towamba mini murmur · 2020-05-22 · public mini murmur school towamba term 2 week 4 thursday 21...

Mini Murmur PUBLIC SCHOOL Towamba TERM 2 WEEK 4 THURSDAY 21 MAY 2020 Tel 6496 7159 Fax 6496 7059 [email protected] Coming Events May 29 Phase 3 Students 5 days a week June 8 Public Holiday Attached: Reminders Back to School From Monday all students across NSW will be back in the class- room five days a week. The success of the phased return to face to face teaching has demonstrated the education system and community are ready for school to come back full-time. Schools will continue to stick with the health advice – increased cleaning, access to hygiene supplies and compliance with hy- gience practices. Schools will still need to maintain the measures and precautions they have put in place for the foreseeable future, including: no assemblies no volunteers or non-essential visitors no excursions social distancing still, no gathering at school gate enhanced cleaning Welcome to our new relieving Principal Next week will be Mrs Binns’ last week at Towamba! It has been a crazy start to the year; hard to see where it all went and we will be sad to see her go. We are pleased to announce that following the advertisement of an Expression of Interest for the role of Teaching Principal (Re- lieving) for the remainder of the year, we have a new Principal excited to commence from Week 6 at Towamba. We look forward to welcoming Ms Fiona Beasley to our school from June 1. Ms Beasley has worked in many roles and most recently has been working with Learning and Wellbeing in the Batemans Bay office, though lives locally out at the coast. Next Thursday Ms Beasley will be coming to visit Towamba to meet the students and staff and have a look around our school. Mrs Binns spoke with Fiona yesterday and feels that she will be the perfect person to take on the position with enthusiasm and professionalism. Ms Beasley is very excited to meet everyone here at Towamba and cant wait to start teaching and learning with your children! We will organise a welcome morning tea for parents to get to know Ms Beasley soon after she starts at Towamba.

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Page 1: Towamba Mini Murmur · 2020-05-22 · PUBLIC Mini Murmur SCHOOL Towamba TERM 2 WEEK 4 THURSDAY 21 MAY 2020 Tel 6496 7159 Fax 6496 7059 Coming Events

Mini MurmurP U B L I C SCHOOL



Tel 6496 7159 Fax 6496 7059 [email protected]

Coming EventsMay 29 Phase 3

Students 5 days a week

June 8 Public Holiday



Back to SchoolFrom Monday all students across NSW will be back in the class-room five days a week.

The success of the phased return to face to face teaching has demonstrated the education system and community are ready for school to come back full-time. Schools will continue to stick with the health advice – increased cleaning, access to hygiene supplies and compliance with hy-gience practices.

Schools will still need to maintain the measures and precautions they have put in place for the foreseeable future, including:• no assemblies• no volunteers or non-essential visitors• no excursions• social distancing still, no gathering at school gate • enhanced cleaning

Welcome to our new relieving Principal

Next week will be Mrs Binns’ last week at Towamba!It has been a crazy start to the year; hard to see where it all went and we will be sad to see her go.

We are pleased to announce that following the advertisement of an Expression of Interest for the role of Teaching Principal (Re-lieving) for the remainder of the year, we have a new Principal excited to commence from Week 6 at Towamba.

We look forward to welcoming Ms Fiona Beasley to our school from June 1. Ms Beasley has worked in many roles and most recently has been working with Learning and Wellbeing in the Batemans Bay office, though lives locally out at the coast.

Next Thursday Ms Beasley will be coming to visit Towamba to meet the students and staff and have a look around our school.Mrs Binns spoke with Fiona yesterday and feels that she will be the perfect person to take on the position with enthusiasm and professionalism. Ms Beasley is very excited to meet everyone here at Towamba and cant wait to start teaching and learning with your children!

We will organise a welcome morning tea for parents to get to know Ms Beasley soon after she starts at Towamba.

Page 2: Towamba Mini Murmur · 2020-05-22 · PUBLIC Mini Murmur SCHOOL Towamba TERM 2 WEEK 4 THURSDAY 21 MAY 2020 Tel 6496 7159 Fax 6496 7059 Coming Events

Looking after each other when back at school• Please remember to pack a drink bottle for your child as the

bubblers are not in use

• please ensure your child is dressed warmly - jumpers and even beanies. We have one red school beanie for sale for $15.

• Please consider our staff and pack lunch that does NOT re-quire heating as this is not an option.

• Remember that lunch orders are not on still

• school banking will not resume until we have been notified

• please do not send your child to school if they are unwell

• students who are unwell at school will be sent home

• no additional non-essential visitors due to the department guidelines - unfortunately this means no volunteers

• music will not be returning until we are advised it is ok

StaffingIt’s been great having Mrs Macey back at Towamba one to two days a week this term. Ms Ceilidh Corcoran our school counsellor is visiting every Tuesday this term, and later in the term we will have Katie Hedgcock back as school counsellor.CommunicationWe are soon to be introducing Skool Loop- a very useful school app that will enhance communication for our families. This app will be used for sending out messages to all families which are easily and instantly received. It also has a spot for newsletters so they are easily referred to, and events too (when we have some happening again!).

For parents it also provides an easy way to send in an absence note and we can even set up excursion permission notes that can be returned easily via the app as well.

It comes highly recommended by other small schools and we are just getting it set up. If you’d like to get the app you can already select our school and see the layout, and be ready to go!

Seesaw will still be the communication for teachers and students, but Skool Loop will be the app for administration and school com-munication.

Working with ChildrenGetting prepared for when volunteers are allowed back into the school! Thanks to those already either supplying a WWC number or completing the declaration and returning to school. A reminder that parents need this if volunteering for the lunch orders, assisting with student transport and any classroom help. Check the remind-er box to see if we have yours already. If not and you’d like the paperwork please let us know. ID documents (showing full name, DOB, photo) are photocopied and stored with the declaration at school- and include one each from line

• passport or birth certificate

• licence, firearms licence etc

• medicare card, bank account card, utility bill etc

Hapy 10th birthday!

Page 3: Towamba Mini Murmur · 2020-05-22 · PUBLIC Mini Murmur SCHOOL Towamba TERM 2 WEEK 4 THURSDAY 21 MAY 2020 Tel 6496 7159 Fax 6496 7059 Coming Events

SeesawPlease let us know as soon as possible if you or your child are hav-ing trouble logging in to Seesaw. The direct link is

Family UpdatesFollowing up with some families yet to return their updates from last term- please see the attached envelope and return ASAP.

Fireflies ExhibitionThanks to Karen N, Carine and Steph for liaising with Vicki and do-ing last weekend’s changeover at Wild Ryes Bakery. Thanks too to Steph for the informative note (sent home last Friday)which will go out each fortnight so parents can keep track of the displays. Keep in mind though that sometimes all the planned artworks don’t fit, so it is not a guarantee! In future the displayed art up-date will be attached to the newsletter on a fortnightly basis- an-other reason to make sure you get the newsletter!Our school facebook page will feature each of the current dis-played artworks each day too so make sure you follow our page.

Other parents may like to help with the installation as well. There is a lot of interest being generated by the students’ artworks- and having the online gallery too hosted by the Bega Valley Regional Gallery means it is getting even further afield! We are often surprised who picks it up now that it is out there! It was mentioned (and the slideshow played) at a recent Principal webinar on Bushfire recovery, and also featured as an example of how galleries are going more online on The Mix on ABC TV on the weekend! (Catch it on iview-the link is on our school face-book page)The Fireflies cards have been doing their magic too - making their way around the world and making people happy! The school has also received several emails from people so entranced with the artworks - they are really capturing people’s hearts. The next P&C meeting will need to include some discussions on the next steps as there have been several expressions of interest coming from various areas regarding the options for purchasing, and this needs to be discussed with families.

P&C NewsLunch OrdersLunch orders on a Friday will not be resuming at this stage until further decisions are made.

New jumpers for studentsPlease ensure that your new jumper is named.

Term 2 P&C MeetingStay tuned for information on when our Term 2 P&C Meeting will be held.

Upcoming staff changesMon 25 May Mrs Macey on class 4-6 Thurs 28 May Mrs Macey on class 4-6, Mrs Binns with Ms BeasleyNicci has been on carer’s leave and hope to see her back soon

Some Comm Bank

Some of those at Wild Ryes currently

Page 4: Towamba Mini Murmur · 2020-05-22 · PUBLIC Mini Murmur SCHOOL Towamba TERM 2 WEEK 4 THURSDAY 21 MAY 2020 Tel 6496 7159 Fax 6496 7059 Coming Events

Community News

casuals wanted for this area too

call Nicole 0447 404 990

Every Friday is Pie Day at Towamba Rural

Wild Ryes pies, donuts, selected other items, coffee and more!Personal orders by Wednesday midday if you want something special

Follow us on Facebookor phone Nilena 0490 673 539

ABSENCE & Partial Absence NOTEMy child_________________________________________________________________________

was absent from school on the date/s____________________________________________

OR will be arriving late/departing early at (time)___________________________________

due to__________________________________________________________________________

Signed ____________________________________ Parent/Carer. Date:____________

A message from Laura & Chris Flett


If you would like to have a go hands on and see what this stuff looks like etc we are welcoming helping hands as we build with it.

We will try and organise a bit of a roster of helpers over the next few weeks. Basic Lunch provided.

Contact Lauraphone 0421 502 764

Thank you to the Police Youth Liaison Officersfor delivering gifts from local Rotary Clubs