

wardrobe, even though she felt almost sure that it would be locked. To hersurprise it opened quite easily, and two moth-balls dropped out. Looking into theinside, she saw several coats hanging up—mostly long fur coats. There wasnothing Lucy liked so much as the smell and feel of fur. She immediately steppedinto the wardrobe and got in among the coats and rubbed her face againstthem, leaving the door open, of course, because she knew that it is very foolish toshut oneself into any wardrobe. Soon she went further in and found that there wasa second row of coats hanging up behind the first one. It was almost quite dark inthere and she kept her arms stretched out in front of her so as not to bump herface into the back of the wardrobe. She took a step further in—then two or threesteps—always expecting to feel woodwork against the tips of her fingers. But shecould not feel it.

"This must be a simply enormous wardrobe!" thought Lucy, going still further in andpushing the soft folds of the coats aside to make room for her. Then she noticedthat there was something crunching under her feet. "I wonder is that more moth-balls?" she thought, stooping down to feel it with her hands. But instead of feelingthe hard, smooth wood of the floor of the wardrobe, she felt something soft andpowdery and extremely cold, "This is very queer," she said, and went on a step ortwo further.

Lucy Looks into a WardrobeAnd shortly after that they lookedinto a room that was quite emptyexcept for one big wardrobe; thesort that has a looking-glass in thedoor. There was nothing else inthe room at all except a deadblue-bottle on the window-sill."Nothing there!" said Peter, andthey all trooped out again—allexcept Lucy. She stayed behindbecause she thought it would beworth while trying the door of the

Page 10: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the

EnglishNext moment she found that what was rubbing against her face and handswas no longer soft fur but something hard and rough and even prickly. "Why,it is just like branches of trees!" exclaimed Lucy. And then she saw that therewas a light ahead of her; not a few inches away where the back of thewardrobe ought to have been, but a long way off. Something cold and softwas falling on her. A moment later she found that she was standing in themiddle of a wood at night-time with snow under her feet and snowflakesfalling through the air.

Lucy felt a little frightened, but she felt very inquisitive and excited as well.She looked back over her shoulder and there, between the dark treetrunks,she could still see the open doorway of the wardrobe and even catch aglimpse of the empty room from which she had set out. (She had, of course,left the door open, for she knew that it is a very silly thing to shut oneself into awardrobe.) It seemed to be still daylight there. "I can always get back ifanything goes wrong," thought Lucy. She began to walk forward, crunch-crunch, over the snow and through the wood towards the other light.

In about ten minutes she reached it and found that it was a lamp-post. Asshe stood looking at it, wondering why there was a lamp-post in the middleof a wood and wondering what to do next, she heard a pitter patter of feetcoming towards her. And soon after that a very strange person stepped outfrom among the trees into the light of the lamp-post.

He was only a little taller than Lucy herself and he carried over his head anumbrella, white with snow. From the waist upwards he was like a man, but hislegs were shaped like a goat's (the hair on them was glossy black) andinstead of feet he had goat's hoofs. He also had a tail, but Lucy did notnotice this at first because it was neatly caught up over the arm that held theumbrella so as to keep it from trailing in the snow. He had a red woollenmuffler round his neck and his skin was rather reddish too. He had a strange,but pleasant little face with a short pointed beard and curly hair, and out ofthe hair there stuck two horns, one on each side of his forehead. One of hishands, as I have said, held the umbrella: in the other arm he carried severalbrown paper parcels. What with the parcels and the snow it looked just as ifhe had been doing his Christmas shopping. He was a Faun. And when hesaw Lucy he gave such a start of surprise that he dropped all his parcels.

From The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis

Page 11: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the

EnglishTASK 1 Label where these writer’s techniques are in the extract above (you may need to look some up if they are new to you): Verb (x 3 – the most interesting ones please!) Adjectives (x 5 – again, ones that are really good ones!) Onomatopoeia

TASK 2 Lucy finds her way into Narnia through a wardrobe. Other stories use different devices to take their readers into a different world. Harry Potter catches a magical train from Platform 9 ¾, Alice falls down a rabbit hole and Coraline goes through the door in her living room. What other magical doorways or portals can you think of from other stories you know?

Q. What portal would you choose if you were the writer?

TASK 3 Now draw your portal and describe how to use it to get to your new world. Try to use these writer’s techniques (you may have to look some of these up as they may be new to you) Verbs Adverbs Adjectives Onomatopoeia Simile Metaphor Personification Objectification Hand your work in September for a head start on Achievement Points! There will be points for creativity, presentation and writer’s techniques used! We love prizes in English, just take a look at some of the rewards we have on offer…

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Design TechnologyHello New Year 7’s!We’re Design and Technology and we are super excited to meet you in the new academic year. Your Design and Technology task is to design and make a collection of 5 pin badges on a theme of your choice for someone you know who has a hobby or really likes a particular thing like an animal.Good luck and we look forward to seeing your ideasFrom Mrs. Andrews and the Design and Technology team.

Mind map of theme ideas

To make them: 1. Recycle some card

from old packaging 2. Cut out 3cm circles 3. Draw on your design 4. Tape safety pins to the back5. Send photos of your badges to [email protected]

Page 13: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the

GeographyFrom space, the Earth looks like a sphere, or ball, containing land and water. A globe is a model of the Earth and shows what it looks like from space. Some globes show how the land is divided into different countries - around 200 of them. All the countries on our planet are located in seven different continents:• Europe• Africa• North America• South America• Asia• Australia • Antarctica

Maps and atlasesMaps are useful tools to help people find their way to and from somewhere. They are much easier to carry than a globe and much more detail can be added to them.Maps can show the whole world, a single country or even a single town or village. Maps of different countries can be put together in a book called an atlas or they can be on a single sheet of paper. These can be useful to carry when you go walking so you do not get lost.Task: Memory Test

Instructions: Try to label the continents and oceans from memory by covering up the map above…

Page 14: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the

Geography1. There are three types of geography that you will study. Match each type of geography with its meaning.

Physical geography how and where people live

Human geographyour impact on our


Environmental geography what our planet is like

2. Using the words in the box below, add them to the table to give examples of what you can study in each type of geography.

Physical Human Environmental

3. There are three big themes in geography. Match each example with its correct theme.

Change Poverty

Impact Population growth

Inequality Earthquakes

4 Create a short one-sentence slogan for the subject of geography. Make sure it’s catchy!

Page 15: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the

HistoryChronology is a really important to understand in order to succeed inHistory. It is important to be able to place events in the correct order tounderstand what caused an event and the consequences of it.

Task 1

1. Write a list of today’s events from waking up to completing these tasks.2. Write a list of events from your life and put them in time order.

Time can be divided into lots of smaller units (seconds, minutes, hours,days, years, decades (10 years), centuries(100 years). History has beengoing on for 1000s of years and a way historians help to understand historyis that we divide the past into BC and AD.

Task 2

1. Which is older 10BC or 1000AD?2. Put dates a-f below in the

correct time order.3. Match up the dates and

the centuries in the blue box

a. 4000 BCb. 100 ADc. 0d. 550 ADe. 1 BCf. 1800 AD

Page 16: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the


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Page 17: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the

MFLIn order to prepare for the exciting challenge of learning a new language, we would like to you explore a country in the world that fascinates you! Your task is to create a project based on research that you carry out either using the internet or encyclopaedias. By the time you begin life as a student of The Clarendon Academy, we would like you to know some facts about either or France or Germany.

Having chosen which country you would like to study, you may either create a hand-written project on paper or a ‘powerpoint’ presentation which shows all the information you have gathered.

Your project should include…

• A map of your chosen country (France or Germany)

• The name of its capital city, major cities, rivers and mountain ranges.

• The number of people who live in the country.• Typical festivals and customs celebrated in the county.• Typical foods and drinks.

Your project should be written in your own words (no copy and paste!) but can include printed pictures / graphs if you wish.

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Instrument/ voice (if any)

Name of teacher

Grade passed & date

Working towards…

Still learning?




Previous Primary school: Were you involved in any musical activities in Primary school or outside of school?

If yes, what were they? What musical activities you would like to join at Clarendon? (please circle) Singing Group Music Technology Club School Band Ukulele Group

Did you take part in any concerts/gigs/performances last year? If yes, what were they?

Please copy and complete this music profile

Page 19: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the


What music have you played or sung recently? What did you most enjoy about music in your Primary school? What songs would you like to sing in class if you had your own choice? Would you like to learn an instrument or have singing lessons at Clarendon? If yes, please make sure you ask your music teacher for an information leaflet when you get to Clarendon. List your favorite types of music/singers/bands: How do you listen to music? What does music mean to you?

Thank you!!

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Welcome to Clarendon Science we are eager to meet you all in September and hope that you will be as enthusiastic and excited by science as we are.

We would like to get you thinking about and doing science before you come to us – normally this would have been done in our labs on transition but this year we would like you to do some kitchen science as you don’t need a lab to do science – science is all around us!

Activity 1: Safety in the laboratoryWhen you come to us at Clarendon we help you to understand how being in a science lab is very different to being in a primary classroom. There are more hazards (danger/risks). 1. Circle all the things going wrong in this lab (HINT: there are 15 plus lack of goggles!).2. Write a safety rule for two of the hazards you spotted.3. Design a poster for your lab, showing one safety rule and the reason for having it.

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Investigation 1: Rolling cans Investigation 2: Solubility Investigation 3: Acids and alkalis

Have you ever noticed if you drop something on the floor it doesn’t always stay where it fell? What happens probably depends on the shape or contents.e.g Tin Cans

Have you ever noticed that some substances disappear when put in water? What happens probably depends on the type of substance (solute) and the temperature of the solvent (e.g water).

Have you ever observed the chemical reaction between vinegar and baking powder? It produces carbon dioxide bubbles of gas. Can we blow a balloon uusing this reaction?

Activity 2: Science InvestigationScientists use the world around them to make observations and then ask questions. They then do investigations and collect data to answer thesequestions. We would like you to choose one of these experiments and communicate your ideas clearly using the prompts below.

What question am I asking?

What do I need?

What will I do?

What will I change?

What happened?

What variable (the thing you changed) made a difference?

What could I do to improve the investigation?

Page 22: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the

PEAt Clarendon we pride ourselves on being eager sportspeople. Manysports we play during our time at Clarendon School rely on us beingable to catch and throw a ball of some sort, whether it be a rugbyball, netball or a rounder’s ball. This is why one of our most usedphrases is “Can’t Catch Can’t Play”. What we have discovered is thatwhen students find it hard to catch they find it harder to access tobasic skills and tactics within the game. So we want you to arrive atClarendon having had a whole summers worth of practice on yourcatchingWhat we want you to do is to be practising your catching as much asyou can before you come to Clarendon in September. Below aresome teaching points on how to make the perfect catch. Readthrough the teaching points and have a practise doing them. Youcan practise with a partner or by throwing a ball against a wall.

Page 23: Transition tasks for our new Year 7 - The Clarendon Academy · film/cartoon character. The inside of the gingerbread man is all about the character themselves. The area outside the

PEBelow are a list of tasks that you can set yourself to do throughout the coming weeks and during the summer. You can keep your score of how many you got the first time you did the challenge and then see if you can bet your score the next time you do it.

(If you don’t have a ball see if you can make something that resembles a ball)

• How many keep ups can you do with a football / tennis ball / rugby ball can you do?

• Throw a ball in the air, how many times can you clap before catching the ball again?

• Face a partner (2 metres if not from the same household) throw a ball to them, after each successful catch take a step back, how many steps back can you take?

• Throw a ball in the air, can you catch it behind your back? If so how many times in a row can you do it?

• Get a bucket and a ball, can you bounce the ball once and land it in the bucket? If so how many attempts did it take you? How many times can you do it in a row?

• How high can you throw a ball and catch it?

• With a partner or against a wall, throw the ball high and low and test each other’s catching skills! Give each other 5 lives and see who wins.

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