tintagel parish plan

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  • 7/27/2019 Tintagel Parish Plan





  • 7/27/2019 Tintagel Parish Plan


    This Parish Plan has been supported by Defra funding,

    through the Local Area Agreement process.

    Local Area Agreement

    Funding and support also provided by North Cornwall

    District Council and Tintagel Parish Council.

    Support from Cornwall Rural Community Council


    The Parish of Tintagel 1

    Background to the Parish Plan 4

    The Parish Plan Process 5Summary of results and Action Plan

    About your Household 6

    Housing 7

    The Community 8

    Health and Social Services 12

    Recreation and Leisure 14

    Road Safety 16

    Tourism and Business 18

    Communication 20

    Environment 22Transport 24

    Crime & Disorder 25

    Green Issues 26

    Youth Survey 27

    Towards the Future 28

    The next steps 30

    Acknowledgements 30

    Already Achieved 31

    If you wish to make any enquiries in connection with the Parish Plan

    you should contact:-

    Mrs. S.J. Moth, Clerk to Tintagel Parish Council,

    Lincoln House, Treven, Tintagel PL34 0DT

    Tel. 01840 770022

    Email: [email protected]

  • 7/27/2019 Tintagel Parish Plan



    The Parish of Tintagel

    The coastal village of Tintagel has a unique atmosphere. Its attraction lies in its ability to cater for all tastes and interests and in its ability to

    change with the times.

    The famous headland with its mysterious ruins has for centuries been cited as the stronghold of the ancient Kings of Cornwall and the

    legendary birthplace of King Arthur. The effect of the legends has shaped and sustained the village and provided the continuity of interest

    through the ages.

    Today the village has embraced quality, providing facilities and businesses of the highest standard in

    order to meet 21st

    century expectations for knowledge, experience and distinction. Once reliant on

    Arthur the village now presents its many other qualities, the cliff top walks, stunning coastal scenery,

    wonderfully varied wildlife, shops, restaurants and pubs are of the highest standard. Tintagel is a place

    worth visiting even if you had never heard of King Arthur; and it stands in comparison with other

    coastal jewels such as Padstow, Port Isaac and Boscastle.

    A little History of Tintagel Parish

    The origin of the name probably comes from "Dindagell" a Cornish word meaning "fort on the

    constriction" referring to the fort or castle on the headland. Tintagel was the name of the whole parish, the village being known as Trevena until

    the Victorian period and was one of a number of small hamlets, Trenale, Tregatta, Treknow, Trewarmett and Trelake being some others. ("Tre"

    is a Cornish word meaning settlement or farmstead).

    The parish was inhabited during the Iron Age with the remnants of an enclosure to be seen at Willapark. The Roman period didn't leave muchof a legacy other than a couple of milestones as evidence of their occupation, one such is kept at St Materiana's, the hauntingly beautiful church

    perched on the cliff tops above the village. The Dark Ages saw the island occupied possibly by the likes of the Cornish King Mark and his kin.

    Perhaps it was from here that he sent Tristan to Ireland to bring back his betrothed, Isolde.

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    The Normans built a castle at Bossiney whilst in the Middle Ages Earl Richard eschewed that site in favour of the Island where he built his great

    castle folly, a homage to the Cornish kings.

    In late medieval times Bossiney became a borough, able to be represented at parliament; Sir Francis Drake once performed that duty. In the

    1830s Bossiney returned 2 MPs there being only 10 voters and it became a catalyst for the 1832 Reform Bill that abolished these "Rotten



    Farming has been the mainstay of the population's working life through the ages. But intermittently other activities flourished, albeit briefly.

    Slate was a valuable commodity, providing building stone and roofing for local buildings as well as being exported far and wide. The legacy of

    this industry scars the cliffs adding drama to what is already magnificent scenery.

    During the 18th

    and 19th

    century mining took hold in Cornwall encouraging prospecting throughout the length and breadth of the county. In

    Tintagel mines opened up under the castle seeking silver and lead. As you walk the street of Tintagel tread lightly as below lie the remnant of

    adits driven deep in search of manganese.

    From the harbour fishing boats plied their trade on the dangerous waters of the north Cornish coast. Vessels would beach at Tintagel Haven,

    loading and unloading goods for sale and export to ports along the Bristol Channel. It is known that smuggling was rife along this notorious

    coast, and many wrecks furnished local households with opportune goods washed up in

    the aftermath.

    But tourism is what has underpinned the local economy for a hundred years or more and

    has left its mark on the village. The great King Arthur's Castle Hotel was built overlooking

    Tintagel Island in 1898 in anticipation of a railway coming to the village. Edwardian style

    facades on buildings along Fore Street hide or replace earlier more vernacular dwellings

    typified by the famous National Trust owned Tintagel Post Office.

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    It is this trade, declining in the late 20th

    century, which inspired the village to embrace regeneration, enabling a substantial investment of over

    4 million to be spent on upgrading the village infrastructure during 2003 and 2004. To attract modern visitors the village needed to smarten

    itself up, throw off the "tatty" moniker once attributed to it in sections of the travel press. Today the village has certainly done this. The

    recently refurbished Tintagel Visitor Centre, located along Bossiney Road, provides the visitor with a menu of activities to undertake whilst inthe parish and displays its rich history in a most accessible and enjoyable way. As you stroll down the newly laid granite pavements and look at

    the clear blue sky overhead, you have no fear of traffic and nor is your view interrupted by what was once a cat's cradle of overhead wires. Nor

    is your vista down the street and out to the church chequered by cars parked willy-nilly along the kerbsides.

    You can while away some time sitting on new seats in peaceful Trevena Square, once a busy bus station. Your trip to the castle no longer requires

    dodging the dusty castle traffic as there is a new footway provided. Once near the castle a trip to the

    English Heritage centre provides a fascinating experience with new audio visual interpretation. And you can

    now explore the beach and the famous Merlin's Cave, impossible before the scheme as the access steps

    had been destroyed by storms.

    On your return to the village the vibrancy of the street is enhanced by the modern restaurants and shops selling

    locally sourced food, arts, crafts and designer clothing. New businesses have developed on the back of the

    village's facelift adding to the ambience and quality the village is now proud to portray.


    But don't be fooled into thinking that this is just a tourist village. It has a dynamic and enthusiastic

    community at its heart. One that has had the foresight and tenacity to recognise the need and make the changes

    necessary for the village to contribute to this very special part of Cornwall. It is a community, led by the Parish

    Council and abetted by numerous local organisations, that will ensue that its heritage is maintained, understoodand treasured by all who live in or visit the village now and in the future.

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    Background to the Parish Plan

    Parish Plans were first introduced through the Countryside Agencys Parish Plan grant scheme, part of the Vital Villages

    Initiative. The grant programme provides access to funding to help Parish Councils carry out community consultation, to

    gauge the views of residents on how the Parish should develop or change (if at all) over a 5 10 year period.

    What is Tintagel Parish Plan?

    Tintagel Parish Plan brings together information from the community consultation as well as agencies and local organisations

    in a realistic and feasible action plan. During the consultation process a range of views and ideas were raised, from small

    Parish improvements to larger-scale projects. The Parish Plan is essentially a tool for change and a statement of the local

    communitys feelings and requirements. It is a key way of communicating local requirements to Cornwall Council and other

    agencies in order to gain funding for local initiatives.

    Reasons for Tintagel Parish undertaking a Plan

    To provide a strategy for the Parish of Tintagel Producing a Parish Plan means the community can focus on what needs to be achieved, how it canbe achieved and when. Parish Plans also feed to Cornwall Council which will help voice the needs and concerns of the Parish.

    To highlight issues the Parish Plan is an opportunity to get issues within the parish recognised locally and by the relevant organisations and localauthorities.

    To influence policies Having a Parish Plan can help influence policies and strategies. To attract funding most funders for community projects now require applicants to provide evidence of need. A Parish Plan is an excellent way to

    prove demand for a whole range of projects.

    To involve the community The Parish Plan process ensures that all residents have a chance to have their say. To record what is good The Parish Plan aims to record what is good, as well as what is not so good about the parish. The Plan is not just about

    change but also protecting what the Parish already has to offer.

    To work together - Parish plans offer an ideal opportunity for individuals and groups within the Parish, to work together using the skills andresources available and looking at ways of solving common problems in the local area.

    To kick-start action through undertaking a Parish Plan, it is hoped that local people will become interested in local issues, that actions will bedrawn up and that it will be a starting point to develop projects and improve the Parish for the community as a whole.

  • 7/27/2019 Tintagel Parish Plan



    The Parish Plan Process

    In October 2006,

    Tintagel Parish

    Council held a public

    meeting to gauge

    local interest to

    produce a Parish


    A Steering Group

    was formed

    comprising parish

    councillors and local

    residents. All

    volunteered their

    free time to help.

    Funding applications

    to Cornwall Rural

    Community Council,

    North Cornwall

    District Council and

    Tintagel Parish

    Council were


    Following many

    group sessions by a

    small but dedicated

    Steering Group, a

    questionnaire was

    produced to capture

    the feelings and

    aspirations of the

    Parish community.

    The questionnaire

    was hand delivered

    to 1019 households

    in the Parish of

    Tintagel in October


    By February 2008, 331

    questionnaires were

    completed andreturned, representing

    a response rate of

    32%. Cornwall

    Rural Community

    Council considered

    this to be a reasonable

    response rate .

    Tintagel Parish Plan

    document published

    and distributed to

    funding bodies in

    September 2009.

    The information

    provided by the

    returnedquestionnaires was

    analysed and a


    appraisal document

    was produced.

    The Steering Group

    sent a newsletter in

    February 2009 to keepparishioners informed.

    It summarised the

    appraisal results and

    invited comments

    prior to the

    production of the

    Draft Parish Plan.

    The Draft Parish

    Plan was completed

    in June 2009 andcopies were

    distributed to the

    funding bodies and

    partners for

    consultation and

    final amendments.

    The Draft Parish

    Plan document was

    finalised and sent toprinters in August


    Tintagel Parish

    Council acceptedresponsibility for

    implementing the

    Parish Plan


    in September 2009.

    Tintagel Parish

    Plan documentprinted and

    distributed to all

    households in the

    Parish in

    September 2009.

  • 7/27/2019 Tintagel Parish Plan




    Of the 331 questionnaires returned, 313 answered that the Parish is their permanent residence and 138 of those had lived in the Parish for over 20 years.

    The reasons why people chose to live in the Parish were almost equally that they were either born in the parish, came here to work, came to live with or

    near relatives, or retired here. People came here to live for the clean air, the beautiful scenery and to be close to the sea. The majority of respondents are

    on the Electoral Roll.

    Generally respondents appear content to live in the Parish and with the level of services and facilities available. The main reasons given for living in the area

    were that it is simply a peaceful and beautiful environment in which to live. A wide range of issues was covered in the questionnaire with a separate set of

    questions provided with the questionnaire for children and teenagers to complete.





    0 - 2 years

    2 - 5 years

    6 - 10 years

    11 - 20 years

    Over 20 years

    No response





    0 -18


    19 - 30


    31 -59


    60 -74


    75 years




    Please tell us how many males and females and their ages live in your householdPlease tell us how long your family has lived in the Parish

    Quotes from parishioners

    Love the area clean air, beautiful scenery and close to the sea

    I fell in love with Tintagel. Each time I came to visit I found it harder to go away so I

    simply stopped going away

    Grew up and work hereScenery, serenity, sea and beaches

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    The majority (86%) of respondents to the questionnaire were owner-occupiers with

    12% living in rented accommodation. 90% of respondents noted that there wasnt

    anyone living with them looking for alternative accommodation in the parish.

    However, when asked if more housing development was needed in the parish 40%

    answered no and 39% answered yes, adding that affordable housing for young,

    local people was needed. It was also felt there were too many holiday homes and

    holiday lets. The lack of affordable housing poses a great threat to rural

    communities all over the country. Most youngsters cannot afford to buy a house,

    even at discounted amounts being suggested by affordable housing developers.


    Provision of Affordable housing

    Identify how many affordable homes are required in the Parish over thenext 5 years.

    Identify possible land areas that could be developed for new housing. Work with the new Cornwall Council Community Network Manager to

    agree a plan of action.

    Investigate possibility of a Tintagel Parish housing register.


    Cornwall Council

    Quotes from parishioners

    I do worry that immigrants like me are forcing housing prices out of the reach

    of those on local salaries

    Affordable housing for the local young people

    Lots of houses in parish not being lived inthis seems a waste

    We dont need any more houses its a village so leave it that way

    If so many houses were not holiday lets (owned by locals incidentally) there

    would be property for locals to buy








    What is the best description of the

    dwelling you live in?



    Holiday Home

    Guest house

    House comes with job

    Part mortgage/part


    Rented andTemporary


  • 7/27/2019 Tintagel Parish Plan





    203 respondents felt that the needs of the Parish were met with the available Social Halls and Meeting Places, see below. However, 124 felt that the social

    hall facilities need improving, with 104 people passing on this question and 93 feeling that no improvements were necessary, see below. The improvements

    deemed necessary were renovation to the toilets and provision of a disabled toilet, improvements to the acoustics and a general facelift.

    Are the needs of the Parish met by Social Halls and Meeting Places? Do the existing social hall facilities need improving?

    TINTAGEL SOCIAL HALLThe Social Hall needs disabled toilet and

    general maintenance

    Social Hall meets the needs of parish

    Quotes from parishioners

    Old School Room needs urgent attention. Very

    central and could be of very great value as it was in

    the past

    Bigger better equipped Social Hall. We need aplace for teenagers to meet

    More should be done about St. Materianas Church

    Hall. Its in the middle of the village and is at the

    moment unusable








    Don't know

    No response

    The majority of people felt the existing social

    halls and meeting places meet the needs of

    the Parish.

    Tintagel Social Hall is run by a Management

    Committee under the auspices of the ParishCouncil. Repairs and/or improvements are

    carried out within financial constraints and

    funding for any major works would need to

    be requested from Cornwall Council via the

    Parish Precept.

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    Some respondents felt the Old School Rooms

    should be renovated and brought back into use.

    The building is ideally situated in the heart of

    Tintagel village close to parking and shopping

    facilities. It could provide the necessary

    meeting space for local clubs and activity groupsof all ages. It is also large enough to provide a

    well equipped youth centre.

    Although Treknow Village Hall was not

    mentioned many times in responses to the

    questionnaire it does warrant a mention in the

    Parish Plan as it is felt the Hall is an important

    community meeting place. The Hall Committee

    would like to carry out major improvementworks to the toilets and kitchen facilities if and

    when funds permit.


    79% of respondents felt the public toilets in the

    parish met their needs. Less than 0.5% felt they

    did not. 15% of respondents either passed or did

    not answer this question. Issues raised included

    that the public toilets in Trevena Square should be

    open for longer during the summer months and

    that along with the conveniences at Trebarwith

    Strand needed more regular cleaning.

    TREKNOW VILLAGE HALLTreknow Village Hall needs funding


    Improve facilities at Tintagel Social Hall

    Renovation of toilets/provision of Disabled facilities Internal redecoration and replacement ceiling

    Renovation of the Old School Room Explore possibilities of joint project between

    Tintagel Parish Council and Parochial Church Council

    Develop plans for how the refurbished buildingcould be designed and used

    Liaise with local clubs and activity groups Investigate grant funding Obtain quotes for work required

    Renovation of Treknow Social Hall

    Grant funding/renovation plans Improved parking Obtain quotes for work required

    Improved public conveniences

    More efficient cleaning and longer opening hours ofPublic Conveniences at Trebarwith Strand and

    Trevena Square


    Tintagel Parish Council

    Tintagel Social Hall Management Committee

    Tintagel Parochial Church Council

    Treknow Village Hall Committee

    Cornwall Council

    Cornwall Rural Community Council

    THE OLD SCHOOL ROOMNeeds urgent attention

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    37% of parishioners felt the

    mobile library met their needs.

    47% of people passed on this

    question. 10% of people said

    that it did not meet their needs.


    48% of people did not answer

    the question about Adult

    Education. 29% of parishioners

    felt the Adult Education Service

    met their needs with only 16%

    saying it did not, due to lack of

    variety of classes and that

    classes had become too

    formal with exams.


    65% of respondents said they

    had never had cause to use the

    Fire Service. 18% answered that

    the service provided was good.


    In the Environment section of

    this document, 66% of residents

    raised dog fouling as a problem.

    The Dog Warden Service is rated

    as poor due to very infrequent

    visits to the Parish.


    35% of respondents said that

    the school met their needs.

    However, 54% of respondents

    passed on this question.

    Do these public services meet the needs of your household? What are the views of your household on the standard of the above services in our Parish?






    Good Average Poor Never





    Fire Service

    Traffic Warden

    Dog Warden

  • 7/27/2019 Tintagel Parish Plan




    The majority of people knew how to contact the District

    and County Councillors. A list of Parish Councillors is

    provided on the Tintagelweb website. Most people will

    be aware that as from 1.4.09 North Cornwall DistrictCouncil ceased to exist and all duties previously carried

    out by the District Council now come under the auspices

    of the Cornwall Council. A good information booklet on

    Cornwall Council and its services was included with all

    Council Tax demands received in March 2009 and

    comprehensive information on all services is available at



    Many people felt that their banking needs were not met in Tintagel.Improvements required to hours of attendance of mobile bank.

    50% of respondents felt the mobile bank did not meet the needs of

    their household and 46 people took the time to make a particular

    comment on the lack of a permanent bank in the village and that

    the hours of the one mobile bank which visited the village were



    Parishioners praised the excellent service provided by the

    First Responders and the Air Ambulance. The majority ofpeople knew there was a regular quiz night for the First

    Responders and that participation in the Air Ambulance fund

    raising lottery could be carried out at the Post Office. The

    First Responders Group is actively seeking new volunteers.


    Publicise/provide information on the services of new

    Cornwall Council

    Ensure new contact details for all servicesImproved banking facilities

    Additional hours for mobile bank Other banks to provide mobile services Re-introduction of permanent bank Increase awareness of services available at Post


    Increased services of Community Traffic Warden

    Liaise with Cornwall Council as to attendance ofTraffic Warden

    Liaise with Adult Education Service

    More variety of classes locally Less formalised classes (i.e. no exams)

    Encourage and communicate book swap groups

    Liaise with new Local Area Network Managers


    Cornwall Council

    TPC to make further contact with Banks and Post Office

    Adult Education Service

    Quotes from Parishioners:-

    Village does not need traffic warden Need to see the Police more

    First responders and ambulance very good

    Shoppers still parking on double yellow lines

    Residents have good parking facilities

    The Post Office is a must

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    Parishioners feel that the main hospitals i.e. Derriford and Treliske, are too far away to provide cover to the parish and ambulance cover was also

    acknowledged as a problem. There is concern about the lack of an NHS dentist in the parish with 35% of respondents having difficulty obtaining the services

    of an NHS Dentist.

    Doctor 85% of people did not have a problem accessing the services of the local doctors and feel that theTintagel Medical Centre is excellent.

    Tintagel Medical Centre is excellent

    Do you have problems obtaining help from these services?








    D octo r Denti st NHS Direc t C hir opo dist Dist ric t Nurse Home Help So cial


    Serco Out of

    Hours Doctor

    Ambulance Hospital

    Never needed




    No response


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    Dentist the provision of dentists in the area, in particular the lack of an NHS Dentist

    locally, was the issue that raised most concern in the comments of respondents, with 35%

    of respondents stating that they had trouble accessing dental services.

    Chiropodist 68% of respondents either did not have trouble accessing the services of a

    chiropodist or did not need the service. 19% of respondents passed on this question. 25people did state that they did have trouble accessing this service and comments were

    made that this service should be available for all at, possibly, Oadby House.

    District Nurse 73% of respondents did not need or did not have a problem accessing this

    service with only 5 people saying that they had had a problem accessing this service. 2%

    passed or gave no response to this question.

    Home Help 60% of parishioners answered that they did not need nor had no problem

    with this service with only 5 people saying that they had had a problem accessing this

    service. 37% of respondents passed or gave no response to this question.

    Serco Out of Hours Doctor 31 people stated they had a problem accessing this service,

    however, 59% of respondents either never needed or did not have a problem with the

    service with 24% not responding or passing on this question.

    Ambulance 76% of respondents did not have a problem or had never needed to use this

    service. 19% of people passed or gave no response to this question. 9 people answered

    that they had had a problem with the ambulance service in the area.

    Hospital 70% of parishioners did not have a problem with the hospital service. 32 people

    had had a problem with the hospital service and 14% of people passed or gave no response

    to this question.

    Social Services 66% of people did not have a problem with accessing the Social Services

    Department and 28% either passed or gave no response to this question. 8 people did have

    a problem accessing this service.

    Quotes from parishioners:-

    No NHS Dentist

    Could the chiropodist be available at maybe OadbyHouse for everyonenot just special cases

    Not sure what NHS Direct is

    First Responder service excellent

    Need buses that go direct to the main hospitals

    GP surgery very good


    Provision of NHS Dental services

    Contact local dental surgeries to present resultsand seek their help

    Lobby Primary Care TrustLiaise with local Doctors

    Present results to local GPs and seek their viewson how improvements may be achieved


    Lobby Primary Care Trust for improved servicesfor all


    Improved out of hours telephone contact anddoctor services

    Transport to main hospitals

    See Transport sectionPARTNERS

    Local Dental surgeries

    Local Doctors surgeries

    Primary Care Trust

    Cornwall Council


    LINk Cornwall

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    There is a wide range of social activities within the parish that take place on a regular basis. The Tintagel Social Hall, Treknow Village Hall and WI Hall

    together with the Playing Fields contribute to the sense of community. They provide venues for community-wide activities such as Parish meetings and

    social events, delivery of services such as voting, private functions and a range of interest groups such as football, cricket, tennis, choir, gardening, art,

    yoga, bowls, etc. This is vital in a rural area, where leisure facilities such as the District Council Leisure Centre and Swimming Pool are 6 miles away and thenearest cinema is 15 miles away. Respondents also noted that they use the local pubs and restaurants for leisure including darts, pool, snooker, quiz nights

    etc. Many parishioners also made a point to note that they use the great outdoors i.e. public footpaths, coastal walks and beaches for their leisure time.

    With regard to our local footpaths, it should

    be noted that although funding received

    from Cornwall Council by the Parish Council

    has been greatly reduced over the years,

    the Parish Council has strived very hard to

    continue maintaining them to a high


    The privilege of being able to walk throughthe natural countryside and along the coast

    path is very precious to local people and

    attracts many visitors who contribute to our

    local economy.

    How often do you and your family use the above recreation facilities?












    N ever S eldo m M onth ly Weekl y No respo nse Mor e th an

    once a week

    Memorial Playing Fields

    Camelford Sports Centre

    Tintagel Social Hall

    Treknow Social Hall

    The local footpaths

    we are so lucky to live here

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    The Memorial Playing Fields Association has

    worked hard over the past years to improve site

    facilities. 28% of respondents felt the existing

    public facilities need improving, however, 47% of

    respondents, some of whom say they are too old

    for sports, passed on this question. The majorityof people who felt improvements are needed

    were referring to the childrens play area which

    has recently been greatly improved with more

    play/exercise equipment and a safe area for the

    younger ones. The changes have been very well

    received by all ages. Young families have a more

    exciting play area to enjoy. It is also used by the

    Play Ranger Scheme and other more mature

    activity groups are using the new structures for

    regular exercise routines. It has also been

    suggested that a picnic garden adjacent to thechildrens play area would create a nice family

    facility. Parishioners were asked how often

    they/their family used the local recreation facilities. The majority of people who

    answered never to the various locations said they had no reason to go there or did not

    attend because of their age.

    39% of respondents felt that the young people of the parish are not catered for,

    however, 44% passed on this question. It is felt that more facilities for teenagers are

    required including a skatepark (work has commenced since the questionnaire was

    produced), basketball nets etc. 7% of respondents suggested a youth club type facility

    is required.

    There appears to be an increasing demand for allotments for growing vegetables.

    Tintagel Parish Council is already aware of this and has started to make enquiries with

    local land owners. Any notable progress will be communicated via the Parish notice



    To ensure existing recreation facilities are maintainedand improved.

    Impress on Cornwall Council the importance of fundingfor footpaths for locals and tourism.

    To consider the proposal for a picnic garden adjacent tothe childrens play area to create an attractive family


    To ensure the childrens play area is well maintained. Investigate short/medium term possibilities for

    enhancing sports facilities at the Memorial Playing


    Investigate possible land available for allotments andcommunicate results

    Investigate the viability of providing a youth club forlocal teenagers.



    Tintagel Parish Council

    Rotary Club

    Cornwall Council/Youth Cornwall

    Tintagel Memorial Playing Fields Association

    Quotes from parishioners:-

    Refurbishment of the Social Hall in Tintagel. A replacement

    facility for the recently closed Country Club and an outdoor

    bowling club for locals

    Social venue for family activities. Cinema, swimming, social

    outings or venues for family use

    Perhaps a meeting place other than pubs which could double

    as a focal point for the arts as well as a Community Centre

    Communal areas with nice planted pots or trees

    A place and clubs for youngsters and old age pensioners

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    As can be seen from the chart above, 68% of respondents felt there are

    dangerous spots on the roads/lanes within the Parish. The locations

    listed are too numerous to mention in this report. However, particular

    problems were noted as being at Penpethy/Sanding Road, Trewarmett,

    Fosters Lane, Bossiney junction and Bossiney Road. It is hoped that some

    of the issues raised with the road through Trewarmett may be alleviated

    by the provision of parking to the rear of the Trewarmett Inn. Works are

    also ongoing (March 2009) to repair the hedges in Penpethy. However, it

    is disappointing to note that after

    such an extended road closure, no

    widening of the road took place.

    Many respondents also commented

    on the stretches of road along the

    B3263 coming in from Camelford, i.e.

    Tregatta Corner, Treven and parking

    near the school.


    51% of respondents felt there were places in the parish where it is

    dangerous for pedestrians to walk, with 25% of respondents feeling that

    the roads in the parish were safe for pedestrians. There were numerous

    dangerous spots mentioned but the most noted are the lack of a

    pavement through Bossiney, safety on Bossiney Road, especially where

    the pavement ends opposite the Catholic Church and pedestrians have to

    cross to use the pavement on the

    other side of the road. Also

    frequently noted were safety in

    Fosters Lane, Trewarmett and the

    road from Trewarmett to Tintagel,

    most of which has no pavement.

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    Generally, car parking in the parish is well catered

    for at private properties, in the tourist areas and

    for parishioners with the Permit system for use of

    the car park at Trevena Square and the allocatedspaces in the Visitor Centre Car Park. The most

    common issue mentioned was when local permit

    holders park in Fore Street , either on or off the

    double yellow lines, when they could be using the

    car park provided for them at Trevena Square.


    45% of respondents felt there should be access restrictions for coaches and other large

    vehicles, particularly in the peak tourist season. However, 29% felt there should not be

    restrictions as they are aware that coaches, tourists and delivery vehicles are vital to theparish and its economy. 25% people either passed or gave no response to this question.

    A lot of respondents felt that the parking of coaches should be restricted to the Visitor

    Centre car park in order to avoid problems in Fore Street when delivery vehicles are


    59% of respondents felt more signs are needed

    in the Parish to help prevent large vehicles

    getting stuck down narrow lanes, a problem

    caused by the more general use of satellite

    navigation. Only 14% of people felt such signs

    were not necessary with 26% passing or giving

    no response to this question. There wereseveral locations suggested for such signs with it

    considered that signs were most needed at

    either end of Bowithick Hill, Black Hill, Trenale

    Lane, Treknow and Halgabron.


    Improve safety for cars and pedestrians

    Speed restrictions liaise with Cornwall Council andlocal Police regarding speed restrictions and traffic

    calming measures

    Work with Cornwall Council re: need for improvedand additional pavements at Bossiney and other


    Traffic calming measures near the primary school Make local member aware of results of questionnaire

    and establish if there is any financial assistance or

    support available

    Stop large vehicles causing congestion in narrowroads

    Control of unauthorised parking at Trebarwith StrandImprove signage/access restriction

    Provision of more unsuitable for large vehicles signsPARTNERS

    Cornwall Council/Highways

    Devon and Cornwall Police

    Tintagel Parish Council/Cornwall Councillor

    Quotes from parishioners:-

    We have adequate parking

    Cars persistently park on the main street of Tintagel in spite

    of plenty ofcar park spaces

    Considering the huge number of cars visiting at holiday

    times, I think the car parking is superb and plenty of space for

    everyonewell done

    I think the Tintagel car park permit is a fantastic idea

    Treknow desperately needs a car park

    Controlled parking at Trebarwith Strand is not controlled

    There are no road hazards if you drive with care

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    There were dozens ofsuggestions as to how and why

    the Parish could be made more

    attractive to visitors i.e. shops to

    open for a longer season, longer

    opening hours for attractions,

    and more quality services.

    However, there were also

    numerous suggestions as to why

    the Parish should not be made

    more attractive to visitors.

    Despite the latter comment,there is no doubt that many

    people and businesses in the Parish depend on tourism for their livelihood and

    initiatives to make the parish more attractive to visitors can only be achieved with the

    support and co-operation of the businesses themselves.

    The Parish has much to offer Tintagel Castle, The Old Post Office, coastal walks, beaches and much more. The mention of Tintagel today brings up a great

    deal of images with wild Cornish cliffs and rugged shores, and an atmosphere like no other place. The village and its surrounding countryside have

    something to appeal to everyone. Cornwall in general has long been seen as the home of cream teas and pasties and while these traditional icons are still

    cherished both by those who live here and visitors to the county, the food and drink industry has grown in recent years with award-winning producersthroughout the area.

    The Visitor Centre has recently undergone major refurbishment; it promotes the local environment and supports the local economy, provides local

    information from walking routes and bus timetables to information on the local area, past and present. The Visitor Centre is an important asset to the

    village, for visitors and locals alike and its staff are friendly and knowledgeable. The Centre is open 7 days a week throughout the year.

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    Out of 331 responses, 305 people said they bought goods from

    local shops. The reasons local shops were not used were given

    as there is little choice, too expensive and poor quality. Again,

    these issues can only be resolved with the support of the

    businesses themselves.

    People felt that there were some businesses which were

    essential to the parish and its residents year-round and must be

    kept, in particular the Post Office, chemist, supermarkets, butchers and hardware shop. People

    would like to see a fishmonger, a petrol station, re-introduction of a bank, greengrocer and a


    There was overwhelming support for the Post Office, which is extremely important to the well-

    being of the village particularly to those with no form of transport. 95% of respondents to the

    questionnaire answered that the Post Office in the village met their needs.


    A question was asked about any buildings or structures in the Parish of

    special interest to both residents and tourists that should have listed

    status. By far the most popular response was that the red telephone

    boxes in the Parish should be listed. It should perhaps be noted at this

    point that Tintagel Parish Council have applied for some of the boxes to

    be listed in the past, but the applications were rejected.

    More recently the Parish Council has taken over the red telephone kiosk

    at Bossiney from BT under its adopt-a-kiosk scheme. Unfortunately,

    however, the payphone had been removed from the box by BT.


    Make parish more attractive to visitors

    Encourage traders to work together with possiblereformation of Traders Association

    Provide businesses with copies of relevant sectionof appraisal document

    Regular street cleaning and emptying of bins Promotion of Tintagel as tourist destination Develop new Parish events

    Reduce signs on pavements

    Listing of red telephone boxes


    Tintagel Parish Council in conjunction with local


    Cornwall Council

    English Tourist Board

    Tintagel Visitor Centre

    English Heritage

    National Trust

    Quotes from parishioners:-

    Shops to open for a longer season

    Reduce parking fees

    There is nothing to do in the evenings except the pubsToo busy now, problems with coaches and parking

    Quality in all aspects is essential

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    The majority of people in the parish read

    the Parish Council notice boards to find

    out about Parish Council information andlocal activities and events. However, by far

    the most frequently viewed board was the

    one adjacent to the Medical Centre.

    67% of respondents felt that a Parish Newsletter would improve communication.

    It was suggested that the newsletter should contain local news and information,

    future and past events, local telephone numbers, birthdays, sports results,human interest stories and parish council information. However, of those who

    would welcome a newsletter, 47% of those did not wish to volunteer to help or

    contribute to the newsletter! On a brighter note 52 said they would be willing to

    help, with the remainder passing on this question.

    50% of respondents thought a

    centralised parish events calendar

    would be useful. 71% of respondents

    felt that an internet caf was not

    needed. It should be noted however,that public internet access is available

    at Tintagel Visitor Centre in addition to

    it being a BT Openzone, where people

    may use their own laptops to access

    the internet service.







    Would you like a Parish newsletter?



    No response







    If you would like a Parish Newsletter, would you be willing

    to volunteer to contribute in some way (e.g. editing,

    photographer, writing articles of interest , etc?






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    The Parish Council displays Agendas for all its

    meetings, which are normally held on the first

    Wednesday of every month, on the six Parish

    Notice Boards and the Draft Minutes from

    each meeting are displayed on

    www.tintagelweb.co.uk from the week

    following the meeting. Councillors are unpaid

    volunteers whose contact details are available

    on the afore-mentioned website and from the

    Parish Clerk. Parish councillors can be

    contacted with any issues with which the

    Parish Council may be able to help.

    Representatives from the local Police and the

    local Cornwall Council member regularly

    attend Parish Council meetings and local

    issues are addressed. There is always time

    before the meeting is opened for members of

    the public to air their views on any Parish


    One suggestion was for an internet email

    mailing list. This could easily be achieved for

    Parish Council Agendas and Draft Minutes but

    would require input from the relevant

    organisations if any additional information was

    to be provided with the mailing.


    Improve Parish Notice Boards

    Provision of larger boards to some areas Improved prominence for important notices

    Publication of Parish Newsletter

    Form willing band of parishioners to produce newsletter Purchase of Microsoft Publisher

    Email mailing list for local and Parish Council information

    Parish Council Clerk to take addresses for email listCentralised events calendar

    Make people aware that this information is available onwww.tintagelweb.co.uk

    Possible inclusion in newsletterPARTNERS

    Tintagel Parish Council with support from local businesses,

    parishioners, and local groups

    Tintagelweb website administrator

    Quotes from parishioners:-

    Parish newsletter delivered free to every household or via


    It (communication) seems pretty good at the moment

    More co-operation and stop quarrelling with one another

    Parish Plan is a good startTry to encourage more people to take interest in village life

    Give more prominence to important notices on Parish boards

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    66% of respondents to the questionnaire wereconcerned about the amount of dog fouling in the

    Parish. It was felt the dog warden did not visit the

    Parish often enough and dog owners were very

    irresponsible in not cleaning up after their dogs. It is

    clear that provision of further dog bins will not alleviate

    the problem, the necessity being education of those

    who do not clean up after their dogs. A chart showing

    the response regarding the quality of the dog warden

    service is shown in the Community section with other

    public services.

    Why is dog fouling a hazard to the local community?

    Many people are unaware of the health hazards from dog faeces. Toxicara is

    caused by parasitic worm eggs, which can number a million in one dog faeces.

    Human infection happens as a result of soil or sand contaminated with faeces

    carrying the eggs. The parasite can survive for up to 2 years and can find its way

    onto human hands and subsequent ingestion. Once ingested the worm eggs

    hatch, release their larvae, which can then penetrate the gut lining and migrate

    to various parts of the body leading to toxocariasis. Effects are potential tissue

    damage or sometimes severe and permanent sight loss. Those most at risk are children between 18 months and5 years, users of manually operated wheelchairs and active participants of sports such as football and rugby.

    Many infected soil samples are found in the vicinity of childrens play areas. Fresh faeces are not infectious and it

    is safe to clean up immediately after a dog defecates.

    Other diseases that may be contracted by contact with dog faeces include salmonella, campylobacter, leptospira canicola and E-coli 0157.







    Are the members of your household concerned

    about dog fouling in the Parish?




    No response

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    52% of people were concerned about litter in the Parish, whereas 31% felt litter was not a

    problem. Many people felt that more litter bins were needed in problem areas. There

    were also comments regarding the amount of litter which results from refuse being left out,

    sometimes for prolonged periods, in plastic bags and therefore susceptible to being rippedopen by birds and vermin. This is a particular problem in the summer when holiday

    properties are vacated and rubbish, and recycling, is left out for the next collection, which

    can sometimes be several days later. A few respondents felt wheelie bins should be

    provided to all properties.


    68% of respondents felt the coastal and inland footpaths

    were well maintained. It should be noted that despite

    ongoing annual reductions in the funding from Cornwall Councilfor the maintenance of footpaths, Tintagel Parish Council still

    continues to maintain the footpaths to as a high a standard as

    possible from its budget. Many comments were received about

    missing signs to inland paths and a lack of stiles.


    Tackle dog fouling problem

    More attendance by the Dog Warden in the parish Contact details displayed in public and on Notice

    Boards On the spot fines Improve public awareness and education Possible provision of Parish Dog Warden More dog bins to be provided Name and shame in (possible) parish newsletter Public awareness through leaflets, newsletter,

    school satchel post

    Reduce litter in the parish, on roads and footpaths

    On the spot fines Improve public awareness and education Publicise contact details to report litter and waste


    Provision of additional and larger litter bins Regular and more frequent emptying of bins Public awareness through leaflets, newsletter,

    school satchel post

    Domestic/commercial refuse to be contained inbins and not left loose for birds/animals to get at

    Wheelie bins to be provided to all properties inthe parish.


    Cornwall Council

    Tintagel Parish Council

    Tintagel Primary School

    Quotes from parishioners

    Effective enforcement action against offenders

    Get general public to report and photograph offenders

    People should leave rubbish in bins thereby avoiding animals breaking open black


    They (footpaths) are great and the coastal scenery is wonderful

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    76% of people who responded to

    the questionnaire have their own

    means of transport. It was felt thatthe public bus services need to

    provide better links to the large

    towns. 72% of respondents did not

    have mobility problems. Most

    people use their own transport to

    get around in North Cornwall or

    travel with family and friends.


    The supermarket shopper bus is well used as is the Age Concern mini-bus by groups for

    social outings. Many people use the public bus services and felt that they were punctual

    and reliable. 60 respondents said the bus routes took them to where they wanted to go but

    73 respondents said they did not. The majority of respondents passed on answering these

    two issues.

    From the comments made it can be seen that

    people want direct routes to Wadebridge,

    Bodmin, Truro, Plymouth, Exeter, Launceston

    and also to Bodmin Parkway Station to link up

    to the train timetable.Transport to the various hospitals in the

    county was also shown to be a problem both

    for those wishing to visit patients and those

    wanting to meet hospital appointments.


    Improved bus services

    Communicate with Western Greyhound to explorepossibility of buses for those working in otherareas

    Evening buses to serve cinema trips Express buses to larger centres by liaising with bus

    companies to put on weekly/monthly transport to

    Plymouth, Exeter etc.

    Direct bus routes to BodminTransport to hospitals

    Explore voluntary organisations for taking peopleto appointments

    Ensure well advertised Explore the feasibility of Tintagel parishioners

    having similar time slots for appointments at

    hospitals making it possible to share transport


    Cornwall Council

    Western Greyhound

    Transport Access People (TAP)

    Visitor Centre

    Tilleys/KTL Coaches

    Quotes from parishioners:-Journey takes too long to reach destination

    Both have cars, buses appear to be very limited

    It is more convenient to go by car

    Better timetable and more buses needed

    Need a direct bus to and from Camelford

    College buses to Truro should leave from the village






    Does anyone in

    your household use

    public bus services

    in our area













    Do members of your

    household have their own

    means of transport



    No response


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    Does the leve l of crime in your area

    cause you concern?




    No response

    Generally respondents were not concerned about crime in the area. However, there is a

    strong feeling for a more visible police presence in the area.

    51% of respondents did not know how to contact the Community Police Officer; however

    39% said they did know how to make contact. When asked if they were happy with the

    access to and response from the Police service, 47% people passed on answering the

    question. 25% were not happy and 23% were happy with the access to and response fromthe Police service.

    53% of respondents would like to join a Neighbourhood Watch scheme. The local PCSO has

    already held two meetings in the Parish and several local co-ordinators have been given the

    appropriate information for their areas.

    With regard to surveillance cameras, opinion was divided as to the need for them, with 143

    not wishing to see cameras in the parish and 98 answering they would like to see them in

    the parish. 77 people passed on this question.


    Increased police presence

    Local contact number for police and PCSO shouldbe available for everyone

    Increased officers on the beat in the parish Better community policing Monthly surgery to voice concerns More presence in the evenings as a deterrent to

    anti-social behaviour

    Neighbourhood Watch scheme

    Encourage local participation**It is understood the local PCSO has already made some attempts to

    start up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme


    Devon and Cornwall Constabulary

    Camelford Police Station

    Quotes from parishioners:-

    I am not too happy in the village at pub closing time and

    there are too many strangers

    Joy riders through villageLack of police presence. Need webcam to record


    Under aged drinking, drugs and car speeding/racing

    Parking needs policing



    Do you think the level of policing in the Parish is





    No response

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    95% of respondents felt that the Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) at Bowithick is

    an important facility for the area. Comments were made about the opening times of the tip

    and that the facility should be available 7 days a week. The HWRC is open on Friday,

    Saturday, Sunday and Monday at the following times:-

    Summer opening: 1st April 30th September 9.00am 6.00pm

    Winter opening: 1st October 31st March 9.00am 4.00pm

    This HWRC is closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day.

    75% of respondents were happy with the current

    recycling services. The majority who stated they

    were not happy with the service stated that it

    was because they felt more items should be

    recycled, i.e. more plastics and garden waste.

    Many suggestions were received to how energy

    efficiency could be increased in the parish, the

    most popular being to reduce the street lighting

    in the village.


    Further promotion of Bowithick Tip to ensure it remainsopen.

    Improved recycling services

    Weekly collections More items to be collected Collection of compostable waste Collection of cardboard for recycling from

    business premises

    Reduce plastic waste

    Make Tintagel plastic bag free Provision of Tintagel reusable shopping bag

    Increased energy efficiency

    Consider green fair like the one recently held inSt. Breward


    Cornwall Council


    Local Businesses

    Tintagel Primary School

    Community Energy Plus

    Quotes from parishioners

    The tip needs to be open 7 days a week Expand the types of items that can be collected and


    Dont like the plastic bag system

    Reduce street lighting after midnight

    Information about energy saving for parish people






    Do you consider Bowithick tip to be

    an important facility?




    No response

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    As part of the main questionnaire, a separate questionnaire was prepared and

    circulated for completion by members of households under the age of 18. 35 forms

    were completed and returned. The young people liked living in the parish because the

    beach is nearby, the lovely countryside, the walks and their friends live nearby. The

    reasons given for not liking the parish were that they didnt like school, there was

    nothing to do and it was too busy in the summer. Again the play area was mentioned,

    but it is hoped that the recent works (March 2009) will resolve the issues raised. The

    Clubs attended are shown in the chart to the left.










    Please tell us what clubs you attend and if they are in the

    Parish of Tintagel


    Boscastle School Clubs




    Surf Club


    Methodist Church Sunday School/Youth Colub

    Camelford Cu bs

    Tintagel Pr e-School

    Quotes from parishioners under 18 years of age:-

    I like to live here because of the nature

    Lovely quiet area, there is enough things for me to do, nice school, near to

    the sea, nice people

    Theres nothing to do when theres no surf

    If I had a friend next door it would be great but most of the houses are

    holiday lets

    I dont like the dog mess on the paths


    Continue to provide and improve existing facilities e.g. play area and skate parkPossible formation of Youth Council to liaise with Parish Council

    Encourage local groups to include young people in events and activities


    Tintagel Memorial Playing Fields Association

    Tintagel Parish Council

    Local Groups

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    There were many, many responses to the question what is good about living in the parish. Many people said they liked the community spirit, the

    beautiful scenery and quieter, rural way of life.

    Most issues raised along with the suggested changes and improvements have been covered through the many and varied sections of the Parish Plan. Sixsuggestions for future Parish initiatives were included in the questionnaire. The responses to those ideas are shown in the chart below.







    Yes No

    Enhance children's play area

    Develop winter tourist attractions

    Establish Tintagel as top Christmas attraction on the

    north coast

    Build a skate park

    Build an outdoor bowling green

    Enhance the external appearance of the Visitor


  • 7/27/2019 Tintagel Parish Plan



    It is clear from the results obtained that existing recreational facilities in the Parish

    do not cater for and therefore do not attract people of all ages. The community as

    a whole would benefit from improved facilities that support a wider range of

    recreational activities.

    A Vision for the Future

    Ideally, the Parish would benefit from having a Community Centre type venue

    adjacent to the Memorial Playing fields. This could provide good quality changing

    room facilities for local sports teams, an indoor sports hall and a youth club. The

    complex could also support other suggestions such as a swimming pool, a gym

    with sauna and steam room, an outdoor bowling green, a cinema, a stage for

    theatrical events, a meeting place for local clubs, keep fit classes, a running track,

    craft workshops, and so on.

    The Parish Plan is about the future development of our Parish and the vision of

    what we would like it to be may not seem achievable today. By pooling our ideas

    and resources and working together as a community towards a common goal,

    what seems impossible might be achievable in the future.

    There were numerous other suggestions for

    future parish initiatives. However, it must be

    appreciated that these issues can only be

    considered if there is sufficient support from

    the parishioners, local businesses and the

    various Partners mentioned throughout this


    The Parish Plan is a starting point to implement the aims and actions contained

    within the Plan. The Plan will be monitored, reviewed and updated and further

    engagement with the community will be required.


    Build on the successful improvements to the childrensplay area by providing a picnic area for families.

    To work with Cornwall Council and consider how theVisitor Centre and its surroundings could be made moreattractive and how the project could be implemented

    and funded.

    To continue support to the skate park project which isnow in progress

    To investigate how an outdoor bowling club could beprovided and how this may form part of a wider

    Community Centre project.

    To liaise with the Christmas Lighting Committee todevelop Tintagels Christmas plans.

    To review longer term proposals for a CommunityCentre complex.


    Tintagel Memorial Playing Fields Association

    Cornwall Council

    Tintagel Parish Council

    Tintagel Bowling Club

    Quotes from parishioners

    Beautiful place to live

    At present we are still a villageOne of the nicest places to live in Cornwall

    Stunning coast line and countryside

    Build a stronger community

    First time buyers properties

  • 7/27/2019 Tintagel Parish Plan




    The overall aim of the Parish Plan is to help facilitate a future where the quality of life is preserved and enhanced for all the residents of the Parish. The

    Parish Plan provides an action plan for the whole community individuals, schools, local organisations, Parish Council and local

    representatives. It does not guarantee that all the issues raised will be dealt with immediately, as some of the projects lie outside local control and may

    require lobbying for change, and some of the issues are long term projects. It also sets out the communitys vision for the parish. The Plan is a tool to make

    change happen, provide information and evidence to win funding, and influence policy and decision makers.

    The Parish Council will monitor the Parish Plan for updates onaction taken forward on a regular basis through items on the monthly Parish Council Agenda.

    However, things will only happen if people make them happen, and do not rely solely on the Parish Council.


    The Parish Council is grateful to the many parishioners who have contributed their time, opinions and ideas to this plan.

    Thank you to all the volunteers who helped to distribute and collect the questionnaires; to the local postmen for help with distribution of the Newsletter inFebruary 2009 and to Tintagel Parish Council, NCDC and DEFRA for the funding that made the plan possible.

    The Parish of Tintagel reproduced by kind permission of Charlie David from an article previously written for Tintagel Parish Council.


    Cornwall Rural Community Council Cornwall Council

    Tintagel Social Hall Management Committee Tintagel Parochial Church Council

    Treknow Village Hall Committee Adult Education Service

    Cornwall Primary Care Trust, Local Doctors and Dentists SITA

    Rotary Club Tintagel Visitor Centre/English Tourist BoardWestern Greyhound, Tilleys and KTL Coaches Transport Access People (TAP)

    Devon and Cornwall Police Tintagelweb website administrator

    Tintagel Primary School Local Businesses

    English Heritage National Trust

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    The Steering Group have already written to four major banks regarding services to the village. Both NatWest and Barclays advised that there are noplans at this time to provide any further banking facilities or a mobile bank in Tintagel and the surrounding area. Barclays Bank advised about the

    services which are available from the Post Office:-1. Cash withdrawals with debit or cash card with pin number minimum 5, maximum 300.2. Cash withdrawals of one cheque a day up to limit of cheque guarantee card.3. Cash can be paid into current/savings accounts using pre-printed paying in slip.4. Cheques can be paid in using pre-printed paying-in slips and enclosed in a special envelope. Any cash or cheque credits will take an extra two

    days to reach the account. Foreign currency can be purchased using debit card, in each case customers will be charged a cash handing fee of


    The Post Office are also agents for Alliance and Leicester, Bank of Ireland, Cahoot, Clydesdale Bank, Halifax, Lloyds/TSB, Nationwide, Northern Bank,Smile and the Co-operative Bank, all without any fees. Bureau de Change Facilities are also available.

    Free cash points have been provided in the village since the questionnaire was produced. Treknow Village Hall during March 2009 the older part of the hall had work carried out to repair the interior walls and ceiling. The Football Club now holds a monthly bingo session in the Social Hall. New benches provided by Parish Council at Trenale and Atlantic Road. The most popular requested additional leisure facility was a skate park or youth club for the younger members of the parish, which was requested

    by 14 respondents in the Youth Survey. In March 2009 SITA awarded a grant of 25,000 to the Skate park fund which along with the 5,000 already

    obtained from Tintagel Parish Council, the Rotary Club and other sources will enable work to start on the project in early summer 2009.

    The childrens play area at the memorial playing fields was also thesubject of a lot of comments made. In March 2009 a grant of

    23,000 was awarded by North Cornwall District Council for

    improvements to the play area and additional new equipment with

    work due to commence in March 2009 which has now been

    completed. Letter to Western Greyhound A post-box has been fixed to the front of the Social Hall for

    comments or non-urgent post to the Parish Council.

  • 7/27/2019 Tintagel Parish Plan



    Did you say in your questionnaire responses that you would be willing to help with

    some of the ideas in this Plan?

    One key idea that we would like to implement in the very near future is a Parish Newsletter subject to sufficientvolunteers. If you feel you could help, in however small a way, e.g. a one-off contribution, regular contributions,

    editing, journalism, articles, photos, advertising etc. please let us know.

    If you own or are involved with a local business and feel you could support the newsletter e.g. by advertising yourbusiness, or otherwise, please let us know.

    We would also like to take this opportunity to provide an up-to-date list of community clubs, groups andorganisations. If you are a member of a local group, it would be appreciated if you could give us up-to-date contact

    details for your organisation.

    If you can help with any of the above, please complete the form opposite and return it to Mrs. S.J. Moth, Clerk to Tintagel

    Parish Council, Lincoln House, Treven, Tintagel PL34 0DT or email [email protected].

  • 7/27/2019 Tintagel Parish Plan



    I have some free time and would like to help implement the Parish Plan:-





    How I can help

    Name of Club: Contact Details:

  • 7/27/2019 Tintagel Parish Plan

