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  • 8/9/2019 Topicality UMKC



  • 8/9/2019 Topicality UMKC


    United State federalgovernment

    The United States federal government is three branches andhas sovereignty over the statesUS No Date

    (“United States Federal Government Law & Legal Defnition”,http://defnitions!slegal"om/!/!nited#states#$ederal#government/%

     he United States Federal Government is esta'lished ' the US )onstit!tion he FederalGovernment shares sovereignt over the United Sates with the individ!algovernments o$ the States o$ US he Federal government has three 'ran"hes: i% the

    legislat!re, whi"h is the US )ongress, ii% *+e"!tive, "omprised o$ the resident and-i"e president o$ the US and iii% .!di"iar he US )onstit!tion pres"ri'es a sstem o$ separation o$powers and "he"0s and 'alan"es1 $or the smooth $!n"tioning o$ all the three 'ran"hes o$ the Federal Government

     he US )onstit!tion limits the powers o$ the Federal Government to the powers assigned to it2 all powers note+pressl assigned to the Federal Government are reserved to the States or to the people

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    ShouldShould in the resolution means the policy is desirable

    Freeley and Steinberg 9  (3!stin . Freele, $ormer pro$ o$ "omm!ni"ation, .ohn )arroll Univ,and David L Stein'erg, pro$ o$ "omm!ni"ation, Univ o$ 4iami,  Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking forReasoned Decision Making, 5667, 85th edition, pp 9#7 google'oo0s, a""essed: ;/sho!ld> ? $or e+ample, >@esolved: hat s!"h#and#s!"h

    should 'e done> An a de'ate on a poli" proposition, >sho!ld> means that intelligentsel$#interest, so"ial wel$are, or national interest prompts this a"tion, and that it is'oth desira'le and wor0a'le Bhen the aCrmative "laims a poli" >sho!ld> 'e adopted, it m!stshow that the poli" is pra"ti"al ? '!t it is !nder no o'ligation to show it will 'e adopted he aCrmative m!stgive eno!gh detail to show it wo!ld wor0 At ma 'e impossi'le, within the time limitations o$ the de'ate, $orthe aCrmative to give al the details, '!t it m!st at least show the o!tline o$ its poli" and indi"ate how thedetails "o!ld 'e wor0ed o!t For e+ample, in a de'ate on $ederal aid to ed!"ation, the aCrmative "o!ld notreasona'l 'e e+pe"ted to indi"ate how m!"h mone ea"h state wo!ld re"eive !nder its plan, '!t it wo!ld 'eo'liged to indi"ate the method ' whi"h the amo!nt o$ the grants wo!ld 'e determined At is pointless $or the

    negative to see0 to show that the aCrmatives plan "o!ld not 'e adopted ' demonstrating that p!'li" opinionis against it or that the s!pporters o$ the plan la"0 s!C"ient voting strength in )ongress

    Should means a condition, obligation, future event, prediction,or reuest!erriam"#ebster (4erriam#Be'ster di"tionar, http://wwwmerriam#we'ster"om/di"tionar/sho!ld ,a""essed: ;/

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    RealSubstantially de%nes as being real, or able to satisfy!erriam"#ebster (4erriam#Be'ster Di"tionar, http://wwwmerriam#we'ster"om/di"tionar/s!'stantiall , a""essed: ;/

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    &onte'tualSubstantially should be (udged by its %eld conte'tDevins)y * (a!l, “As )laim >S!'stantiall> DefniteM 3s0 erson o$ S0ill in the 3rt”, A Update, made a "laim $atall indefnite  -erve, LL) v )rane )ams, An",)ase No 68#8=8; (Fed )ir Novem'er 8=, 5665% he patent in s!it related to an improved p!sh rod $or aninternal "om'!stion engine he patent "laims a hollow p!sh rod whose overall diameter is larger at the middlethan at the ends and has >s!'stantiall "onstant wall thi"0ness> thro!gho!t the rod and ro!nded seats at thetips he distri"t "o!rt $o!nd that the e+pression >s!'stantiall "onstant wall thi"0ness> was not s!pported inthe spe"if"ation and prose"!tion histor ' a s!C"ientl "lear defnition o$ >s!'stantiall> and was, there$ore,indefnite he distri"t "o!rt re"ogniJed that the !se o$ the term >s!'stantiall> ma 'e defnite in some "ases'!t r!led that in this "ase it was indefnite 'e"a!se it was not $!rther defned he Federal )ir"!it reversed,"on"l!ding that the distri"t "o!rt erred in reK!iring that the meaning o$ the term >s!'stantiall> in a parti"!lar>te"hnologi" "onte+t> 'e $o!nd solel in intrinsi" eviden"e: >Bhile re$eren"e to intrinsi" eviden"e is primar in

    interpreting "laims, the "riterion is the meaning o$ words as the wo!ld 'e !nderstood ' persons in the feld o$the invention> h!s, the Federal )ir"!it instr!"ted that >resol!tion o$ an am'ig!it arising $rom the "laims and spe"if"ation ma 'e aided ' e+trinsi" eviden"e o$ !sage andmeaning o$ a term in the "onte+t o$ the invention> he Federal )ir"!it remanded the "ase to the distri"t "o!rt

    with instr!"tion that >QtRhe K!estion is not whether the word s!'stantiall has a f+edmeaning as applied to "onstant wall thi"0ness,'!t how the phrase wo!ld 'e !nderstood 'persons e+perien"ed in this feld o$ me"hani"s, !pon reading the patent do"!ments>

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  • 8/9/2019 Topicality UMKC


    !onetary value4 substantial development is ;orth at least means, $or an "alendar ear, thatears ann!al average "ons!mer pri"e inde+, Seattle, Bashington area, $or !r'an wage earners and "leri"alwor0ers, all items, "ompiled ' the '!rea! o$ la'or and statisti"s, United States department o$ la'or he oC"eo$ fnan"ial management m!st "al"!late the new dollar threshold and transmit it to the oC"e o$ the "ode reviser$or p!'li"ation in the Bashington State @egister at least one month 'e$ore the new dollar threshold is to ta0e

    eWe"t he $ollowing shall not 'e "onsidered s!'stantial developments $or the p!rpose o$ this "hapter: n

    Septem'er 8, 566; the s!'stantial development threshold was in"reased toX

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    >reaterncrease means to ma)e greater!erriam"#ebster (4erriam#Be'ster di"tionar, http://wwwmerriam#we'ster"om/di"tionar/in"reaseMshowY6&tY8=6= and >"harge> Hart$ord Fire"ontends that, limited to their ordinar defnitions, these words appl onl when a "ons!mer has previo!sl'een "harged $or ins!ran"e and that "harge has therea$ter 'een in"reased ' the ins!rer he phrase, >hasprevio!sl 'een "harged,> as !sed ' Hart$ord, re$ers not onl to a rate that the "ons!mer has previo!sl paid

    $or ins!ran"e '!t also to a rate that the "ons!mer has previo!sl 'een K!oted, even i$ that rate was in"reasedQ[[5IR 'e$ore the "ons!mer made an pament @enolds disagrees, asserting that, !nder Q[8678R theordinar defnition o$ the term, an in"rease in a "harge also o""!rs whenever anins!rer "harges a higher rate than it wo!ld otherwise have "harged 'e"a!se o$ an$a"tor##s!"h as adverse "redit in$ormation, age, or driving re"ord ##regardless o$ whether the"!stomer was previo!sl "harged some other rate 3""ording to @enolds, he was "hargedan in"reased rate 'e"a!se o$ his "redit rating when he was "ompelled to pa a rate higher than the premi!mrate 'e"a!se he $ailed to o'tain a high ins!ran"e s"ore h!s, he arg!es, the defnitions o$ >in"rease> and>"harge> en"ompass the ins!ran"e "ompanies pra"ti"e @enolds is "orre"t “An"rease> means to ma0esomething greater See, eg, \F@D *NGLASH DA)AN3@] (5d ed 877% (>he a"tion, pro"ess, or $a"t o$'e"oming or ma0ing greater2 a!gmentation, growth, enlargement, e+tension>%2 B*^S*@S N*B B@LDDA)AN3@] F 34*@A)3N *NGLASH (Id "ollege ed 87% (defning >in"rease> as >growth, enlargement, et"QR>%>)harge> means the pri"e demanded $or goods or servi"es See, eg, \F@D *NGLASH DA)AN3@] (5d ed877% (>he pri"e reK!ired or demanded $or servi"e rendered, or (less !s!all% $or goods s!pplied>%2 B*^S*@S

    N*B B@LD DA)AN3@] F 34*@A)3N *NGLASH (Id "ollege ed 87% (>he "ost or pri"e o$ an arti"le, servi"e,

    et">% Nothing in the defnition o$  these words implies that the term>in"rease in an "harge $or>sho!ld 'e limited to "ases in whi"h a "ompan raises the rate that an individ!alhas previo!sl 'een "harged

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    &reatencrease includes creation#ords and ?hrases C  vol 56^ p 59; G3

    Bash 87=5 he granting o$ "ompensation to an oC"er a$ter he has "ommen"ed to serve the term $orwhi"h he has 'een "hosen, when no "ompensation was provided ' law 'e$ore he ass!med thed!ties o$ his oC"e, is an “in"rease” in salar or "ompensation within the "onstit!tional provision prohi'itingan in"rease o$ the "ompensation o$ a p!'li" oC"er d!ring his term o$ oC"e )onst art, 5, Z5f+ing> o$ salar2 th!s, in a'sen"e o$"omplian"e with Home @!le 3"t provisions "on"erning in"rease in "ompensation o$ ele"ted mem'ers o$governing a!thorit, maor and "o!n"ilmen were properl enOoined $rom re"eiving $!rther "ompensation )ode,Z 97#86872 Laws 879;, p II5I ## Ting v Herron, 5=I S*5dI9, 5=8 Ga

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    5therncrease is calculated by comparison to immediately beforeactionRogers B  .!dge @ogers, .!ne 5=, 566modif"ation> as an phsi"al or operational "hange that >in"reases> emissions, it is silent on how to "al"!lates!"h >in"reases> in emissions =5 US) Z ;=88(a%(=% 3""ording to government petitioners, the la"0 o$ astat!tor defnition does not render the term >in"reases> am'ig!o!s, '!t merel "ompels the "o!rt to give theterm its >ordinar meaning> See *ngine 4$rs3ssnvS)oast 3ir_!alit4gmtDist, in"reases> reK!ires the'aseline to 'e "al"!lated $rom a period immediatel pre"eding the "hange  hemaintain, $or e+ample, that in determining whether a high#press!re weather sstem >in"reases> the lo"al

    temperat!re, the relevant 'aseline is the temperat!re immediatel pre"eding the arrival o$ the weather sstem,

    not the temperat!re fve or ten ears ago Similarl, Q[[=7R in determining whether a new engine>in"reases> the val!e o$ a "ar, the relevant 'aseline is the val!e o$ the "arimmediatel pre"eding the repla"ement o$ the engine, not the val!e o$ the "ar fve or ten earsago when the engine was in per$e"t "ondition

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    tsts is possessive the United StateAs Federal >overnmentAs

    e'plorationGdevelopment!erriam #ebster *3: (4erriam Be'ster Di"tionar, defnition o$ “its”,568=, http://wwwmerriam#we'ster"om/di"tionar/its%

    @elating to or 'elonging to a "ertain thing, animal, et" : made or done ' a "ertainthing, animal, et"

    The e'plorationGdevelopment must belong to the USF> *3: (Di"tionar"om, defnition o$ “its”, 568=,http://di"tionarre$eren"e"om/'rowse/itsMsYt%

    ^elonging to or asso"iated with a thing previo!sl mentioned or easil identifed

    The plan cannot be controlled or supported by the military!erriam #ebster *3: (4erriam Be'ster Di"tionar, defnition o$ “its”,568=, http://wwwmerriam#we'ster"om/di"tionar/militar%

    $ or relating to soldiers or the armed $or"es (s!"h as the arm, nav, marines, andair $or"e%: o$ or relating to the arm: "ontrolled or s!pported ' armed $or"es

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    nonmilitaryThe aHrmative plan cannot involve the military in any ;ay

    5'ford Dictionary *3: (+$ord Di"tionar, Defnition o$ “non#militar”,568=, http://wwwo+$orddi"tionaries"om/!s/defnition/ameri"anPenglish/nonmilitar%

    Not 'elonging to, "hara"teristi" o$, or involving the armed $or"es2 "ivilian

    The plan cannot include the department of defense, army, airforce, navy, marine corps or coast guardRod ?o;ers *3: (@od owers, @etired First 3ir For"e Sargent, “4ilitar 868”,568=, http://!smilitara'o!t"om/"s/generalin$o/a/militar868htm%

     he Department o$ De$ense is headed ' a "ivilian2 the Se"retar o$ De$ense, who isappointed ' the resident o$ the United States Under the Se"retar o$ De$ense,there are three militar departments: he Department o$ the 3rm, the Departmento$ the 3ir For"e, and the Department o$ the Nav *a"h o$ these militardepartments are also headed !p ' "ivilians2 the Se"retar o$ the 3rm, theSe"retar o$ the 3ir For"e, and the Se"retar o$ the Nav hese >servi"ese"retaries> are also appointed ' the resident here are fve militar 'ran"hes:

     he 3rm, 3ir For"e, Nav, 4arine )orps, and )oast G!ard he 3rm is "ommanded' a $o!r#star general, 0nown as the 3rm )hie$ o$ StaW he 3rm )hie$ o$ StaWreports to the Se"retar o$ the 3rm ($or most matters% he top militar mem'er inthe 3ir For"e is the 3ir For"e )hie$ o$ StaW his $o!r#star general reports ($or most

    matters% to the Se"retar o$ the 3ir For"e he Nav is "ommanded ' a $o!r#staradmiral, "alled the )hie$ o$ Naval perations he 4arines are "ommanded ' a =#star general "alled the )ommandant o$ the 4arine )orps ^oth the )hie$ o$ Navalperations and the 4arine )orps )ommandant report ($or most matters% to theSe"retar o$ the Nav

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  • 8/9/2019 Topicality UMKC


    6iving and nonliving7'ploration covers both living and non"living resources andocean characteristicsN544 9 

    (D*3@4*N F )44*@)* National "eani" and 3tmospheri" 3dministration(N33%, QDo"0et No 67686855I#7855I#682 AD GF668R 3ppli"ations $or the F]5686 "ean *+ploration (*% rogram QFederal @egister -ol!me ;=, N!m'er 89<(h!rsda, 3!g!st 5;, 5667%, http://wwwgpogov/$dss/p0g/F@#5667#6#5;/html/*7#56;=6htm%

     SUL*4*N3@] ANF@43ANI 5cean e'ploration ;as de%ned  ' the 5666residents anel on "ean *+ploration,as JJdiscovery through disciplineddiverse observations and the recording of the %nding  N33s C"e o$ "ean*+ploration and @esear"h see0s to "atalJe o"ean dis"over and !nderstanding at o!r o"ean and Great QQage

    =I9;5RR La0es $rontiers thro!gh 'old and innovative e+plorations These e'plorations shouldrevolutioniEe our )no;ledge baselines by e'ploring, characteriEing andmapping, at ne; andGor higher scales, the oceans living and nonliving

    resources and its physical, chemical and biological characteristics Dataand o'servations res!lting $rom * e+peditions will res!lt in new dis"overies, new insight, new 0nowledge andnew $rontiers and will li0el lead to the revision o$ e+isting paradigms or the $orm!lation o$ new paradigms inthe o"eans poorl 0nown and !n0nown regions he p!rpose o$ this anno!n"ement is to invite the s!'missiono$ pre#proposals and $!ll proposals that address o"ean e+ploration and advan"ed te"hnolog development

     hro!gh dis"over and the sstemati" e+ploration o$ !n0nown o"ean areas and phenomena, *@ serves toens!re N33 "an meet its goal to, ``rote"t, @estore, and 4anage the Use o$ )oastal and "ean @eso!r"es

     hro!gh an *"osstem 3pproa"h to 4anagement (New riorities $or the 58st )ent!r, N33s Strategi"-ision% he res!lts o$ *@ a"tivities are "ornerstones !pon whi"h e"osstems will 'e dis"overed, defned and!nderstood th!s ena'ling them to 'e prote"ted, restored, and managed he interdis"iplinar andm!ltidis"iplinar nat!re o$ *@ a"tivities also serves N33s "!rrent strategi" plan (New riorities $or the 58st

    )ent!r##N33s Strategi" lan% goal to ``Understand )limate -aria'ilit and )hange to *nhan"e So"iets3'ilit to lan and @espond he dis"over and "hara"teriJation o$ new o"ean phenomena and dnami"pro"esses provide essential in$ormation $or !nderstanding o"ean##atmosphere "onne"tions and their inV!en"eon "limate he dis"over o$ new ha'itats and spe"ies also provides essential in$ormation $or !nderstandingthe eWe"ts o$ a "hanging "limate on the marine reso!r"es !pon whi"h we depend

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    Travel7'plore is travel to un)no;n or unfamiliar regions&ollins 9 

    )ollins *nglish Di"tionar # )omplete & Una'ridged 86th *dition 5667 Billiam)ollins Sons & )o Ltd 87;7, 879 Harper)ollins !'lishers 877, 5666, 566I,566

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  • 8/9/2019 Topicality UMKC


    Data collection5cean e'ploration can be facilitated by coordination of dataand information management systems&ornell 6a;, no date (US )ode itle II )hapter =; S!'"hapter A Z

    I=65, ' )ornell Law, http://wwwlaw"ornelled!/!s"ode/te+t/II/I=65%

     o the e+tent appropriate, the 3dministrator shall see0 to $a"ilitate "oordination o$data and in$ormation management sstems, o!trea"h and ed!"ation programs toimprove p!'li" !nderstanding o$ o"ean and "oastal reso!r"es, and development andtrans$er o$ te"hnologies to $a"ilitate o"ean and !ndersea resear"h and e+ploration

  • 8/9/2019 Topicality UMKC


    !onitoring5cean e'ploration includes monitoring the ocean in severaldiMerent aspects N544, A3+ (Bhat As "ean *+ploration and Bh As At AmportantM N33, .an!ar

    8;, 568I http://o"eane+plorernoaagov/'a"0matter/whatise+plorationhtml%

    "ean e+ploration is a'o!t ma0ing new dis"overies, sear"hing $or things that are!n!s!al and !ne+pe"ted 3ltho!gh it involves the sear"h $or things et !n0nown,o"ean e+ploration is dis"iplined and sstemati" At in"l!des rigoro!s o'servationsand do"!mentation o$ 'iologi"al, "hemi"al, phsi"al, geologi"al, and ar"haeologi"alaspe"ts o$ the o"ean Findings made thro!gh o"ean e+ploration e+pand o!r$!ndamental s"ientif" 0nowledge and !nderstanding, helping to la the $o!ndation$or more detailed, hpothesis#'ased s"ientif" investigations

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    5bservationDiMerent types of observation are considered oceane'ploration4uarium of the ?aci%c, N544 A3+ (he report o$ o"ean e+ploration 5656,

    3K!ari!m o$ the a"if", and N33, Septem'er 568I,http://o"eane+plorernoaagov/o"eane+ploration5656/oe5656Preportpd$ %

     here is a "riti"al need $or new ships and other plat$orms he need $or a!tonomo!s!nderwater vehi"les and remotel operated vehi"les is greater than $or h!mano""!pied vehi"les 3 national program reK!ires a mi+ o$ dedi"ated and shared o"eane+ploration assets arti"ipants agreed that o"ean e+ploration sho!ld ta0eadvantage o$ all so!r"es o$ availa'le and relevant data For e+ample, "a'ledo'servatories, re"overa'le o'servatories, the vario!s o"ean o'servation networ0s,and satellites are all important in a national program o$ o"ean e+ploration

    7'ploration is discovery through observations and recordings,

    especially in the conte't of oceansNational 4cademies 9  National 3"ademies 5667 “"ean *+plorationHighlights o$ National 3"ademies @eports” a""essed 9/57/8= athttp://delsnased!/reso!r"es/stati"#assets/os'/mis"ellaneo!s/e+plorationPfnalpd$ 

    3s defned ' the resident1s anel on "ean *+ploration (National "eani" and3tmospheri" 3dministration, 5666%, ocean e'ploration is discovery throughdisciplined, diverse observations and recordings of %ndings. t includesrigorous, systematic observations and documentation of biological,chemical, physical, geological, and archeological aspects of the ocean inthe three dimensions of space and in time

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    6earnTo e'plore must have intent to familiariEe or learn5'ford Dictionary No Date


    e'plore Slla'if"ation: e+plore ron!n"iation: /i0csplr ver' Qwith o'Oe"tR 3Travelin or through Kan unfamiliar country or areaL in order to learn about orfamiliariEe oneself ;ith itI the 'est wa to e+plore A"eland1s northwest fg!rative the proOe"t en"o!rages "hildren to e+plore the world o$ photograph 4oree+ample senten"esSnonms 88 Qno o'Oe"tR (e+plore $or% Sear"h $or reso!r"es s!"has mineral deposits: the "ompan e+plored $or oil 4ore e+ample senten"es85AnK!ire into or dis"!ss (a s!'Oe"t or iss!e% in detail: he sets o!t to e+plore$!ndamental K!estions 4ore e+ample senten"es 8I7'amine or evaluate Kanoption or possibilityL: o! "ontin!e to e+plore new was to generate in"ome

    5cean e'ploration is collecting and analyEing ocean dataN4S4, no date (N3S3 "eanograph, http://s"ien"enasagov/earth#s"ien"e/o"eanograph/%

    art o$ N3S3s mission is to develop an !nderstanding o$ the total *arth sstem andthe eWe"ts o$ nat!ral and h!man#ind!"ed "hanges on the glo'al environment !ro"eans pla a maOor role in inV!en"ing "hanges in the worlds "limate and weather)olle"ting and analJing long#term o"ean data $rom satellites is a relativel newfeld o$ e+ploration he analsis o$ remotel#sensed o"ean data ma0es it possi'le to!nderstand the o"ean in new and e+"iting was

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    Search for natural resources7'ploration is the search for natural resources5'ford Dictionary no date


    e'ploration Line 'rea0s: e+plorjation ron!n"iation: /k0splcreb(%n / NUN Q43SSNUNR 8he a"tion o$ e+ploring an !n$amiliar area: ‘space exploration’ ane+ploration o$ the 3$ri"an interior1 83The action of searching an area fornatural resources I onshore oil and gas e'ploration

    5Thorough e'amination of a sub(ectI some changes in the care"givingsituation may need e'ploration Q)UN NUNR: an e+ploration o$ so"iet andh!man nat!re

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    Use5cean Development is utiliEation of the ocean and itsresources

     N No Date, .apan Anstit!te o$ Navigation, he .apanease Anstit!te o$ Navigation

    (.AN% is the worlds premier non#proft pro$essional so"iet dedi"ated to theadvan"ement o$ the art and s"ien"e o$ positioning, navigation and timing (N% >日本航海学会/*NGLASH/"ean *ngineering @esear"h )ommittee> 日本航海学会/*NGLASH/"ean *ngineering @esear"h )ommittee .apan Anstit!te o$ Navigation,nd http://mem'ersO#navigationorg/e#"ommittee/"eanhtm, Be' I6 .!ne 568=)S

     he "ean *ngineering )ommittee made its de'!t when its esta'lishment was a!thoriJed at the )o!n"il 4eeting o$ the .apan Anstit!te o$ Navigation in "to'er 87;6, with 8I "ommittee mem'ers led ' ro$essor orao 4oJai, the)hairman he term >"ean Development> has "ome to the s!r$a"e sin"e 879; or therea'o!ts An .apan, the No I@eport o$ Taio Taga0! GiO!ts! Shingi Tai, esta'lished in 8798, "ontained a s"ien"e and te"hnolog plan $or o"eandevelopment, whi"h was s!'mitted to the Government in 879 Sin"e then national poli" has 'een s!pported '

    '!dgetar appropriations setting the 'earing on s!"h a "o!rse For .apan, an And!strialiJed nation, > "ean

    Development> was snonmo!s with >Development o$ "ean S"ien"e and e"hnolog,> then emphasis was pla"ed on o"ean engineering and destined to development o$ an >"ean

    And!str> D!ring the 8796s when the nation a"hieved s!stained e"onomi" growth, awareness grows o$ the serio!simpa"ts o$ marine poll!tion 3s a res!lt, new moves emerged to review o"eans not as indefnite e+panses o$ water,'!t as something reK!iring an interdis"iplinar approa"h At was, there$ore, K!ite timel that the "ean *ngineering)ommittee was $ormed in the 87;6s when the o"eans were 'e"oming a highl "ontroversial topi" aro!nd the glo'e5 3im o$ "ean *ngineering )ommittee Dis"!ssions o$ >"ean *ngineering> are insepara'le $rom >"eanDevelopment> Bhat is o"ean developmentM ro$essor Tiomits! F!Oii o$ the Universit o$ o0o defnes o"eandevelopment in his 'oo0 as !sing o"eans $or man0ind, while preserving the 'ea!t o$ nat!re An the light o$ its

    signif"an"e and meaning, the term >"ean Development> is not ne"essaril a new term "eandevelopment is 'roadl "lassifed into three aspe"ts: (8% UtiliJation o$ o"eanreso!r"es, (5% UtiliJation o$ o"ean spa"es, and (I% UtiliJation o$ o"ean energ 3mongthese, development o$ marine reso!r"es has long 'een esta'lished as fsher s"ien"e

    and te"hnolog, and shipping, naval ar"hite"t!re and port/har'o!r "onstr!"tion are"overed ' the "ategor o$ !sing o"ean spa"es, whi"h have grown into ind!stries in .apan Bhenthe )ommittee initiated its a"tivities, however, the real "on"ept that "a!ght attention was a new tpe o$ o"eandevelopment, whi"h was o!tside the "overage that "onventional terms had implied

    /Development0 is synonymous ;ith /use0 in terms of theocean#ashington State 6egislature 33, Bashington State Legislat!re >"ean4anagement> AC !"#$%&$#&': Bashington State Legislat!re, 88 Fe' 5688http://appslegwagov/wa"/de$a!ltasp+M"iteY8;I#59#I96 Be' I6 .!ne 568= )S

    "ean !ses defned "ean !ses are a"tivities ordevelopments involving renewa'le and/or

    nonrenewa'le reso!r"es that o""!r on Bashingtons "oastal waters and in"l!des theirasso"iated oW shore, near shore, inland marine, shoreland, and !pland $a"ilities and thes!ppl, servi"e, and distri'!tion a"tivities , s!"h as "rew ships, "ir"!lating to and 'etween thea"tivities and developments "ean !ses involving nonrenewa'le reso!r"es in"l!de s!"h a"tivities ase+tra"tion o$ oil, gas and minerals, energ prod!"tion, disposal o$ waste prod!"ts,and salvage "ean !ses whi"h generall involve s!staina'le !se o$ renewa'le reso!r"esin"l!de "ommer"ial, re"reational, and tri'al fshing, aK!a"!lt!re, re"reation,shellfsh harvesting, and pleas!re "ra$t a"tivit

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    5M Shore #ind5Mshore #ind is ocean development !ar)ham *G3, 4ar0ham, Derri"0, @eporter >Anterview Bith )* $ "ean*nerg )rowd$!nding lat$orm> )leane"hni"a *"oprene!rist, 8 Fe' 568=

    http://"leante"hni"a"om/568=/65/8/interview#"eo#o"ean#energ#"rowd$!nding#plat$orm/ Be' I6 .!ne 568= )S

    Several tidal energ te"hnologies are advan"ing K!i"0l thro!gh the developmentpro"ess Some o$ these te"hnologies "an 'e applied in streams and in o"eans   hatversatilit has tremendo!s potential 3ltho!gh some people do not "onsider oWshorewind part o$ the o"ean energ ind!str, )lean @ea"h does Wshore wind leveragesthe 0nowledge and lessons learned $rom land#'ased wind development hoseta0eawas appl to the o"ean, '!t 0e "hallenges $or o"ean development

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    Not sorted yetThere are %ve main areas to ocean development&D4 9 The Canadian International Development Agency >)AD3s Strateg $or "ean4anagement and Development> $ (oreign A)airs* Trade and De+elopment Canada

    ,D(ATD- Government o$ )anada, Nov 877 http://wwwa"di#"idag""a/a"di#"ida/a"di#"idans$/eng/nat#I578=5=I#Kr+ Be' I6 .!ne 568= )S

     his strateg re"ommends fve main areas o$ intervention in o"ean management anddevelopment when "onsidering D3 initiatives: (8% esta'lishing a $ramewor0 $or s!staina'le

    o"ean development, poli" and law2 (5% developing 0nowledge 'ases in fsheriesand marine s"ien"es2 (I% management o$ the !ses o$ the o"ean and "o#ordinationand management o$ "oastal Jones, shipping and the environment2 (=% fsheriesmanagement and development2 and ()oordination and)ooperation in the *!ropean 4arine Strateg Framewor0 Dire"tive and the USNational "ean oli"> "ean & )oastal 4anagement 75 (568=%: 8# New$o!ndlandLa'rador Department o$ Fisheries and 3K!a"!lt!re, 5686,http://wwwfshaKgovnl"a/p!'li"ations/"eansDis"!ssionaperpd$ Be' I6 .!ne568= )S

    i S!staina'le development strives $or a 'alan"e 'etween so"ial needs, e"onomi"opport!nities and ;environmental stewardship witho!t "ompromising the a'ilit o$$!t!re generations to meet their own needs  he !se and development o$ New$o!ndlandand La'rador1s "oastal and o"ean areas m!st 'e s!staina'le

    5cean development includes the management of %sheries andports as ;ell as ocean planningDavis et al. =, Davis, ^ra+ton ), Tathleen * Serman, and 4elissa S @ada>State "ean 4anagement lans and oli"ies: Snthesis @eport> "ean )oastal and@eso!r"e 4anagement (nd%: n pag * So!th )arolina Dept o$ Health and*nvironmental )ontrol, C"e o$ "ean and )oastal @eso!r"e 4anagement and^elle B ^ar!"h Anstit!te $or 4arine and )oastal S"ien"es Universit o$ So!th)arolina, Sept 5669 Be' I6 .!ne 568= )S

    Following a review o$ o"ean poli" developments on the Best )oast, Hershman (8777% des"ri'ed a'roadening s"ope o$ state involvement in o"ean iss!es, a shi$t in poli"ies related to fsheriesmanagement and ports (dredging, intermodal "oordination, and environmentalpoli"%, and an in"reased involvement o$ lo"al governments in o"ean planning he $ollowings!'se"tions provide a detailed and !pdated s!mmar o$ the governan"e $ramewor0s, poli"ies, and e+perien"es o$US "oastal states in o"ean management

    Development is e'ploitation, sustainable development ismanagement?ayoyo 9:, aoo, eter ^ >"ean Governan"e: S!staina'le Development o$the Seas>orld .n+ironmental .nerg/  United Nations Universit ress, 877=

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    http://wwwnJdlorg/gsdlmodMeYd#66666#66###oW#6envl##66#6####6#86#6###6###6dire"t#86###=#######6#8l##88#en#development,> in its international setting too readil asso"iated with >e"onomi" development,>re$ers

    here to the !se or e+ploitation o$ a nat!ral reso!r"e he word >s!staina'le,> whi"h"onves the idea o$ holding !p or s!pport, in this "onte+t means development that is "onservative,and is "ond!"ive to "ontin!ed via'ilit o$ a reso!r"e he term >s!staina'ledevelopment> whi"h appeared in the Borld )onservation Strateg p!'lished in 876 ' the Anternational Union $or the)onservation o$ Nat!re and was adopted ' the Borld )ommission on *nvironment and Development, is !sed to des"ri'emanagement (ie reg!lation o$ !se and e+ploitation, and "onservation% o$ a givenreso!r"e in s!"h a manner that the 'enefts o$ the reso!r"e are optimiJed, that is, madeavaila'le on an eK!ita'le 'asis to the largest n!m'er over the longest term At reK!ires the sparing and e"onomi"al!se o$non#renewa'le reso!r"es, and maintenan"e o$ the prod!"tivit o$ renewa'lereso!r"es, as well as avoidan"e o$ or "ompensation $or, irreversi'le eWe"ts "a!sedto the reso!r"e thro!gh !se or e+ploitation that does not meet these standards

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    >eneric planet def 7arth is a planet ;ith oceans5'ford Dictionary no date

    (http://wwwo+$orddi"tionaries"om/!s/defnition/ameri"anPenglish/earth, a""essed


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    5cean limit7arthAs 5ceans are the @igh Seas and governed by the 39B>eneva convention and the United Nation &onvention.

     5@NS5N *33

    (D3-AD ,.D )andidate, 4a 5685, 3meri"an Universit, Bashington )ollege o$ Law2^3 Government and Histor, 5667, he )ollege o$ Billiam & 4ar, 5688, 3meri"anUniversit Anternational Law @eview, 59 3m U Antl L @ev 8=;;

    A$ spa"e is the fnal $rontier, then an analsis o$ its legal regime "o!ld draw $rom lessons derived $rom the

    pen!ltimate $rontier: the high seas n

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    ()aptain . 3shle, .3G) and @etired USN, “^ase oints and ^aselines in 4aritime^order Delimination”, 4aritime ^order Diploma", An )enter $or "eans Law andoli" (Series%Leiden : 4artin!s NiOhoW !'lishers 5685, *^S)%

    Aslands, regardless o$ siJe, have the same stat!s and enOo the same maritime rights as other land territor7Aslands ar" defned as nat!rall $ormed areas o$ land s!rro!nded ' water whi"h ar" a'ove water at high water1

    ^readth o$ maritime Jones o$ islands: the territorial sea ma not e+"eed (N*%85 nm2 the ** isN* 566 na!ti"al miles (nm%2 the "ontinental shel$ is at least 566 nm ” @o"0s ar" islands whi"h"annot s!stain h!man ha'itation, or have no e"onomi" li$e o$ their own he are entitled onl to a territorial sea

     he are not entitled to an ** or "ontinental shel$15 At is not "lear how man $eat!res are “ro"0s1 as theinternational "omm!nit has never agreed on an o'Oe"tive appli"ation o$ 3rti"le 858(I%” @o"0s have a territorialsea and "an 'e !sed as 'ase point $or territorial sea delimitation ^!t ro"0s "annot 'e !sed as 'ase points $ormaritime delimitation o$ the ** or the "ontinental shel$

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    4postrophe4n apostrophe is used to sho; possessives

    !erriam"#ebster Dictionary (http://wwwmerriam#we'ster"om/di"tionar/apostrophe, Date 3""essed: 69578=%

    3 mar0 !sed to indi"ate the omission o$ letters or fg!res, the possessive "ase, or the pl!ral o$letters or fg!res

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    Ooth ;hole body and divisionsThe ocean is the vast body of ;ater that covers much of theearthAs surface, including all divisions of (http://di"tionarre$eren"e"om/'rowse/o"ean, Date 3""essed:


    8 he vast 'od o$ salt water that "overs almost three $o!rths o$ the earthss!r$a"e

    5 3n o$ the geographi"al divisions o$ this 'od, "ommonl given as the 3tlanti",a"if", Andian, 3r"ti", and 3ntar"ti" o"eans

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    5ne oceanThe ocean is a large e'panse of ;ater5'ford Dictionary(http://wwwo+$orddi"tionaries"om/!s/defnition/ameri"anPenglish/o"ean, Date

    3""essed: 69578=%3 ver large e+panse o$ sea, in parti"!lar, ea"h o$ the main areas into whi"h the seais divided geographi"all:

    the 3tlanti" "ean1

    There is one ocean divided into %ve regions.National 5cean Service (N33, National "eani" and 3tmospheri"3dministration ? National "ean Servi"e, “here is onl one glo'al o"ean”,http://o"eanservi"enoaagov/$a"ts/howmano"eanshtml%

    Bhile there is onl one glo'al o"ean, the vast 'od o$ water that "overs ;8 per"ent o$ the *arth is geographi"all divided into distin"t namedregions he 'o!ndaries 'etween theseregions have evolved over time $or a variet o$ histori"al, "!lt!ral, geographi"al, and s"ientif" reasons Histori"all,

    there are $o!r named o"eans: the 3tlanti", a"if", Andian, and 3r"ti" However, most "o!ntriesEin"l!ding the United StatesEnow re"ogniJe the So!thern (3ntar"ti"% as the f$th o"ean he a"if", 3tlanti",and Andian are 0nown as the three maOor o"eans he So!thern "ean is the newest named o"ean At is re"ogniJed' the US ^oard on Geographi" Names as the 'od o$ water e+tending $rom the "oast o$ 3ntar"ti"a to the line o$latit!de at 96 degrees So!th he 'o!ndaries o$ this o"ean were proposed to the Anternational Hdrographi"rganiJation in 5666 However, not all "o!ntries agree on the proposed 'o!ndaries, so this has et to 'e ratifed 'mem'ers o$ the AH he US is a mem'er o$ the AH, represented ' the NS C"e o$ )oast S!rve

    Naturally the 5ceans are not divided, there is only one ocean

    &astro *3* (eter )astro, HD in marine 'iolog, he Histor o$ the "ean,5685, http://marine'ioorg/o"eans/histor/, S4%

     he o"ean is not O!st where the land happens to 'e "overed ' water he sea Vooris geologi"all distin"t $rom the "ontinents At is lo"0ed in a perpet!al ""le o$ 'irthand destr!"tion that shapes the o"ean and "ontrols m!"h o$ the geolog andgeologi"al histor o$ the "ontinents Geologi"al pro"esses that o""!r 'eneath thewaters o$ the sea aWe"t not onl marine li$e, '!t dr land as well he pro"essesthat mold o"ean 'asins o""!r slowl, over tens and h!ndreds o$ millions o$ earsn this times"ale, where a h!man li$etime is '!t the 'lin0 o$ an ee, solid ro"0s Vowli0e liK!id, entire "ontinents move a"ross the $a"e o$ the earth and mo!ntains grow

    $rom Vat plains o !nderstand the sea Voor, we m!st learn to adopt the !n$amiliarpoint o$ view o$ geologi"al time Geolog is ver important to marine 'iologHa'itats, or the pla"es where organisms live, are dire"tl shaped ' geologi"alpro"esses he $orm o$ "oastlines2 the depth o$ the water2 whether the 'ottom ism!dd, sand, or ro"02 and man other $eat!res o$ a marine ha'itat aredetermined ' this geolog he geologi" histor o$ li$e is also "alled aleontologq

     he presen"e o$ large amo!nts o$ liK!id water ma0es o!r planet !niK!e 4ost otherplanets have ver little water, and on those that do, the water e+ists onl as

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    perpet!all $roJen i"e or as vapor in the atmosphere he earth, on the other hand,is ver m!"h a water planet he o"ean "overs most o$ the glo'e and plas a "r!"ialrole in reg!lating o!r "limate and atmosphere Bitho!t water, li$e itsel$ wo!ld 'eimpossi'leq !r o"ean "overs ;5 o$ the earths s!r$a"e At is not distri'!tedeK!all with respe"t to the *K!ator 3'o!t two#thirds o$ the earths land area is

    $o!nd in the Northern Hemisphere, whi"h is onl 98 o"ean 3'o!t 6 o$ theSo!thern Hemisphere is o"eanq he o"ean is traditionall "lassifed into $o!r large'asins he a"if" is the deepest and largest, almost as large as all the others"om'ined he 3tlanti" >"ean> is a little larger than the Andian >"ean>, '!t thetwo are similar in average depth he 3r"ti" is the smallest and shallowest)onne"ted or marginal to the main o"ean 'asins are vario!s shallow seas, s!"h asthe 4editerranean Sea, the G!l$ o$ 4e+i"o and the So!th )hina Seaq ho!gh we!s!all treat the o"eans as $o!r separate entities, the are a"t!all inter"onne"ted

     his "an 'e seen most easil ' loo0ing at a map o$ the world as seen $rom theSo!th ole From this view it is "lear that the a"if", the 3tlanti" and Andian o"eansare large 'ran"hes o$ one vast o"ean sstem he "onne"tions among the maOor'asins allow seawater, materials, and some organisms to move $rom one >o"ean> toanother ^e"a!se the >o"eans> are a"t!all one great inter"onne"ted sstem,o"eanographers o$ten spea0 o$ a single world o"ean he also re$er to the"ontin!o!s 'od o$ water that s!rro!nds 3ntar"ti" as the So!thern "eanq heearth and the rest o$ the solar sstem are tho!ght to have originated a'o!t =<'illion ears ago $rom a "lo!d or "lo!ds o$ d!st his d!st was de'ris remaining $roma h!ge "osmi" e+plosion "alled the 'ig 'ang, whi"h astrophsi"ists estimateo""!rred a'o!t 8< 'illion ears ago he d!st parti"les "ollided with ea"h other,merging into larger parti"les hese larger parti"les "ollided in t!rn, Ooining intope''le#siJed ro"0s that "ollided to $orm larger ro"0s, and so on he pro"ess"ontin!ed, event!all '!ilding !p the earth and other planetsq So m!"h heat wasprod!"ed as the earl earth $ormed that the planet was pro'a'l molten hisallowed materials to settle within the planet a""ording to their densit Densit isthe weight, or more "orre"tl, the mass, o$ a given vol!me o$ a s!'stan"e'vio!sl, a po!nd o$ stro$oam weighs more than an o!n"e o$ lead, '!t mostpeople thin0 o$ lead as >heavier> than stro$oam his is 'e"a!se lead weighs morethan stro$oam i$ eK!al vol!mes o$ the two are "ompared An other words, lead isdenser than stro$oam he densit o$ a s!'stan"e is "al"!lated ' dividing its mass' its vol!me A$ two s!'stan"es are mi+ed, the denser material will tend to sin0 andthe less dense will Voat

    7arth only has one ocean, they are all interconnected5#55 Foundation *3: (ne Borld ne "ean Fo!ndation, p!'li" "harit,568=, http://wwwoneworldoneo"ean$o!ndationorg/a'o!t#!s/who#we#arehtml, S4%

    A$ o! started listing names li0e the North a"if", So!th a"if", North 3tlanti", So!th3tlanti", Andian, and 3r"ti"Eo!1d 'e wrong ^e"a!se the tr!th is, there is onl oneo"ean with man o"ean 'asins he names a'ove are a"t!all the names o$ some o$ these 'asinsq his wonder$!l, li$e#giving 'l!e planet o$ o!rs is 'l!e 'e"a!se more

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    than ;6 o$ *arth1s s!r$a"e is waterEo"ean water ne Borld ne "eanFo!ndation wor0s to prote"t the vario!s inter"onne"ted and interdependent 'odieso$ water that $orm o!r one glo'al o"eanq Sin"e the das o$ the “s!per"ontinent”angaea, 5;6 million ears ago, o!r planet has 'een mostl "overed with saltwaterEand that water has remained "onne"ted ' "onstantl moving "!rrents

    3ltho!gh we are all $amiliar with what we re$er to as the a"if", 3tlanti", or Andiano"eans, the tr!th is that marine li$e has lived, evolved, and traveled thro!gh theseo"ean 'asins witho!t tho!ght to the names or lines we have "reated on a map !r'l!e planet reall does have O!st N* o"eanq Be !nderstand that to $o"!s on anone part o$ the glo'al o"ean witho!t "onsidering the interrelatedness o$ this"omple+ sstem is a mista0e Be also realiJe that we have to start somewhere,whi"h is wh we are sim!ltaneo!sl wor0ing to ed!"ate people and prote"t theo"eano!r one inter"onne"ted glo'al o"eanq 3""ording to the US Geologi"alS!rve, there are over 8I 'illion "!'i" 0ilometers (over I66 million "!'i" miles% o$salt water on this planet hats I9,98=,5I;,I66,666,666,666,666 gallons o$ water,a great deal o$ o"ean to prote"t, and all o$ it home to a h!ge and diverse spe"tr!mo$ li$e

    t is 7urocentric to consider the ocean as separate entitles, theocean is not naturally divided?ayne ND (@oger ane, renowned 'iologist and environmentalist, ne "ean,No Date, http://wwwp'sorg/odsse/voi"e/oneo"eanhtml, S4%

     ho!gh we disting!ish 'etween the a"if" "ean, the 3tlanti" "ean, the Andian"ean, et", there is reall '!t one o"ean At is the home o$ all the fsh, "ra's,seaweed and whales that e+ist (e+"ept, o$ "o!rse, the river and $reshwater spe"ies%

    No matter where o! live along an seashore, a whale ma pass along o!r "oast,or "ome into an har'or or 'a deep eno!gh to Voat it 3nd sometimes the doBhen that happens, it is alwas a thrill At seems to send a message that spea0sdire"tl to people E one that sets !p waves that somehow 'eat down an 'arrier o$disinterestq 3 h!mp'a"0 whale with dolphins No matter where we live or what shorewe visit the air and the o"ean 'ring all o$ the pro'lems that anone has "reatedelsewhere home to !s, however $ar awa those pro'lems ma have 'een at thestartq he "onseK!en"es o$ not !nderstanding that ever o"ean is one o"ean, andthat all the air is one atmosphere is to $ail to appre"iate one o$ the most importantaspe"ts o$ seawater and air: that the are liK!ids and gasses whi"h move $reel,and 'e"a!se ea"h is a single "onne"ted whole (with 'oth medi!ms in intimate

    "onta"t%, that together the a"t as the single most giganti" distri'!tion sstem onearth, "arring the s!'stan"es we spill or vent into them $rom an point anwhereto all points everwhere No matter where we live or what shore we visit the air andthe o"ean 'ring all o$ the pro'lems that anone has "reated elsewhere home to !s,however $ar awa those pro'lems ma have 'een at the startq o $ail to appre"iatethis is to $ail to realiJe that when we thin0 we are "onfning o!r poll!tion to theimmediate vi"init o$ a single "it smo0esta"0, or o!r deadl sntheti"

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    "ontaminants to O!st one sewage o!t$all what we are a"t!all doing is ma0ing s!rethat these s!'stan"es get spread everwhere

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    !ultiple oceansThe 7arth has %ve bodies of ;ater, classi%ed as an ocean!erriam #ebster *3: (4erriam Be'ster Di"tionar, 568=,http://wwwmerriam#we'ster"om/di"tionar/o"ean S4%

    8 he salt water that "overs m!"h o$ the *arths s!r$a"e q

    5 ne o$ the fve large areas o$ salt water that "over m!"h o$ the *arths s!r$a"e

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    FisheriesFisheries are ;ithin * nautical milesNational !arine Fisheries Service. *3: Fisheries *"onomi"s o$ theUnited States, 5685 US Dept )ommer"e, N33, e"h 4emo N4FS#F/S#8I;,


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    #atershedsn the conte't of government management ;atersheds shouldbe included ;ith oceans!alone *=

    (ro$essor Linda 3, 4arshall#Bthe Fo!ndation ro$essor o$ Law and Dire"tor,H!man @ights and National Se"!rit Law rogram, Billiam and 4ar Law S"hool^3, -assar )ollege2 .D, D!0e Universit Law S"hool2 LL4, Universit o$ Allinois)ollege o$ Law, “U@^3N @UNFF, B3*@ _U3LA], 3ND H* ASSU* F L*G3L,3UH@A] S]4SAU4: 3@A)L*: Bhat do Snowmo'iles, 4er"!r *missions,Greenho!se Gases and @!noW Have in )ommonM: he )ontrovers over >.!n0S"ien"e>”, )hapman Law @eview, Spring, 5669, 7 )hap L @ev I9 whi"h reVe"t an e"osstem#'ased management approa"h

    n89= Spe"if"all, me"hanisms to eWe"tivel manage growth sho!ld 'e in"l!ded, andgeographi" 'o!ndaries e+panded to in"l!de "oastal watersheds (not O!st the "oastal o"eanwaters% n89< Federal $!nding sho!ld 'e "onsidera'l in"reased and additional in"entives provided $or stateswho meet set national goals n899 Finall, a >$all'a"0 me"hanism is needed to ens!re that national goals arerealiJed when a state does not adeK!atel parti"ipate or per$orm>

    US ocean policy should include ;atershedsNolon *=

    (.ohn @, ro$essor o$ Law, a"e Universit S"hool o$ Law, “)H34ANS F )H3NG*:@*AN-*NANG D*4)@3)] H@UGH L3ND L3B @*F@4”, he Harvard*nvironmental Law @eview, 5669, I6 Harv *nvtl L @ev 8, Le+is Ne+is%

    n See )43 Z I65('%,(h%, 89 US) Z 8=

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    Not oceans

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    4 beach is land near the ocean, but is not part of it.!erriam"#ebster Dictionary, No Date (http://wwwmerriam#

    we'ster"om/di"tionar/'ea"h, Date 3""essed: 69I68=%

    ^ea"h: no!n c'"h : an area "overed with sand or small ro"0s that is ne+t to an o"ean or la0e

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    4 ;atershed is land  containing ;ater that eventually drainsinto an ocean.

    7?4 *3* (*nvironmental rote"tion 3gen", “Bhat is a BatershedM”, 69 4ar"h5685, http://waterepagov/tpe/watersheds/whatis"$m, Date 3""essed: 69I68=%

    3 watershed is the area o$ land where all o$ the water that is !nder it or drains oW o$ it goes into the same pla"e .ohn Besle owell, s"ientist geographer, p!t it 'est when he said that awatershed is: >that area o$ land, a 'o!nded hdrologi" sstem, within whi"h all living things are ine+tri"a'l lin0ed' their "ommon water "o!rse and where, as h!mans settled, simple logi" demanded that the 'e"ome part o$ a"omm!nit> Batersheds "ome in all shapes and siJes he "ross "o!nt, state, and national 'o!ndaries An the"ontinental US, there are 5,886 watersheds2 in"l!ding Hawaii 3las0a, and !erto @i"o, there are 5,59; watersheds

    4 ;atershed is a piece of land  from ;here separate bodies of

    ;ater Po; to one location.!issouri Ootanical >arden, ** (“Bhat is a BatershedM”,http://wwwm'gnetnet/$resh/rivers/shedhtm, Date 3""essed: 69I68=%

    3 watershed des"ri'es an area o$ land that "ontains a "ommon set o$ streams andriversthat all drain into a single larger 'od o$ water, s!"h as  a larger river, a la0e oran o"ean For e+ample, the 4ississippi @iver watershed is an enormo!s watershed 3ll the tri'!taries to the 4ississippi that"olle"t rainwater event!all drain into the 4ississippi, whi"h event!all drains into the G!l$ o$ 4e+i"o @ainwater

    that $alls on more than hal$ o$ the United States s!'seK!entl drains into the 4ississippi 3 watershed "an"over a small or large land area An the St Lo!is vi"init, $or instan"e, the 4erame" @iver is a small riverdraining a relativel small amo!nt o$ land Small watersheds are !s!all part o$ larger watersheds he 4erame"@iver watershed, whi"h is s!pplied ' even smaller watersheds $rom doJens o$ streams, drains into the 4ississippi@iver 3ll the streams Vowing into small rivers, larger rivers, and event!all into the o"ean, $orm an inter"onne"ting

    networ0 o$ waterwas Not onl does water r!n into the streams and rivers $rom the s!r$a"e o$ a watershed, '!twater also flters thro!gh the soil, and some o$ this water event!all drains into the same streams and rivers hesetwo pro"esses, s!r$a"e r!noW and infltration are important $or a n!m'er o$ reasons For one, the aWe"t waterK!alit hin0 a'o!t it he water that r!ns oW the s!r$a"e o$ the *arth pi"0s !p water poll!tion and deposits thepoll!tion in streams and rivers as it drains the watershed 3long with man diWerent tpes o$ poll!tion that are"arried ' s!r$a"e r!noW, soil also 'e"omes a water poll!tant as it is eroded $rom $arm lands Bater that fltersthro!gh the soil "an also 'e"ome "ontaminated with poll!tion that is le$t over $rom agri"!lt!ral, ind!strial,

    "ommer"ial, and other tpes o$ h!man a"tivit he networ0 o$ streams and rivers that drain o!rwatershed and "arr water poll!tion !ltimatel empt into larger 'odies o$ water, s!"h as la0es ando"eans 3s the larger rivers "arring water poll!tion $rom the land Vow into la0es and o"eans, all o$ the poll!tionthat was in the rivers now is "on"entrated into these other 'odies o$ water he o"eans o$ the world 'e"ome thefnal resting pla"e $or tons o$ poll!tion hro!gh o!r watersheds, poll!tion is distri'!ted $ar awa $rom its originalso!r"e 3nd o'vio!sl, poll!ted water aWe"ts water K!alit

    Not all ;atersheds Po; into the ocean, so a plan involving;atershed is e'tra T5'ford Dictionaries *3: (+$ord Di"tionar, Defnition o$ Batershed, 568=,http://wwwo+$orddi"tionaries"om/!s/defnition/ameri"anPenglish/watershed, S4%

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    3n area or ridge o$ land that separates waters Vowing to diWerent rivers, 'asins, orseas

    3n area or region drained ' a river, river sstem, or other 'od o$ water

    #atersheds are de%ned as a piece of land not apart of theoceanOO&D *3+ (^ed$ord )o!nt )onservation Distri"t, organiJation aimed topreserve nat!ral reso!r"es, “Bhat is a BatershedM, 568I,http://www'ed$ord"o!nt"onservation"om/Batersheds/watershedsPpage8htm,S4%

    3 watershed is an area o$ land where rain or snow melt Vows downhill to a 'od o$s!r$a"e water s!"h as a stream, pond, la0e, or river 3lternative terms $or s!"h anarea in"l!de drainage 'asin, "at"hment, "at"hment 'asin, or drainage area he US*nvironmental rote"tion 3gen" defnition is >Batershed # 3n area o$ land that

    drains water, sediment and dissolved materials to a "ommon re"eiving 'od oro!tlet he term is not restri"ted to s!r$a"e water r!noW and in"l!des intera"tionswith s!'s!r$a"e water Batersheds var $rom the largest river 'asins to O!st a"res orless in siJe An !r'an watershed management, a watershed is seen as all the landwhi"h "ontri'!tes r!noW to a parti"!lar water 'od> he watershed, or 'asin,in"l!des all the streams !phill $rom the point o$ defnition as well as the lands"apesthro!gh whi"h those stream Vow

    #atersheds do not count as apart of the ocean, they areseparate entitiesNational >eographic ( National Geographi", ed!"ational instit!tion, No Date,

    “*n""lopedi" *ntr: Batershed”,http://ed!"ationnationalgeographi""om/ed!"ation/en""lopedia/watershed/MarPaY8, S4%

    3 watershed is an entire river sstemEan area drained ' a river and its tri'!tariesAt is sometimes "alled a drainage 'asinq Batersheds "an "over wide areas @!noWwater $rom a large watershed in the mid"ontinental United States drains into theG!l$ o$ 4e+i"o thro!gh the 4ississippi @iver sstem he 3maJon @iver watershed ish!ge, draining over a third o$ the entire So!th 3meri"an "ontinent q 4ost $reshwaterin the world Vows thro!gh watersheds that event!all drain into the o"eanHowever, sometimes a watershed will not drain into the o"ean, '!t into an internal

    'od o$ water Bater "an onl leave these 'odies o$ water, "alled endorhei" 'asins,' evaporating or seeping thro!gh the soil he 3ral Sea, 'ordering UJ'e0istan andTaJa0hstan, drains one s!"h endorhei" 'asin in )entral 3sia q Some watersheds aresharpl defned ' the "rest o$ a high ridge, or ' a "ontinental divide Bhen !sedin this sense, the term “watershed” does not re$er to the drainage 'asin o$ one riversstem, '!t rather to the divide 'etween two or more drainage 'asins re"ipitationthat $alls on opposite sides o$ this tpe o$ watershed Vows in diWerent dire"tions

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    &oastsThe coast is not in the ocean, but is any land alongside it.!erriam"#ebster Dictionary, No Date (http://wwwmerriam#we'ster"om/di"tionar/"oast, Date 3""essed: 69I68=%

    )oast no!n c0ust : the land along or near a sea or o"ean 2 the )oast : the area along or near thea"if" "ean

    &oast is land not the ocean#al)er *3*

    (George T ,Defnitions $or the Law o$ the Sea : erms Not Defned ' the 875)onvention, Leiden : 4artin!s NiOhoW !'lishers 5685, *^S)%

    Z 5 )oast “)oast” is the edge or margino$ land ne+t to the sea An L3)#governed sit!ations !nderthe “other r!les o$ international law” "la!ses in UN)LS, a diWerent defnition ma appl he same ma 'e thesit!ation i$ the UN )harter s!persedes UN)LS or i$ O!s "ogens norms applI;< )onsolidated Glossar q 8; defnes“"oast” as the “edge or margin o$ land ne+t to the sea” $ormer Glossar q 8; defned “"oast” as “he sea#shore

     he narrow strip o$ land in immediate "onta"t with an 'od o$ water, in"l!ding thearea 'etween high# and low#water lines” Se"tion 5 defnes “adOa"ent "oasts2” Z I8, “"oastal State2” ZI5, “"oastal warning2” Z 7, “land territor” or “land domain2” Z 7I, “line2” Z 7, “low water line” or “low watermar02” Z 859, “o"ean spa"e” or “sea2” Z 8I6, “opposite "oasts”

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    &ontinental Shelf K>eographic de%nitionL 4 continental shelf is under  the ocean,but is still considered part of the land.National >eographic, No Date (“*n""lopedi" *ntr: "ontinental shel$”,

    http://ed!"ationnationalgeographi""om/ed!"ation/en""lopedia/"ontinental#shel$/MarPaY8, Date 3""essed: 69I68=%

    3 "ontinental shel$ is the edge o$ a "ontinent that lies !nder the o"ean  )ontinentsare the seven main divisions o$ land on *arth 3 "ontinental shel$ e+tends $rom the "oastline o$ a "ontinent toa drop#oW point "alled the shel$ 'rea0 From the 'rea0, the shel$ des"ends toward the deep o"ean Voor in what is

    "alled the "ontinental slope *ven tho!gh the are !nderwater, "ontinental shelves are parto$ the "ontinent he a"t!al 'o!ndar o$ a "ontinent is not its "oastline, '!t theedge o$ the "ontinental shel$ he widths o$ the "ontinental shelves var 3long parts o$ the US state o$)ali$ornia, $or e+ample, the "ontinental shel$ e+tends less than a 0ilometer (95 miles% ^!t along the northern "oasto$ Si'eria, the shel$ e+tends a'o!t 8,576 0ilometers (66 miles% he average width o$ a "ontinental shel$ is 9<0ilometers (=6 miles% 4ost "ontinental shelves are 'road, gentl sloping plains "overed ' relativel shallow waterBater depth over the "ontinental shelves averages a'o!t 96 meters (566 $eet% S!nlight penetrates the shallow

    waters, and man 0inds o$ organisms Vo!rishE$rom mi"ros"opi" shrimp to giant seaweed "alled 0elp "ean"!rrents and r!noW $rom rivers 'ring n!trients to organisms that live on "ontinental shelves lants and algae ma0e"ontinental shelves ri"h $eeding gro!nds $or sea "reat!res he shelves ma0e !p less than 86 per"ent o$ the totalarea o$ the o"eans ]et all o$ the o"ean1s plants and man tpes o$ algae live in the s!nn waters An some pla"es,deep "anons and "hannels "!t thro!gh the "ontinental shelves Little light penetrates these s!'marine "anons,and the are sometimes the least#e+plored areas o$ "ontinents $ten, s!'marine "anons are $ormed near themo!ths o$ rivers Strong river "!rrents "!t deepl into the so$t material o$ the "ontinental shel$, O!st li0e the erodero"0s a'ove gro!nd he )ongo )anon, e+tending $rom the mo!th o$ the )ongo @iver, is 66 0ilometers (=7;miles% long and 8,566 meters (I,766 $eet% deep he )ongo )anon is part o$ 3$ri"a

    K6egal de%nitionL The continental shelf is the submerged edge

    of a continent, up through the point of thin oceanic crust atthe continental margin or * N!s.UN 5Hce of 6egal 4Mairs *3* (Division $or "ean 3Wairs and the Law o$the Sea, United Nations )ommission on the Limits o$ the )ontinental Shel$ ()L)S%,“he defnition o$ the "ontinental shel$ and "riteria $or the esta'lishment o$ its o!terlimits”, http://www!norg/depts/los/"l"sPnew/"ontinentalPshel$Pdes"riptionhtm%

     he defnition o$ the "ontinental shel$ and the "riteria ' whi"h a "oastal State ma esta'lish the o!ter limits o$ its"ontinental shel$ are set o!t in arti"le ;9 o$ the )onvention An addition, the hird United Nations )on$eren"e on theLaw o$ the Sea (the >)on$eren"e>% adopted on 57 3!g!st 876 a >Statement o$ Understanding> whi"h is "ontainedin 3nne+ AA to the Final 3"t o$ the )on$eren"e he term >"ontinental shel$> is !sed ' geologists generall to meanthat part o$ the "ontinental margin whi"h is 'etween the shoreline and the shel$ 'rea0 or, where there is no

    noti"ea'le slope, 'etween the shoreline and the point where the depth o$ the s!perOa"ent water is appro+imatel'etween 866 and 566 metres However, this term is !sed in arti"le ;9 as a O!ridi"al term 3""ording to the

    )onvention, the "ontinental shel$ o$ a "oastal State "omprises the s!'mergedprolongation o$ the land territor o$ the "oastal State # the sea'ed and s!'soil o$ the s!'marine areas thate+tend 'eond its territorial sea to the o!ter edge o$ the "ontinental margin, or to a distan"eo$ 566 na!ti"al miles where the o!ter edge o$ the "ontinental margin does note+tend !p to that distan"e he "ontinental margin "onsists o$ the sea'ed and s!'soil o$ the shel$, theslope and the rise At does not in"l!de the deep o"ean Voor with its o"eani" ridges or the s!'soil thereo$ 3""ordingto arti"le ;9, the "oastal State ma esta'lish the o!ter limits o$ its O!ridi"al "ontinental shel$ wherever the

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    "ontinental margin e+tends 'eond 566 na!ti"al miles ' esta'lishing the $oot o$ the "ontinental slope, ' meetingthe reK!irements o$ arti"le ;9, paragraphs = # ;, o$ the )onvention (see also fg!re%