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Towards Zero Waste Let’s Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Right At our current rate of waste growth, Semakau Landfill will run out of space by 2035. Let’s take action now to reduce our waste. Semakau Landfill

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Page 1: Towards Zero Waste - Clean & Green Singapore...2 Join the Towards Zero Waste Challenge Share Minister's YED message in your school and organise a Towards Zero Waste event according

Towards Zero WasteLet’s Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Right

At our current rate of waste growth, Semakau

Landfill will run out of space by 2035.

Let’s take action now to reduce

our waste.

Semakau Landfill

Page 2: Towards Zero Waste - Clean & Green Singapore...2 Join the Towards Zero Waste Challenge Share Minister's YED message in your school and organise a Towards Zero Waste event according

WHEN?April 2019

WHERE?Your school


• Be part ofthe national

efforts towardsa Zero Waste


• Encouragea less wastefuldaily lifestyle


Youth for the Environment Day (YED) 2019YED is a key platform to engage youths to champion environmental ownership by leading, organising and participating in programmes to show their passion and commitment towards environmental issues.

Focus: Reduce WasteIn 2018, we disposed of 3.2 million tonnes of waste in Singapore.

At the current rate of disposal, the Semakau landfill will run out of space by 2035. We need to avoid excessive consumption.

Work towards zero waste with these steps:

Buy, order and use only what you need

Bring a reusable bag and bottle

Recycle right

Join the Towards Zero Waste Challenge

WHO?Everyone in your school

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Join the Towards Zero Waste Challenge

Share Minister's YED message in your school andorganise a Towards Zero Waste event according to

the checklist on Page 4.

Take creative pictures/GIFs/short videos of students’efforts to reduce disposables and food waste

or recycle right.

Upload the entries to Instagram with the hashtags:#YED2019, #TowardsZeroWaste, #[YourSchoolName]

by 31 December 2019

For full details, please visit

Scan mefor more


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Environment Fund for Schools (EFS)

Tier Criteria1 Quantum


YED activity2: Towards Zero Waste Challenge

School-wide activity3

Two environmental activities at cohort or club level3


YED activity2: Towards Zero Waste Challenge

Two environmental activities at cohort or club level32

3 Two environmental activities at cohort or club level3



1 The EFS is open to Pri/Sec/JC/ITE school levels.

2 YED-designated activities must be based on the year’s focus and must be conducted in April, unless otherwise communicated by NEA.

3 The environmental activity chosen must: • Fulfil NEA’s strategic outcomes and fall under at least one of the following categories: • Sustainable Waste and Resource Management • Resilient Climate Change Preparedness • High Public Health Standards • Energy Efficient and Low Carbon Society • Timely and Reliable Weather Information • Encourage either or both of the following: • Strong Environmental Ownership • Close Community Partnership and Outreach.

Environmental activities must be conducted between January - December 2019.

Scan mefor more EFS information.

The EFS is a grant to support schools in organising environmental activities and events in your schools and community.

Submit your completion report on the environmental activities to apply for funding support.

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Plan and Organise a Towards Zero Waste EventYour event should incorporate at least 3 of the following ‘Towards Zero Waste’ event guidelines:

Inform participants to bring their own reusable water bottles in advance. Share the location of water dispensers or fountains.

Use melamine or reusable crockery and cutlery for event catering.

Order for 10-15% less than the number of expected attendees for event catering. Vary the amount of carbohydrates such as rice, noodles and bread. These are commonly wasted food items from event catering.

Use electronic backdrops, signage and feedback forms. Upload event materials online instead of printing them.

Place recycling and trash bins at visible and convenient locations. Encourage participants to bin their litter and recycle right through clear instructions on signage placed on or near them.

If tokens of appreciation are required, keep them reusable and functional (e.g. books, plants, etc.). Avoid goodie bags and purely decorative items.

Display 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) and other environmental posters at prominent locations.

Incorporate environmental messages in the emcee script. Some examples are:• Buy, Order and Use Only What You Need.• Remember to Recycle Right.• Love Your Food. Waste Less, Save More.• Let’s Protect our Environment Together!• Let’s Clean Up and Bin it.

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Find moreresources and videos at

Let’s Work Towards Zero Waste!

An initiative by In conjunction with