training workshop report · 2016. 2. 16. · douala, cameroon: 23-26 april 2012 ... 16:30 – 18:00...

1 African Energy Commission (AFREC) Training Workshop Report 1 st Regional Training Workshop in Energy Statistics, Energy Data Collection and Construction of Energy Balances for National Focal Points of the Central Africa Region Douala, Cameroon: 23-26 April 2012 Introduction: The African Energy Commission (AFREC) in association with the Ministry of Energy and Water of the Republic of Cameroon and the International Energy Agency (IEA) organized training workshop on energy statistics, energy databases and energy balances in Duala, Cameroon, on 23-26 April 2012. It took place at Hôtel Résidence la Falaise in downtown of Douala. The regional workshop was the first in a series which will also include Southern African Region in May (Johannesburg), West African Region in June (Dakar), Eastern African Region in July (Bujumbura) and end with Northern African Region September (Algiers). Objectives: The main objectives of the workshop were as follows: Provide training to the National Focal Points in energy statistic, data collection, energy balances and improve their capacities in validating the collected data; Investigate the features of the new AFREC’s Questionnaire for Energy Data Collection in Africa and building competencies of the National Focal Points in its use and management; and Capitalize on the knowledge base acquired by the IEA and other regional institutions in energy statistics, energy data collection and analysis including formation of energy balances, validation techniques of the collected data and structures and layouts of energy databases. Participants: The training was organized under the framework of the Creation of the African Energy Information System and Database (AEIS) and was devoted to the AFREC’s National Focal Points in the 8 member countries of the Central African Region. National Focal Points from Cameroon, Congo Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Central African Republic, Chad, and Sao Tome and Principe were attended while the Focal Point of the Equatorial Guinea did not. It was the first in a series which was planned to cover the five regions of Africa. It was also attended by experts of the Ministry of Energy and Water of Cameroon, energy database experts from UPDEA and ECCAS. Training Staff: The training was led by two experts from the IEA: Mr. Diego Palmer and Mrs. Zakia ADAM assisted by two Consultants from AFREC: Mr. Abdoulaye OUEDDO and Dr. Gilbert NZOBADILA. The whole program was supervised by the Director of AFREC Dr. Hussein ALHAG.

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Page 1: Training Workshop Report · 2016. 2. 16. · Douala, Cameroon: 23-26 April 2012 ... 16:30 – 18:00 Building energy balances (AFREC questionnaire) - Presentation and practical exercises


African Energy Commission (AFREC)

Training Workshop Report

1st Regional Training Workshop in Energy Statistics, Energy Data Collection and Construction of Energy Balances for National Focal Points

of the Central Africa Region Douala, Cameroon: 23-26 April 2012


The African Energy Commission (AFREC) in association with the Ministry of Energy and Water of the Republic of Cameroon and the International Energy Agency (IEA) organized training workshop on energy statistics, energy databases and energy balances in Duala, Cameroon, on 23-26 April 2012. It took place at Hôtel Résidence la Falaise in downtown of Douala.

The regional workshop was the first in a series which will also include Southern African Region in May (Johannesburg), West African Region in June (Dakar), Eastern African Region in July (Bujumbura) and end with Northern African Region September (Algiers). Objectives:

The main objectives of the workshop were as follows:

Provide training to the National Focal Points in energy statistic, data collection, energy balances and improve their capacities in validating the collected data;

Investigate the features of the new AFREC’s Questionnaire for Energy Data Collection in Africa and building competencies of the National Focal Points in its use and management; and

Capitalize on the knowledge base acquired by the IEA and other regional institutions in energy statistics, energy data collection and analysis including formation of energy balances, validation techniques of the collected data and structures and layouts of energy databases.


The training was organized under the framework of the Creation of the African Energy Information System and Database (AEIS) and was devoted to the AFREC’s National Focal Points in the 8 member countries of the Central African Region. National Focal Points from Cameroon, Congo Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Central African Republic, Chad, and Sao Tome and Principe were attended while the Focal Point of the Equatorial Guinea did not. It was the first in a series which was planned to cover the five regions of Africa. It was also attended by experts of the Ministry of Energy and Water of Cameroon, energy database experts from UPDEA and ECCAS. Training Staff:

The training was led by two experts from the IEA: Mr. Diego Palmer and Mrs. Zakia ADAM assisted by two Consultants from AFREC: Mr. Abdoulaye OUEDDO and Dr. Gilbert NZOBADILA. The whole program was supervised by the Director of AFREC Dr. Hussein ALHAG.

Page 2: Training Workshop Report · 2016. 2. 16. · Douala, Cameroon: 23-26 April 2012 ... 16:30 – 18:00 Building energy balances (AFREC questionnaire) - Presentation and practical exercises


The Opening Ceremony:

The opening ceremony was addressed by Dr. Hussein ELHAG, Director of AFREC, during which he thanked the Minister of Energy and Water of Cameroon who was absent in a visit to Washington DC but represented by the Secretary-General of his Ministry. He was followed by a speech from Mr. Diego PALMA of the IEA who stressed on the strong interest of the IEA and support to create a successful and viable energy database and Information System for Africa. He pledged the continued support of his agency in this regard. The Secretary-General concluded the ceremony by a speech which highlighted the activities of his ministry in energy data collection and creation of a database for his country. At the end of his speech he presented copies of energy database for 2010 to AFREC. The ceremony was followed by a group photo and press meeting with the Cameroonian media and TVs which interviewed the Secretary-General and Director of AFREC about the workshop and importance of energy databases to the national energy sector in African countries. The Workshop:

After the opening ceremony, the workshop started by Session 1 in which Dr. Hussein Elhag, Director of AFREC, presented activities undertaken for the creation of the AEIS since the Cairo Seminar in November 2011 including implementation of its recommendation according to the Road Map adopted by the seminar. The next session overviewed the State of Energy Data Collection in each country in the region presented by the National Focal Points with objective to evaluate the current situation of the collection of the data. The training provided by IEA started in the afternoon of the first day and continued to the first session of the third day and covered the following topics:

Introduction to National and International Energy Statistics Oil Statistics through the Revised AFREC Questionnaire: Oil Analysis Oil Statistics through the Analysis of the Revised AFREC Questionnaire oil Natural Gas and Statistics of Coal through the Revised AFREC Questionnaire Statistics of Renewable Energy through the Analysis through the Revised AFREC

Questionnaire Statistics of Electricity through the Revised AFREC Questionnaire on electricity Preparation of Energy Balances: Why Establish an Energy Balance?

The rest of the sessions in the third day covered the experiences of energy database providers represented by the IEA, UPDEA and ECCAS. It was followed by presentation from AFREC on the Elements of the Strategy for the Creation of the AEIS presented by Mr. Abdoulye OUEDDO, Energy Data Expert of AFREC. His presentation analyzed the general strategy and Road Map for the creation of the system.

In the final session, before the closing session, the Director of AFREC Dr. Elhag presented an ongoing AFREC project for “Mapping Renewable Energy Resources of Africa”. He highlighted the need for collecting renewable energy data for each country by the National Focal Points and presented methodologies and formats of the required data. The Outcome:

The training workshop was successful in a sense that it improved the competence of the National Focal Points in the region to collect energy data of their respective countries in a good and sustained manner and will also help them to expand their understanding of energy statistics and databases. The training mixed between presentations and exercises in building energy balances for oil, gas, electricity, coal and biomass.

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The workshop was funded from the AFREC budget for a total of USD 48,388 charged against Budget Code MEMSTAT00 Internal Order RIED03534. The following table shows the budget breakdown for a total of 25 participants:

N° Subject Cost (USD)

1 DSA 16479 2 Round tickets to Focal Points and AFREC’s Staff 16789

3 Round Tickets to One IEA Officer 2287

4 DSA to IEA Officer 1946

5 Services for Coffee Breaks 1084

6 Meeting Room 1458 7 Lunches 2094

8 Bottled Water 255

9 Interpretation 1518

10 Interpretation Equipment 1428 11 Farwell dinner 737

12 Training Certificates 1325

13 Miscellaneous (drivers, special services, etc.) 988

Total 48,388

Page 4: Training Workshop Report · 2016. 2. 16. · Douala, Cameroon: 23-26 April 2012 ... 16:30 – 18:00 Building energy balances (AFREC questionnaire) - Presentation and practical exercises


African Energy Commission (AFREC)

Work Program of the 1st Regional Training Workshop in Energy Statistics, Data Collection and Construction of Energy Balances for National Focal Points of the

Central Africa Region Hôtel Résidence la Falaise, Douala, Cameroon

23 -25 April, 2012

Schedule Activities

1st Day: Monday: April 23

08:00-09:00 Registration

09:00-09:30 Opening Remarks:

Dr. Hussein ELHAG, AFREC


Minister of Water and Energy of Cameroon

Group Photo

09:30-11:00 Session 1: Overview of the Activities Undertaken after the Cairo Seminar and State of the Energy Data Collection in the Region of Central Africa (Objective: Historical summary of the implementation of the Action Plan)

Presentation of the results and achievements that followed the 3rd seminar on the SAIE and the database: Dr. Hussein Elhag, AFREC


11:00-11:15 Coffee break

11:15-13:00 Session 2: Overview of the State of Energy Data Collection: Country Presentations (Objective: Evaluation of the current situation of the collection of the data by the national focal points of the region)

Introduction and summary: Mr. Abdoulaye OUEDDO, AFREC o Cameroon o Central African Republic o Democratic Republic of Congo o Republic of the Congo o Equatorial Guinea o Gabon o Sao Tome & Príncipe o Chad


13:00-14:00 Lunch


Session 3: Training Provided by IEA Training (Session 1): Introduction to National and International Energy Statistics (IEA) (Objective: understand the importance of energy statistics) Why and how collecting energy statistics. the main statistics of energy)

15:30-15:45 Coffee break

15:45-17:00 Training (Session 2): Oil Statistics through the Revised AFREC Questionnaire: Oil Analysis (IEA) (Objective: understand the structure, flow and products covered by the questionnaire)

Presentation and practical exercises

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Schedule Activities

2nd Day - Tuesday: April 24 09:00-11:00

Training Provided by IEA (continued) Training (Session 3): Oil Statistics through the Analysis of the Revised AFREC Questionnaire oil (IEA) (Objective: understanding the structure, flow and products covered by the questionnaire)

Presentation and practical exercises (continued)

11:00-11:15 Coffee break


Training (Session 4): Natural Gas and Statistics of Coal through the Study of the Revised AFREC Questionnaire (IEA) (Objective: understand the structure, flow and products covered by the questionnaires)


13:00-14:00 Lunch


Training Provided by IEA (Continued) Training (Session 5): Statistics of Renewable Energy through the Analysis of the Revised AFREC Questionnaire (IEA) (Objective: understand the structure, flow and products covered by the questionnaire)

Presentation and practical exercises with an emphasis on biomass

15:30-15:45 Coffee break


Training Provided by IEA (Continued) Training (Session 6): Statistics of Electricity through the analysis of the Revised AFREC Questionnaire on electricity (IEA) (Objective: understand the structure, flow and products covered by the questionnaire) Presentation and practical exercises

3rd day - Wednesday: April 25


Training (session 7): Preparation of Energy Balances: Why Establish an Energy Balance? (IEA). The main principles used to develop an energy balance. How to develop an energy balance from AFREC questionnaires (objectives: understand the importance of energy balance develop an energy balance.) Presentation and practical exercises

11:00-11:15 Coffee break



Session 2: Experiences of Energy Data Providers (Objective: presentation of the formats, features and content of the energy databases). Moderator: Mr. Abdoulaye OUEDO, AFREC

Presentation of IEA: representative of IEA

Presentation of UPDEA: Mr. Célestin KOUAME, UPDEA

Presentation of ECCAS

Elements of the Strategy for the Creation of the AEIS AFREC (Objective: Presentation of the General Strategy and Road Map)

Presentation: Mr. Abdoulaye OUEDDO)

13:00-14:00 Lunch

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Schedule Activities

14:00-15:30 Session 3: Collection of Data from other Sources of Energy (Objective: mobilization of national focal points for the collection of data of other energy resources) Presentation: Dr. Hussein Elhag: AFREC

Mapping of Renewable Energy in Africa: an AFREC Project o Solar Radiation o Wind Resource o Geothermal Energy o Micro/Mini/Small Hydro o Large Hydroelectric o Biomass/Bioenergy o Biofuels o Energy Efficiency (2013)

15:30-15:45 Coffee break

15:45-17:00 Session 4: Conclusions and Way forward

Presentation of the summary report of the training

Distribution of training certificates

Vote of thanks

Closing speeches

19:00-22:00 Evening Dinner

Thursday: April 26: Free Day, Departure

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IEA-AFREC Training of Trainers Session

Douala, Cameroon April 26, 2012

Draft Agenda

April 26, 2012

09:00 – 09:10 Overview of train the trainer approach Diego Palma (IEA)

09:10 – 09:30 Introduction to national and international energy statistics - With coaching from IEA staff

AFREC representative

09:30 – 10:15 Oil Statistics (AFREC questionnaire)

- Presentation and practical exercises - With coaching from IEA staff

AFREC representative

10:15 – 10:30 Coffee break

10:30 – 12:30 Oil Statistics (AFREC questionnaire)

- Practical exercises - With coaching from IEA staff

AFREC representative

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch time [TBD]

13:30 – 14:00 Gas and Coal statistics (AFREC questionnaire)

- Presentation with coaching from IEA staff AFREC representative

14:00 – 15:00

Renewables (e.g. biomass) statistics (AFREC questionnaire)

- Presentation and practical exercises - With coaching from IEA staff

AFREC representative

15:00 – 15:15 Coffee break

15:15 – 16:30 Electricity statistics (AFREC questionnaire)

- Presentation and practical exercises - With coaching from IEA staff

AFREC representative

16:30 – 18:00 Building energy balances (AFREC questionnaire)

- Presentation and practical exercises - With coaching from IEA staff

AFREC representative

18:00 – 18:10 Closing (AFREC & IEA)

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Liste des participants pour l’Atelier régional de Douala du 23 au 25 Avril 2012


Noms et Prénoms



National Focal Points

1 Cameroun Mr Bouayekon François MILERE

Ingénieur d’Etudes Cellule de Maitrise de l’Energie Ministre de l’Eau et de l’Energie Yaoundé, Cameroun

+237-99 47 88 69 +237-70 54 51 72 [email protected] ou [email protected]

2 Tchad


Directeur de l’Energie Ministère de l’Energie et du Pétrole

BP 816, Ndjamena Tchad +235-66 22 37 19 [email protected]

3 Centrafrique Mr Moussa OUSMAN

Directeur Général Direction Générale de l’Energie Ministère de l’Energie et Hydraulique Bangui, République Centrafrique

Bureau : +236-77 34 57 27 Port : +236 70 02 21 04 [email protected]

4 République Démocratique du Congo


Coordonnateur SIE-RDC et Point Focal AFREC

Off. : +243-81 997 0049 +243-81 068 3901 Port : +243 81 513 5988 Boulevard du 30 Juin N° 59 – 63 Gombe – B.P. 12599 – Kinshasa 1 Kinshasa, RDC [email protected]

5 Congo Mr. Jean Marie IWANDZA

Directeur Général de l’Energie Ministère de l’Energie et de l’Hydraulique Brazzaville, Congo

[email protected] +242 05 54 98 062

6 Guinée Equatorial

Mr. Eugenio Paulina NZO

Chef de la Section de la statistique à la Direction Générale de l’Énergie Ministère des Mines, de l’Industrie et de l’énergie

[email protected]

7 Gabon Armand-Colin ABESSOLO NKWELE

Directeur des Etudes et de la Programmation des Projets au Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources Hydrauliques

BP : 1172 Libreville, Gabon Port : +241 07 53 53 94 +241 06 18 18 71 [email protected]

8 Sao Tomé & Principe

Mr Isaque Braganca Gomes Cravid

Ingénieur électrotechnique Ministère des Ressources naturelles et environnement Sao Tome, Sao Tomé & Principe

Off: +239-122 222 669 Mob: +239-990 5545 [email protected]

Regional Institutions

9 CEMAC Pierre YETE Directeur du Développement Industriel, des Mines, de l’Artisanat et du Tourisme à la Commission de la CEMAC Bangui (RCA)

+236 75 50 21 58 [email protected]

10 UPDEA Mr. KOUAME Célestin Gestionnaire de la Base de ckouame@updea-

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Données Union des Producteurs, Transporteurs et Distributeur d’Energie Electrique d’Afrique (UPDEA) +225 20 20 60 53



Secrétaire Exécutif 18ième étage Tour Nabemba BP 1097 Brazzaville, République du Congo

[email protected] +242 01 815 969


Atadet Azarak Mogro Expert MAT-UE/PEAC Brazzaville, République Congo

[email protected] 00 242 01 834 50 30 00 242 06 834 5030 00 242 05 7112 165


Mr. Jules Rommel TOUKA

Statisticien Economiste, Expert Macro-Economiste Communauté Economique des Etats d’Afrique Centrale (CEEAC), Libreville-Gabon

[email protected] +241 44 47 31 Mob :+241 03 29 27 65

Ministry of Water and Energy of Cameroon


5 Officers arrived from Yaounde to Douala to participate in the training


19 IEA Mr. Diego PALMA Agent & Trainer de l'énergie Statistiques

[email protected]

20 IEA Mrs. Zakia ADAM Agent & Trainer de l'énergie Statistiques

[email protected]

21 AFREC Mr. Abdoulaye OUEDDO

Consultant [email protected]

AFREC Management Staff

22 AFREC Dr Hussein ELHAG Directeur Général [email protected]


Assistante [email protected]


Consultant [email protected]

25 AFREC Mr. Djamel Eddine AKROUR

Comptable [email protected]

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Sample Photos of the Workshop