top 10 best foods for weight loss

Below given is a List of 10 Best Foods for Losing Weight which will help you in cracking your metabolism for a desired body weight. Balance your cravings with these foods and experience a healthy lifestyle:

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Post on 23-Jan-2017




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Below given is a List of 10 Best Foods for Losing

Weight which will help you in cracking your

metabolism for a desired body weight. Balance your

cravings with these foods and experience a healthy


Chia seeds are an enriched source of protein, fiber, and omega-3

fats, which directly affects the metabolism and limit the appetite

to certain levels. One of the main benefits would be the

generation of Glucagon, a fat burning hormone, which cuts back

the fatty acids and deposited obesity. It’s simple- just soak in

some chia seeds for 15 minutes, making then all swelled-up, and

you can then eat it normally, or can add them as an ingredient to

your smoothies, salads, low-fat yogurt or oatmeal. This is one of

the Foods to Lose Weight and prevents over-eating.

Said to be the Best Food to Eat to Lose Weight, Brazil Nuts is one lip-

smacking food and can be binged on anytime of the day. Give your stomach

a healthy break with these nuts, and speed up your metabolism easily.

Brazil nuts help in converting basic thyroid hormone into T3, an active type

of thyroid hormone. It also cuts back on cellulite and boosts the immune

system. Try adding powdered Brazil nuts into milk with cardamom and

vanilla, or snack them up, add into a sandwich, fruit salad or yogurt! Who

said losing weight can be a disaster, huh?!

Oats are believed to be on every health-fanatic’s check list. Said

to be one of the Healthy Foods for Weight Loss, it accounts

cholesterol lowering properties and are said to be a perfect

breakfast meal. Researchers present at the University of

California evaluated and concluded that eating Oats results in

lower Body Mass Index (BMI), provides a full appetite, and is a

good source of Protein.

Olive Oil is the new trendsetter amongst all ingredients, and has

found a new identity outside of French and Italian cuisine. Any

other food item can be replaced with just a drizzle of Olive Oil,

and voila! A full power-packed meal with no added fats and

nutrients with a healthy punch! Start using olive oil while

preparing any dish, in the salad, marinating or baking. You will

feel your skin rejuvenated and a good hair volume.

Lentils prepare the Best Meals for Weight Loss, as they comprise

of fiber, folate and magnesium, a dynamic fat-free trio. This food

item has been a significant addition into a healthy lifestyle and

provides tasty meals, salads, soups and dips. This has been a

supporting cast into a packed slimming regime, and can be

prepared in any way.

Titled as one of the 10 Best Foods To Lose Weight, there is no life without

Coffee! LITERALLY! One cup of hot, fresh coffee can lighten up anyone’s

mood, as caffeine makes us alert and attentive while cheering our mind.

Avoid any sweetened ingredient or cream, as you may try cinnamon instead.

A dose of caffeine increases the heart rate and oxygen-intake, which in turn

burn more calories and helps in weight loss. Although, don’t go for

unlimited cups of coffee, as it may backfire you and your health.

Celery has a hidden but simple secret- it contains low calories

and burn more than you eat. The food is enriched with fiber and

water as basic components, and that is the reason they act as a

neutralizer in a balanced diet. Don’t just go with the celery diet,

as your body will suffer. Instead, mix it up with other foods and

eatables for a better nutritional level.

Several studies have suggested that Whole Grains are way better

and healthier than refined grains, and help in eliminating any

certain risk of chronic disease. Said to be one amongst the Best

Weight Loss Foods, these grains provide you with fuller appetite,

takes time to digest and are a rich source of vitamins, minerals

and carbohydrates. Adding this to your diet chart will do


Stop drinking soft drinks and add Green Tea to your check list.

One of the effective sources of a healthy lifestyle, this exotic Asian

hot drink is one such marvel. It is a great resource to boost the

metabolism, is rich in antioxidants and profusely helps in losing

weight. So much in just a small tea dip, isn’t it ladies? Just sip a

cup of hot Green Tea and rejuvenate your taste buds and body


Avocado is the ultimate king in this category! A triple fat burner, it

comprises of mono unsaturated fat speeding up your metabolism. It helps in

securing energy-producing parts of the cells from any fundamental damage.

Avocado is rich in nutrients, is good for eyes and hair, minimizes the risk of

any heart disease, and helps in healing wounds and decreasing cholesterol

levels. Try eating avocado with tomatoes and sea salt as an on-the-go

breakfast, or add some avocado cubes into a bean salad. You can stir up the

fruit into a tasty smoothie with cinnamon and chia seeds as well.

