thursday, may i jummiiilmmmiiiiiimiiiiiitlllllhllmi iiihltlllllllllllttml, · 2020. 1. 2. ·...

Thursday, May 14, 1S53 / I Happy j, I a Birthday! j Tuesday, May 12 Amanda Spence (82), John T. Watson, Anna Goodwill. Wednesday, May 13 Howard Schafer, Doris Good- will. Thursday, May 14 Cora Longfellow, Jewell Wick- ham, William Springer. Friday, May 15 Frank Bates (80), Carlos Foster. Saturday, May 16 Grace MeKee. Sunday, May 17 Clayton Allen, John Ander son, Rose Bell Clark, Joseph Ed ward Clark, Mrs. W. M. Sher- bourne, Lester Pickenpaugh. Monday, May 18 Vesta Lorezn, Thomas E. Ogle, Kirby Douglas Clark, Gregory Kemp, Will Floyd. Tuesday, May 19 Bertha Lahue. Wednesday, May 20 Grace Henderson, Mrs. H. A. Guiler. Thursday, May 21 Kffie Brown, Anita Knight Friday, May 22 Leo Kirk bride, Cynthia Merry Law. Saturday, May 23 W. F. Danford (88) and John West (86). TO CLEVELAND ~ Mrs. Floyd Fossett was remov ed Sunday in the McVay am- bulance from Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge to her home in Cleveland. She is recovering from a major operation. THfc j6OTttAL. CAT,dwelt;, omn leaver Hills Garden Club Is Entertained The Beaver Hills Garden Club met at the home of Mildred Day on Friday evening, May 1. The devotions were read by the hostess and roll call waij ans- wered by, "What I See From My Kitchen Window." A paper on annuals was given by Pearl House. Edith Dollison led the discussion on pest con- trol for flower and vegetable gardens. Beatrice Lewis gave a talk on "Enriehing our lives with flowers, poetry and music." Plans were made for a county meeting which is to be held at Batesville Methodist church on Wednesday evening, May 13. Victor Ries of Ohio State uni- versity will be the guest speaker and will also show pictures of the Hawaiian Islands. The meet- ing is open to the public. The next meeting will be held June 4 and will be a tour in charge of Beatrice Bates and Gertrude Hartley. Companion Hostesses To Circle No. 4, W. S. C. S. Circle 4, W.S.C.S. of the First Methodist church met recently, with Mrs. Myron Merry as host- ess and Mrs. Robert Dennison as co-hostess. Mrs. Tom Saunders led the de votionals and the theme of the lesson, "Tell the Old, Old, Story" was related by Miss Evelyn Weaver. Those present were: Mrs. Gene Matthews, Mrs. Robert Ball, Mrs. Ralph Davis, Miss Evelyn Weav- er, Mrs. John Harmon, Mrs. Tom Saunders and the hostesses. Recreation was in charge of Mrs. Tom Saunders. JUMMIIilMMMIIIIIIMIIIIIItlllllHllMI I At Your Paint Store Sherwin- Wiiuams Uf-M AND m* EMA " 11 Gives interior and exterior floors a rich, lasting finish that resists wear, weather, scuffing, re- peated washings. i""•J""" 1 '' fa ^ DONALD D. NICHOLS "The Best for Less" CALDWELL, - - OHIO * r Available.. The New, Modern Anti-Rust SINCLAIR OUT r D OIL Designed Especially to, Meet the Rigorous Lubricating Re- quirement? of . 00TB And Other Cytit 1'ovvcr Plants! r Performance Properties and Facts Resistance to piston ring sticking Resistance to piston ring and cylinder wear. Resistance to crank case deposits. No adverse effect on spark plug performance Resistance to the formation of piston skirt and ring belt deposits. Resistance to exhaust port plugging'. § Anti-rust protection to prevent rusting apd corrosion of engine parts. There's Proof of Performance in Sinclair's Outboard Special Motor Oil. M. A. BRIENZA SUPPLIER OF SINCLAIR fltObUCTS Available At All Sinclair Service Stations PHONE 200 CAI.DWELL, OHIO IIIHltlllllllllllttMl, Coming Events { on the | Social Register { To Hold Dance Thur<j will be a dance Sunday vening, May 17 at St. Michael's hall in Berne. Music will be fur- ished by Arza Vaughn and his orchestra from Marietta with Vernon Moore the caller. Dance starts at 9:00 p. m. and the public s invited. Caldwell ~W.cTt.u7~ Caldwell W.C.T.U. will meet this Friday at 2:00 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Minnie Love. Lewis street. Mrs. Carl Fink will be devotional leader and Mrs. Roy Smith will be in harge of the program. Dance At Fulda There will be a dance at St. Mary's hall, Fulda, on Saturday evening, May 16. The social is being sponsored by the March, April and May groups of St. Mary's church. The public is in ited. Barn Dance The barn dance which was to have been held at the home of John George Noll, Fulda, on May 23 will be held at the parish hall at Fulda. Proceeeds will go to th polio fund. A good orchestra has been engaged and the public is invited. Kennonsburg Host Kennonsburg grange will be the host pt a four-grange meet ing on Monday. May 18, at 8:00 o'clock p. m. Carlisle and Sum- merfield grange will have the opening and closing and the first degree will be conferred by Fulda grange. There will be pot- luck. Four Grange Meeting There will be a joint meeting of Hal ley's Ridge, Center, Ren- rock and Olive granges at the Olive grange hall in Caldwell this Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. A putluck dinner will be enjoyed. Please bring your own table service, also. Caldwell "Merrie Club" The Caldwell Merrie club will meet at the home of Mrs. Charel Patten, south of Caldwell, this Wednesday, beginning at 10:30 a. m. Roll call of members will be answered by their favorite flower. The art of basketry will be taught and a pot luck lunch will be enjoyed. Noble Rebekah Lodge The Noble Rebekah Lodge No 376 will hold the regular meet ing on Friday evening, May 15 at 7:00 o'clock. Change of time due to the Senior class play Mary Martha Circle Meets Monday Night The Mary Martha Circle of Ihe First Presbyterian church met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Leighton Archer. Her companion hostess was Mrs. Gene Hanes. The devotionals were led by Mrs. Harold Hatcher and the program was in charge of Mrs George Dougherty. The program consisted of a re view of "Africans on Safari" and story from the "Presbyterian Life" entitled "Snorting-Leopard was my Father." Mrs. Dougherty i.lso read the story of the paint ing "The Praying Hand" by A1 bert Durer. Members present were the fol luwing: Mrs. A1 Walton, Mrs. George Rice, Mrs. Subray Dahood, Mrs Clair Murphy, Mrs. Clare Tipton Mrs. Harold Hatcher, Miss Thelma Rice, Mrs. Gerlha Rad cliff, Mrs. George Dougherty ; nd the hostesses. Woman's Bible Cla^s lolds May Meeting Tlie May meeting of the Woman's Bible class of the First Methodist church was held last Thursday evening in the church dining room. Mrs. Her bert Ullman, president of the class, presided. The meet- ing was opened with group sing- ing with Mrs. Edna McCune at the piano and a thought for today 'The Whisper of the Lord" by Mrs. Ullrnan. The program was in charge of Mrs. Joanna Spear in the absence of Mrs. Elizabeth Fogle. It was as follows: solo, Mrs. Iva Guil with Mrs^ McCune at the piano; reading, "Garden Party for My Beloved," Mrs. Carl Fink; reading, "Kindness During Life," Mary Combs; reading, "The Lovely Star," Mrs. George Pick enpaugh; reading, "My Garden, ' Mrs. Edna McCune;. poem, "Sup- pose" by Joanna Spear. Mrs. Laura Fowler led the de votional service on the themo, Faith Without Works is Dead." The birthdays of Mrs. Laura Fowler, Mrs. Iva Guiler and Mrs Edna McCune were celebrated. Refreshments were served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. H L. Bates, Mrs. Ed Ball, Mrs. John Blackburn, Mrs. Bertha Boyd Mrs. Sophia Buckey, Mrs. Mary Combs, Mrs. Ollie Darrah, Mrs Laura Fowler, Mrs. Carl Fink JVIrs. Minnie Heddleson, Mrs Homer Johnson, Mrs. Edna Mc- Cune, Mrs. Cliff McKee, Mrs George Pickenpaugh, Mrs. Maud Shafer, Mrs. Joanna Spear and Mrs. Bertha Ullman and Mrs Homer Keyser, a guest. Mrs. Samuel Hostess To Caldwell Merrie Club The Caldwell Merrie Club met at the home of Mrs. Josephine Samuel last Wednesday. There were 11 members pre sent to work on plastic lamp shades. A delicious pot luck lunch was enjoyed at noon. The roll call was answered by naming the favorite flower of their mothers. Those in attendance were as follows: Mary Ellen Sanford, Josephine Samuel, Enid Woodford, Hazel Woodford, Belle Ralph, Mary Scherr, Martha Patten. Alice Blackburn, Charlotte Fleming and Bessie Stringer. , Circle Meeting Held At Gerald Ramsey Home Circle No. 2, W.S.C.S. of the First Methodist church met last week at the home of Mrs. Gerald Ramsey, Bronze Heights, with Mrs. Marvin Wood as co-hostess. Mrs. Dale Ackley was elected president when officers were chosen for the coming year Other officers elected at the meeting were: vice president Mrs. Harry Richcreek; secretary Mrs. William Fleming; treasurer Mrs. Mary Morgareidge, and sunshine treasurer, Mrs, Darrel Buckey. The devotionals were led 1 by Mrs. Paul Seffens, president. Mrs William Davis gave a review from the book "A Guide To Con fident Living" by Norma Vin cent Peale. The group decided to purchase a new book for the church lib rary in honor of the past presi dent, Mrs. Paul Seffens. The business meeting closed with a benediction, after which a social hour was enjoyed. Those present were: Mrs. Art Beyer, Mrs. Darrell Buckey, Mrs Paul Clark, Mrs. William Davis, Misses Inez and Louise Clark Mrs. John Groves, Mrs. Mary Hanes, Mrs. Mary Morgareidge, Mrs. Harry Richcreek, Miss Ethel Pryor, Miss Thelma Rice, Mrs Dewey Sanford, Mrs. Paul Sef fens, Mrs. William Fleming, Mrs H. A Baker and the hostesses. Sridge Club Entertained Jy Mrs. Howard Tarleton Mrs. Howard Tarleton enter- tained members of her bridge lub last Tuesday evening with delicious dinner at Maple Shade Inn. Bridge was played at the Tar- leton home on Spruce street after the dinner hour. Prizes were won by Mrs. Walter Quick and Miss Opal Renner. Members entertained were Mrs. Ehlermann, Mrs. Walter Quick, Mrs. Harry Richcreek, Mrs. T. M. Ehlermann, Mrs. J. K. Walken- shaw, Mrs. John Park, Mrs Frank Tarleton, Mrs. Vance Mc- Donald, Mrs. Glen lams and Thelma Rice. Mrs. Nelle Headley and Opal Renner were the guests. V.F.W. Auxiliary Holds Meeting Monday Night The regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to Noble Post 4721, V.F.W. was held Monday evening with the president Frances Taylor, presiding. Announcement was made that the Spring Conference would be held May 24 in Marietta. Dele- gates are Mrs. Lula McDonald Mrs. Ada Afkley, Mrs. Ethel Moore, Mrs. Ora Berry, Mrs Helen James and Joy Michael Alternates are Mrs. Margaret Garrett, Mrs. Helen Pezzopane Mrs. Mary Lois Colley, Mrs Josephine Giallombardo, Mrs Thelma Estadt and Mrs. Evelyn Hobensack. Plans were discussed for the Memorial day services and Me morial Sunday services. Mrs. Ethel Moore gave a re port on the banquet held Sunday in Zanesville in honor of a num ber of national officers. Repre senting the local post and auxili ary were Mr. and Mrs. William I.ahue, Mrs. Moore, Joy Michael Donald McElfresh and Terrance Smith. Refreshments were served dur ing the social hour to twenty-five members attending by Mrs Dorothy Fowler, Mrs. Ethel Moore and Mrs. Ada Acklev Circle No. 1, W. S. C. S., Meets At Shamhart Home Members of Circle No. 1, W.S. C.S. of the First Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. John Shamhart, Cliff Road last Thurs- day evening with Mrs. Charles Blake and Mrs. James Hinkle as companion hostesses. Mrs. James Johnson, president, presided. Mrs. H. C. Secrest led the devotions using as her theme Mother." She read the scrip- ture lesson from Proverbs, 31st chapter and a poem "A Resting Mother" followed by prayer. Mrs. Norval Robey reviewed the first three chapters of the study book. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Delicious, refreshments were served to the following members: Mrs. H. C. Jordan, Mrs. H. O. Buckey, Mrs. Henry Brumbach, Mrs. James Johnson, Mrs. Norval Robey, Mrs. Dorothy Wheeler, Mrs. E. R. Hupp, Mrs. Lawrence Nichols, Mrs. Floyd Gaugler, Mrs. H. C. Secrest, Mrs. Alex Pezzopane, Mrs. Rosamond Landaker, Mrs. Vernon Slater, Mrs. D. W. Barlow, Mrs. Floyd Henderson, Mrs. Roy Smith, Mrs. Wayne Danford, Mrs. James Watson, Mrs. Harry Knox and Miss Alice Guiler and the host esses. Mrs. Springer Hostess To Cora Leland Class Members ol the Cora Leland class of the First Presbyteriat church met last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Shirley Springer, Belford street with Mrs. Forest Sanford as com panion hostess. The president, Mrs. Edgar Love led the devotional service. A poem on Mother was read. After a business session, re freshments were served by the hostesses to Mrs. Dewey Sanford Mrs. Clayton McKee, Mrs. Glen lams, Mrs. Lewis Young, Mrs Morgan Tilton, Mrs. Edgar Lovt* Mrs. Capitola Love, Mrs. Ed Ull- man, Mrs. Walter Woodford, Mrs Grace Matheney, Mrs. Columbia Davis, Mrs. Lucille Fowler and r ^uest, Mrs. Robert Davis. APPROACHING MARRIAGE xViia. Jditicc Padan of Columbus, announces the ap- proaching marriage of her daughter, Lola Eleanor, to Bruce Richard Marcus. The ceremony will take place May 30 at 7:30 p. m. in the Indianola Presbyterian church, Columbus. Mrs. Shedd was director of the Normal School in Caldwell a number of years ago. RECEIVING TREATMENT Mrs. Donald Moore was remov- ed Monday in the McVay ambul- ance from her home in Sarahs- ville to Guernsey Memorial hos- pital, Cambridge. She will re ceive treatment and be under ob- prvntinn. AT CELEBRATION Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Crum of Berne attended the dinner in observance of the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Haaf, Sunday, at the Southern hotel in Columbus. John C. Haaf is president of the Grange Mutual Casualty Co. Edwin L Crum is district agent. REMOVED TO HOSPITAL Howard Church of Pleasant City, was removed Friday in the McVay ambulance from Cleve- land Graphite Bronze Co., Cald- well plant, to St. Francis hospi- tal, Cambridge. Church was ?trickcn with n henrt % sem*~glo$* finish gorgeous new colors that make rooms stag! ONE COAT cover* most twrfacMl SEMI-GLOSS for longer wear and greater beavty* EASILY (LEANED with ordinary »oap and water. LESS PAINTING TIME—room$ hardly out of u»oi RETAINS ITS BEAUTY after repeated washingc. Comet in n«w Stylist Colon for walls and woodwork! Rich deep tones, in-betweens, pastels - colon unlimited. Styled by leading authorities! All MeUo-CIoss colon are Stylt-Teited in p»ri «ct keeping *iih color trend*! fee Ihm new. "Since the turn of the Century* CALDWELL. OHIO V fT 3 por gal. Just arrived! Just arrived 1 afc- I'D LIKE ~0 TRY -.HAY CHECK SUIT ON IN THC WINDOW.. nr. SOf?RY, BUT YOU'LL HAVE TO USE THE 0KESSIN6 ROOM. THE UNDERSTANDING ponalpr WILL SUIT M YOU TO A © Sprayers Dusters Sprayers for Gardens « Sprayers for Flo Wots Screen Wire Plastic Screen Screen Doors . Sprinkling Cans Milk Pails c Cream Cans «» Porch Gates Porch Swings Brush Killers Weed Killers ® Kriluim Soil Conditioners DuPont Dairy Spray Gulf Cattle Spray Hess Cattle Spray Fly Bombs Moth Proofer Grass Shears Grass Sickles Hand Lawn Mowers Power Mowers Just arrived! New Kaiser Kaiser 9 s new Spring model! At last! A new big car in the lower-priced range 1 t If you've been pricing "low-priced" cars lately, you know what a big price you have to pay for a little car these days. Now all that's changed! Kaiser's new Spring model is here today! The big new Kaiser Carolina. Dramatically styled and designed to bring big car value into the lou er-priced range! Lots of extras to enjoy! No extras to pay for! ( Instead of ordinary upholstery, you have luxurious new "Third Dimensional" deep-textured fabrics! Included in the price, of course! You enjoy Kaiser's front seat safety, too! Safety-padded instrument panel. Safety-mounted windshield. Directional signals. No extra cost! On the road, you get Kaiser's outstanding performance and economy. A 118 h.p. Supersonic Engine —with waterproof ignition. Oil bath Air Cleaner. Follow-Through Starter. All standard equipment. So see the new Kaiser Carolina at your Kaiser-Frazer dealer today! Not an extra to pay for —and you save close to $400! On display, too, are the glamorous new Kaiser Dragon, beautiful new Kaiser Manhattan, handsome new Kaiser De Luxe. See them all! only- Plus freight, state and local taxes if amy nothing else to pay See it at your Kaiser-Frazer dealer today! A. mm Phone 108 206 West Street

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  • Thursday, May 14, 1S53

    / •

    I Happy j, I a Birthday! j Tuesday, May 12

    Amanda Spence (82), John T. Watson, Anna Goodwill. Wednesday, May 13

    Howard Schafer, Doris Goodwill. Thursday, May 14

    Cora Longfellow, Jewell Wick-ham, William Springer. Friday, May 15

    Frank Bates (80), Carlos Foster. Saturday, May 16

    Grace MeKee. Sunday, May 17

    Clayton Allen, John Ander son, Rose Bell Clark, Joseph Ed ward Clark, Mrs. W. M. Sher-bourne, Lester Pickenpaugh. Monday, May 18

    Vesta Lorezn, Thomas E. Ogle, Kirby Douglas Clark, Gregory Kemp, Will Floyd. Tuesday, May 19

    Bertha Lahue. Wednesday, May 20

    Grace Henderson, Mrs. H. A. Guiler. Thursday, May 21

    Kffie Brown, Anita Knight Friday, May 22

    Leo Kirk bride, Cynthia Merry Law. Saturday, May 23

    W. F. Danford (88) and John West (86).

    TO CLEVELAND ~ Mrs. Floyd Fossett was remov

    ed Sunday in the McVay ambulance from Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge to her home in Cleveland. She is recovering from a major operation.

    THfc j6OTttAL. CAT,dwelt;, omn

    leaver Hills Garden Club Is Entertained

    The Beaver Hills Garden Club met at the home of Mildred Day on Friday evening, May 1.

    The devotions were read by the hostess and roll call waij answered by, "What I See From My Kitchen Window."

    A paper on annuals was given by Pearl House. Edith Dollison led the discussion on pest control for flower and vegetable gardens. Beatrice Lewis gave a talk on "Enriehing our lives with flowers, poetry and music."

    Plans were made for a county meeting which is to be held at Batesville Methodist church on Wednesday evening, May 13. Victor Ries of Ohio State university will be the guest speaker and will also show pictures of the Hawaiian Islands. The meeting is open to the public.

    The next meeting will be held June 4 and will be a tour in charge of Beatrice Bates and Gertrude Hartley.

    Companion Hostesses To Circle No. 4, W. S. C. S.

    Circle 4, W.S.C.S. of the First Methodist church met recently, with Mrs. Myron Merry as hostess and Mrs. Robert Dennison as co-hostess.

    Mrs. Tom Saunders led the de votionals and the theme of the lesson, "Tell the Old, Old, Story" was related by Miss Evelyn Weaver.

    Those present were: Mrs. Gene Matthews, Mrs. Robert Ball, Mrs. Ralph Davis, Miss Evelyn Weaver, Mrs. John Harmon, Mrs. Tom Saunders and the hostesses.

    Recreation was in charge of Mrs. Tom Saunders.

    J U M M I I i l M M M I I I I I I M I I I I I I t l l l l l H l l M I



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