to soli james m, kolan, -...

**MMW!!!M»«*<jPMM**9< M immiimijiiiiji .1 u. >. J> <-*&.. §•' *m m •••fm. •' fe'vSmt.'. wv V fa ••*^Tr%$i'''i<a-*&*-y}a*:^,^:F. '- ••*&*$ tsg*£-b jf*^ P**«W.|»T UITY PAB18H NEW8. •«««*at*B S Bade** mt Hm 9m mma» 9 t Q*tk »»» Oar Olty Rapoi-tan ST. BBID&RT's Father Hendrick gave out the finan- cial statement of the ehurch last Su o - day. Though our indebtedness has increased several hundred dollars dar- ing the past year, still a great amount of work has been done and many out standing bills paid. If all of our people who can, would rent sittings and pay for them this indebtedness could soon be cleared away. The school ehildrens' financial statement is very creditable. They contributed during the year, by their penny offering $272.93 irhich was expended for necessary sebool supplies and improve- ment*. s .-" The admission to the 9 o'clock mass on Sundays will he ten cents in the future instead of five. We were glad to hear this announcement as many evaded their duty in paying pew rent by attending this mass, thus contribut- ing but $*J 60 a year to the church while th'ise who reDted a sitting paying six and eight ,? This we considered an A e>]lectiou will h* ftunday far the Women. were year. collars a injustice, taken up next Home fur Aged Ntffti'WlMl^iMnnyliiii; ^1^ ^miuni!, I||| j n m A high mass of requiem was cele- brated Monday morning at 8 o'clock for Mauric* O'C-unnell, member of Branch 12, C. M B. A. The mass was given by the Branch. Thomas McLaughlin of Syracuse, died last Saturday. Mr. McLaughlin married Mies Nelligan, a member of this pariah who ia now left with five young children to mourn the loss of a kind husband and father. The family have the sympathy of the congrega- tion in their bereavement. Friday was the feast of 8L Bridget, oar patron saiot, but the feast will be celebrated 8unday. Saturday is tbe feast of the Purifi- eatiou of the Blessed Virgin, commonly called Candlemas day. A high mass *Wa8 celebrated a t 9 efclock and the candles were blefsed before this mass. Sunday is the feast of St. Blase The people will have an opportunity of having their throats blessed after each mass. Mr. and Mrs. James Donivao of Avenue C, are rejoioing over the ad- vent of a young daughter. At the meeting of the Fort-nightly pedro club held last Monday evening, the prizes were won by Miss Ella Geraghty and Mrs. M. A. Stupp. The Cardinal Newman Reading Circle will meet next Monday evening A paper on "Current Topics" will be read by Miss Margaret Lennon, and one on "Lord Baltimore" by Miss Kary Hahn, with selections from the life of Lord Baltimore by the mem- bers. The Purgatorial Society will meet next Sunday. Dr. Jas. H. Finn easy has purchased (he Kolb homestead on Clinton avenue North. The "8elect Club" met at the home of the Misses Drnry last Tuesday evening. The prizes were won by Kisses Donovan, Watson and Stupp. A very enjoyable evening was spent. The funeral of Dennis McGlyn of Vurgtn street, took place from this ehurch last Wednesday morning. Father Gommenginger officiated. ST. BONIFACE. Anselm Beikiroh, died Friday at his home 893 Clinton avenue, South, aged 28 years. He ia survived by his wife, mother, three brothers and two sisters. The funeral took place from the church on Monday morning [ situation. There will be a matting of taw alumni at 4.30 o'eloek on Sunday afternoon in the church ball to per- fect arrangements for the banquet which will be held on Wednesday evening, February 6th Miss Mildred Knapp, of Sjuth Goodman street, entertained " The Club" on Wednesday evening. Prises were wen by William Carey and Mildred Knapp. CORPUS CHRE3TL There was a requiem high mass on Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock for Mother Hieronymu. The Rosary Society will meet Sun- day afternoon after vespers. The amount turned in so far for the benefit of the Some for the Aged, amounts to $2,439 80. The final meeting will be held Feb. 10th at 4 p. m. and a short time after this meet* inga list of contributors will be pub- lished. The funeral of Mrs. Sholtz took place from this church on Monday morning at 8 o'clock. Andrew McVIannis, an engineer whose home is at 222 Grand avenue, met with a painful accident on his eugiu«at tbe East Rochester yards Tuesday afternoon. The Homeopatic ambulance took him to the hospital where he was oared for. Tue " Come, in Time" Pedro club was eutertained by M'ss Ryan of No. 11 Beacon street, on uesday evening last. An eojoyable evening was spent. The first prizes were won by Mrs. Frank Floyd, Mr. Gallagher; Becond prize Mrs Toomey and Mr. McGrath. Hieronymo Council C. W. B. L. will hold a pedro party in the school rooms on Friday evening next IMMACULATE COSOEFTlOW. Monday morning a mass was offered u p for the repose of the soul of Rev. Father Meagher. Offering of the children society. The funeral of Charles Logau took place from the church at 9 o'clock on Friday morning. Besides his mother he leaves four Bisters, Mrs. J. C. Haden, Misses Nellie, Margaret, and Josephine Logan and one Brother, William Logan. < Gn Friday evening, Branch 124, L. C. B. A., will give a progressive euoher and pedro party at school hall. ^'M 1 Biwao* ITQWAWS arawir -'"ijl)iiia;iWH(ii|f—L—_ The expected arrival from Roma of Right Rev. Bishop McQuaid, who has just paid bis ad limtaa visit to tie vatiean, will occurr on Tuesday even* ing, Feb. 12th. Arrangements are being made for a special train to Syra- cuse, for the priests of tbe diocese who will meet the Bishop at that city and escort hisa here. The train which is to arrive at 7,30 p. m. will be met by the Knights of St. John Regiment, Col. Schlicfc commanding, who will act as a guard of honor to the bishop, priests and trustees of the various churches. The procession will then proceedtothe Cathedral where an address of welcome will be delivered by Vicar General Hickey. The bishop will respond. Afterwards benediction of the xnost| blessed sacrament will be given. •» raTHSK KBNNBSOY PROafOTBO. COOK 2 DU &i J H. Moore, Miniccr. CATHEDRAL. Last Sunday evening, (Jan. 27) Mr. Henry Austin Adams crave a very interesting lecture at Cathedral hall, his subject being " Sir Thomas Moore." There was a very large at- tendance, the hall being taxed to its utmost capacity. Those who were so fortunate as to hear him, were highly pleased with the striking manner in which it was presented, and were well repaid for purchasing a ticket. Mr. Adams was formerly a clergyman and by his entrance into the Catholic ehurch has stepped down to the capao ity of a layman. This is a sacrifice that few men would care to make. Rev. James E. Kennedy, who for three years past has been assistant pastor of the Church of t^e Holy Cross at Ovid. N. Y., has been pro- moted by Bishop McQuaid to the rec- torship of St. Mary's church, Ham- mondsport, and the Catholic church at Prattbburg. His many friends in Ovid, who regret his departure, are pleased to ku>w that his superiors have recognized his many good quali- ties of mind and heart, and promoted him to the pastorate on the Rhine of America, the center of the grape growing region of this country. His appointment took effect immediately, and he assumed charge of his new field of labor Feb. 1st. The best wishes of his many friends go with him to his new charge. scaraissi PASJTT. WANTED -To correspond with an unmarried Catholio man from the country who can play easy church music and do light work. S. 8., care CATHOLIC JOURNAL, Rochester, N. Y. CARD OF THANKS. The Sisters of St. Joseph, in charge of the Home for the Aged, Main street, East, desire to express their gratitude and satisfaction for the generous re- sponse made to their appeal and the Interest in their work which was mani- fested by a large and enthusiastic meeting of the ladies who have kindly volunteered to solicit a fond for the relief of their anxious and embarrassed The many friends of Edward Sheri- dan gathered at his home, 354 State strreet to the number of 80 couples, and agreeably surprised their genial friend by a party in his honor. Tbe party was not only a surprise, but in point of fun and innocent jollity was one of the finest and completest suc- cesses of any house party given in [this- city—this-— ^4&e»v— After an elaborate supper the orchestra, under the joint leadership of James J. Tou- hey, the Irish piper, and Mr. Dalton, furnished music of a very fine order, which can only be described in the words of Carlyle: " Music and mirth there ruled supreme." Among those present were Messrs P. -Burke 'of Buffalo, J. Bieen of LeRey, James Touhy of Chicago, Capt M. Quinli- van, M. J. Connors, F. Conway, John Kelley, Misses Clark and Welsh, Mrs. Connors, W. J. O'Brien and Miss Mackey. Those few names which the scribe was fortunate enough to obtain were the leaders of the party which proved a surprise, not only to Mr Sheridan but to the guests them- selves, as each one believed that only he or she was aware of their coming, but upon their arrival they found the house had been artistically decorated with embankments of flowers and plants, which presented the appear- ance of all tbe loveliest that nature can add to splendor. Mr. Sheridan, who had been absent from the city on business, after he had arrived at his home and recovered from his surprise, turned in with his friends and made the best of it amid mirth and song until the small heurs of the morning, whioh was a happy event, and one long to be remembered for its pleasing social features. at 8 o'clock. Rev. Father Rauber read the requiem mass. As the cor- tege passed out of the church, Miss Julia Beikirch feelingly sang "A Message to the Sacred Heart." Burial was at 8t. Boniface cemetery. Next Sunday is communion Sunday foT the Sunday school girls. On Tuesday evening the young ladies held a meeting with regard to holding a comic social among the members before lent. The date is as yet andecided. ST. MARV'S There was a requiem high mass on Tuesday morning at 7.15 o'clock for the repose ot the souls of John and Maria O'Rourke. James F. Smith and Mary T Barry were united in 8o far, an aggregate of $2,439.80 has been subscribed. A final meeting will be held at the home on February 10th at 4 p. m. when it js requested that all returns will be made if possible, after which a list of donors and con- tributors will be publised. COMING ATTRACTIOHS Week of Feb 4. DELLAFOX. Posttvely t*w last appearance la Vaudeville. WILLIS TROUPE, WILL H. MURPHY «nd MINNIE ALLEN. CARLISLE'S CANINE CIRCUS. HANSOM aed NEHON. WiLSpN and LEICESTER. CHAS KENNA. The £«§t BlQG&AJPiL- Ail new pictures, TOUHEY and LACY. Matinee a. 15. Evening 8. iS. Prices— Matinee 10c. 15c soo Box Seats 35c. Evening. 10c. Joe 30c, Box Seats 50c. In order to get a seat se- cure jrtmr tickets ia advance. No extra charge. Secure your ticket* in advance. - _ -—. . , . . . ... , 1.-.1 . [ , » ...» Rochester's Hindxo'Aest Playhouse. S AKBS, THBA.TEE Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. The Fanou* War PUy, SHENANDOAH. Thursday, Friday and Staurday, The Netahle Triumph, THE VILLAGE POSTMASTER. t*EW CENTURY. •/Cud "!w*i$i!ig«J^#j5j£'-f.. nW'itwfecL *$j$MJ tb« business cWtif Watches, Dlam(Ml^'<3 E ^ii®^ Our 8> stent 0! 1fln<. PAYMENT to we?J tasn^pl&- w* peoplft of to «tt?.. :; "«tWf who dun** know itre iMe*l to0ti- and take a look i»t what w*Si*Wf. to soli Society Fvm a Specially, . James M, Kolan, WtiMl Hpnt JMtt, JMJasLiaEil •w* t Over Beadle & Sherburn* <VK 'x. ^•J^P^Bi Medical;. LafeM^pl** f^x % 1 MISS C I. MARTIN FACIAL AND SCALP TREATMENT. Uses only the latest and moat approved methods. PRICES MODERATE. 519*521 Granite Building. (Medical Lake, Wa>!i.) Guaranteed to cure Ehsum^tisro, Indigestion, Catarrh, Headache, Kidney and Liver Troubles and all Disease* Of the $1 Sent by msil postpaid to soy address. Price |r<oct per BOJT, 300 *»*». A1* sale by all druggists of the city. rV *«!e «iso th« ccltbisttd Medics! talce Ttf («3L, which cares any skin trouble as itltrhsum bUckheads. pl»pl«u chsppirt^ roti|li»#i<, < unburn and other forms of »kin bhmisbei in connection With ihe $«lt H%JK* ibEttiiT' p. ice 50 cents per Box, 3 cakes, 1 take $$ esntn For Salt by L. LEDERER, Sots Agent, 514 Chttton Avar, Nwth, " ~ ^ Roefcssttr. K. % •••••••••^ Vorberg Bros. Playing Cards, Score Cards, Program Pencils and eto. Special Prices to Clubs. 126 State st, Charles Cunningham, THE PIANO MOVER, Entrance Ellwanger A Birry Building, PHOXE 45. FSANX T . PLICXXMITK IK Fit AUK t. POM Feliy & FlickiBJttin, Lehigh p A A ! Valley Vj\Jr\L^ 9 YARD AND OITICX. No. 366 Plymouth .Avenue. Furniture Movers Sam Goltry Carting Co. Or4«ra takta at Xlt«**c» iiXsecffif*!treat •r at h*auI Th««y»B «trt*v Largst •» tatad eavarad apriaf wafMI. T•!••••*• laisafHl Tally Cards For Progressive Pedro,' Witlst and Enelute Fanoy Playing Cards for Card P*. y rW Special Prieei to Clubs and Sociotio*. YAWMAN & STUPP, V«?«a*» JL'lKMtSmiilmlJm<~* ^gSrf'n nil Ii SPiSiliil mltJi jSuWil ••TS^Bsp p i - Triangle Bldg, Bait ArwlM toad EaM Main AN BMJOYAJSIJt rABTl. Notice To Sabaolrbera. Our city collector Mr Carl Reynolds, will call upon subscri- bers in arrears next week in the parishes located on the south side of Main Street. Kindly have «the money ready for him when he calls. General DeWet Is said to have declared he would give General Kitchener three month's marriage on ' l i me to capture him Medioal Lake On January 24th a dancing party was given by the Misses Dollen of South Goodman strnet, at the home of Misses Ella and Rose Mc Bride of 396 Jay street. There were sixty present. Friends from oat of town were, Mrs. and Mr. 8treb, manager of the Columbia hotel, Braddocks-Bay; Mr. and Mrs. Hasset, Auburn; Messrs. Will and Edward Finnerty of Canandaigua; Mr. James Eagan of Geneseo. Re- fresnmenta and lunch was served at 11 o'clock. The party proved to be a success and was enjoyed by all present. 1 i Dr-Bull's COUCH SYRUP Cures a Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whoopingr-Cough, Bronchitis, Griooe and Consumption. Quiet, sureresuttt. ull'a Pills care Constipation. SOpllto 10c. Grippe Dr.Bul Toe8daylast by Rev. Father Connors, j Ssalt needed only one week to capture Catherine Barry, sister of the bride Theodore Wittmer's 10 year old rheu- wsu bridesmaid, and'James Murray, matism. Price 81.00 per box. wsu best man Richard Schooley of Broad way, left faratripto Denver, Col. j Announcement has been made of the approaching marriage of Miss Theresa Connolly to Frank D. Aahe. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MeNulty are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter. T h e suJMcription proof sheet will ha distributed to-morrow. bUB AG SENT, Mr. A. Herman^ will collect from mbsoribers in Aubarn until farther J aotiee. Postpaid by mail to any address. L. Lederer, 519 Clinton Ave, N. Rochester, N. Y. Sattlars Exearilon B»tea. During February, March, and April, the Nickla Plate Road will sell low rate tickets from Buffalo to many points in the West and North- west. If your nearest ticket agent cannot give information desired, write F . J. Moore, Genl. Agent, Nickle Plate Road, 291 Main 0t, Buffalo, N. Y. 'fNegiectflCegi I / »'t neglect a cold, if yoa do, it may co >•) 1 your life. A cold attended to at >'K-e can easily be cured if yon have u fondly, naturalfyvyou want thebe^st. uud that is— KIL-KOLD Decorate Your Homes with Religious Pictures, All sizes from 10c up. The largest selection at MERK'81 BOOKSTORE, 234 Main St. East, Empire Theatre Bldg. GasIHxtiires Candelabra, Altar and Chancel Ri Sanctuary Larnptl Censors, Crucifixes* Etc> We Refinish Like New at th# Genesee Plating, Wa^ks, 32, 34, 36 South Avenue), Guaranteed to cure yoa in 24 hours or, money refunded. Price 25cts. T.Jve no substitute. Take our word for ft, tbt'K 1st notbinj just as good; rcTtiso anything el^; insist on KfL-KOLD. At alt druggist or will be seat post- paid for 25Ct». I U. S. AfiMY & NAVY TABLET CO., f7£astf4tfl For a Tonic You will need something in th« line of Wines And Liquors and we adriae thai for the Ptnuu* the moit raaBoaableprieea you go to Mathews & Servis Co, Cor, Main and Fltthufh StreeU. jgnone 1075. EdwardO'Qtady. Alt jwOaiaeji-' JnfOl Reliable Fire, FIdt Offioos-^101 and 108' v * r*ai H,i and Fairly Adjuit^i^ CAPITAL M d t U * THBMOtl * GinaTHl m i l Intsrtttoa MoaUily BKIMIW^ $} p«r aaaunl and tipwar& Mr*. E. B . Surest, wkoM Edward Harrii Janes S, Alexander M. Lindiay.Orinf*r J. Lee Fodaon. Chts. E. Albert H. H*rrU, E. S. fctt' Gilbert B EDWARD HARRIS ,»..**#( ALEX. H, UNDSatr,. ind*k* TRAW1CM. ( n r ** O'GrUj.) v l *• Plate Glass Iilmnngmiuii iiiiiiiliiViniiliiff Compan f '— TK"" , *-'V f !, *^V-j Htraai WfStmtf, W»*> R> •Gtoitttutimtmr, •Tfcoav W. Raliif A 9ii»Ur. mmU. C9iS> " , *t G* ';H. StVa.i^S f Manufacturer »< Sash, Doors, Blinds and •id. Mot Window and P^framsa^ Cor, iiian a P a>feifi§ DKaUBMI* , The Most Complete Lima of Steel Hods, Steel Barrows, Mechanics'Tools, Builders Hardware, ^ur Depa A Gomplste CrockaMy Fall atoeaa of ilM) andfMMt. tlona for tlM and moat ISaatTS— Trm hchlM.AsHrfr M AaatrlMud - 9 -iljp:T®Jt Slut lSitotk fattfnu from wktafe aadeoV times* rAkiCV OffOOKERY-«plM«« awirtMK* is •AtumWmmr 5f«l ISSa 5cmUtaaTaal>d. r«k« pUMa, tr«ya, edntb aid Tbrh A tnv*. la* ateade, «4tw »le OUT CLASS-A IIMOC eaoiMflstslaMla JARDINIERES XimUmmlntUk natm !«Svpg aUVae tmilB^JC^m. 1 — I M . ^ . IftSaaaaaaat^f^BaMaaaaaaa^JalS^aesaal H

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UITY PAB18H NEW8. • •«««*at*BS B a d e * * mt Hm9mmma»9t Q * t k

»»» Oar Olty Rapoi - tan


Father Hendrick gave out the finan­cial statement of the ehurch last Su o -day. Though our indebtedness has increased several hundred dollars dar­ing the past year, still a great amount of work has been done and many out standing bills paid. If all of our people who can, would rent sittings and pay for them this indebtedness could soon be cleared away. The school ehildrens' financial statement is very creditable. They contributed during the year, by their penny offering $272.93 irhich was expended for necessary sebool supplies and improve­ment*. s.-"

The admission to the 9 o'clock mass on Sundays will he ten cents in the future instead of five. We were glad to hear this announcement as many evaded their duty in paying pew rent by attending this mass, thus contribut­ing but $*J 60 a year to the church while th'ise who reDted a sitting paying six and eight ,?

This we considered an

A e>]lectiou will h* ftunday far the Women.

were year. collars a

injustice, taken up next

Home fur Aged

Ntfft i 'WlMl^iMnnyli i i i ; ^ 1 ^ miuni ! , I||| j n m

A high mass of requiem was cele­brated Monday morning at 8 o'clock for Mauric* O'C-unnell, member of Branch 12, C. M B. A. The mass was given by the Branch.

Thomas McLaughlin of Syracuse, died last Saturday. Mr. McLaughlin married Mies Nelligan, a member of this pariah who ia now left with five young children to mourn the loss of a kind husband and father. The family have the sympathy of the congrega­tion in their bereavement.

Friday was the feast of 8L Bridget, oar patron saiot, but the feast will be celebrated 8unday.

Saturday is tbe feast of the Purifi-eatiou of the Blessed Virgin, commonly called Candlemas day. A high mass

*Wa8 celebrated a t 9 efclock and the candles were blefsed before this mass.

Sunday is the feast of St. Blase The people will have an opportunity of having their throats blessed after each mass.

Mr. and Mrs. James Donivao of Avenue C, are rejoioing over the ad­vent of a young daughter.

At the meeting of the Fort-nightly pedro club held last Monday evening, the prizes were won by Miss Ella Geraghty and Mrs. M. A. Stupp.

The Cardinal Newman Reading Circle will meet next Monday evening A paper on "Current Topics" will be read by Miss Margaret Lennon, and one on "Lord Baltimore" by Miss Kary Hahn, with selections from the life of Lord Baltimore by the mem­bers.

The Purgatorial Society will meet next Sunday.

Dr. Jas. H. Finn easy has purchased (he Kolb homestead on Clinton avenue North.

The "8elect Club" met at the home of the Misses Drnry last Tuesday evening. The prizes were won by Kisses Donovan, Watson and Stupp. A very enjoyable evening was spent.

The funeral of Dennis McGlyn of Vurgtn street, took place from this ehurch last Wednesday morning. Father Gommenginger officiated.


Anselm Beikiroh, died Friday at his home 893 Clinton avenue, South, aged 28 years. He ia survived by his wife, mother, three brothers and two sisters. The funeral took place from the church on Monday morning [ situation.

There will be a matting of taw alumni at 4.30 o'eloek on Sunday afternoon in the church ball to per­fect arrangements for the banquet which will be held on Wednesday evening, February 6 t h

Miss Mildred Knapp, of Sjuth Goodman street, entertained " The Club" on Wednesday evening. Prises were wen by William Carey and Mildred Knapp.


There was a requiem high mass on Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock for Mother Hieronymu.

The Rosary Society will meet Sun­day afternoon after vespers.

The amount turned in so far for the benefit of the Some for the Aged, amounts to $2,439 80. The final meeting will be held Feb. 10th at 4 p. m. and a short time after this meet* inga list of contributors will be pub­lished.

The funeral of Mrs. Sholtz took place from this church on Monday morning at 8 o'clock.

Andrew McVIannis, an engineer whose home is at 222 Grand avenue, met with a painful accident on his eugiu«at tbe East Rochester yards Tuesday afternoon. The Homeopatic ambulance took him to the hospital where he was oared for.

Tue " Come, in Time" Pedro club was eutertained by M'ss Ryan of No. 11 Beacon street, on • uesday evening last. An eojoyable evening was spent. The first prizes were won by Mrs. Frank Floyd, Mr. Gallagher; Becond prize Mrs Toomey and Mr. McGrath.

Hieronymo Council C. W. B . L. will hold a pedro party in the school rooms on Friday evening n e x t


Monday morning a mass was offered u p for the repose of the soul of Rev. Father Meagher. Offering of the children society.

The funeral of Charles Logau took place from the church at 9 o'clock on Friday morning. Besides his mother he leaves four Bisters, Mrs. J. C. Haden, Misses Nellie, Margaret, and Josephine Logan and one Brother, William Logan. <

Gn Friday evening, Branch 124, L. C. B. A., will give a progressive euoher and pedro party at school hall.


Biwao* ITQWAWS arawir - '"i j l ) i i ia; iWH(i i | f—L—_

The expected arrival from Roma of Right Rev. Bishop McQuaid, who has just paid bis ad limtaa visit to t i e vatiean, will occurr on Tuesday even* ing, Feb. 12th. Arrangements are being made for a special train to Syra­cuse, for the priests of tbe diocese who will meet the Bishop at that city and escort hisa here. The train which is to arrive at 7,30 p. m. will be met by the Knights of St. John Regiment, Col. Schlicfc commanding, who will act as a guard of honor to the bishop, priests and trustees of the various churches. The procession will then proceed to the Cathedral where an address of welcome will be delivered by Vicar General Hickey. The bishop will respond. Afterwards benediction of the xnost| blessed sacrament will be given.

• •»


C O O K 2DU&i J H. Moore, Miniccr.


Last Sunday evening, (Jan. 27) Mr. Henry Austin Adams crave a very interesting lecture at Cathedral hall, his subject being " Sir Thomas Moore." There was a very large at­tendance, the hall being taxed to its utmost capacity. Those who were so fortunate as to hear him, were highly pleased with the striking manner in which it was presented, and were well repaid for purchasing a ticket. Mr. Adams was formerly a clergyman and by his entrance into the Catholic ehurch has stepped down to the capao ity of a layman. This is a sacrifice that few men would care to make.

Rev. James E. Kennedy, who for three years past has been assistant pastor of the Church of t^e Holy Cross at Ovid. N. Y., has been pro­moted by Bishop McQuaid to the rec­torship of St. Mary's church, Ham-mondsport, and the Catholic church at Prattbburg. His many friends in Ovid, who regret his departure, are pleased to ku>w that his superiors have recognized his many good quali­ties of mind and heart, and promoted him to the pastorate on the Rhine of America, the center of the grape growing region of this country. His appointment took effect immediately, and he assumed charge of his new field of labor Feb. 1st. The best wishes of his many friends go with him to his new charge.

s c a r a i s s i PASJTT.

W A N T E D - T o correspond with an unmarried Catholio man from the country who can play easy church music and do light work. S. 8., care CATHOLIC JOURNAL, Rochester, N. Y.


The Sisters of St. Joseph, in charge of the Home for the Aged, Main street, East, desire to express their gratitude and satisfaction for the generous re­sponse made to their appeal and the Interest in their work which was mani­fested by a large and enthusiastic meeting of the ladies who have kindly volunteered to solicit a fond for the relief of their anxious and embarrassed

The many friends of Edward Sheri­dan gathered at his home, 354 State strreet to the number of 80 couples, and agreeably surprised their genial friend by a party in his honor. Tbe party was not only a surprise, but in point of fun and innocent jollity was one of the finest and completest suc­cesses of any house party given in

[this- city—this-— 4&e»v— After an elaborate supper the orchestra, under the joint leadership of James J . Tou-hey, the Irish piper, and Mr. Dalton, furnished music of a very fine order, which can only be described in the words of Carlyle: " Music and mirth there ruled supreme." Among those present were Messrs P. -Burke 'of Buffalo, J. Bieen of LeRey, James Touhy of Chicago, Capt M. Quinli-van, M. J. Connors, F. Conway, John Kelley, Misses Clark and Welsh, Mrs. Connors, W. J. O'Brien and Miss Mackey. Those few names which the scribe was fortunate enough to obtain were the leaders of the party which proved a surprise, not only to Mr Sheridan but to the guests them­selves, as each one believed that only he or she was aware of their coming, but upon their arrival they found the house had been artistically decorated with embankments of flowers and plants, which presented the appear­ance of all tbe loveliest that nature can add to splendor. Mr. Sheridan, who had been absent from the city on business, after he had arrived at his home and recovered from his surprise, turned in with his friends and made the best of i t amid mirth and song until the small heurs of the morning, whioh was a happy event, and one long to be remembered for its pleasing social features.

at 8 o'clock. Rev. Father Rauber read the requiem mass. As the cor­tege passed out of the church, Miss Julia Beikirch feelingly sang "A Message to the Sacred Heart." Burial was at 8t. Boniface cemetery.

Next Sunday is communion Sunday foT the Sunday school girls.

On Tuesday evening the young ladies held a meeting with regard to holding a comic social among the members before lent. The date is as yet andecided.


There was a requiem high mass on Tuesday morning at 7.15 o'clock for the repose ot the souls of John and Maria O'Rourke.

James F . Smith and Mary T Barry were united in

8o far, an aggregate of $2,439.80 has been subscribed. A final meeting will be held at the home on February 10th at 4 p. m. when it js requested that all returns will be made if possible, after which a list of donors and con­tributors will be publised.


Week of Feb 4.

DELLAFOX. Posttvely t*w last appearance la

Vaudeville. WILLIS TROUPE,




The £«§t BlQG&AJPiL-Ail new pictures,

TOUHEY and LACY. Matinee a. 15. Evening 8. iS.

Prices— Matinee 10c. 15c soo Box Seats 35c. Evening. 10c. Joe 30c, Box Seats 50c. In order to get a seat se-cure jrtmr tickets ia advance. No extra charge.

Secure your ticket* in advance.

- _ - — . — . , . . . ... • , 1.-.1 . [ , » . . . »

Rochester's Hindxo'Aest Playhouse.

S A K B S , T H B A . T E E

Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. The Fanou* War PUy, SHENANDOAH.

Thursday, Friday and Staurday, The Netahle Triumph,


t*EW CENTURY. •/Cud "!w*i$i!ig«J #j5j£'-f.. nW'itwfecL *$j$MJ tb« business cWtif Watches, Dlam(Ml^'<3E^ii®^

Our 8> stent 0! 1 f l n < . PAYMENT to we?J tasn^pl&-w * peoplft of to «tt?..:;"«tWf who dun** know itre iMe*l to0ti-and take a look i»t what w*Si*Wf. to soli Society Fvm a Specially, .

James M, Kolan, WtiMl Hpnt JMtt,

JMJasLiaEil •w* t

Over Beadle & Sherburn* <VK 'x.

^ •J^P^Bi

Medical;. LafeM^pl** f^x

% 1


FACIAL AND SCALP TREATMENT. Uses only the latest and moat approved


519*521 Granite Building.

(Medical Lake, Wa>!i.)

Guaranteed to cure Ehsum^tisro, Indigestion, Catarrh, Headache, Kidney and Liver Troubles and all Disease* Of the $1

Sent by msil postpaid to soy address. Price |r<oct per BOJT, 300 *»*». A1* sale by all druggists of the city. rV *«!e «iso th« ccltbisttd Medics! talce Ttf («3L, which cares any skin trouble as itltrhsum bUckheads. pl»pl«u chsppirt^ roti|li»#i<, < unburn and other forms of »kin bhmisbei in connection With ihe $«lt H%JK* ibEttiiT'

p. ice 50 cents per Box, 3 cakes, 1 take $$ esntn For Salt by L. LEDERER, Sots Agent, 514 Chttton Avar, Nwth, " ~

^ Roefcssttr. K. % • • • • • • • • • ^

Vorberg Bros. Playing Cards,

Score Cards, Program Pencils and eto.

Special Prices to Clubs.

126 State st, Charles Cunningham,

THE PIANO MOVER, Entrance Ellwanger A Birry Building,


Feliy & FlickiBJttin, Lehigh p A A !


No. 366 Plymouth .Avenue.

Furniture Movers

Sam Goltry Carting Co. Or4«ra takta at Xlt«**c» i iXsecffif*!treat

•r at h * a u I T h « « y » B «trt*v Largst • » tatad eavarad apriaf w a f M I . T• ! • • • •* • l a i s a f H l

Tally Cards For Progressive Pedro,' Witlst and Enelute

Fanoy Playing Cards for Card P*.yrW Special Prieei to Clubs and Sociotio*.

YAWMAN & STUPP, V«?«a*» JL'lKMtSmiilmlJm<~* ^gSrf'n nil Ii SPiSiliil mltJi jSuWil ••TS Bsp p i -

Triangle Bldg, Bait ArwlM toad EaM Main


Not ice To Sabaolrbera.

Our city collector Mr Carl Reynolds , will call upon subscri­bers in arrears next week in the parishes located on the south side of Main Street. Kindly have «the money ready for him when he calls.

General D e W e t

Is said to have declared he would give General Kitchener three month's

marriage on ' l i m e t o capture him Medioal Lake

On January 24th a dancing party was given by the Misses Dollen of South Goodman strnet, at the home of Misses Ella and Rose Mc Bride of 396 Jay street. There were sixty present. Friends from oat of town were, Mrs. and Mr. 8treb, manager of the Columbia hotel, Braddocks-Bay; Mr. and Mrs. Hasset, Auburn; Messrs. Will and Edward Finnerty of Canandaigua; Mr. James Eagan of Geneseo. Re-fresnmenta and lunch was served at 11 o'clock. The party proved to be a success and was enjoyed by all present.

1 • i


Cures a Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whoopingr-Cough, Bronchitis, Griooe and Consumption. Quiet, sureresuttt.

ull'a Pills care Constipation. SOpllto 10c.

Grippe Dr.Bul

Toe8daylast by Rev. Father Connors, j Ssalt needed only one week to capture Catherine Barry, sister of the bride Theodore Wittmer's 10 year old rheu-wsu bridesmaid, and'James Murray, matism. Price 81.00 per box. wsu best man

Richard Schooley of Broad way, left faratripto Denver, Col. j

Announcement has been made of the approaching marriage of Miss Theresa Connolly to Frank D . Aahe.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MeNulty are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter.

The suJMcription proof sheet will ha distributed to-morrow.


Mr. A. Herman^ will collect from mbsoribers in Aubarn until farther J aotiee.

Postpaid by mail to any address. L. Lederer, 519 Clinton Ave, N.

Rochester, N . Y.

Satt lars E x e a r i l o n B»tea.

During February, March, and April, the Nickla Plate Road will sell low rate tickets from Buffalo to many points in the West and North­west. I f your nearest ticket agent cannot give information desired, write F . J. Moore, Genl. Agent, Nickle Plate Road, 291 Main 0 t , Buffalo, N . Y.

'fNegiectflCegi I / »'t neglect a cold, if yoa do, it may

co >•) 1 your life. A cold attended to at • >'K-e can easily be cured if yon have u fondly, naturalfyvyou want thebe^st. uud that is—


Decorate Your Homes with

Religious Pictures, All sizes from 10c up.

The largest selection at


234 Main St. East,

Empire Theatre Bldg.

GasIHxtiires Candelabra, Altar and Chancel Ri

Sanctuary Larnptl

Censors, Crucifixes* Etc>

We Refinish Like New at th#

Genesee Plating, Wa^ks, 32, 34, 36 South Avenue),

Guaranteed to cure yoa in 24 hours or, money refunded. Price 25cts. T.Jve no substitute. Take our word for ft, tbt'K 1st notbinj just as good; rcTtiso anything e l^; insist on KfL-KOLD.

At alt druggist or will be seat post­paid for 25Ct». I


f7£astf4tf l

For a Tonic You will need something in th« line of

Wines And Liquors and we adriae thai for the Ptnuu* the moit raaBoaableprieea you go to

Mathews & Servis Co, Cor, Main and Fltthuf h StreeU.

jgnone 1075.

EdwardO'Qtady. A l t jwOaiaeji-' JnfOl

Reliable Fire, FIdt Offioos-^101 and 108'

v * r*ai H,i and Fairly Adjuit^i^

CAPITAL M d t U * THBMOtl * GinaTHl m i l

Intsrtttoa MoaUily BKIMIW^ $} p«r aaaunl and tipwar& Mr*. E. B. Surest, wkoM

Edward Harrii Janes S, Alexander M. Lindiay .Orinf*r J. Lee Fodaon. Chts. E. Albert H. H*rrU, E. S. fctt'

Gilbert B

EDWARD HARRIS ,». .**#( ALEX. H, UNDSatr,. ind*k*



nr** O'GrUj.) v l *•

Plate Glass Iilmnngmiuii iiiiiiiliiViniiliiff

Compan f '— TK"",*-'V f ! , * ^ V - j

Htraai WfStmtf, W»*> R> •Gtoitttutimtmr, •Tfcoav W.

Raliif A 9ii»Ur. mmU.

C9iS> " , *t

G* ';H. StVa. i^S f Manufacturer »< Sash, Doors, Blinds and

•id. Mot

Window and P^framsa^ Cor, iiian aPa>feifi§


, The Most Complete Lima of

Steel Hods, Steel Barrows, Mechanics'Tools, Builders Hardware,

^ur Depa A Gomplste CrockaMy

F a l l atoeaa o f ilM) andfMMt. t lona for tlM a n d moat

I S a a t T S — Trm hchlM.AsHrfrM Aaatr lMud -9-iljp:T®Jt Slut lS i totk fa t t fnu from wktafe aadeoV

times* rAkiCV OffOOKERY-«plM«« awirtMK* is

•AtumWmmr 5f«l ISSa 5cmUtaaTaal>d. r«k« pUMa, tr«ya, edntb aid Tbrh A tnv*. la* ateade, «4tw »le

OUT CLASS-A IIMOC eaoiMflstslaMla JARDINIERES XimUmmlntUk natm



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