title vi analysis - phoenix, arizona vi analysis... · 22/04/2019  · title vi analysis city of...

Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Proposed April 2019 Service Changes City of Phoenix Public Transit Department

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Page 1: Title VI Analysis - Phoenix, Arizona VI Analysis... · 22/04/2019  · Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit Department April 2019 Service Change SR51 RAPID: The proposal

Title VI Analysis

City of Phoenix

Proposed April 2019 Service Changes

City of Phoenix Public Transit Department

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Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit Department

April 2019 Service Change


The City of Phoenix Public Transit Department is focused on improving the efficiency of

Phoenix’s transit service to best serve our passengers’ needs. The proposed April 2019

bus service changes were developed by staff using the best methods and information

available, including current ridership trends and customer feedback. They may be

modified following review of feedback received during the public process outlined below.

Any service cost increases will be funded through Transportation 2050, the dedicated

Phoenix transportation tax.

The Public Transit Department regularly reviews routes to determine if modifications

can be made to improve service. Improvements can include modifications such as

schedule changes, service efficiencies, adding route connections, or leaving routes

unchanged, based on the public input received. Bus service changes are coordinated

regionally and occur in April and October of each year. The proposed April 2019 bus

service changes that are within the City of Phoenix or operated by the City of Phoenix

are as follows:

South Mountain East RAPID - Reroute at 24th Street & Air Lane

SR51 RAPID - Schedule Modifications

I-17 RAPID - Schedule Modifications

I-10 East RAPID - Schedule Modifications

I-10 West RAPID – Schedule Modifications


The Public Transit Department will use the locally adopted public outreach process for

the proposed April 2019 bus service changes. During November and December 2018,

staff will solicit public comment on service changes through several in-person outreach

events located near the proposed service change areas. There will be posters or A-

Frames placed at impacted areas to notify the public of the proposed changes and

direct the public to visit Valley Metro website to comment. In addition, City of Phoenix

and Valley Metro staff will post service change proposals via social media, conduct

interactive webinars and hold a formal public hearing to collect public input and


The Public Transit Department seeks to have Citizens Transportation Commission,

Aviation & Transportation Subcommittee, and City Council approval of the final

proposed bus service changes by February 2019 and to implement approved service

changes on April 22, 2019.

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Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit Department

April 2019 Service Change


The following assessment is based on service change policies developed by the City of

Phoenix Public Transit Department and Valley Metro. Section 5, Attachment I of the City

of Phoenix Public Transit Title VI Program describes the City of Phoenix Major Service

Change Equity Evaluation Procedures that apply to this analysis. Details describing the

intent of this analysis and evaluation methods can be found in that document. The

public input process, described in Section 3 of the City of Phoenix Public Transit Title VI

Program, begins with this proposal from city staff. The public will have an opportunity to

provide feedback through public open houses, citizen outreach efforts, social media,

boards and commissions, the Citizens Transportation Commission, the Transportation

and Infrastructure Subcommittee of the City Council, and the City Council before final

approval. The public comment period will be open for 30 days following the posting of

this proposal.

The City of Phoenix Public Transit Title VI Program is posted at



Title VI of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race,

color, or national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.

Federal law requires the City of Phoenix to evaluate service changes and proposed

improvements at the planning and programming stages to determine whether those

changes have a discriminatory impact. This process will be used to evaluate bus

services in an objective manner to identify the potential for adverse, disproportionately

high, or disparate impacts to minority and/or low income populations. Proposed

changes and impacts will be assessed on a route level and by jurisdiction.

Step 1 - Magnitude of Service Change

The first step of the Title VI assessment is to measure and document the magnitude of

service change being proposed to determine if a project qualifies as a “major service

change” (defined in Major Service Change Equity Evaluation Procedures Manual).

Valley Metro in cooperation with the City of Phoenix Public Transit Department have

adopted guidelines to define a major change. Indicators include:

Adding or Eliminating an entire route

Expanding or reducing existing revenue miles on a route by more than 25% on

any day of the week

Expanding or reducing number of route directional miles more than 25%

A change resulting in a 25% or greater variance from the existing route alignment

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Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit Department

April 2019 Service Change

All projects that are determined to be a “major service change” will move to step 2.

Step 2 - Impacts on Title VI Populations

The second step of the Title VI assessment will evaluate each major service change to

determine if it would have a disproportionate impact on low-income and/or minority

populations. To do this, the City of Phoenix will compare the demographics of the

populations within ½ mile of affected service to the demographics of Maricopa County

as a whole.

The dataset used to calculate the percentages is US Census American Community

Survey 2012-2016 5 Year Estimate. The geographic unit of measurement in the dataset

is Census Block Groups. Census Block Groups with higher percentage of minority/low-

income populations compared to the regional average are categorized as minority/low-

income census block groups.

Based on the US Census American Community Survey 2012-2016 5-Year Estimate,

14.1% of households in Maricopa County are considered low-income. 45.3% of

Maricopa County population is considered minority population. (See Table 1: Regional

Average Minority Population and Percent Low-Income Households).

Table 1: Regional Average Minority Population and Percent Low-Income Households

If the service area of a major service change route is within low-income and/or minority

census block groups, the project will require additional assessment explaining mitigation

or mitigating factors to justify the proposed change. Occasionally, a project will be

forwarded for further review even if it does not meet the definition of “Major Service

Change”. When a minor rerouting impacts a predominantly minority or low-income area,

mitigation for that population will be addressed.

None of the proposed April 2019 changes qualify as a Major Change as summarized in

Table 2: Magnitude of Impact - Major Change Indicators by Individual Projects.

This report summarizes the demographics of each service area and discusses the

purpose of the proposed changes.

All of the proposed April 2019 service changes involve commuter routes, therefore the

service area for each was determined as a Market Shed. This is the area beyond park

and ride locations generally in the opposite direction of the commute pattern. Local

Percent Minority PopulationPercent Low-Income


Regional Average 45.3% 14.1%

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Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit Department

April 2019 Service Change

geography causes some variations. Each of the market-sheds are illustrated in the

project maps.

Table 2: Magnitude of Impact- Major Change Indicators by Individual Projects

South Mountain East RAPID- Reroute at 24th Street & Air Lane

This is a modification of the South Mountain East RAPID routing near 24th Street and

Air Lane to avoid intermittent trip delays due to freight train activities. The route was

modified in April 2018 to travel between the park-and-ride and Downtown Phoenix via

24th Street and Washington/Jefferson Streets. Since the new routing was

implemented, Phoenix Public Transit staff have received multiple complaints from

passengers that the bus was delayed by freight train crossing 24th Street near Air Lane.

Upon confirming very low ridership activities of the South Mountain East RAPID at 24th

Street and Washington/Jefferson Streets, staff placed the route on a temporary detour

to avoid crossing the train tracks by using 24th Street, Buckeye Road, 16th Street, and

Washington/Jefferson Streets. The temporary detour was placed on September 20,

2018. The proposal for April 2019 is to permanently change the South Mountain East

RAPID routing. The current and proposed routing and service area is illustrated in

Figure 1: South Mountain East RAPID Service Area.

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Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit Department

April 2019 Service Change

Project Title VI Assessment

The proposed rerouting of South Mountain East RAPID does not register as a major

impact on the existing route. As indicated in Tables 3a and 3b, overall revenue and

Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit DepartmentApril 2019 Service Change

Census Block Title VI Status Park-and-Ride

Ridership Market-Shed









Figure 1

South Mountain East RAPID

Service Area


Proposed Routing

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Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit Department

April 2019 Service Change

directional mile impact is less than 5%. However, service area has higher than the

regional average in minority and low-income population (Table 3c). However, this

service change addresses rider concerns and improves the travel time thereby

providing an overall benefit.

Table 3a: South Mountain East RAPID Revenue Miles (Phoenix Only)

Mon-Thu Friday Saturday Sunday

Existing Service 94 94 0 0

Proposed Service 92 92 0 0

% Difference (2.1%) (2.1%) 0.0% 0.0%

Table 3b: South Mountain East RAPID Directional Miles (Phoenix Only)

Current Directional Miles 9.4 Major Decrease

Proposed Directional Miles 9.0 Major Increase

% Difference (4.3%)

Table 3c: Title VI Population in South Mountain East RAPID Service Area

Percent Minority


Percent Low-

Income Households

South Mountian East RAPID Service Area 75.9% 26.7%

Regional Average 45.3% 14.1%

SR51, I-17, I-10 East, and I-10 West RAPID – Schedule Modifications

This is a modification to schedules on the SR51, I-17, I-10 East, and I-10 West RAPID

to better carry current ridership loads. Current RAPID trips are peak-only, one-

directional service that carries passengers between park-and-rides and Downtown

Phoenix. RAPID trips only operate Monday through Friday. On some RAPID routes,

there are select trips that do not operate on Fridays. Staff received several suggestions

from current RAPID riders on modifying the RAPID schedule to address overcrowding

on the buses over the past year. Phoenix staff conducted ridership analysis on existing

RAPID trips and proposes the following modifications:

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Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit Department

April 2019 Service Change

SR51 RAPID: The proposal is to add 1 inbound trip and 2 outbound trips Monday through Thursday and add 3 inbound trip and 2 outbound trips on Friday. The service area is illustrated in Figure 2: SR-51 RAPID Service Area.

Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit DepartmentApril 2019 Service Change

Census Block Title VI Status Park-and-Ride

Ridership Market-Shed









Figure 2

SR-51 RAPID Service Area

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Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit Department

April 2019 Service Change

Project Title VI Assessment

The proposed schedule adjustment does not register as a major impact on the existing

route. As indicated in Tables 4a and 4b, overall revenue and directional mile impact is

less than 5%. However, service area has higher than the regional average in minority

and low-income population (Table 4c). However, this service change addresses rider

concerns and alleviates overcrowding thereby providing an overall benefit.

Table 4a: SR51 RAPID Revenue Miles (Phoenix Only)

Mon-Thu Friday Saturday Sunday

Current Revenue Miles 497 424 0 0

Proposed Revenue Miles 553 515 0 0

% Difference 11.2% 21.6% 0.0% 0.0%

Table 4b: SR51 RAPID Directional Miles (Phoenix Only)

Current Directional Miles 23.5 Major Decrease

Proposed Directional Miles 23.5

Major Increase

% Difference 0.0%

Table 4c: Title VI Population within SR51 RAPID Service Area

Percent Minority


Percent Low-

Income Households

SR51 RAPID Service Area 31.2% 12.0%

Regional Average 45.3% 14.1%

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Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit Department

April 2019 Service Change

I-17 RAPID: The proposal is to add 3 inbound trip and 2 outbound trips Monday through Thursday and add 5 inbound trip and 1 outbound trip on Friday. The service area is illustrated in Figure 3: I-17 RAPID Service Area.

Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit DepartmentApril 2019 Service Change

Census Block Title VI Status Park-and-Ride

Ridership Market-Shed









Figure 3

I-17 RAPID Service Area

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Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit Department

April 2019 Service Change

Project Title VI Assessment

The proposed schedule adjustment does not register as a major impact on the existing

route. As indicated in Tables 5a and 5b, overall revenue and directional mile impact is

only positive and less than 25%. The service area has lower than the regional average

in minority and low-income population (Table 5c).

Table 5a: I17 RAPID Revenue Miles (Scottsdale Only)

Mon-Thu Friday Saturday Sunday

Existing Service 982 870 0 0

Proposed Service 1,090 996 0 0

% Difference 10.9% 14.5% 0.0% 0.0%

Table 5b: I17 RAPID Directional Miles (Scottsdale Only)

Current Directional Miles 22.6 Major Decrease

Proposed Directional Miles 22.6 Major Increase

% Difference 0.0%

Table 5c: Title VI Population in I17 RAPID Service Area

Percent Minority


Percent Low-

Income Households

I17 RAPID Service Area 35.7% 12.8%

Regional Average 45.3% 14.1%

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Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit Department

April 2019 Service Change

I-10 East RAPID: The proposal is to add 1 outbound trip on Friday. The service area is illustrated in Figure 4: I-10 East RAPID Service Area.

Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit DepartmentApril 2019 Service Change

Census Block Title VI Status Park-and-Ride

Ridership Market-Shed









Figure 4

I-10 East RAPID Service Area

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Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit Department

April 2019 Service Change

Project Title VI Assessment

The proposed schedule adjustment does not register as a major impact on the existing

route. As indicated in Tables 6a and 6b, overall revenue and directional mile impact is

only positive and less than 25%. The service area has lower than the regional average

in minority and low-income population (Table 6c).

Table 6a: I10 East RAPID Revenue Miles (Phoenix Only)

Mon-Thu Friday Saturday Sunday

Existing Service 595 513 0 0

Proposed Service 595 533 0 0

% Difference 11.2% 21.6% 0.0% 0.0%

Table 6b: I10 East RAPID Directional Miles (Phoenix Only)

Current Directional Miles 20.6 Major Decrease

Proposed Directional Miles 20.6 Major Increase

% Difference 0.0%

Table 6c: Title VI Population in I10 East RAPID Service Area

Percent Minority


Percent Low-

Income Households

I10 East RAPID Service Area 35.2% 5.6%

Regional Average 45.3% 14.1%

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Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit Department

April 2019 Service Change

I-10 West RAPID: The proposal is to remove 1 outbound trip Monday through Friday and add 1 inbound trip Friday. The service area is illustrated in Figure 5: I-10 West RAPID Service Area.

Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit DepartmentApril 2019 Service Change

Census Block Title VI Status Park-and-Ride

Ridership Market-Shed









Figure 5

I-10 West RAPID Service Area

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Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit Department

April 2019 Service Change

Project Title VI Assessment

The proposed schedule adjustment does not register as a major impact on the existing

route. As indicated in Tables 7a and 7b, overall revenue and directional mile impact is

only positive and less than 25%. The service area has higher than the regional average

in minority and low-income population (Table 7c).

Table 7a: I10 West RAPID Revenue Miles (Phoenix Only)

Mon-Thu Friday Saturday Sunday

Current Revenue Miles 315 265 0 0

Proposed Revenue Miles 303 265 0 0

% Difference (4.0%) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Table 7b: I10 West RAPID Directional Miles (Phoenix Only)

Current Directional Miles 12.7 Major Decrease

Proposed Directional Miles 12.7 Major Increase

% Difference 0%

Table 7c: Title VI Population in I10 West RAPID Service Area

Percent Minority


Percent Low-

Income Households

I10 West RAPID Service Area 81.1% 25.1%

Regional Average 45.3% 14.1%

Public Outreach

The Public Transit Department will use the locally adopted public outreach process for

the proposed April 2019 bus service changes, as outlined in the City of Phoenix Public

Transit Title VI Program. Staff will solicit public comments on service changes through

public outreach events and a formal public hearing. Advertisements for the public

meetings will be placed in local newspapers; information will also be posted to the

Phoenix Public Transit Department and Valley Metro websites.

The following public hearing has been scheduled to present the proposals to the public:

Public Hearing: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 5:00-6:15 p.m. Valley Metro Board Room, 10th Floor 101 N. 1st Avenue. Phoenix, AZ 85003

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Title VI Analysis City of Phoenix Public Transit Department

April 2019 Service Change

Public input period is October 29, 2018 - November 30, 2018

City of Phoenix Public Meetings

City of Phoenix Citizens Transportation Commission Thursday, December 13, 2018, 5:00 p.m. 302 N. 1st Ave., 7th Floor, Phoenix

City of Phoenix Aviation and Transportation Subcommittee Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 9:30 a.m. Phoenix City Hall, Assembly Rooms

City of Phoenix City Council Meeting Wednesday, February 6, 2019, 2:30 p.m. Phoenix City Council Chambers

Details about proposed service changes are available online and input can be provided with an online comment card. Please visit valleymetro.org/servicechanges. Comments can also be sent emailed to [email protected] or [email protected] -or mailed to: Valley Metro Community Relations Attn: Service Changes 101 N. 1st Ave., Ste. 1300 Phoenix, AZ 85003