tlaxcala, tlaxcala-mexico workcamp... · camp log, tlaxcala, 1953 july 3 camp opens. robert, edi...

TLA.."\CALA COMMUNITY SERVICE UNIT Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico SUMMER 19.53 American Friends Service Committee - -- . ·~ __ _.....__ __

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Page 1: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor


Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico

SUMMER 19.53

American Friends Service Committee - --. ·~ __ _.....__ __

Page 2: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953

July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor Torres c;ave them the key to the 3utes of the school, uheI'e they found that the electricity had not ~ret been connected. The rest of · the Ca.ri1pers cane after' a four hou1' bus ride, second class, fro::1 IIexico 6i ty • Three campers are left there still; and we expect them in the new cru;ip station Hagon tomor1"ow. Our (sas regulator uon It worl:, so ue cookinG on t hree lrnrosene burners. As 1rn s :.. t doun to e a t, 1:-I.1rinidad, our l'iexican volunteer, appeared, a ueek before ue expected him , togethe1" Hi th a fi-•iend headed : or anoth er car.1p, so ue have had our first GUest. The tHo ::i:exican boys played guitars and sang for ns afte1~ supper.

July 4 The car11p is already r1.u1nin0 so smoothly that ue are con­sidering a hike or a picnic torn: .orrow. We decided at a meeting this · r.1orning to asnicn cooks in advance for the whole sU1;1mer, to appoint a moderator and two clerks for each 1-rnel;: of camp, going in alphabetical sequence, and to run business meetings on a consensus b a sis. All house joss except cooking uill be liGted, and volunteers every morning uill check tlle jobs they :i.ntend to do during the day. \le all hope this system will work, and that no one will feel pressured, martyred, or guilty if jobs r1.m on this basis. $enor Lozano at t ho governm.ent palace was concerned when he discovered ue don•t yet have lit::;ht, and has p romi sed to send a man over to see to it. The chie f' of soil con­serva.tion WR11ts as 1:1any boys for uork as we can send him. Camp energency. Tb.e r ain uater tn.nlcs have run dry , and our toilets uonlt flush.

July 5 Cam p emergency· solved. 'rhe tanks fill up partly from the city uater main. But city uater is turned off several hours a day. ITou our chief house problem is having only the one kerosene stove on uhich to cook and to heat dish uater•. Today :~10n t of us went for a long hike over a near .. by mountain. Our nei[;].1bor across the street, Senora Esther, is e;oing to mo.lee tortillas for us, and will t ake our 1\rnt garbage 11 :for her pigs. The Eexico City con­tingent has not yet appeared.

Page 3: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

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July 6 The boys went on to do t err a cing today, and sone of the girls went to the hospital to talk uith tho doctor there about going to nG.:1.r by villar;es uith the two public h ealtll nurses. Some older boys camG in to play volley ball in our po.tio before supper. Ue have cleaned ,rh.i te paint off ·c:;.1.e 11ind01-rn of the big roor.1 uhich uill serve as a children's l ibrary., scrubbed its tiled floor., and put up travel posters to brighten the dark walls. Our l ast three car,1pers arrived , ;a,lso IIary, so we a re now complete. Ou1• gas stove functions, n011, but 1re still live by c andlelight in the evening. Curiosity about the soe:ii1s to be intense, a n d ue have a constant fringe of children peering in at the gate.

July 8 Robert uent out on the boys' project today, and r,mnaged to cet a picl;: through his arm. He has been sewn up by a doctor at ·che hospi tul ne o..r us. '11l '..e 13irls went out uith the nurses again. Irene ls afternoon l.!:nglish class expands everyday. rrhe patio is alli1ost too popul ar from foui-• to seven ever>y day, for volley ball anci gcncx•al milling a round of the neighborhood children. The noise interferes 1,i th the libI·o.ry and t he ::.Znc;lish teaching, yet we don•t like to close our go.tes . He are going to try to solve thii:i by using a nearby field. At a house i~1oeting tonight we decided to try the vollmteer system another week, and also settled on a ten-thirty curfew on wook niGhts.

July 9 Robert's arlil has becor.1e infected, so Lf his symptOlilS be­c ome a larr;1ing he Hi 11 have to go to lie xi co City fo1" treati;ient. Ue are g r.1ore calls for girls to g o to schools than ue havo girls to fill the demand. The ones who o;o out uith th0 villac;e nurses think th ere are too many of' them for the uorh:, so perhaps some of them c an uork on recrea­tion ins tead . So far He }.1.a ven' t talked to Dr. Noriega again about tho th1"ee latrines ho uants the b oys to b ui ld this i:iui11r.1er. Difficulties arise irllen the I-ioxican workers on the soil pro j e ct press food and pulque on the boys. Our ciusine has so far boon rer,mrkably c;ooc1, and. tho food costs have run ~roll uithin the budget :for the stumuer.

Page 4: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

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July 10 Hobert ts arm is somewha.t better and tho rest o:f the ca.111r, seems healthy e.xt ept for slie;ht colds running through it. Tho event of the day Has hot shoue1°s at the hotel, ru:1d sm1e of us took a suim in the pool as well.' -~ arc all invited to a benefit dance there next Hodnesda."i amd intend ·to go, since ue ho.ven•t so far taken much part in tmm social life. At night t}lei-'e uas a coffee party in the Gilmore 1 s qua tors, w-ith Bach playod on Robert ls tapo recorder., and guita11 ·

playing af'tor,rnrds. i!e have a recreation conrr,1j_ttee no1.r, but our ueolrnnds aI'e not yet completely planned., The non­lilOuntain climbers tend to resist tho plans of tl1.o mow1t­ain climbing enthusiasts.

July 11 He had a sort of crunp clean-up this morning, includinc; gottine; tb.e little store room in 01"'der; perhaps we can use it ltfor guests., though nono so far have sto.yed over nig.b.t. In tho aft.c!r'noon Senor Lozano tool~ us a ll on a siGht seeing tour. He sa1-r th0 chief' church of the place, and tho one attn.cllod to the Franciscan rnonastacy here, and after ... wards all went Jco ,Sen.or Losano? s off:tce. He is an on ... thusiastic arcl10ologist, ancl gave each of us an old Indian fragment from his collection of dug ... up :pieces. IIi s t ,;,10

sons c::u,10 to supper ul t h us. Four people set off at 011.0 i n tho morning in order to clinili Halincho early tonorrou.

July 12 The tuo Nancy's, Diet IIook and Al cru:no back in the evening from a successful climb up lialincho. rrhe rest of us wont to Santa Ana or to watch local sports events, or stayed a t home to cook. Hobe1,~ 1 :Gdi th and J.Iar~r co.lJ..ed on the Secretary of State and his wife uho gave them i'lowe:-es and who aI'e coming to supper tomorrou. In the evening the girls met to plan project work for t.he wc el::: there is r,1011 0 of it than we pave people for. i.Je Hanted to have a house r,1oe ting to talk about morning r11eetiDg, but instead wore called on by a toam. of musicians, local boys , t1rel vo of t h em, who came and p layed in ou1' sala. Robert i-•ecordod bro of the ir songs on tape and played t hor.i back to tho boys.

July 13 Our English classes have taken on monstrous proportions. liary Haller says the der.iand for :Cnglish i s :L,eally enormous.,

Page 5: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

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cor:1.po.rod to other car:1ps • \Jo have tuo ir.m1enso be0 inne:r4 1

classes , one more o.dv o.nco d., a sI:1all conversation Group , and ce1"tai n toi·m. digni tarios either Hant private tuition or wish t o practise English in a s111.all clo.os not yot set up The Secreta r y of State and his wlfo and tuo of his chi ldren had nupper uith us l ast ni::;ht, and Hr. Sionoro aftoruar ds told the group so:·.10thins of tl10 history and 13ove1"nr,1ent of Tl a.xcal a . Our good heal th l"ocord has s topped boia g so c;ood a s it uas, but so far cas c n of indi~~estj_on , e tc. have been vecy mild .

July 11.~ Th e afternoon c:;:•oud i n the courtyard is thinned out s ome .. uhat nm:, since sor,10 of the sports o.ctivity goes on in tJ.1.e p l ayin g fields of o.. school ne .:i.r by. ~le had a long :1.ouno moo t ing l an t niGht. : Io tal lr.od about t he uorl: prefects and uay s of naking sone of ther:i c;o more sr.1oo t h l y . Ho r.10.. jo1" policy decisions ucro :;:ado , but the1"e u o.s sor.10 conco1 ... n o:;;:prossed o.bo1..~t tho fact thut we have a good r.w.ny uell--co-do boys and e;irl s in the i::nglish c l asses and t~1.e r e croa:bion groups , Hl1ich -.:10.y re ::mlt in ti10 poor children ts feeling tinid about joining in. "i!e decided t hat t his situation can be :ee;:iedied if wo a.11 remember to he mrnro ::>f it. On Saturday, we decided, uo ui ll s o to Puebla for one of our long car,1p trips .

July 15 Hos t of us 1rent to the palo.ce this T:10fi1ing to be r e ce i ved by tho Governor, uho., h oueveI' , did not appear for ab out an hour. 1 !e meantime talked ui th his ~Je crota.ry ., Senor, ~rho speaks :8n3l i s h 1;ell , o..nd ui.10 uants to come to the car.ip every day to pro.ctice conversation. rrhe Gover ­n or, when ho cm,10, was ve1~y cordia l., and t hanked us for coning to Tl a::;:cala to uork . Senor Sal dana app in tho evening and g ot us t he une of a fi eld near the camp , pronising to it clear ed for us of rubble . In the evening mos t of us uont t o a dance a t the Tla.xcala Hotel, wl10rc tho appearance of so r,iany 1\..l:1ori co.n senoritas s cened to bo cause for generrrl r ejoicing .

Jul~r 16 " ·.Io had thr ee supper guests to-night, Senorita Gonzalez

and two l adies fr•ou t he pennion uhore IIary stayed 11llcn she was here.. ~Je sol vecl the language problem of onter­t n.ining ther1 by J.1aving songs, gui tar, and accordion p l o.y­inc;. This soor;1s to fascinate our neishbors, uhor.1 ue f ound standing in t h eir door1mys o.nd b alconies to listen. 1.!o.nnota Cho.nee arri vod fror,1 J?hi l a dolp]j.ia to opo21d until

Page 6: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

pago five

Saturday with us.

Ju l y 17 :Gberto So i n cn.r.10 to lunch, and took o.wo.y l-ia.r~r Eahcr and Hobert ui t h hiii1, tho l atter to co to a 1-Ioz:ico City doctor ~-Ii th tho totant us r oo..c tions l10 to b eon huvinc; , 1\.t n ic;ht uo had a t n llr on tho siGrdf ico.nco of tho iiootin.g f or '. !ors1.1ip, u1.~i ch tur ned iato a general discussion of religiou s topics.

July 13 Our entire group departed for ? uebla at ton. Took the longe r r-out0 and had b0autiful viou o f :eopo and I1cy, Bob re joined the e:;roup in ?uebla, S:i.1oppi11.e and sightseeing uo1•e t he business of the day, includinc sto::?s at tho IIicl.don Convent of Santa I-ionica., tho Puebla Cathedral ( a one peso hike up its spir e included), tho Church of .Santo Domingo, the iiu seo Bello { fine arts), and a local rununo1;10nt po.rk. TrcJ.ffic Has brutal t o tho Dtatiommgon. The Pa.n- .t-\r.iePican elourts, h o1rnvop dic1 I1uch to roddom f uebla by charging only 40 p0 sos fo r tlJ.o three roo1;1s in ·. rhich the 18 cru,1pers slep t and by ccrvinc; delicious fj_l l ot ::.1igr .. ons. Helene W§;S great:cy- disturbe d by tl1.0 .5th of i-iay victory of 2000 He::dcans over 6000 Fr e nch at Puebla in 1136-9. 17 It was dy::rnntcry" , sl1e e::rplained .

Ju l y 19 Slept J.a te. As group planned to loo.vo f or Cholula, we l oarn0d that Fat Inr.ian had collapoed in Puebla and was conplaining of u ea.kncss and shortnoso of breath. 1Ie took her to a Puebla ho s pi tal and put hor 1.1nder the care of a doctor rocoj_,r;,1ond0d by the Casa in :i.ioxico City for obner­vation. Dab com) l n.ins of ooronosc in hio arr,1 muscle.a. Suspe cts the anti-.all ergy serum is ros1Jonsible . Hin hand is ~·,1uch suollen n e w. Ono cat'load left ,twbla directl y f or hm,10 around throe in order to make p r eparations for t:i.1.0 visit from the Huar:1antl a group tonight . The otho1, two ve:1icl e s went to Cl1olula and toured tho sti ll very inco:'.1p leto excavations of tho Py1.., ru11i1l of: Quetzalcoatl and the church (Santuari o Los Remedios) wh ich stands stop i t. A strong r ain halted expedi tions to tho other 399 churches in t lie town. A cooper•ati ve dinner, .:;ui tar p l ayL1g , singing, and com ... paring c amp no t es nado for a very p l easant g0t-tot;eti.1c1" with tho lT01.rr.1anns and their group.

July 20 Back to uoric aft er a goo d uool~end. Fj_eld cleared and pont hol es dug in l ot provided for volleybnll by Sr. Soldana.

Page 7: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

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After nino (9) visits to tho hospital "'.Jitl1 liary or Roso ­''Y, Halt l oo.rned tho.t no opporttmi ties :::or work i n tho hospi t o.. l uore open because of ove:i.~staf'fing a lready present. O. K. to obsorvo, h owevor. Pn.t Scott and Trini uent to Puebla and report that Pat I. is foclin0 pretty lone l y . Ho diagnosis ye t. Gr oup decided ll.ha t a ll alasso s of Pueblans wore to bo included in to. tions to otu• Casa, tho group to deci de upon uhom t o i nvite and uhon. Also open h ouoe o.nd teas to be scheduled. Dr. Hor ior;a nn.d his uifc c runc to dinner. Had 8. wonderful time fo llowing a tremendous (at l east in volune if n e, t in qual ity too) moal, "'.W had singing, guitar and o.ccordian 1;1osic, tho Brandonbur · Concerto on t ho ta.po recor·der, and oven t au .,. -no fo1-.ioc;as --:t;ho Virgini a Ree l 1

July 21 Uinifrod Barrett Arri vod today . ~.:e do cidod t o end tho l o. to afternoon mr..dhouso i n our patio by r equiring all :tn our yo.rd - betueon L!. and 5 to bo en­gaged in J.o..nguagc classes. Prom 5 to 7 t he patio i s to be roscrvcd :for orc;anizod grunos 11i t h smaller k i ds . Post ::i wor o put in a t our 110~1 vollc:-,r,Jo.11 court, and tho mayo 1~ offered to put tho court in good shape. Older k ids are to be channoloc1. to tho volleyball game there or to the ooccor and softball gamo s doun a t t ho high school ( uhi ch we 01..,ganizod and/or p layod in du.ring tho last i-reek and a half) from 5 to 7 .. A torrential r uin and hail storm hi t our pro1Josod athl eti c program for t oday f 1""om 5 to 6. In the evoning wo had a group examination of paci fism, its applications and the diverse no t ~vat:i.ons for i t. Also in vol vod un.s a. cons idera. tion o f t~1.o obligations of an indi vidun.l to t he so ci<bty in 11hi cl1 he lives . Sr. uas our gues t ~t the d:tscussion. A te l ephone ca ll t o Pat r. revoa l ed t hat she has a virus infection in one l ung and tl10.t she uill r e turn to t ho group on 111ursday.

Jul y 22 As the boys drove out t o w orlr. they uoro surpris ed by the i nconsruous s:1.Ght of urnnoltod hail po.tche:s. l ying o.mong tho r.1aguey. Our nou volleyball court (ui th n o frorii tho r.!ayo l"") proved t o be a Gr oat succ es s; e ven got o.n all- girls I e;ano goine; . Our pat io once again uas kep t p r etty troll cle ared till five . Tho girls uo:-i.,ldn g 11i th tho public hoo. l th nur ses a rc o.1-tornating days of DDT-dusting and givi nG vaccinations and typhoid shots . House mooting: decision to b egin r.1eals on t ir,10 - lunch to be p ushed back to l:l.i-5. Eight to nine a.m. - sot aside

Page 8: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

paee sevc n

as period for Casa .... -cleaning. Co:rmni ttee selected to make arangements for open ... house next Hoek• Anoth er• cor,mli ttee to look into possiblitie s of training local people to carry en recreation procro.r11 after we l eave. TPini was selected to rep resent u::i at this weel;:end rs confer ence in Iie;dco City• Thm .. sday was dec lared u permanent free night .

July 23 Edi th and Bob le.ft at 7 :30 f'or leaders r coni'erenee in Ilexico City. Dick Hooke also went a lone; to visit a doc tor ,

Boys split jl;heir day between terracing and p l antil"1.:?; trees. Pat Sc ott, Royce, and Irene ·went to bring Pat Inman

back fr om Puebla hospital, but doctor said that she shoul d ren ain until Satu1"'day. Recreation prog1"'arn. fought of f a light afternoon sh ower to go on. Free night was much appreciated for reading, bull sessions, unlimbering unpracticed up on n usical instruments, and for ca tcJ:1ing up on corre spondencc • Best meals yet (b ot h lunch and dinner to.sted like food) ·: a l a Al, Saki and nancy Lee, 11ith ass istance from t!innie ,

Tho c;roup keeps proding Saki into c~e tting tho s afo­combination fror.i he r banke rs! :Cnglish class.

Jul y 24 Ruth left this morni ng Hi th the fechlows to try her :i.1and a t t e rra cing, Results after 1 p.m ••

Results ..... Huth: Oh1 my aching backJ Tho new nox•ning work period works out vor-J we ll,. Bob, Edi th n.nd Diel:: retu::.."nod f rom IIe::ico City. Hinnie ls cooking absolutely outstandint:sll After ou~ weekly hot showers (Bles s tem) Trine, Dick Taylor, and Rosemary de1Jarted for t he ueekend ooru!c l"'ence • Iren e and I-Ie l ene went with them for i,iexico City si0h t­seoing . Bob , Edi th, Al, Pat s . and the two lfo.ncy s had dirmer at the Saldanas, Bob a nd Edi th returned fr om t b.e directorls conference · wi th lurid tales of other c ar.1ps. Our group , it 1roul d s eem, is horribly well-bulancod and har d- wor king -- Thank good., nes s&

July 25 I> opo day a t l astZ Under t ~1e direction of Capt. Hooke our group fe ver ish l y prepar ed for the expedition. Tt·relve of us p l u s IIec tox•, a very fine guide provided ~J Sr., Saldana l e.ft a t 3 pm. Al.,ri ved a t the new (and still uncomple t ed) e;overru:,ient sh.e l t-er at t lie tii:1ber line (400~ mete rs) on Popo. at 9:30.. Sacked out; on s tone f'lo or, and got very little sleep because of other gr oups going in and out. Pat Innan returned this afternoon looking pretty w0ll though still a little weak.

Page 9: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

pa.go eight

Edi th, Hinnie, and the t,-rn Pats Hore loft holding 1he fort at home.

July 26 On Popo: Up at 1:. am. Do autiful r.1ornin01 Die~:: II,, Ann and Joyce decided not to set out •• • Ilost of' us started · puffing ten :ra1"ds up tho trail.•. '\fo wore war m at first,. Tl1cn t ~1e i·lind and cold aau.'.i].'lt up ui t~1 us.•. Haney Cushwa headed bacl:: o.fto:e one-third of the 1--rn~r up, ~Jal t and Saki crumpod past the half-uay mark. Bob, Al , iTancy Leo, Co.roly, Huth~ Cliff and lle cto1" made it successfully to t he crater, Cliff, houovor, uas robb e d of a vieu doun into the cra ter by clouds which ~;1ovecl in quickly• Cleopllas J joy.qua cor,n:.1ont: He and 1~1otmtin r climbing are tl11~oughJ .1'1.11 uore h~r:1e by 7:30. Unfo11 tuno.tely we learned that Edith's ·i;-.rallet had boon stolen in Santa Ana. Our Popo jaunt was more successful. On to Orizabal

July 27 Up again at the usual time for, Su.rprisingly enoue:;h r;1o st of us r,iade it ..... then ue wore off aGain to our pi--ojects. At noon, our contingent fror.1 1-iexico City began to d1~ift home. and t ho cor.i.:.:ii tteo of cooks a lso learned during the course of tho day t hat guests uero expected tonlclrb, '11l1e Soldano. ts and so:·.10 people from t he Casa in i :i:e:;::ico City•

Uinnie i s just marvelous in tl10 ld tchen. ::ish we could lrno:') her hero in till the end of campl The menu toni~ht was topped off Hi th hor.10-ua.c.e ccJrn and oo. t ... r.100.l cookiesJ Althouc;h there wo:·.> o a fow of us qi10 could not Gat tho offered food - for ~o.riou s and stmdry roa ... spns - we enjoye d tl1.o de licious odors and suffe:1..'ed in silence, The guests (tho Soldanas) ente1'to.ined us uith slides. Ue entortn.ined (?) them Hi th assorted pie ces of i\J:n.e rican folli: singing . After the i'legaltt amount oi' hours of enter ... t o.inrn.ent 1 tho Soldo..nas left -o.r.1id tho u sual ritual of II good ... bye s 11

July 28 After tho r.1edi tation period., wo officially ne t our c;uesta Jesse T. Sanders - who is a iilegislative counsol 11 for the Hational Grru13;e, Hr. Sanders gave us a briefing on farm econornics 11 Ed Ducklos was our other guest for the niGht, Both stayed for lunch - tl1cn took ,Iinnie with ther.1 to IIuar.10.n t la, Ou11 evening discussion bega.n after dish ... washing .::md a brief rnooting of the fiesta committee. ••• It uas reported that the fiosta or open house will be hold on 1':Pi,, f:cor,1 8-11 pm. A program uas outlined and accppted b:, tho gr oup.

Roscraary, Trini and Diek T4 summarized the internati onal setninar conforonco they attended. The general top ic of internati onal relati ons was discussed.

Page 10: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

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Dick II. uoht into Puebla for x-rays.

July 29 ~Janey Loo decided to try her hand o.t ti.10 pick n.nd shovel ..... ilhilo Ua.l t tried his at inj octi onn. Bot:1 s l1owed a li ttlo 1;1oro apprccio.tion fo1"' ·chc other projects at the end of tho day. liouse r.wotin.G night . Our recreation pror;r ru:n ., open house and evaluations wore discussed,

July 30 Today it; 11as Cai"ol rs turj_1 to go out i nto the var,1po, Of course wo all l:noi:·r she wont just to look for Az:boc frag­ments" A trip into Pueb la by Al i nforr,1od us that Dick I~. is re ... turning to tl1e unit tomorrow - or so tho doctor says 1 nehersals f'or tho open house started tonight .. Quito a fcu of us wore allowed o. pock ~ a cart of proviou. I hope tho ircai.J ,_cr h old:J out for us. Those o:f us u ~10 ha.d r, t ho sucoessful climb up Popa had invi tad tho 1:;uido - lio c·cor and h:1.IJ 1dfo to dinner toni3ht. They nova:" s:wwod~ Tho 6asa was closed for tho afternoon because Sr . So ldano. was kind on.ouch to off'or his services to c.ct as Guide to shou us throuc;h tl10 Az t e c ru.ino at Ti tzatlan. IIost en­joyable and 1-1etl (it rained)•

Jul:r 31 Joyce, Chip o.nd Carol 1rnnt out with tho boys to t J:ieir pro .. jocti. Porfirio welcor.1od tho girls cordially. Thon they wore put to work. Ilost of t l10 d.o.y was spent in prcpa.ra.tion for tho fiesta or open houso. Sinc;lo ucts and o thor Gorts of ontortairnnont wcr•o uorkod out for tho onto:;.. .... tainr.iont po.rt . Trini, Carol o.nd Dick l-i. sang,. Cliff load tho c~iildron on a l l on hunt and uo.s also a weight­lifter. :.Jal t was a i; cian and had tuo ab l e assistants -Haney Loo ru1.d Saki. Tho show o:)onod with a n lilbtlo 1nan1r act by Dick T. and '.Jalt. ?at Scott also helped in the r.1~ic o.ct, · A:..,parontJ.y it is not the cu:::itor.1 to serve f'rco refreshments at a i·io:dca-11. "open housoH 111 After> the show - the food co1;rr.1 .• stood in astnishmcnt as they uatchod t ho croud stro8.li1 p ust tho food booth,. Finally it daunod on t ho crowd t :iat the rofroshr.1011t wo.s free - than thoro was no stopp in13; tho l i t t l e n i nos. '.L1herc was o.lso entertainment prom. dod by Groups of Eoxican boys both fr01:1 Tlru~ca la and Santa Ana ... 0uj_ tars and singing. Trini also sc:;.."'vcd as the i-i . c. -and did o. marvelous job. Ed Dicklcs, ~Tru1.neta Chanco , and Ruy }:Teuton dropped in for a while. Dick II . returned to t ho unit today.

Page 11: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

pn.go ten

Aug. 1 About 12 boys from shouod up to go out 11ith tho boys to work toda.y. Ono even ho ·wa.D coning Hon.-. day l They Her o a.11 invi t od to lunch , At 11..mch, uo found cmo t hor 0 uos t .. Andy Schoffoy - a friend of Cliffs. After ltmch ,... very con-rnniont - tho Chapins a.rrivod. Vo.rioun Group s of peop l e loft fo r dif'fovont po.rts of Ho:::.ico. Chip, Jo~ co and Holono uont into Pueb l o. in tho 1~10rning. Sold o.nd Rosor.1ary plo.;.111cd to go to Taxco. Ruth, 1'fancy C. wont into Hoz:i co. Dick T. a lso loft today f o r• JJ: l Salva­dor. To say the l o ast tho seemed qt1.i to empty. Trini, a.nd t ho two Pats uont to Huamcmtlo..- only to find tho.t tho camp wo.s or,1pty .., everyone had loft for Veracruz. After ouppGl", Ire no, Trini and t ho two Pa ts uont to a dance 0 i von by a g roup of boys from Tlaxcala ... tho Duhos. A good t ime was h ad by a ll .

Aug 2 S l ept lato .. cvo:;,"yono o];::copting tho cooks. Different hikes wo r e p l anned by d:tffo::.'ont poop lo. Cliff, Andy o.ncl. Carol won t into Santa Ana. Irono, Joyce, He l ene, Al, No..ncy Loo and Dick H. 1,rnnt to a li'ro..nciscan mono.s-J; o..ry in Topoyo.nco. · Poop l o also sta rtoc~ t o cone b fro:m tllciP V8.rious jaunts• After ::nr) por, a. singi:..1g session on.sued.

Aug 3 In grc.titudo for tho tree planting done by tho boys; t h o Higuol IIido. l go s choo 1 o. t :\.cui tla,pilco invi tod a roprcrnonta ... tion of llS to t~10ir fiesta in honor of tho Eo ::ican f l ag. As with olor::ontc.'.PY schoo l cho.pdl proc;ro.r:1s uni vcrsally, there wore a b a l l~, curtain, a u andoring dog, a.otinc; po..:bont s, children n eeding pronpt ing Hllilc r cci ting g ro.ndiloquont poor,:;,::.:: along vague patr i otic l i nes, a teacher in tho winGs it1isporinB 11 Dcspo.cio II o.nd i

1Ho..s fuorto ;i to por:::"ornine pupils . A group of children did o. fo l k c~m100- ... thc c;irls in dir,:.inutivo IIich­oaco.n drosses, tho boys in 11hi to suits and scrapes, carrying small baskets of typical wo.T•os as if to mar l;:c t . Dick H. photo­gro.pllod tho uholo scl1oo l . A ncwspaporr:mn co..r.10 around to l ot us road h is 11ritoup on tho gro·"'1p bofoi"o publishinc i t--and it seemed l10 td tl1ought wo uoro sent by tho Q;uo.kor Oats pooplo l Tho Cho.pi:ns o.nd Saki act;1iring tl10 do::tc,., i ty of tho men r,iaking woven paJJ.;1 toys tmdor tho portal ••• A brief vi s it fror,1 Fl orance J:·.1i th o.nd Saul :G l i zondo ... _..An expo di tion up tho l adder and onto tho roof to soc :eopo otc. ;ind. I:;cta etc. at sunset •• • In t~10 ki tchon, l\.. l p l ayin0 his violin, lTo.ncy Lo o plo.yinc a r ecorder. Tho second of tho So.ldona ouppor parties, this tir,10 Hi th six cirls and '.Jalt 8.ttonding., .'I'ho girls dro.ppod in S o.nto. Ana. ro­bozos of v~rious pastels ••• sr. Sal dona showing off t ho house ••• Tho f c .. mous c.;o ld:ish s11il;n~ing in tho coiling .... scoinG col ... lcction of curios, h is pho to g:"aph s, h is h.:uil ro.dio ca r ds •• .1.1:ho re currinc; ncuno Chiapas. • • I

Page 12: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

pac;c cloven

In the ki tchon,. people p lo.y inG c:1aI' n.dos, Stuart Chapin doing 17

Ztun Gali Gali '1 • • •

Aug 4 Harkot scones : Dick Hooke pilinc; voc;oto.blos into h is knn.p­sack •••. A fat Ind i an 110r.10..n H:J.t:1 CL Cl1arlos Addcu·1s sonoo of hui~1or chortling over a thrusting o. toy scorpion at Rutl1 • •• Tho li ttlo wor,ian who so lls f'l'ui t r:10.l:inr.; c. 1:10. t or l i l y nocl:laco for Rose-1;1a1"y ••• Th o record of '1April in i~ortuc;al;1 plo.:,ing continuowsly a t t ho 1:100.rby c a ntina, •• Patio scone dftor lunch : Clj.ff showi ng tho Chapins hoH to cazar l oonos-... tho lion hunt in .Spanish ••• Trini si·cting on tho curb p l o.ying tho cuita r o.nd singing r;?iol Cru:1010. 11 , 11ith tho two Pa:bs j oinin g in,. •• c aroly f o.shioning puppet l100.ds out o f clay , •• Huth ironing he r guayo.boro.-- tho lfo:::.ican shirt wi th do corati vo

' - - . ··-~ ~- + ,)" .. .' "t,;-\1.:.:· .. :..;.:. 0.

Ev e ning scones: Edo coming to suppoI• in o. no1-1ly .. o.c qui1~od chino. pob lana costm;,.o, stra:i.c;ht froa tho Pueblo. mo.rket •• , Several or us sitti11.g on strau 1-:10..ts on t ho cor.n11on roor:1 floor discus::dng things 1°ansing :C'ro:..;1 racial tension s to t h o va lue of c roup do ... c i sions ••• Pooplo standinc; around bpushing tooth in tho niddlo of tho pat i o , despite a drizz le •••

Aug 5 Tho 1;1orninc;t 3 wor•k: Diel.: IIoolrn 1ront out uith tho nurses. At tho Acui tlap:i. lco s ·chool, Sal~i o.nd Rosor;mry arc continuing their 11housing p:"ojoct 0

- .... a I1odol village., conplo tc wi t h r,mguoy plants, constructed by tho ch ildren. At Bo lon, Helene and Irono uont on a f i e l d trip ui t h t heir child~on, wadin::; do1-111 Ct c1 .. cok. Chip cmno b ack from an ar t se ss ion Hi th tl:o kids o.t j:Ioroo s d o Chapultopo c. Tho boys ho.vo found a house near t ho p r oject whore sers.:Jos a ~1.d j2-clrnts 0.1"0 made on crude h2.nd loor!s and ho.vo or­de :.:,od some. The o.fte :::•noon : Chip d1°ovo Co.:.."oly, Hoso:·,10.r :r, a:1d So..1;:i into l 'uob la, t~10 main object bo:1-nc; to buy a little gnitc.r fo r Chip and drosse s for Saki and Roscr.1etry 11

11 l·Ioetnu:1ilo , back a.t tho rru1cn;;-- i. o. , t :10 co..s a--l::do and Robo:.,t wo:>.' o having a bout wi t :1 a pitiful, dyi ng mo:1grol H:1lch t:1oy took to a veterinarian to ho.vo put out of its ni sory . Oux• guardicm ctn0 o l Sr. Saldana, :rn.ving hoard of t ho :·.iissing mir­ror>s o.nd hub cap s of our cars, offo rocl to p ost o. policeman out­s ide tho c o.s a at nigl1t, but ti10 c roup 1"0:Z'us od, fooling t2:lo.t this was not t1iorion-violcnt az)roC1.c;.1. to our IIoxi co.n r.oi;j.1bors. Dut we did accept hi s offer to l ot us 1:oop our in tho po.t:i.o of tho §,ovornncnt ]1,, Welsh ro.robi t cu1d :me l ons for m.1-1;por-- yw.d Tho ovoi1inc;: Tho l :.ttlo tolo-)l1ono o:tf ice under tho 1-:iorto..l ge ts nuc:1 trade fron us. Tho process i s to .30 thOi' O for ~11 iliori~g dis to..n co co.lls, r;i vo t:10 op c r o.to1" tl10 do.ta,. nnd l ot J.1o r put tho call t h rouc;h. '11011:1-::::;llt it 1-ms Di ck Hooke. 6.o.lling hone to r. J •• As usual, t h oro wo.s t l10 1.lod. :;.1i c;llt bu:i i nofJCJ so osion., 11i th Joyce and Al l oadinc this time. .!'...fto:;.·110.rds , ·ri .. ini tried out Cl1ip rs nou guitar.

Page 13: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

page tuol vo

Aug 6

Eorning noises: 11 Golo.-1ri .... 1Tesa • .•• Roclrnts from t h o co.thed1•0.1 ••• The drur:1 o.;.:d ouglo corps o f tllo lo co.l ts• •• nDong-bong 11 of o. b r oom ho.i1dl e on the empty gas tn.nk outside t ho ki tchon door. Al brought his sleeping ba.g c1oun from tho 1•oof, uhoro h a d spent the nic;l1t under tho s . Thia bo i:i.1g u school ho lido.y for so:;10 r oa.s on, Irene and :i-Io l ono so.t s ti..nninG t:1or.:solves in the p a tio u.nd C.'.'Eoly put tho f inish­ing to1..1.ches on h puppet thoo.tro of o. co.r box. Dick sect on 0110 of t :10 litt le gre en benches out::i ido t ~10 conmon room door and :::i trus,::-.10d c:1ip rs gui to.r. During time, Sr. So.ldano.. ove r to t ::.. lk French ~li th Ho lone a.:ncl I r eno . Ho 1-10.s o.r:ius od a. t fj_n ding t ho two Jfo.ncyo and Rosono.ry ::ii ttine b J.r ofoo t on t:10 po.tio cu1"b ::icrubbing t h eir clothes in scrub buckets. Ap ple p~.1.x1cakes for oupp or--a stroke of sheer genius! After grouling for do.ys about tho sco.rci ty of ash tret~rs o.t tho tab l e, Bob Cn!":10 b ack fron tho Pueblo. :umrkot ";Tith o. stone --a throo-log:=;o d mortar o.:1d pestle u sed for gri::.1diag corn--sot,_ it in tho niddilic of the tablo. Evening activities: Saki s itting cDosslosgod on hor Santa Ann. scrape playing ct r ocorclor ••• Ruth, Co.roly, Cliff and Di ck H •. grouped around ono s ch ore, s ingL1c; c:1ox• s • . ... Tho 11 l o. to.: group a.round t ho l::i tcl1on tablo dri~ing coffee: Chip rcn.ding Aldous Huxley; Hri tinr:; his usuo.l l ottersg.' Al at his dir:1un .. utivo typouritor; Co.roly Hith t :i1c guiki..r sincinG 11 Gr ocnsloovo sn · and haunt i ng Isrc1.0 li song s; Dick n. do i ng t l.1e rousing n'.i:1ha5.s ii ., u

Aug 7 Tho ono thing 11hich 2:o ts peopl e up volu;:1to.rily o.t tho so:mo timo o.s t h o coolrn is t ho o::;~pcc1..i t :Lon to ti.10 pc.:10.dor i .:t to wo. tch pnp. dulco b eing shaped. In t:10 o..fto:...,m.oon, t b.o swo.r r:1 for English clas sos u i th Irene o.nd t ho two Pc.ts ••• '.i'hon tho ldds for roc;."'oo.t ion ••• 'iRrini doing relay racos wi t:i.1 tho srsw.11 boys, Ruth and lbncy c .. p l n.ying ,i iiaro.ajo. clulco :1 uit11 t ho l ittle girls ••• Lj_brar:r hour, o. nc.d sc:em:1blo o.1"ound Joyce o.nd Rosoac-.ry ••• Tho o.ftor noon r, conploto with ho.i ls tonos, was noro violent thc,n uonc..l. Th o ptio fi lled up to tJ.10 sidorn1l ks unt i l somoono Ho.clo d out J.nd oiJonod up t~1e c1r ains. D1..Ting tho citorm, Ofelia o.nd IIc r ;:.:c l inc1.n. ?oro z, fI'io:c1cls ot Trini flnd ,3o.u l from lTo.yo.ri t arr i vod .f'ror.i t ho Ccu:i.:.1. in Ho:~ico City for o. visit. Af t er supp er Sc.ul hj_nso l :E' broo zoTL1. Uc o.11 plans for tor:mrrou 's j ctunt . our g r oup t1 ... ip into tho tro~)ics, to Corc-;.obu, o.nd Fortin de l as Floros fo~ tho wo okond. Eo.rly to bod, prop ~r atory fo r n. 3: 30 ri sinc;.

Aug 8 lJlIBXPURGA'rJ.i;D V.SRS I OiT 11Anunquo sopu los c 0_rainos, yo nunco. a. Cordobo. •• , 11

( HAl thouGh I lmou tho roo.ds, I sha.11 neve r r oach Cordoba..,. ;i

~-Federico Garcia Lo~co.

Page 14: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

pago thirt oon

~lo 1Joro up o.t 3: 30 to gulp dmm coftoo and bo l i llos ::;.nd be off ... -but it uasnlt that simpl e, Oti_r rolling sto ck--Chip's cC1.r., Bob cmd :ii:do rs s to.t i on wa0on, o.ul tho croon Al1\SC co.rryo.11 jrucli::-­wo.s in tho pa·cio of t h o Government Po.l o. co wi t11 tho dri v01.rn.y offoctivoly blocked. ~lctlt ·(rolw up strilrnn wi t h tho ;7tou r i st's disocison o..nd hc..d to sto.Jr in; et.s ].10 1.10a.dod for his cot, Ruth sugcostod ho l ding cm. Irish wo..ko fo1~ llh.1.. Piao.lly oxtr o.ctlng our vehic l es, wo hcc.dod touet.rd i'urb l n. in tho oo.r l :r, sooing Lo. i:'hlincho

1 i:opo, o.nc1 I .:;:::. t i in nornins mirJt o.cross fie l ds of mo.cuoy,

Through ~)uobl2. 8.nd onto tho gro0n pa.lin beyond HO rodo, sooing ctdobo houno s G5- vo w::,y to tropico. l pml o-et.nd-tho. t ch hut s. And o.hoad of us 1.10 .. 0 tho pco.k of Ori z 1fo hc..d o. l ong irhi l o to lool: o.-c tb . .::i.t nountain. For in tho pro ... coss of po..ising t ho t wo other cars, Qnd a voiding a cyclist and tho wide mrinc; o f tLo s t o.tion uctgon, t:10 g r oo:n truck ro clrnd ;:-,..nd tui-'ncd over by tho roo.d ::;ido • I t 1rn.s a. quiet., orderl y o.c cidont; ,;-ro j u st got out z-.nd took stock of ourselves. Thero 1.-1oro bruises, scro.pos, a. fou cuts, o. b1,oko:n finc;or o.r.10ng us. Bob took a. co.rloo.d into; tho rest of us co.r:ipod there. It wo.s nn idoo..l spot to choono -flor o..:n accident,"' -tho odco of a sulli"lY fiolC., b1-1..r:-eos trotting plo.cid ly . And we ho.d et.11 tl10 confo1°ts of ho:~10--blankots ::ind bod rolls, so.n­uinho s, o.Ild o. bottl e of 110.tor. ~To camped o. t t:10 scone for so~10 ti:,ro houi, s u n ti l et notDr cyc l o c op fL10.lly cru;10 to :rith S :ml; then t1_10 rest of us wnnt i n to tho Hod Cross IIosy:iito. l in to bo chocl:od over. Si;ull 31,oups of us rcn16 od downto1-m for coffoo. I n tl-:o :1ospitnl p o.. t:Lo uo ho1cI f~@ily c .1.:. nci l ; o.nd Dick H.. do cidod to continue th<J trip to Cordoba. b~, bus; Bob and Snul wore to stew in to o..-ctond to losc.l o.ncl insl-:.rcinco mo.ttonC1 rog o..rding t l10 green truck, and o. c roup uo.s to s tciy ui th them; Cl1ip un.s to tcurn to tho ones ulw l10.d boon in tho accident. in 'rlo.xco.lo.., '.:0.1 t co.suo..lly mot t:10 group o.t t }10 g::ito.

11 .A.ron.f t you e;oinG to o.s l: u s uhy uo tro b uo , 1'Bottor 1-,,,--, 1 - 0 i· ·'-1., ("nod 71 'll-.--, ·,0·) 1 -· ca.'

i.i. \,,. .. J;.~ c ..J , JllU .L l ..L •

By co.ndlolight., o.fto1' o. storn., t :.10 ronmcmt of us in c.:unp so.t a­round tho kitcb.on tc.blc sinc;ing. Augus t 8 - EXPURGATED VERSI ON ,\ftc1' v rtrious h indra:ricc s, Ho ::;ot off on our cnmp trip to sp0nd tho day in Tolmo.c ::i.n. About 8 : 30, 1-10 stop~-:, od bcoidc tl10 roo.d 00110::t th o.. troo t o Et. OrizClb n. L1 tho oo.r l y r:1or ning sun~ ·.ro sat on blc.n};:ots o.nd 011.1' eandi1ichos. In,- ·wo ho.ct tho opp ortunl t~;, to ob servo V10 town rs police flor co a:c.d modi-c,·,l f"Cil·1t·l n c, f·ft 0 r "'t"y-irY' "1''0' 1lld tOW'.., 1·1oc•t Of tl10 dnv c.... ... - <.~... ....._ J... vu • .L.L v u ~ ~- --t:, 1,,.1. - L i. . u -- .i. l.,~u ,.

30\·or:11 of th0 group do c i dod to o top ovor until tho next do.y., t i-ro d f or Cordoba by bus, annd tho ros t uont to co.1i1p.

A-..:1.g 9 Oln co.rap we awoke disgracefully. l ate, sore arn:1 bcdra g::;locl, o.nd sot about having a J.oisuroly, looking ut last wookts

Page 15: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

po.go fourteen

Now Yorl~ Timo s. Uo.l t wo.s in hoclrlins condition Asuperb Sl'-nny do.y.. Somo p lo.nnod to broirno o.rotm.d tho hills of ':i:'lo.xco.lo.. Co.roly, nosomo..I'Y, Huth o.nd Chip uont over to Se1.ntn. Ann, uhopo they found Anno C).won and tho Jo.lo.cj_ngo group rang­ing o.rom1d tho nci.rke t so1°0.po shops. Thero wo.s Jo.l:i.cingo 's groan truck into.ct~q~ Caroly, Hosor.10.ry, l1uth conpron:::od the1;1Selvos into a socond­clo..cs bus for : .. pizaco; Caroly o.nd Ruth could not sto.:r:d erect in it. After seeing tllo mru'lrnt nnd co.ting r,1010 poblo.no_ .. , ... turkey in cipiced chocolate s:J.uce--they rode onto IIuo.rnD-nfilo. (first class!) to so c tho do.i1y floro.l co.rpot outside tho church o.nd to visit tho I-Iuo.nmntJ.o. c;roup in their quo. tors in tho clinic t horo. lTancy iTouo.rnn wo.s o. t ho1:10; lo.tor tho liucmJ.o.ntlo. group c::mo stag.:;oring in :C'ror.i o. lfalincho climb •. DCtck o.t rrl:J.:x:cnlo., ou.r g1•oup roo..s:Jor,1blod from tho HO.Jkond. Robert, o.nd CJ.:U'f., Al., Joyce., Irono., So.ul., Holono, ct o.l • ., ho.d sto.yod over n i ::;llt in, uho:-.-·o thoy ho..d o. taste of luxurio1v:: surrour:dings j_n o. hotel in t ho tropics. Lo.tor t o­night., .uj_ck II. :J.nd :..\o.ld CCUilO in fron o..nd Cordoba.. with enthusiastic·omlt::i of lush trO!)ico.l g.2rdons,

Aui 10 In modi to.. tion Dob c;iokc of tho o:;-cpoy•ionco HO llctvo o.11 just boon through together. Don't ropross it, ho s a id; don't try to ~ar­got it hm1odia.toly, but tJ.ko f'roi·.1 it 1-rl1n. tovor i s vo..luo.blo o.nd moo.ningful .tor -you" :1o uoro all o. bfut oo.gor to toll our 'l'lo.xco.l:J. u.ssocio.tos about t ho happening Cin.i tr 11 So.ldo.:n.:J. about thic J), but Joyce o..nd Huth cm:10 b0,ck :from tho 3o.lubrido.c1 puporting tlw.t Alicio. wusn tt at e:.11 ir,1pro3sod. Ac --·.-J:· ·, o. r:iilitary funoro.l procoss 5.on for Sro... Es:bor's f::ithor p o...s ~;od t/10 :wusc., bo.nds pl::iyi~·.c;, ~;1ournors fo lJ.ouL:-iQ: on foot. Tho cm:'.!.p no lon,2;or prttI'oniZiOS t~'lo l1otol showers but goos to tho b::-.tlw, uj1cro wo l:o.vo rm.Pb lo bonchos. .Al thot:gh b do.y isn J t tmtil :t•1rid:J.y, o. bunch of u.s uont up todety for o.n :dxti-·o.­curriculo.r to got tho To~1uo.can roo.dsido out of our Trini., not fooling 1roll, rotmrod to tho :::itororoom to hetvo ponce o..nd quiet o.mons tho broorn.s c.ncl tools.

B,~c·~-' , c_:~:-. ·~ .. ·~, . _ '-.-~ S-,.~•-'.:: __ : ~ .. ..J , · ,~; · __ , __ , . ~ •• •.

fo.r o.s ;_,:.ob l o., HhOI'c t:1oy l o t ·c i t at C · .- .,·liiJ . 1::· . .. ·.~. Le:, i s 01:101113; us.

Aug 11

. __ J-..;1 ·. ,.; ·_._ ·- ~- · \,.; _;-_--.ocn ti-,1.1clr n.s our fo.i t:1ful Pcm i\."-·.10 :e i can

Cliff and Sm1l l oft for f ,.wblo. to ~) i ck up t}10 gr-oon trucl;: o.nd relay it to :L~d Duclclos in Lo:;dco City fop furtllor uorl;:. Another 0uost browsed by-... E l :Lzo.both Davis, on o. tour of' Lo.tin Amorico.. Guoots of t:1j_:J sopt ethrn.ys n oJ;:o tl1or.:solvos useful by helping us uith tho dj_shos. T:10 tab lo 1:rn.s lo.don with flo:rnrs.--Douc;o.nvi llc. brouGl""l.t in from Po.notln. by 1' tho nuroo s ;i o.nd roses brought to Irene by 2.n o.d .. miring student. rrho toon .. o.go crowd hero is oo.gor to learn tho 1;0pd3 in Ene;li sh to such thingo us nBluo moon11 and n!.bo. Honoy1,1oona.

Page 16: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

po.go fifteen

Tho a.ftornoon rituo.l includes a. trip to tho loa.thor shop to soc progress on vo.rious bolts o:nd, then o.. trip t o tho pano.dorio.. f1->or.1 ul1.onco uo crunch cool:io::i o..11 tho Ho..y ho1;10. And on tho thoory that if lio.ry Ha.lier co.ts Kiko ice croai;1 i t muot be s a fe, uo hD.VO t a.ken to co.ting tllo. t too. Around tho table o.ftcr sur)po r wo browsed throu3h other's photos. At tho Tues, ovo:ning dincusnion Bob reported to tho group tho whole procoodingo roga.rding tl1.o green truck. llo rco..d tho screwy account fror,1 tl10 Puebla. po.per nnd discovered thc.t in addition to ho..ving wio:edly ... npollo d ncu;1cs, wo arc o.11 gravely injured and fl .J.t on our bo..cks in t ho hospita.l. Ha.hl

Aug 12 Por, cinncu-.1011 bollllos .. ytun1 1-iodi tution moved from tho chilly co1].r.1on room out into tho pa.tio D m1.shinc. Horning Hork po :.·,iod: scrubbing t h o john ••• Chip tho pa.tio, •• Ruth, Sa.kl, Cliff o.nd Rosemo.ry doing tho disho ::i •• , Tho race to soc u~1othor a 1-:UJ".i.m or a.n I-IOI-ID.fill got::i to t ho john f i rst •• , Bdo Gi vine; forth Hi tl1 accordion music (Ma.rcho Sluv by request I) ••• Bob grousing that so~noono ho.d o..lroo.dy c hockod off hi n uork on tho work s~1.00t ••• Ruth wont out to tho school 1rith toda.y •• Joyco c t o.l ,, going uitll tho nurses, ucro put on tho wrong bus, and uith .. out bus ... o.nd tl1oy ho.d o.. merry tirn.o strn.ightonine; tho.t one out. Al icia. a.nd Al ejandra thought this hiln.:bious.­Tho cooporo. ti vo spirit i:a group living: Trini .::md lfoncy ]Loo o..t t ho faucet, nutuo.lly wn.s:1ing oo. c~1 otllorts unba.ndo.god h o.nd.u Trini a.nd Ca.roly coopo ro.. t ing on t ~10 gui t a r, Trini usin6 hm froo ho..nd to finger, ly doin8 t ho strt1t,11,1ing ••• Hooting t oni ght, o.n ovo..lua.tion of tho whole Tlo.xcalo. projoct nJ1s possibi l ity of its being a year-round c o.:.·;1p .

Aug 13 Ruth o..nd Roser:10.ry l oft to om.dto l n nt :c.1lnuto -b u siness in iioxi co City. IIoctor c~10 to sup)or uith his wife . T110 e vening wo.d pus sod pleuso.ntly Hi th musi c ru1d dancing. Peopl e fron tho neighb orhood. (nostly tho boys uo knou) dr opped in a.nd joined in tho singin0 ,

Aug lL!. Ed c.:::mo sin 1:1c. ttross. Al Co.role, aEd Cliff t c,lkod with him etbout future plo.ns in t 110 yoo.r-rotmd ce:.mp3 . Ho c.lso l ooked into tho de tails of not'cing up a. l ong-term c amp in 'l'lo.xco.lo..

Aug 1_5 Joyce, Irene o.nd Ho l one loft for lio:dco Ci t y with Ed --IIo l ono to boo.rd a bus for tllo Sta.too C1.nd the others to soc her off. Tho foll01rn wont to 1-mrk this morning. Only I.,ino and Uilli ru11 showed up to hcl:::,. lie fro not sure why uoro didn 1t c ouo a.s before probably bcc:1uso it uo.n not n.s adequately publisizod.

Page 17: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

pa.go six.toon

AUG 16 1.:voryono but ll!di th o.nd Oliff took off for CL hiking trip up Popito and 2.round tho surrounding countryside. Soro foot o. ... bounded. \fal tor got in o. lit clo o;:tro.-cirriculo.r roo.ding ·while a. consonsuo wa.s being ta.ken.

Aug 17 Tho f:Lrst big ovont of t:10 da.y ·wo.s tho fiosto. C1.t Acuitlo.pilco. After o..n hour or so, wo flno.lly roo.lizod tho.t HO wor>o oxpoctod to da.nao 1 o.nd, since thoro is strength in unity, wo o.11 got up on i lo.l t t:::: nigno.l o.nd do.need --- o.ftor u:1i c;.1 thingo uont rn.uch r,1oro nmoothly. Pulquo wo.o graciously (?) rofusod by tho group, of 1.rhom fortuitously o.hd roi'roscos in h.:1nd o.t tho time. After a. story by Eberto for tho children, o. lion hunt by Cliff o.nd Trini, o.nd a. fou f c.r0uoll opoochos, tho fiesta broke up o.nd wo returned homo .. Tho eoffoo hou1• in tho ovoaing ccu;10 off vory Holl Hi th tho looking r.1oro hor:ioy o.nd choory tho.n it ho.d all s1.un111or. :J:voryono soomod to on joy thomscl vos i r.monscly.

Aug. 18 rropo.rations for broo.king e woro boc;un in tho mDrning. After lunch sovoro.l poop lo did soi·.w lo.D t r.1inuto oho)ping in So.nto. Ano.. Tho follous wont out to collect tho tools fron tho house of Portirio Is counin cmd to soc Don Jose c.nd hia i:vife onco more before loc.ving. T:J.oy cew:,10 bo.cI: lo.don Hi th good Hishod o.nd many flowers• In tho ovoning, we (tho c;irls in particular) uoro sorono.dod by some boys from A ·r 10110.l p[:tcldng iront on until tho woo hours of tho :morning.

Aug 19 Adioo 'rln.::co.lo. --... nfter o. fow hours Horl:, tl10 cn.r,1p was torn doun -- cloo.rni:d up ... - o.nd stored in o. wo.rohou30 in tho Puln.cio Q

After o. li6ht 11.mch, most of tho group Oiilbo.rkod for Eoxioo City by Fus. I:i.'ono o.nd tho Gi hnoro s d1•0 vo i n with n largo po.1"t of tho bo.c;;o.go (ui th GI'oo.ns from Bob o.bout his poor co.r),. A convoy w.:1.s formed over tho r1ounto.ins lod by tho bus J.nd followed. by Bob o.nd t:1.0 Cho.pins, 1rho woro coming in :from :Puebla.., Hot content H:5_th having to into our shini ng i'8.eos :from tl10 1-"lonr of tl10 bun, t J:1oy lJCLGsod o..n soo11 o.s tl1oy co L:i.ld. And so wo ontorod li:o:dco City to si.ght-coo, bid fo.rowoll to our buon o.i.·,1i0os dol, o.nd oto.rt hoi-:101mrd ••• to po.rt, o.nd yot uni tod in ::m o;;:porj_onco we only bogir"ning to c..:Jpro cin. to.

Page 18: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

Alcantar, J. Trinidad.

Amemiya, Masako

Antr~opoulos, Irene

Chipley, Ann

Eng, Mabel Joyce

Geiger, Alfred.

Gilmore, Eiith

Gilmore, Robert

Herman, Rosemary

Hooke, Richard

Inman, Patricia

Lee, Nancy

Lester, H, Cliff ord

Scott, Patricia

Thepaut, Helene

Wilcox, Carolyn

MagY-"ath, :Po:-c- t hy :Re

Degollac.o 'i'3 Oantiago, Ixc., Nayarit Mexico

LO,, Box 29 Tracy, oa:.~:i.fornia

841 Third Avenue New York 22, new Y'Jrk

120 North Franklin Street Roc:.C,.J Mount, NoC.

202 Mu::. be:-:ry Newax·k 2, Ke·..; Jersey

R0ute 31 :Box .525 Js.ckso:a:d'.i.:e, Flori la

45 Sto Ma~ks Il~ce New Yo:.'."kf Ne-;"1 Yvrk

;,,:; ~t. Ma·t·ks Pla~e New York, lifew Yo:::k

725 Thomas Park Waynesville, N.C.

492 Highland Avenue Upper M~ntc:.air, N.J.

807! k:ra:m1e G Ft. lf.iadison, Iowa

K. S. D. Danville, Kentucky

931 Elsinore Street Chester, Pa.

Bo:x :'..02 W'al:U.ngforc., Pa.

95 Rue de Rennes Paris, France

510 Ogden Avenue Swarthmore, Pa.

?C 1aurel Street Com,ra.y, S . CJ .

Page 19: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala-Mexico Workcamp... · Camp Log, Tlaxcala, 1953 July 3 Camp opens. Robert, Edi th, and Dic1:: 'l1aylor uere the first to arrive, in a downpour of · senor

Maher, Mary

Taylor, Richard

Vom Lehn, Walter

mT. !(EMBERS (cont 1d)

Dennis, Massachusetts

635 Mulford Road Wynco'l:.e, Pa.

157 Kneeland Avenue Yonkers 5, New York