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: 0 Day 169 2007 A.D.

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: 0Day 1692007 A.D.

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food for thought

THiNK, for thoughts are integral to your life

THiNK, to splash your ideas, In the pool you dive,

THiNK, coz’ after you are gone, only your thoughts survive,

THiNK, coz’ from every beginning, there’s an end to arrive.

THiNK, to break free from the monotone of every second’s blink,

THiNK, make your convictions so strong, so your heart may never sink,

THiNK of colors of life, from blue to pink,

THiNK, what you believe, and not what othes about you think.

THiNK, coz’ you hold the bridle to make others think,

THiNK, to resurrect those who have forgotten how to think,

THiNK, coz’ to make a chain, we need to add on links,

Be a sport, don’t just wink, simply think !

THiNK, folks THiNK! ! !

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Goodbye to Life as we know itThe name of this piece. Its a homage. To Pink Floyd. It's taken from the name of a special video in their Dual DVD edition of PULSE.

And it describes the feeling I have had at almost every major experience I care to call a watershed event in my life. This one, the launch of THiNK zero, is up there with the best of them.

Well, I won’t lie. This isn't my biggest moment ever.

Not as great as listening to Hey You on a perfect English morning on the lawns of Oval Maidan just before sunrise. Free. Floating.

Not as great as sitting on the deck of Libra, under a pale moon, with the ocean stretching out endlessly in every direction, listening to Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture. Omnipotent. Alive.


But this is what I have put my heart and soul into over the last six months. Sometimes, I came close to giving up. Sometimes, I felt like crap. Mostly though, I was a happy deluded ignoramus out to change the world and people's perception of it with my small idea.

But always, there was this feeling, this faint glimmer of hope, that I am not alone in believing in expressing my thoughts. That there are others who have something to say out to the rest of us.

That my motto is not mine alone. That it has a meaning for others as well. My motto, my statement, my answer to everyone who asked me to explain my actions.

I Am.Nothing else. Just that. A plain two word reply.

Coming back to Floyd. I first heard it 8 years ago. And have rediscovered something new every time I lay back, closed my eyes and floated away.

That was the first Goodbye. This is another one. I hope it is one for you too. I hope this effort on part of my friends who took the time out to shape this dream into something concrete means something to you.

Maybe I'm Hungry. Maybe I'm Foolish.Maybe you understand. Maybe You Don't.

But at the end of the day, all that matters is those two words.Your Answer. Your Justification, for Your Existence. None.

I Am.

“These are the Editor's words to the readers of THiNK : 0 ”


Money paid as a ransom to a kidnapper is tax deductible in the U.S.A.


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A Brief History of Change

This was actually an article written to explain the genesis of this magazine. The entire process, right from the first spark to the final product. Well almost. Actually, till the point that people were actually working on making the dream a reality.

But, then my dear friend murphy came along. As usual, the thing was too big. So, for the benefit of the fickle minded reader, we decided to include a sort of summary, by someone else. Unsurprisingly, this effort too failed, resulting in a commentary on the actual article.

At This point, if you are thoroughly confused like most of us here at The THiNK Tank, we suggest you take the chance and read it all and decide for yourself.

you have been warned

Great Danes were first bred in Germany and have nothing to do with Denmark, except for

their English Names.

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A Brief History of Change :Targaryen’s Perspective

Stay hungry, Stay foolish.

In these two lines lies the paradox of this idea:

Stay Hungry For more knowledge and more of all the things in life (good and/or bad)Stay Foolish Not 'dumb', not stupid but foolish. Foolish enough to dare to know, to dare to question. Foolish enough to dare to Question.

Ideas like this develop when the mind is coerced into doing stuff it never likes. Either that or when the mind simply has nothing else to do (like answering nature's call). Say you are cramming for a paper at 3 in the morning. You are really frustrated and your eyes keep roving to the bed... beautiful divine bed. Your mind starts to drift, wander, skate, roll, jump, sprint and then fly away... like when writing the aforementioned exam. Your hands keep writing but your mind is never in it and yearns for freedom. Freedom to dream, think and above all, be itself.

Once upon a time, in some place somewhere, there was this person (Lets call him Someone, like the guy named Nobody in The Odyssey) who, to take a break from the monotony of life, the same old repetitive days, same oldthoughts and the same old attempts to start something new - decided to actually START something new and FINISH it, not drop it halfway, forget it, or submit it to procrastina-tion.

So Someone started to think about what to do. A certain idea that had been suggested before came to his mind, which after some tinkering, took the shape of a magazine.

A Magazine which would be, to quote him, was :

"Loaded with Brain Teasers, Quizzes, Useless Trivia, Comic strips & Smart Alec comments on everything under the Sun"

But the intensity of this thought and the thought process that followed was too much for Someone's brain to digest in that short amount of time.

So he decided to have a coffee. (Rich, Divine Nectar).

Caffeine coursing through your blood (not literally...but you know..) is really something refreshing. So it was thus that the great Someone started to think ...not for the first time, but still, he thought. He pondered for a while, searching his brain for an apt name and then suddenly, something nudged him...THiNK...and Lo, the rest as they say, was NOT history...

But you can choose to make it...


Boxwood is one of the few woods that actually sinks in water

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A Brief History of Change : The Real Deal

BC 65 million: An Asteroid Strikes; Wipes out Dinosaur Population, the course of evolution of Life on the Planet ChangesBC 10 million: An ape takes a small step upright; humanity takes a leap forward, the saga of anthropology ChangesBC 3200: An Egyptian develops hieroglyphic writing, the process of communication and knowledge aggregation ChangesBC 509: Roman Republic is founded, political and social setup of human civilizations ChangesAD 1: The Christ is born; A Mel Gibson gets the subject for his passion; Eras of Beliefs and Calendars ChangeAD 820: An Al-Khwaizini invents Algebra; Comfort levels of Generations of High School Students to come ChangeAD 1492: A Columbus discovers America, the destination of freedom and prosperity seekers for generations to come ChangesAD 1776: A James Watt invents steam engine, an Industrial Revolution Changes the scale of Human EnterpriseAD 1879: An Edison invents Incandescent Bulb Power Equation of Day & Night ChangesAD 1969: A Concorde is airborne; the relative Speed of Transatlantic sound waves ChangesAD 1991: A Manmohan Singh assumes office; a nation’s economic orientations ChangeAD 2000: A Y2K bug mania bites computer Systems, the face of Indian IT Industry ChangesAD 2007: A magazine by the name of THiNK is published in BIT Mesra.

Crash! Boom! What the Hell!

Wait a second! I thought we were talking about change here?!Yeah!


That's what THiNK is all about.About stepping out of the cast mould. Away from the mindless rush of life to ascertainone's identity. No, THiNK is not a movement. It's just a thought. Exhorting you toTHiNK.

To stay hungry. To stay foolish.

In these two lines lies the paradox of this idea.

Stay Hungry. For more knowledge. For more of everything in life.Stay Foolish. Not dumb. Not arrogant. Humble. plain ol' simble you.

Asses, Horses and Zebras all clean themselves in an unconventional way.

They roll in dust.

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Like all good things under the sun, this idea was born during a time when ideally the idle mind where it sprung to life should have been doing something else. Like studying Electromagnetic Theory. or Linear Control Theory for that matter. But it was elsewhere. Musing to itself, to try and do something different. Something off the beaten path. I think the original idea came to me sometime around idle week following the mid-term papers, when we were preparing to return home and stuff our faces with good food. It went something like this:

Left> So what are we gonna do this semester?Right> Something different?

Note to reader:Left and Right (L & R henceforth) can be freely interpreted as per the limits of your imagination. They are however to be both treated as mutually exclusive integral parts of the author. Suggestions include:

a> hemispheres of the brain b> regions of the vacuum occupying the place of the AWOL brain c> alter egos - without the obvious political leanings of course (left wing / right wing) d-z> open to interpretation and limited only by your imagination.

L> let's continue blogging.R> Na, that was last year's idea. Something else.L> like what?R> how about actually writing?L> you mean like a novel? That will take umpteenillion millennia to finish, and longer to spell- check, proof read, plus it will never be published.R> hmmm. Point.L> so what to we do?R> you temme.L> ahem. I know this may sound lame, but how about resurrecting Zog's idea?R> which one? Starting a movie library?L> No dude. The other one.R> Ok. You mean setting up a propah coffee shop-cum-eating joint near the library wi-fi hotspot, right?L> seriously! I am surprised I happen to be connected to you. I am talking about Buzz-In-Town.R> What! Not that Gossip rag! Isn’t that the reason she buried it in the first place?L> Eggxactly. Let's come out with something more like, you know, my style...R> you mean a half-baked re-incarnation of Douglas Adam's writing that no one this side of the galaxy can interpret?L> uh.........R> loaded with brain teasers, quizzes, useless trivia, comic strips, smart alec comments on everything under the sun and over it, et al?L> uh.........R> that is sure to ruffle some feathers and other appendages of most people that hear about it? That will be another time sink for you?L> uh.........R> Well, You are absolutely right. Sounds exactly up your alley. Let's do it. But how are you gonna manage it?L> uh......... Huh, what?!R> I said, how are you gonna manage it? What form will it be? What will it be called? Who’s gonna do the designing? Who will contribute to it?L> I think I need a drink.R> You dont drink you nincompoop.L> In that case, I think I need to sit down.R> what you need is another shot of caffeine.L> wouldn’t that would be nice.


In strict medical terms, morons are more intelligent than imbeciles, who in turn are

more intelligent than idiots.


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Post Caffeine Ingestion

L> hmm. Let’s see. A Name... the obvious moniker will have to serve as a placeholder till I THiNK of some thing better.R> and what’s the obvious moniker called in these parts?L> think.R> I am.L> no, THiNK.R> Huh, why can’t you just say it?L> I already told ya. T H i N K.R> oh. Right then. What about the....L> you know what your problem is? You never...R> Eh? Which one?L> What?! Now how am i supposed to know which one?R> you should. You are the one that brought it up in the first place.L> ya right. So why don’t you just make a proper numbered list of all of them and we could check later which one it is that we were discussing, or add it to the list if it isn’t already there.R> ok.L> as i was saying, your problem is...R> but what am I gonna call it?L> call what?R> the list of course.L> how about things that aren't right?R> but that describes you doesn’t it?L> yes, but not exclusively. Or completely.R> ok. "Things that aren't right" it is. You were saying...L> saying what?R> that my problem number <x> is...

(whispering- x being a placeholder for its number on the list you see).L> ah yes. Since you ask, just not these down. Firstly …R> you are dictating a list.L> that’s right, and you are to be taking it down without interrupting me, get it?R> ok. Go ahead, make my dayL> ya rite. Ok, where was i?R> 3rd rock from the sunL> i mean where as in...R> Sector ZZ9 Plural Z AlphaL> Jesus Christ Bananas!R> Alright, alright. Firstly?L> God! Yes. Firstly, you never stop. Secondly, you make hyperspace jumps at every pause for breath on part of the other person communicating with you, or trying to. Thirdly, you leave all others confused, dazed and tired from jetlag / spacelag /whateverlag, trying to keep up with you. Fourthly ... what are you doing?R> … … …L> hello? I’m talking to you.R> … … … ....L> will you bloody answer me?R> No.L> No?R> N. O. no.L> why?R> I’m trying not to interrupt your stream of thought, seeing how hard it is for you to get it in the first place.L> ok. I give up. What do you say we do?

A law in the state of Ohio, USA, requires domestic animals that are out after lighting-up time to wear taillights

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R> are you sure you can handle it?L> yaR> absolutely?L> yupR> positively?L> yesR> lock kiya jaaye?L> Y.E.S. Is that clear, or you want it in writing on stamp paper, signed in triplicate, attested in duplicate and sealed by legal counsel?R> Nah. that will do.L> so...R> so what?L> WHAT DO WE DO?R> oh that? Yes yes.L> well?R> ya. catch some carbon based life form, show it how hard it is living the way we do, with this endless stream of ideas and thoughts, focus on the one's about fun, food, enjoyment, college and print THiNK diagonally in bold across it. L> and?R> that should be enough to put things into perspective. Meanwhile we can think of more things to shock the living daylights of the poor thing. What say you?L> Seems like a plan.

Ok.(deep breath)

So that is something of what went on in the devil's workshop before i manage to dupe a certain

insaneunknown into listening to my latest brainstorm (believe me; you have no idea why it is called a

Brain-STORM!). He further suggested SS (Not the Schutz Staffel, in case you were wondering) & logistics undefined. I decided to call everyone to a war conference at the canteen, threw in the zog as part of a forgotten package deal and Voila! We had the editorial team of THiNK ready. That left the creative

group/team/person issue dangling. At which point the lioness was lured in, putting my fears to rest (in pieces…) with sharp measured ninja chops of creativity. Whatever that means. So the next day at the canteen, i managed to dole out the stuff swimming in my mental cavity, between bites and sips of a free treat from idontknowwho. Well, that's that, and this is THiNK now.

What originated as a bored gestation of thought seems to have picked up some wind, even if it should only be from half a dozen individuals, at least it's there.

So come the the year of our lord 2007, THiNK shall be distributed as a PDF on orkut, Gmail and (God & Pant Sir be willing).

Dear weary reader, if you have managed to reach here unscathed, drop me a line and I promise to treat you to a coffee at the canteen and a copy of THiNK.

Alternatively, you can also take your revenge by sending in your contribution to [email protected]

Auf Wiedersehen(Google it out if you don’t know German! that's what I did.)

And meanwhile,

stay hungry, stay foolish.


The dollar sign is a modified version of the figure eight which used to be stamped on the

old spanish 'Pieces of Eight'


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You ain’t seen nothing yet.Just wait for the Real Deal

: 1Day 1692008 A.D.

: 0Day 1692007 A.D.