· 2008. 3. 3. · thf. ~takda...


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Page 1: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY
Page 2: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY



,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l !louug,

VUL. X. l""lll.

Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY rut!. TlU: 1'1l."~'JTIO" ort.V!lSOF.J.rC!lL 1i';oWLl':llliR,


Page 3: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

1~/lf:X TI) \'UL. X.-1X61.

AI.I1<I''' .....J ....

('bfUle,'s'lbl",C t~ y.x&J.)II.leloU"lIdnm,.c.Ad.W .

Il!.l'poln.mrnl, .Donor~plU""'.'p"Morin,anl(lrI4"."I.,.~At>oul,..~.

GodIlOooo'! .. .,rl Rln.l, •

HI_.n..m.ald.Hel<ool&,.dtbeTallpll,Hrl\raodherllT<th .lIowcaulhel'lo lllo<><Df


I~" ... t.> .. ~"n,h.~I'd, ...1, •

UtUo-J\Id,lr III "'""'-,,"", ••

1.'1'I"Rll"f1o,,,".(',,""lryl'oU!~I.r~'I""'"loo).U>dhuLltdeSUnl ....."'•.

Il'~f Uld ~no..drop."''T'.llllall", .\11........ ryl.-"I .. k,., ...


Page 4: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

• 1•

1:\Ill:X TV \'01..

Wb~ &LlIt' .. Chl~I .. .,.Ihft.Wto .. ttoLon

TempultlOl'l,Thel\ab,.""t1 .. ~",,8Ie,,".Th~ &,. ..110PUUj' IOllb Ilrolber,'l'ttoBylterf,YlUldl.h"a.-...TlIeC""dJe.Ply •.'"'" C4U~rpUI•• ud I.!K> H~d ••",",eH.:I~I.~LaI,l!e."TlleUU .. IJrol.h ....,Th.. I_t£lI'~!.aCl".T""M'U ,.."dUleC.-l. .T ... M1au' .TlI~ ..~.U.• al ~1"'."t.H .... ll.oJ •

.The R~ln.Tb.l'I'\Innl~<'Ilolf'h_ •The iM.onr .~~ u... ,......Jr.,T" .. Twal1enri".The~dl'r.,...'.'rlo. "'oI! ..~.. OI,.I .... l«Il,.Tbl"!('III.Qr.enetll~ .....,dT.....1. vcl),


H.....I,.;JePla.-._.!\anclt,.ofc.'-" ..tUnrraDdhloPet, •l!l~~.'r ~Y'l .....$o,..jDIt~,.


M,.l'~. klbl<l'.)lyl:"u lllll,~,

f ... --,I I~',


~-iI, .-, .~II



Page 5: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

S 0 \\ r ~ u s t; E I'"

d'~-~.\\TE our IiI l,II' 1"4,"':ldl'l'~!Lt.a ...i th(~

II.onls, .. I wi",1i )'on:l Happy X cwr .If. Year," ~o oft..:'l1 silll"c this ~.(-'arIll'

~_~-- _. 1801 h:I...lbwncllnJloll U~,that the)'110 not cart' to hear it ag:lin, 1'\('11 frolll thl,il" 01<1

fri{'nd, '1'11I: fo;L\",II,\J:II.1h:AUlm ':

\\Pe hnpe not, tlJI" it j ... ypry ph'~l~atlt to fed thatwe :11"(1 \\ 1'1(:olllc,l by a ho4 of hl"ight l're". who:an':I'; l"t-'a.lyto rpall tllll' kill.!l)" grl'\!lillgs n.'"! WIJ art'to givc thPlH, allil \rho will retnrll somc vI' the lo\'ewhit.1I prolllpt" them,

.. Lo\'l'! \\'I.y, lllalllma, ,loes TUE ~T.'-'\lUHl~

HEARE!! 10\"1' 1111'';'" I lliillk I hl':U" a little "II,)\\" can it 1,1' po~~ihle 10 Illve tlto:-;\' \\ homwe ha\'t' I1C\'t'I' ~ecll'i'"

I will :111"\\'('1' t~.r YOIII" mamma., litt!.. DIU'" 'I'll}:

:->T.\'''ll.\Itu-B.:.\HEK "no Inn' all his rpad('r~, :1lhl

Ih:lt is tlHJ n'a~lHl h(> Iril'~ :;" (':1I.llt,,,,1\- 10 ll'ach

tlil'lII goo.1 thin~s. :\111110 1.':111tlll'lll t'"o 10"1' all.ltrust the ~:I\.iolll""

.\11<1. II"W th:lt )'011 art' a!l t'omlllclwillg ~ :"\cw


T Ii t;

JANUARY, 1961. ~O. J.

Page 6: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

TilE HT."-XD.\RD-llE_\RER.

Yf':lr, will you not ('OIllIlll"lH'.l to lhe for Jcsusand will \'011 not flOW s(.cd fur Him?

I h:\\'~.cho~"l1 this pit"tnrC' of a ll1:m ~o\\"ing ,;el

hec:mw I want to talk with )'on a little allont it.This man is sowing I!eed in the earth. but f wauLyOIl to sow llced ill )'ollr heart~"

Page 7: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

TilE !-i'UNDAHl.HII-:.\I:EIl.

Yer)' likely most or )"011 1I:-1\'C haol g:mh'n' ofvonr o\\'n, nna know that l.very t'pring, aOt'r till'~round hns lt1~Wllli(,I'I)' dug', :-Uld Takl ••l, ill thc righttilllO to ~OV.. the I'C('II. 1\0"", a ~ l'W Yt~ar is \'cfor('~"Oll ; Ilotlling has )"1 t h~ell KGwn therc j !'o it ill just.thH rh.:-ht time for ~'O\l to t'IJlomeIlCt~ 1\1 SOW.

"-ht'll pm make ):our gllroll'Hl! plU fire n'ry can'.

rul to dlO<.ltll' jU>lt tilt' kind of 1'\1.'('11 )'011 want j antiif ~"ou want 1II0rning-glories, )OU do lIot 1'1:lI1t mari.gnh18. t'o )'011 Illll~t be olnuhly cll.retill what I'ortIIf >,u..oJ you l,bnt ill your 11l':u"t.s. If ~"ou want

lo\"e an.l gl'lltlcm'~>1to grow till-re, ~;ou mml f1ut&Q\"" tilt' sl'edlt (If :mg(\r ntHI lli!olCorJ; or if yOll

want plt'lIly of iTl<I\I~tryand application, )"011 "lIouldnot drop :my !ll'l'.h! of itlll:'llt!":>! or cnr(o\(''t''IlI'I'l!. Ir)0\1 Jl:~in' :1 good thrifty plaut of Olll'llif>ncc, )"011nlll"t he t'.'\rclill not to Id auy llet-Ils or willfuhlC!<I'

bt~ ~(lWll there.Pl'rn3pS 1a4 ~'(":Ir ~llm(' flf the8(, troubl("S()me

w"tls t.l'TAllg up in yuur ganIcn. If ~O, now ill till'tillle to root tlwfII ~llloat; for )'OU kllow when )"0111Il3kQ )'Olll' g3rtlt'li ill th(' spring, you alwa)"s pulltip any pbllt~ IIr wl'ed~ which YOII lln not Wi.';]1 tlln:we tlu>rt •.• \lId this ~cw Yelu' Villi 6110111.1haH'your ~rtll:1l all clear, tur wwin~ al~~' <If'c(h )"011 Iiku.

Alld tL('tl aih.r yuu ha\'l' IWWIl ) our ~f'l.d~ youmllst n..k Hilt! to wate-r tll(,1II with lli~grn.c~ i furthe good pl:lnt~ will no mort~ b'TOW ill )'our hearts

Page 8: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

TilE :O:TA:o.Il.\HIJ 1>t:.\I-:t:II.

without it, thall tilt' flo\\'('I':- will grow ill runT gar,l.'n without 1111')rain from IJI..!a\'I'II.

Then, through all thi:ol Y{':\l' yon will Im\"u pblllSgro' for OOd'i g'lor~'; amI it: before it dOl'e~,IlH ",et'.~tit tll trallspl:llIt ~'(lli to lIi~ ganlcn aboH\where "OIllP who read (lllr hl_"t Xl'\\-' Y<,ar's grN't_

in~ art! aln:':\dy (,lIj()~'illg the Sllll:-hirH> of His Jlre.scuce, yon willi", gla.ll0 go, where yon will hloomforen'r :llld ever, .\U"'T l'OI'IIV SPY.

T li)1 P T .\ T I U X .

()~()l<: kll('w i\llogn:uni',1Tip. lIt'wn"alittle,Yf'lIow:-\("'ll'h {{'rder-no grt':lt

bt':\ul\', t.o ,,~ sure, Lilt~ou ~ouh1 hove 10111,hyOlll' look :\t hb conl-hlackl'Yf>S awl en'l't ears, thnt

.~""'" ......., he h:lll 1ll0l'e St'Il"._' than, • loL:"" half a 11111.f'1l of fa.t. sll,,(,p~

I:lp-clogs, ..\ tWI1"ihlt1 clng- he W:L"_nnll a 1I~f'ful memober nf soddy, Xot 3 rat or a monse ('ould ,,110\\him the culor of illJ whisker,. withoul 111!'iill,l.{ il~ lit~,.

OJ' course he wa .. :L l.ri"ile~l'd Ch:ll':u'tcr, awlhad tlw freedom of the hUll"I', Ihat he Illig-ht li.Jlllwhis bU:oIincs,; \\ithollt IJin,lnlllce. Ill' I'eftninlr C~-

Page 9: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

Tllr. ST"'~H.\I{IJ.UI-:.\ItEII.

t<.'<:'llwJ r;ll~' meat :I lll.lil~le~'; bllt you lmow ('hil,I-nil llrl' aIWll~-!' reud.," for Ilel'-c.('rt ufter n dinner orro:t~I.L('cf or tm'kl'~" ~llld ~I ",as he. A lulIIl' of~ug:\r wall fl, e1111irC Illor~d rIll" Tip. :lIld his )'OUIi~lU:l.~l(r ut\.'n .g':l"c it 10 him :\'i:1 n'wnr.l of merit.

One. Ill' Til""; g'(>od 1\1l:llitit.,.; W;t~ oht'\1ieu('e.

"'I'f'lhl'!" he 'CLIi having :l tillc ).\ay \\ ill. tht' bOI1~i".Iog. ('I' t:r.kiug n n;11' by lb.' tir!', or ...,'(.n W:l!l.hillglor a 11101IH',Inn!\" hl.' ,,"ouh1 ;l.ClUll1,,'r :It the fin-tnote of lli~ m;l~l •.;'~ whi!'!'e. 11 W:l_~a I'len""lIrl' tnhim tu u1wy. I will ldl y'on how 11i~ )'Ol1l1g Illa. ...

h'r u~cd to tl": him !;olllt'lillH._'S. lIe wuuM pllt :1

IlllllJl of l'<ugar on a t'lmil', alld ~o to the olllN l'-idt.or tbo roum, ~"lhut \1"11('11he cnIlt',I, .. liNt', Tip!hl'1"l~ Tip :', the Hull' .log wOlll,l li:\VC to 1)[\1'\';;'till'"ll.~nrtu gl t tu llilll. Tip laww thllt III~(lug-hiIIl,tto t'ttljl tvr allY thing- when he wa,;; ('aile.!, (I wi~h-101llC'chil.lrl'lI I l'ouM llflmc r;om"lllhcr('(llhi~,) lmtl:1 lerriLlc ~truggle it 1'0,,1 him t,) lo~'\'p frum stop.pill!-\" t~lr the It'lilptiug: ~Ug"fll'. Do yOll think Ilt\lot i't lu"kill~ lit the dmir 1\11tlw wny-, Hug-t.ring fl~

11(: I'fl~.;,cd it, with hl";[<I'I."lliul; look:>. in hup~'~ of111l.\'illg h':IH' to t!\k.' Ihi' ~nA';tr tint, awl oheyor.Ilt'rs n.fterwarols.? h llwt t.Ilt' \\ a~ yvll wlI\ll<l lifln~JOli~', litth\ fI':l(ler? ~Q; lw <lid quill' :motht'rtlling'. 110 wonlJ turn hill hl'ad l"(.'lKlIlIh.h' :\11":1\

from the tC'lUl'l:l.Iioll, un..! go hfllf rUllud th~ roon;."". :1';;tn kr.('p [b rlr as po..~n,lt\ fl"lIm it in going 10Ii .. m:1..t.,.'. .\11(1 \\,111'11 it W:I~ "':Ill'l~ l'a~H.•I. he

Page 10: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

Tm: S'T.\SD.UlD.BF..\RER

fdr;kcd nnd cnpered. as much M t(l f.\OlY:"1'1Ilglnd I did not touth it!"

He ahr:l)"S got the Ilugar in the end; :mu dOliJOU I hi Ilk it ta ..tccl all the J;Wl'l'tI'r hcc:nl~(l In: cIi.1hi" tluly firllt? ::\ow, .1IlJIT c'hiltlrc.lI, y"u IR:IY IC:Lrna It-''''Iill frolll lilLll~ Tip. I lWI't: I hl'rc ill IIUI, Olleof )'011 who forgets to kneel down eHr)' night. all.!

!<:1)': .. Our Fut4t!.T." Allel en'ry lilUO YOII do *'.)'011 pro)': .. Lead U!J not iuto tel//l'tulioll." YI't.

how often )"ou f,Jrget that }'rarer. nnd I,ut Jour.,.(,Ins right ill tin: way of doing wrong, jnst :l~

if YOII lIen'r 1Il1':UIL wl1:l1 ynll ":lid!if your lllotlU'r giYCs ~"Ol\ J\ lillu of foI)II'IIiJJg II,

learn, tlo Ill/t hI'!, tllt! ,lull or t IH~"tur)'.Lo.Jk in)ulIr I:L}' allthu lirlll', or )'1111 will l>l' IiOrt.'r tl:'mJJt('(1Ilot to Hlilly. If YOll Iltlil't lIot l~at fruit, do WIt.lll:lkc your pl:1)'.huu.e ill lilt' on'har.1. If you :11'1'

forbidden 10 1:111..with a. !l:Ulghl.y llOj" or girl, do1I0t w:ilk Pll.t Ille house where they lin', but. goanother wa).. Awl when )"OU art~ ill ('huff'h orSIlIl.t:,~,.lt('hoo',ke('p )'our t'y('~ all tIle>! orIt':wllt'r. ('f upon your 1001.:, fi) .. li'a .. III.'J will W::1II.

,).'r al..,)u\. the room nnd liII )'0\11' millli with itlh',100lish thoughts. Thc!'c :uc :l fm\' of tIll.' wn)", inwhich you Illny ~lYoitltl'lIIptation.

Th~ .....i'4c man ...a~'Il: u. \ v<~iclit; pass not b)' it j

tUn! from it, nnd pass nway," You can Tcnll inthe Kew Tc~tawcllL how tIll' J.urd Jesug r('~i~tt.lithe telll},13tioll of the devil j and ~1. )':ml tells ..~

Page 11: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

Tilt: ~T.\...'\[)..\llU.llE.\nl-:tt,

~t 1Ie i~ :11>10tu help 1M when we 3~C h~I~lpt('(l.:::;0, \\ hell we fl'ci in .1:Ul~cr of COlllmittwg ~1Il, wclIUl:'>t go to ,Jesus a.nd ask Him tu make a way foruur t\~I;UI'0' ThclI we th:l\l finel it (''a~)' to ~hut.our I!n:!l :md stup our ear~ when WI) arc pa,,~illgLhruugb ll'llll'tation. A:iN....

.\ u:ru:n TO A SU~J).\Y-:SCllOOL.TII~ fuUowing Ictter WI!.';a.ddrl'J\~1 to ~ 8unday-~chool in

Pittshurllh. ('a., LillI is pn\,lillht...J in TITE 5TA:<iD.t.ll ..... IIIl:AKKKthat othcr schools lIIay ~hartl with them the ph:asure of..illoing the hymn Wllit'h accompanies it.

;\1y DK,\.RCIlIf.IJI:~:X: Y Oll remember th:IL l'OIllC

tinli,\ :1:.;'0, WhCll YOll hnd le.'lrlle~1 at Ill)' rClllH'Kt. tlL'llbC:lULifulh)-mo, II I want to 1m like .JCStlK,"\H~ all!'an,!; it. t.ogcthm 1m 111\'l'\!L1y. ,\llll h:ul :\ pJc.nsrmt t:llk:IIJUllL trying to he like ,JCSII~. I Mh'll YOll what.wait the prctlil'st tUlle ~-ou kmm', :lllUyon answered:"(1rt'l:>nl:II11I'" ley)lonntfliliol." Tllen I "'.'lid I would~ "rue d:H"writo ~'('\l :~ little hymn to that tUlltl whichlihould be IIlH o;.n ~pf..'cialpr~l)Crtr. Perlmp."\ someof j'on think I ban~lurgott'-'Il the promi~e, but I h:1\"onot. 110\\" ~~oulJI fim to 1'I:'rform my promise to)"OU '" hell 1 h:\\"C told you !IQ lJ.'lrllel<tly of rour dutyto perform )'Ollr l'romi~l's, awl 1! gn1atamI /(n!PIl1Il prollliKe )'011 ha\"11 :111 made to Godlhrou~h )"onr IJpon"or:o! ill baptism? How can :myChristiau forgl::t pt'ulllisC-b when th~ whule Bihle b

Page 12: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

TilE :O:T.\'\iJ.\RD-BR.\HER.

filII ()ft .. (J,i'~ I'r"lIli~l'" :l1lll till'ir fllltiIl11l('ut. (1 King1i" : 5ti,) :-'1Ic1 we han' be/oru liS the cJL:llnplc of the1111~~\,d :-i,l\iolll'l d:lil~' lIUll lHHlrly fllltillillg IIis prllili",,~ to tlH,tn that h.lH' I IiIII ? In nil tho nll':lirs 01lite, ~Illall as ln'lI nil ~n':-.t, let 11:'1 try to 1>('lik~.J1'~l1s,

Tbinkill{! of Jlilll :LIIII Iii" 1ll1JI.'scrn'l1 m('r('~' 1(1all Ufll:<, I ha\"1l "'rjUl"'11 tW1J \'t'I':I(,80t'j)l":l.iH'. 11(1):I1lg-d~ w., know :11'l' ."1'1'\"('1' happy ill !-ingiug ~OJJ~"~

ofpr:li~l! llro1ll1,ltill' throue of (;'Hl inlip:n"pn. ""e1101101 kWH\" tIll' 1ll11i>il~11u')" !-i1J~, llllt Ihe Bible tell~1l~ ~fllllC ofthl' \\Vl'I!:o, (1.1Ikl';!: 1:1, 1-1; Ht.\., 5: 11.12.)

amI Irl' kilO\\" th:-.t Illlll'"~s WI.' lellrn {llid lU\"I' to sing

l;o~l':. 1'1'ai:"1'1l 111'1'1', we willuot bl' 1"'I'lI:IrI',J to jilinthe Iwan'IlI)" choir. Thl' tllird \"(:~ is ,'l )11":1)'1'1', In1"I'"g:1l'l1 to pnl)"I'I', ~"flll knol", we h:u"e a Prrllilixp,

You will Ii/HI it ill the l"a\'ifHII"S ;.\el'lllOll Oll tho.\101l11t., an,t in 1 .lohu !j : 14, ),"i; Jam('~ J :.') :ul!l5: ].'>, 16 j l'hilippiall~ t: fI, 'i, 'Hi .. promise \\ ill Ill'I't'rtol'111C"dif ~'ou siIwl'rcl.,' dt'"ire it, That yon mayalwa)"!-i rcmcmber to l\"hO,~I~('a1" ~"Ollr songs of )ll":li~t,:lml pra)"cr t;houlJ be adtlrl's,"il'fl, and buw Oil1\- the,"(':111 he made :1('cl'lltal,II' to nUll, i~ tlte (':\1'111':<1 jlraYI:'.of )'our :1I1cctionate !(';Ielll'r,

II y ~I~,

(;Olll~, let U3 ~ing Iii,; l'ra.iSI'~,

Who:<{' kintin(tSS through thl! w,'ek,T>l"m:mll~ more Im"e allu Ilr1tb{o~

TllIln all our wonb .:-an ~P{~k ;

Page 13: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

'l'lIE i'T"\~r),\.UD"II~~"\Ht:R.

In llYl1lll:< f>lIT thloJlk~ t''I[I,n'~~illf:.J.~I j".\ f'll ~'[)ie.'", lJI"nr'

'('" lraise f<IT neT)' t.I~ssing.Ollr Sa\ iuur .nll (jur Fril'U\1.

(",nIl, lelll~ !ting His "n\i~t'"Who 1:1,1,1(\th~ Snlol,ath"dn)";

1'llat we Ill:'" !;ill~ 1Ii.~prai,..",:,\n,l f('St "(TIIIII work tlr pl:lY.

But whi:" Wl' ,..iug Hi" I'rai.i;,,~Our h~llr'~ I1lU~t jn;n the ~trl1ill;

rllh."~they're heartfdt pTuiH'S,illlr \vic('''' ri4e ill "ain"

(I Sll.";our! while Wl.'fto ~inJljinl!;,~lake ..11 rmr hearts nIhil' uwn;

That e\'~ry \'ui,'c UIWpTi:l~ill~,~I!l)'"S\H.ct1)" r"n(b Thy tlm,nt';

IIdl' thi~, Oill" ,,"[.nk enJ['an\r'1'(, b~ like the ~binillll: 1.1111<1

That _ill;!"~Th~" Jlfll;H f)fl.\"t'l",

Illth,' f:u.nlf lml'f')" hll.l.

~1"\Rr A~1l s~OWnROP .

.. 0 FA~=-\'! 1111 <,,,me alLll "N" what l~!1O.11!I Llrry h:t~ L1"Oug:ht Ils'1" 1':1;.1 )I:ny,:l~ )lilt' r:Ul ill\ll1111' 1"(10111 W\II re her s;..:It>r was try; ..!; tu 1ll:lke :1

lIeW lH.IllIl.t fur ]}('T ,loll... "'hnt is it?" _:liI1 Faull\", :1" sh(' COll\llll'!ICl.'ll tv

pllt away her w\),.k 'Illite' 1•.i~\Ire'y

Page 14: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

10 TilE STA~nAIW-J:r..\RER

., Thr(>(: of the most ht'llUt.iful rabhitK )'011 t.~H'r

ll:lW," lJ.'lid)l:lry. "Dut tIo comc, quick."

II .:\Itl go, too," !'l:dd HUle Emma, who \\':1.'1 IlrCSS-

illg' her doll ill the Ilame rOOI1l.

BUl ~'\lar;..was off without waiting tilt pither of

Page 15: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

---- --TIlt: 51.\;>';0.\110 m:,\mw" 11

ht'f "j"terl\, So Fann)" touk little Emma'I< han._I, an.lI.'" Iwr j':1n.f\lll~' ,10\\ ll00Suir:. out to the front of

tll" hon-c wlwrc tIll: oth{'r j'hildn'll .....erC'.)1:Lr\- :lhl'~l,l)" bn,] one of the rnbLit~ in Ill'f

nrllll;~:l beautiful liltlt' g:r:l)" f~-1l0W, \\ho 100k •.,1:l~ if he would rather lIe un tIlt' grouud wilh hi:Jmnther ami brutbcr. Corn. !'too,l on the 1<11'1':-,not'Illite l',.rtnin whcllwf "he to go :III)"nllan'rtllc fal,bits, \I hih. 1.0l1j,;;n ha.1 just ('OILIB up, withf.('f ht~i" to join wiLL. th ....nthers in a,lmiring tlIPir

IU II' l'('t~.•\11 :1gn't-',l that t'u.y wcr(' ,It'af little I'ft'atures.,

:.111<1that ('Ilcle Ihrr)' WflR v('r)' kilHl tt! brill!! tht'tIl.'1'111'muther r:lLl.jt w:l- ... I'crf~'('tly wlliH', lInd olle

of the littl" tllle~ W:l~ jU!;t like bel', olllv !lot asItlr~I'; :1.11I1tJH1 lillie cbil.lrt'IL 1l1l1llcd it ~;LUI\'lJnol"TIlt' gra)' I'm' tlH')' call1.a BUllllY.

Their 1':11':1 Im.1 :\ like ('ell 1Il:\lIt~for the r:lhhit~,••Id C\lI")' tby the t-hiI,lrl'Il lhl th('m with dt)\'t'r:ullll'al)l):I!;:'I~h'a\.e~.

nlLt IIUIl ti3~.,HIlIIU)' fouurl (.\\t :1 wn)" to gt'l uut.of till' }:ot.m, allll ~1:oWtlrllp fi,llow('ol hi" \';\:11111'11'.

Th<')" f'('('(nt'tl tll ('njoy fUTlning: on.r tllt~ g:ra,;t>, :Ul.ldl\M)~illg don-I' fllr thrTll!'l'I\'c", 1<0 much, Illat the('hiltln'Il'1l 1':11':1 l'aiJ thc)' had Ldtcr hllll'l\ ont nil

tllctime.~o :\ttf'r thaI, :-\nowdrop, :\Thl BUlIll)', an.1 ::\lolher,

a .. tho c1JiJ.\n'lI callell the oM rabbit, Wl'rc nut shut

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12 TIIF: ST.\"uER

up agaill, bUl WI'I'I~ :ll1O\\'l',l to run wlwre thl'.~I,J\'a~t',l .

. l"llowur(lp wa.... \'1'1')' lilwl of nllluing ill the lhl.

joiJlillg' tif'M. :tllll tile dlildrt'li w('n~ \'l'1'~' mUl'l.:lr..ui,l thul :1 ,lug Willi WIIS IIflt'n fi\'l.'n there IIJi,!!ht

kill ].illl, ~o" h'rH.'Yl'r tllt')' S:J.W ~llowdrol' going'111('1'(',l!Ln' wOll],1 (Iri\'!, I.illllmek again,

Fallll\' ~;lid ~IIO had oft"Jl H'l'n hii'! llIoth"I' rill!,llillA' an:'r him lo drin' Ilim l/llt'k, amI it W:lS H'I'Ymld tllnt he W:lioi till' Oll]~' Olll' of tIlt, r:lhhiH who"{'Pined to ('lire to goo into Ill(' fieill. I'I'rhnpl' 'It'Iholll2.'Jlt lhllL tlj(' .,1"",,1' in tlH'rl~r:l." to\\ 1'1'11'1' th:i.nthnt arounol the hUlI"I-,

Poor little ~llo\nlrop l'aid llt'nr]~'fo,' hii'!,liwL..',Ili,'n('t'. hOWt'YCI'; /i,r ~lIr •• "lloll,gh. vile II:,)', lIlt, 110;;:,,!,il.1! him, :1Il.1~prilJgillg UII him, (,llug-lit Idlll h.\II:c IIHk. allli soon shook thl' hl'l' IIl1t of him.Thl'II, 1I~ if li(' wa~ quite ~ath,Jit'd wilh whnt 1](' had.l(,ne, tl .. ' "wUlght)' dog'," ns Emma t':llll'd billl,llm'w poor little :-::llowtlnl!l 11l1wng the hll~llt,~, :\wlw:l]k,,(1 :t\lay.

Tlll'l"tJ the little !'aI/hit ....-ao;101111111,)' I.oui ..:L..llb.l1It an hour nftC'1'I1:ml~, <Illite col.] ami dt.:"l.

TIll' cllildr('11 m:Lde grt'lit l:uncllta.tiuIJ8 on-I' it,:11111F:III1lY f<:lid it was nU l'('C"IlIlSC :-:Ilowdrop Ilit!not Illilltl his lIlolhN. The gar.II'nt'I' .]u.!; a gr:l\'Cfor llll'il' litt]e fnorit<', f1lld tlw dliltlrl'll buril.,l itIlll'k.r a willow-tree,

Page 17: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

Tm: :5'f.\'\Tl,\ltIJHE.\ 1:1

,\ ,Ln' or two after, ~Ir. ~:L~.wol'd. their 1':11':\,\HI.I thr>;ll tl1:tl, he h:1'\ t1i~o\"l'rcll :l pui"flllOIlS vinein I,"" ('ornel. of the lit.J,l, aud hn ,li,l IIl)t wi~h :U1y

Pt" the chilJrC!1 to ):[l ill thl'f". for fl'aT t11l'~' might.

101ll"h ii, an,) get "oi~vm"1.., It i'i Hot \'t'ry CllllVI'lIi":lIt /,,,,. IIIC to have it

LLh.1l ;lwn~' Io,...-l:-L~":' ~ai,l hI' j ,. hilt to-lll"'T"W Iwill 1Ia\"(' it dOll(', :1ll,J thell ~Vll call 1'):1)' thl:'n' as

U~L1 ..'\l:'Th(' ehil,\rcll :\11 .;,,\'med nr)" williug' tll .~iH'tll'

thdr l'la.\' ill tIll' tidd liw ,'ill: Jay j :m.l aU themor1ling' till')' plnp,a "n the pi:lZZ:\ with.Hlt om'ethinkiul; nf g!>ill~ :111)" where <,J,;,('. Hut ill theaih'ruoO'l it W:l~ l.otli~:l."arlit (\'r:I....tllrll to !-,"f)

.JLlt to riole, with their 1I111ntH:l, nllli F:IHIl\ !t1l,1_'i:HY \1",'1"1\ left at IWIL\!' ••

F,lllll) ti'Ullll an intl'restiuj! hook, nlla "l.',llinghcr~elf ill all (":bv"eha;r till the sl.:l,lv I'hl" (If th,'1,i:17,l:l, ~he bt'e:m; .. Hil :ILwlb •••l ill r~a<iillg', :1" tvfi,rp;(.t l'v(>ry Illiug c!.;\'. \bry gut fa hook. 1.00;Iont ~he ~n(Jll lx-(':tIlle tir."\ 01' ro:adll1". :Iud 1o("'a1lto look about. to ~('" \\ hat (').:0 Iohe \:;\1\,1 fil\<l ....for:lm\l~t'llwnl. .\11 at O1H~e 4w thvnght of t1w hlnck.J.(,l'ri('~ in tho lid,!. "I :\111~lIre tlw) a:'l.' rip .. ,""Iw ~ai,1 to h{'r~f'lf, .~ :lml I ~'all b~tH~ n Hlle f,':a~I:'

So ~hf.' took h<,r honll('t, allt! :-t:lrtCll ulT. ~h('Im.1 jtl~l ojlt'll(,ol 1111'~:ll{' Ilhieh l('ll into tll(' fif'h1.

:~"h~n ~II(' r{'m('1ll1~el .•'f\ th::t 1ll'L" palla hn.l l'aicl:=,,) OIW 1lI11,.,t go) 111 tlll're"

Page 18: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

1.1 fUr. ST.\XD.1J:U-nE.Un:R.

~ht'l hcsitatcl! a JllolIIl'lll; hut t 110 !'.ight of thehrgo ril'~ h1add,l'lTil'l'lwhich hUIlJ.!: lIt'ar, Will' toomuch fur Iil'r .

.. I will ju ..t I!fJ in It little Wll)"," !llle l'l:lill. .. P:ll'~1I'aid the due wa ... ill t1U' c.orncr, auu I will not go, 311\'eOrlwr:'

:-io she ~ll.I~J t.lw )..:':111' after her, nnll WCIII ill.

:-Ih(! found },ll.'llt)" !If ript' iJI:ldd)('rril'~, hut !'be .li,l!llIl f'njoy th[>m H'T)t IlLtwh; fol' :\11 the time I'lli'h:\(1 un UllL':L'i)' feeling !Jl'causo "he klll'w she WIL'l

doillg wrollg'. :--hc wn~ :ll'r:lill, tou, that her m:u/I-Iml would corne IWllw awl lillOl her ill Ihf' fi'""t1 j !<osIlt' .Ii.luut stay '-er)o' 1011.1:.

JUl't Rr4 she \\a~ tllrnin~ to 1.'0111('Ollt, ~11l' 'lItW

little BUlin)" rUlI lindeI' SOIll(~ IJ(II'IIl'~. II Ail! littlefj,lIuw," -.:li.l sI,e, "I :1111 lIot going to It'an~,)"Olt

Ill'r{' to 1,0 hittl'n by the dO'~;" s.) !llle r('llch[>,1lITllI!'r the bUt-bes to pull hilll out. ~Im caughthim, and thell 1;110 ('nlll(! qui£ot I)" ollL of tlu' fie],],with Bunn)' ill IJt~r:mllK, ~'\~"illg- to hl'n.df:

.. Thcr(', I am !lute therp Wal< no great hnrm 110110

II}" m}" goill.ll' into the fil.I,l, :lllll if I hnJ. not g'0IJ(l,BUIIIl}" might IHl\'C IJl'l'n kilh~ll jll!.t as }'oor :->Ilf)\\'_dropw:!.!'. I am glad nu Ollt' l'l:lW me, though."

All J littlt! .:\I:iry, SCe )'1m? You for-got to look up. God, \\'110!-a)'N, ;" Chihln'll. oh('~-)'our pan'ntg," tI.'lW )-011, anJ lIc "as t1ii'll'll1a~l.d.

Thnl Ill.ght )fr~. Say\\"()nl wa~ aW:J.kl'lU.•1 brIIt':ltillg':\brYI':llIollt:

Page 19: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

TUP. ~T,\Xf),\RO-m:.\RFIL 1."i

~')~! umTllllla! wnn't rOil COIllt' hcr(':- )Iy1:\('1..':UlJ halllh il."\'1 n .. if thc.r ","(Ore :\11 on tire, amIIll'- if twenty IlIU!i(luitol.-"S hnrl hC1'1i Litil1~ 11112."

tier IIIanlln:~ wellt. to her at (,nce with R li~ht;lUi11 mr<- t'Ill1ugh, lwr r."lce (\1111h:uHIs lookp<I jll"t.n'" till')', nil nil fire, Tlwy were a hright 1"( ••1,

:1Il.1Vl'r)" nllldl ~WOll"I1.... "~h)', my ('hild !', ~aia her lJlotl11'r j .. )-0\1 bn~('

L••~11 1--'oil\nlll.J. nit! )"011 p;o in the field ~'I'Stl'f'

.by'!"\b.ry h .. "it:ltet! a mOIllI'lIt, hut Sflfficthing: 1'1'C11ll,.1

to ~:lr~tH h('r: "Don't tell a lie, M:J.l");." ~\lld "Ill'all:...n-rl:.l: "Yt.~, llIalllma; 1did. hut I llid not guill thc;\ c'omer wilt.n! 1':ll'a f.uid \la. IK,i"ulIllll>l \'iu("

W:'''.''""~l'n,tTI)' ('lli}'l, tlll're ill l,rohal,ly more of tlm

""UJl,~ .. ille ill t.he 111.1<1, :11111 VOIl have IOlld\I~ll it,anJ. it ha,c pUillOllcd youf t'kin. I :UII afraid )'Ollwill he l,unlllllt.,t most ~e\"Crcly ii-If )"onr disol't\'

tlieTlC'e,""Dear 111111ll1lln.. I fUll yery sorr}," ~ni.t ~1t\ry,

II hut I Ji,l not t.hink it woul,1 hurt me if I lli.t uut!!:o iutu llllll'ornl~r ot tho:l fidl1."

.. I walll 10)' Iittl\) girl~ to 11':11"11that whnl(>w>r1':'11':'1 awl IlllUllln:!. "ll)" BIIl"t he obeyed, without:Ill)" lH,.. itntioll. Thc}' know lll.~,.;t."

\~'hilc !II r~. fbywMcl tfn!l tflilill,!!, ~he wn" I'r(>.I'llrlllg a c(loliug wa~h to :ll'l'ly to )Inr)ls fiJ("-I' :nul

Page 20: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

J ri THE ~T,\ :oInA IlU.nE.\IIER.

hall,1... It 111:'\,lc them feci ;1 "1"':1.1 d(,,~,ttcr; :11

as I,,'r )Ilother \\'fl~ Lathing' h~r with ii, ..\fl\1'~' ~ai"I h.1n' 1)('('11 di!'ohcdiC'llt .i"~t ;I ... Itll' mbhit \\

:llId I llano .!!ol 1'',1 fnr it. (00:',. )'t ....Lilt th(' ]'1101' lillIe rabbit ('olLld Ilot tiliu

:t1l.1 1"1':1."on n:< y01\ c.lII, :ultl 11(' hnrl 110 !'oul. ns ~'

11a.\'t'. Tb(,11 yon know ,.nllll'thill~ thal the mlJhlIi.llllll, (':11Inlll tC'1I Int' whnt it 1';?"

" ).t .... m:lllll;l:l.!" said )1:11',\', "I kllow that (:lias ~:liJ: • ChildI'l'll, olJ('~' youI' pan'III": \,r Ull

YOlla"k Ilillllo j<)rgi,'c nh'~.')In;, I.aywonl kneeled .10WII 1,y bl'I' little girl

hr"t, awl in a few word,;, fI"kl';] f0rg-i"I'IH'"'' 1;,1' find thl-'II,:I~ 11n: huruing of hC'r f;u'e :11111 ham

\\ as allfl)'cJ, Shl' Jt'fl 11('1',ami )lary wa~ ~'-H)n (;I~

;\:.leC'p.SIJe l'uffl'l"crl fur /<<.'\'('1':,'" 1'<'H,I't'I,\: willi t

dwdlil1~ uf' hel. fHI'(> :mtl h:llHI ..., :11111 man)' tim

:-hc wbiled that ~h{'<h:I,II'Oll:-idc1'ell that papa klleIll'!!!, Ill.fon' "he had goOn(' iTrlo Ihe lid!l .

•\nu urter slw rt.'{'O\'.-'r{'!l, ~IH' lH'n'1' w{'nt iulo thIield witholll thinking (it' it.

\\~II~T Tn Lml::.-1.0H: God; fur c;o<l hath 10'1'"('(1,."ur .0'1'"1'.Jt.sus: for fl.' I......'IIIW.' II man anft ,Iit'd for )'OU, io\111l:llol~' ~ririt; f01' lie hkto~ awa~' IlIl' l'tOll) hl.:!lrl u,Il'ins tilt' IIt'art uf Ilcsh. LJ\c the nible; for it i~ thl' bof.kof honks, an.1 thl.: 0111.,'~ui,ll' 10 hca\'Cll. Love nod'8 ppl.,: for Clod If)v~ t1"'lll, nn.1 tilt'\' If)\'c God. Ll'\'c; fur it is I 'hri~t'" ,h\" : il idls II'; lIr lIim 11110105n"m th" ,11'11.,1 fol' us ..

Page 21: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY



m-~0 Y01~ know, Ill)' Ill'ar ('hiIl1-~ .... nlll tile ph..a..ure of h:nillg a

~ l • Billie aU !/O/Ir mm? ~\11 thetn':\sur('o: of the worM are 1I0t

,; ~ \\ orth so mU(' thi'l l'l't'('ious_l"i ",=" boo1:! 'l'hillk that it il'l the

~ U"ord of Go.!. the worll whichdin.(~t~ 11-1, wLich ('onwk~ II~ wLich stnmgtllt'uS tl'i,

which n1:\ki>s Wi r('jokl'. There are !'orne people....ho would ~h'c a great dC':\l to Im\'t:~ II. HiLle. Ihave Intcl)' 11P:1rI1a "tory of a lillie girl who COII-

triH'd a "inglllar wn~. to procure onc.~Im liH~.1 in n liule l'illJlf"lJ ill tbe 1Uotlntaill~ of

.\H'yroll; :l.1l,\ there the~' h;\-e not the h:\ppillt.,,~ to1'\'1 ~olporteur'" w110hl"illg Bibles to the illh:i.1Jitant".~he wa~ toM that at Simes one ('.on1.l1oobought forthreo francs.

Thh poor little g:i •.1 lmd 110 mOIil'~'; but sbe bllJ

NO.2.FEBRUARY, 1661.

MY oW~ BIEI. ~;.

TRA:olSL,\T.:V Pllnllll TIlf: YKINCU.

rOI X.

Page 22: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

18 TilE ST_HD.1.RD-DK.\IU:H.

two rabbits of h('r o,,---n. 8ho r~sol\"l't1 In gofoot to Xl mer;;, which ill t went)t-fhc Icagueg Iiber, nod folie (':II'rh,d her two rabbit!'. ",'ber. Arrived at the dty, lObe went to:\ Look~ell:illd pr0l'0."lell 10 him tu exchange her two raLbfor a Bibl(', to whidl h(l cOlI~(lnted. Hejoiced \\'her bargain, llhe reluru(><1to Iwr mounlain!;, hnpto ha'rc in her po",\ell ..ion 1l1pprt~(~iolls book she hdefJreti so loug.

X ow l :un goillg to tell ,you of n little 00)-your OWII ag'p, WIW!OHjOY \\3S a1:oo vcry STent w1:.he had a Bible of hill own-llip. hook of God.

lli~ name W3S ,Amon. J Ie wall tour )"C:111l0

when he lost hi, pan'nt,. IIl\ 1\"1'Ilt to U\fl with Igrandparents, "CI'Y I'iom old poopl(', who made hread in the larA'e, old, well,worn Rihlc, about t101-e which ~od hall ~hown WI in :;l'lilling" II i.'l SOli

5:l're sinners.His grandfhtLer died suddenl)". and Arnon "-

"ery much nft"'l'ctctl. lie 311\1 bi~ grandmother fotthCOlH.J\"CS much nluuc; nnd lloth \\"Cilt to seck. ('0)

Ilohuioll in tile olt} ~r:1IItlf;~1hl'r'il Biltl". 'TIll' bnpl'm'd at the r~'l'-urrl'('tiun (If La1.:lrll.~. The pograndmother wcpt milch, con'ring her fat'e \\ ihl;'r aprun j hilt willm ~1ll.11]t':lr(l t1H'~t' word!'l, "'1'brothf'r "hall ri~lJ ag-ain," sIlO !!('('lllet1 ('omtl}rteAmOIl dill 1I0t yl't wl'll t'Omprdlt'JU1 all he reJAftt'rw:ml" h .. IlIlth'T'1'tl.ln,1 dlat hi~ ~r:1I1tl,,1t)tlu'r rjOicNi lli:"!1 ~11lIwou1<1 ~t'(l 011('; /by Iho~(' whom '1h

Page 23: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

h~t; l'ill('l! thflH' who Inn' Ood will riH! again10 l.e clll.l ,\ ilh :1 loOd)" immortnl and gl()riol1~,

\t tt'll n'an; u]ll}w followM :\ ~11lJJIII~'nl, nll.l took

II;: t1oek~ tu pru.Wtt', lIe h:ld h':J.rIll'd to knit j :lwiIII' 1II:l111' stockiIlg:~ w!Jih' glla.I'')in~ hi....Iwt')!, whichg:I\"(' Ilim tifh"(!U or twt'llt)" c?ntimc~ a uay. 1\'0-tlJill~ W:1>1wanting to Itwl.:t' 111m coml'l(>t ..l~' harp)'hut n Bibll"'; but ho\\- could h~ got'l 1II01U')" ('Ilough

to bll\" l'IlC~

Ill!' \Hnt to lh.~ :;1l11l1:l\'-"",-~houl. The teJl.chcr W:l>lS IlionI'. mall, who ~1'0kH '1'()lIst~mtl)' of t1w kin.lnt>l'.."we O1l'"lIt to li.'el 1(,1' ('neh other, :md the love we1''\\C tll; Lord ,Ic"ns Chri~t, who hall Himself 10\'(',11I~"-0mIH'h, _\moll confidl'il to him his d(';;;ire to11l1) II Hihlr, :illd COllfl'".cd thnt he ('nl'nNI w Huh'!th:Lt ht' I'fluld not },Opl' to h:n"e one tor a IOllg time,Tlir tcnl'hcr :uhil'.l'll !Jim to rb:e (':lrlil'1' and retirelatN. 1'\0tklt he cuu\.! do more work. IIIl told him:110 of :1 ]lncc WhNC he 'W(>uJ,l finll ":Ltl'f-l'rl'~~!",and ~3irlthat if he wQula ul'illg tLl'm l'arl)" on mar-kf't-.b~1'l. hI' \\:1'; "1!l"C the fnrmcr's d:nlghteT"S wouldboy tlltllltO C:l.rn" with thcir bllttl'r to theeit,-, HI':!(ldt:d that be w~lIld k('l'p hi; Illon(')" :is AIII~lI t'am-".\ it. :lw11,romil'4.d ",llt'll he ll:ll] a M!lIl ~uflici\'Ilt. to1"lfl'h:IVl II Billie, hI' would take him to a bookl'clll'l'10 chQo)~c VIlC, lli:. gr:luumotht'l", tOll. who W:l.~

), ul~I,tl wilh Amon, ~:\\"C him from tinll' to timeft\"l'l'elltiml''', ",hidl ilWfl':l.JoIl..l1Ii-llittlr>tffl:l>lnre,

TIJi~ pnnr WOlllall fdl sick, :In,1 kq,t her hl'll

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20 Tilt: ~T.\~DARD-nF._"RF.R.

lS('vcral we(loks. She ('ollhll':trll 1I0thilig during: ttime; lJllt a.... >1('011 :1.>1 her relit was ,lnc, the l:lI1111Q

who Wa'l a hard mall, !;,pnlto ~}cm:mdthe :unodlle and .-r:I\"e only till tho I~n'ning to pr~llfl:ml)~t')".\\'III.n h:'r lillIe gr:mu>;Ol1 c..'lmH hOIllI'toM him IIh:lt had pa""l'll. ,. If I (':1Il1l0t I';\Y

I!ix (r:1III':' whieh I OWl'," ~:lld she, .. they will ~ollr ht~l, lIur torn co,'"eriug, and tbis wIu.el whohell's lIi to li,.e." Hardly li:u} ~he spoken thword::, when ..-\mon ru::heJ out of the rOOIll, cr)'"i.. I h::l\'cth'lI\! I han' them ~.• lie went tote~ehcr nn<1l'-:lill: "Sir I nCl:d my mom'v whichhave. You willIit' ,err much a~tonit'ill..:ll \\ht'lJ Yknow it i~Tlot to bur the Bibl •.•. It is to hell' I

gralUlol+JtIHJf, whom they arc about to dri\c OU~

Iwr hOIl!C' if l'.he can nol rn)' her r<'nt ... Is it I

ht:tter to do what tbe wor.luf I :0..1 teaches thanha.e 1\ llible of Ill)" own ?,

The Oh}IlUII was IIlm.ed to tWIn- in listening.laid hi~ h:\lld on thl' 110)'"'1'\ 1L1a~l. and l'aid: .. 3G-od hles'I ).(lII, :J1Il1 1lI:1)'" Jour 01\1 :lge he fullglory and h:trpinl'lls."

Amon (luiekly carrie,} }Ii~ mOlley to his gramother, whu fl.('{>i\(.tl it wilh jO)', \\11('11 tlle tl':J.C'

ft~UJ ...d ht'r it was hOllcstly earned.1'0\1 :mh tlll1 cnd of th~ nlltuUlIl. a YOllng latty.

tlt'll}' mourning C31lle to sdtlc ill tbe villagc. :::-had IOlit her lmt>hantl, who had been 'killed in bllttJQue ds)", 3S ~hl' w3lkw}m'3f thl' plal'e WII('Tl'Am

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uu: f'T,\:'-U.\lW nEAnER 21

pa ..tlll,,',1 hi". ilock, gilt! saill to Jwr oompanion:~'lIen' sun.l.r i~ a ehiM who ..IOCM not know sor-

row!"•. Oil! H~, m:Hlnm, I hayti known il," rCl'li ...,ltl,c

little b{H'. hI havo lust my grnnllfathcr, wlllllu.IlO~l'..l \\tth nil Ill)" 1H':Lrt, .:\1)"grandmother ill nryill. fill,1 I ('an uot P:\rIl UlOIl('Y ('I101I:;h to LilY a

llihh'."I, \"'II'n ..Ii, I JOu" grallllt":llhr die'!" :u.ked tbe

lilly .•:.\ ft'w lIIollth'J :1:":11;l,ut that is nol the grcnte>st

of mi~rOTtIlIl\'S, 6iTll,t. he hn."1 f.,;ulle to GOlI and the:-:n\iour. :md the Billic tl':u'hes me I I'h:l.!l go toj{lin Lim Iionle tby."

The yonng la..I)" WlIlt :11\":1)-", looking' n~rr kindl~'Uptlll Amon, Awl in the evening, when "he hndlearnt wlll'rt' hi~'r !in.oJ, "he !!l'lIt to hermOIJ{'~', n\t'tlidne, :lud p..o\'isioll>; .• lndg'(I, my (If'ardliMrl'll. of the happillt ~~ or th:}t poor WPlllall. whoI hUM rccd'\""cd :Ill "he lII,t'lIt-d.

Hnt thi .. wa" 1I0t all, Tile !.;intl ,"DUB"" huh alfol()W.1\C Amon <'Hough lIloue\" to lHl~.:l J~ihl(' ~,fhi"()wn! Oh! how h:lpPY ll~ wn.", al;tI how warml)'lH~thanked lu'r!

Do )"un luvo !lour BiblC', m)' reader, :11 he Ilill ~

IT i~heUi'f to h~T~ Oil" (.00 on \'UUf sitle thcm .. thol1-~!\n,1 cruLtllr('~ ill .., olle f<mntain i~ilCltcr than a thQu!'andci"tern ...

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111£ :n'~:\IJ.HW-BF.Am:lI. 23--------~ 1.1011\in IIl>I' :l.I'nl~. II')'jug to still ill! fl'(.ble cry,flir hE'r illl'.lmnll W~'i~bllt up ill thO~ll gluOIny w:alh":mrl it WliS but l-cldom that the kCt'pE'r or the vri~onwllllil allow her to !'-I'ehim,

liut \"oU O1I1"t1I0t think that be wall II. wickett

man, ll1.:C:l\I~{, he Wl\ll :l pri~clller: for in those' \lay"I'C0l-'~tJ \n'rl-' pnt in "rison ~s ot)f'n 1'01' loving th ..truth a~ fur committing Crillll',

The kilw of En ...laml, alld his P:lrlinwcllt, hadp:l"~hl :l b7,. tlUlt pl~'!'tOns m\l~l 1101.IIII'd togethl.'r toworl-llip (;0\1 in nn~' othcr I'hlt"e th:lIl the churcht'1>which tlwy c"t:llJli~J.t,~t; ~IHl tlmt no "III' mUt't pn.achUlIlt"'J' Illl:~' ~:we him 11l.:rmi~"ioll.

)1:Ul~' uf tlw 1't'nl'lc th01l,(:1It this law 1I1ljU~t, andW(llllu not olwy it: so thpy h:!.,l nl~cting-" of their01\'11 when' they could 111':11' tlae wor<1 of HOll truly, x}!lnine!llJy g:olil) UWlI. Tlae:- ....tni.'Ctillgs made thegU\'erllllli lit ,err angry, and the people who weretonn I alll'uJinL:' thl-III \\l'rc l'\l.t in prison, Tbi!obaby's t:lthcr \\':1'1 one of thoie who ha,1 beeD fOlllul

at t.hese me(,tinp;". and :>0 he WAS ill pril-on \t'ith manyotlwrs, •

Aftf'r Illauy 1Ij(\1l1h>iot'illlPliSOlltn;'nl, (luring whichtinw llJi' l!:Lh~' :11111Lis mother were (',Ollstnllt in their,i~it!lto the pl'i>¥Hl, tbe f:lther W9.S rl'1cll.sed, hut hewa .. ol,li.l.l:l'd to '('.l\T" thll cUlllllry, und f>O lor lllfiUY~eat'!; was l'('paratt ..l from his famih-.

;Still till' lillh. I'Ll1\~' 1m!.)" \i,'cd ;nd j:!:r1"W1thoughn'I'Y .Jowl~".• \lnlO~t as ioon as he could speak, 11..

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21 TilE H.\ ' IIR.HlEH.

would go to his mother, with 3Dl' mODey whichhl'(,11 ~iwll him, :lnd ~ay: U"\ book! buy me a book

Hi.:! mother t..'lllght him from the Dihlc, and(,Il.rl,y it-amelI to Ion' the t'ia.,.jour. "~hcn lu'Jonll ~e\'f..'11 ).t'ar~oltl, he (';}11I11WIICC,} to wrilO \'t~

Hi,.. motht'r had bOIlIe doubt wh{'lhcr some \'t'

which ~11OfOllnd in hi .. h:llltlwrilillg w(~r~ n'~L1ly hijol() to proyc that ho cunhl write thelll, he ('U11111Ol':UJ acr08tie on his name, I will gil'"c you the IH'r~e that lOll ilia)' klltlw of whom YUII ha\,lj tH_reading; for if ;)'OU take lhe first. letter uf 1-:1chJOli c:m form his mmll':

•. W lI~h me in ThJ 110....1, 0 Chrh.t].\nll grace lIi.ine impart;TI\(!n Rrarrh nnll try thl' f'OrnrTS flfm)" h('(\rt,'Th3t I, in all thing1\, mllY he tit tfI do"':':.rvirl' to Thl'<', .'\n.-t 6ing Thy prlli.';('1\. tool,"

~ot vpr)' /=!,ooll flo",try,.yOU \\ill s.ay, bnt tlum )'kllow tll' W:I.M!lilly 1'I~'nl\ )' .. (1M, alII I IH' wr I

belter Hr~eH afierwarJ6, II.!) JOU aU 'kIlOW, if yIllu'C' n';1I1Ili1I1ame, fol' it Wft"\ the l:IfilllC Isaao "~llt

who 1In.... written 1'1) malll' of tho hymn" rOll Ieand ~illg_

It w:).snot until he w:'\s quite old th:lt he wrotbo~c, hQw",'-er, for hi~ enrly :rea~ w(.'ro chi.,,!1~pC'llt in stuJ~'. lndet'.l, his father (Ii,l not nppI"<H(If his \"crso-makill.I.!, for nfh'r he waK IwrmitttJtIcome h0101J1 hll took charJ;l' of hi .... on'!; ('(llle:,tio

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Tll~; 8T.\~IMI'll-IlE.\R'm 25

~~P::-;l~tO I'lIl1il'b him tor makin!!nnoo..'8,;.lIfn he ",holiid !la'H' 1,('C'n 8ltul)iug. whell

h:ltlC l'WfllK',l llim by !ln~'illg:"0 father! do ~Olne pit)" lake •

•\nd I "ill nOlUorc nr.o,cs IllUke."

U(' l,'pt hig word, :mJ wrotC very little until he left~houl.

Jli~ hl'allh wa~ lllwnn dt.]il':lle, und tholl~h lw

..lutl;I'll for the> ministr": Iw W:lS able to prf':wh hutlittl __ Ulo~t of Ills tin;c was sl)('ut in writillg". lIe

Imd a tl ....lig:hl fuillolllc in a I'mall villug"c, n "hurt tlii'ltnllcc from LondolJ, in t he house of Hir TllIlma:<.\huer. 11(' \I"'lIt there to 1"1'ml,11l lew wpd,,-, nwlhe remaincd IhNe tbirtr-~ix year:'l. For the deli.cate infant, whom no one thought wou]tlli\"4:~ to be:l )t'ar old, Iin:,-t to l,f' 1;j'n'lIly-five )'(':l.I'~of :Ig'I',

An,) });;\ Illfllill r, In. IIpr tenller carp of him. Will<

l'rnll111,ly till' Ill,'all:- ot' ~(larill~ tIll' lift' of lbe p;rp:lt-{' t hpnn.\Hiler Ihe wort,l !Ins (:Vcr lwcmll. ~\n,l I<1nre ~n' )"011 \I ill find that ~(lIJW of lllt~ 11\11111"; \011

love h(;'~t to ~ing. wel'll writt4-'n II\" him .• t"uch' r1!1 •

.. TIll'rt' i~ ll. ]all<1 or pure delight';" or ... '\"h(>n I(an r,,'ull Ill,)'" title d,'!lr ;" lIS wdl liS llIany oth~'r~"hilh ).ou will tilld in ).our .. Ile W3..;'1llit~ :loll oM Illall wllt'll he wroto the "!)i\"j"e mill)Ioral .~ollgs t~'r Chil,lrl!Il," ",hiI'll haHl l'P1'1I pull .

..fwd IUe\crr form, from little IJapcr bookll hI hand-wme])" ilIu~tr:J.ted volumes, bound in gilt.

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26 TilE ST.\~Il.\lm-m:.\In:n.

I wonder if he Ihougllt of the time of whichmother h:J.J told him, when "hc uscd to sit with hiin her nrms on the pri~on-ijtl."g, when lie ,Hotecradle.hymn:

"Ilu:>h, IIIJ olear, lie still and slumber!"

Y'el"~'lih1r he h:J.J heen walkin:; in th6 beaut!g."lrJcn !lUnched to the house where he Ih-ed wmay('arJ;, when be wrote the hymn:

" Hol\" ,10th the little IJUI'lY Lt"e?"

or h~hl ju!<.t retllmed from the strccts of LOlldwhen he wrote:

.. WheM'!"t I I.' my walks bobroad,noW' tn.'\ny pl>Of I ~f'e."

J Ie ba:,r. l,c(:u t(lf mnll)' ~ (':U'S 1I0W l"illgill~ IIprail'les of liod, ill thr more beautiful ~tl"aills 111:11IIenr thollgl.t uf hen., and "till hh wor,l~ are ust'"ll .the ,1~votiollS of thOUS:Ullh, ,rho hope to join him il'Iingiug tlJ{! Ill'\\' sollg ill ollr Fnthef"i1 hou.~c 3.ooy ....

)1. ,\, II,

Ill: you to oth('l'S kind lU1l1true,.\;j .you'd han' ot!Jtrs be to "OU;Awlllcilhl'r 1101I0r l<l:I)' to tnpnWhlllt"t'T YOli would nflt IIgaiu.

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THE 5TA~II.\I\Il-m:"\IlER. 2';"

THE 1~.\KDLr.."Lr.

;:O;o!.l"E).e:ml ngo, a mi.'l...ion3f)' ill thc ioll:uhl of. J:lomail":l, 'n'ut to ,i8it a ~ick lJfothcr, nnd rt'lIIlt.lIlcJwith him lIO long that ni.a:htfall C310e all f<m he ft'-

liumell Lis jOllnlt')'. Twilight is \"Cry short U,l tlJat"OUlitry; 3ud he found lw Illllst rctunt home III theJark. In oue p!lrt of the w::ar which 111~had totrlLy.-I, he knew tlll'ft' \\Cfe frightful prf'cilliccs bythe siJe of the ma.I; and how WlL'I he to escape themin the dark? _\ friend offered to Imd him a ponr,1.1I1 !leu'r !'orne het<itatiolJ, Ill! rc:-olyed to go on fuot,and trust hi...(OWII \t'g", mthcr thnn tho"c of the I,rof.It're,] "t,'..,1, It \V:l:' llitch lbrk wlH'1l Iw ~l't Ollt, huth~" mill hy tile ntUlo"l,hNC 3.r01ln.) him IH:'rame illn-minat(\d by n beautiful tl~.,calkd, ill that cUlmlr)',the C:mdlc-tl~". Thisimf'Ct. gin~s out a brilliant li~ht,having, 11!1 it were, b:lll~ of lIre on each side of itsIlI'ad, nn;] also aile nnder its body; so th~t it j" ai-IUII~tt1 .. Iloll,flllto :1helli~ht('J trayeller as a ~ooJ Jan-It..'nl. Thi~ IwaUlifll1 I'l't'alnre hon'n.el about ourllIi~_iOllflry friC'lld till Iw had 1':1..~t',l t he tlall~l'roll'"part vr tIll' roa(l, and he agaiu felt that he W:J.!' sa fl'.It llwlI tIcw aW:I)", and he IS:)W it no mOfe. Oh: 110....tklllkfuilic f\,1t liJr tbis kind aud timely help fromthe LalHl of hi,; Gud! lIu\\' hell.l'til;r a...hnnlcd, also, iutllt' prospccL(If .lall.~l'r, ho had forgotll'll to~l'l,k I'rotc-t:tioll fUll] guid:Ull_l<.' fn'llI Ilim who 1tleYcr

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watt~hillg o\'C'r IIis JIKlplC' to 11'1 them gOOll :m.lkeep them from harm! Though he had forgott(lUill C;olllm.•1 not forgotten him. lIe wllo hM<,'n~aturl'~ :It lIL'l comllHlIHJ, hy tllt, aiJ of an indirect(.(j lli~ scrvnnt in tile rig-ht W:l)" and h..J himsafe1)' to his jouTIlC'Y's cnrl. III m:U1r an al1t'r.hoof troublt' and of fc:U- Im..~Ihat lllh;~iollarY'ii he:!.bc'ell chc,(,1'ed 11)"the reevlleclioll of the" Cantl11)'."


1I0w H'ry I.ind i~ G",I to 111('! whel\.' I may. lIi~ giflF 1 H'r;The fOOtI I eat, till: clothe!! [ 1\'l"::11',

Are token" of wy Makt'f'" elU'e.

II •. Jl:unn:l~ mc both "y llay lInd nhtht;II is 1Ii~ ~nn that ~ives mc Ji:;tlt ;.\wl .....hill' in ,,1{'I'p lilY rt'~t I t~kl'l

lIe he~'ps 111(' f..'\fely lilll1\1l1w.

Il,~ gi\l'foo tDIe fJiI.'n.l~ llnd tl'~rll('rll kin,l.Wh.1 !'eck to traill m~- infRnt mind.rIi~ holy 11311110 to hlr01\' lInd lOTe••\011 rlli"(> my lhllUl=htll tv thinl1:s nbon'_

l.oril. let Thy h'n,ll'T II"'"'"to me[lraw f,l).th llIY IU.'flTt in love UI Tht-"C iLoTe that >lhall1cau. Ule t.. otH.'Y,And ';('I'\'(! nnll pr ...i.c 'Ihl:c dny L.r dny.

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TlIt: ST.\\{J.Wo..Ht:.\IlEIt. ?!l------ --

T II t L 0:; T ~ I' E C T.\ eLF. S.

FI:.\:"lK W:1l1 sitting by the wi.1\llO\\', fC:l.lillJ; a yery"illtl'n."tillg' buok, wbit-Ii h:\ll 1...'1"11ght'll him f)1l1~":\few thy!; ht'furc, wlLl'1I he hean} his gr31llhlliUllmafa)' in a ury tirt.,1 tOTI(', .. 011! dear! 1 wonder

\\ l,Ll'rc they can he ~" allll tlwll IIhl~ lifted e,.(>H

~~1I11g-011l,he l?b1e for the tWl'lItieth time, a~ if !lh~(>r: lookmg tor gomething.~ow )'OU may thhlk that Frank lnitl dowlI his

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an T fir. ~TAX[l.\R[l RF.ARtR.

hook 31 onc(>, nnd !Said: .. '\"hnt h:l.\'t~ YOQ(Jr:lIldllln? Let me look for it."

But he did not; he wcnt I)n rcading', jll~t alllit' hatl not he:trol lu:'r ~peak The thought Det:amo in his milH1: that he might 8:ln~ hi!! grallIamma a deal of trouble, by gh ing IIp1'!(':l;O.:mt story (or a little whilc.

Anll ~"I:'t"he b:Hl b••en workin.:=(for him, Imarl)'

tlll'morning. :-\h('h:1I1h{'anlilim !':1)',lhat Ill' wi{'It he cOlllol Ilave l'UIIIP nie(' ('akt.s to l'nt illPQckclthc lIext tilllC tll:.t 110\1'('nt skrnillg, :lllil

~bc ha.1 l't'l'lI illtll t1w kitdll:'ll to make Lim I'ornfor liobc10n:\1 1,-> IImk\~ goo.l tl.illg>l for her gr:mchililfl!n.

"~h('n the (':lkt's w('n' lIu.IC', "lit> llad I:lkl'll tb]1Il11\:r, nntl ....a_~W.illg' to ~eal h,'r,,(.lf II) Ih •• windoto rt'5t nn(l f(,,3..i: 111I1 wht'n "Iw ]'lll hef hand ill Itl'OCl.l't fur 11\.'1" KJ't.t't:ldt'.>I, IIl"y were !lot then', ~had looke.} for them IIp'iSl3ir~, :md ill 1I11' kitt'hl,"t ..11('could not fiu.\ tlll,'IlI, tlU.lllllW she 11t'~1I11

think hel' },lea"3I1llobll flf TNHling the )I:lpt'r 11IM1)c gh'cll np,

,rCr)' likely if "he h:HI asked Frank to Inok Iithem, he would ]J:IVC It.(\. hi!! book willingI,r. Bt'llh'rly r<'Oplc seldom like tn a~k fillYOne to 110Iith .. m ...-Illil. the,,.. tLiuk tiler (1.'111do for tb('III~t~hthough if R ,,('I'vice is ofl'eft~d, the)' gellcmll)" like Ir~('(>i\"C it.

RlIt what Frnllk ditllJOl. Ihillk of: lillii:' hI'

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TRE ST.\...n.\UD.nE.\RER 31

----ther Charlie .Ji,1. He W3~ h",.y 100, tr~'in~ to put :t

lIew f'117.zlc togt:tbN; hut wIn,'n be bt':lnl ~Ii,. grawl-m:lIlliUB lI~king for 111r 6pectac1e!', hi' h.ft It at once,lUll) .. aill: "T.tL mc lind them for yon, grandm:tm,mil., pflpa ~:I~'SI h:l\'e \'Cr~' ~harp e~'e~.

Then off the Jiuh: fdlo\\" ran, wilbou! waiting foran llD!Wer, down into thfl kitchell, up in Gralldmn'!1room, in IlllUllma'-l worn, looking [(of the lost spe<'t.'l-des. At h,.t Ill! f~)\md thi'lll ill lhe ll11r~t'I"~', wlll~rt1Jtr:ilHlllllumna had ,.t0l'j~d for n few llIinntel> to play\\jth b.'lhy. -"\\\:1)' he J1\1l .lown-f;tnil'!5, "cn:~aming,"l1ert' thl'r UP, gralllllll:lInm:1," f(lI!OWl',1 L~' IIntt)':m.l r.olli~a,who w£-rc .:1!'-milch intl'rcsted ill tilltlillgtlum a~ lIe wn~, :m.l hat! left tla£-ir pla~' in tll€' nllr ....('r~. to hdp him.

TIll' ~lIlil(' ••( ph':I"lll't' allli the l.i,.~ (If )u\'!' with\\hjeh l;mwl'1li'llnma rl'ceivr>,J thPIll, (I'lill' f('pai,l th('lilth' f",ll'lw (lOr llw liml' })(I11:L,1 "'p..l,t ill looking forthUll .• \utll om Slln~ Ih.:1t Ch:lrlie 1'lljU.\'I'lI C;r:m.j_II:unlll'L',. nice- cakC:1 tL.:1t CyeUillg fur tp:l,. IllUl.hllIun tlmll Fmnk. who ne\"('r took the tl'oubl" 1'\1'11

to inqnir~~ wllilt ~he wa~ IHOkill~ l"r,.\re ~'Oll Ml }ml'I'~- a, 10 h:i\'l~ grand-p.'lrNlIs ",ill

lhiTlg" my chil,'!? '-'1('n tn' like Charlie to watchto l'-t'(l \\hat )-lll\ ('all (In f~r their comlort. Thp,-10;0 ) ~\t tll'arly, nnd are t:oll~lnntly tr~'illg to d:)svIIIl.:tlung to make ~'Oll hnr'p)', and till' rNllm YOU

("an make th{,1l\ is Imt Btnall at b('~l. HI" :lh\:aY~r( Idy III llnit IlPOlllIH'IIl, in :\11.\' lI':t) •••

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3~ TilE I'T.\;>.n.\RfI.IIl:.\HF.R.

Hnt ahoHI :\11, nenr g:in~ the!ll :\ di"r{,~pl't'look or wont HI'llll'lUber that the Cotmna.. J[OIl'Jr t1l\ ti~ther 1\.Ildtill; mntIH'r," lUl(l" ChillIollt'Y )"ollr' p,'l.renb," nrt:1)" to yonr gr:l.IHI-IJ:I

;1" well ns to )"Hur parentI".Theil if, nol j" wmal1y the (":l:l(', th ..y go to tl

hl';'\'('III)' tl'.;t l ....lorc )'011, )'011 will have nlw3)"s

plp;l":mt nwmor~', that yOIl tri{'d to m:lke thap!,y. At'ST SOI'lIT ~I'Y


WI-: are "ut minlltell-little thin~ 1F!l.l'h OIL~ rllrni~I,..o with foixty winS'~With w}lidl WI! 6)' on ollr Ullst'en tnrk .•\0,1 not II. minute e'-er Cl'IIll:S b'l'k.

'" C lire hilt minutcs--)"et ne!J oue bears•.1, little \.ou,.,l("n of jll;Y" or ('Anol ;

'rake l,atiently the minutes or'rtle wl)r~t of minutes l-"llil not ft'main.

W'c are Lut minull'i>-wh"n we Lrin,lZ;A ("II; ur the drl'pS (rom ph.,,,..ure'lllll,ril.g;Taste tlldr sWI>t'lllt:"" whil{' Yl.'l we I!I&)'-llu'kcs but I!. minnto to flyaway.

w0 l\fl" hut lIlintltc~-u,,;l'! liS ....ell.FOf how we art' U'il..... we mu~t one da)' tell i

Who t11l.e~ milluws, bniO; hOI1~ to Ulle,

Who lo~ell minute'!. ,,-'holt" year. IUtI~t ]o"f'.

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8T:\ ~ D.AHD-BEAR1J;1{.



I"" n )1.\~1I:-": \\":l.~ clllpluy.,01 to whill'lI the,,J W;1n~ of a ch:un~r. Tho tluid used W:l1'\

~ l'/llodc~s till dril"l. Bdng ulon;:> ill till;....:{f room, ht! 0lwllo>.l a .1raw(1r, t!xamincd a'i:-t pocket-Luok, :Ulli h:m.ll .. ,l the PIl}It'nl, hili

finding lItJ m"ll"~" 1'1:l.l'erl all thing..; :I.~tllt'Y we-re,forg(ttill~ that lweI\"!' hO\11'8' dr~'illg wU\ltd thelll:lI'k~ uf 11i1 w .. t lilH:::('r~, nllt these It'll.tall' tinger-IUnrk~, \\ hid I he litlll' thought any Cllll' would l'Vflr

Ket'. l'xpost'.1 hi~ g'llilt.

Children, l,ew:lrll of t'\il thon:a;hl~ mul e\.il dccd~.Tht>y haH~ all tillw'r-llI:l.rk~ whi('h will be revc.lh ••l at!l(llUC timf'. If )"OlL tli,.obey ~'onr }l:l.1't'nts., or tell afalsehoou, 01' take whR.t ill HlOt )"our Q\nl, )'OU m:akcIlall fingf'r-mark!' OH )"ullr ehar:\.Ctt>r. ;\n.l 80 it is

with any and all ~in. Tt dcfilcll the character. Tt.hetraYIl th08tl who t'llb.-agc in it hy the lll:Lrkll .... Oil them. The mark,. m:l\' hH :~llll{'l't if not

quite colorlC'"s at fir~t. Bllt Ch'l; if tlwy "hOlll.! not

MAROIl, 18tn.rOI.X

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"lrA<ltaer loflf:SCS a.<; a cloud bchH'('n

The lIIelllal eye or raith and thing;; unsccll ..l'l.ll~ing that hrighter ",'orlJ to tID.1I.~vcar.Or !>('('m It'.....s ]ov,'I)" And it!;. hopt' If'.~~dflar;Thill ili our world, our idol, thongh it bl'Ar....lTl!Ctioll\. huprcll~ Qr de,'olion's nir,"

\\~IIA1', tIU.'I1,is tilt' world'~ "Thi" i'l the woto YOIl, whllt.c"cr takc:-\ till' pJnct. ill .yollr heart'! t(~oll !lhould h:1\"('."

lw !'-mm .lllrillg :lIlY of your d3.~.K 011 earth-whi~hlIot at alllikl'ly-yet t1l('re i~a ltl)" coming- in ",-h'nil tillgN,mar"k3 or 6i1l81:Lill~Ull the chamcter will11I:,,10 1lI:111ili.:~t.

Xt'H'I' ~Ilppo~e that yon cnn dll wb:lt is wrwithout h:n-ing- lI. lliaill on your eharactl.'I". It. il; iro""iblo. If ~-ou illjure ~lUoth(>r,)'OU, by that \deed, injure rour own sl:'lf. If ).011 disregard I

law of Gall the injllr)" i,. ~.OUl'own. Think (Jf

En-r hlar it in mind., children, that cnry sin )eOlllmit It-an"!. 3. sure mllrk upon )"o\lrst'Il"l's.

Your character IlllouM he :\ coatin~ of pure tr1..('1trtlthfllllJ(~s cypr Ill~made manifest. Bew:I,resin, "amI be ~llr'" )'01lI" ~ill willlilHl you out.," lormakes fingcr-lll:1rk~ which, t'H'1\ "houM the)" not1'('('11by tho,;c 11l'OUnU yon all ('art.h, will }'d be

tll )Ollf Clllldl~mnMiol1 nl the bar of liod.

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•.J l"Sl' !<l'I', gr:1n.lmn, how I h:wc grown!" $.'lidlittle EII,I B:\1:~s, :\-~ ~he C:1ffi,l running' into tIll" par-lor wh('n' her gr:m,lm:lm:nn WfH kllittiTlg'.... \lam.m3 h:H ,*"11 tr~illg' 011lilY lll~t winter'!l dr<>ssE''1. anu

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... ~.... -- ""....

36 TUF. STA:-.D.\RIJ lU-:.\UER

ther an' all c'"cr !,.) IIlIH"h tuo !'hort Iflr lIle-luoktbi1> Due, how "hort it is."

AmI the Unit' girl tllrlu;.11wr!'c1f nronnll that I~randm:ullm:L might !IeI'. "'1'.-. be ~1I1"f'. it {Ioel'> ]:Uol if llw dre"~ hall suddenlv !'llrullk," ~:lidg.":mdm:lIulJI:l ... J wonder if h hlt»."'

••Oh! 110, gr:ulllma, it i~ I willi han' grow:-aid EII[I, •• <:eorgc m\':l"llrl~11l1l' )'l:''t'l.l:\y, anIWD$ aW;IY :Iho\-c the llIat.k he 1II:\,.le 011 the wall I"pllll!!

." Y{'~," ~aiol l;e>orgc, \\110 wa~ .'t':UliLlg' ('11

!<llt:I, ., bllt ~"Oll .'oulol Hut 11l:lkc 'yo\lr~('lf :I.. t:.11

'Villic JlllH''', though )'011 ,lilt !'Ulnd on tip.toc'.""U (1-eOl'gl' ~ that wa .. on1)" for t'im" you kilo

wouldn't C1U.':lt."•• I hopi.' not," !<:lili her gl':\\1Ilm:lTnm:l~ U hut I

there were ..ornt! otltel' thin.c:s littl~ people coulll guut of, :1;( wdl :lS their elotlW;(:'

Ella IHoked pm;7.1etl fur:l. moment, and tll{'n ."ai,l : "Uh ~ I kuow what YOll meau, gran.1m:1l11)"0\1 IIl1':1II b:l.<l!<-tltat i..limn)", )f:lllllll:L ~

1hat tll(')" Ilsc,l 10 \~:ll1 :lo c.)nt which ~ll{' \\"urc II

"hc was.:l. liult' ~irl,a habit"".. Yc~, but that is lIot the kitlJ of hallit I mea

!l.:litl her gr:1I1l11ll:1lI11U:l; "1 nw:lU thillg-!I that younot pllt oil" 1\ ith what )'011 WI'lIl' j ti,r cxmnplewi ..h that a little ,!.:irl I kno\\" ("ould lcll'"C ot1" \\'ht!r ~hort (lresse~, a :oho has of 1Iolwap' want"

a light ill th~ room wlH'1I lohe g:oc~ to slecp, :lIld

~', ,'.!ile.- •, l. i~- ;, J, .,



Page 41: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

---------t~lIg 1 wht.'11 ~111.:l\':Ikc:i ill lh,t, lli~ht. thuughfoh~ kn(JW~ I hat (;011 c:m take ('are (.1 IlI'l" III till' lhrk

1l~ \\(',1\ :1~ in the light,"".)1.! I kilo\\' whum yOIl lII('nn. graI1JII1:l; J wi:.l.

1 dillu'l 1';'11 :-0 milch flfmiJ," 'l:li,l EII:I ... YOII (','\II't hdp olltg;r.lwillg: your duLhC'i, bllt

"011 l~n uu1)" olltgrow )'uur ll:lhib b~'111:lkill;,C a~tl"(oll!-\, J('ll'rllliun.tioll 10 .10 ~O. :11I,\ hy pra)ing to(;0.1 t() hell' YOll," contulUl.d Iwr grmullll:unm:l."Theil I wi"h thl'lillIe foot 111al h:1" nllt~l"Qwll 11\"('1")" lli.'c piliI' of gaitl'r IJHot~, 11:\<1:\I~l olltgrowII fI

"PI')' l'iuful Imhit of !\t:lluping au.! kit-kiuA'. whell:111)' thing .1i"l'knscI' its OWll(,r." Ella bl\l~hl"l milllookt'd llu\1.11, hilt. .Ii,' not ~:lV :1lI\" thin~.

Un gmnJnH\IlIIW\ tIre'w"her' {.IIl"I']Y to Ill'r :m.!ki~~;.'d hel" f1'1 ~Ilt' l'aid; .. You (,111l think (Jf Jl. "'n':!\.111:\11)" habit, I lUll SlIl"e that )"illl WHIlM like t(,ollt~roW; :...k {~()/'I to hdp Y(lll 10 o\cre('llIt' tbem,:Uld 10 11t'11' )OU to ~ow illto ~oo.j hnbit,,; to maKeyou kilul :\n,Il!\'lIlh' ill'-\(':Hl flf Jl:l~~iOIl:ltl' j to IUUKC).011 llhedit Ill. and trntlil'ul, that \'011 11I:1\- he IIi"rhild f;-'l"Cn'f. Hilt flOW nlll to m;rnma; ~ht' wallts

tl..1L ~l~"rl. tln",,,,_ I lUll :oun'."Ella ,,1J(>)'r,l, In:lkin~ Ill' II1'f milHl to Ih'gill to

gl"v\\ vut of h~l" h:1.l h:,hiH dirrdl\", while h('f

gr:uHlmll.lllma pfayed in her heart th~t God wQnt.1hdl' her to do ~Q.

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MY SEW rnm.F..A'" aged convert from heatht.'lli~lll.a. llnth (

one of the Il+:rn')" J,.,1:lIlds,some yearN :lgo reedM 3. Iln'''elll fl copy of Ihe Hible . .A few l':lgelidUIPter" onl)" h:ul 11(,('11gin.n him ll('fore thi~. ahe w:\s gTl':III~' r,kusell in l!l'COIUillg' the OWIII'I' of\"01111111'.• \rtcr rN'{'hillg it he Baill: u ~Iy brdllawl "i."tl'r".thi~ is mv rl'~1I1\"c: the au~1 l-hflllne\COH'I" Ill'- IIl'W Hihll' ~ the moth shall lIeHr cat Itlw mil(icw ~hallll(lt rot it. M,y Ii~ht! :.'\Iy jo, !

Ileal' chil,lrcll, i:-l 1I0t this a ,goOll rcwlutionYlm to mnkc? Among IIIL'gift.lK.iok.. bestowedkind !'rienrl", 1'\"1'1')'olle of )"011 lla .., I hlippOSC, a1,le. Once it was ,"Ollr ,- DCW Hillle," allli it rail nbe wry oM IlOW. ,,'ill )"Ollllot rN,olvc that Iithis time ~'Oll will 11I'\"(:( Ill'gh:d that Holy BooIt "ould Lt, n. ~:llI ~ight to lK'C the (In!'1 !,>nlhc'un.lilltur1cd upon itlby by 11:1)',ana moths m:\K'it tht'irhome, :\'"it by 1lI11lOlicc>d in some comery01l1" ~hclC ,VilI )'(lU think of thisl amI rl'tnl'lll

:tl....-a~':othnt the Bihlt~ i...the only book frolll whi111i'way to heaven can 10\'It'arnctl? ,And will )'CH'ry ,by S0I1'o" 1':\11.of it, keeping in )-milltl that it is God'ii Book? TIll'lI will )'011 findso full of word'! of 1Q£>(CY :1.IHI love from Him, tI~'Ollr lile., eH'n if you 1:.),.11I1,1linl t,) be :lg<'J,not hl' lung ('uough tOl'xh.'\lIl-t.ill" predom !ltnT

,I-, )


f;6- IIi,\. II


~-,•IIJ.., ,I

I •1'.

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~o~.(lr-:- and l'loile,1 ill! i'ag('lIl11a~" bt'COllllj

fwm u~c,it \\iU ne\Cr he tu )'OU/Jd, but alway!!:~

.. 11e1C JUUe:'Then will you hc('ome acquaint ell with J"81l"" the

dill,ln.:u's F~il-lIt1. An,( I lUll sure it '.dU Ilot b~IOIlt' IM'f()rl' )°01\ ean 8.'\)"of that blt~~~l~,l book: ,; )Iyligllt! :\1.\ jl')" :.• C''''I.E rAUL.


•.n 'luTUEn ~ T :1111 :-;t) glad YOIl h:we come down."tatr~;' t;,lill I1an-cy 1:('('11,a~ hill mother ('nt"n~l!ho parlor 01le SUlHhy c\ cuing after ha\.ing left hisHttlt, brotlwr awl si~t('r 8ar.., 31111 haI'P)" in bed ... Fntlu'r 1m.';gone to dum'h, :uul there il> notliillgtu pr.'~'cnt us from 11:1\'inga uice talk to~(lthl'f:'

),[r ..o H"('II !'lllik.J. as ~he tool.: the t':!!!y "hair \\ hidlbel' SOli hn,I,lr:lwn clH~1'tu the lire tor I;t'r, alld ~li.l:" \Vh:lt shall we talk about to-night, 111:" 1.. IY ?.

""Ohy, mOllwr," "ai,] 1T3r\°ey, "I ha\'c just loI.'Clln::uliug ill 11I'- lihl'":ln.uook auollt ll. 1.0\' who ''filS t\()

\'f'ry gOOlI, :\~d a1'1\":\;"sdid nnd ~'lirl wl;at WIHI rig-ht,but tLt'u Iw tlil,,1 wllt'll Iltl W:i:oll1 ho\", \\"11:11 j,. thoft'a"on thRt alltbe p:ooo Lo)'s Uic? .Sometimes I amafraiJ to tT)' to be gooJ, fur fear I shall ,lie."

., 0 Hl\n.e)o!" ~aid hi.. l1lotl ...r," I ,]"II't lill.\'1\1hear you lalk "0; ju,.t all if it wt'rc Ilot helot to l\('r,vethe Lorn., whelher pill li\-c one \"C:\r 01' tW('nl)", He

Page 44: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

~a~-~, 1,\1)' SOli, gin:, me thilll' IlI'nTt,' liT !I'H'11(11"" llwre is 110 prolll;,.e of ILII) tllture, Hutare lIIi~t:lkt'n in 8..'\ring that 311 gUII,1 110)"11 die: sof tlle l~ z..t and mo."\t II~Cflll IIlt'Jl who ha\'e clin'd COIllIIH'Ill"t,.l to IiI'T\'C Hod Wlll'll they \\ehildTcn. Yon Tememl)t'T the stOT)" {If S,\mudthe Bibl(1, Ill' W:l.S :l. c1lild wllt'n (;011 first. ealhim to 1w :1 pl"Ophct, and I han2' jn.;t lw'l'll n>a.,allont :\ g-reat and ,l!0od 11I311, who wa~ \"t'ry yW111>1I lltllt~:U-lleJ to IOYI! the Saviour, 00 you

memher wll:Lt h~"nm w,' "H',"e ~inging j'l~t Iwii,rlt'hildrcn "Hilt to hl.J ?"

;< Oh! yes, th!' one tllut Sophit' lon'l' ~o lillich,

• Jo'rom Grfo<~nb,mrl> k)i lllollot.lin~,'

:;aid Harvey,.. 'Yell, Ill) yon 'know wrote it~" :1I,ked


"I LdieHl it W:J.I' Bishop Ih,\,t>I', hilt 1 ,1011'1 krmuch a1mll" him." 'laid lbrn'y,

"He W:l.'l a Bil'hop nppointl'tl b,y the Ell

Church to go to Calcutta. lIe wa'! a "err tic .."('hri"tinn man, :Iud Iin::J to .10 gri'aL ~ood. Ifh:ul ,1mIt; nothill.~ 1.'1~uin Li3 life 1111t writl:' that I

,.iuu:u'y h»UIII, th:lt wouM have hC1"1I worth lhfur-n hymn ....hieh lIas bcC'n ~IlJlg- II)' millialwa~"s exciting 10 n'lu!\\et! mi" ..ionary l,tf,Jrt:-.", bul. motlH'r, W:l~ he om' of tlwl't.' ..g<XItllJO~._~:" said I fal'H'Y,

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,_ Inll ..,,,-I Iw \ill", :m.l t;umc of the OlJc('Joteloi

\\ L'ch ftrt' toltl nf hi~ ('1,iIJhood I'I"0ve tll:!.! the ~rl'U'tl

of HnJ <I",.-1t ill his !i(:ut at 1\ \l't)' f'arl~' ag!'.,. '''hell I,~ wall a liule morc thall two ~'e:lr~old.

h(' h9(1 till' h.)fi)lillg(';ou~lI, Ull'} till" Iloctor thoughtit 1I('{''''~:l.I'Y v. tal.e P'OIIlt' 1.1100/1frllnt Ids arlll. "'-hellhi~ mothel: 101(1 him, "he :Ilhkd: 'I hope YOll willllnt objl'/'t,' Hi'! 11l1"",ef wn~: 1 I will (10 wljfltcycr

~Oll pICll';l;'. m:l1Il1Ull.'

.. I1i~ 11lIfH'screllllllhi out that. tlll~) 'V('I"t' ~oillg tomllrllt r Jll~r,1. • PloOf nune: <l:ti.l hI', '11'1. hergu dOll"n-"tail'''''

.. "')11'11 till' opt \'li.IOI' took 1101(1 flf hi!j ~rm, 11..~:\i,l: 'Do lIot 1,1)1.1mt>.' lIe wa~ told tll:!.! jf Iwnlm'f>il he ,\ Quid \.ot> mUl'h more hurt, • t will lIutlir: ij.\i~l Ill', :md he ~h'f1/lil\" 111,1.1ont hi,. arm

thrflug-h till' whole .•,. Till:' n('xl :.-('f1r lIP. \IX;! tran-lling with hi'! ]':11'-

'>n'~ tl.ruugh :L IlItJlllltaillOll:lI'olmtrr, nnet n lol>\-"r.o"lonn [\ro~_ llis mothN Wl\II milch fl ilZhlt'Ilf'{1, :lndw:!.ntl'd to ~I>t Ollt :;nll walk. Hnt Ht'gill:!].1 tillitl,:1'1 he l':\t lltill in her hp: • Ill) HOt. be nfr:\itl, lIU1m.

In:!., (;0,1 will 1:1h:(' (':11"£' of 110;.'I' ::\ ot IOllg :Ifll'rl lIP 11:\(1 :l RI."'£'re nttnl"'k ofilll1('s..'1

:1.1,.1tIll' l'h)'sichll ~:IiJ: 'If Ill~ \\'('1"{' !lot the 1II0~;11 lI.....l.III,!(' <llLild 1 PH'r ~:lW, I ~Iwlll<l ha\'I' 110 llOJIt'~(f I'I~ rI.'COHr~', bnL I think he will get Wt'll.'

.. lip \l':l~ ill Y(~r~ ortlm during' l,i~ I'hildhooJ, audOUrf', \\ hell he \\'H~ geuing w('l1, 11[' hf'ggl'd to he!

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allowl'll to leam the I.adn grallllllar for emlment."

H \Ylww !..~'\id llancr," I think Ill! IIIU .. \

h('cn l\ g'ood. boy to like stlldyiug Latin."••Pel"ll:tp:-," saitl his mot.lIt-T, snUlin,r::, "tlla

more no proof of hi~ fondness tilT tolud)" than of

gomlllc"I."\, thollg'h I think a 00:' who wishes to pOml, will alway~ lIe t'~Hct'1l1 to Icarn hi." l!'l'l'ioll""

I< Hcgill:ll(l Heber Il':u'n~l to read the Diblewhen h~ ~:I'" only fin' ~'cnr~ old, and 'wns \'I'TY 6of ~l\ld)"ing it.. One tby he cnlNetl the room,..mmc fricwl-; \H"rc discll:-ll'ling with hk. a particular l'a",,~:!.geill the Old TelOtancuulJ be loumL I Ii~ fallier fcft:'rred it to him,110 at oneQ ll;lmeJ both tllU book aTllI the chaVl

~. "'-hcn lie ",:IS nhout bl'\'Cn Jl':lLti 011.1,a pnhi~ )'Ollllg companions "nore amusing th(,lllscIYthe room WhNC he wa.~ fcal1illg'. by l'rul'0~ingdies. lIi~ attention W:1." atlractell by thu llue:;I "~ll('r<J wa .... 3[o~es when bi~ t~U1111c W('llt

'011 Mount )febo,' W:l>l his in!iotant r('l'ly, '10." 1he l1il~d,nm] it mar Lo ~:lid that hi" lamp ot'wrmtont.'

" I h. not. only loved the Bihle, but. lie Iovpm)", amI he wal'. frequentl)' mel'hcanl IfrBoJo\1ll in bi, own room, wben h\,1 tbonght DO ollenear. In this W:I)' he gaine.a control over hisper, for 110 one but God C:\ll keel' us from get


(" .-. ...'


1.' I

, '>

.~ i~

;~ II, I, .

Ik I. "


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TIn: l'!nSD_HW-HE.\RER 43

nllf-."'Y' It wa" ,1 eOllll~lOn l":l)'ilJg' :nn".ng tile ~cr.vnul~, Ilint ::\Inster Hl'gmnld wag IIc\'cr III a pa~"lOll.

" Ht' \fa~ kill" III :mim:lls a_~ wdl as I'C'Ol'(', andthlHI,(rh he 111\1,.1 to3 "tllll)" Batural hi;o.lor)', hc IIcn'r"""\11.\ 1111rt all)' Jh'iup: l'ff-:Ilurc, Once', wlwll "i~~i..tlr },a.1 :1 Sllllirrt.J gi\"cll to hflr, he l~l'I;U::lJcd herto set it :It libert)' all,1 look hr,r to R In'c, that. shemight 1'11'1' th(' littlo l'n'uturc's 11c1ighl. at hciug' frl.~.

"lIis filth,'r -wn:i n cll'rg)'m:ll1. ~md tnuA'ht Ilirll athome ';,r I'f'n>ral )--c:m., hut wlll'll Ill' di,l l:') to~("hfo"l, lib infhwlI("c W:I:I always on tho 1'li,]c ofl'ight ..\11 till' hays rl'''Ill'deU him, nnd his t:x~nni'le wa.~ofgn-:lt llli-Cill the ~rh()o1. BO)':J bomHinw8 j:tC>t thei<lt>athat to be gooo nUll gl'IIIIl', will seem tlnmanly:md ".:tnling ill eour:igc. But Ht"glmld Hehcr was8 ('(IlIrag:t"OIlI'lalllimallly, a~ well M a Chri ..ti:llI ho)',While hr W:I~ at lo«'IL001Ill' reall :in !Ic-count of theIIIIIlll'r in wl,ich nn Afd(':m traveller hnd parriedIht' nttnck of :I. wild bllll. He thollght he wouldlry tb~' (;'.l!'cri1U{'ut 00 a IJUU wbi{'h WM ina field ruljoilling: hi~ te;ldu'l"~ ganll!ll. Accordinglylit 1ll1mnl'('ol towar.\s it, holJill!;' hi1 hat helorl' hi~(al'e :Inti making- all tiort'l of gCtltlirt'S, cx}¥'CtinA' th~bull to flm 3\\:IY frum him. But, on tile contrnry,tIll:' anim31 ran [uriou..!)' at hilll, lUullll' only t.>:.capcrlh,. jnmpill.:'! UHr !'Iome rail~ into tllf' g:mlen. 'l'lehlll1 (....110\\"(',1him, l'l1t forlunnl"'!\', on tl1l' otlwr Ilitlenf thl' railll \l'1I".'l pnnl of watcr,'~lId not hcing- a.hlo

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tu turn l)lIicklY:1rOllI1\1 1m the II:llTOW 1':ltll!lepa)' \ed it from tlll~l'ail~1ni H,ogiu!lIJ ll~Hllh~ :llIimal plungM iuto the wah'r, while 11.lII:ult' his}lt'. I.)oes not tlti~ pro'"c that II1101lldicicnt ill cuurage'!'

h X eitherlli~l}li~ f1'1igion m:lke hill! ~llJom~.wa~ l'll('h n lil"HI.l-", t"lllel'tainillg COJllp:lIliUlI, tlhis !If'huol"fj,Uows sOlie-lIt Iii .. ~o\'iet' •. ~\t tllPfOllfll'lm his motlll'r I;:ld 1he great '(ldi~bt. ofllim kllelol with LeI" at th{~t:lhlc of 111(. I.olo~l,

tho full belief tht\i Ill:' I fed IlIum.Jesus in hi~ hh lie early m:Hlc up lib miDi! to l,e a milli~h

Vn.':\ch about Chrh,tl a11<1though he had A'TCR.

l'ntll, }w lookhl uP')Il tl){'1lI :lS gifts from t ;0<.1,u!olt'll for Hip! glor)', "'hell he Wfi'l fi1 tlle Cuilhe wrote a J>Ol'mon P~tll'..lill(>, whkli he llrliin pl11,nc amhl gl'eal :lppl:\ll!olt"

"On hi" rt:lnl"n homE', hi.. frit'mh nil r~II11C tgratulMe him 011 hi~ grcnt 811('CI''''',11llt. ht, S

cj11ielly from thf' rllOIll • ..\fter a whilo hili II

lollowed him alllI found bim on hi" ku ...,~

thanking Gotl for }Ii~ tn1c:IlI~,nnn. that. l,~. lilt'

tht'1II he had lJc('n I'llahlf'tl to giyc l'lcflsur.'pan'lIt ..,

"\Y)\('II lie .n'I!"ordained, 11(.'I'Ilt"I"I,.1 ,\ithheart into 1ill' wurk of hi .. parillhl althoLl.l'hul'ch Wf\" 1I0t largp, nn.l hi" pllri"hioIlC~

Illo~tly poor.")[r~. Hf'f'.l IJ:l.Il-lf'rl. %ind tnlo.ill~ IIp:t l""Jk

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I:I.~ un tl::-;-llblc n~~r 11I.'r,l'.~itl: ., Here ill:1 piclllre

,.f hi~ fil"!lt .-hurch .

..It i~ II ]iI'Hty church, though," !.laid JIan-ey,., but plense go Oil :iIli! IpH lilt' ahoul his going to('&Ic-ntta."

" He w:t.~ j'Jrt) ~l':Il"l< nl' f1~~' whell he r("~i'h'ea 11u'a! poilllm"nt uf Bi~h()p of Calcutta. lIoll/I though houight htn.., 11:,.\ hig-h Om"ell ill the Church. if he 11ll.ln maillf'.l ill EIll,(bwl, he (In.rcrI'ed to go 1I.!1l1lin!:an t!lf' hc~thul. Ih. ~ai.l be ~holll.1 f,,,.J I"l'I.


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46 TII,: STAXnAlm.BE.\Rlm.

!,:lill for going it' he ('oulll he Ihe IUel\llS l~f then'nlioll of (/lIe of thO~C..Rol)r igllor:lIlt idolnter!!.

"After his arrh"al ill India he nl'\"Cr ~pllrl'Jstrength, hut wall :It work nil the tillll'. II ..rise :\t four ill tla~morning to \'i~it t.11l~ "dlCl()lo.

a.fter ~pendil1g the tillYin study, again d~it or Pill the evening .

.. He WM \,pry 1l,Wrlll, :l.nd it W3~ a great IIlldin when, 0111\' three Y.. :1." an.N' hh nrri\'nl tihe WllS caBell t~ n'cl'i\.e~hi~ r\.'w:\l'd 011 high.

\41[e Iwl becll attclhlillg :\ contirmC\tio~, awlhis n:tul'D from chnrch, 11I1t:oll'fers,cd pleas:lIltl)"his fri.'IJ,ls fur a little while, allEl thel\ I'(.tired 1\:1pllrpo~c of taking a l):lth. Two hOllrs afturhi~ SCl'yant h0:oming al:t.rnli'll at hi:; rcmaininhi~ roolll flO long, \'fent to him, :11111fillllld himill the watN. Tbu'i ~1I,1,h'1l1\"did the Lortl c:

scn'ant home. K carly all I~i.. lite hall b.ell "for Christ, llnl! IUl IIl'l'd,~d 110 pr\'paration foring Him. Anti do Jon t.hink, Whl'll Bishop I'law 'the KillJ!: in lIis 1.eallt,r,' that he W:l8 ~fJrhad cOIllIllf!nCfoll to I'1'fVC Him whl'll hI' \\YOllll~?"

II:l.rH'Y malic no rl'pl~', hut hil'i mother s.ft\\

hi' \\'n~ d~('I'I)" alli.>ctc>tl by 1ll'r ~lorYI :lI1d ~tlC' ...ilI'r:l)"cd that he might no"" 1m 1,.,1 10 llecide 1

"Chri:"tl~ faithful soillier and ~t'I.\"allt to hist.'nd."

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Tin: ~U~fHRD"BE.\RF.ll 4'l

"IlE .\r:lbs n'I'C:lt :\ f:lble of fl miller, who W:l_~(' H! .I~y llw:aL.ene<1 h) h:ldllg Llle DOI'e of :l t.:llIlclthrn-t 'inlo the willllow I)f n room where he W:lil~l('('!,ing. "It i'l vcry coM out l!Cn'," !'.:l.i.1 tlm camel,,. I only w!lllt to gl.t illY 110~!' in." The mill('rJ'rlUlh.d hi~ n'qu('1,t. Afltlr:l while the (':1Il1t'1a~lr....11th~1 ] e llIij!ht gt.t his !leck in, :LillI then he j!ni1wd,,, rllli:.~i"l1 to h;lHl hioi fore"fl'ct ill tilt' room, allu ~olittl .. 11)' lillie ('rowJ(~l ill his ..dlulc h(M]Y,

Tlal lUilll'r 101\11(1 hill rude coml'nui,)tl was IlOWtoN" Ill!' cxcA-,,--oJingl.l'"tl'(lnhl(''''om(~ fo' tlll.l room,\ 3~ not br~c ellough fill' both. "oen ho cmwI,lailwd to tllt: mllwl, hn T('Cl';ycd fvl" SIli;Wl'l': "If~'()Il do nllt liL.t. it, ~'Oll ma)" 1l.:\\"C; n~ for my'<('lf, IshPlII stsy wh.'f(' I :1I11." ~u i~ it \lith sill, It ('Olll{'~

llll.l knock'l nt the Ill':lrt, nllol ple:ld:> (111)" for a littloitl.lulp-ellcc, :Ulli tlO g\WI't 011 illcrea~ioj:;( ita dernnnd~,ulltil it l'CCOllICIl lIla~tcr ill the soul. E\"Cr)" (:\'il

ballil j .... mnll ill iti lh,'~inllinA'iI, nn.1 m.'lk(,i h'l np •.~ to the ~o\ll ill !Ouch n way as to be fo,carcel)~ll'I"'ctt't1. "'h:lt thj.n ~h:11\ tht> YOllng do bUIIr'larJ agnin ...t. ~il1. I,,'ware of it~ \"l:I')' ul''c,lInd nb ....\\' ~lI. pm)" fol' tile aid of the Holy ::;I'h;t,1hfl~ U)" Iii .. g:rnl'C thl'Y Ill:!)" he t'tmhl ..d to k{'('pth~lr 11Illrt with all .1ilig('I1(\(', ll.nJ to gouard ag(lio~tIh. '1L1rllllec of :ln~' tiling that lIIfl\' Jdilc or ruiulit. ~oul? •

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48 Tln: :\L\~nARD m:..\RER

--------TlllSGti TO BE REYE~IB~R~I)

I.ITTL'£ knCC'5 I>houl,llowl.y ~1l'1

1.i:~lt~t~~O~:~;b;°~ol'I~~~::':'ascendTo our Father tlll'N'.

I.ittle hau.h ~houlolll,;('fullyIn emI1\oJm('ut!; Ilion':

Little f~'Ct ~ho\1hl chct'rfllll~RUII on wo!'ltl!.(lf love_

Liltlc tongne~ 6ho\lld spl'llk II,I,' tr1l111,.\1\ 1y Scripture b.u"ht;

Litlll' lil'f, "hould m'\'r be lolhTo confl'~S a fault.

Littll' ear!! "hould l~tm to.\11 the Bible ...ay":

Little bm-OIM throb tel doWhat the Lor<t will IMa"e.

Little l'pirill'. :-bould be 1t1nd,ll'SU!; .til'll to

oh! how <'0101,IT,d dark, and iil.dElu would he the grave!

Liitle crJlrlrm sinnl'rllllre:BlIt the Saviour '\&Y",

All that sCfCk lJim no,", by pn•.nr,~hall obtain His grace.

Littll' i.rianu dying goTo the .....(lTld I\ho'." :

And our l!ioulg ...hall join them too,If ,.,-e J.:H'''\O'fl'.

Page 53: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

F. .\ :; T F. R,

W~".l'O~ Good - Fritb)', d ..:u-

, chihlrcll, your little hl'arls

, were ~:u], because on that, . day tho dear S:nioHr .-tit .. 1

for U~. ]I;.: kid lived thirty"t1lrf'r> \"(':11'\1 ill the world,

. <Juiu!; "goutn). l1l:lkiu!.{ Llilillp(''Q}.'11;lto :;lOt, :lu.] hilii' l'e0l'le to walk, :HHI sick1>('01'1<.:to 10('" dl fi;!, :tn,l on Uoo,l,}<,rirhy heill, I. J1i"nrl11~ whith tl. short time bd ..'re hrL.llleMlittle,, W,'I'(> "tl'dl.'iw.lul,on :!. crud croo;~!TIm .' kmd. which IU1,1 bcen laid so 10,;nO'l't on1100 he:.ds uf little childn,n, wr>rc rkrrerC ~'ithnall~' That H,ice which "lr>~'Wd litd4' rhilr1rl111,lllOl "ui.I, '" or such i.~1he kiugJuw of hean'll,".... :1. .. hWlL\'<1 ill the 5tillllCSS of death on th:lt lb\" .•\IlJ 01\ Ihat .hy Ill" WrL"Itaken duwu frum tl;orrOll' ;l1I'} hnri;.:,I, all ~'ou know, ill a grave in ag.irrlen. Oh! it it right to be lORd on (i,IO'}'}<'';-d l~-, fur it i~{h... :J.1l11i\....r~ry of lI. S:n-iOlll"" ,le:\th!

flil X


APRIL. 1!Wi. ~O, 4.

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VO TUE ~T",,:ql.\RDm:.\HEr:.

But at we are ghlll :md why ~ hI'all E:l~t('r IIltHlling Je"ns Wfl.!> alive!lond uisriplt.-..... who had wituCI'o!wd His agollvthe cro!'''', :UHI hnd "1.'1.'11 Hint lail1 in the lJ:uk g.1I0W !'aw 111mf11i\"cag;~ .; Chri~t is ri,,<'u;"qj,d one to f1notlu'r, alHl oh! how glad the,- \l.ittlil chill1ren C31l hanll)" UIHIN~t;LIltlhow. gdoctnllt' the doctrine of tho rel!-urreetion 01body j", though tht')" !-a~i they Ll.'lie\'f! in it ctime tlll',y rl'}lt.atthe Cr~'J, Ouce,:l~ I wa"iug through olle or the <'ruwde,l E;tn~tM

great city, I !law a 8trsngo lo\ight: a f'ingle f:fullowing in ~ulmnll procession n till)" whom 1 !i\ll'po.;ed tn be the fJther, \\alone, c.1.rr~"illgtho COffill j two little llO)"s C.'lme

band in ll:uul, thell two little girls, awl tl.enmother. The,)" were lIt'atly but Mmngely tlTh~ womnn an.lthe little girl~ wore cnp1 im;ltlUUllllCt9; so 1 kill''''' they wore furdgncrs; antieau>lc they baa 110 ft'icuds with thelll, and noter,.l knew tbe)" ,nire strangers .. 'Iy beflr'tOllcllt~tl. Thc)"lookl.'l1 ..0 l'iOrrOWflll, I cOl1lJ not8}l~!:lking to them, :lutI taking the wumlUl'!!. 11Kaitl: "Ob! tell n\t~, i~th~t your h:1l,~.'f" Sbelat Ul<', :lid tIll) tenrli ~ln'amcd 1l0wIl her cllCt'u,~be tlilluot IUlswcr me, fur my langnag:e Wl\S Btto Iwr; but she poinlt'd 10 the COffill, allli theni.1I~ up to lH'nnm, ~Illl crossed her arms 1l110J1

bOSOIll, as if her h:ll~! W:l.'1 still rc"tillg there.maue me unJN>lt:md thal sho beliP\"L'(l in the

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:n:"r the rt'~lIrn~'tivll of the, :In.1 thatthough it h:l,l J'ld~~ Gool to 1n~t' In'r .baby fromhtU' Ii r ~ wl1ilc, !'he !lolwd to have It agnm 011 thatglffot E~~ter momiup:. wh~-II Chri-n's trulIIl'l't f'11:\1I1lO1lwl, lInd rJl that !lire 111 tile gl'an'~ "hul ('()m",fortll. yl...., the ,lenr Olllll>we h:I\'8 laiJ then> in 1-0much twrrOW wall r1~e :I;!aul. \\. t' kU;JW thl')' will,Ho::ull!.e C1Lri"t rQSO from IIj~ j.?;r:wf'. 'fh\:1l let U~elU'h )'tilT 1I.111iH,) strheto IOH' 1M" S:njour and the"""t ..1 El\>'tl'r ~aSOll 11I0......llnd lTlO1"C;allJ wilh lov.iDg I~ ;\rt.l<, I..t II" ~l\tl"',, the ell.rli<,~t "llriug flower"-tilt: frtl;:.:'rllllt llYlIcintll, tILt.! prett)" cro.:lI~, :Ul,l the,.~Id, lUli'll,l"iug 111('111illto lIi~ chun.b, 3S emhlt'lllllm~l of thl'! great ,I",'triul' of the fl~urlCction,


RU:;A .

.. \YIHT :I. h:ti'PY f:lce m~. little daughter has thi~morning~" l'\ :\[nl, GUJ, as HOl!3 ('llme ~kippiDp:into the brcakf.1~t-rOOlll to sa~' .. ~nod.morlling" toII r. II T tllink "hll Ilm~l Le gDing to) lw good It."

tbt.~'."n(",~ "miled and nOohll'lllll>r !l(>:IlI, ns much all tn

M)', ''In<ll'e,1 I 11m," ll~ ,h" ki~!'.l,.lIJCr Ulllmma Ilnn

twk hf'r"t'3t:\t the uhl."Aft ..r br"al,;fu~t and prn}'l'r'l, nO~.!L took her little

!.roth.-r 1II'rbt:.rt ont on thl1 riazza :ID,l garden to:unll~e Mm. untillwr mamma W:lll r" to baye her(Y'nl'>lu !'llllly :-m.l aew, ~he ~en('rnlly likf'd br~t to

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rl.:ui or play paper-tlulls by herself, at thi~ tiQ\Mtl'all ofilmll~ing hl'rlittle hmthC"rj and she wasvery llnwiJIing to Ilia)' with bim, Whl'U herwi~he.t liar to, and would look ~'ro:-;s,anllIll-rhert erOs!>,tou; fnl' tllere j" Ill/thing !ID

('aught l\ll erO!l"'m-~ll;it- i" :lhllllt aJ!.had as tho IIIIf onec11ihl inlhe family ~ct') it, thu rc!.\t g'~l it>(

Hut thii morning nl)~:lfelt particularly goo,]

l'l'n'd, :ulli "he plca~ell lie1' mamilla '.("1')' mildpropol'illg of hpr uwn accord to take Ih-rllt'r"

4. \\P{' :1fCgoing to han':1 happy da)'," ..aillO:!.y. and. ~he wt.'ul :-:miling ohout the hOIl"e-that en''!')' thill~ wn"'- in ol'le1', l ....!ure IilH! ,

no~a to her le~;Jon!:\,~Q"'"it hnplo("wu tll:lt lIcrbt'l't too wa,.,; lUlU

good-temp{'f(',1 this morning i I~'rhap" be 1'.lIU

from Ito~a, 1,)1' ~ooll-ll.'-lI1pcr i~ ju!!-t as (":lll'b1crm;sne~~,and he Wa.ll II vcr)' l'}...a,.o;I\Ot little{('JJuw,

Sl'cillg that HONlo was bU !"t'au)' to :unll~.IIIlLllo him williug to 110 as lihe ....-allk,l to; :!

",heD thl')" had run :Ibout OTI the: ~nncl,,th~)" ....-lIre tirpa, he Wl\lI fjllitll willill~ to ~i"Oil tho [liau~'l"stcp"'. ImJ. louk on while nn,;,(l

ph:tnreil on the slak,Thi~ was \\ hat Ho,.n. IO\'l'll to UOI mOl"o t.lla

thiug ~ :loud!lihewa~ just in the midst of urn\\most illlcn..."ting Ilttle grOllI' of J;:irl ... whellm:unma rall~ her bell fur her to conl~ inhl~~oll~,

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- •. l wlll;l -;::;11 thi:; Jittlll si.rl first," 1>1..1" Mid toIf Hut Whl'll that little girl was flnt~hed .lIhe

:::::.;nl'ed flnlll!ler, au.l 1';(1",be Wl'llt (Ill drBwmg,• A (III if the hell hfl,1 Jlot rung.JilIn th~ Ill' an time, her m:nlllll:1 sat in Ill'r I'l~a.'ll\lltitl'I1~"nlQnl. waitillt:: fOf hcr. At last, 11111'wt'IlL to

tht! ",inlh,,," Rlill "-'Ii.!: "B"s,,'l., tliJ ~-ou Ilot hl":\r the

lotdl':" ... Yt'~ malUlII:!, I '\Ill ,'oming ill a lIlLuute; 1 Just

~UUlt to lillish this," :lIlJ site \I t'lit 011drawing.H"r rn:Ullum ....ait, ...l a nanntl', :md tht'll 1>11(',ni.]:

.. (.'orn .....Hos..'1. I enu w:lit ji,r '"OIl 110 lon~t'r; ~vll

R1llht put ,10""11 ~'o\lr !; onet'."BOI':I lUll''''' that ,,1m Ilmst .~o tht'n illllllt'l.]i:\tdy,

hilt I'Ibu wa:; \Cl'y ('rO~i nhout it. ~hc threw.Jownh.'r IIIAtf'~ nlllth'rilig 1.0bel"!ielf: .. That i~:l.1w1\)'&theW1I\'.I elm IH'H'r tlo nn~- thing I w:mt to. withontt.ei;lg nalletl tn tIo 1lI>1l11'tllilig d!t('."

An.1 "he ..nnt pouting into the house with nll h(>1'llri!!l to, ~11liling- looks ~Oll"", and fl'Own!l in thdr pl:\N',

Her mamma ~aitl nothing to her just then, Lutlu'nt '1ni ••t1r on with her sewing, while HOtia lll:~m-IUN 11M' b"okl> ahout .• and Iiho ........J. in "'\"l-'ry .....ayhow (TO"" ~h(' felt, But thou).!" hl'f mamilla Il1Ii,\n()tlling. "Iu~ fdt \'i'f)" uuhapp)", :'lIul :)!; ".ad :I" )'0\1

dn. my little r('l\.'{l'r, '.rlll'lI n .hrk e1mlll ('nmt~ an,]con.ra o\('r t.hl! 1,rlght sunlight, lllld the ruiu fall-st<>1'1'4''' "'Ilt )"Ollr tIlling the rid.., )011 11O}'('11 10 llR\"e.

~[", (hy hop<.',J tll~t ROl'Il would gr>t owr hf'r ill.


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54 THE ST.!~nARIl-BEARf.R.

t~rnJ1er in n little while, :mtl then lOhe coulol tnher about the l'iillfuln('~s of t.hus giving w:\y topas"ion, Hill ~hc did not.. ~hc OIWIll'11 her bonk!'he did 1Iot stlldr i and whell Ilt'r lllallUnil!>poIlt'r~~h(!answered lu'r so illlpropNly. tbat ~Irs.told her that 11 little girl wlJO oouhl ~Iw:tk inmanner to her IlllUnma, ('nuM Hot be :111,,\\1..1in tho room ",;th lwr ... Go out 011 the IJiH~'\." ~:l.idshe, .. and l'it. thNe unlil yotl l'f.m

ill with 0. bl't1t'l. tClllpcr."no!'a WI'lIt very ~Iowlr, and ~(JlIt(>(1 her:>e

tho ~elt ..'e that WI\,,\ thl'IT. :-:;he knm ... that herma would not :llIow her a book or sl:l.tctolltlri()lf with, and Ih.rbt'l'l 111u1gone to taL:morning nap. 1>0 "he had nothing to do butwhat n ~illr("hild "he wns, to the pl(>l\$3owith her m:1I1111l3, which i-\heal\\':n-s ha,l as:\ rfor being' guod. jnst for the I:;ll.kc'of llmwingfew millllte~ on the folate.

She thought. IoOhcWI\,.. all al011l~there, but "iiimi5takcll, for bl'r pApa had lIot gone to tlm citrJ.ay, but h:,d b('{'ll f4C.1h'tl E\\Tf liim'o hrl"the othN ~illc of the pi,17.7_,\, jU!it hi,],l"l1 frOI

sight hy the COTneT of the hou~, and ho hadall that bad Jla~~el1.

A1Klut tcn minute!> after nO~:Lhad come (>ultiho bE'~:I11 to think t.hat ~11" hatl acted very ~Jr, as wen :1,. wkkedl;r, heT papa {.:llled. her toand. without lllaking aor referencE' to h('r conIhl" ll..'\id h£' Ila<l lL <;tory to ... 1\ her.

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Tlif. 5T.U,IJAR()'lIJo;.\RF.R. 55

---•. WL('n I WR.l' slittle boy," AAil] he," 1 went to

!J,r,.aVfor 1I f\:'" In:cka ill the country, with wy 11m' I...H~'liv('d on a :£:Irm, :IlJJJ bad plf'nt). of chick('nll, anoi,11Pt'1'.he$.J('!l hQr~ :lIld COWJ. r ut\l\t] to IOl'c to

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"Th('rc was onc old ('ow namca Brindle, ....h\.'r\- I:W:-,:<. nUll Dc-vur Iiketl to ~Iana ~ti1l tn hef:ll.. Sometimes Lell)' ha.l to follow hel" allthe b::l.rn-~:lrd, before ~hl' l'fIul.} filli~1Irnilkitl~

II Hut ~ne night ~1U'Ftnn,l H'ry ~li1I,and !AUnot have to moye once while she wn~ milkin ....The }Xlii wai Ilt':uly filII, :Uld I wns j\1~t .:• "~hYI how quiet. Hrilltl1e h~i been to-night!'"be Iiflca her himl"lcg, :lUll ill a. mOIllf'llt tll

Wl\!Ikickt',l over, :lwl all thl' milk "I'ith,d upoground."

"'Yh~', Jln!,:I," !laid Ho~a, U whnt l\ f"ooli~h"I think 80 too," ilahl her papa, .. :lIl11)"et I

alittl ...gil'l \\ 1101m.. lJ{'cn jUllt as foolish. Tbi:;illg ",Ill" ('aliI{! d()\~Il-~t:lirs hapry nnd good-ul\tshe he1p<!d her Dll\llltll:l yery much, 1.)"t:lkin~of her liltl(~ brol h(,l"; and flUthis was likn Brigood p:lil of milk. But ju~t bC<'r\use hl'r{:alled lu.r to her les~olls Lf'fvre ",he WUIi I"('

rome, sbe wn.t; cross :mtl i1I-nstllrl>d, and 1Ipt;1

her good bdl:wiur, just nit 100Iishl~- n~ Uriupset nil her good milk."

Hosa &miled-a little bit of a sad ~milc it w:u~he flaiJ:

"I am vcr,r sorry, papa; but what ii tll¥. rcthat enry time, when I tlJink I will lJe g()od,JU("l\n to be good, I nm nnughtiC'r thnn (>l'('r ?"

•• I do not tbink ~-01lare en>T~- tJnl(", my llt-:\r

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~tp. VilLI tire !!Oml'lirnl'~ \'+'1')' good, and mI.!..", U~

f{'1"\" "~rI'Y i hut I hilI(' 11(1tloubt tll:11 oftt'n wl ... u\".; me,ul w hH good. )'0:1 for~'l!t Ih,11 )"0\1 (''III !lot

~~r;:ol~::I~\J/::;:I:lorl:;~;l~i:;'~',ng~:I~:~.~i~~~~~'i~~~for ill<t.aflC(', JiJ JOIl :\,];. Him In I", witll rOil ,111,lav. I.ud hl'lp )'011 to 1,I;>ase IIil:I~"

;, X .... I'RI""" ~Ri.1HO~lI... J Ji,1 not. foJf I fell ~"hl'I')' v.-h~llI go'l 1.11't .. He !>lId, II t..,'llllifil! morullg, :llhl I 'R'.1." ill ~1l(lh ,11,urrJ. to C:'J aut to till.>.l("lIr,,t--u !<ll,lrl,; ~"I1Wro.o('sfQr m'IlIlUfal,,'!i,re ',rt'akf:~I.I".tl r..r~"lalJ:lw\lt "I.:i~l'f."

.. ,In,] @oyou wprp llllfl,l.;"Hy3fl:"l"w:lr.l~. to run n('H'r l':lII ,10 Tight without HoJ'~hull'. Jlul now f!'Jl>.ll') :1"1,; lIirrllo be with "Ull tfJr'hf. rc>t of II,e ,by, ;111,1if P)1l :l..l'" Irul,. I'orr)' t,lr1,,'11,1{ulugl,t.,\", YOIl!..JI\l'\' wlJM 01"", (<I ,1","

H, ... Nln qlliddy up 10 L.,I'" lIwn Jill;(' 1"''''1lI for II

f","minul"".sn.) tlldl to hrrl1llllllw:lto fl,k hl'rfur-gh~li,"" :toll') "III! l\"a~ I<OUII !;lu,IJinJ; ifl<lu'ilrioll~ly.~l.. lkLi"h.".lall Irar le"fIUn~ and ~('wiIlg ht>forl' dill-er, an.] ill th(\ afi"rnoo" ~aw her IUllomlUlI go out

l" 1\Calk with Herl,,-'rl, with()n~ frcuillf;. for shoh,.\\" IhM I<ltr hll..1 ,],,'H'n.,-.,I to ll<' Jllllli'i!lP'l.

"~PVl'T, my ehiM.r,ltliet to pray,\\-hlI.le' .. rtheIJu;i, .... ofthedll.,.:

UI"PPYlhoul!ht>1l1lm:-bl"".f'tllt.y,.Jeo.f1,1~.ftlat1liDjI: dn.'IUII~ hllW' Ill"ole Ill .... ""-':11>

~::/:~_e~~~o~~:d;"l;~;~:~IWoor~. ~,u

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.'iR rRE srA~D.-\Rl)'HEARER.

l' H a: II t~.

I KSOW of nu one who lookiJ to God for"br('~ul .. more trustingl)' than myoid frie!HI Ph"They that watch for l,ro,'i,lenct'li meet with t

and sbe hall had man)' to reenrol,Upon fllle ~ca!'\iml, when ..he nn,l her htl

were both ad1;allr'ctl in )"'l,'U1I, he W:l.~ tor atime 8<,riol1sly ill. rh(l'bc denied berl'd! t

thing but tbe 'barPIlL n('cessnri{'~ oflirlJ j but btttho do('tor's prc"criptions :ulIl tho lIouri~hingindispcn~able to all inY:loIi,l,the little mOM)" ! 'by was HOlm spent, She partt'd with IIu,l,ticlCl:l of ber scauty furnitun: as ('onhl he !'Il):J.rrd,found hcr!idf I:1tt~ one Satnrd:l)" nt1(~rtloon Yiitlia f!hillillg in her PUffH', Phtrbe lI:\s:lll <,minllO)ld'ul h(','ut-" the Lor,l will proyidt'," lximotto-hilt upon tl,i~oecasion, worn outwntching :mJ.l::ibor, she wn<l dhIC-Ollrngl'tt.

She was wearily rroccc..ling with her ~Il.tnclC:lIling while hl'r lLusb:mJ ",Il'pt, when :\ Ilt.'lgWhOUl she h;l.ll grelltly obligd came in nml ofli

to take her l,bcc ... I will tilli~h YO\lr work for ~-Oll, ~r:UlJtn('t

"he kindly So').irl1 .. if )'OU ,,,ill t:lk\~ 1\ wNk. I'm).Ou nf'ed the air j it will do you good.'1

Phrebe yc~' rl'llIdantly )'iehlcd to her D\'ighimflortuniti~", and ~na.tchin~ up a bc:mtifnlfrom the finOI', ~:l.i,1 !OIl\' wOlllo1 take it. with 11

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-- - ----- ---

"~u'I:holl~hti•• lI.i,.!t lIe.d~ hil part,\fUpBthrO<lgh th .. l'I"indo "r the heart.'And if h6Qnceh1l'\ll"IVl, ,...-in •

II~ letIIll"md~<1 Qlh~'I'I\ in." ,

,bf.l it ~"o\lM nol I", ill the ....fI)" •• "'h"~.1 ~h~ fmlDol",,,,,,tf "1,,u,', I.o,•.-~"er, np(lI,twl,hlz:np: It 'Inth, •• I

, lJo:- hlll1~r)" my~lf, ImL 1 will not ..,roetlj~'O~,'o; I -iiI fUI,1 a 101)' to ].Ii.1;' th(~ to."

Whit ~ it 1I.arl.o h~r tlll'll 111"1'stl'1'1:I towll.rJ~It,ari,'er, wllich 'l'l'U hut a. f.'w lllill\lt.l'~' "llolk from\hlI1,~'Il"e ~ \YlIlI it Dot tl ... !,:uiJiulo: of tll:lt rro-riJencll- in ....hom ..IHI tr\l~tf'd r A~ 1:11,1'l'(':lchcdl~ IlLIldi",!.accOIllI':llLicd by the liu\" (loj.{, R 1.0;\1,11~1'up to the" barf, awl ~ m:m ,,-hu jUlllpl1<l fromil.!wllf'oJ htr~' calling vat: •• \VIIlIt will )'(111tlllw

r,)J' y,lur ,log~",,\ WlI.'I g'lillg," !<lliJ Phu'\,(" ",bl'n relnting tll..,

ci.n:1U11~u.n~C,., l was goin~ I,' uy II ~hiUiLlg. hutIIVfIlI'thing 1I1ei.]C me -,wok IleHel'l)f it, ami. I toMhim a. tlolir1r." 110 irolUC(jilltl'ly Vought it, landIo>&miD~ th"t ~htlll:lJ another at hrr hon~"" bccal1111

Ih~I, .. rrh~rlJrLhi\t,JJ>!<),Phwbe r,,~ume.l hu watcu 1.0\- In r hU6hJud'~ ul'd

."tb a UC-RTt Ch:\lltilLj( tll(\ l'r:li:"'" of tbe Uod v.1.0

iDolJ~aJt ~o h'JllnlifllLly "illlllrr. SIl,

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lllnnwnt FrllllK fcilliKj' ~itlilll.!:JI)\,..n to CI')',bl' had jll~t re<'ovt'l"<:.l frolll llo l.mR :tn<1 ~~H're

f~,,,.allJ w~'~..till lIui1f! W...'lk. l~"Jt h" w,ns nfrnill(JIll/'0"" lili~ht ~t't' him, find I.e dl,lllUl 11kI'!to heIn.,ul!b~ h:Jb~i~h. ~l} he W~I~t to work tu !,(3.tlwr

:"I:rr~~;\:~~~~II~':I_:~~:hJso: •. , ,I:m~ ~ll)'I

fI,,' t...,\"~ w~re ~t3.)'jllj( with tlltir Hod.- in thef"1I11r~',tiuJt "~r;U1k might II:H'o! tl'l\ hffill'flt OfL.....llll.In lir nn.1 at Ihe !'''lIIe tinw go to sdll, ..l; forIb~ ~A.~ all ,."cl'lIl'llt :JC';l.Il'lI1)' f.Jr 1""J~ IIl'ar lli~

hOlll'l'.Thf'V had altl~HIo)tl it u..,,, forll lillie JUUl"\.'tl'I1.11a

VOl'k. "3nJ until to_.hy'Yarn.n had al"'llJ~\ur ....lI)' ~tral'p'-.,l Fr.lnL::~ l ....."k!l with hi. 0'\\ u.IIlll thi' murning "Olndhill~ 1.:\.1 l>CCllrrL.,]to l>1lt

him out of h-rnpl'r. nnd I.., had lI!)l felt lik" loci..)!1,111iin,1i10 hi~ I,r ...tll<~r. lie forg'lt Itu,", hu Itn.' r"lt

...!Jr.-nl'nl.llk w:t.'" "'.l ill, tlmt no one thought be .,-ollid

g t ...el1; :t.1ll1 Ill''\\' lie ~:t.i<1tbtll that if bi~broll1cr.. cre ~1'''r...1 t.) him, be '\"('1I101Illink no truulolc 100~JOtt()ta\:eti)rlJill1

Utl~~:,t~I~:"~~~'~I~a~W~~t;:~~tJi~l(il~I]~;-':I~h~~~:rI~~:ill 111mhal'k to wait ~Jr hill brotl".r, wlll'lI loll..:rl'-

mPmLuc.l th.ll lli~ ullde l'I"M going to ride in thE'din.:ction nf 11ll' ".di()()l.I\/,u~l!, lioml !lO FrMk ('.()ulJ1l'<)1I"ithl,illl.

~he \T3\h'.-I, thNdi;.f", until Frallk IHlli nll.I)' to

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folio .....hi~ brother, fUl.l then callillg' tn llilll, toldtll wait a few minutes :lIld he "lIoull1 have II Ji,gehoul.

.. 011: th:mk ).UlI, Aunt ':\lary," "ai,l l-\;mk to tlu~ gale :md w:lit, and tll('l1 1 :-111:\1114:ready w jump in whell uucle ('omt'~ along."

lIe di.}lIut. b:I\'e to wnit wry lung, awl ~ thhor~e was IIIUIo;U:llly 81'r)' t1mt moruwg-, he rtho !<chool-Lont;" lllmG~t S.8 1>00J1l M '\~arn.'l1 JiJ.

Warren had. felt uncomfortnLlc {'ver HluL'eliltldl hi;, brotllcr, awl 1mwas Ilol :It. all sorry ~him drive 111' to the door with his \Il1cltl. 'Bwfelt a little fcarful IhM Frank might havo tulli~ Illlkindne;<t!. Hill [car[', were 8o.'t at rt'l'L,('ver, \'y the plen"nnt manlier in whi('h hi!>

jol:liJ:II ,,~ ••ll, \\'arrC'll, what Ul:W.C you hurry llVl'll

frLl't? Y all mi~ht have ho,] II ride to 8cllUCll ithad waite.] a" So hi, tded to he llUII

kind to hi;; \,rothcr to make up f,)f hill croS~ wTIt:!t eycuing n.ti~r tIle l)OJS ha.} tiuisll{>d

les~oll;;, :lIld Frank h:ld gone to hell, "~RrTt'n'l>a~kellLim if h(' had ewr !l(':lr.lof the H.,\,. }t{l

Hill.., 'Yarr{,11 thuught II. m01l1clll, ana thl.!ll ~llid:

think] h&\'l:',Aunt )Ohry. Di.ln't 1m !>aY:1

malLY fuuny thing!!:-O"" YC8, as ",ull lIS II. gre:lt many gooJ t '

And ban' )'Oll en'f hCRTtl wll3.t II great 'mtf.'rtr\\'a~ ?"

Page 67: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

TUf. SP'iO..\IlD"HY.\H.I-:lt 1)8

-~~;::-I~'C'11l11<Jr~~hJl lI.'bt';; he WlII' ~k<:cl ....hat l.i~ iJ", of hl.'nT{'I1

l tllnt hil!lai<l. '!l.l1l:I.Ceof f,ertret r~t,'nwl lu.;~lbPt .11~wcr bj~'uu~C ho IUILIIOOlittle rp~1 11l'1"I.:."

.. 'iQU ....illuot w(HJlIN that I,." l'.'\i,I ~(J wILt'1I 1 tollfOIl thin be rw,('r ~ll'pt tllffi\l!!:h tile I'IltiT(I night.j;f\l'O lln. r l'l\dng ha,llWO or tilTf'<' honr ..' "h:~1' b)"

tbf IIiI Qf llUl,bul1l1l, tlm rain ill his bat'k .........uld"hlige hlul \(> rise ti'onl hi~ u..,.I, IIml 1'1lttiILg 011fUIM ..... TllIh~""f'nt .....hiel, "W:l~ IIl:l<l~ fvr the pllr-P""" he "olllliliv (Iown upon tl10 l,nTd tloor, ""hkhTIo" 1111'IIlllst OOlllfvl'lllJ,h' !,Jae!;! fvr him, i\ml ~pt.U(lthfT1'l't.-.f IL~' "ightin n':I.ling."

...Bllt .1io'1hc ..lItf..r "" mneh I,ll hi~ life, AUllt

1IIl1'v~"~ahl "';ocrl'n."'.(>1',1,(' Wall ill, ,-.,",.n whcu nil il1f~111. rlllil be

,... t .......w:u .. oM he ('(mId Ileilh~' walk nor talk,b'" be ,;',1 to iof'('nrrled lIloout in thl" lmll" ,f hi"11_. ~I,,' ul>6d to tal.c 1,1m often illto th{' gr:l\"t, ...

~'wlllear hi~ f,1\lll'r'~ hOMe, alLd j",lg:ng froUl hi:!...1iau tbat he wlUlt{',l to \alOW wllal WM Oil ttlO\<4b1to 1(!fI, _he t:wgllt him tl,o l~th1T~ and ,",or<1&,llMi ill thi$ "'11)-llC kanrt to rea.] :lIld to '["':1.1.: atbr .. m..,tiIllC.

'11., ""on a~lie \I"~I'- oM enough to,lo'\"oto ",-,Iwol, h{'u!il<d l.f> U\;c bi~ bOO\;.:I iuto th., 11.:l.m(! gT'J.H'~lU'J,

I.ud th<:rc l)"illg <lown 111'''11th.: g-Tll.I!:'Iwith "i~hI .....k ..~l.ltt him. h(' "'.("IIIM l'l'f\d :md ~tud~' Ilutil """arl,.

Page 68: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

•• \\~h€'n he was awnt !l.i'f }earil old, hi~ fath rhim to a I'chool 1l~:1.rly fonr mile~ from }lQme.

!>CH'rc paiu which he had ,,\t'll then in hisma.Ic hilllllt\",.n lie ,1"wlI on tll'" road un hi!S ~I'chol)l; 3.1ll11>l1hi:> brother :lllJ hiil yflun~ e.(\nl~u~(',l to take turn:> ill \::lrn'illC' him 011tbt.irwbile he wuuM r1IlHl;\.1 tl1\:l;l b)' telling t1u'm,1>0 ~'uu. lIot think they wero \"t'ry kiud:'''

\\tarrf'1I, " Yt',;," awl he felt his cll(>l!k~as he remembered how (1itr,'n'lItl~- he had bethat Illuming.


!lfr:TIIQC{;TlT I heard a. butll'ftl ...Say to A lahorinl1; Lw, •

.. Thou hllo:.lnll colorl'l of thll jo;kyOn rainte,1 willg, likellll.':'

"I"l'lr child of \'Iliit)., Ihose ,In'~An,l ((.lIon; bright and rue:"

With lIliid rtj'roo( thebl.'e ",,,lic',"Arc all L.;.neath lilY rare .

.. Content, I toil fro", morn till e,'e j

,-tnd 500nling iditol'S",To tribe~ of gawl)' "lull. [ J'1!oH'

The "Qniti~s of d~~;\."

Page 69: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

no.o\ V-S J n F. F J. 0 W.: Ii.


ing 'h.~)' wrre tht>fr. Xo, J ,Ion',meatl ti,e ,lalHh.liolll\ - )"011ooul,\not h"lp s('('ing: them; lIor tll'~

,.,-!litc c!ll\"Cr with it>J ~WI'I't ~lllcl1:lml ~o IUrltlv b('('~ about it,. hilt tll(,

latlo ...hitl~l\r- sr:l~~,thfl tilli('~t

~ tllillJol' t11:lt b1oolll~. TIle whol.,,_ . rlant i~ 'l('l\rce two inctJl:'t' lligh,

:mll illl ~I~,<,k~ of whit .. Row,.r"ma)" • 'I i1~ lo:J>." 1l1lIlotk~..J ill lilt' tlu~t of a bleak)!llTchda,-.

".\ hornlll,. "'('('<1 with t\ homd~' nnlllC, jUbl fiL forIt .111-1)"rOlHl-~il\c," YOll rxd:lim,:1~ )"011 mn :Iowa)"'0 galhl'r crocn"C/1 anu ~Ilow...lrol'~ in the gar.-il'n-~It'.I, "r to fill11 thl' nl1\t 8W['{'t YI(>1l'L ill lh edl:tJ"_.n .

\\-.n, I no! wOllllu :It YOllr 1'l"<;ll>rcncc, but I


T H~:

MAY. 1801.

Page 70: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

M nn: :,T.\.\II.\IUJ.ln:.\Kt:!t

"ill tl.1I yuu 'l\hJ tl.i,.littltll!"wt'I' 11:\.; :1 claIIII'. If ).ou {>\":'lI11illl~it. )'lIU l\'ill ~1'1.!ill it lh.,

:tJ\lIIx':U11y wbich Qllr F3.tht-r gi\"l'~ to :~lJ 1Ii.~Tll~"~ work .. , It :JW:1Y~ maLe,; lJ1C lhiuk (If)1011wh, Jill h~hllm:\I1 flO\I(>rll ( hare 1'01111.1 illItl\ ...} p:ltll\\':l)' th:\t ha,l II !on,liul''''1l alJ<lllt"llil,11 \,1"0\1..1 J/~ pl:lllh.,ltlllllll,

llluti('l~l ill:l hl'uu.<1 1'l1tr:-' of tbt! .A1111~.1I"lillll' gid alwllt llil1(' )".. :Ir,.. "Id. l,rl'I').Icll Oil01,( t'''I'kill.!.:'",.hair.,.... :11.III !l:t.t a lm'1Ith of IIIWillil ffl'lll ;1 \1in,I,w, 11I'ar. l"'11I~ wa.'l :wwin><Olliebit, .. (,f I'ali,." Il,r :l1Ill1",~llJ('m, nlld hcrwa.. l,,',..i,h. lWI'. III ,lli .. I'll(' W:l1' IwlLlr "fr1Il;IIIY ;\lm,..-I,(lIlI'I' •. llildn'lI, but ,\-Oll ...hlluld h'll"Ihl' ~rl;:lt hare !"l'OIll ~ll(' ~ll'l't ill, with h:llf:l."il,k WQ1!HH) ill it •• ,'vltliu)!; or l'oillplaillillg Ili.!'!

.1:L\".i,ittll' 'I:I.r)' .\IIIl1' had di"l':I"'C of the Ii

:11111IllI'eJ ... ,t ("II ).Oll ,.111'kul tlllll'li pain t

l.ut \Iwre tll:1II 1"11' 1't'''~VIl t ••ld 1111' lo"w."1pal ient 1'111:Il"ll~, X I) wOlilh'r I tlulIIgllt ..1'1tlu\H'r 11)' the rO:\II, ..i,te with th~' tiNI'I- :\f:trU"willl:{ ,)n'r it. '\~(' SOOIl 111'1':11I11' fritlJltllUlIl!h hel' 1ll<)11l\~rwas 11 Ih)lIll\l1 Catho1i,',I"~lllkflil f01' littl!' Il<ulks :111.1tnll'l~. \\hich I.1!irllow',{ 1(, 1'(';\,1.

It"w Ili.Jt lilt. "llllll":l,.t, wlll'lI aft.'r m,-li10 .\Lll'Y Anlll" r In'lIt 10 St'l' a liLtl.' drl jIIg!', wl'l> 1\":1.. ~Illl{.ring fnJlll dLt, ~:ltnc ,1

Page 71: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

~~:;f:;:~:::~~:I:Xj#;:';~~:\::::~E~,~~;',~:i~::~;~:~ tk lIil!"", ,>l' ,10.-'Il"rl" liti,"l int .. th~ ,.t.rl'lag~ to~'1,",,1, h,r IlOl1lt'1' "If " loq::,.r rich-. 11,-1' '1";"',ch, rllli rl~"ll '\0",1.- j"Tlri.I,«1 with ~Hr~' l'l"ut"n,ind on till' hlot •. I..,- h,-r bl"d \\.'r" bol1l,~ ;\111.1 Ho ...

~lIo1l'l~\'IIJill,."" 1""1,, gl,,~, "t' lc'II",",..,I~. IlolI'l

\111111 i ,J; _".' WM"~ 11~1'1')' "':1 Uul .. illnJi,1 COllld

i?"'I" JI I t"I,1 .Tulil!. l\],olll ~ru\" Ann". J,,'r ,,'m

,Mh~ "''', 1'.\<'it •. ,l. "",I ,1... h'''J..' f""'1l HIIIOIII.: 'her\, ,01'''' ,"111~ liltl,- gH1M">1" III\' :llm~-h()ll~"ill-.. Ii ..... \ 1':II",r .1,)11 MUO -"In" (tl't'>""~ ...hirh ~t,•.

, I1"T,oft['11 ~'nll,ul t1,,~. littl ... Ldrl ""ell 1I0t ill,..Il "lTl~l, l'ail1, lUll lI('thin,!!' 1,1(,11<."d hH ~o 1\",.111I~."~'fil" 11'1' 1",'.'1'," :11,,1 >l tn,rl """"l! "lu!u(' ,,,.\".

.r~~"ll:i~;:,,;h;;::~I:,':~'nh::~h1ill'lLf~r'~~;~;~'1';...,1"..1 ",.!Jf, ...,,'. :'ihr ,ii,I",,! f'Rr,' (or II".

"fR"~" I h,.ml~h1 I,,'r, Rll,1 '~"11.1l: .. t ulk l'.-ilh m."

TIll' • 01_" o( ", II1t'lI 'l"llrn-hll,l.: in Ill<' \''''l~<' "'1lIf

I'""r.' I" h .. r, a".1 wh~1l "TH' of tl ... rn c,.mfo t.J

I0 :::~::~S':,;'::;:;~,~:~;:;::~::':::'T~~::::'~':":I~~I~:T. , d il.\ r~lI",llll'r \wad <>11tllf' l,il1,,~-, with 1\ fl.....,

ft!!; ": th,1t 1f"Il'hl"J .,,~. I,.."r!.

Page 72: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

6~ Tll~ :-1.\:\IU&D IU:.\R£Il.

ll\l~oke ~lIIH)' to dill O1ot111'r, Hut wbhill;..!:l'r{'t;o~ th(\ child hy t.alking to 6t.r, amltt,J,l II'rde:lr littlt' bov who h:l.1 dit'd uf a l'<kkIIC"S lii:o .....n. not IOIl~ bclin ...--hoTl' little Hollert l'HCiI;-\;l.\"iour, tm.} loveu to renu of Him nn,l I'r.1Ilim. but tbat ""ll1'l1 ta.ken ill he 1..Jt :Lfr,Li,l t.Oh('(':m..e he kn ...w he WM 1101 gvoll enough tohoe:W~ll. But when h~ t~1tllt'r toM him 1\11.01'11 .r~~UI> .....:LHp\llli~hed in hi .. ~h':I,l wlll.:11 h\:11pon th~ cro~s, aml thnt tnr llis "'llkf' t;..11forgive Ilis ~ill" :lnd t.'lk_' him os.might to hthe littl .. ho)" hall no lIlore :fi':lr~. Lilt. W:Il\ 1'111\in all hl~ paill, llu,l Ih:1t now lit' WS~ ~(ol1ewith tllt~ denr :-;:n"iour, whon! he would 1I<'!\

"irk nur Sl,lrry an)' more.As I talked t1ll1~.poor .:\lary AllUe Ct':L- 1

relltlCl'!l tOf'~ing', :llld lixl',llwr hright e)"l< onif ~he would drink ill t!Yl'ry WOI'1. When Iher hu .....J{''!l1!'. 10\"eo and J1itit~d Ili~ pUOI' !inli.:ring dlihlrl.:ll, n 100\ of )lC1UW llvct!<pr.d

COlllltenalH~C, nTH1110 1 11:1'1 Ilf'r in Ili~ h:Ulddied th(' nl''tt ,laY, awl I Ldie\'"e lie ha~ t;lktollilu,"clf .•

I hrn-(' 1I0t room to 1~1I )"Oll more at. prthf'''c road-!lide tluwHll, bllt P(.l"illI.I'S )"OU in

~me YOl1Tself .••'l'~ke heed tL:lt

little ouell."

Page 73: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

T 1\ K Jt.\ 1 :\.

"R.I:-. T:lil,r.lin! lip\\" I hotetll" r,\ill! \rill

it n,,", r !l":0l'~"T,,~ \\M,h Wl'r" Fl'0kcll ,,~" lillIe :\gUI'~. W< ~hc

Iloorl ",'"uhin!=,:tll!' finl' ,lro\l~ 1"'tU'r\l1"~ with J\ ~mUl,lofmau)" fair~- f,..,t l\gJill~l till'! wi."iow.\llIn""', aud

11 a ,lj,ling one :lfll.r olloth-T dO ....1l the j>oli,,-Iw,l

Page 74: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

';0 THE =-T.DII.\HII B1:.\.Ia:R,

new while tln',,~ lhn! ~i"tt'r !o:l",. 1" ~o bel:('mill'"me, with the l,hlc rihholll; Oil" lilA slec\"t.", awl"-':at a ",bulle it i" that it rain,,~"

"Haiti, r:till, taill! Huw 110\'1' th~ lain:"Il wn;;:1 tillY, \"ni~'c th:lt ~ltOkc; ~'Oll 11"011

h;J\'c hel'll otlli~t,.1 to }'tlt ~<lIlt. ~':U' c1o"t' ,ltII\'1\

the grollml to hear it; llUl! there ~.Ol\ \H,nkl hll

""'I-'II the ",wlllt'~1 whit .. "iulet I1l'l'Illim! ill till' \'d\g-ra~". :l.nd. l..okillg" thrull,i!;h a l':lill.,lrop 11p to (

"k~'.•• 1),':\1\ good r,.ill, Ii.,\\" kill,1 ~',)l\ ar~!" li:u.1 t

\"joll'l. "It wm< ,.0 .brk awl oIl1"t.y (Iuwn tllHndt'r tlw grol1l1,l, th:lt I 111\,. :\(,.:.i,1 I '!h01l1\i'hokl.•l hel.xe 1 \'tIHI,l nnt! ttw W:l" "lIl. Thill111':\1'01YOI1 1:ll'Jiill~, t:ll'pillg :\11111111,:tiu' pt.\,!,\.,.,~a~.itlg: • Cume 0111, little "iolt'!; 111l~~lay tll\ll Ih g-t.uillg warm, !l.llo1 I lUll "eut to ,.how the \\a~to th,' light, 31110ng tho olhN timid lHuh of I'rilTh.'!} \,011 wa,.heu nwa\' ,lit. dn4 fl'IIHl my hc:vl,

I ~J1r:;llg 111',aud Iwl'~ I am alin., and "" 11 J I(:ood I'nill, kiml raiu, I will be n.r:' 1<>1'1') whe-JI.

1:01\\\':1\'.",. "Ail"!" "ailt tin: I'uin lit till' yinkt,'" bllt J }lwl !"('1ll1'1lIoer w"at 1"1,. ... I .;ai,1 ~ Hitl. 11101 h.l •

tll:!t )'011 "en' lll't .•It',1 to tt':lt'h ,.01111'Iiltle 1"->(\\ ho oH"r111 to l,t.' \\'i~~r than ~'UH, tl.:lt th(' I,rl.t .

whit,. Iln'~~ j,. unly ht.t'QlIlillg" \I'lli'll it i~wuW wa hUllIhh. ami 111:1111..1'111 "\,irit.:\,, yuu \\1,;:\1' ~'U I

Page 75: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

rill:: 8TIW:\I; .\:>;11 'fur. WF. \K .•

l'~"l11'n:p.fW .. "I"'X IJll;!!:;~.,1 l,i~ 'HIIlI 10 1<:11hi", "jOI'~ ilb01l1

H oM" nail, ~" ~I'l' 1O','ut "11,;',WI"'l1 H.,h ..r, \.;,,~nt.\l\ll 1"1l~',"1I'$"t,l, lit' e',lIn.

III 1II'l'<1 ... writ(" c",a~'". I"""tly 1I1"'a rdi,~il)u" ~ul.o.

} I'. lIll,1 I.~..Ill''' illY:I",l hi~hl'l'lhe"~ lIll.1 ~L"'t'r"" h al' him }In a,A" II,. ,;.,mtinu",l to Ilmk~ ",1<.1,

pmgr~<~ ill hi~""",- tl,at l,i .. \('adwI' h.c!.!;;!",1hi,.l,h.;r I" n'UlOn' I,illl I,) '-"JilW.,thl'r ",.1, .....1,:1" h,'

< (>Lli!l:(>Llt.. "tlltl~ ,,'1Il;c-ht IoJ kt.'<'l' \11' with him.Re"'1UIa.;{'m,lill~1).l«"'t toauoJtI,,,rl<eho,.,I."hl-"I' I,.

il ~uq'lL/I,p,1:111hi~ rolJll'llIli"ll~ \\'I,,'IJ I,,~lOa"

t~, ,t.\'.'HI'- Yc~lr. of :iJ,l", 1.,. 1".,., ...... a 1'I'I:IIcI,,,r "I'11 (,.0I\p.1, ,..",1 ",:I" tilt' m,,;l.Il~ '\IlI-i'l;.l" hi .. lit',. "I

t1ing "UlJ~. I'copl,. I" lun' :l1l,\ ....rn. tla' ~,\Vi"L'r.

:~~~1~::lh:.;~~I~lI~e~~,\l•.li,i~;':~i:::;::::~'~'~:l~O~~!\i:~:~~~h-';0:::':,1:' ~tc;:~\~:~111~~:.~'i~,;':::~'~:-~"';,~~~,~':::~~1::~~:~

Page 76: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

72 TUE 1:5TA'SIl."-RD-BEARElt

illlprt"!"~i.\'e. Theil IiQme of hill 31111icne~1I'0uM.forll'RrU tv' if to p.::t.tch more l'crfl>dl). lli~....onh,tll('ll one al\er a.nother would ri:4e to his f..:d, U~llt the ('loslJ of hill ~CI'1II011 most of bi~ nu.U

wouhl bo.: ~t:ulding.•. Yt,t with aU thit> great I.oWN nl< a l'f(.nchl'r.

w:.~\'('ry hUlllbli>; lie nl'H'r wlUlte.1 to bl:' llr .or co

n1plill1entcd, lLnJ he 11.lway'" di~('ollrag.,J 1)

in othcrll. 011 tlllt! Ot'CI\.Sillll n youug man hMl'rt-:tchci'l :l s<>rlllOn hdore Hobert llan. WM an .to get hi!; Opillioll of it. He trico in ynriot.~ VIto indnec him to "':I.)' !!Omcthing :thon!. it, hul )[r.llel't ..Hent, hopillg thlll he wmtht rightly \1ud,'rhi .. l'iIL'IH'e. At l:l~t, \\111'11 he l)l.~Cllme V('T)' lli:lqlwsti'JII", .:'tlr. Ibll "ai.]: 'Tlwl"t' WM Vile'lille pai>l;oage, "ir.' '(l\ill l'I~joil'ed to lLear ~'Oll,..... ,' !!:ti,l the young' !Unn: 'lJrn~-, wh:\t 11':1" it~.wn" the IJ~I",;efrom the pnlpit \111\1111\'\'C'1'tr:-

"Th:\t. WUl'I gootl." ~:\ill \,,"arren, "I ~ue~young UlUIl wi,...h",.l t.hat he 1mJ ki'pl 'Illiel."

•• :UT. lla.l\"~ lon~ or trlllh WM Yl.:rv "rel~t. Uwhile Ill! wnl'l l>pclllliug :t.Il ~.\t'nin~ ~t a fri I

huuse, :~l:vl~'who WtlS \'i"iling: t.llt'rc, wt'ut tll

lwr liull' girl, abont four yo:u." 0\.1. tv lwd.ahollt hal(:1II1101IT bhe Tet\lrnt-,l, awl Mr.ll:lll Itllt'r l>3~. 1O :1. lally \\ hn Wll~ Ilenr hilll: 'I put onllig],t-r:l.l' 01,.1 by .1oWll hL'€ hN, :tllll sll.'llrul'l, ••d tl) ~h'\:p.' lie 1untNllO Iwr :.IIl,1~nill:.'ell"" ]11<', lIIn.hllll, but 110 ~'O\l W:lIlt yUIll. d.'

Page 77: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

'JIIF. ,.r(',\Sn,\RlI.IU:.\Rl:R ;3


".~ :I~~":::~~'Ii:l::~~~t:::Pi:.~~~~l~:~;~:~ft~t~,;'._ ofs 1:1'\)" ...-hl> took grffit I'aill~to hllVl' ~\'~l'Y

.it r,.ofdll' ~u._Oll.~'~t '1'1"'11 tlll'Y ....'.rehellte<.l "t

t I'I:li.-. ,Ill: 1lo1... logi~oJ It.r the I'llli",1<'~~...f tI....

f ~~Ir. Hall li,lf'ue,) 10 ll~r il~....lob.ri~s f<lt ..011'"( i!llli1~lll"<>, iU,J the" rilling CrU1U th.' t:,lll", hQ,,»d; '1 hul'~ tIll! tH'xt tillL!' 1 com" 1,0 lICeJUII, ~'ou

I!,"e "'1' Iloll,,,thiug 1I~to .,....t.'..~otW~tl,"t;\nJ;llg I,i.. gr"llt !lulfeNIlgl', he wa~"1~1Ich,'erf'll. IlUll never uH\rulIln,J lit tll~ pain

"hicl1hi~ hc.l\,pnly :!<' .. ther ~..'l\t III"'U l,im.""IlLI I,~ live to '-'" nil olll 1l1:\1I, .\unt ~l:1ry~"

IllidWIU.,.en."11" Wall lIi:>.ty ... lx ",'l- .l'..,lI, 1111.1 <luling tll"

IMt l\'ll ,hys of hi. Hf... l,c ."ft'er,..-I inlu'l"']Y, hnt lie'Il'I' ._un,<1111l1Iylli,tkill!!:"r th"llWfl"il''' wl,\..-I, "nr." ..IJcdl,jm '11...""tha,,\;ful lam.lhall]':\\'(' Mil

.ny C>.> ... f...rt~; It., '\10' ... ,,1,1say.• "-ll~t wOIIM t ,10

~,I:::;:I~:..:;;;::~:~\::.:;:';:II:~'~:':;~:";\;,~~h;n~~~~'~::~:b,":~.t~;~rM,7i;~'\~:~~;~'~~'r:\rryI,im10 ~d,ool

.. He liH'd tv"'''' \\'J.r,t a g" at allJ w'eful l,rl'Jdwr


Page 78: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

------ -'I-'ry ~l:ill that lw h:\.l 1)\',-'11 :;0 kin.1 :1ll.1 geutl,'him wlll'n he W:\l';J chihll :llIel t1.:\l he Wll,; wi1lill,! l

he:l I/"I,ilt'r for hhn."\\~arr('11 .\rI'W l\ Hull' l'tuol (,I"".' to hi~ aUlIl.

~i\tin~ IlpUIl it~he IC:Il",.1 hi~ h(':J..l 011 Ill'r lilp:L~

"ai,l:,. I !,;;m)W why YOIl h:nc tolo1 IIII' \hi~ \\101'.\. ~\,

'lary; ill,h,cd I han' I'lo(.n ,cry Slll"l'~' :111 ,lay III ~\,olkc 4" crm,~I)" t" Fl~ll\k thi~ lihlruillg'. allOlllll'an \0 l'lIlT)' his he ....'!,;;.. all t-lIllllller for him to m

lip IiII' it,""1 hOl.....tll:1; lI'ilIl1ut \,)t! m~'i'1':i:lry'" ~:Ii,lhi;l:1

,;l\Iilill~, .. fnr 111l'I't' he will Sl)Olli he quill' well;jU:-it ntl\\'. yuu mu",t :wktl(lwletl~l' that thnt hL:\liu ,liCliollar,' is l\ prell)" gootl!";l,l for him.110\\" it j.. tinw fur bnl,:iO gt)<)d-lIi~h;, :111.1 I will,ult for ,'oUt" tc:>;t. to-Illorrow tho fil'"t n'r"e qrtitt('I'llth 't:h:tPII'r uf Homan:;."

\\rlllTl'lI 1~'I111.1 it ultllr h(!l W~lIt tll hi~ pUjlll.

Il':\I"1Il.'\1 il 10 s:IY ,II. pr:l' l.'f'" the 111'Xt lII....n'

ThcS<..' werc Ih~ Wl,r,b:


LrM"u: \.:hil,l, :.z;h~ \"onr heart \,} .I;.'~ll>\ 10..1k

ebc thl.' w ....l"lu wil\ rl\~ a\\'~IY \\'itl1 it.

Page 79: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY
Page 80: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

'Ii! rnr. ST .\:"D.\.RD-DEARER

...peck-It.d I,c" with lIille l:hid;,t'II~; aud ..~ t~Jr tg'irl~, what .....ith dvll", flolld bird", flond l.:itt"II~, tlu!i~ 110 l'ud to their "el8. "~hilc 1 am wl"itillg'. tl,lillie dnm" ....ll:l ('lIter, {tach with a in Ilf1r ;rtll~big WI she (':11I lift.. Maggi{~ 11ltl'4:L llull II life ~ l

n", Aile ":lY:-O.whil(~ SUllie and Ida are hllggin~ &.l.\raltf'~l' kitten!!. Hut Ill)' hero'!; pel Wll~ ndtlu r~I"g, hor a lIen, nor a kittl'II, ;11111, of COUI'~t',

11I:rob ....il1~ ;1 LlI~., it W;1,l,IlIot a 11011 Tllere i_Il~l' ill lilY ,,:olill!; YOli to gtlt"e;.s wbnt it 'HI,., for,the primp}' has pllt it into the pil'tlll'(', )011 kllIll'fort.h:1I1l1, that Sidney BclJ't\ pct '\\'3.8 a call:reo! I'alf Irith white leg:l'., OIn,1 from :-& white ~I)()t

thl' tor<-hen.J, nam,'(l :-it:ll'. PI'UIJ:1LI),no l'alfJ"our aCf!uaillhllll'C l'eed\"cs at> mU<'}1 fl.ttl'Tltlontell to thl' lot Qf Star. or Starry, a~ tll ... (,hi!,)('all •.•l hcr. In the fir~t I'lae(~ ~llc ha,1 IlC,"et.taken :l\\ay from her mothl'r, au.) ahhoul,!h II Itofl old to h{t m:ule :l l':IL)' 01; oh) :\(:\(1:1111l'rlllilindulged her ill ll1:llIY a Imh)'bh tri('l.

IOI:~II~~~i~~:l:~~~:,llll}i(~~i:~~:l~~~IIII~I;\I:~)~i~::_I~~~"~u;~~~~till lilT with IIIlgC hUllch ...s of e1m'cr. or bit-


01<1 )Iik<-. who hatl cllarg-c (of thl' I'table. t~rent !'ril)e ill lwr, and w.'I1'- alway~ re:lay to giSitlllt.y dl':lIl ~trnw for 11I'r hl'l1. Bill all \oI"a~Ihiu!{ ('ollll'ar{'d h) ~hlllt'J'lI' ll.tlcutiOll!. He \I;

t:litbful to tilt. t'olltlitioll his; 1:lt h('f" m:ult. \I 11('1111l'1"""llt,',ltlw I'alf 111hilll, IIbil.lJ \oI";\."th:ll lit' sh"

Page 81: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

~:;,,~,~~'~~!'~~~~~I;~~;~i~erl~~~::::t:~~,t::I~~;I,,:_~::~~::.~::.';hta<!&gaill'~ him with Cl'er) mar!.. of ,ldigill.

~dt\~'rs~el~~:ght::'~;n~~(>~I:~li:~\:i]YIl'ill~:li~~;:~~:~~~~I:,,~~'~~~~,~j~u~~J,:,i;::l~:;,~'~:~I;~~~,;":'~';~;::tl, ,.;g'lit \i{' ~:101l1,1Jik., hdlt:r 111,,1] lLi~OW]] I"J'''''!~'Aml, Aue" 'lCholllr('ll.mctoth"l<Chonl ",H'h,""j.l~ '-a\\o>n..l{'.l. lie Wll~ .. I,kr Il,:,Tl m...~t "rtlle ",,;..~,Ifl'j "'jlJlI ,lttraa1.~j the ir atl<?oti"n by bo"~lill.!!, ofIii_ tr{':\<llru. ]1,. ,<aid hiM lall,,'r I ••t him h.'l\'''

1""'lf'YIhln~ ht. ",,,.11',1, ~1I11 lol,j ...f I,i~g"", I,i."I i~g-T'0l." and Ili~lIl~'I't'r. :->i'''")' \1':1.; Ill:>Ciullle,1'lfilh thiM!'uoli<1l talk, awl W1Ul alwap 10 I..., j'''llI.j

ill coml,:mywith 'Ward, 0110'1.1)' he ill,'itt"J I,:m,.) go allli ~"I' I,i~call: hut lI-h"1l \Yard ~.IWher, he'fI"kl!'-Or(lnll!!IlI'tui)lI~ly01"':\ h".1' h:n'ing 1I "alt;"thaf :'irln ..y r{'ally It,ll lI,howd (.t "i~pel, '; Y01loogll! Ii) !<II' my CO:I," .1id "':1'11, "th:lt'~ th ...thing fi,r 1\ 1..,,)' t.. "'WII. Cllln,~ lIrt' Dilly lit it".gi5!"

The lIe~td:\)' :-;i"ut'~' l~u<1 " d,il lo lLe colt. lIe

1rMllprettYi'r""tlll't.,wrrc! ill col .. r,lI-ith 1\ hlfld"I.d., Aftl'rll,;,I,c ",lI~i"_I' ....."l ",ith ,h ... id(lllllf hnl'

~ "I ~QIL lie took no more cnl1]rorl III HilI', ana11It hl\<1n"t llO('n ror tl,~, littlt. girl", the !H)lJrthi .."1r'lnl,lhllve .....en'l"itl.]h,!--t],."le.l. H,lne)':ttlell;.(tIL

Page 82: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

7!'i TIiF. ~T,,,,:-,]I.\llIl m:.\iIHC

prop<}~(,ll "tmdill}!;" hill c:llt' for \\'arll'~ C lit,ti!'~1 '\~i1nl l,rct~lIcll',1 to lll'l'lillc tl1(' otl~r, ~ 1That hi'l ('ult w:t'l wurth t",ic~ :1'1 lllll\'h a" thl> '

hut tlw truth i-, the hall ho~' wn~ pl"ttill~ thithe lillie. tor Ill' knt'w IhaL hi" colt W:I'I 11ITlilill:>, :lIlt1 .. f ('Ollr~c l(ldtt' ...:orthl .. ~~" I :llll ~"rry~lIY th;.!t "":11"11',; t:ltlwl' WlI" lint :IIL hOI\(".\ 1II.1lI,"IIl'Onr:I",.d hi>! 'lUll to che:lt :-;;,ItlL'V, If :-;j,II1f'\ IlIot lWO~ll 11I:It 11(' Wll'l ,llIing WI'(l~'~, \b, ~'IJI\ 'IIIll' wOlllol ha\(l 1'13111H'11 :\11 thi ... wilhout a~kin~falhN ~ III t:I('I, lit' did iutcmllO, hnt '\'Ar,ll"\',1 :11 hill! nllI11":llll'" it .. h:\l. ....i..h j" i') hp tookdUlIlC:<' when hi~ P:Il"l'III .. II \'1'\' !l1I\ of tow II, and~i.ll'I'"wt1rt! \i"i1ill~:11'1;('1111, tv I'llt a r"l'e l\

1"1\1" :-;tll.r'" ll('(,k, :llId 1\':1.1 Ill'" :\wa~ tl) h, f

lU:I""t,'I', ,\-'111'11 II\' ,\':1_"" about to 1":1'\ Ihe f'iI't Ilit' ll"lict.d Ih:ll Ill' Wl\. lalll", hul ,,";lni a" ..lIr<,.1

th:lt h ... 1.:1.1 "<lilly .in,..! hit hi .. klwe. :111<1 \\ tl

\\.']] in a lh~ Ill' two,"I'l'r1.:lp~ '-';ilhll'Y ~IIl,.l :1 1t':lr or I wo \I lUll',llid.'wl<l :l!!:\il1.' him 1'",. th,' la ...t Ii "",

:\h~ l':l\l', I kilO\\" he t;.1\ 9. ~ .. o,l dt':11 lik", e •

whell h •• wlllke.l IlIlIm' with :1 bOll: ('ult hobtatt..\, loim, lie \\':1" mel :1t the g:th' by hi" ~i~tl'h ••tllill,L: Illl' ~'I.I Ill'W:- th:\t :-\Ia\' \\"'1"" ,..1"lell, hi t Iwen' "1X'cdd,.~,.. with ;t1ll:11.l"11l1'lIt \\'11('11 lht'~ _.1'"

oult :11111 11<':11.,1whllt :-ii.lrwv h:1<1 tlullt'. 0111 AIW:I" \"1'1')" :mgry. and tlwl:u'-l- I IIII''' ug-Iy l'l"\l.~ 1.holll.1n't ,..1'1 hool in tIlt' \:1101(':' :m.! t'rilZhSilhlt'~ by t,.lli1H! him till' ,',,1t', bl!wnt'~~ Wlh il

Page 83: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

.t '1':;:I~rWlll,~:~:.;,i;~I~::"~'~'ll::;i~~~(::lt~, "I~~:~:~:I (I1lh"I'I')'l.,y I" '"WU.

\\ t ... n },i~ I'llr''llt~ ,,"llIll 1)(>111(' :lml },,,,, ... 1 ,I;..

:~~,~i;,~;~r~(>~:~,:~~.:,,~~i~.,:'.l~"'~::~~'l:~"~~tl::,l;.~:~.. ""Tr~-"l,oul it all, :ill'! ...., wdl c,-:'llvilw.,.l "I h;~& Ilin li_\<,niug to :1 1'llI)'hr, Ilml Lj; 1"th('r l''''''

n".1 tll IT)" to r "n.r II". <'a\f. F"rtllHallll)',

WI-l'J'~ th.thc-r h.l.l Il"OU~ of lji~ .. "'II for IInl wi.h

~.\[", H,'II!o know (}f his ..Will''''! ill II", Ill;,t,,'r.

1'0l'rd("Il.i ... llf, I .... \i~r\'.""'." with I,i. "oil. :0",1

d~ ..d him In reln1"" :,rar to }I("r I~lrn\('r !lHI''''I'.

Thl:'row., W ....<I rl'j;,ll'illj.: O\-I'r 1l<'l'whrn .""ft'l'''-''-",t l" he" {,I,1 lL'~Lu", an.! II(>W )"')\1 call .I<!""'~ ",h~ .

• b,'ygi".,,:-'tarOOllludl dOH'r,lll,.-l.wlo.\.ht' VIII"

I h.....I, :01,,1\l"to.J. •.~ lilt' liltl .. !luws c:rn,," with,.""h",," th:ll1 ..\...r. -

TOll 1.1Y,.r. Y.

I.",. rl. of .hml~.l> ~,. to "" ...I ::;<1"'\"\. "",tn:1 Oft ....t'l"~ Ihr ........ hoIM' Ihell.",r or Will, "lIoll"ouf


\\ 1. ~:;:.1 ''lI",e lo> ".I,o~l (>n~.lD, •. I ~I" .. I • \'••.~nt

.\ vi I 'Q' __ l .. "c J/~\ .. 1:,,,,,1 "'ilTll;"ll:' ..~ 1 ",.,,"n~I,,!,'h

Il<-I'~"I f",'r:

Page 84: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

fHl TII~: :-TA:';[I.\1l11-IIIUUEH.,

So I .",k ••,IIIoMut the .h!;cHt ho,)', (it lIJ\l'l'J.Y8 W~ 1111'

.. Why. Jolmuy, wlwrc ill Henry ~ .Awl "l"hy is h'eso;l,ool ~..

~.,w Ikury Wll"- hi,; pll\yfellow at'~ ur lup and11i~ Nllllralh' in all bo>-~h ~I~lrt" and pleasures F}'\lIlIt

"n1t111;.\"d I'll tell you huw John 1U19....CrM me, hil. reuoa

"-0 Ilu~'I'I':

"I ,1,m't know wh"rc hI' is, hut be's too11nl~to

l1r-r .. ,"

WhAt! all' thl! bil'.J .. too lively 11"Ih ...)' sing fin every.\J'\' the ct>untlt'AA lIowen; tOil li,'cly in tlll:ir lx-lI11ti '1!.\1'1' till' "-1I111...'l\11l'l e'tr too liyely " .. tlll')' treml,le I

the tr{'l'iJ'h the ",'uld too lin:ly, or the ~nlle Kummcr hm'

ean the l:ailor~ 00 too linly. Lq Ihl'Y IIl11unt thl' tallOan the "".Idiers III! too Iivdy as to mrd th~. rl'lfl liteAre tile "-!lilliI'; nil c&rth 10'1 lively 'l'l"h('11lbc~ "ill~ iA.

Jlr.l.ise?Or the angels too cxultant \...hl'lI they I\houllheir h


Then, Ill!" hoy!', I wonlt! lIot haTe you lay yuur

!'[,iriu hr,\'i"hen ....1111come IAllCll.rlI (,f J~Ull lInd thr \Il'tJrlll

llu: ~J.y; ,r;o I Irl your highe~t cncfj?;i('" 1~ oft'ere<! to thc 1....rJ.\Illt your lJrightcst flow I.If gladness in the :O:.\ViOIlT'.

\>t: I'QUr ..~l

Page 85: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

TUE \\ 1I~:f:L Ot' i'l{ \ ,-r.1t

11 IllY Ih:.\R C"lIlOltl',: III tlil'

IVI S\~l'l'l'~ vt' Tartar)' th~ ~'a. 'rl"IL~trilAglin. III h'''l',a''I

,-""'11 frOIll l'):we In I'b~'<.:withtl,l'ir 11,"'h,ill(I"""~ or

.t:-r- ~::~~:u~,~:I],~';:.:,':;'r;'i~';~:~"~ha,'~ l>lI '_'Ill'll ri;;:h II any l"lrt He it. Tho:~

. he. !,h'lt, ~'W, "ur r<'''I'. TI,.-.y IiH chidly onrn'll.. :l.IJ111"ih-~I'Jl'H.-tlc ..ll 11'.";111(fllwa~-' l,r<'i .. rre<1.o . ,hy, when nil " 1,r"a.d:in~ tour :ull"n:;; thein, :h

~::,~ l~l:::I~i;;~~'11h:<::C:~tt'::.:::;':..'~~J:l'1::,~\;~;I;II~~~:~~::,,~~II:t~~:,:~lI~l;i~~i~:':.\:;~::;li;Yebl~~<t~~,I,l~':~~l~lu ~~~;~;:~l::;:~\r':,,~:~~.:~~~~~~:'~\.~;~~:~~i~~;:~~~; ~~:

Page 86: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

1 lonnt1 Ill'I' M llr:\~'''::I'.... \t l'fn.~'l'r :,. V,)

('him. Yo:~,chi\<1ft'".:\1 I,r~~'cr. Y(lll m'(:~';q)'nnol a"k \lU' if "he \\as ('01l\'o:rlI'1.1 to ell d,':lr~ "he was not; foil\.'< h"'\ neY('r lIt':>t,H;m. alld tl\(lll~h a I'rayillg l'l'incc~"'" w,\~ al1 i:~nt he:II\!CIl. But. ~'o\t a~k 11I(', How (Ii.l "\I~ Iall" to whom'~ That i>l .i"!!t whf\1 I W:\ 1••

11~'(\ll. III the h:lCk I,:\rl (If thl:' It'l\~ HO

l,(l1\>Il.hol,1 or f:lIni\~ ~{l.'-a rllde <':If\'I\.1 im\\{lO,I.lll1,ll':~illh'J 1.1:l."\;. II 11:,,1 I'~'.''',hilt ~:\wrIU'~, ULlt h.:.anl Hilt; lU11"1,,. 1mt kUl,11t"\ 11 t;1,\lt walkt.J. not; :Iud :\ lllonth. hut l"'Pakc

notWIL" thi" hel\t\wlll'rill(,'''''~' J!:'''1. H~'fore Ilis f.I'\l\'~'ll:l wheel. iLl1he rim ot' whkh W('nl' uttillldc of lLl<-hc~, in10 ",hii'll wt'n' ~LU(,\; ~m: U\,ray,'rl'o, IllLl'f'll:~l-I',1 frolll tlll' 1110\1:1. or 1'\'; -j.!;rt.:\t l'ti('~', ~h(' Il.:ll. (m tIll' 1\.)<)( (,f Illl' ten

ing 11lf: \\'1\('1"1 rll\\IIt1. ",) fl~ III hdll~ (_:\(;1,right 11I.f,,\'(' Ihe i,I"I'~ l'YI'''. 1,Huwi\l~ it n ~l,oIn re,I,l the I'l'ay('l' \,(.fOIl\ ~he lurne\1 np fill! \

\rlnl n 1('......JII-fl \\l'alh~n l'I'il1(,l'<;~ :L\ V.\tlll whllt ~ rC\'\1\"(', it i~In lw t~ln-ca, it f1dn ito ~omC t'hil,lrl'll "I' ~'hri~tin1\ par£>nl", :\11.\1it lUl\V b(\. WllO nlh'Ull "'flhh;\th'!idlool~ ~ (' .•1t<:lr ~\Li\llrcll •• 1" yon II\~LY'! Tnt(', ill'l" J!0\1t ;ml; her l'ra~'er~, Ill'Lng "fl'.:f('(l to 1\11 i,!ol.:"1!l. Yflt \10\\ hi'f ('ondncl r('l'l'on'~ ~il'1 t'()

thol'l' l:hilJn'n whn know th(' tt'\I(' (;0,1.~..t Pto 11im! If her 1,rnyiul; to :11l i.llll \\OI~ -it



Page 87: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

Till,; ,..,..-\:;n.UW-ll".UU:ll 8~

----~~;tl~I;~i~,(::,1;0~::~':':';~r:~~~,~~,Q;l,)~~~~n?,:.t~~~(,~;'th r .;1'11C<' I- mon' ~ill(ll\ ill lIi~ ~i!.!ht th~n 'H'r",Ilil h"llltotll l,rinN'@lO' l,ra)."r~ to 111'r idol; llll,1 d{><.'~

ber ,>oll,ll1l."1 .i~e II]' 10 c<J,,,lcnlU IIl<"inlf Child.

f\'II.1IIi11 )."" lI...l now, nil (.f )'0'.1, pray to (;.MIl'.\6 1lW,1 c1Li1.ln'll .-'10; u!I!)' wk\;.ed d.ihlrt-lIlJegleet

>t1>~00'. ,\u.1 G",1 Mp il i~only "r.tell ~~{'a~1"I-'0nII ~ "I n slr(lll be ~:\H.J. l'hihlrell. )onr vn.~'erftI" (,(.01 N>i't ~<l'J lJowilJ~, hul th;~ h.:'1111,,'"pril1l,,'O@f>'.. ' }",r Illu"h. ~he hll'] ht;'r !;,)<I,ill'" "Ill~el, I\n,{10r I,rare", to bu~ from tiL" lnoll:> at a high I,ric".Y"u h: ... " non," u"tb" ...t~ tv lHIr\;I>ll:>l'. Krill,,'r your

[""lIlen,,~r yvur pra)-il'g C()~I~'ou an)" t~linfl" \lowtrue tlL~t the )'0',.;0 of Chri$t i~fa,)' o."'} J1i~ },nrJenl' hi! T'ra~'in<l' 10 IIi'" ..o;;l~ \I~ 1I0Ihc"f:I SLall a' •• h.u k (O:IuJ l'raying- 10 a" i,lol wl.i<'h C!lllno: Iher h("9.r " .. r lwll' lllll', ..-1 ... 11 il oo~t .. l.ef wv~a b; anJ will not ~Dll, ct\.l:h RlHl nil of you, I'm)'1<, Il,e tft« 1,,-,,1 ",!>rn it co.h y"n Illlth;ng? 1111'1'" yon ",'ilI. I pra)' Gun ~'u\l IUl\)-! J. IJ.

Page 88: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

-:J ""7<_ ..:;-'

"4 flU: ~T.\:\Il,\IW.HE.\R.:r..

Il£LE~ .\:\ I) Tm: TULII'~,

.. t;.~1':l\\'a~' with ~-uu, Y"ll ,1irly 1,og!;:lr-ho)'!like w kno\\' wbat right y"u h:IH~tu louk "'e1i.'lIee at 0111' tlow(.n. ?, Thc l-I'cakt", wa~ :l. r:bo\-, lI')t lIlor'n 111:11I t,Il'\ ell H~l\l'S old, :Ill I tJlt:~l'h\ ~olll;.tillH'S \':llk,\ hit;t hall~lMllw, hilooke •.1 n~r~ har~b nnd di~;I"~rl'i':lhl~ jll~t 1111'11,

lie f!.loo,l in :1 lW:llllirlll g:II"",'n, ju~t ill illl\'L~ or tb •• ,'ity j allli it wa~ ,Tillie tif1l(" andlip~ we ..... j~l ..t 0l'l)llill~ thl'Ill:;('h-l''l to the ~uOh! it wall lonl)' to loOk at them, :lJ'. theygracd'l111r Lo the 1i,!!ht wind tbpir 1I11:b or ,'I'

of yellow, 1\1,,1 Cafllll.tilln,..\ white paling r:m in frollt of the galtl ,

o\'cr this till! little beggar-bo.\' ~o rudely "d.-iw.:&s leaning, He wus \'Cry thill, very .lil'l),ra~~ed, I am atbi,l some lillie ,'hillln'll \\ulli

turned away I'rom him, alill \d li-otl and the:lovell him. " "

He Wa'l luvking: t'31'[lC'Stl)' on tile Lea-utiCult-Olllll., :I~ tlll'Y ~\\'u~-cll to l1ud fro ill the 1\lllllOlt!I'

:lIld hi~ heurt. grt.\\. h:'\ppier :u; he 1{>:uH'111:i~ lU"

the fcncc-rniling, and t;lrgut CHr~' thing ill thlook, AIL! it was "ddnm the lIcgg:ar-oo)'!\3thing good 01' beautiful, and it wa& sad his hap

Ilhould be tllll~ rutlcl)' desturbcd.The IIbo.l rll"hcd lip to hi" facE.>,all'] :1 .. I;u


.. [:~


". I~



Page 89: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY
Page 90: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

1'6 TilL :sT.\~[l.Umm:Aln:R.

She wa>l n:ry f:\ir, with :;;oft h:lT.el t'YC"l over IV

droppelllon~ ~hining I:l.shes. Weh lmr]:.i hungher barf' white 6holllt1l'r~, aud her lip~ '\erecolor of tile crim~on tulip-hlos:;;oms,

"110\\- coulll ~'IIU I-pcal.: 1;0 cru~"ly to theHinton?" !<hc [I"KCrl with a. tone of I'oa,l rl'pr.. I lun sure it oo,..l.I\'l l1nIl~finy h:u,n to h~\elook nt tlit' tlO\\I'rli as IOIl~n~ he wfint!! to."

"",ell, IIch:ll," llr;;re,l till' hl'OtlHlr,~lightl~'!,cd, and :-libht1y Mhanll'.l, "I don't like to 11:\\gars gaping on"r the ftmc('. It ]ook~m low:'

U Xow', t!.Jat'" all a notion of ~'OllT'~, lIilll'l1l.!!ure if tll!' 110\\cts can do :IIIV bodv (lIn' (:',

ought to be vcr)" gI:u1. 1.ittl~ bO)'''~nl;lllheturned to thp Ill'g~ar-t.oy (wJ a,ltlrt'~~cdt'kin.ll~' ;)...thongh be ha,l bc('n a prince "I'rOll !lome uf the tnlif'R, if you'll wait a momf'n

"Helen, 1 do be!it'\" tli:lt nm'rc tbe (nnnithnt ever lin.J !" ~:.i.J the' chil.l.., brother,tUrlleJ aWl\\", ,1Iul \dtll n low whi~lle s:J,UD

dOI\'n till:' p;th-fi:-eIingn.ry tl!womfort:l.l,lej~eonduet Wlt.S :\ ~tl'Ongcl' reproof Lo him tilwords could ha\'C L("('lI.

H('lplI I,lueketl Olle uf (':\ ...11 "1H'eimeu (If tht-and then.'W:l~:\ g'l't'3L \'alidy of them-andtl.elll to the c11iM, llii t:ICC brightf'IIl.(1 n~cd ....e,l tlwlll, :U1l1 tbnnked 1J('r,

Oh! till' lillIe girl hl\.ll1r0PI~.(1a "l,earl I"

I'ricl~" iuttl the trollblt"t watel'~ of tlH' ho~.

Page 91: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

III th~ ~H..r.~.., ~1,,,I)I.l brillg" it "I'. b..IIl1tif'II.111tl

",I :Ienin.1"...11. ,.,;lr. 1,,,,1 1~'i~c~L '1'1". liu!\! "hl~""~o:,,l

h ~~.:~'~1J~~,~~~:'ri~~I'~:ll:18:1:::1;,J1~~~;'~':117~::~.1;:;H1~;::.I,~

lb. L~1:~11~;:1.~1~:1~~'~::!~.~~,'11~~t';;l~c~:~lI~~,.:;~~i:I,I,~~'~.~lu'l h.J 0l'{'l...a tlt,.ir lil)' ,..f crill1~(I"llnd sahllod. ~1I1,"hj,,,. jll'! :l-i ll ... y h,..,1 dOli ... Iwel\ c ~ l'~r~ I ....

IfI1. ..;",1<I<'nl~' th'~' ..,u-;o:.rn.,1 " JUllf)~ IWIll ill II

...orklU:l.ll'~ Iln"., 1.."uil'),; un~1' \1,.. t",1Il(l{',hi~ t'y~

II: ll~~inil,~';l~,~l'~;f~::~~:':~~'i:~,~';I~I.:::~',I;"~:::~~'~al~~tL ,- ,,," 'LOIII('II,iul,till lei. I:la'IIH~I' 11",1.illlt'fl:Mtl',1

b gcutlo:mall ,"'.-II-"'l~',"1....,,1. \'.-r<" 1<:'I"'9rd;- .1Ll'~aid, "l'lll,hwl hill!

lU (>1' th,' /i""'Hi; it "h,"~',,1<"." Ultl S"od to ~,'e• pi.. a<11l1il'itl~tl\clll;" :lIlLl,Ic~\\ing I,,-r II1l,li"nu'~

tIl, > II: "l':lroad,..i\ 11,l' 1';.1i1'~, sa~'iJlg-",,,l 11".

~ ~~'~~I~'I::'::' f~:~;~l:;;:'rl ~:r,:~~i~:"r~tL~1t(),~:;il~'ii~.~~

1JI;~~;~,ll',I,;~_~:~k~:~l"~,l:~{,~;'::~'~':':'::;":'I"'r. ,'arll.


Page 92: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

llH\,lt'llll.' 1I IJ/'W lllJ~'-a~', 1111'\ tJj('Y 11:\\'{; lIe\,lc.

of rot>, too, \' our ihc(' 1I:IS IJl't,U l\ li::;:1,t. IIm'l\

:'110111.(the .lark hOllr'" of 1I1~' lit,., :!.uol thU>. .hvlitth' h{'l.:'g-:u,.J,tly c.'l.n "t:llIll ill tbe 01,1 plMc t1;dtn YOl1, thongh lw.~ :\ lIulLlble :111,1 11:11".1, :y,.t, t\l:\nk (:0,1, h ....":Ul h01l\~..t "IH':'

Tt':u ....1r"I'''' Irf'mhle.l ill thl' kill.l b.\~".;('~'~'.t1l1'll ... 1 to lieI' hll"'\mll.l, II 11011:,,\ j.-.illt'.lllel', :\1101listf'llillg: in a ..tol1i ..h1H{,"1 1<.1thl.! \\Cll'kmnn's 1';

,. {~(I.1." ~ll<' s:li,l, "l,ut it illto m)' ('hihl.hcilrt roIhat linl(' .It.<,,\ of kil1!lll~g;;., :\.11,\ .PI' nOW ho"j.;t\1 .. n.,,":u'(l tIL:\t lk1ms !!h"('IlllH'."

Chil<ln'll, ~o :uH1 .1.. likl';d~(',

lIElTY .\);11 m:R I\ltoTItElt.

;\ 1~1t~:\T 1ll:\llY of )[l'~" C~r:I\"'" nil'lIlh "h"ok 1

\Ii ...' il.,:!,l.; wll~';llhc~' h(,:ll"1 ~h:lt ..111' \Ins go.tit:lke ht." l'ltil.ln'll I.) the ('oulllrY fill' t1w:-p


Ill"t of ~\\,ril, '•• \"WI will fill.J it \'('1"\' ('o~.L" ,..:\i.l onl'.

" it will h(> \ ,'ry I'h,';'rl .. "", ,luring the rliuyw{' :lh\"jv" b:1H' in :'01:1\",'. ,..:t;,l :wtJlhcr,

Bllt Illflt' ll"H~' t_;~IY only jUll'l'I"\ llll,l c:

~~.~;;:,.:~I::~l"1:~~'1:~::1:_~'~';~(~I:~\':II:;1j('1:1a::l~I,:~\~~l':lc\i:iug, jU"it :1'; if "lit' kl\ew it w,)ul<1 he I'~t':>~ll, thl)\1gl1 gO mall~- 1,1'('1'1,' ~li.1 it wulllrlll.,I,

It 't\a"i \l hl'h:ht. ~IUlII~'Ih~' ,,11('11 the~' Jro\

Page 93: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

Till' ~T \:'\llA.I!.U.DF..\I!.ER.-------I ~':~::~:~~fi~:~~,.'"h;;;: ~~:.~.::~t1~"::.,~\~::~~~II:~t~::;.., .",lU lilt' 1"a-.1. ,';!Irro Ill<") 1,:1'\ b,'(u ~llllt \IjllllL

I~ .i:~~r;1,:" '~I I<;~:"';':,:,~r:~g"~j~~:;~:~t~\':I~~~I~~':.f.l '~.,,'~rl.' Jl:b.110 ,p," "",,,~ oll~ to ~hal'<' ,,11 thl.'W

WJ. lif"' tll;I1~-l with 11"'111.II, n ",,,1 ,rillh' ,,',-[',. Ild',~ht,~I, ;lllll thl')" COllltl

llIl'<ii~.';\'Jl\ , ... 1... 1il'1,.J ,Il,t ut' the ~rri"g'-', t1w)"

~ .... i"'l'ali'-'lItt"TLmolltlle'llIuoth,j(n~.IlJ,:'ra-"'".nd ,'r\;. lbe ~ ,-11(," ,hllJ,.1i')T1~, ",j,kh ",,-n' Jol .. g

b rl ...... 11. 1101Ik,' \1"" 1:1."'-11 'ool;,l,rf'tIY.TIe <;'1;',,11'<.11(:f.ul.1 1, •• t r.m ,t'Ty I~r li",t lIi).:"t,

I lib. nl':\.1 1I1on,in~, alt,.r tl".ir \:1l'1)' 1>I'(::I\;f •• \,

.It<' II".,thrga",.th(Ollll"-rll1i,,i'1ll\'Ir;oilllo1hl

'~'I'Q' 11•. " ,1... I',.. """', :,,,.1 tber ..., willI lhid, ,III)\~

IU\;l'<-I\II,p',rfl.'eI dry,tl".~. n'" :I\)oUl\t all'\ "id", ...1,.Hll ..w, .... \\'h',rh\\'<'rr.('\'.-r~ 'I' her" "I,enillg to

1 ,,'~l'lIlsll".I,;m'.Wh I, ('I :1rI11;.11l: , ....1\<l'll.\ ... f "il.1 \'iol..a~ II" .

.ildr~ll ...NP COlhl,,"ll~ bri,,~illi.t: ILllhdr 1\1:\1\111I"';,I, ~ iI"\ _h~ 1'"ul.1 h~,,\I\' £1,,1 \'aw~ for tht>m

.'f Ih)' hNught ""Y ",,'.n': 11,0";':" it ,lill m:\k ..

loti' ,I 1 ",ry hllrl'~' \,1 \""k Il\' (rum Ill'r "",'1;, lIIh1

Il-elilll~ h,""lli\,~ lll~,nl h"r.


Page 94: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

.. (J mnmmn!" ~ai I flh~'." 1 do Iv\'(: tv hellQW j 111(!n~r knew th('rl' Wl'rl' "II In:lll)" l\il.J f\M~ before."'

"That ii hc(\aus~ yvu 1mvc IICV{'l' be<::lI inrountry at thi~ tilllt' of yt'lLl" hefon.'; tbt'rn arc110IiIIll:lIl.' IIOllel'lI ill t.hcwm .. ls in tho t'lulIIlIleri

fll'rillg is t.he time fol' wild tlower~. ThJll t1l\1r~t t:)I'tll :I" if th,'y wt'rt> "t'ry ghd t'. wcl.tbe I'ullllhiue ath'l' the clJld wiuter, But y, IIi!;11'0 (,1l.iO)"ill~ all th~."t,Lealltil''', Wt' lllu"t l.ut fWh(lil ii'>l'\!lloh 111('11IlOll"."

.. :\0. 1ll:'l.IIlIWI," ~:Iill Ildl,", .. I;ler;. .. (tHY I th\'fI,l for !ettiu!! me ('ollle tn tilt' (~Olllltr)''''

II .\llll II hi] .. we ~(~! I"'('I}' thillg !I,> "rightehcerflll nrvuuu u~. II I' lllu~t he I.:lp!')' lOO,If)()k'l alltl uukiud w')nl~ should lU:'n~r bt, ~l

JlI.'anl wllt're (:,>11 h:l~ 111:1'1..I ht'~l' t,\1l'l't t1)gl'OI'

"I tLink, Jnl'l.llUua," ~ai,l Helt)", ,. I JlIl.\'!'

10\'1,,1 Willi~ :HI mw'l! a~ J !ill IIOW, liNe inCOlllltr) ....

Anu her ll}Qthcl" thou;;ht, Hi silo ki",.,.H1 III r Igil'l~ 111:11 ~IIIJ ~pokt' tlIP truth, for ,.,lw ha.1 no)":Id, ,b)' how ready bho wa~ to 1PH' 111' to IThough hL' W:H Sll('h a little tel1ow~ awl unl.\".H:ars old, ~Ij(' wa~ alwa)'~ gl:td to lake him with

. wh('n !Ill!:' w('nt for a walk, find was 1111l":\)"1<ren 1walk 1111111'1)",llll,1 hl'JI' him Ill'the hill, or uHr<.tOll(,!;... \lIfl "0 tilt' t'hiltll'l'lI were h:.pp)' :-Ill

Page 95: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

22':~::I;~::::i7;,:~2;~:~::::;:'::~:i~:~;,E'~;::~;B' 11110&to'd t],,,:I1. th~l th~ rllb "'ollM lllllko till!

<Jr:>"krril ""llLl Ihe q'~et:,l)k... grow, tlwy wllre

~wa~~<.~:"";:)\:~~\~~~:~,\:,~'~~~',)",~::I'~:~:i'~~~('I~:~:;:a \rmi" 'l\"l'l'I\ ~taIlJin;; hy II,,' g:\te, tl.......R'" arril\j!'l' 'T"P ilL fI h..HI~(' 11";\1' t1H!lrl, rmd a l:u]~' ,md

little'bo~ get Ollt oj'jt.'\l,('\ I'M It) tdi thdr ,""'-ll1mn., an,l she ~:\Id thftt

I ",L\<l,' lm,l C<.O{U('to lifCtht'rl.' •.. •\n:llll;lYwc 1'11l~'with the 1\11'(' !JOY"_'I1ll'li'n<,!<,

1 "".mBa?" ..1; •.\l[dll'"\".II1.'IIkll<),':':I;" h,'rm;lllllll:L,"f"rI kno ....moth,,1' nr)' wrll,"

lInY;ltL.J"'il1\tt r:m olf 10 II", ,::n •.,J:ol'il'g If>Ih" litll" I ....)' "gah, h',lt tl~t'~'HI'''' "i~:1.rp()il1tl".

Tht' lIUllh.\', 1",",,,\"1"1'. tlll'.\'luu].,;:\ w;llk 1"1-'\ II ..

h~n):i~';::~~~,"t~:l'~~~:.~~(~Y".l,ic~,~'~:~~'~:~::~~:/:\;l::i~:.m,lll' n:l to the fc.m't',all.l f(lr:l 1H""...nt thll

1:~~~al~:jtdtJl.~\itl:;~l~Y~S':I~~~:o~h~::,~'::I~:i:.t~;W:l~'~":'.",,;,\ \It'Il.'-, I. :\TIclt!,j. i. Ill)" Iitt~"b~oth\:r


Page 96: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

92 TilE :-:T.~"-/l.<\IW.m:.\REIl.

JUilt 1111'11 I.i~ 11I:1111111:1 ,',Ulle 10 IIU' Will!I.,W'

~I~ked Ih(> chil,I!';:>n ill. Jletty said ...lle mu1ll1UUUln first. So sill:" l"lln horn.' to ~"t tlll\ (1(>'1)l'rmi,,~iol1, all'] "\11'11 (':UIIIl lmcl.., "a~'ng,

".'lalllllla sai,l t.hat th{')' mi~ht. ~til)' ball'lI.11 110Th{'y had a nry pl(,:l.;mt play to,~eth r

when H{'lty I\"Pllt Iltllll/\ "IHl 'old 111'1' mamm!olhe Iikell Jo;rJlt"~1 H'ry IIlllch.

Thl~ dlildl'{,11 played together yel')" Oftt:llthi'!., nml Ih .. IInl.\' trolll.ltl III('Y I~n~rh:\J waspoor little "'illie, Et'licst Ilad lIln~r 1.;('('11~()flS to ha;'c an)" little brother (." ~iilter, ~ohnlw:l)";\ 1,p.PIl in tlw h.1.hit of I'lp:l"ing only IIlIe thongl.t it WM! ,'cry lil'c~urn(' to he M;nhli!!f',l tn 1.:11'" ~lIdl a littl,' f..lInw a." '\'illiIhl'lII; I,) Wlilk h(,C':lll~'~ II(! ('ou111 not Tun tl"t,

IJim "willg" lit'st, UCC:lll"l' he W:lS the )"olln~10 IAu)' oilly whal he coul,l ],1:1)", ~ollwlirutl"i ...llo 11('\'~lI,l(leII",,), to !":\\'c him :It horn"he 10\.ed her IittlD hroth.,!" ttlO milch to Itrit',:11,,1 .-u El"IIl':olt flllllltl 11L:11 if he wautl',1 Hettypb)"llI:itc he lll11~t !Ian: Willie, too.

But nile dar h(' "amI' running" o\.er to 6n!1 Ito ('on1l' I\I1fI tr~.thi.' lIew jWI'-~:lW. \\"hi .. h hill mhllc11':I!1 l11:tole lc}r hilll.

" LeaH!"~illie horne l'or Ihi:ol 011("(>, CJ\ll't Y~'\id hto, .. he (':1n't 'iN'-S:!.W, nn.1 he \\"0111.1(lI1J~'

th4' Wit) ....

Jlclt). hcsitntc,l; 11lle did 1101 wallt 10 go wit

Page 97: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

w.m'1 ~1r.

,TIII'J ~'TA:\(}.\RI'B~_

"l'11l !lfl'~i,~he "ill try it' I l~':l\-c him,"

Page 98: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

9<1 TilE ST4~IHR1'-TIE.\nr,lt

niecl.\ .• l'O ~11t' yi<'l,led to the tl"mpt.'l.tion. and\10 itho\lt him. Sll(' t"oug-ht "he Lear.l him ~to hor as Mhc \l"l.!lt ill tl.c g:lh~ (jf Enh'~t'!I Lhut IIhc rim Oil without loo'ki-ng- 1'011I111.

Tbcsc('.~:IW .....M in II fid.lllt the si,lp dtlle II:mrl lIt:lly 8catflll herself on 0110 cnd, :l.uJ FOIL the (ltlwT. Tho. ..~. wero ,"cry lIicl'ly ba.lanced,up au,l ,10wlI tll<,)" \\".<111, Ilclt~' in he; <lelip;fin-I forgetting :111aLvltt ""mil:. But :lftcr ashe thought, :>8 <;h<' alwap did win'" ~he l'n[IllY thiug, how I1Im"1I ""HJie would like thi~.tl1<'!l <:;1)e \"I'I1J('JIILcred how ~lIc kHI l"lIll nW:\T

tilt' pnor littlo fellow. ~he WII" a...lmllled ;'1

Emctoil how bn.lly :-lIe felt, but ~he bc)!gt'o.l ,.Il-top the ~f'I'.~:'W, tOT ;,ohe w:mtl tIlo goo he,Tnf' .

.. \Yhal: :.I"e YUIl tire,] so 1.1')0111''' ~:Iid Eru(

thought ~Oll liked to ~ee-"nw ?'.•, So I 010;' IIh(\ r"p1i,',1, « 1ml I want to go

to WillicllOW:'.. I w\mldn't bl) tie,l 10 (t ballr like thnt,"

Ernest, " let Ilim I,lny b~- hilll~<,lf fOf Quce-,""n,. i~Il'1 l~bab).," Fai.l Helty ill,li~n~lItly,'-

I wallt to go riL~lll home tn him:'Enlf~~t, !u\llId she W:l~ ,1l':'t~rmiru'(l. 110 lit' j

off tlJ ... ,.,('('-saw, :\1\(1 Hett)" I(h.t no tim ... ill ru

1:OIl1e to '\~illie.IIi ... liTtle ",lwei-barrow wa~ Iyill~ ill lhe- ga.

w:l.I'k, bnt he Wfll' 110 \\ hloJ'(' to Ill! ~('{,II, :"Ih"iulo tl ... hOIl~e to fl<'k if 11l'!" llI:\I11mfl luu-w whe

Page 99: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

TilE ~'T_\\IHI:l1Ilr.,~Rt;ll

BF.'~~S~~::~~~~';:;',;~',~~~~:~;~~:~...iJletty! "'hat IU:IJ...~Ollrml a"II~' frOl1lllle ~,.

11,( IIlllnIUlIl1r>ok<.:d .er)' ).\'1'11.\' ... a .. hl,,' _:li(l: "l

~:.:~~::~~t:~~'~~~I~~'~1~:l~~e':;:'~'l:~::U;j:~~~~\';:~::~~u;~~:~~ell~.I:~',~;\:r~~I~~~"jl:~~i::~.;':,I~\I~:;;r~~II ,b " I .. M wry ~Ol'I')"tlll.t my lilt],. ~rl 1IC1,1koft.!'erl,r.,tll<.'l". JI ...... (lilih Iml'I"'nt'

'.Wlly, m3IUnlfl, Erne4 (,1I1ll1l:Ult] '\"fillIP'I Ill{' tn

-.!t- \w.\,ut 1,(' ,li.ln,,1 "';lnl 'Villi ... :Iull1 thr'llg-ht\Iilic ",,,.\1,111"1 Illi~" ,n"', o£'eau'" I,,, Wll~p\Il.)'ill~1 'th ui~wlwt'\b"tnH", :111<11Jnprlnt I" (",m(' !J:u'k

"Ihl not Wllllt "-ilUt>! ~n,1 'I\"<)u\,lhis lillie ~i,t.'r,,,him to \,I:I~ with !'Ill)"uther ...hllll? Illl'lugll!

~....a] ,,...,\ I,im better thil.'.1Erlll'"'' Hod KllY('himto~oltolon'II11.1 hl('l"fl,rll of. }'mh:J.f'8It' Erll .....t..dn lilt1 .. 1m,.\,"', he wtJUI,1 know uo,,- mllell )'011

fP your'. an" I,.,t Wflnt \'0" III rnn " ....In' fromb'~,r ..

11',r 'WUIlIll'I,I non \'ery sorry, aUtl ( d"u't

: ;~r~~.l:~::nl.~"~'~h~,:n~:l~;u~i,~~:t[im~.~~~l~~n~,n~it~l:~J';~~~,,:~~\,:~:!'I:')'...illl Ilion,\,1' ml\~11,:\.0

Page 100: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

!lll TlH: :-r,\~D.\IWHt;.\IU:I:

.\n,1 Erlll':;t fOllnd llli:; out, t'Jr Jw COnI Itempt ll;:>lt)" away 1'1"0111 'Villi., again, .\fiwhilu Ill' !,!:lrn'KI f!"Om la'l' cXllmplt:' to be 111\ingClIl1c with, :11111IdlCli GOel ,.,'ut hiul •ol"vlher, he ..aill to hi'! !lHUllIlIll: .. I ule III thim, jLliSt :\:; llHlCh :l.~IIdt~: lUll'S \\'iIIil'."

,)( • .1.,

.\ Ii!.'Ii l' \rORh.

Vi>LI.\ lias a I'rNI~" Jjttle dog, :l1l.1 it .. 1I".Jenny, Tho otht'r ,by .~hc wa~ tea~ill!-: it,J UlllY grow!.'rl :lIId I>w1llpe,1 at Iwl', jll~t It

childrcli d.) who IJ;u"l.l a little teml'el' oi" I .elralHI don't like to lit.' It :I.SIHI.

"\Vln', TJc>lia," s:lid I, "\")11 hun .ferml',)"ou? ~\rc ~l)1I 11111,afrai.( !;h~'JJbite:" '

"Oil! m,," lS:ticLl>di:a; "JlU lII:I.tIl'r holl' Inl

tea~e 111'1',if I only pat hl'r so," (iSUilillj£ lht' ""the 'Vor,I,) ":tlill ,~:j,~', • .Jf>JlIlY,l.lear, .lid I hurt ~or "pc:lk kiudly to !leI', ~he'1I1i{l ,1011"n anti hag"lick my h;lIl.I." .\nd hurc enough, ,JI'IIII)" ,lid e.;]y a~ nf'li:\'SaH

\\'as !lot Delia (('amill.!; a \'aillable le~:ltltl frQmdog? Ye:;; Mlulone which I hope ~he willh).-thc g.,ud ('tfect 01':\ kiwI word, J•..

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<]'.\:\D.\HJl-HEA HI'cn .

.HILY, 1~1

I:,ITY.",. "" ,0'00000 •• ",h'o,

.. ' .. ~1:~/~~i~1~1'::ltl~':~k.'n:l~h:\)~'~'I~t~~:..".e~ c1t1M:.l, 8 ... 1 tho (,\l1'18in~ half

.... dra'l'''''; rur ~ick 1)4:'-'P]'"~.I\l ),;.uow,_''3n 11(1\ bl'.'!.r the _.trol'A'li!!"ht.

-' , Thl'roO)rl'hil.l,nl~"I'r:-'li\"l'd Dillt,. ~',an,llwr1ill]l' fuel', Llmt IIR~~rn('rnl!)-f'QI,right.Iooi.,'ol 11,,'11' :a~ thoui:l"h it were ill a ]"I'g ~l,a h,w ... b:l.dbc.lnI"f'3.Jing:.J"n,lll,r mort. th:'llll\.1L hourI, h~r rnrllh,-'r, 11l1til ut Ia~t I,ll' 1"'.1,1 '''':rI1l In I~,

l..~e~r;~~';~(~-~~~d~:'~~'\~;':~.~;:;:il'.;.11"~1";:~~::I~'~I h.....ltl., J', ~IL"rl,,"', "II ttlll 11.0->01\~,)me ';1,1

lh()tlghhtl\1llt!j"lo hn J".,.,l. "II"", I ",;..11tl"'1

(>e,:;;,I~'\:;hl..l1i:::~~~W'~~t1\~;~m~;:~~l;;"~:~C\l:'~~~~~•• -~ ;I"~:::~'~l~'i:~~~oni~l:e,:.~,:~.l~:~'i~\t~?il~J:~II~:~~~

Page 102: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

98 TIlE :O;T.\SIL\IW HI-:.Ua.:tt.

bo jll~t Sv ~ 1'11I 'lun' it IIm,..t be h'ry tirb'Jtllfor bcr • ..,\11<1 thlll-U d{'nr: I :lIn nlJt IIgood Im,l p:ltkut 3~ I oUg'hl 10 Le; J getoftt'lJ; :I.lld I'IIl nfr:liJ I am uot a of a. co ImotlH'r, tholl).!h [:\!ll hpr onl)" little gill~"

Awl Lucy he;l\ ell a IUIII:; bigh, and kl I, r

C:tll wearil>' on tlw "l'll.i,lt'. That ~brk Nom,it~ fllur w':\l1,o,1, 8e('med like l\ wry !! woher, and ",liP furgol how 1ml!l!J thill<;s till"!""; "If

make ller bright HllIl h:lPl'Y. J \loo't kn '>l"

j,l~e 1.Ui'Y milJln linn' Ihuught, hut, all rot' .'1

her hcnol !'tartt'll Ill'. aod with a \l'r)" lIri,;hsho exdaillle,l: "U TIlotlwr dear! jll~' "!tplI.utiful !'treak of lHlulight coming- ill throblind, ThJ'rI!! it has down :HWU~}1 tue floor,I rliD~ to Mde it~lf lln.].~r your pillow t ..

UN Ill"ther lookC1lnp with ll. I!Wt'et. qui tand Lucy t11011ght the sunbeam W:I~ lookingher yer~' eyel', 11.',1 ... he all~werl"l: .. Yt>~, 1.m'y ,H'ry l.eauliflil. It \lot~ me gooJ 10 lu kYun lire! out in the men\' 1'1l11~hhw l'\'(>rr d:>{'all h:\l'(lh- tI'll wlllll a df':l.l' littl(' J1W~~:'19-P;,ltmy tnlllill':l.lll i~ to 1I;~, in tbi" .l:\rk filUm t

ll1ake~ me thank (;,)(1, 1lI)' chilli, I~lr ~111Hi.IJC5~ to moC', 1),) )'tJll 1..1101\', Luc~., that ym' 1I

~'I\"n liol .. ~lllIll('lIm ': [[ow l'oul.1 I ,1(1 '1'

yuu r'H 0 molher!" lIwl I.IlCY'),I Iwad l':llIk lowl

l'Yer, .. T \t,-illh 1 ('('>/11./ ~ ~'ollr .nnlw:"\1l1 ~

Page 103: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY l,"ly }"t II""', hnw dn:l it w~~ for YOllbert •• no! h,)w I wl,.},('(] I <"OllJrl make It briKI'('I'~ pl.'=~:~:;~;r);7.n!non't ~-'>lI gl'l tln'd ofOIL'

"L,,'~"I"" c11il<1,)'ollnre my .lear littl" <'OmlortlIl\O\l'lI I'rP<'iuu~ ,hllght"r -alllil W:l.II, to to'11

.1IIl'boll'111'1(.10 you Ilan' 1."lr"d 10 make IDe har!'y~d f~perf"ll!.ll the tilll" 1 h:'ln Mi.-n ~ick. I thRnk

u<Jl!l''-f'rydltyfor haril1g' Rin'n ~'r.n to me. AllnI .~, when Ill' t.(Ikfo~me home to lIimwlf, yOll mu.,tlTy I... I,t I c"mf"rt Looth"r',jw;t II; )'0\1 hllreb...-nI "I', .\~k GtiU (0 ktpp a hril!l~t ~pot in your11,,",1; In Tl1I: the '\lll.Mnl' of Ilia 011"0 ~!Ili1e thl're i

-.t t,rn, h<l'""e\"l'rdark am] " ... 1 thing! lDay .... m

I ,.1 ~o'.I.ynn will be happ,' an,] 1Iollful, and per'a ~(rllr Ilunhmm mny jl'ct into "pmf'bodyeIR'M

... t Ir. III ~ ol1l'O ~"

",.ith~r L\le)' uur ],,,,r (,lnll'l'r fai<1 any lIlore jnatI 110;RIlllill:'\" lookl'd 1""'81'01. lhl' ~'indow wucro'

5lI. h.u li....t ~(J( n the Jip;ht ~1.Jinillg in. ''It "':i~onYOlle Iiull! loll of ll. ra)'," thott!!,llt »ILl', "l,nt itmad!' the wh,,!l' romn lopk diftort'nt. It ll<!em .. rtto.. bright Illoflght Mmiflg in 1111 of a ~\I.j,kll,to

l pm@f'u"'l,any. 'Ydl! I ,,,ill trylo be a ~\I".~mr,,.lr; 1 IlHrr th"u~bt vf it I".for ... 1 11m1 1 et/:'1rmON: Ek{\ (111", if f tn". l:lm Bfrli,1

vft.~ ""ar:i cloud\'6r~ ill~lea.l'uf 11"mIll' 011'''.I ~ i~U!t 1.fJ"~tile ;,m~J-j"r,t;'r lie ma,l.., i~;Mil

tt.. R11,[('L\'''''''' 11.'1\rlll'.-I 11,1' olllt'r day, »I.r~1

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100 TilE :'.TA.sD.\IW.Il~:.\R.:R

• God i~ li;:dlt.' r will thiuk vI" that W}Il'1I r10 ff>('1!'Ielli~h :llld ('ro~", :1111) perhal''' it lI'ill ..~~un~hirle illlJiY he;lrt."

~\nd gO LllC>- ,Ii" tr;., ,la~.. n1tH Illy, nt IJOJat .....'-"lnul, to he like tho •• lillllk:llll." SoIIlIJi uwa .. (Iuitc ('a~y, autI LlIl'1I agt\in it W3~ "a:;.,nd thew would be II tight hct ..n'('n tile dm!,ithe siln; and 8olllclimetl, 1:1.111arraill, the cJ'iIl1gel the yi('tOI'Y, Hilt LHO)' WM in 1't':I.1p:l.nlt.'"ke.-fJt a,,,kill~ Go.1 to help Iwr, and tv put HI!

in her heart. ,\nd so, nhhough /lile did lI"t

it, she ~p'ew IllUl't1 lUll] more liL.e th" tluuhc.1 n,clll'fielflight with her wlwren>r "he went. :--heknew tll:11 &1.... f~lt n~r).h:lpI'Y, anti ~Ij {'Ill: lrlmake Uajtr~ 11:I/lP:,.. t()", :->Iw 11:111~lIch aIImilf', and buch a dll'.~rfI11 "vice, that f't'Of-'Iereally ash:1mt>d to he Jull or gloom>' wllell ~hlIear.

011'1 .Iay, lIot H'rJ long- a/hI' the time \\ hen~aW' tho lillie ~llnbe.:llLl come in at the windo1l',sluorl ill hr.r IIlOtlll'r\; room, h)' the f!-<InlCb(',h',llher lilel' was \"cl"y J';ill' aIll16UI'rV"-ful. :-;h~kll\:\Vher de:)r JlIotllt?r had ll~fl her, tlut! liS :<he Il.l<JkeJtile IMt timc Oil }lI'r 5WCct 1:1('(',110 pt'acf'ful :ludshe thought h()w G{~l had taL.ell IICr IIwthcrwith Him in the l:ulll of .c:-1ory, 4\1111 LUCJdOI\"n, and I'r:IYf',1 that nud \\'01110.1 make IlI'r li1... :U'.~n, so that II/UJ too might he :::-la,) wlJlm thgod (If deMit e:IlrIl' 10 tale hcr 11"11.... ,rht:ll

Page 105: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

:z:~:~;\}~;;~f~~j'~::~:.~f~1i~~~~:i~n;~~relb~tIlL'w<Juhlfthill" iuto LeT IUlldyhttl"llt'iltt,

iIllJ6tit with IIi, I')I""! 4. R. ".

l)lJl"I~IIH_'1J A~ EI.r.rll.On',

.h A]€'r'~~nt h:&ol R Ili"".u(.ill },i~eJe~. For thrMllnJ hI' harl Iwl'n ('omplN('I.v bHlld. lliR olmor,snE'finN'r otlk't't, &"kM m....Je:<t fril'IIJ .\IT. ''''eLl)If he ~~LIIJ d" !'"J thUl;.\' to I"€li1.'Ye Infl !,oor ll11inlaJ.

Tt ,I......t ...r ~~id III.!wout.t try Ilitrnt(' o(~ilH'r. wLich~ S Tl'merly l'OlllllWllly J."f'liI'd to ,illlilat di.'SE':I.&'s

.0 'b. hamUlI "y". TIll' hnge lI11im~ 1\'U or.l"rpr!I le,i,'II"U,:m.l at tinl,onlhc apptirrlti ...." oflh.r«D('<I.r,rWSOO:lIDO"t l'xtraordillflry T"'U III tlie

~I. pain ....llid, it o('('.,~iUll{',1. The f'1I....'. ho\\e"'~r •.-a, lfc.nd~tiut. TI.l' (')"1' Wll~ iul!. Hlarm"T n'8!.on .. l,1Jthe:u,j'lll!.lrolll,ll.arthlly"i'f'.Thp M't Ull~. wh~n I", ... :~~ I,ro'lgl,t, ltuJ h(':ud Lt...

I!l.Jr'8 \oiet., he !:I.vuown ..{ IljHl~~lf, 1,1:\('"r] hi~"l(>T~()Q~head "11 Ollt' _iil .... "'ltl~d lip hi~ ttlllll.-,~~Y m hi_ bt~"th jllNt Iik .. l\ nun about to (-nil,,,...

I "P<'t~tio",)!:\V(' II ~jgt. of I'f.lid ....hell it w:\~ 01'1'1',

ad III.. n by trunk allJ ge.<tlltf'lO, ,,\i,ll'lJtl~. wi~hed I"tl ....... hi,.; .!!'l'3titll,lp, Wh~t riB!!,,:lcit),t \\'hnt II

'lllfI t" 11_ of 1,~1i,,"~I'!

Page 106: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

102 TUb: S1ASIl.\IUlBE.\RER.

PERII.APS my rf':ltl('rs \till wlJll(ler :11. my w:loout dogs. TIIl'Ymay My that .iug!l har\: :md~IIJ ate ugly cr('ntur@'~. Thi, i~ trill', hut lhi

Page 107: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

IUK :;r.~"'.U{/l-lU-;\l(Io:K

:.~~~:~flf~;&l~D1'::~;Il\:,r:l;.,~!-:;~:~I,I)II;~1::~'~~~I~~~W~I~i;...,'" .. \ r ~1l1 lr01I;;;hl it 01:1. 1101\" h:l.l'p)' l,e• ! t" \\' L.rjg-ht I.i~ .. ~t.~: Why, ho look. f')f all

I "'. ).1 a, lh<Jll).;h h(." couM talk! XO,k,"j,t,if~ row,l "jl<':I.k, I". wOlllJ tl';1 II~ II,," Imp]» h~ WU.

I't ,.,..m h~ ,dJl Ji"lI<ltl,,: t:~Ilt: to I,i, 11IlI-hr, amlI '00 ,,~I 1\11":\)" lIIar ~oludhing l:he, I oJ" !lot

.oad r bu.'!\ an I gil~.< to." I,,~,rn .. <,l 1;'11<1of ,j..,g .•.

Ire HH kiw.I 1.. ,,1 f"itlofll] crclltlln'~, I UII~'~

'Ii" alllrgt;'Jog: th"t u-;~,l eH'r.I' lHurllillg tl.) l~kcJ k };.rlto "",houl. Ife 1I1w~~'~~':lrrk,l her hll.kcl

mOPth,AIl<1 a:wanwalkf.,-} cJ("a to Iwl'. If

at PI,,~.I, 10" "Tml.!' 610(' nlv>, If all~' ~'a!t6 or

"g' q, ff111l0~~"r.g,1.0 'loul,l I'llt l,lm6df bdllc<"HIwllh"II1,1I11.lthtn l,rOlt,<.th'r, ""hell II,,,)'

Ilhl'liI:hoo~ he would h:U1d Io"t the h:\lOkel,

~ II "11 trot :I.'nt." 1,0mI' flg"in .\I'''lIt !lln"-'

lci.inlhe aftl'l"I.'VlJU he Wl.'nt f,.r ht't 1I1lll touk

!.om/'. XQtI", 11'&\ fiN that "~n' kind, sn.'! WI'

D mlkillg: .. ]f lIwful? :-'.'0 wllncl,'r th.u

IIJ..~;~1:"~1~";"'~:;;~11<." ,,'lio hl'\ a "'-r)" bri.c:ht

Page 108: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

10-1 1I1E :-;TA:.'lI.UW,IJEARF.R

.ntlll I'H'tl>' bla~k dog. A!! tld!! little wyJ.roth(>r~ nnd ~istNS to play with. he IllRlo;;-I.1':lIlioll of lli.~ do!!. :llId th('y were lllw:IYS ....•,by llud night; fol' Trill wlIuM nlwnys s1("'-11

room with hii master. Jf 1l+J r'ldc QIL horwhich he on en llill,lhl~ rlo~ would IIlnuut I j!

him, anti pladllg Itl~ l';lW~ on hi~ l<houhlf'n,If)(}k nbol1t, anJ H'CIll to l:ujuy hilllF('lf wOII.IeEn'ry IlOW :lnd lh(,ll, by WO)" of l'xpre" n ....delight, he would lick the bo)'~~[;u:c llnlltt:lil. This dog '\'as taught. to llri\'c the cat[one p:t:,ture to :lTlfllhN, filul to do tl grl'S111,,<>1111thing". J Ie lI~cJ. to anlllf'e Ilim~c1f hrill 11mbll"h tllll11'01llldng ll11l'x»l'l"Il'dly l11lOU Igr1'St'. 01' dJi/'k('n-1; ho IIl'\'('1" itljIU'\'(l th~'1ean ..1 thC'1ll Ilearly to dt'11th. 'fILii! "on ofj'njo)"ed nm:ll:ill;!ly. Ill' bnJ n !I11t..'1'bl 1;lllllJlpulling the Ollt of the olll roo~t('ourse there was :1 great uprol1.r whell Ill' IiSOIlH''~ h(' tri",1 hili hnn.) nt old hell~ II ilh

ellS; but nut'ill.g' t1w 810rnl n"out hi~ea\'Cr)' soon took to hi:i ltel'l1l, I might tt'll s

fll,m)' ~Iod(> •• [<hawing IJOW H'r)" kiuJ. un1,Iug!i an'. I "Ilt'll think they nre "{'rJ' mllh('hildr£>n, If Ih('y nre well brought up. th '!ntwnys ]llen~allt anJ. wdl-b('hnvllIl; hilt if th .1l1'~1~If>ll. tht'.\" nre Dpt to ~nnr' awl hite. il h

Ihemscln~'cr~' di:<:lg'rt'l.ahle.

Page 109: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

TliR :<T.,'\THRI'DE.\IU:n. to:;---- ---

i'< I~(I ]tI"'"nt:tiIl'1I.1I~)'8 of );...-il1('r~;l11.1, \\"hidl

r t~b ploPg"I~e JUTfI, IIrf' "('n,ral limit). dll"g~""'"'ltf"ofl,kturr"'111",oolilfortablt'l.vl1!lle>',

~t'biJ1L'n ;1lllt:mg Iht< QrdLlH.IK 1111,"g of I,'ft" ..... ('hl.!rr)"ta"-'ll aooun.! Ihrn".I,.JHtI, d,,,)" M\'ml" I"l Iho f;1~orite r"aa~i,le trl't\

i. :"lIiurrl.'\l ••1. Oth1l1ime~ tilt' tTll.\\"ler fvllu"~lllIIj( .~"llUe' "lallle ..! I'"it~ the,n {'" Iouth ~hh.~;11",1,

ilililllli4'JTI1'Wr,hl.!c.u,,'ujoythrd.,li,'iou., ~uol frllit,...hlchIJl'i6ll1lil>rrty H' I'h".I..I'K llOg(J{>fI :1\,,"':::.

,'111..... Jura \-illagIJKare !lem'l'ally it,I,"hiTM hy anilIJlII!\.TiuUIl,fLllg!l.1 r>Nplt',nnr1)'lIllvfll"'lll \\Cul,rh,

1llJ. I'll. .\,,,1 it. is llr ..r(', :\wa)'up ill tl ... IIlUlllllRitl~,

1).1 Iho ,orNly Swj"" \l":ltcl,(llI are lIlalle. E\"l:n

dl'l ,-bv~,"".1 girl_r" t'llIl'lo)'eJ in luanufac-I.ns.g Ila'm, ami ~OT"('li", ..... h ......(Jmo ,,(>r1 KLiIlful.

~ 1lI~)"carillgo 11,(;1(,liteil in Olle orthOKt' \'illllg-tll

.... I,)' "~Ic1l1l1a'Lt'r. III lri~ ~ar1y loul" he 1,3d

lItrTlldua "oi<li,r UlIJU Xlll',,,.; Lut, "('~l'~- "I'lIOri"f lif..., he llaJ retlr~J to I,i~ 1I111i~c,-illag'-'l"'gR" t•• 111.11.:"wlIldle_. II" I\":l~ rich vuh ill

~1~~~J;u~~t!;'i::r:~i~\:"ry on\! "f them, II'jU)'

wal.-.IIlI:\l .. r lIlHJ hi" f:\lllil). \\trt' rf;'~I'c ...teJn"r~' hody in lb~t JH'i~h1"'rhood, }'or mil"..

Page 110: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

arollml he W:IS 1.:11.,WIl a~ a ~ooJ, ulJrighl, Gudillg man-a Illall " 110 1"IllIt] III'n'r Ill' ellpaLIE! of

!'inglc di:;holle~t net in Iii" t.l"wll', or 01 any ('CI8lIIi~(\ wit.h his l'(ln ..cienc~', Anll, witll t.ilt' gooufhi~ ud:;hLors :J.lltlfril'll,l~, the benediction of~('('mcd to rl.'~t 1l1'Uli his llOlI~pllflld, Sni!:t palit), in 'kt'(>ping- hi .. en~:tg-t'mt'llt~ was lh(\ rule orJura walehm:l.kt'r, Hill wnrd was n~ gOOf}as""h('11 h(' h,,~l l,rumisc(1 to lldin~r YOl1r work('+\I'taill d:IY, 110 ordiuaf)-' thiug cOlll,1 pren'ltfrom doillg ('''':'Idly wllat III:' Ii:lll l'roUli~I'II, e.,.the ell"t. of hL'J own conH'uit'Tl('e, l1il'l familyadrnir:.lhl)-' tl'aint!'d ill tlia.t 1'1'''Pl:ct • ..\11 Ilj~ chiknew thill, wll:llt'\'I'I' might thll upon t110l11,l~onld it be rqll'oaelll.'s agaiu"t thdr l:t{IIt-l"'!I "

honest~ npdg-ht h'll:lC'iLy in kt'l'piug' !Ji~ "" ..hi. cmJ,lo)I.'I'';,

About tUllr lllill'~ frolll the village of flCIll\lld,to\l"1\ of Lode is sitUllt\'J. It W:lS th('re tlll~watclllll:lkl;ll' ha'] to ~o, ollce a \l'1....k, 10 ut.liHII'work, and tv gl't 1lI00'fI, a~ wclll\lj the gvitl he('d to g-ilt1 the ditl'crcut l.i('('I'~ oit.he watche~, Xfblllnb.y WWI the day fl.w,l ""!It'li that 1m!wag 1:11.:1'11 hv the wntdJluakl'r a.em~~ willI. Ipiu(-" uud!S a;HI l]fl\\"11 .1eep ('"vim:!', ~\s hi-!.IW:H all rig'ht "ithin him, he never fitil('l] tv('ach timu- 1II0rt' the OJlpul'tullity he lill'll hd.:Jdmirin~ the beautitill worh (.r n(lll, pjoll~hare trlll~,the I'i('h('~l mll'~, Thl'~" turn," dr

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THI>~1'"\SIL\KlIln;&lu:K 107

IJl",rtfn;.ar.d .'Hr;v ,h:y to eujoym.,ut, out of1""litlldegrow~

Oil< :"!lITJay ",nrmllg. however, the wah'bmaltt'r

,I h' .... ifa that lIe .hold,) Ilut !-Ie able u> go to

J. ,hat ,Isy. though ~o;Ilf'l....-ly m,,,,t go. lh..... , 8".1 ~eytral .. f l,i. rhiltlrl'll Wl'fl' ~i"k 111.1...

\\ .... 11"&'1 In be du"'::' Alj.'r II "'''ll''-",t's \lebat~.. h htl' n(.t yet Yl'ry b()J.l cOllrnge, little Jelloy

<lid: ~ 11l"ilIgfJ, I'nl'~. if ro~ 'IIilIl..t me" I know).w I .... ~'('ty (,2In'flll awl ""t 1,'fH my way or the

Iw • i,;::o;.lolo:uLHM)..itl.,!"."J.wmywlUIllchilol "1".001 ...11011Iolle Nul ..l snf,,1y

fflf.'l! ~n'" 110 ('1... "t Rnd la'thillg artilh::htl

~~t her. She' WlIs ,,1"1I'y~ b\l"~' .bout IIQllleb<.>dy'~_iDrt .• \t hOllle ~be hl':I' ••d ht'r motber in tll ..

~l' the ;V0llllger diildren; !lnd as soon ail thl!

~ oQf came j"lJt ber to be ill the ah,)p. ~h!l 1I"alI at Iwrp ~"h,,",. H..r otl(rto f!O and carry the 'Il'orktolbo~~", tile" b,ill~ back th(l g-ol.1 which ~1'Quhl bo

1MI..-11'", ,L~ followina: wttk'g 11.>t', 'II":l.!!. ther('ibre,~ .• Il,u illlpul~ cahd illio earnefinellll by a 1I"llh

10hue IIg-vod time tho1lg-h the \:n""I~. bnL ~impll.~ :::'10 o;.t..ligil I,.., fhtl,.r "",1 t ..lj"H' l,il1l frn,,,

lr~ll-',l,ei"p,i llml JCl"'Y bLou\<l go; 8",1 HI")'

'IlII1ft.erl;.re:.kfM~t ..:J"" .tartc<l. lI,r molher J.:u.l

~herllp\erycanfllll}",l>l.'lti,IUlla:i,'iug"b,rbl"f'Q,land"J."e-... for 1,(."Ji"II1o'r on the war

~ I"" 'l!,:lir ..I' ,,"'- .,1' I,,-r hcoll'N'" trow ...'; ••

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108 Tm: ~TAXJl.'HD.llE.'RF.H

:ullln' ..)' ",hurt ..kirt.~, f,lr tilt" SIIOW Ia} ,Igrolllld, llll,l Ilutllillg WliS to irnJ.>cJI! hWlll'lI t>lw W:Li :111 r"aJ~', she kj~i'>l.,J h~ai(l good loYItook illto her h:1Il.1a she might r('quirll it fin !J('r I'd urn 110tile altl'moon j llwl thus ('lluil'PN1, ....ilh :i

cheerful ~l,il'it, she heg:lIl J'N 101l('ly wall I'll'a~'l1lt t'llough, The l'o(,U~ (If r~ In,l')1l II rcli ...11 tv mUf)" :.It" of Ollrs llfJunl~tll. En'u:I \'I'rr ).ollug chil,1 L.IlUW~11m\.lluJdt'1I1)' grew h'lI )"Ctlrll olJer ill lit'r 0

Wh(,ll 6he tllll,. fouIIlI hl'r"f-If going all;'jt,:.-, :1I11}1(,r her f';alher, too! TL .. pill(.\"('I"Y ocaulifnl, with tlu-ir wi.h.o...:.preaJiu)£nil covered wilh ~1l0W; :ulll IlOf II !\(,ullOlin I.he cri~l', hl':l{'ing :lir •. JCllIl). walke,]

"lul'ping !lOW :11111,1I..n only to Ilhakt. her ea~ "hfl ""I'nl alcmg, !.he did 1101 furgt.t ,dw Ilto h{'r, She (lm)"ed to God in her heIlr\lUl.flll might h:lppen to I'er, :"'hc \Ins ,af'rAi.] of \I oln''!, null tlH:refore "lie mo~tly Jlbe kept li"olll lll'illg :lltackcd Lr them.p1"ll~'I'r imparls courngc Will'nel', J('time fcarle~ll, walking' 011 :1Il,) on, till .11rl'nchcJ 3[r, n:!I ~ho)l ill tho';'cit)",

~hc dclin'rl,,1 the watchfl!'. ann ller f.llh~agt', and tl1..11 "he sat down to re~t till the I

wt'i,g-hl.d the !,;olJ lihe w:l.llled. Till" prf't'iousijmnU :19 il \1":1". WM fWcurc-Iy tiC-il, allOt .JI>fm)

Page 113: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

TilE :-t.\'l,.tJtt';:--------

-: J l::-l'r in I...r hand; ;I~ld tl"'1\ ~h~

~. IbH~~r~>h~~~~':lll.:l;lll;::/~~\~:~,~~~:.;~;;';:, ;~':::~:~:;::~~;~'::::::::t: E'::~:H:;:::::dli It "i",l bl~'\ oro 0•.)1.1ill hH [101.', thlll i~11<..1 .... 1

1 l.r. llo"H.~,r,.sh~ Iri"ll !lot to mind it, :\IId.

lak1~t~~lIC::I~~~:~I:~~ii~:ll~~~';~t~~I;:lj:::~)"::l~rI' lI .. intrfO'CI.thM,> lll,,""I:lin-\'l\lIl')'~. It WliS

.. ' ,iArIo.; ,,,,,I )'<'1 Jl1lH)' hllJ ""t !;UII~ lilliI' IlwII< tll ber l,ollH'. ~hc ~l'.)I'I...',1 to light hf'f Inn-

:~:nJl'\:~:,~~II~~~Ili~~:~~'I;::;,~::u~~;'I~I~~:~;l:I1;~R quiw ",,1"'. TI,,'n cl,,~illg "('f Jallt~rn .. ..,II.

~.j,l it nnner h,'r doak, a",l went Oil. Bv and~ ]~"\t1 ~1,.I)" gOnl> dO\\11 H,e UC"I,,'st r~vilH"

on IOllllll Io'.'I"l;l.'lf ill II", wo",l~ ."\gain. l"1,eqnit, Illollf'. lm.1qthf'r :Ifrnid, bllt ~h(J kt'pt I'nt)'-a I.] nl'CatilO1/,; ill her 1lI!",I ""llIe n:nl-l'~ "I' a-

II IllII wlli Ii Mho 1,a.llR\"h'lellrnt.... 11M~Lollt lul1l:"'II)' tlirough tllC ......", ...],; ",11t'1l

:tf,l.-li~ti"ctly, !11I(1 Cl;>llIill!; Iwar tl;>"'ar.l~ 1"'1',

r !!,C uoi, .., ll~ t~at of ~Olll" :Ulim~l on the run!J 11.1 larled. \Vlmt ""J\11J it ue? AmI ",h,\t

'~l ~l" .10 if ;Ilt~ It 'NI~".' W oaJ,l 1~<1dkef'r


Page 114: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

110 TUE ~'T.-\~DAll.ll-BE,\nEIt,

nt nl1. (111)" tlw l1oi~t! e:lmc n(>~r('r. and_right Iwlore hN, within uot mon.' than ten ftllll'~ :l' wolf I'toou. looking' ioto herJ l'l1m' W,'l.~ "0 tenifiefl that ~lle did not enmSilt! ~lovJ abo :;ilent awl lIlotionltolll, ,"'hcknow wklt to .10! :-,II!' thought of nod'~po!.t0l'!' Il('r from dangcr,c\'en while Ul\llgct' wnHlld al tilt' M:IIUl! tilllC', with a. rt'mnrkable prof milld, swing-ill.':' the lnntC'rn vioJc.flU)' hefiHllimal'" PVt' .., The wolf CVi{\l'lltlv 11:1..11"'\ t'r!lccn "neh.n thing; for, d1'al\'iTl~ hno"k nn.1 grI1l'rcply, be hOUI1,],..l aWRY hCI\H'Cn thl' tr; ...

Jl'nn~o thanl..: ..1 c.o.I with :llllll'r Iw.lrt (&r IIlCClioll; 811J, though ~Ile IOllol!(',l to b(' home.\I'arming hl.r l>.'1Il11ll1)p.) ]illlh~ hy :\ hright ".0illstCl!,C}ofl,..illg ill the IlIlOW-OO\ONCtlfon' ..t all~opl ~he W:\'" 11111'(' tilM He wIlli Im,l hpt ill'rwoul'llccJlllcr to t11cl'nd. ..\u~llo lhi! nTYol.1IH oIh!:'now i.., wlu;'ll ~he 11ll<h>Iwrself ill allYg('r, she nl"Ony~ I"Clll{'m~rll the wolf:llld tht-la"0 f:lr ~wa)' in 11m .JllnlIllOUl\ I


".u!:;'<; :\Iarlin LutilCr :law Ollce a. "Parrow, hiclaimed 0 .. Thou nrt Ill\" denr doctor of dh;nitythou t(':olehf'~t IlW nOli'l< (10'11 l'r nlld goouRP~,

wi~rl()m, and ni~w0!1(1Nfnl pro\'i,h'lI(,('o"

Page 115: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

TIlL ~T.\:\I' III

E... 'S 1lI0n,illg !lncIQl'!'parro,..


~'(>rr ~i~e him nk ...... ft erulllh .. :Illl'f'l1;mb""nplll'l ..acht'B

LiH'" ...'rIllQll~ LUltome;


I' •. ~1'~IT~'" i~""t hll'l<l ...)nl~;,.~l'Jplainly i~ IL~ ,l .... ,t:

"nf""lJI b ...1Jll' b"n....-M" l .... ,.b.S...r('a"llIlil<l R!In-lty ,,,,,<I,

1I~"n"l ldner ,,,nfl."tM".A,otll,,' f,'wer fri{,",I~thM" f",-'~;

Tl"thi.\iftoi. fn ... from .... du" ....

A~dl ....'''11'' lI{'nrl;llt'lw •.

,\",1 Y'~ l""'lot !'1'llTOlO" ,!

..,,~J;,:l~lIe~:7(>~';~~~;:~~.I:~, "'>t'I<t:,-t, I.. 1R'1. 11,. w,~.i.,

Page 116: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

Iii TilE hTA~-D.H:D.B}:.\'{}m.

•\lId l;UlU~lilll~'"in tll'plh of winter"-lj(~n the i~(oll the ~Ull;

,Any ta ...t." Iilll" monwl, 'Is with 11iIUl"uity founl!.

Hut thl) i<pll.lTOW'~ want" Il.lwa.\lIBy t,i!l. ~I.kcr'~ lulIHl supplidl;

And the 1111"1,awl thrul>h .. llild gol.u\Il~h~\ro:l)r,,~iJl.J for 1..-sirl,.;

OIL! if God thlls kincllr r"M~ tl":llIKl."eps t!wm eVe'r in Hi~ view.- '

Will VOll lIot "dien:. 11I\' rt:aJ~r,1'h;t lie surd)" Cltr~~"fl'r '(lU ~

I..ofIk at D(lCtor ~parrow'~ gamll."nLo~o~'r-CtJlorcJ, Lut how t.rim l

~I.rk hi.i <.:l)at, 1;0 f-Ulootu and Slos.y.~u..:h II, rerf,-ct, tit for him!

TwiN< II ), he ~ts a nt'1\" on ..,Without all)" hill to I'll,)';

Will not He who ro1...'5 the ~l"H'r"u..Cloth ... J1i~ I'lliMrtn d.\, lly da!~

Smile uolal thl' olOCWr'~lC1!~llnll,;Sorhl'withtheirteadl('r\.uM.

ror (;od ma.-Ie the lHimbl .. Sl11lrroW,

Anl1 Chl'i,.t cllO~e it for hi!!. I!'XI:'He eoutcutcd, gt'l)", alld tru~tful;

Lxok to hl."a.nn in time (of n ...<,,\;A I"f' Will not of much morl." nhll'

Than the ~I'.rn)\\"~ G.-wid"th fL"t-d'

• .\1.. U. 111: ::\1. f I.'.:.;,.. I:! : t., 7

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"',"'b"Alm'.1!O'~"- ,.1.11<1. lIi~ hil'.j .. inIK

",'r., \'0110 ,ii,'",.~t ..i1l,~ .lj'e" ....., filt'} IlL" Ill)

"~'-Ir aih.r "car QIl ]\;8iittlp bl'J, 'ill a room

1',,11 of ,jek mell. ~.. air.ti-rl'l1tfrOllltJilll ... lflh:.1

,~ ' he ....1!.11 1(IIWI~', thOllp:h~..." ~~"'>,1 in a "l"1H\'d. Johnny.• <;; .... _ •• \\' ...~ thirt~"11 \'Par~ 01.1

rr ,~::~ ~ ':';::l:~,:.:,~dI~~O~:~;:I~~:~:.i::LI~'~~';'t'''JeWhM Ih)" all hYed 3.1 hOnle,:lTJd he llot'U"to:':II",la)'. dw,,!. lie kept the little Te.u-l-'"hiehI ",j bl.'<Cll~i'l"ellhim thrl',:m,! JO'l"l'd to

11. lii.;illl"Vo"~ ....i'lII,w ..relOll"ol11"ill.,din!JI In,,,J.ojnn)-\w)}: IJ"<lT hh ht>d; anJ Olle .. !' t,j.

Page 118: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

lli Tiff. :-:T,~Xn,Hm RURF.rt

chid' plca~lIr/;'" wa~ writing' to hh motlH',.lOhe Illight hayc IJeen with him, ~till :.t hOlI ~

love "I' ,lrillL: hall 1\01 llln,h. tltem I)\~lr, YtlpvJ..1.: uf Ill'!' witb much atli:dioli .

..\11 :thm-hollH' il'l:l ..:ul 111:wf> t~.r :t ,'liil,1ill. ~1,mt.'tiIllCS pour .Juhnny was kUIJ! :il\

lIight 11.\ lilt' ravings of:l <lnlllk:lrll, ill a ~t

lirium tre-l"u/R, lUlll Jlrof:me, wickeJ l'OllHdaily llUlllJOk,l ilillill carll. Xo om' W:I~ WIKhim, Lilt Jl(~ady all werc 1;0 cn.l!rfls~td \\ illOWl! paiuol :Ulll tl'ouhlt.'!', thnt tlJey ~d{lo111 t]

nl'llilll, It w:\!' w"1l111'rflll f.(, ...1''' a thiHJo(NJ].~UI'II \'nml!:Ulinll~hil'; hut it WiLi the I :'~Ull :-;hIlilrl:'.t,]f whu 1':LlTit,,1 Ihiol 1',",01' lamb ill 1 illin.go llrm~.

\\~llPll wt' Wl'lIl 10 ~\'I' .111]11111\,ill' :111, :I\~

0;() dlf'H'lid, w •• coul,1 ~"',ll-(,l,ly l~':I1i)(•• hO\\' In

~llnt!l"I:'ll,t'.H'l'l'l as hi~ Ibin h:wd~ :lIllll'a~" iii.,tIll' ~torJ •• lIt' 1U'\'cr llttl'\'l ..l Olll~ cdl1lplaiOLl.l'CtllVI.. two "l1lllli~lt.'rillg l'hihlrl'lJ" 10Tlwy e;\tTit ..jllirn a little L:l"l.:t'll ,rith \':Ih ,Louks.. wl'iliug-U1:11criaJ,;, auJ 8 Lull. of \\'3'\ I.Tnhnll)' ,Jj,lllut know ' ....IT wC'lI how to thllnkin words. Imt tilt' liltle he ~aid mcant n ~ml~(lm(' little girls, in a lli~tallt plar." :J.l:-;..~kiull."him hooks. c:lIIllil',.t. :lIllltll'~. '1'111.: hl>ll

l'l'izL"t1 tht.' liost, Lut lIone >'0 ;lIIu'h :11- IJi~ IiTl:'l't:IIIlt'Ut. Il~ lon',1to he:lr Ull ~l"',lk (0 .I11ml of hC11\"ClJ. "'hen he wa~ nM,.,:I Idl1.1 •

Page 119: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

T IF ~r.L"['.\III>HK.\I:~:Il.,.h:'~::<'1:~~ll',I."c,~:';~.II~i;I\A~I~:~

"~~~::i,:f::::~::ii.i;';,;:\f:5:~:r~;r:;~;~;:~~,.1,1 ';" ~'ilh trllT~, 11'1,1, .lo)l1wr w~, llO mOlTe, :lull

1,111 I ~l ~,,;.II ... ,1iJ I",t t~'.1T It•• !i(,. l'l't'o.u.e Ii..

I;n tl,.. :-:,n'!"uT. Till' 1"1111",,,1 "-"h tn].: .. ",'

1:.1"" .."1'1,,....-. l>y,h:I\lII<Jllr; "" """-,,otI 1'(1,' "ur h~l l1'ihnle of I.-,\"<' tu l,i_ rt'tlI:,jIl~,

• Illi1\1( WI'" dC'lIl' .11101 'Iui .. t. IIi, rda1JH ...11, 'l, Jlc... r, hall l,no\i,J",J;L nl'al "Ollill. lI ..w tall

k-,[ il, it., lII"J "',,,.. hlll"'1 .11,.1 ":II,., bi~ II,j"t: ... l' .,-:.. ~ It w:\~ H"'~'~till '""\ , ...1"1"''' tl,,',,;

I ..otih gl:..1 :\, w'" tllOlll,ht •.of ih ... j!lorioll<,[,rf,1 ox..lI,lIIg" I". II3.d made, from all :iboof

n" an'.! ~ill to 1I11mll~inl1 ,.1' 1",lim'" 3THJ I ....r

\ Ili __. So ,,(, kld,- f1.TPwr.lll•• little .Iolllm)'.


}1,1':"1:~'":i~"1"'l:~."'~'llf:'l':'~:::~:':'l.i,~~II:\"';~"~;IL'~'II:~"itlj~t;;;\ r in I....m ••rr ..... , fUlll 11"'1\ ~"'1l elm )!" tIl tl".;.l~~,,,t :I~ llil'Pfl tim.. ll" ~-"11,wII1'1h'ln~

Page 120: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

116 TilE :,T.\\I!.HlIllltam:K.

" YPI>; hili 1 l\ :lIllt'd tv gv thi", IIImllill~.

'fary UI-:l~'i~ going :\wa~'l all,l I call'l ~'C I1II0lT.,\", Oh! .l('ar. wh)" 11("('dthe Taiu haveTo-dn)- ~.t :uullitlle )b~g'i(:'~ tenr:, alw'Ist L: Itwith tll\;~ min-lil-ops whiC'h Wf'rn filling I'll lhtCI'l; a1l(1 Tr.'('~ out, ..hlc of the wiu,}.m- will'r" IIlt:IIlUillg, Tlh,:re W~bthi,. .lifi"I"'IlCC h.,t',1 Cl r t110"-('\"\'1': the r:lill-drops h:!ll I'CJJIlt; tH it\' a lJIand ah'l':Hly \'Im Ilowcrawcrc holdillL: uptllO'ira~ if Tt'frez<heJ. aud th., tr("e~ WI'rt' lookillt; "Ij

while the little h"uIJk \\"ellt lUllrmul"il1;:..( 011 'r:'l~ if gh.l tn 1)(' ah]e III rUIl to Iht' !'in.,. OIWt'

Bllt )bg-gi.-'~ lcar;;. did not do :11IY1;10" 1. II('olltl'a!'Y, till' fjL~t('l' th('~' flowNI. the 11\01'(',li~hc f('lt~ fiwl it lIl:uh' Itl'l' ~n\lLtll11n IllJr"JIIf

to s(>(-' hl"- :->" 1l11happ~_ ~"You will meet with mall)' \\'l'r'~1 ,1i',L

1II('lIl'l tlmn thi~ my l'hiJ,1. if you Ii, C "'Ill)

)'e:Il's; but it will hi'll' )'UlL III hear them.will rt'll1l'lIlhL'T tbal tlH')' are all ~"lIt by :1).,\ II.lhl'l" to t('al'h YOU I'<ome !!(lo\l lc~~on. an,]

loom!.' W:IY wod,: t'IT your ~~od. 'buy a I't"liHld tv llle~~ Goil that ho h:l~ 111'('11lli~n! 1'1int

'" \\'h)'. ,!!I'anllll\:l." ~:Li.1 )[ag-g-il', .; I J(>l"

hu\\' thal \';11\ be,""1 will 1(,11 YO\l oj' I \\H PCI't,It' wh'l wert' 'I

11)' h('illg: .li~:IJlI ...)illll't1. (h!Cf' .. WIIl'1I ~(}tlr"

thel" Wfl., :I)~'lellt fr(jm IlOnw, 1 W:H t:IKt.!lI n'

an/lmy !<i'ltl'l' wrult.! III him tn hnlT)' hOllw. If

Page 121: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

~~i~f~!~~s~~~~~\~r,...~, R I>h."illg" ...> hilll, '\!I.l t" all of 11._.

l' t Ih<,\.<>:It 'I!';I'], he lIli,s,.,J louk tire t1,~I, Ilit'lIt,

~ Ill< _t ,n'r~' l';l"l'IIK,'r Hit h01U"t! I)('ri,t""l

~ >'~;I~'~;'''lt".i;~~l<~,II'li:'~"we[l'll lloRnkt'ul tl) t..,~l f"t

'l'I, ~ ~'("', >!;T:u"lm:l, that w:!.~ :1 Im!'l'." .... '.lII~':

lIt 11 ", 1101 li~,.I.\ my,li,:lj'I",inIl1lclll to-ohy",'iIl1 ,,"lLnlbt wfly."Mid)l:l!l"!(i.,.

""\0, "prh:'I'" Ill'\; 1."1 if it "':ldle"; ~'"u •.-. j,"l\T

1"'lllm'l1l~ with I'Rti,>'wr, it ",ill " ..t hwel>e1'1I;, mil. I;ut I W:)I,t \.U 1••1] y,l\l a slur)' whith

IluJ lh('()\'l(.r <:I.W. \ n ....,d II'Mwreeh'.l :11 .... 11.

J • [It' ... ;I.r nl,-,;,i" 11":\LI'd Oil n. ~I""'to !\ rOl'\.~• 11.- ),"lOl I~ I'll 1\1I"h(lUn< ill th" ""lll<:r, and

fi ~~:~:~~;ilIl~t:I:~';:~~'~\i;:,tL:i~,t~":~(~,Ii';ll:,:';.k ,U,,:~• "~l':..-~iIH!,hi.lin'lUidJt 1)0'fl'<,n. aDu thu, llf'

,., I be ~1I.\eJ. II" col'erl."J ,,11 Ihl' .tido.~allJ~I'~~:~~;,:~113.1:;:::'~,;::~:~~:':;,;:~~r~i~:-;~~;~~;~~:~:~~'i

Page 122: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY
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...u I' ~Cl' ,,"lOke ,," ,m lI11illh"hil,"[ i~:an,l, tht;'

n !~...[ Ol<l.'I'",J II,e ~I,jl' t .. I". _l .... r~d liI'ar

'~~~lt: I:;'~,,:~~'::~'yUI;~~;~\>J~,.~l::'~:':~r\'~~""II?"

!1! 'h':i!i,,"~;.,',,; I~l'.l _ai,lllll' "",,)kf>1I"''''lldfll higher tl,;lnd "0 "-"\lId: .11HIhesi,J,,,,, it w,,~ ".""" ],"111" ath,.

h ikr Im,l Ir;..,) tn lig-Iit bl.- Iirl', "",1 il "",,1,1•. l.mncJ ,,,,I, ifit h'lm ... ) brillllll)'. Tl...

r 1L='1 ).y it llml 110') ,,,'"'W wh"t "'''" I"'.lr him, ~1I(1 'I he .!-COlllr we :Jllum th:~ le".....n

~ h31'1,icr IH' ,h:1I1I>(':'.;r:l.lH!,nM'" I"J"','rt'lllnc,". au,1 ~tQri"", am] W.....]

W',lCl :I.O':-l.t"'."I', 1",,1 1.y this tinw, quite Te~t(1re,l

~.e~' ~!lg~::'~::L~~:n~~:.~1:~n~~~c~J~~n:~~:';:\ilv:8,::~~111,' r:lillY r""ru:llg ":I." LU J.,." full""',,,1 by a


"TilE m:IT U.\ItF,-T,Bf;(;F,1l I •.-I,1l1,n:."

,,-U!" re3T<&IZ('" a~\(Illt.. ],"Il)' )'ol1lh of .. ig-hll'pn

~ roo.:lld~";:J~~;i'~::;;~~I'~;;~~"l'::;:;'i~:~.~:i:~e,~'~.~l~I villJl~""""F>olm~tl\r.IIll.1 ,,:.;,1;

:~~: I d':'~\::nal:;;:'l~;~urij:,\;:~';,i~~-s':~~;i'~;;~~ I "'.u'l In l~.-Im to r •..•• l ,,",1 ",.;to.:" rl'l'lki! IIIr.

Page 124: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

Tin! leadll'T look('d into tlw In.-I'~ tReesomf'wn:l.t ~(,ol'llflll J::"lrlllrt', ~nrl1:!1.(1 d hi/; ~h 11nnd ~ni,l:

"Y.'n' \'1,11, VOUl'an nttf<lId."

XIIW, 'ifth~t iJ0I1_' I:1d 11:111~lill lu IllP ha 11mNln In L("'(II11(' :I gTl':at inn'1I10r,10 Iw t~

l':miOJIl of ri,'h :11101rwhle m"ll, to l\(,M eonHwith kin,l!"', :111.1 to WL1ll' my 1l:1111c mllOl1.1.( lh1Ill'II or tIll' 1\"orlll," I ,1nn: ...:IV Ih*" h'.~dwh:H'p .~..ll1ed the bu.," :1 fll(.I, fOl: ..hrri Ilill~ "'U,lr('nlll~. Yd tll:lt 1'000TIl<lll:-' Ind. who Ht Ii.lid Hot know tltf' nll'hnhet, llid :alllho I {Ililltilr,' hI' di('n.

\\'" .. wa~ Iw': lIiq 1l.'\1IH.' 1\"n<l {;I.l)rh .... ;";t

"Oil, the ~rt"at r.lilwny pionl't.'r.It W~~ not. the lil.1lh <Jf )'OUlIg" {;('(lfge that

ignflrant ; it wa~ on1)" hi~ mistortmlf'. lIi~ Iwe're too puor 10 H'n,l hilll 10 :<..111"'1. II. ""'~(ln of till' fireman of n pllmlling,pl1qinp in.1 MlIi~ hirthphwl' W:l~ II C'ollngf' wilh .1 dny 1Ioor\\nll, alld hm'C' T:lftl'M', ]1(' 1111,1 tI .• Ilt'lp .osli,'ing li'onl his ('nrlif.':ot ;'{t'ar .... fir!'t hy henlirlllrLllIl Ionrrill/! lip tll ... glllf''' ..r the mine 11-'Colt ILt' W:J~plll 16 I'if'kill,l( ~tullel' frf>m tla':\11<1at'tf.r Il1illl" drj\ ill~ a hUTl'I', whirL 11II1l 1from the I,it. By 1\.11.1hy 11<' WlUl ma,l\! R!

fireman 10 Ili~ t:lthf'r. \\'hl'n fH' W~~ ~I'H'I t

wa" llll\.de pluA"man of:1 pIlIllJlill~-l'lH:in.........-A Il"fl~t Ihan hi" tiJll1t:r'~, :mrl 11:1.1dilllh.,I.:"\. il

Page 125: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

\Hrki!lg'. \1.i:JLiuf!. I'(,fllling, I"., k"l't on.

i. all bad h:lhit~. "ulill,(' I,,,ilt nl ......f1mn'in.

, al"NOO at th" Tat" "rl"ur milt., " .. ),nOlr on :l.

"war, Thi~ W~~ .1 grl':lt :U II,at ti"",1/' np1! '~'''Tk \la,:l. raih""~'ei!:"h' rr,lI"s inll'llhoth,

.d f'r,1m !ht~ I,nin" he l...,'nl nfl. unli] he II"M known

•. l!r ... , nr.i1"!l~.I,im.,'''!" "(,1.,, ""rl,l

I;,rn-gt' "',,,of\l''' l:oulll,.:<1 at L~' ""." wi", lI"'''ghlD1.. , .... mall wi~r than he. 0, .." Ja •. Ill' .. ll»

prtIf. i"ll" \, buil;] allll1ginc ,.. rllll '\I...:\'..',,,il,'~'"\.\ /!"r:n'e-lookinggl.nt!PlIlnn, 'l1illkiug 10 p"t


~ JI'IKMl<'on,- 0( tit,,,,,, lUg!lIC' \0 be ~"j"!r :!Iong01'] at thl' f .•'" ....f I~inp "r 1<11 11lilU:III I,....ur.

lh.: ~,f':~"'~~~:~~('''~''~::':;~:'i''~~~'~'~~~~~,.~~I~~:'l"o\lIJ

Page 126: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

•. Yl'~," 1'1'J,lie,I.\lr. SIl'l'hl'llNIII," Il.ry 1l\'At;

illlll'I'II-t;w tht. ('OW."Thll~. hy JIi~ own illo\u~lr)', lIi,1 Ilw .• {prj

1t',::;-gl',1 Jaddi~" (.lillli. Tn a \'CIY !Iig-II phcIlWIl. I: [1':11 ll1(,II, :ulll I'H'II kin;!~, ~"\l.:.dlvir;.; weallh Iloll-ell ililn hb l'Ilt'~I'; Ili~ nhlJllorell, :11I!1his chnral'll'r rt'''lll''-'ted .. \l;Igf' I" • .Jil'o, I\wl Wl'llt to hi~ Nel"/lal l'I'W;\ ,1

Lt'l ,hi ... ~lt.teh of IIII' .' .!.':rit bil1'l'-h'g~(d,'heel" "II 1I1e 1)<lY_~ fl.1I01girl:i 10 1':llif>llt, cJl; rt

plll,1aof duty. I..'am wlul'Illillg' (lnr)" II .y.lurwlll",l! Ill: KO<Jd, :1Ili! )'ou will 1'1"1)~llr.

'[IIF. Ul'TU:

Ihu:s Fm:,",clI 1m,] hl'l" Iiule "i"IN Lilt!Olll;'~atllnIa)' to dille at .\lInt .'llnry'HWt~nl early ill th .. murllill~, ~o a ... to 11:1.\'1':\for 1'1a:,,', :;lltllitai,lllntii 'Illite Iat(l in III" Ill''l'IIt'\" :Ilw:I\" .. 101.,,1 to l!O ,111'rt': for th .. I:.,Cnll~jll .':l;ah wn~ tllll ol1ly liuh: girl, ~IJe II Ior thn'~~ hroth.'r~, wlao :1]W:lY" phycrl II'" I:,,'Ilu.rn,!.:'oing nn1- to the wooth with tllt'm it:lIId drawing' them al","t on their ~I(,\hin Itl'r.

•\" Il :tn.] 1I'l'I'I'('lIl1linj.! homl'I"

all\'f Illeir happy .la.\". Hcl('ll ~ai\l:"I \\ish II" ha.l :1 l,roflll'l" lik~. l""ll~in l;

(l,,"'t )',,". I.illi£>?"

"~""~." ~:Ii.lllt'r ~i~t"l :

Page 127: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

I k, \ Jll~'~'lhlj:l""I:':'"I:"~it,:::~],~I:'~i,II":'-::'[~"~JII.;'~'::~("" J'llly~~1 t" l ;,,,1 11.1.ll"in. u, " I".UII,.'r, Ir ..

~l~~ ~ llr~':' ..~i'] 11,,1,.,,: .. an.1 I Ihiul HoJ will,

,.ri~::>~::::!~~::':'}:~~:~;r:I:;;::~;~';rt'~':"il~.,~""~II (',I

J I "'" I~l'f ,,,,,,.h",1 II., II' lJWI] g-.>."', nIl'! th,,;.'

I I t.ll~ ~II~' ",,,,-,, Till')' t],uu;,rl,( th .. I,ou.ll

~r:"r~:.~r~~::::':lt :~~:~; K;~;:'~r'II;III::::m~'~~':~:a;~:n~ (ur I).. '" "I t1.., I",rlor-will.low, :\'< "~"

." ,)ill, "n,'I' II "~ ,"",11>\"'11 :\'I'lIY.

\\,,, 'Alrl:llll'nfl:'" w:<, lr.dt Ilr._t 'lu'-"Ii" .."",Ptrtrltj-",holl'r.

,~ i~ill ber mom." \\n, Iloc' n'l'ly Qr tIll! girl

I " ,lib., ,l,-.or; ., ,.. ,,) "" ".~-'Il a:I yuu J'''I'",

I Ir,'uur thitJ.C!<,~h" ","'111i ~'U" tu COIlW th'f":

! u ""114 p:o .... r'. ,,,ru.., fOf ~11(! i; l1"t n,ry

IJanna ic k ~.. ""i. 1 1~ " h the J i1 tIe ,e-i,-l, ill a

; ,,,.1 thr jo~" I. ~lIIi!,', tl1dl'd trolll 11...;,.

~u~lI:,~::..~.~::I,w:;:~:r~~';;~~:;';.i:~~:~;"~~,,::r;::~'~'~~It~::~:~::~,~~:;~~~:~~~~l~~':':('~,;I,~':~:~I~~I~~~.\L:II,';'-~\;',:~',"~~~II~~::".I;,~,~::"11;'~,t1~';:~~ I~~:

Page 128: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

kuitliu.g ill Ilt'r hnn.l, l .. oking a'! if ..he II.I

!lla~' with .1n-lU :t, ,:::omllou~ tilll~ .•" U ;\Ullt I{ill)" !., hlliJ hot It 1111' little

th~y tril',j to 1\,,/' wllidl c(ml,1 hug: her Ill",:m,l :,!I'lllw llI"i'i1 kbH.!<, ""how n'ry gud~".~e(' HlII, :lll') W]H'II .li.l ViHI enllLC ~"

..\Yh)', I l.aJllC Lhi!ll;lOrlLil1~, jL1~1 : 1'\." ';:t,way, R1\Ill:l.m going tll ~,:t,y:, week. :1'\

g:(Jin~ to hlt,'l' ~I\("h :lllice tim,,:'Th.'n !<he l1l'I(lI',l thelll otl" \\ith , h ,

tlwir c:II~I', :llltl aftr.r !<Ilt' lI:u1 IHlt tlll'lII lliu

'11l<'saitl:.. )::0',\", .lnn' .. ~"lIL lI"allL tll g., dowlI t

lllRII1111:1 :"'"Oh~ to he l4ure Wl' ,In,'" ....,id 11.,IIIL. '"\

i...~ick, nn.l we 11I11,,1j!;n \\'1')" !-nfll~: nud Jgl:t.l YOll :11'(' lLl'rt, to takt' ".Ir~ (,I' h.~r: -'

bl'\tPI" "0011. 1I0W, 1 gilt....,,:.

'I'1't' lilt]£, !-("irl" hpld I:L"t t,l t1l1'ir .\1 I

haw1"_:1" thl"- w('IlI '\OW1I tll ,heir m:l!lUfl

a!' ift\u""- wl';e 111"1'ai.l:-.Iw wnll!tl .. ,) ;\w:n (roif they .liJ not, They 0}>1'1I+:.,1 t~(> ,10ll1: \tin.l Wl'lLl ill; lollt it Wllll H'I.)" h:II',l fur th~'1'Iuid tlWll; ';,r 1111'1"1'.by th,' ~i.h. of Ill' 0\\'11 0]:1 nm'l't~, \\ ith :l little iill)" bllhy

la\,_,,"Thy, 11U1'H," s°\.ill Lizzil"" who~~ .Ie is tlt:lt ?""It i~ yuur

Page 129: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

\ li\ le lorot1,er!" ".Iii! 11...1"\,:1 glnd tun~;",nJll~"and ~hc 1001;,,,,1at L,t.:lw 1ll1,ln(ld,1 ...,I.

:~~.:_~-''~:I~...;,o~~l(,:~'-':;,\~ok:::~:u;\~~:':_~:~~'\~:~'~:~I'd their pl'll~I't">',

I ::~~:~,~.~:;~~::,:::~::i;::;,::,~~~':l::;,::':~:i,r:J,;"lil1', ••1l!"1,:i.ll.11lhu'k hfl\r:u,,1 cyt'". wcre

H'..-t;\~:':,;.':~\~::~(~t~J;:~'~)~~~.ol,",..1th,') ,'oulelhill 11 ~l1lill'"I tlw"'. tb,,~' t.boll~ht thelll""h.'~

.:\rp~l"'\ littk ).:ir',~ ill Ih~ " .. rIll. En ..ry ,ho~• all' .. ,m,' lie" rel\..~""for 1,,,.',ni:\'hi,n; a".1

na. ~ ,. ,rri,,11 h\m llut in II .... ~\ ,-",,1, ",,,I thl ~

k l b."i.j" b(,f, th ..." w"ndL'Tt,a if "\',,n n.H\\'

c.hlll,.hy wl"tll,.\,-1I111c br(>ther .••

, U1WUl'r ('"nw; lou' it".,."" :\ ,,:1,1 lim" lLor

m, felT thl> ,h,rlill';~ l>;IU) g,.........thin all,t 1',\1 .... lUlt\

I mB:Ulll:1 J..,,,k, .•J :II\X'un~ nll'\ "ll'T"",-t'lll. ..\"

rt!,imon hl'Thl'. I... 1....:,1'''1\ hiHI,c[\,j ,\"t',... i1y

r i:':~;Sf~"'~:~~;~'\i,lt;I\~'~,~,;l':;~,~~t'~,\)~',::~:\I;~:y, E~I'TY .10.)- 11,..,. u~cd , .. ,\L'II.'" h\1II ill I,i< lit •


Page 130: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

)'011, liuh' ~i.~h'r.~, Iml I :ml tou l<ick to pia}llIIo"

He 11':." u g~'lItic little fdio\\", nlld their!i:ud he could wnch them all to Iwar ~1Ifl:...tit'ntly. Ttll'~o 1I:,;~'d to I'I"3Y c\'('r~- flay Imight !;d wdJ, and thc~' thought Ill' wotllUugh Ill' gorew Il'l'aker alii) wenl:l'r, :lHd ."

Bllt lIIll'lII11rnillg' 11lt'ir .-\Ullt KiltY,':1I1etlll'm into their mamma's l"OUIU, jn.,t n~ :'oil!! ItWIIl'1I lIuw Iil"Oo\t :.;:l.W their Lrother. Bilt nu'!\'l~'iDg illl;i~ ernlllc !\tillN tklll till'Y h:\Al f<\

him hpr.lrf'~ 1,\01'11 \\ heu he wn" :'Islecp, _\lII:lIrUll:1 pill 11('1' arms nrolln,l thl'Ill, fihp ~t\id,'little urothl'f h< wit.h tlIP :lIlg\'I:.; !lOW;" nllu II"kll(lw th:l.t he 1\'al' d{'ad, ami tlrat Ire "lOnlphy wilh Illt'lII again.

Thpy \1 I-'r~ ,-pr:o' still all that ,lay. ana Ill:\! 'Ith('\, WI'lit l'oltl\' to tll(' ('mille to look l IfO.;1\ tlJcl"c, :lllj it 1ll:t,le b£'anll H'ry Ilear Wto tldnk that Ullt' frum hOllle hnd ~,) 1

Tlw 111''1:1. (by. whl'lJ they ~a.w their Utt],."body c:trrieu a 1\':1,\' tu he laid in th,. gnu,knew thnt hh lIOul wrt"- wilh .J(>SII",

Tt !'iccmf'd ,ocry I'tr:m~llthai Tli"~ht lIot to IGod to makc tiu-'ir !itt1.:! hroth(>l' \H.lI :I,iZl't1wir m:'11l11n:l tol,l t}WII1 Ill:lt (;0(1 klle\\' bp.ltHW:l:.; be", lu!" him tban th('\" di,l, and ~(J Htaken thdr ,Ial'ling to he \\"ith ] Jim, wheN' hhappier limn Ire ('\'l'r CfJut.1 be in thi~ \\'oru.

-:0 tht>y Wl'rt' all ('omr.JI"'t'll.

Page 131: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

:::::;~~::;::;::?~;I~I:,:;",~:;:,.~,~:.JJ,,~:'~"::J~~;"Th'Tci.a harPY la".l

rar,rllT .... ll)-,' •

../::~;;\::L~'l~:~~:~":otl;~.~I~~~~w~h;,:~.,:_~~~~~'I~~;tp:I.l mn., ~~ I jo :1 j".\'OIL' tflU~':

"0 11~1~1l: '>I-ll ~h'lll h,,"c OIlT "WIl liUll' hr •• lhl'l'


II< i'lI<.l,rr 1,:HI1,,'~nt~lIillll 11", d.ildr,ll ill SUll.

',,\l,~lu:l'~"~'I:~'~\lt;'n:;\:;::~u:,~'~I~~~.:;:~I~n',l:,::lin ...illo Ilim 1:-,reH'r; m,.1 110," l.iz7.i.~1,:..1aghth.•" ~ll1lllh~ wl"'\.1 I.. 10 ~l' I,rr "'rnlil.

brother ;l~aill.nll.'1J Ihd~-III:lI1I1"a l[llkp<l witl1 tl,'m ~Ij:!'Q(}(l"I1i1..

~ tloall'~I'PY tilll•• lllllll".r ul\'u !"'lIrt w,~<'01'"

!II \0 ,.,(' I~)w"lJtin,l~ I",r lit Ill. ,h~).::"t"r~ I.."<lit a I th:u i;"J ILadtol<l tl",,,. in tho BilJll'; n",j,- I'eI.Ilwg<)t .... r tho<o bl':\utifu! \\'onl~:

~\\(' .hdl H>I 1\11 "I.",!" hut wu ~hl\lI all 1...


Page 132: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

WII.\1' .\ L1T'flE L'IIILT> '-LH tn'1 Lon: thi ... worltlllo beautiful

I lo ...e th~ flowrrll aud tTN'S ;11<11'1' th .. H'fU)" Ulunn\lrill~ hrook.

I km: lh(' ('oolill~ bn ..'],(';110 ... thl' hird!l that liiuj!: I'll I'\H l.

t lov(' the ~rlltl", I'hnlHr;I l<""e the liltl .. t\\inklior; ~lllr.

I hwe tlle to...i\i!;ht hour:Ilofe m'. ~11.. iullr hl"...t 01"01\,

I lo"c. to ~inlt Hi~ l'rBi...,,;I lonta lil'tcn to Hi~ clIll,

"y", rhildn'll, H,,,Je m)" ~rn..e ;.,Ilnye tHhli'M .. f hl"ah'n, my DOllH'".

Wherl' all i!> hright ann fnir;I love to think 1110:'time ....iI1 ('0I1j('

W"Ill'UI mllY rnter 0,,,,.,."

I:':~ THt; :-,T\\II.\HIIIlE.\1a:l:

Page 133: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

e?"It ...~"linl*, Emina It.:d who !l.:liJ lhi", Mllhe ~,It

oGlbepiAZ%:!.hy the lIi,h, of her 11",[1.. ,1', w:l.tchillg"wr h~r hrottwr'~ r~turn. lI"r 1l'~~"I1~\\"~re ~aill,

i l,er ~"'ing tini~I\l'<1a.~ IW:ltly :1' I.....~ibl", :lull....... no'll' Inn:-1'in).!'fo,jr :Will., one to I'hy ...-ill> h~,'.

b.. l..w minute8 her brotl,,,r ll.l'p,.a,re.l,lunking'f b.. too WN-(' glaol that (,i~ 1",,'\{Im! Wl'r~ "',,'

lbat \lay, IUI,l a~ hp (ll!.me iulh ... gat.., EUllna niln \ him. "'Jing: "011: 1 :U1I "'. glaJ tu IKl'

ril~I;~::;yn;:~l7L:I:I'\':I~:~::,tmt~:ewl~~~'1~'~.~~~::~up-FIlM f~. Ill' L'"\J~Ll'J 'lu;,'k1," loasl ber,nllil

Page 134: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

-----thnl~ ing hi!> L:II;: of l ...,uk!l (10WII on tile pi

t>:li11:.. :'I[ot1wr, \ViIlie TurTler w:mts me to ('''me

and pl:l.~' with him this at'tl,,.lWQll i ilia)" I \(o?'.. 0 Henry :., ~l\ill Emma ill a ,lis,"lppoilll ....J."Thi~ morning;' !laid hi~ mothl'r,":1 lit

I!:l.\(; hCl' btnlhcr a hall which "he had gh"vOle "I' her pla)- 10 con.r fur him, and I hl':i~ay, as ho tIH\Il\;:c{l hl'r for iI, thnt. w1l'-'1I hehome 1'1'011I ~chonl he wuutJ. ~willg hl'f. ~ W)"Oll think thaI liull' hllY ~h()ulJ 'kPl'V his prOl

.. "~dl. hilt mot her, T llid not know tll,'Tillie Turner wO\llrl :l!l.k me to ('ome 10 hi~thi~ nfternooll ; nllii thl'll he !Ill" just got 1111:11t if1l1 little l'al,l,itll to ...hlll. lOt', too. 1 w il

Emil!:\' 10-1I\0,"row.".. nllt, i~ it ri!J;ht to .U>-:ll'puinl )",)1If ~i...l' r,

,Ier tll pli':\"c ypur",elf, and II(,.~i,l(,lI, till r .

l,rlllllh(>."JI"lIr)' litlloa l\ moment, a~ if he wefe tr.

make lip hi,. miTlll, and thl'" he t<:lid: •• I wiuntil t(\_llwrrow to go to llCC \ViJ\ie Turnhits, :lIId "Uy lit home with F.1Il11l:\ th;~ arl~I will jU8t run tu the go:ll!: ana tell Willil', ~ rwaiting there;' :Illd off 1w hOIllHl,.J, to tho.: I/;

In :\ few tnillllte~ he wnl'<\o:1c1.. agaill, an lErnm:l w('nt off to the !<\\in~, :IIIJ soon lll~lll'ard tlll'm talking :LII\1 I:mghillg' no/. gn)l)hn,l1>t~('n IIU dl'011 fur Henr~'hI giw up Ilis

l~O THE ST.\SDABlI-BE.\m:n.

Page 135: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

1'111.: ~'T.\:-:D\.RD-111UIlf.R. 131

-~~.,WtlHII.~l::-: to~1


fri~llJ to the<1... n, :;n.1 tll"Y ntt' II ..." to-

ber. Ill"kr Ila: ~hao.k (of thc gTe:1t :'l'l'lo;-trre

.1 ...~ 1.1,11~win,!:\, ... ~". ,AI),l llit'll Emma l,dVt .. 11I1r).lrt1 .. r ....hi~ £_I.il1g-liIIC,fi.r I•• ('x~t •.d lu

i1. u I :-at\ltll:t~" ml,l FO lilt limu }'ll'''''<1 h"I'Vil~." \. until U'u-lime.• \I\<'r lea II.,nry bllJ I.. ~~udy

. m fur th" 1l~1~.lll~', .HIJtl Wll~IlO m,lrc

fu' I~a)'.n~1 "tDill";, WlWll IIl'1lT~"F motl ...r \l{('-1I1. illl<>

broom tn Lak.. 1,;_ ligiIL arkr Ill.' IUI.1b'Uu.-' 10 l>.~I,.. "'IllIll). ,liJ, lll'AAid 1.,1".r:

~ 'I. Ih"r. I tI,ill1< I "'.'\11 a ,:;rcal. .'IraJ h:ll'l.i.'r thi~,"'{I<'''" ll,:m ifl ,,,"1 left ElI.lnlt lIlIII w-'"t' to

Wi i Tum',r'_., thcllg" I \l'lI,Uh"} to go h,rril.ol)'.""1"'ODlIt d.JulJt it," ~'li,l )In •. }h,.,I, t:tkull!' hrr

111.Ly hi~ b(....lIiJ"'; "we arc a1WIl~-~ 11"'1'I'Ii.'r ...],eutdelly(,urll<lh'~f,}rl]lc ....kl'ofot]ll'M1; il.i"trul'

laillhitlg_uin!{T\.'liL I hare jU"L lWl'D rta.!-

I",~~:tt,-t;r:..~efa.~~~~:IF~~ll"hIllll'l.i\l~;" ""I'll ill

m' ~;t~::~::;;I,:;I~~~;:r:~I:::,;I:l~l~I~::~:'~J l~~~,i,J~,~::II::li

Page 136: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

l~:.l rilE ~T.\:"'t •.\IW m:.\I:ER.

•• Hi~ name \\:15 thu ~;Imc n~ YOlln;," Mi,1 h'ther, "III'nry lIartYII. ludt'l',I, I thought J

when r gavc )""U lho.l 11:1111('. and ltopt,.1 tlw(llIM lie like him. He 1i\'cJ in Englan!l,:l1he wa~ ;\ Vt'f)' )'Oll1\g man, he .h'\l'nllillC1.1 tnIndifl., to tell thl' IIt':lthclI I't!Oplc tht'fl' of ~Iuiour whom Ill' h:L'..lI('nm ..~l to 10\"('. \~ ~ry C...ionariCll 11:111gOllo at that tim(', allOl it I>('{' II -\of <Ill 1IIIth:rt:\kill_~ lhl."l1 tl\;11I it J~, nnw. '1his fri;clldll tril'll lO di~~\1:v\c him from going;

Page 137: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

11i L.":~m,nd hilll; IIlut h~ left Joj, ],,,mc aralll, fl.'~n,l~ j"r a l.ulUe :ulO"ng tlJc IIC:lll"'Il. Ill'

~\ rl ilIllHlia ~rH'rn1 yearOl, "lll,Jyillg tte latlt;""flg .. ,

,,-.d Ireaelliulll<{wcllru. he wall alJle tuthe l'l'o\,lc'.

"'11I1;- ),<l11Ih f"ilr 1, auJ hll Wall urJo:,~l t.. returllb lath', IrIllJ. But he lUlu L"oo)mt. intcn'H( •.,1 inIlQIl"~,,f I"'r~la, llwll1l1'l"IuillC.I to go tla'n'

ut! tn (1)1 •. '\<1I11 ll th U'-'''l",l. TlJcfl' ]... ftl1<li~J

~'!lU~gf'. ll.I"} )mr.H'IH.'<.:dtmn~I;J,lilL" 11LPBilA~,Ill' tie l'~'"bll. T1wrr W:\lI ..."" "Ull\'crlul.\r:lhlIIl ",110 Wll r"ithful tl) l,il1l, ~nd aNli!lt('11 hiullll hi~, .u,tiou. but frr,m lllu4 of II,I' pe<Jl'le he 1II,.t

'\ gn ..,t Ol'ILU~jti0n, aId I". \\-a~ oLIi)o!;t',} ti. mo','

Jill plwo t<, l,b,'C', t" p~c:tl'(' frr.1n T""l'l't'<:1llinll.

i i II Illh, too, WIU 80 llUiCh brok<'ll <lown. tl,:,t J,j,

i d nr:;:-e<1I,i~ iUl'Il ••rli"tl\ ",tum to 1';llgJ:m, h\\uul,lllol gu 111ltilhr Illl.<l"Ullll.ltnl'llli{Ii Iafu" Ill' tl,t' ;>;ewTe;hllucl.t .• \~ I;U' '" tl.i.

d>~ ],"I'I~!lt'll!! i~ "'''ll~illc~d, nolllb~ COlllJ ho

care ~r-d~!I~'ill!{ tha" I,i. lif••. f",r he WIIK "btl':U(

I ~'nil hi. fd",nd.<.with n" "'11(' to "1",aJ... tr,l,ot the

.:;~~~\;:,::~'~:::'2:~~~,~:;::I'fl:E:~:~~£:~:":l'd by thO'!<' who k,~~w notl,ing of t],.. hlll'"


Page 138: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

\\ cak "tatu S()<lll l'IHll'd hi ... Jitl>, Ill'! had 1>("OllHi time bl'fOr(l :11I)' of hi, tEl'lltl ... kT ewlIi~ lonely graH~ i~thert', amollJ::' the 11t.'(1'1lie JOHtl to tell of .h~..iUl<, :mJ some kill.)h:LYC I'lace.11\ llilllp1l' stvlle O'fer it to hin~-l'lnce, Bllt hi", mo~t. £,Tllluriug 1Il0llUml'ot

tr:llI~l:ltioll of the X.~w 'l'c..,t,.'lmentInto tlm Plaugu:lgf', which he jlllit IiVl-'ll to compleTe.110"', my 8011, I hun' k.'l't )'OU awnko 1011'

an.l we Ttlmt "rI)' ~notllliglll""As hi>i 11I01111'1" 1.....allCll 0\'('1" to ki" ... him

lini.l: "How very "mall Ill)- ~>]f ..d(,lJi:\1 M't:

hc:trillg of IIpl1r)" )lart)"ll. I dOll't think 1it Iltl :my mor ...'."

iI And )"('1," ...aill hill lUoth('r, "tllf..l,'n"sclf.J.Nlial. if JOlle I~,rJ(,"II'" ~kl'. b owned hIt i~like the cup of cold W:lter gi\'(>n for 11

know."Little chihht>lI (':1.11 not. do Illll('h for J

lie lo\'('s th(,lll, if th(')' 110 what. the): C-1T1,"

milch as if tlu')" ~hould do 'lomp gl'l':lt thin <".('11K',", A"l EXAlll'LE TO CIIlI.IHU:S.-"LI:i "I

rt'11\~'lIIlol'r." AAJA nr. Dwi~lIt. '"if c\'t~r Illl'Y II",lllhonnj: fur their I'l\r"'II"', tbat Chn~1 IlIloo.,retl~ rimllllti~nt of lheir cUlIllllflnrls, Ihllt Chrbt cht'l'rfillyif rdliclAnt to l,rovide f'>r their pAr..nt~ thd Cl,nhim~,.]f, II.II(t pro,.jded r"r his lIIuUwr "roW thethe crucifi.xion. 'l'he aff,'Njorllltc lallgu1gt o~cnmplc to cH'r.y chilo! i~' Go tll"" m,d do f k

Page 139: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

------- ---S.H •. \Cl'fY or c.ns.

,'>:b~~~~:;;::i~~~:~<:f.~~::::L(:f.i;:~~::!~::~~dro"'Il~.,J, if hef ..~u,jb] ... IIIOI],(."f 1,:1.01 Ill.-t Cl>IU~

1rs-~~~i~::t~~~"I':,~~'1:"lpl~:U;.c~1Ser~~efl::~"l~;;"{.Il" ll.llcl he1I'wc!' \\'l'I\Jllv,,",.Jwl,,'re8hl'ktl

"lI~ll\itl} w3.I'''' ....uontnf,lang'.r. \\']"'1 waul,Il oll'\oJ if:1 l,la~'I"'\tefdl ill'" I]", rher ,da'il lull

If "' \".tkin' Ill':!f it? \'O~I lIILI:lt IIVt. ~1:l.TI(1 cryint!

Ih,- d,,)rP. nlll llil fa'" ll~ ) ....\1 c:m (.,r tl,,,

.. t ,,:,1. :\l:ollY liH'~ 1.:11'0:- J",,'I\ ]Ot-.l, jl1~l [VI

lIart<lfl'\I.;~'sJ'rt'N'.J'C>lo/mi",j.hill I mn t tt41 ~'(lli auotl,,,r ~t<lry, 11l'JI'C n.-Ill;lrk

Iban tbis. :'II} fLi<:,ml,)Ii~i~.•W:I._rL",sd i.l

" , "Ill' willwr IIllOl'llillg, h)'I,,,r cat, !Il,;ca\d•.OJ; awl lT1~wing al IWf cbamber.duor. :-:Ildl a

e' Jj tI.lLLllllt'C ~urI'ri"f'd hl'r, aud ~l'l' 01" no.dlbe d ,r tu ~"•. \I l,a( W~~ the llllUh'f. 'fh(' l~IL mil

to tho bOll,1 tof tl", ~t"illl, "",] h:l<~k ng:ain, two \.>1"

tar. lim' ..... "'" irim-itjulo\lwr tl) fllll",,-,lI"h\,1I 81lCILl glh ,Ii.1, whi.le Pu~~ rail b ...fufe, C\.j,ll'''lly','r

how ,,-hat it WlL". -'Iv friend lolll.weJ 11.-1',1......,nI k"l.<:l",n..,.wl'll, 3!1,I tll~rc she to.mnn tile ftOl,lf ill

.(~::Il~':t~~::i~~~~:',~I~.'\l::~~'l:~~'~;:'~ifct:ulle ,10'1'klulI' tl,e gronmIllo,MJf, it 1\:1.lI the on I,)"

Page 140: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

136 TlIF. :;T.\:-;VAIIO.BEARER.

rvom nmkr walt'r. hut if it h;j.l rf'mniul'c!('m'urcd a little longl')' thel'l' would 1.:1\ri.n:~r in t he hall :11ll1parlors" Thi~ l':\t hlVl I

h"1l tv SI;Yu from drownhlg .. nor W:lJ.; Iollf' in •111'l'sdf, 110 1 think it :\ n"lII:ukablc Cfille.

])v you )wl like tv W:\tc11 1.111' hahits of hi1Ll:11~,nnd in:o.ech? n,will, aUlI &:.}(.IllOIl l:llwert' :111grcat anti highlr-gitiptlllll'lI, llll~ tlIot tli~bin the ~tlldy of n:lture, :11I,] hi the'l'iugs tlley oft I'll draw bl':l1Ilifullef>!'oll~ fl"uill11I:11I~H~'1tioll, of the wi~dom and goo(lll~'6~ f


Tm: BOY WHO (;.\ n~ n' TO illS

•• IIrr:r:,A1l1 hurrah ~ 0111' Ilj'huol is going' .

:\11 !'XCllrllinll Ill'xt Thul'l\d:w. Hu!'!"ah! hnrTIIl"!'f': joyous j~lI; or Il!W( mtlwl', fr

iiI''' of An~hi ... Tll)'lor aile 1\loll(by alh.:rnOOrllsllO.:d into hi~ llItothl'I.':o. cottago :lfter ~c1'KII•

•1 rill glall t;,r YI)U, Archil'." 6aid litll('lapping her fat hal1ds lIlIIl entNing: he ~rf

b('r hrtlther's jO)""H So alII I," a,IJe.l )[1':), '1'a)"lor. ,. I Dill

)"1mI' h'lll'ill'r i~1;1.'kiTHI to hi.;, Iwholnr~" ].:LI1d v;!,~rtarc yult guinf,r, my al ar~"

.. \\1"~ :\re g,.in~ ill twO big wag'I'lIs,1\1l:i\"l'r I'oint. "~l' are to caleh li~h :111.1dlowder :In,11\ cl:\I)).1o:11I', \r ont it III ni,., .

Page 141: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

Tn: snSD.\lW !lEAnER. 1:11

I 1"1111,I-:-Ll1twb,'n"~ II,.. milk-I~,il? It'~lilli('

\\ ,I;b0 :i,~:""'~~~';:l~Ard.i(\ teo\. tll~ I,rigl,tt~n

. ,~;:£.:':::2::;:.~::l:~~:::~~:'~~F;:~::::i,. ~ini;'~:~H~~~;~~t~,:f~~:I~~~q~~I~t~I::.t;~~~

:~;~'~,:nT:~\I::~'f()r.Arclli",:" ~:lh1~\III~ tu 1.PTlll"lh,r, .f(.r h(\Throlh •.r ldt tl,e hO\ls(',

I' '1dJl 11('.... ry I,h:usnlll tOT h\w," H'I,li.,d )1r~,T.~k>T, "',-'r ,",'k,t ...dtll ",i1\;ing ~I'...ttr, lal.i"1; n:lT,'

llhe l'ig~, a"illlo( "Jl the ulh.'T c/u.>,-!''', 1\1IJ goill,c! t..

I] .. ~ I". ,lon'l g~t llilleh ti111o;> t(l I,I:IY. I ,UIl \'l ryJ I,;" l~,\<'lLrri~ po.,jug 10 glHl tI,e ".:1"".1 lloi~

trnllt.".\ ~ '" milJulu bl .. T .'\ ~tl)1lt 1:>(\)', tUUT ~ Cllr~ ,,1tI,'r

"" .\r,Lit, ,,",,1 e,"'..r",\ with lbkt'~ of cuHn",• into tl,e cotta;!l', wl'ariull' a \'('r~' h:-ig~,t t;.. :c.

Tb WM .\rnl,il.'ft br .. tht'r. II\! .. urk •.,l in:J.

i horing (':{)u'IlI-Ini!1. IIi. n!l.m.. was Gc"r~l'_.. \INI", ," ",.iJ Lt., "VIII" r"lIo''-~ am going on :m

u illll next :\Ir. JOUl~ I,~ ,.I,nrl"l'l'd• i tI ~I<:amboll.t t.o tak(' a',11'3I1<h dO"'11 tiLl: rinT


Page 142: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

138 1m: bT.\~n'\(lDm:.\I:Elt

"\Vell, you Knuw what 1 lIlean, 1IlOtllt;rllohlC'.hC':1rll',1 gt'lltlt;lmm,"

.. Tlmt i.'i true; thu\l~h a I,riel:, indlll!.d 0Ilohlt:.hl':\rt~d, is nothing: hill a hit of h'.Irj:llt r li':I!" ~.O\l C:LU't go, 111)" ~on."

"e:m't gu.'" cxclaitlu ..l nl'Org-t1 with :In~iug in his ('P'!'\ and Imming ill Ilk; wurd,; ..go I "~h:rnot, pm). '("

II Be calm, Geor~(', and listl'IJ," tmi.1 hid" YOII ~aiJ your (!1cllniion is to ~ 011 TlJdhlll't ~'Oll?"

.. Y t'll, but what of that ?"4' "'cll, .\rehie i~~"illg-to rtil'"Cf P'Jint tll

nn.} YO\l klHlW that buth of J'H1 t:;m 1I')t "

hlllll~ the 9ame <lay, bt~mSll 111)' arm i~ t ..o

do the chores.".. '1'11(>11Id ,\rchie stnyat hOlllll-1 WVl1't,

(il-or.l:t', fit'rcl'ly," \\~hat'~ tlt:\t '"Oil :-laid:.Ill RSKc,l .\n:hil', on

the llOn~ at IIl;t moment, with hk I~ilfrot hiug: tn'cr the top like :\ sylbbllb.

n('orgc tolJ Archie hi" :<tOI')", The latH

blank, :an.J ~\iJ :.• I'm tIll' )"1I111lg" •• "t, and I tol,lmuther tir:st.

ollf!."ht to IC't nw go, (;~org(':'"\"t.U, I work hard in tilt' mill all lh\l till}

YOII, whv don't earn Imy nHllll'Y, ought to gi

lUlIllcl me go;' f('l,lit'~Jlhc other,Ilere motht;'r c~lIed tlll'lIl LO tl a, .111

Page 143: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

----- ---l'JI& ~1'\SD"HII-m:.\REI .. 139

delU d,"'1' .......1' th .. mattl'f bt.".,rn .l,'.:i,lill;':pllll1' Ihi" ..;-•• l,,-, kc\,t thllmfrtlnl gt'lling into 1IrPl'- :O:lil1, the I .. :. "'-IL~t,..kNl in tl"iN.,lU\,i .... itl,

'1 p.I:":::,:~:;:':';':I~.~';~~~II~~;~~,~~l11:~:~7.~ta~~... 1", 11":'1-' II pour but I'i'''l~wi. low, ...ft;.r, ..1 f:l~uily

:~c:',,~~~~;:tll,,~i~~:l~~~':I:::I~;~c:,.:.I:~~,:~:,£~::.~.:~1U:.,.il:trull'ldtllt.iril\"C, lo,at:r[d..-eOw;;ro.rn.

",.,1 jrJr !Ill! good of oth<:r~.

Tbi. l'r:!.yer ~~I llOth the t..-.y~ tliilll.illg. It W:\.l:lrd ';,r dther to ginr \ip, ).•'t hoth ("It it to hp. hi~

J 1110 Jo~ . .A ....-I,i,. "'M tl,e tirf<! to )'ieIJ. It". hi,"11 n:lght). 6trug61t>, b'lt Oil '\'lll'~dl\)' afh'r-

n <1111I'bt'11 c.P<lrgo: came h.--.mll from I'ur\;, he Wtll1

bim ..rni'ill(;: III o\'er :1",1 ~flohl:

.. ~;~rg," ~nn mar go 011 Th\lr~Jay. I'll st.:,)":it

'\'b~,.. lcind worrh tnul'h,,,1 (i'rUrj.("'~ n,,:\,.t, IIj~1IE1il11n_ mdt,J Jik\t ~""W in Ih" "':lrlll 80lllh ....intI.H:~:;~:e:~r:~i,~~.h.~~~un~:~~ob::P;:~t~will ~t:IY

no,' br(,lb'T5 110"" had a Hr)' 1,1,'u:mt'''I'',~ LvII: weTOfl'!«)II'l'<1 to .1,) ril!:hl, llll<l 50 looth di.,I"ll I 'IIl"i~hgT'PfLIgoo' I n~lIm'. At lMt tlu')'llgrec.j

l"V~ II to tl,,'ir 1Il"llll."r, :0:101'~ai,l :

"Coorge "Io:i.ll ~(), ~cau~e lop W,)rk.i harJ fur ll~

Uae l' 3T •• \rchie will ~ta_" lit 1'0""1 with w~'."

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140 TilE ~T.\:-;I)Aml"BE.\.Ja:R.

Thi~ dc('.bioll. whidl wall certainlyscttlt.,l the qllc"..,iioll. -

On ThurMby, Gto(lr~e went tl'Hrn IhArebie Iltaiol with hi.., mother all.} Amy. I1':1.1 I\'hl'u, :1.;.;l,c Wtl.; g:(,ttin~ l\ pail of 1\:I'er

the sl'rinf!, the 9l,oUtll of I,i~ Ilchoollllaies rulril~' aero;.;>; Illl~ 1l1l'llllu\\, n.~ they rod(' )1:11-1Iilit' fl'lt 100 ;.;:1.11cn'n to look nt them. Hutbird 1I00n began tn ~illg' ill hi" bl'ea.~t. Iiicook"ll II ,.Jli.''kt'll li}r dilllH'I', flfter wllilll ~lhim al1d Amy {vi' a ~t1'01I illong" 111IJ l.rook I\hI'allt t1,t'ir 1~(Olt:lgt~. The (];Iy ~oon P'l;l~{',],(':1111(' home in hi!-;'h ~I'iril;.;, ll.wl \\'lIcli A cLidowlJ to 1I1t't'p 111:11night, thillkill.~ thnt 11(' hI! 11IJ1 hi;.; OWII l'kas1II'c for hi~ hrotlll'l'. hi, htIn' bnl'l'iest ill Ihatll111ulJlll cotlagf'-holllc.

'fhe lIext J:l)" wlwn bi~ t('acher [vIlII,l 0 I

Archil' Iltaiol frollJ lht.'l part)', }Ie 1'ff1i~ell himthe whole 8chnol; :11l.l .~\"t'r 11f1cr il ~f'('1lIH('orgc lon-,,1 him :1."; he h:ui nevCf JOllC lid}I{' wa~ ahf"n)"s ~loillg "ollwthillg to ginl Ililll111'(',

I wi~h en'ry 00)'. an.l girl, tot1, ill n film"l.Archie',. sl,irit. I wi~h f':l('h one of tlJ{'mh':II'1I 1.u gh'e lip lO tile othel's. I II'illh (\llH'r tl.1ulsislcr woulll 1\:1\': "I \\Oll't b..' ~,'Jii,h.finilll})' 1'1pa>;Hrc in to m~lkt' illY h~illter.-. allil scbOillmatell hal'!') .... 'Yh:1thmnMl 1'110"'11a 1'I':'OlulioJj \\'oul.\ mnk.'! Go.ltI

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Tilt: :'T.\~D.lI:[JD(AllU:


Tilt PF.RIl.S flF F.I.F.rH_\~l'.II(j~T1S(J.

\~ EIl~1i"hQ:li~,~r,'\bj"r I:OJ..:H'. we<, "n,'" (l'ltg to ,bout Cllp].h,mh in the """,,,,h or jllngk~

lll,liI-. wb 'n :l.n ..lq""ml, ',illu,rto '"'~''''Il, 11I~,leI 'f:~ a.thirn, Then: .....:lsno help f"r it ('1(<"'1'1

Page 146: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY


to mil, f"r hi1 gUilt'! Wl"l'C all fired (,tl~ and Ihuutlrt .•l yu,l~ till' 'laje,r k;'pt just abeu], ~eVt"ry ~I••p the anilll:II'1l trunk tr)'ing tl' lirOrOHud his waist, A tllm rOllllfll\ tHe J.,'ll.\{

mnllwlltar)' :ulvallt:lgf', "hidl he m:l,I,.the mhJsprin~illp; up into the Lr:llldws. Oncfv( t

allel he would have hecll out of the clephllllt'hilt befOnl he hall tillle to llraw up hi~ lf~~, IIphant hall got him 1irmly clenched ill the c i ,trullk. Still noger~ flull'\ll :lg:lin,,' him) tl,'Iwtler to ha ....e his le~ wrenched from thelimn to ii.1I hll'k 11lJ<li1) iulo the allima1'~ IThe Hrugglc, however, did not b~t loug, ~ rllu1ig-hl of the pllrsu,~d and till' ch:lgrill of thtlm'r, tho \\"-\-lIington boot that tlle (Olll cr..lipped nff, ('xtrieating the leg, an.) saving:HI' poor Hogers. The Jilcmma, hOWl'nr, Ii 1('wi hefe; fOf the ell'phant, filllling billl~clt'uf 11i1 l,rt<Y, :In.-r dl,~tm)'illg the OO"t, to.ll:II1IartNl'I uCllcatb the branch", .., :l.wl kl'j}t)ll!cu ....1 ,'!ctim ill tilt' Irell tor tWtllt)' li'IIT

",hell the tapyal, or I.:ountry postm:lIl, IJ:lIIl{'(l}I:lJIll hy, Hogers g;~\'e him nulicc uf his I:Iud, 011 tllill being illlilllnthl to the nmr~ t Y1"hl:! t.!t'pll:l1lt w:tl'l frighltollc.l away by .1TunlJ,Jellillg!'. Ibrl tbb oc<:urred in n Je~€rh:.1 p:.l

the jungle, poor ItOgl'fl:lll'UUlJ ha\'c b~'{'u~tll llj,ath ill tlw U\'l'.

Page 147: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY


----Lll1'I.E HIDDY IS 111E ~TOnM.

IP'~rd~"~~:1;~:~~~h~a~,'~:;,fl~'~u~,rd:~;;':], nul all knvll' IIJ:l-l. "'-'Ill~ of the Cllri~ti"\1 pt'o-

, t:llgL'!l.-l 11:],\(' Sl'uIl11i,..;icuuHief. to tc:u:h thmll• '\ur<l uf C;Vll. ll.nd haw) huilL 1ll.1o ..... '~.; for I""ir'.),<"11,"hen' thc~' i:lugl,r iLl') l',m 1>111)" I",

tbAeJ ~~~;.::,l,~;I'il~~~i;:r;;''';o~~~~~;~ll:\~\::~;l'(j~~~. ""buttol;"tll""Y'\ta,m~ thll mn.llYlittle Ilolllllll ('f,t.halie chil.Jrrn.. linK thest' ~c"""J,., b n. quiet linlf' t;lrl aU-oil"

~hl yellr.!old. uam",1 Bidoly; Iof'rmother i~lLwi.l.O'I',mJ th')"nre \'Cl")'l,,-..or. They linl in 1Ioliulf'

m 10 Iw)unt."in-8id". Ollf' nighL ,luring la~t ",ill-... '1 \nt 1!tunn of wiuJ "rM(>, It ,-"."tin\lt',1

j'g; the ,'aloinf, w.-'r6~11:I'L.cutothejr fO"I"b.,rl th,' largu hou~c~,<.l I cr) much.

LiTllr Hi.-l.-ll" M.l 11l)1mother ~n.t llIl'r tl,,. tUlf.~\t l"HOr)'t'rf'llh gu~t t111'y thought 11",lh'll<'h

1.1U"" ..,If. Ttwn llulu lIi,leI)' thonghl ,.ftlod,II" e"r~of lIik 1":01'10; an,1 ~11"~ookhH Iiuk

.IlJ IH'llt RWIl)" into fa m'n1<lr to rra.1 anJ.. ~", . :\<.>" :l1l,lthn ~Lc woulol "fa~'.":,>lo\l,..r, do.... hinktbe~t"rm 18blowinKJu\\'ll anythinJ.:I'" nll.l


Page 148: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

IIm\T e,l.~ TifF. FLOWERS nW.UIII"", t'Ouldl\LlIt!f1u'n'Nl.loom,

If Ihe ~\1lI'n',,' ~un"!_\ll.lll'irLi81l1n,d~" ....ll, ..rrum .. -

.\1,1 tl".,'" ..."ultl hen"I1".II.." ,'an n .inrull""rt

IIrin/! j'"rth O"w~'niI"rl"H',If th~ 1..,r.1',1., w.[ i'''part

,";ull~1 i,l<' Ir"' .. ~tlO'-',.,?

[.un',.",l'M, alld ,"',"-'e.,\r ... th,. :-'avi()ur'~ lh) ~r>; ~

11.. llim ..dfh!'<"l,;:h1 r t'~ ell,...:',III lbill 'll'orld ur .~'"'

Uhll,o" palil'nt and huw 1i'1L.!J,,,,:uwl'<lwloe!

II .... iIll"~1 HiB I'el,tlt' minot,Ifl .....!.,;""".

the I'vlIr wi.low W'IlLllrell Ollt, Slw saw tho(If her Ileighhorll .lrcaufull) iujure,l, bllt hrllwfe{'ll~' bate, As ~bc s:thl h;:>r"f'lf: .. Thf' r:111sw~red Bi(I(I~"11 pr:lyer: 1101 a I'tr:lW \\.I~

out Ill' the thatch, !lor hf\d ::any harm Iluppeiug: the dn)' or ni1!ht."

Thm! we "tOe huw GOtI hCr\rs the l'''a~(':t.IHl {'['(Itcets thVH' that tl ... .-;1 in Him, f>\~'llit he n. little chil.l. Ht'member Ihi~ whe I

time \'011 are in trvuble or <;01'1'0\\'. ThinkJ:illJ)', awl, like IIN, 1ll:11\!'Ho<l your rlfug ...hap" :llllltlwr Ii:1Y I may he able to 1('11 youthill!; mQre ahout the ehil,lrcll who alten Ischook

Page 149: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

T tl. (:" !,T.

0" E ElI,;I.v"I"n't)"(llI w:mt

to tal" a ,,'ull tui>ol"vdvat\uuO<1n ¥" ~l\i.1 \ra.lto:-rBOlla. u he r:lIJl~'in 6'0111~.,l"'ol, llllJ f"\IIul h~ ,j" ..rh\l"l) ,,"g:Ig' ... 1 ill Jr,'"ingh'r ,1,,1 .

.. ,rbcN' .1f) H",WlInt to)tll~" _:lid ~ll<'~ ~hc 1'~I",ed)Ii,~ 1),,11,". ~lI~h.

"WI,),:lthOlll/;l,l.itwoul,l. l~' 1,1i'l1":J.lIt to go rOllnd hy

mlll.I~'lln, andpl'rlul'~-"

~~t~'~:i;'h~~,l.n~~~.;~~:;'~tu:~~~~oh~:'~~"l~~,i~'i~I~;c 1l"~lll OU J...,<~illg j,,,r doll lu<.>ro J.n,lly t1mn

~ I. t 101\;1. lIIinute before)'Om NiY II."t )",,\1 JlI

Page 150: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

I-Hi THE ST.\~flAHn B&.\kl:R.

not w:mt to go," ~!\i(l "":Iltt.r; •• r Will! godtb:lt l'er!J;lpoI 1':111:1will go \I-jth us."

.. oh ~ if p:\p:1 will go." ~:J.i.1Emily," Iauy whl're witla p'u,"

~I \\T:Iltcr mn (Iff to rind Iii ...p:lpa, to :a.~go with th~'m; lUl.} whilc 11Ci~ ~vlll', I maytl>ll ~-Oll wll)" Emil)" did Ilot like tll pas~ the

Ttw miller hrl<l a d0!.! whirh was \"1\

jUlllping: Ollt :111.)h:J.rkillg.:n pc"ple a~ tl;,:":J.urlt!.ollgh 110 one ever h(':lr.l of Iii", hiting'Emih 1\":1';' veTY IllllrlJ albid of Lim. TNladu;c, 'Yahf'l". ba<l 1','r"III1III:',1 Ill'" to goopOllll wilh him, but "Ill" had 110 !SooneT nllIi11thnn thl' llog Tll.ll barkillJI out, hight! 1~o 11mt ~hc rnll H'J"l'alllillg- away, ",-hidl "ronly matlc the .log rllil al'll.r Ill'T an,l h:l1'k 1el", uTltil the llIiller ('~"l11;..-1 him ill. Walbughcd nt IWT nn.) (,;Illcd Ill'T ll. liulC' gwin,g- ",) :IfT:liJ; ~ sllC had dl'tl'l'llIilll,.IIlH

there "ilia him A,g':lill,

Dolly wa~ just 1'11t ill h~'T (~r:I,111'Ii'T bl'r ns\ralter l'ame h:I(,K tu ~aJ that their pap:ling 1'''1' Ilwlll at tbe gut( •.

I' Oh: how cl:\d I am." ~:J.ill Emily, ~ shIll.''' tmt, :un} ~hl' w:u; :It tbe sate alnlO~1 II-\\Palt, ....

.. How nil'e to ha\'c :you to go with ru., pi'-t.he 3~ ~he took lai,~ hand. and thl')" "'Il.II•• I


Page 151: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

- --r;:::-. rMe H{'al ',.r tbl'.d,ildrf'n to t,l:an tllcir

at h,.n1l.' "ilh th.:'" LiUTIlI;': tltl' ,1~y,tor thOllJ!h

th ["...l;n 110.,l""llIll"~, he "'ll~ obll":"') In go t"

t :~I~I':~~~'~~i'::~,:o,,~:::;kl~;~,.I:;;~:.c~:l::~q~:"~l':;'• h,n'. TI'l"'g"I, Walter ... i,l, h,! did not thill!.

Hf" h~r..1 ""rk to:lil :,\ /ltllLlc Im.l write, ll_~

'J"i:(':,lll:lli'l:\: ..:;,i:':'~\'ilh thUl1 ll,i~,111~,IImi 1"1')'D<-,.b""'rJpl."l"t'il.

Emil) .1",,,, INt ~("'''' l[) 1.0 afrai,} of '1lI~'thill).:BY. 1"1";' Mid Halt.:'T; ' .... hy. )',m ~hOIlI,1 "".t'

r \l'h~ll sloe i~ "']"Ill' with Ill", iL j, nM 11m,,!, 1\. In ,I" to l!'f:t I ....r Ii) l"'''~ II C<JW or l\ 1.011..., "hprp

k.'I.a •.l":,:.i'lIl.lthllol!ll.rdll).>hl.jlllr.I .....Jw112." \ [,l",,,'k ..,J"g:.insL II,-,r1"1;,\"1I1 I tlooughl

. I' \\'~" .wl III J"I'lRI."

'''''', ,railer;' ""i,1 ElIIil,-. ,. lOll kllow I cpm<'~ h If ;..:.iu;.\' ~tllnll' II,ut 'ti",,:. n"t "f ..onn~.

t.w Pl'a i. "ith 111<'.I kilO". th'lt lll'willlllkccan'

"1>:lt:T\;;'l~l:::e~1~:;:'~Ir~'fl~~i1~,~,:t::,i':;'''l''lUl 11')\O~t ;rk;,:_:~?~',::i~allll:"~~lil~'"i~:::\:~':~~,m.1~ I. le"IMMI!"!'":-~()::'~~~'" Ill'\'\.'r tt,elllfr:1i,1 if I conld bll wi~ll

\r>, ."'H'T. p9r9 ~.•

1'., t ~f)I1' 1"'9"l'"ly }.'Illll!-r i~with ~'<J" ,,11 tl":,,

Page 152: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

148 1'IIE ST.\Sil,-\IW.lIl:.\Rlm.

time, ana lit! can tulle ht'llcr of \'oucan," s:liJ her •

,. It don't ~~Clll M if He were with m(l, pB(':m-M: I can not ~('e Him, M T (':m ~t't' \"Oll,"

,. Rut all these thing!!. the tf(~1 th~ llowet'ltthe "cry animal", ~.ou lire afraid uf, arc the

which lie hall made, ll.u.-t they "how you th:\t 1here. Bt>",idl.'li. lie tells ".011 tbat. III' t:l.k(>~~t't!

or thc little "p:lTrow~ lKJ'l.'('rtl\illl~' lie ",ill t!

uf )'011."

ElUily waPI "10 TlIllch interctitcd in t:\lkin,.:

Page 153: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

'rll& ;::T..lo'lI.tllfl.Ht:.tH..KR. 149----- ---- >A, tbst ~h~ ,lid I",t IlOtico thl\~ tl1l'! w 111'l\r

~hI Dl;I::;;::~ tll:~I~'~~:;:::~~O~p~~I';n~t~i~e~o:~::~:"'I Jill~1hi~ I':lJW M if t.o ~trike Li~. Thf'

'l; ~,.od IIIj:llI.1110nwllt p:ro"lm~, aml thl'lI bhmkf IUlif he ,,'crl' a-'h'"n ....t that h~, 1'll<IIl"t bf.I'D able

(,il!:I1I,.nILe,n :Ill)"morfl. ".II'I ...r, who had ~tood.,kl> "'~ ti,l' filII M h.. Mi.l, 'njo~",1 the ~N'ne.. rv 111111'11,tl.IUlIgh EllIi!y tho light hI' ",asf't"l1...J..t<, ...

J1o,,~\' .. r, thO! .l ....g di.i lIut milk .. hip appt'lIrRllCl'

.... ,1l ...1 tl,('~ W;'lIt 011 tLdr "-1l)<.1 h,ld a very"AlU1lwalk."\1 I'Hninl". M ~:mil). ~at (Ill I'''f l"'lpa'~ I:J.pafl"r

Je..sid."bH:"ni,\ )'olll~ 1 :1fr:,jJ of lhn ~Iog thi. afternoon,oer'''" 1..,\ ('lllng 1<>Ule~"

:-;0,1'11.1''' i whell I f~]t your arm 9,roun<l ml'l, and

e.~1r~lIr yvice, I 1.,,(,"0\1 thfl ,log eoulJ uot touch

~ I" "ll,!.'r "'orJ~ ~.Oll''''''''l''A mI'. 1"01\"CIl.ll youat. Ll't~"mr lleaHnly F ..ll,~'r in the l'ame way~".. BIlt, I,al>ll, I un not go to H.iw 1111I Il:'!.nto you,"

lIlJdl ....,ily.~ '\"', ~"11 ~n not go to Him with your hody, but

~;:;::rl~t~:~~~:~~~;kb~~::;'~rgi~v~l~~\e~~~':~Ili ,&111 II~ will take Cll.~C ...f YOll. i 01lCt;l l<IIe,", a

\ Kirl, wb" ..-,,~ jLl~t 1I~ti1l1i,J Il~ ~-'lll arl', but IIho

Page 154: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

Il':\I1'1('<] t,) trll~1 }It'l' lI~'aYclll~ FrillIer, oi() IlIlIo!

1I.1\\":~cuw iu the road in fmnt of her, v.llichto P:~I'II'I,it wall ju~t a~ !latural IVI'IIl'r 1n pfavheart to (~{)<I to take (':l.fC of IWf, ns it II ,Ii "I

to rllh to nw thi~ ath'rllU{m. TheIL IIIII' "'t'll dby the cow, trembling II litt!(', to ue sun', hutiug' ill God to take care of la'r, 011 herl->dlOlll. IIbe I,ad to pa~' :l h(>II~~ \\"111:'1"(' t1ll'rp

,jog who h:u-kflll llt :l.llI1o:ot e'"NY Olll' who1l01lH'thillg like tbe Oil(' yOU ball. to-liay. "\~ ~hill ~il!l.t of the hOI1!''', "hI' ll~fl"l 10 l'r.,~'lIlight not hurt her, and 6he Yer~' H'hlum M~o ;you ~l'e !u,r prn~'l'r wa" :1II"w('r~1. .\n,l.....llnt my little Emily 10 trust. God ill Ihe 63mlllld He ',,;l1loy(' ~'O;I :lllli earl' for JUu ah\:l~ .

Emily thollgbt thnt ;;bc wOl1ld likP tll trll_' (that Iittl(' girl did, awl tl1:l.t Ilig-ht fihe proYI'J tto tale C:lrc uf her, al'l she had n(>Y(>T prR)"ellAnd 1It'l did talE' eafl! of her, tor ~he 8kl't :t

c.:IlrnlJ" :UlU ~aecrully.

LOI!.D.11m lIick-my si("knl'5!ll'lITe;1 .. an\..--do ThOll ('nrkh the pvor ;l'nlll!r Thy mighty Ilanu IlIl""I',1,hl lift the aloj("('t ;Iinnl'r 111'1L"rd, I am hlin,I-loe Thou illY Big!ll;l.ord I am weak-be TIIVU my might:.-\ helper of thl' I.dl,k'l.! I~",Aud lei me tlnd Ill! all in TI ...,,-,'

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urn.!: R!1.J.S nl.l~~Il~o[.OU:\TKl: ,.,;1j:-iIl.H.

~:;,::::Ii~~~~,f~::?;~f;';~:~:i;:~~:;~ii::~:~~"';''''' loullhe lilll" "ll~'" with hll!'l'" 1:1.. , ..... wer"!lllw<- . Th,' e!l:UKl'1alld pulpit ,,~rc t'l"t .. fLlll~' ;Ie-

T te-l "idl ,,'rcl\lh~ em,l t!'HH'ra. alld a g"oo<lly uum-rllr I ,lnq'l~luJ rri\'",l~ were prct'.<'nl W <'Iljll~'ttw

u,.c' ,} .. b (III"" in the ~ehool i~a Iiuh. "i~,i"n.1rY S:l-

:~'l~'~~l..~~i~'lil:'l::::~:~~;:::',:;~!::::~:'I~I;~~:<)~na~'~~TIt (of I "l \,lea~i"gbl.or of the "a~t )'(';11', aud

JI""" t thdTollcriu,l{>l. All i>t r":I,I~-, atld .he I,'~lalhYlIln i, 'Il":!. thl! 1'r:I~-er. ~,mclud, ...l, th .. ~+'llr..".

t I" t1 read: awl :\11C.\-CS turu "ill. illl .. n'~l to th.,lw t~,tilc little ones o"cu]I~-iTlg- r.llSl-.J "....,l~ ,,(oarIh l,nll,iT_,and6cing' the c.>llg'neg-atioll: the care

"1. mb.oftl:e 1o'lock,.':\lld 1,{-ro(,<'T1lNlthcllnlrU ofg-athPTl'rl 1"'1111;<''''wilh .. c"I' 0(r01 ..1

• t for tbeir ~tIl"I~T1l,~.,,11J.C't ..'xl ll'lll fl,ll knowIJ go "ill, it. 1'!J~1I fJlloWIi "TIo ... Liltl ...


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162 Tilt: ~rAHl.\IW 8E.UtEJl.

of eoral; nor 10\l:-t we forgl't .. The l'I.j~hl<' with th.,.ir light.hmlSl' :Ulll r,'il,.ctill""awl the" ;\(f)llel \\'urkcl1-," with theil' l", ~i"tur{' of honey 0111' mil'~it>lll\rit'l; ,,1:11111 "-0 IU

n('{-,I of !lOW. Bllt look! what come" nCl<l ~~T~, fL little white ..ilk ICllt, pitched 1)11 :II,

bn!lk; the!<e llftJ "Tho Cadct!<," ~'(ll1nA' !llIt,r

Chrjit'~ ":fanJ arm)"; \\'tJ hope (here willl)IJ I

H'rt('f!~ :i.1II1l!lg them. hut I)lat like tll,' ,go< Ign'at IIano'lock, tllt,~ will prove flitllflll to Gthl'ir eOlilltl'Y. Sadbut ~Wf'l't1Il"IlI~'l'jt'~II ~

nllllclIrt8, :l.!< tllt! d:uo,. that bellI'S the n:lm;'$!,'ntl,tCaro C-, prc""lil!< it~ oilcrh,gs,'II'

tPlI.t-!<o well rCIIl('ml)l'H ....l "iIlL~ the .hy we 1little form ill it>' ~lIlol\'-wrt':ltlu',1 g-rll.\'c "not Jt-':I\l but !l(-'('Jwth j" tin: emblcm :1 mig:lCIh'll with a Ilh idillg' wall ro\'pn ..,l with '\vinf', alld a pun' while rll~c on the other ~id

the touching lim",:

"Thl' 1'1\t<1' that climtK'dolir gllf1IClI.l'fllll,Ilu hloolUN the other llid(',"

St. )brl'~ CIa!;."('(1llH-'1I LLcxt; the Hil,lc it.~1}1~'Il1,and it~ motto," If :\11)' of )'0\1 I:.di. ...It,t him ll~k of God ;" and hl'l'u i~ the "I., YOUI1g: Fi~h(-'f!;,n with thdr little l'hip theI'crnnum," bringing ill on thi~ hf'r fvnrth \'0)

lair cargo, wll~ignC'ol to HOllie )lis"inus. FQIthi;;, ,,"ome tlll~ ufferings of the "ltobt~rt J. PC1:l!<~,preS(-'ntcll ill [l, \.>:t ...kt:t of kanliful tlow

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Tb(-" ",liof ~\",1.N"'''ln'' Qr Chri<ti:m ~hli{'r CIa.....1110ltO, ,; S ot ""hamoo (If J l'_I1~ - nOT llfrni!j of

In.' britl~. 111'th.., nmr j,.T tl<(' h(I~'~,1",,1 Ilr......lllll.,hmllgh il~ :t.Mi\'e Ijttl., fI,lj:ltant. in a milli:ltnrll

~"" :'>I11U!.'r.II hlla\')' ~\o('k "r llmmunitioll fur lh<:

f of Il'JIIO.' )li~~i.)n~.

n,,," 1>cLlI"c"~' ~..-irt) ••" bl.....~l.U"ill, II fnillJn.lU lIh," i~thulll').l tu M'lld up WI<'olfl'rj"ll", ~"ll;-nI to,ranother ~""r Iv ..duf';alt' GIlt' (,j' .\fl'ic'~ ],...~hl' I d,il,Jrnll.' The r;ishol' Jld".r t :I",~~ J"

• IiI. """''' 1l.l1Clnfl",orillg8., and ti,e" Yo",,!,: )I..u'"lilt e-I Ilia," ",itl, tl.(' 1I\0ltn, .. If (;,..1 ll<l lvr U<,_11< ha.lIhe .~:l.jn~t U~?" doscs up. £i\'illg n~ the

I h....ord lhr another )',';IT.Ollll bua.Ir ...1 31") tw,.h'e Joll~l"1Ib:l'"c Ihl\~ h.,l'''

<'(IlItnhul ....1 h, tll ... l. nl'. Tr""l..~urY; the work lIa,>!\~1'1_1I1,nooll i1a~fdtitl\t:nrlllPll;U1l<lthiM

~kctd,i.writlenin the hop" lllllt otlu-'r ",'huIII"h~1D!;DOlu(,h ....rganiuli"l1 .~nrl gi\'in<. Jinl" or.....u.."g ror the C.ltllSC of IlIi~ioll~1 \I.'i11 ~o 3nd olo

k ";Il! ....... P.

Page 158: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

1.'H TIU: ...,T.\'i:II,o\Br, BF•.\R~:R


.. GOOIl"R\", my liule )f:1ry; takl~ g'l()tl <ar,I,'M papa IUld I h'llry whil(~ I :ml gmll'," w4Eltloll as ~he ki,..,..t-tl Ilcr Iiltlc dnllght,'r \\ hto lwr 'lI'ck, fii if "he did 1I0t wallt Iwr to Kh

from her.Bllt the c:J,rrillJ.!:~ wa~ at tile dour, amI it

mo~t time for the train lo come, ~o th,' lilt!jllg f1rlU~ had In 00 nl'ltwln~l, and ath'f I)

ki~~ :\hry l':1W her mrunm:l. driv~ olT, alia

1(>ft :llont'.She t,ne,l hard to be fI hrl\H' litlle 1-,.;rl K

cry, tholl~h I alllllot ~lIre hut the t.l'n~~whiinto h('r t'Y('~ mi,!::ht h:l.\"e 1:1111.'11, if liul .. Kipl ....t kincn, h:1'] nnt rubbl'11 her~(>lf :l!:::.ill.t IIto lla~', ~'Oll lIlU~t for~.t th:,t ~'Olt 1,,1\'(' lilt! t~Oll eornp::my, 110""-. :000 :'olary took her liltlup in Iwr :Irlll"', nn.lthc tt<:lnl never ~C)t 'LILYthall h("f ('vc)i,l~. for II!! t>he Jaill hef chef'kIbppie'lJ '«ltt, fUf. the)' WCOfl. all \\'ipl'\l away.\lan' rt'llIemlJl'rcri that her ,>alliin Il:luie'lll'iug "to ~Itt'nd the aftl-'l'IIool1 wilh her. ",1 ~

kilt)' hurrle.) into the houM' to get- rE'sdr

Huh' \'j!\itor.:\ow. \'OU roll"l lint t.hink that :\fary \\':i.'i I

for thi~ ~'f1!\ thO' Ii.,.t tilll{, that her ro;mlO3 h~0I1e a .....ay from homo without hor. ~\nJhad n,,) on~ lUll her (1:'1':1 and brother I1~ur~

Page 159: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

1liB "TA~rHKJ'-I<K\la:K

, '~I a!.':.'I',_.~;1~::';C~O~:.~ ~:::'c'i:~~r:I:~~',,~~~~I,;::11 r IlllUIlTl •• " " .".... u" r)" ilL II"'] :liar)' .k" ..... IhAt flie ......uIJ '~nt

k 11<'" ",illl ber,l\<' hh" tm~l to be 1"'-)" rheerlul.

:~'..::;',:~~';:::~0;:~}';::~~:;';;'::::i£:;,:'~:;t to Ih :IT' with "ocr IlImmn:1,~o ~h~' "". :'Ill

lIilh tty, J.,ut ~he b~~i,..l hl'T~elfdrt'>'l>i"g- hr

I II an.l !.-.:uiull" l.....r_. tiling rea'!~ tilT Hatti ••, UlI-

lIt' ,'lIm'. 'n.l'1I the,. ,..... rf' tOO 1I"...h flllf-\!,:"d

a I \.I~ t'-' It,jnk of h.~i"<: h 'Il. I,.•• \ t the It"'" al ,Ill


t' ~ I./<.k II. h..r an.1 ~llIilc a~ I", .1i.1, .... ,1 10"8IIlle&olf,o'" ~i,I•• t,,~id(>. M d.ilJn'[J uftl'n .lowhell

~ 'l'i.h to .1."".. thllt It ...y think "ael. uthl'r 1"011.1.B Ibl.'l1he dill n"t Jan. to ~:O~' TIllY thillg" tu t,a~1'... wh{'~bi~f:lthl.'r WMpre"l'lIl, awl a~ ~Iary tried&011 I,>ok rd,I,jlll, her h:t.I'l'jn~I" Wlh lLul I"'It'" :oj:

l« ,jt>,il.\t".. 1I"lIj,'lll"t gUIl~, flU'! ~Iar! w,'nt Ill' 10 be.l,

I d;"~~~~::~,[i~:::;':5~~:'~;~:);~j:;~:;~::~ lwr 11<1I1'&'tnlk,~l in, Tlnd ~llid h.t ",as ;oin,1t to

Page 160: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

1,,!J TilE ST,\~D.\nD BF..\I:l:R.

pin)' nlanUml nnw, just :u .:\lary hila play Ill'a-time. :'\0 .:\tary jllmlJt ...1 ilLto IJl...1, teelillghl'lpPY, :111') thtll her p::lpn. leallcu on~r lu 10:good ui.l..!;hl, !'l\~.ill.~Ill' III! di.! hU: "'\'hat :to

thought it i~,that tl:ollg'b pal-,a llIU) 1U11mna

ll':"\\.c th(.ir chil.lrf'1I lIollll"time:J, Gud ueverlit. i~ :\1\\":1)" ,dth t111'11I. I hope my Iinll'IiI! 10\.0 lIim ~o much, awl lr~' !lO hard toIlim, 111:11~b<! .....illulwu).s be glad to think tluii.-. n('ar her."

'1'111.11lll'r papa [lut out the li~ht lln,l went 1Io

nuu .:\Iar)' wru; alOin, in tLe \1:\rl.:, but ~h, Jill nufraitI, fUT ~h~ weut to ~ll't,p thinking' th:l\ l~alw:\).s "ith hl'T,

It wa~ qnite hte when shc awoke th(' nntillg, an. I "he ~prallg Ollt of Lcd amI lwgalL toill a gn":\t hllTr).. for Milt! n'lIlt'lIlbcl'cd tlLIII:UIIIII:I W!Ul o.lWlloPI dowlI 8tai~ l,don, theLell Tllllg', llud tihe W:l~ going tu tak..., ht'r 11.11'

lIer 11I1LllIIIHl had t:lu~lIt hl'T llP\"er \0 lel'Hroum "ithout praying 10 nutl, lilr she lIj,\1lwb:il hHlll'tatioll!l to sill sill' migbt ru...,d, h ..fwould han' tim(\ to go to lll'r ruom fig-alII. :11

tlm Spirit IIf God could Kl'l'i' heT frvttl in.morning' "he ~liJ. Ler VllIyer wry quickly, Co

W:IIIafr:liJ the bcU wouM ring- hl'fOlc ~hp ('I)llduwn; il1llt'I'lI, toile kept Ibt<.nil1g fur it :11I\hIlU though "he repl'lltell the \\Urt.l~1 her tOOWNt' \'t'ry Iittl~ on h~r pT:l~.('r.

Page 161: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

TI e b<.11hI"] not rlillA' ~.('t ",'hc-ll ..I,,) d'-'!Il'l'nll,',l I'.

b' :J~:':~:~,:~.~;\:t~~::,::;;'~::.:;:;'..t;,~Tb.r .. "a~ & 1lI ... ~"ie'.o..~n.-inkk illl,l~ ('~'''' ~s if

I ml;'lltltlO !..aile ber,:t.nd if t.lw I,a,l been wisl" ..lln

II" ,"II""ffwaitt',llll'tilh<>r!':ll'i,c:\m"in,wbtul'\J.. lIllllll'llllla,l<>itallri!,l,t.

, \~J

Page 162: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

,. Your "":11," ~:li<l III'm';;', .. I "hou]'lliltetwho m~,ll! it ~'onr ;"':11, 1t''4 Ill:llllllla.'~, a I ]

:Il' gOl:"l 3. right 10 it. ~~ ;;-'111 h:I\I:',".. It j~ millll 1I0W, l~lr papa A.."\id I wa

m:mlll1:I'i 1'1:1\'10' whilt" !-hc W:\Jl guUl', "", g-el U l,

1I1:\r;;-nu\\' \ ('r;;' :mg:ry,But II~'l1ry ~h(jwP.l 110 intl'lilioll of \.'.'1\

pl:u',', hut tvl.! ••l ilis h:"l<I~, lou\:ill~ \\'I')

nntun',l, Imt :ll~o \('ry .1ctNnl;1I1'll. ." 1"11c:m't god ~-U\l onl," ~aid )(:11")', n'" "he 11i,',11111'"hair o\"~'r, Lilt ll.,u1'\' wa~ the ~lrllll',he (."nlll 1101 IIllO\!:' it. •

I t'an not. 1.,11 h.IW the qU:ll'r.,1 Illiglll hactl, for ;\bl"Y \\'[l~ \\"orld1\:;! lwrl-clf illto :1 go~iUll, if tbeir p:I}l:l ha,l 11"( l'nl{>re.1 the f{Mtlwtl, Ill' 10u1.e'( "ul'l'ri"cd nlH1 gliell~l, \S:IWhi" ..hitd,. ... , ,Ii~plllillg, but II£>only ~aid,tillll' j" .. \,r:\Y'.r~, liltl" .bm~I,t..r, will YOli "till' nihil" :111'.1 Ill'lll';; ;;'011 1ll:1)- rillA' tl1(\ bdl'

'l'he chihlr"n oL\'\ (.•1, :\lId lhf'1l touk t1"irtOllll'd ~I'at~, )la,.~, ~\"ol\lll'l"illg if Ill'" falherIl",ir '1llal'fCI. :-oIl,' W:ti ~ure tbat llC ,lid, \\h,':\rtl him T{'[l(l, •• Bdu\ cfl, 1('1 IH 10\ OJ vnt' :i

fur lo\.c jll "I' U .....t j" :lllllllll'll wht'll he pr:\! Iall :Ulg",'r alill d:'l.lIlor lIli~hl lip I,ut :1.Wll.~',:ln

Ihl'~ llIigl,t :lll be willing to gh.(l lip tn e \ 11..Ill' It-II a~ if "he would hun' l!in.n nny tl,il ghad let Ih.'un- aInuI' .....hen ;\11' I':un~ dv\\nHilt "he kllcw" tllNe \\'n" hilI nile W:l~' tn br

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.....;: ~~r~;::::l:,,;h.~li'~~(\'" !'...m II,"r'ell,~I".

·;,~~~:~':;:;E;~:;~,~:~~:.:,:,:":~::::,:.:"::JlI,.t<ll>lllCI''':'.''ltlllhellth,')'ki •• p'l",,,,'!ootll,'r,

..I, Li~:~:;,~L:i~';01::~;:il~~'rt~~~~i:~i~'~:\~IU;:~ill:l:;..~'\"oueall lll ....:<plwll' it lllY ".. ".;t" yOll el,m}'p.

III i ,H\' ""I.IMh' ll~ \1'<,11 a~ Illll.lod.tbll \0 1:1\r;,'

'Irei";"l1.j"Il' .!;'t1tlll'rl';,th,.h ....,,,kf,,.t011I t~l.ok. )19r~-, l"'" y(.n 1'~H~' 1.• ,lmlU," "):9in~"

\l~rv .,,,,h,,\, a",1 t ..,-,\; tl\'r " .."I. :.t tl,,, l,,"nrl oftl ...

. ~~'! ,"h' to ht'r l"'l"'\, ;\11<1~'tl",. him a.~ ;:;oo<! ,..of n,/r'l',h •• ai<l.,,.I ... l,a,1 ""'rt:l.~t,,,1. 1I,'lln'

t ,,~:,;\t\;{~.:~~i:;;l~~I~~\I:~~.~~:l~,~I.~f.rl1rl~' '''nr~II r ~T:ll\Ih"f\m1Ua ~,t to.lllr in :1 l~ .. ' ,\ft\"~. :m<l

r "111"" r:'lnli! I",U1C. 1I,'r1':ll';'o t...I,1 ";.rth:lt

l\ " ,;t,~~:.~':;,;17:::-1: \~~r.~~~":,ir\~;~:;~;'~~'~:~'~;~,~i: l~~,h.,~;I;:::t:,,7~~~~11~~~:;';H'I:~'~':;7,:I,:'I~~:t~~:::::l"

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~h-liltle !lible! Innlhcr'''gift!You're n'r.\' dl'llf, in.II'f'.I;

I lon' Io,.tween )'O}urpurple 1i,1~~f) SIl.¥itHlr'f\ worth tv ",ad,

And lon~ before I clluld ,I,) !loO,I now remember ",dl

The tlretty ~l()ric~ out of itIlear r.tl1l'r ll~ed to kIl.

II"w Je~lt~, 011"1''' h.ll", !loatl"I,on lIil>molhcr',. ";"""

Hcf"rL' Ill" ,'uru<1 th ... lame IIwl J,lil tOr wlllke,1 upon tilt' ~ea. '

\no! he ..,-uuld ~pe"k of IkthanJ'\' two "" l'd "i~t"TI'Ji,ed,

.\Iulof tIlU tft!IULlill~ wom.n. ",Ill).\ CUrt' from Christ fl.t:ei\,,~t

Then, though I wall. aliltle 1-",.,",Oh ~ how Il"ished that lIe

Wh .. did 1>01I......ctl)" talk to the n,Wou\ol Rho"," Him .....lf to 1I\6!

It IIII.d.e w ... loog to fead lIill Il",k,~o o'er the 1'111;"I t.Olt;

An'ltill I collid Illl."" Ollt tbe ......nLInert'r waoj<'""ntcnl.

~b~'I ih IllelUliug,'y"'ry da)'

Still l"'tlo'rnndl'f"tawl,.l'ntil (j..d Ii' ... meby 1Ii~::~

'I'u d....dlllllli~ right IlllIlU.•\11<11 will tf) In I!cll,11Ii1l W<JI'"

\\'hereit hiU1nol kl'nttiVrl1;For it...-ilI 10(1I. 1'1t'S.~J.nt thing

To "('-lift ~u('h HeWS from Iw;.",II,

Page 165: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

.;'1'.\:\DA HD-BEAREH.

Non.MHj,;I(, ISOt.

TilE I: \n:R1'ILI.AR A:>;11Tnr. ROSEBl"D.

nOT\" :,EY)!lll."!{ ,,"a~ :l.

It-,.".'n,.,'ogi",',o ...,""",'"ool?- ot 1\01l'1'r9. ~tl{llo\'lC,l tl,~,,,,

~omndl that ~hl'W:ulwilli,,:.:to I.,ke a l':r('~t,1,-:\[ of tro"-hie in ort!"r to IlIl,l' tbelll.

~ 1Il'r ..Mest "btl'rl.<:><:>k all tl,e

. t:uc of the II"......r" in ,It ..., g:lruul, hut Mhe f1l1o",.d

1\; ~. t<J 1l11.\(,,,'''' lw,] r<)r ill'T 011'11. III ,ill'! b"d HI."1 It,J what ~1~H Mll\~ lila-,I, :mu IllUI tho pl.1nh ~hc

,D.,\ all thr flo\\'.no ..-hi~h 1111'\' hOTI>],c,

WlI. ,,,t ,he coulJ l'ici.: tlll'lll or II'l~vetl";,m"'l1 th,'

plo.o~ jL"1:llIlhe liked. But in rd\ll"ll fl'T this, ~I,,'or f"I"'Ctffl to h'rp II,e be.l Crt'" from wl"fth, f,'T'ff ~t. r ~ai,l ~j,,,wnulol 1I0t Ii:l"''' Olll' heo.l ill tlL('

rd",. QHTf,'T'l,,"n wilt. ,n.{'Js,WIIl;'1I nil the Tl'"L1<<"l'<:rll'Ur.

Page 166: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

162 Tll.~ f-"T,\'S"f)AIW.lIKAIlt:R,

But Kilty lond hrr duwers tooweU to lHoniug to UO :IIlY thin.g to m:lklJ therl1 grow; 101'1e:l~mt U10rllil1~ in summer ,,1,(' W:1.11up nt &n:IIlU ill the garden ,,;,h Iwr foi~lcr'l,ullill~ upWl'('d~. Of tyinA: IlJllhe \ inclI. or l,il'kill~ "ft. lrious imf'ds whit-h likt~l tll mt the l,I:Ult"-shl' alw:>~'li hll.,l tlowl'r~ clloll~h to m:lkn !l Ibouquet. to take to l1O'f Imw!l('1" Of some fri I

!l('hool,Her tC:lI'lwr W:1'i y('ry {"wI of ro ..e .... 1111,1

had on~ rnsc-bmh which l,or(' f,,)wf'n lliUllt f~IlIlIlJll:I'. 1';0th:lt ~h(l conM :UIIIO~t nlwnyilo rinJroo;(' :It Il~.( pllt ill her bowl.1Il'1. Dllt; IUp

I'lle w('ot. to her ro~('.lHI8h. ~urc of filllIillgthuugh it wa~ t1111 1:1.:;.l of AlIgu~l, f(lf 'Ihl' 11:\,1wntdling a butl for f'.1'\'{'ral lhy"'. Hltt folic lit a.!.

al'poilltcd .• \ caterpillar, who h:J.<I h~u UI'l11'r, hall sclect()ol itfor his br('nkf:u.t, :\ud 11:!.,l.

half catt'n it."1 declare it. i~ too b:lll," I'ail} J\itty,:'I" SIlO

h('r ~il<tl'r to look at it. "'l'h~ only lmd (Ill thetoo. \\~h...('oulJ not he }1:lVe {'l>lll(,uU'd

the If'awlI"? I don't H'C wha.t 1Ii'llJ c~'l.tefl'ills.

:lU\' how.":. "You b:\d bcttt'f &10k the little Lir<1M wbll~

think uf them," r.a.irl IlI'f ,.ister. "I mthtf

,\lr. ;locI :\frll, Hollin, nn,l a.ll the little ){obiu~their caterpillar llrl'akfast quite IUI milch llJo '!

YO\lr tflrlllt :111.1~'gq'l.."

Page 167: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

TilE t;l'.~S[l.\n[l-Ilp..\RF.n

•. W .. ;-;1It'I), I ..-iMh .'.f,.. I{obin bad t(lk~n I.;m

.~~~~~hi~'~~~~:"1:~!',;:;~~:~,.~;;:~~:~'Ia~::~'~"t:llk,<l']' I~r o;fI,\6I1,illn,. n Iltt]e \\-11111', nll<i ~.Oll WIll

u,.rJOOID"I!.il1g mort l",rmlifLlIIIJ:lI1 ~onfro",' wo~].1


ID.~e::r:~~,cHi":~,I:~II~~,:;'~:~~~;_'~t;i:~lyin~;~i~o;:i'l~I 't 't"'" bv .... noy lbing- l'r('tty r~l.Ilcome Ollt ,,(

I":'"Yery w{'II," ",,,;,1her ~i><tcr," Ilwn I will kOl'r

1 m fur ~otJ.. :I"'} ill II,,, Ol('~ timl' I ... illin I.. ti,),\(>II :I ~,~r tll t:ll..~ IIL(' plsce of lhl' Oll~ I,u I,n~

1f""\J'.Kitll" II<>Ond,t .... , II ro~e from onc of II ...r Ki~kr'~

.. hell"that ~b{'Ihuugl,t ....0,,]1! ,io, and herh<>uqut'tIII "I'll'l!'. Then h,',. ~i~I.'rw{'nt into tltfll,oUH'... .-1 hn ll~ht onl ll. MlJ:ltl boll. :-'Ill' ,...,n'H',1 11",

It,m D{it withfj-l'1-h (':lrth :.Imll,I", ....,1 "f ..", fr,,~h_IUHll! npon it. 11"'11 ~h\l ellt off tlie I,ralld, Ilf

IbrbU/lhv.itJ.I],(','''I'''pillnflJl'flnit,:l.wlr'llttiu;litID1~rn::I~:,.~1'"lit',] onr 11m Inl' :l. pif'rtl of tbill

~l1wr('.... If. '\"oollr I;'-.:\f!' ~~<1 ~Ill', >Olll1l~Y"Il:,"Y"ll!1<dfu lQ\Il'h n.8 '\'(]\1 lik('now for:1 ft'w ..lay~:'


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164 Tilt; ST.\:\ D.'"JW IlE.\ItUt,

wa:o'S 1IS(',lt., (";111 tl,t'1ll rso when r wall :l l"t Ielikl' YOIl."

For Kitt),,~ ",i~t•.r W:lll a good 111:1.11)" Y"athau ~h{'; ill (.",t, was quite:l )"Ollllg Ia,ly. Butlol't.d her little t-i"'kr dl'arl)", :lnd W:i~ alWa)ll .1(131Ii:&\'c Ill'r with Ill'r.

'Yell, the liltle hox W:I~ )lIneN jll~t out:;id" rwindow, 1IllU Kitty forg'lIt all al><Jlll thR wl)l)lh-1(Jue :IfLl'rllOOIl, :lLout a wC'(:k nftt'rw.'trd. he; i.'all(.d to hef to ('ollle :l.lllll.x,k :It him. Kilt \not !>t.c him. She lookeJ IInd",'f the ]\';I\l'~:L, tw:~ not Ihefe .

•• \\"1.)" I si"t",'r )f:!ry," ":li,l "11...,, .. he ha~ ~~'"e:'"Xo," ~;Iifllu~r si~tcr, "he ii ~till tlll'f( ...... Hilt wlll'rc? 1 callilot "Pl' him."lIer ,.istpr Jl(}intN to a little vrowli tiline; all

,.j.le uf the hox, whidl W:l~ 110milch till' •.001.,r ofl'arth ill the lmttfJnl of tllt~ Lox, 1lmt I\:itl)" Ilad"Me,] that it Wl\.S a I,il,('" cof l':Irtli. But flOWIlQtiCI.d that Illf're WNe little Imifi ,.tid,illg aUiI, ;11I,] tlmt it Willi f.1>,tl'IICd to tilli hOll.

o. \\'iI)", tlisl~t .:\br~'," ".'li<l l\"ittr, .., i~ that\\'oully bear?"

.. Yes, 1Ie has IIpUIi {(,r him1'O~lf t11:lt C1H •

alll1 if rOll coulJ look bdlind that ~ou wouldouly a liule Mack thing which woul,llo\('I'1ll ell 'Ih'aJ. But if w(' leave it here, alief 0. whitl' itwbllr;;.t t hal CO~'Crillg, ami come out a h,'aulit\ll hh:dl.r,"

Page 169: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

TIIF. ~T.~~m.\ lll> Ilf:AltF.1t

..\\'h~Il('\'HI -;t.", a nl'lt~T1,jll11r,"~:Ii<i Ilt'f ~i~tp".

~"-("'I,ing :JJ"1l!;. nn,1 <lltl)" :1"1 ... tv p:o ... ~I",wl.\'. I

I ~:~i~~l~I:';'lIJj'::~~l'l~;:'i:~I~~~:dl~,;~:Jf,:;;:ey"ft' "" 8....iftly. ~jJ'l'il\g thn hon ..)". from i1ow<.'rtoe ,,"('or; Il.lll1lht'1l I thi,,'\; tl,nt I'f'rhllp~ tl'lIt i~tla

"'lIJ th~ :lJl~I~ tl,jlllof U"" "on.l •. ring 110M ";'f du

'" lhinkmon! oftl,,, gl()ril'~~l,kll"''''''llY ('l1edayI . olil ill ho::\\"~.u."

1\ ll~' !llt holdillg Ih box in hl'r 10:1",11111th I,il.'

11. .. ;ir~~r'~l'~~ 1~li~li~~~ (:Ltl'fl'ill:tr j~," f<.'ii,1 ,,, "h

n ,,~if he IntH. I... <l .. n,I."":-;', he i~ ,1m,1 to:lll :ll'l ... nrn .......... ~:Iid h'--f ~i~H'r,

Page 170: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

IfW TIlt: f:T.~XlIAIW"m;.\la;ll

"but 1,(1willli\c ng:aiu, Dnn't YOlll"('IIl(,UlberW(' wcul tu IIt'1:' litt!(> Cou~jll ""ilIil', aft"r H~

,11':111,1.0"" \'('r.\- !>1ill he hy in his little ('toft'll

tl'{'11 we saw him 1,1:1('1'.1 in the gronn.l, :ilJIIII)~erkol wht'll tlll' (':'Irlll "'as thrown u}1'-'lJ -\\" dl, hI' i~ Illlri, ..l .ill~t B~ thi~ l"ltt'rl,iIIar i~, J,jll~t a~, :IIlN B \\Jlile, a IlIltLl'rtl} will (".. me OlltIhig sil.'lit ("rill, 110 little ""iIlil: willri"" 01 t fp-rnH'. :111IIlllch morl' Lt':mtilill ttl:-\n IlC W/Uj IeMIll!' lmttl'lfl)' b mure hp:llltiful tlmn tIll.' Cl,iJl:lr."

., An.I t"pli if 1 [)In Luri",] in the grounu, I 1ris(, 1t'0 ~n iaiJ l';i1l\-,

..r ,'s, 1'\'l'rv om: '\\ ho Jla!> l"\'(.r Jj, ...~l \l ill:.g:lin fl"Ollllh; tlead, Bnt 1101\' we willl'lIt "Ir \aW:lY, anti wnil fur tho htUh'rtly."

Tile Mld willkr l'a,l paJ;sed, aud IIIf' ~II()WlIt'arly Im.lll'fl from the grollll'l. wlll'll OUe J:IY I\:i ,'r (,:llIe,] Ilt'r agaiu to look ill tilt' liltl.,'nll'n', lII"lllillg em 1h(' ,l,'ad br:wcll, wns:'l lilllkr1ly, with 1,rigl,t r,',-' \Iillgll l'o\'tJn.,1 with bIt.ct1I1'0ls,

.. U how lK':Ultiful!" <'xdaimctl I\itty; "allLllat n':llly Ill,. llg-ly c:lterpilbr :-.,

.. YI'~'" f'aid h(>I' t.i~ll'r," Ihe l':IlNI,ilhr lIlli, I ~Ib"Il)!IJI ~ougl)' h:l~ b,'t'n ell:lUg,.,1 to lklt limnhutlerll}"."

.Jllbt t111;11tlll~ bllltc:rllJ Ilell' fl'Otll the 1...._\.:1

Page 171: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

TilE ,.,.AN"p.L.llD.m:.tREU

.. ! tl.,tterill":.1l11al~'ut lhll room,u; ifit w"',.., gb I

I ~;I~')~~~~'~~~~::~~;\pjuot Kuto nlllP! J~~lI~?"

iIiIUY, ..FfD"Uy it nli.:;liltJ ...U lh~' I,bntll In thl' 1\'11,,10"-,

sillt:r ~lar! 5:li.l it might lil:lY Iller", fur il W1~~

>9 ..... IJ ~.Pt 1<01'it out of .loon. Thewarmtil ofJl h" ...... II:I.1 1."ol11;IJt it OI:t IIOOn~r tbaillf it ha.1

.outi"tlLtILir,.. rt"t," -.'lid. I,,,r ~i~t"l," all who RTf' had",[ ill

IF ' lIwl linI" '\"iEio too, will ari~(. wh ...uJ lI'J>.-.a1l tVUll ...,t Ilim; 1«1 ,1'1l.1l1hC'y ('I'l'rbIlWiIIL

1.l1r.\'''"Ole! I lUll"" glad," SJlid lililo I{itt~., "1.1,,,1"jpJ,; I.hall lie lI(1ulr.lid t,> I:~ ill II", t;nnu nUll'."

M ..... H.

ROAI':'lIIlE pr,OW.:RS.

I,n"u. not h'll ~T,n:1l1~'Ihing t,. mak .. 1°11 ~~.I,L tillll'. Th .. lin: .. \'o~- of 1;\ 10"", I "''' h.,.ill!; I ..._m', is _till :l,lil'll llmi '1' .. 11. '\'],,,,, I ""'l'th,,

~,LroaJ.6c~.jd'iiddion .. frill.~illg tho ,hl'I~'I '1ill. Ilaru,l~~,; ~IJ." 1 alw:l.YsIbillk of ,loLIlI,~'

bWl"- The' wa~' I c;uue to lIl(...l wilh hilu ....a.ill. A (~~r"l:1n ",'ornin whom I found "lIll d.\\"

,.thQllt <l HiLlo:, ~~... me<.1 to lI-i.,b t'lr 01"', and i'r~eo.! t" a,1; I:cr Im>b~II,1 fOT ilion.,)" to Imy Olio:.

Page 172: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

108 TilE :-<UXD.\RD.IlE.\REIL

\\"hell I took it to hcr lWlIlw, a little l,u~: QP"11e>lllbor,llll.l 1111'11ran to kllills Ill1ltlll'r. But ~11~lle had 110 mOIlCY, and ('olllolllot t:lkc it.

<; rr )"IHI 3rt' !lot ahle to buy it, J will ~itl'l \

tlw];ook." .

U~illg the dlil.1 310 lwr ilLtt~r'l'rH('f. ~1(i ~'I'.Idi,lnot like to t:lke tlling~ without I.ayin~ fur t

[ thcn tCold hcr ~hc might pllY 11116 thit.1 of the 'i"

ji,t it; 1mt Ilere :l nt'''' ,1itlicllhynro!;co :"llc!I,'li I\\".1'1 a J~1fum Clltholil'. I tohllwr that II r (Iltelic\'{"(1 the Ho]y ~~ril'tllte~ :Ii wdl ail JIlin _\\"hidl ~lle M>lCmte<l-nTtt1 thnt"he ought thellf.l}l0;;.ses.i tbem, ~\Ild tlJt:1l 1 triell 10 11'11Il\'r,1(;I'l"IlliUl, what a 111':mtiful :\11,1 pr('ciou-. O(){l!.-: (Biolv wal'. ~IJe grl'\\O more flint mOte illhr:11111"how!!(} me all tlw Looks she h:l'1. :-.he"Iw('" 0\\"11 Church v.ith llt'r <"hil,lrl'lI, hnt tlll'ValtoIt'uJt'd II LlIthf'rali :-;und:w-schooJ. ..;llQ II:,,] 11Ihotl\1I I'rnyC'r.Look ill ne;nllUl, and a l\"~11tbulII"OI'Y of" Union Ir~'lII11S." The little J.uyIlill lIIoth('r, in German, to take tile book. He!l.!'out uine ~'ear~ <,1.1, awl hi!' f:\('l' h~:lllle,l _j

~wedllt!I'N nnd intdligl'IlC(', throngll it~ ('O\'erill'

,Iin."Can ~'on rellll1" r n~k(,f1, putting' Ilu~ nihil' i

his h:l.1Idi, .HI! 01H.'rwtl at the Illth or~1.", :111'1 ti'~.1

1\' w('11.••• \rt..v ,1i.1 Zncdwu'i climh the lrH' ~., I


Page 173: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

'r l';:;::':\~ll;'~I~.,~i':':'lI:I:~:_i~~::1l1~:~'I~~:;~~~;I'i~~",tIo1t ,,~; not it. It lla)'s he di",Lo."J lip 10

Ilof LDr<1J"",'-u. Jt" \l"M too Jittl~ to",,'" J.imon

\.:;:':~~:'r::lhh:~r;~~,;I~:~::i:;~:~~:~~~~':;';:1 h{l~- lie ",,'I\t 1.. 'll1e tn 7_,<,ch('\l~' hUllSl ....

.. V(t ~OLl W' 10 ~chool?" I Mk('<1 him.~.\U. I n~\l'r ;\1.\'l,,'OI,J,,'rBud ~igt"r_"do;

I 1\ ... rea<liPlg ~n.J ~111.1~'illl> nil tht. limt. ...

"'\l,nt \, ".I\L1" namt.~.,.IOJllll\.S",lo ...."b:.

II .. 1I,()~b.. r ""i.1; .. He 1.;111 fI. little book Ilhmll

J !)G." 1 thought "to' 1I1~'llnt ....";11' Jol,,,, awl ~:l.i,!.),)~ an re,,,1 (If 1,;11Iin Ihi~ Bihh'," Iml. II." chilrlpilip,"" IILllt it WIlA Ihe ml'moir .. f " I!"ool I~)y

"dieJ. ll'<lI1,~l".Iobn Ihrm"m," 11",1I""! h"


IIW;:,~I;~I~~-:',~~~kF"r;~,~~~~,,~I:,i,~hl,:~'~~'i's.Tl:~;:Y~:ekle,J,! lwl!<r th.l!l wot,1~.hw••' !!h"ll~-l,,, '10'0'-11,1

111: il. 1I,.hlk•.<1nthi<molhl'rf .. rl'O'rn,i""i"Il,

nil ....11;11'<1iPl ''''g"r ~\lf"I"U~e. :,1... r'l.:",,1r.J l,,'r~ht boJy 'II'ilh ~ molhr'~ ,.tloll', I cOlllJ ""I", .111,1


Theooy )...g~n tn re'llll ...gain. au.) ~\'l' kft n~ 10lVei. Tlllleh:'I'terllo"'-""!ffteJ wlllIthl':t.l ..r

. ~1.Lt\,,,,.... 11"\1' "i~i"l"r .. <t grew a_ 11.. p.,,,] t"~r,,,r('I,ri,t:

Page 174: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

"Suw, .JullUlI)':' 1 said, ".t~li!i llil,]~ i~) Ilr

0'''/1 ,. ynn 1l111~t taktl t'~ll'tJ 01 It, :11\,1 rL'all .~lla)',"

,. J will; :ulll I'll ,l.!>-'t muther to cnver il".. \' (Ill mll~LlWIT!" lpt :UIYolle lako::il irnn

hut kl'ep it till )'011 lire lL mnu,",\11 thilo hc I'r()mi~f"ll, J,ngging Ilii lieII,' ~

with dlildi"h joy, Lut littk: l...1l••l\\illg what :1Il'.~sIn';aSllrc it might pro\'c,

.. Tile ","/mJll'f' (!t' (I,!! W{lid !lit'!!II, li!l~lIt/' wHlt:r~t«J/diJlll tu lIut ,illll,J,:,,,


\\'IJ~IE nnd FalllJ)' ,\IUII"OIl calno lumm fro11il)'.~<:houllJlu.! 1lI0ming" fuB of 111.]i.!.:ht, t .. U

motllO'f that thefe wlluM 1,(' no s('n-jc(' ill thein th(' aft('fn""II; !>ut tll:lt ,"r. ::ih:I\I,thlir IIW:i~ goiug to h:l\,t\ wt't\'i('t' fOl'tlll' phil,lre I

:-illlll1."ly",dwo] rOOIll, and Illat )11', IIilllllrrn,~iOfI:lry fl'Oill ~\frica. \lag going to Il.ll themhis ,.dJ')O! tlwre,

.,\""~illi,. :\fI(l Flllln\' Wl'ro Iittlo ('llil.Jr u,mother JcddC'd tLftt it 'wulll<l he Ill'tler lorfit:". :tt honu" fWIIl dlllfCh in Ill!' Illorniug,tll:" would not ted til'('d tor the 1I1h'riioOll,hali their Libr:ln-.hHoks to T(.:t\1. :111\1tll~ir h~Ic;trn for the Il~xt ~tlnd(lY. ~o the Illuming']1:l."~U away; hut whclI tile n'sl lOf (be t:1lI il.v

Page 175: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

/~f~~~~~~~~~~i~'I:\'~)I:~~'~~;I;~/::~t~~.~~j~l~:~:.. 'll" "l"~lly fiu~l "1'''11 him, :t.• h", tvIJ....r II,,,

I cbit<1rtu "hom ho tll'lgLt in ~\f,.;('.'\, 11.11,1how]~Hd to l"':lT of .Tbll~, lu,,1 how lhr~' wouM

tl,.iT p"'ftnl<t." I,r:\).to Hilll tw. ,\wltl"'H ho-dllo. ~hiltlren 1],nl tho wi".iull:lriCh "cn;' IT)";I1;:

I hUid 11cbuTch fur t1,mn,an.j t.e ll"k,'.ltlIl'JIlir. ,ruull !lot Ii];" I" :;hO'<."me mou(")" to h~'I!, t ••

iIJ it. ,.\I\l'r \lr.I1ilLman tJ:,,\ jiui.L"J t,dkillf:'

_r 0"''' mini~wr, ;\Ir. :-ol':lw,toMllle I.'hil,]r"II 11'''1• Ir.l,:ht [,rb)l" Iv tlldr h':lchN,;, eH'ry ~Llll<la)'

lI1lill.'. :l.Ilthe money t""~ "cJllM <"IITl1f"r ',uildillg'diU 'd., allJ tlll'n. l,doro )Ir. Himn'\!l ,honld S"" \0 A"riea., it eouldalll,., /-:iHulv IJim.

),[0 (-of the ...hihlrPTl 1..... k",1 n'ry muc'h 1,1",~".~1

• III'Y lUight Iw11.",hllil,11l dlllt •.!t,ltwllJ\'g:mlhmk "fll ... \"d'JlI~ ,\:.\'~ thp\' (,011],1 pnnl m('Ilt'\.

lit Ip."rid tholl~ht .llt:"oul~I.~'", t,,"',.'~fo.t h:r~:I~~~:~,~;'\~~~:~>~~:~~::;'Z;~:~:.~~I~~~;I;~;~~,~;",:

Page 176: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

I;-~ THF. STASrl\I:IIIlE.llaH

wI'e,lillg tile g-~l'd('Il. 1l1l~1another knell' he {'lIloni'Y I"y going of t'fralJdll,

"1 kno\\" "'}J:lt T'II ,10," ~~i<l 'Villi\! Ir, Li[\~ 1]11'.' Wef{' walkinc 1,('lIll' togf'lln,r, "f"UNkIII It't mo kN'P 111'llll,nl1tl t1H'1I I f'[IlL "f II h

~~~u:II~:~(,\::~I~,~~t'II'"1 (':III gd a goo.I Ji'"ll)f

"0 lit':,;!" ~aid Fall"r, .. I wi," J kllt.W \\.1 .. ,"

.. "'II)', "1m (':ill sell', can't Y01l ?" ~ai~1Will"I l':lII't !/i..'Wwdl l'flung-II 10 Ill'HI :my hi

11)\\ d~," ~:lill F:lnllv, "awl Inolll('t' ha~n't rulr

lOf t1lfJS(' tl> h,'m, n;ld hl'~i,II''', it tnk('~ me •helll GIU',"

,. "'"II." q",i,l "'iIIif', "why C:lJJ't YOII h:ne1""11.-1 toOl ~ \'uur.-l :Llld mine ('lOlIl,1 live ill tl('''01', IUd W~('olll,1 tllke ('are of them tag!! hr

F:III1lY ('ollid hnr\llr 1lt'II' 11Il.'l"j.:"iu;rWillillwr(' ill till, blrct'l, ~hl' W1\$1'0 gml('fullO h't11illkin.!::" of 'HIt'1. 11111in.!::",

lillt she kill'\\' "~ilJie dill 110t lik(' ~nch Jof atli.'ctiull, Wh(lf(> tin'." {'(}ulc1 he "",'11 b.'

l~l)'1; {'Vllli"S 1J(}lllf' from SUIlfl:1}"+t110(.1, 'II -heh'lIh~l }H}r~t'lf \Iilli a Hull' I"kil' lOf jl~:r. nJlll:\ "0(Il,'l.nk )"OU, "'ilric; whu n lo!'I(J.] b(,~' JUIL:I. p t

"'Iwn tll"\' TN\l'h".'j Ilam{' tIlf'\" \\"PI't' L{'lf'ng-H to 1('11 "tl1.)Ul huil,ling ;IJe c"hurdl, ~udtl",)' \\":lnt.-"t to do, aml IU.-..Y lovth talke,1 :11:nHl 1"0 fist, tlml ii, lIl\.>I n \\"omh'r tllf'ir motl I r

Page 177: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

1'111:s1.\~I,.\nllm:\Ia:lt 173

I, r> lh(!y 11,,,110, r<:l)', SI,c ('ouluu't if,~hs<ln't !o,"rltl'{,1lI1alli JII~t ~o 1\ !o;n.:.t m:r.n)'

,tl~,~;J;:~il"r :1:,,1 nwtlwr Milt t1mu!I;bt 11,(' lbn

k 'l>iur;' I,.'''' :I H'ry gu",) (.u(', llllll tl,,-'~' Mi.l

Wljc('lluhl tlwtlo" rhicklo"....f>f)f' at the l'nd of th"

.,Illll, rmd.;<' 00,,1<1 i"'l\lll~',

Th_ ehjJ,lrNll.':lrh ":1.1 fill,\' c('nh with "ILieL tt)

uY11.. ir 1,,",,~,bllt Ihl'ir gr:u"l",omlll:l, wl,o ...II~, \u'g th~lI1,.:lllll'ot Ihe)' IIlt,1 Ll.tI('r kel'}' tl,..;r

l(') 10 \.Iu~' r"od fur tl1('lr h,'1)_, a",1 ~hl' W<JIIl,!

; ea' h of 11....111 ~ll,,"gl, mOlley to 1m .... Iwo I ... II~

I ..rOOlltc'" Of co"no'- tl\l'Tt, 11:1.<1to be l\. grcnt


1"101'r.u:t mnrnin,'!, "'illi .. w""" Ilil ""I' l':>rly, 01',,1of I" !:\.rmtr)I"rl""- to 8eei( L" wonl<l lIhilll ,,',y

0, F,,,,,,> rh.uged l.illll\lg<~t 0110 of hl'n1 wl,it;1Dd1~()ll,cr "I"'r1>I",1. IInd h., lI",nnt tohan~l)<)ll,

bi~ hi",,\;, Ill' 0'.'1;'1. L\rc:l1c.h~t Wni ""t re:l.I\" H'~

'I u"W,lIi,' ,"""" I",",~,hring-ing f<l'H hrn, ~lId"• >I ~';;~'lt~:::nl::,~I;,r~:~t;~:~~::~;:~~;:t~lJ~~~~;::i

Iru\'\nrl~ ]"""".Thll ~',il,lr"IL'~ f<:nlhrrr,ll;unily WHe "0011 q\Lit~"t

JClle ill tl'l'ir new qu~:i<:"".111,,1 thl' Ilell~ lail ""!llaIly"...::;> that 'rilli ..'~ mother ",hi ~loe 1\'(;11101 h:l\"c

ruk,. !,,,'MinW! 311.1 cake aHll,,: timf' '" \l~llthem

p. '11 ere WlI!I Wr.WtiIlN1' a little J\luLt Wllid, 11•."

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lH TJTF.~::'L\~m_-\RD.DF..\Ja;R,

laid IIU' ('.l!g~ but '\"ilJiulIIlJ Ftlnnil nC'vt'rqll:lh01lt thC'm. but di\'i,i,.,i th('1lI C'lll:i.lIy; 1>('111: 1Sllll!.la~' th.,y l':1ch 11:1,1 the ~:Im(l 811111 of rnl.Jl(";lrry to tlu'ir tC:ldH'r. After a "hilt', tIll' £>;:.'!!1

lIot Il(l 1'lllitifill. hut in tlue time th~ 1,rD~hrougllt Ollt:"l little uroo.l of dlichu~. Inllehdlil.lrl'n''1 th'li~llt, )li~'1ion:\ry c1Jid'CIl~,('.111cd th"Ill, :l1l.1 th('\- grew alltl Ih'ed :l~ Oll ...

~iollar)' C'I,ickell~ COlllti 1,,' "_1I:pecwd to--not on ''ro he !lure 1111')" Il:"ld tIle IJl.~t of (':"11'1', formorning lVillic ami Faull}' Wf'l'P lip hriL'ht :lnll

.:J~ .. ~ \0~. ~I,",1~;a/

1?~.'I~." ' .. '''''~~,'

._.:o...~ .

j,>(ldillg" tlll'lll, TIlt,\" urn'r Ilt'glc('lo ,I thew,:lnthe ell,l of the ~llllll1U'r, whell tI,de i:~thi'r loQUthe ehit.hlls from the ebihlrcn, Ir)(1Y I1:lJ each :11'full of Ult)lI~Y to I:\ke for tIle ('bUTch in Afri(':i.

Page 179: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

TIn: ~T\'\II.\Hl~IIF..\Ry.n 1';:.--S\Ph1' IS Tm: Rrn~I~G Hl"T.

~n~n~alt~~~~~;\ ~;II:~~I~~~':r~:;~;~:~'~~:~l~';~~,;e~~:f~';~t~~)~'~~I;:~..~::~-~~~'~<lti"I:r~':::1:;~~.'~~\ t ~l do"'u to w:ltch lor II", c"1I11Jl~of .II-If'

'I,. !"""UnS"a 11111"cll:tl.I", kin.II ....l ll. fire JIl~t. Ie of tll" hUI, .\ ~I':l.rk ~l.t LI,(, I-nt in a 1.•I;l.%.c.

Th f'~'I'r<',..,I""'I"i"klfth:J.t ~aJ>"l""'llMsurroull.l.odL,'!ircIUll.lIl<'ollH'Ut.

.... ne ""'Ol,,,'t\ in tiLl' lU>t1 field, ~(., lllg tl,(' fir(', rrlll

bell" Tbi>Y {'(>lIl,l.",!. ~(>(> hhll, olll~' (rv." ,I".,rlli" , I.ut h,~ \'..."e .....a.~ 1lt''Irfl,''I~ing:"0 m)' ":I>"iL>ur! llJ111~t ,I'll. ] I,r~y Thi>e 10t lIIr~:~'~,',lK~~~~~':=~D~'I:;~\;:,.::;\:,.~~~lrt~l~;;;'~c:~rei .. ' '1\;"."S.l"'t'~ \ "i"l' "'ll~he~rd PO lHllg"f. The tll'l'

bCl1e.l "". 11 .. , wom(.n _' .......1 tr~mLIi,,~ fit tI....file ,'ftl" '\.turlliTl;.;"I,il.1. YWY!IO<-,IJ,I,,,wl'n"T.II,,.

\Il':l~ htlml'<l to u.~h("!!. 1'11<')""" r.' ahollt ~t'an'l,-

'f"r lL., t.<,~'"1'0m'". WhH, In thrir "llfpfi " K ..I ... , 11['.PII.1 "\I~1..,,1 into nlt,ir l~i,l ..t \Il.J", I

~., What ~:T.V(,J you~" {'Ii....l thr :I"toni"IJt,u wo-

.\1\ f IllY I'n~'~r," ~"jJ ::'\Plwl. "r:(o<l rut it

f ~;\~~:::~,l.~:.I~i:l~II~~II,li(~ll.l",,~:o;:~':,~:.,:).~~-:\"i'I~~ t.;

Page 180: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

1,6 THE ~T,\:-;n,\RII,.uE,UU:n.

"0, Tllc lil'C \\"n.~ llot hot l'uuu~h 1'1Lurn tthe hidl" rUllll;o I W:I~~:I\'l.(l:'

"ITa.) )'0\1 :lll~' hop(', tlll'II, (Of ('&.::IIJ;lJ~ I

Xal'l't?" askc.l lIw mi......ioltar~',a .,by or t11')

w:lTol. whrll 11('.'lrin~ hi~ MOl")',

., Xo; I l",..lie\'cd that I Illll~t ,lie," lI.:\io.ltl"Hi,l )'1>\1 hol'(~ tlum that your ~ol1ll\"olll:l

he:lven .....'

:\";lpCt'!i I:ICC gl't'\\' hrigllt with jo,"" :IS he r•• Yl'~! I wall t<lIre onr :-laviollr h("'lnl lll~' I r:1Il.1 WOIlIt1 take me to hC:WCll LCt'rUl~I~ Ih' di ~111(....

Happy X :iprt.! IIt1 w:\~ h:lpPY ('nil in ,Ior the lil'C: I wondl'r if :ill Ill\' Ad!'OfYlt~

"011],11)(, a." happy ill :l hurning ilUl a~ X,l"\1 .. 1 ]ook hl'rf'. ehilrlrl'lI-if :IIIY h.)(l)" ('\'for,

what go.,.J mi:ssiollari{,~ .111, t,.11 them the (X al'et ill the Luruillg" 1m' ,-JfiMio/t ~Jdl'('(,('

"I "d~"grofl.lingcrt'ature on,...".tllll !.asd,y dCllvcd to e:>tll,;

I w .. nt1.~l jl,pirit to renounceThe dn<llhllt gn~c rill' birtll.

"lIl1t 1:011hll~ hrt:'lIth('l1 upon a wor.n,

\nr1 !riven mt from 1IljQ\'e,\I"ingi liUC!l lIA doH,,, all ."g"I',. r.'rlll,

The I'ill!!:li of jo,y :lIHllo\'t',"

Page 181: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY


D:i:U:&lfBEH. U:Il.IL


,t ". ~;~E[j,~II~:l~~~alIO~:~~;:::~ ':~"\ ~ the ~re[\tMt TI" \~Oll of ..II w,",

that In t ... o cl:&v~ It 0\0u1.1 be

"\ Chn~tma.'I. Ho; a1""l\)B baJ. av\Jry hll'PY tilDe OH thu day,

io becaust', m the fir~L ,,1....(\. h"hal I,kllty of kml fntu.h tom:\ke hlTll 1-'1~(mt.., and then ho

.... &! .• ".~"twith n.l1hi~ comills-an,l II" hllu II.

RfUt h1mly-tn hi" gr:lndfaLI,cr'I, 10 dinner, wheredltlyh:vla;;nu,lth"" .. A~ be '''''lIt wlliHtHlIg ntong, thillkill/t nf III

I _ tMII,,", he p:&,~d Il ""uop wher.l a I""'T"<mlln lived, 'l'h.j ~ometilll"'.work;>;j lor hi. "" r. SI,.. 'l\U a \\i,I" ....., with uuly ""'" "hild. a liv

Page 182: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

11(' Loy, who 11':1" 1:1.1111'. 11,. W:l" about. r.hilL hi II a:~1I1lleh ~'lImlkr, awl IOllkl.J ) 1,lclie;tlp, til:lt 11(>".wllw,1 two or thrl.:~ Y a

(JJI this n,ul"uillL:,:I" Frau\.. p:I~~"'! ;Iu~ hJitt!{, lame !toy wa~ at thowilldoll, ]ooklland lUlll:]~'-lur Ilis muthel' W~H 0111 at \\ r _

I;'r:lllk w:\.~.'llm()~t h'lllptp,1 H. '11"11 :tll,IT .• t

lL Iitlle wbilc. Hut it WI\,; H.]IIIU~t __dIu. Ithe haol a ]Oll1! walk ~liI11)('fnTl~ him ; ~" 1. I II":lli~ti"tl wilh l;iving' him :~ IIwilll ;l1l.1 ;a uu.J,1IllI'I'in11'1ll"1 •

•. POOl' .Jotmny :~, sai,l ho to Ili!ll'il'lf :l~ h.Rlong. "he lUll;"! h:I\"1.: a n'r.v ~tIJJ,i.1 timo:. ai,Ja)" with 110 olle t,) "p,'uk to him. I 11'01.1

is glad (,h ..i"IIIL:! ••~ il< l'oming'? 1'\0, r 'INfor Ill:' hn.." II" 011<.' tu gin! him prt'~I'ot~,.J.:"1.all~lt:llln.r's hou~e 10 g{, to,"

..\1Hl then what hi~ kal"ber had said i 1 :-I.whool the .Lw Lclul'C C'UliC intu Ilis lu'n I.JI'~U~ eallll.lilll~ ll1l.lll"vr1,1 tv t'nn II hJ'.\. aud th"H) '1"110 W:U1I.. ,1 TO 1m lik .i~I 'wtry to mnk(> {.\"(.I'.\' budy ]1111'1'.'-I".' •. \I1ITl Itelll:lll'l' ~:liJ Ilmllitlll' I'hil.ll"'ll ll;a,l ~.I Ullll~gin'lJ diem 011 l"hri"tmas ..t!ll.Y, 1m,] 0;.0 11111.11 d~ll\k,' Illl'ln hnl'I')"' LllilL tiH'): n'l')" olhn 1M .tll~~' Oll_~ht to Ill:lk .. "(o!m,l"'tl~' Ilnpp,\" I'.'; Jw:mt •.,1~'ach (,fhis~cholnr~ to In ifthl'\'( ' ~ome on"',, Ilal'l'ilw~" Oil tIll: HI'xl l'hl'l-t II

Frail\.. 11101l~llt of allllli~ :l~ ill' ",.tlkl,,1 al II

Page 183: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

Tilt: ~T,-I.~IUlll>_nr.,\ny.n 1711

1 tl,ink l-l' <OI"'(\,i,,'IIo,,t Iwcoul.l d.. jur

". 1;1\1h"ll.,,\n'" nl:l,Jc Ill' I,;, m:n,\ wh.1r;,,{ j, "I ,'1\ hI' r".lI'hu\ tl1C"~},IJ{lll,.n~,~,nnd

Ih r~ l":l. ~" nUll'h t~,,-I,im to lhillk : h""t, tl1l1l

.:~';~~I~I;";;:;II~1;:(~L1;}'::I~l~"~~~~1;:;~':l:~~,:',~II:~:';'I.I 'If ".jM'wlmt I cnn ;!ivc l.illl~" t,t> lhollg'1tt

n ,. I mi;:hl 11Il~' him a .11',1 with liat ~ol.J

In,.I,. ('hMd"M ~'lVe nu-, bnt 1... "onl<1n't liMe

hll'~ ,.ithel', '"'' lIllll'lll .... , 11<:>1' il kill', HI'

,I ik, "lll'()k, I'll :clmulj,o>1'; ~hf"ll know,"

'R 1 i. l1Iolh,.- wfl~ 01111\'1,<:1,1,1' r<:;a,,'ll'.l)jr,':llf',!IO

,I \ .,rHII"'111f"t"<'null,;dth,l,nn,lalhrl"ll'Inyhi" ,~~!J.." hI' \I'ent 'Jilt to (,,(..1 hi, n.h ...i.....

Page 184: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY


no Lrother". or lli~ter" to play with. Thll'ylCr)' lallie, awl would rUlI to him wln:'n Ill'n,'ar their I,,'n, a.i if tlll'.r wefe H>fY 1,;1.t,11.0him.

~\i lie ww; ft,t'lliug llwlII, tll .. thoug-ht M n..hi~ mind, l)t'rh:\p~ Johnny woulJ like ~Ul1Ie

to plu)' with. He could han~ i'l1~'11 f,lr them:'l"ide lIf hi~ motlll"r'~ llUll.'ll", fin. I whell IIll wa: Ihe '-"QuId Lring' them into tho IWUMl for e mThen Frank bt-'.!;:all to look :UllUIIg' hi~ rahbit!!_he haLl ~l'\'er:ll-to IWC which IIll ~olll,l bloarl tbest, But he 10n',1 Ihum :~!J, :m,l he coulrl.lllake any choicc. III f."\Ct, it woulrl co.'\t him lIi

,;('If.deni.1.! to J,:;ive Jotmn)" two of his ut,Lit.>all:' thing cl:->c. HuL hc coulJ 1I0t tllink ofthin~ which it I!('cmed to him JohnllY would likwell. So whclI hi~ JIIotht'r camc LOUle he tvlolIIi" pbll. 81w W:LM"Il':" l1lurll I,]":l.'\j>,l to h:Jv,1.00)' 90 thoughtful fur 3.Uotller'lI lJ:lI-'I,ille~, anJW,U ...l1r('o Jolmn)' would be delig:hte.l.

After Frank decided 10 gin' th~ mbhit'l, n,llgn.e him 1'0 mueh pleasure a~ the thought ofiug JObllll). tbe I'n."t'tllt. Earl)' on Christ",'l. 1ing he went to his rnbbit-pt'n, aml ehol<tl two rlittle white fellows. iuvl putting them in a b:l kwith ~oml'lhin~ fM th('1lI to I'at, I'ltartetl f,)r Jnv's hOllse lie fouml him ~eate,1 ilt tli<' "in. u';ll.iting lll~ t.i~ hrt":lkf.'\. ..t, # whit'll hi.'! lllotha

I'rc~'aring. ;J<

Page 185: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

-- ----H'-:;::J:...-l.,.. ..('f-""rkh.d ~()\.o.:fun' n8 thl'Y1'1 .. ""'II FI'lI"\;. 0IWlw,1 "i~h"hl, llllJ MIHJ\."p.1

•~i:!;~~:?,,'::::.:~'::;;~::;~;::~~~:;,;,::"~:.~,S~'~'~:1I1:~,~~)la.'"thl'll(!J!':\Tliltle u1LitM

"1' ,1twd, \la-ICT FrMk," ,;.ailt Jnhml)"& motl",r,

I .:'llil not T(>11~."" 1001" mlh:h 1 llHlRk Y<I\I. I.. jllllt t •.:I:I'g' J"hllll)' Io.n.' .... rr~- I "'II" thllt I

hJ "oJ i'f<''''111 roJ'" ),1111; hUI I bul'" buy co:>I1 w<'t'k,,,,,,j 1 "au .... m'llley Id\. RUI 1 (,OL1\,1

haH IN'lIght bilu""ythillp; KOI,n:lty"" tt..'''l'I m"Ljt~."rran\;. "-Imt hOlLiewilh lI. vcry li~ht 1.e:l.n. "1],1

uooul!'hhI' hSlt ~ p;rcat TIl:luy I'H'.cntll, nnTll' oftl III "....... him :I.Il mud, 1,lellA1Hp. all hu. gil\ LO

J!""T.11,,,'1...1t ,hyho 1~'l'l<'a",I",l "'Hill' of t],,, !lCllO)ul-

''''\'lI to 1>.,)1' J,im make II pen r"rJ"Ionllr'.I"lII,hil ...o I u( 110m... I>()srd~ hiM l':\tlter g,wo him. ".hml

hoot ~omlU.nceu ag.un, (uo,l Il" p....'ed Jull1"'Y'~I,,,,, e\'<>ryday, Jot1l11l)' illlllu"t .11w.3.YlibrulIlCht,lK.nlhh;l~ to tbtl WillUOW,to ],.t 1,;111~{'(l thllt I...'Il '~.-'t .1I\n"'n ....w, and Iw Joole ...1 ,'ery happy.

Tlll~ "'U the was th<lt "n.llk (," ,hat Chriiltlll..,.\ iU;lIl'} in thll ~ngd'" ~on~: "Pello<'1\ on earth,"lIl WILl T(\W~I:n In-:....'' }( .. ~. II.

Page 186: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

18:? rilE ~L\:\J).\!!lIm:.\IlF.1l

THE i"tt-.GJo: OF LErll x

J.V.\"IlEX, un <JIll ('iIY uf tll'> .... lll".rbu.ltit'lIbd,:. illl"I"I'_'lill~ frolll the (:u t uf if1)()r1R'a lIlu~t "nn~"ic-Il(lns P:Il"t ill the fl I' iuf Ill<' ~i'(tl'('l1th celltnr.', ;,!!a;mit dOt, 11]'1'11 ,I

l.n:lOlly of tho: ehlllTh lIr HOIlh'. TL ... lit rv .hr:\\'('r~' or her illh:lbitalll~, t iud"11 it, I'1l1111ollJ!-l\1lIrl'rin~ ill th,. call~'" of fr,wrlfiLlI, ~ 11of flll pr:li~{'. nnd ..lmll],1 (!IIt'lL lil' l'('c:dl(nOllsl .... n~lll.{"II.ll lLJlnn, "."Ill'duJl.,' b .... I~,~WI' Il:lflll"tlll}" look to Ihe Lu.,-~ 0," our ('Ollut

fUlure c":i1llpk'lI~ awl pl'ott'l't/O~ "I' ollr .l!0\ f

:uul rl'ligioll, an.1 it is well tu "In IIgTlu'lJCOIlr:lgc their ulill,h. h .... the "lI1tl'lIlJlbtinll ,a~{)llir~ ami I'ri\':Ltion~ which 1lie 11I~n'(_ ,,1'1 tha,p (oIl,lure.l, in or-Iel'lo ~\'Clln'11,1'''1' I'ri\il ...the I\Urlll.

)ro1"l,th:1Il two IlUlI.lrcd \'efll'~ a~U, Lt\.] f

I!l'~i"f.(('d I,~' tlu' ('1'111,1 :-;1';lIli,~r(hc, Th,. po I'

IJa,1 alrefld.,- Mltfcn',1 IVIli! awl I':ltit IJtI~, 11agim'd ag"lli.'~ 1""1'" 1",j;1]"1 them. un\\', l'tr'"willi", \1,,11 If)J"me hen' to ;'RJ thaI 111(' IlaWell-' ('fI~:l.:,::,,',1in 11:l~:l r,'ligi(lll~ lI'ar.

l'l.i1il' II .. King of :-'jJ:\ill :u,,] tile XdhW:\~:l "1'111.1,IWflrt!e.,.,::, ll.1l,J dccdlftu mllJl: lJut Jli"'\'e In- lWla'stl>" thou,!!;ht tIJ:II ,',cry hll11l11110('ought of ('"Ilr~,' to heJoll/-:" to tll(' 1I,,1~ ('.1bt '1I1In'h, flmI I,>::Willi tlckl"mill("J thflt :111 llnd

Page 187: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

THt "T...~I'\ltIlm:,\I(l:H.

1~,I,li:h~::~';~il:,'~~',:~Ol::~~:.';,::;::,:~l:~t~'~)~]':i';'"rtli,,:tu thei" ",'lll!.Jllll"", ..-ill>"111 a"." r.I' his ll,"j,."t~' II", I'"pc "f H"""" :Iud ~,

I I ..ur. In 11,';4. J",~',l,:1 W:l.-~u,'l'i,'~,d. :\~ I

1,_ l~ "'I'~'li:lr.l,.:l~'ail1,t m,,~t f",art.,1 od,l...-

~l::t"~~'t;,\:ll~~:::' ~h:l;~'rl~:CI~:g~;:,;~"~~,~;. III bill live c"ml'""i., of 11ot'Hurghu gllart1.

I) , ;,,1 ~h~I:"". wer.' ~tO\1t-b":lrlc I, "",I tr'L~U'J11l1l'lt),(i"lrie<lfri.,,,,llhcl'rilll ...... flir.l11!!'e.

, ..J.thcII"fr'>lltiiTllclulilllt',tlln''':,:-I,ItII'''l"lI

'I' r'\rrirr"'~' 11,:\.t if II-cC'v ,... "I.i 1.,,1,1 ""t;. mllllth., hl) ),"1 cd hy llout liml) I" 6•.",1

id TIJree'1I0"11'""1l:l1l;ln,,"'nllce"t~N,111 ,,,th~ ,,,l,k~l I" ,,1I 11"y ]1,11 ~"t1:~'n~101

II ll'\\'alUI1j.!;. ,.pm."l 1I",,,a,;t:tblllIO tl,e",. :tI,,1

I. ~'lk\'t'rll",,,~I,t Of"lIrrc",lcriu~. 'fh('~' hdrl

11,. Ihrcc illonll.., hm the-ir I'rm'i~i,,"" 'H"'C

:t Lot,1'1,,1,:~::::)\:~t~~',:.':.~':'~~~;~~~~:'J':~,:;~;':,l.:~~~:!,,, '- 'fi,,'~' w,ml :l.dunU> ..hl,,'iuJ-'". ","I,," thO'

"'1"ni1l'rl 6e'll Il'ltf'r~ I,) tl"'l1I, l"'~gillg lb,'", ill

,..'.'I. the,""."he~10~'Il'n"Il.I"r. Bill no: Tl.n

, I",,,";';';:~,~::"~:,~;~~~:~::~:i:::r:~~!,:':::::~:,::~;;:A,:1ov~~n7~:;;h~I~~ncyto~f~~;;":~/lIi:')~:0:1~1~:::

Page 188: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

~~~~-----tloillg'ftll that l\lunan f'n('r~r an" illgl'llUil)', ,.Hf'ron].lnot hriu!; a l'Up"rior fL>rrl' nll,l ligbt 01Hpa"brtls; bUllw'pin.'.l the gn'at i.I~:&ofilJ,lo';' thl' t1,~ikf'Supnn tilt'lll :llJd Ilrowllillg' tltf'11l.,""f-lJ Ihis gigantic pmjl'(.t tlt'pcllded s"ml'wh,.(,lllmaltil'._, 1lI1.1 f'"«'-c111a grl':lt teml'('~t shulI),j1~\'l'1l thoug-b 111ft 11!k('~ were ,1l'1!tl"O)'f'lI, thwould IIot /1uw with .Iltlieil'nt fi'fOl(' too clti'f'l th1")H(~. En"n tbe Spallhr,I ..! who 1\"(>J'(l tfriglllt;ne.l wh"ll lht,~, fi~l !In\\" tll(' water e1If-'11l tll\:m, (j.1t tllj~ ami took N)llr:'\,.r", awl I

UOUIlCi!d the I!TOJcct a failure. In tbe ccntr(l ofcity of L('~'dclJ 1r:11lall oM lOW('T. H'rr hig-h,the \"\\I'r uf J["Il!:ist, aud l~nl"Y 11:IY, ~rlolrilllt." a .hy, tho wl~tdl1rJ;l1l wOlll,j ('Iin;" 11.i.t

10 "':II<'h the ,'omin.g: in of the ,'all'r'\, ulooll!l<, IIl1wh J('T":'n,Il'11. Oil! h"w ,1i~I'Ollrn~in!-: w~l':lrl 1,,'r',x'l'tiJ.J(. flow,lIlill II](")' wlllll,) WIrl'nt!"f, hut tnl~tt>d :u CH'r ill drat .\hui:!nl.l"Wllil:)ll'f(llll1lg was fl':1I1y I"~a"e them. Tlu I'Iwf",Xl of'I'lling tI ... ,lyk(.~, h:loI 11I:\Ijp en r) I"l'fo~-j,.ioll '"r tIll' r"~I'lIl'. 11<' h:J.d 1I111r(> tl"n ~huwlrl',l "1'~""1,,, wdl m:lIl1ll'.) Wilh "~I .. r":lilrw", awl i'fo\'i"iom, t"r th .... f:lllli~hillg (.jl).till' W:II"f rn!<ro ,,"ni,'it'llt!J tn "ail tht. ~!ll/,~.JlI!

n1l1lJ':J.11aH,'r r:ulIl'ari. I'llt thCIII':lrl'rtlll)' :ll'l'f

:::, i:,\,~:~"r;.'I'::::f;;~;~;I:;~l;::I:.t':\~~;~~~~:~~t Il~\111

"'I,.. m,.,1 to JIlI\"l' Il'rt thulI: wlllir tlw 1Il('fi'ifll] If

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TIlF. lfI'"~~Il.~R()"llRARnt.

,JtIn~I I~,~\\ .•,~t. :Iud fOT Ihrf'e da~'~ ',1(,,,,

~:~:'~.~:e:~'i:n:;it~,:'l~~:i:r~l:t"I~:~,::~~llIl ..-.r .. llJI,1 1'.,'r6 fur ~f'vf'rnl ~lll'eCll~lve J~~',.olri .....n

ft't~:llrrO"'I~'~'tu IMI-I. tlllll,,} tied arrll'cd ~t

~r17;~~:JI~O~lltr~"~a:~"'r';:II~e~:r:~;;~::';~:]I;tll""gu ol. ... lr.'y ..J, bul uJlj,)rtull", an l'a~t wind1T'<e. "hieb ",'ut th(\ walen 1'l1ck,and tll" n"at

'n ~l'n1l'Ii""If'~".alllm-I in ~ilfbl "f ll,c wall ..... (I ,I. I." AlI,llhi~ ...a, Iho "Wilttr)'ill].: lll""'Hlt ofI'r Ill<'poor 'lllrdllg inl,.l.iunU, ".urol" ...tln notI lIlth "'hat iloVelC'""all:..i..t~ Ih •.)" w:ltch"J rr..m

I, t,,,,{'rlh,,, Tl'l.....alill~ wale,"", (nr ~l11nali"ll \\[1.>1.

J,'llll:. rl'l\rfulw"rk in tlwitl1l\,lsl. "'''1l1l'1\311J

ill d.H.ln'" ''''TO' ,l~i"g: l.~ !'-,mdrc'). ill tl ... ~Ireet~;r 11... llkl, ... "!"l,,!m:ll-, ,'llnl'l,,~l ;tTl,11M,il{~1.weT<'

Illy dr,'oun.,l, whIle 1to: ,,'r}" gllttcr~ ,,,'rorrhc<i tilr \,n'ci{.n~mnn('lM. Ilc'l'lIir took l~>'"'011 of their IlIhHl~, IoN'flll'" rdier ",...~nlt'd im ..

1"~.jJ4,'. :'1il1 thpy ~\,'lI'lIc,llhll though\ of ~Ilrrt'n-dS;lIg.

HUll nlll,111I\""",'erthchurrihli'.tt,Olll!" intrn!'&


Page 190: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

l~ti THE ~l'\\I'-\ItJ1m:\I(ER

'(')](1 f,lllo .\, in.!.: ni~ht Wl\~ I'itl.h dIrk, :l. JI randd ..,. 10 all, l'c~il'gl'r~ :twl 1,('-iel;(>'1. :-,:;ULlIl'fs \\en' e(jIl"I:llltl~. ad,ling, if (lo~,lhl', lttl\

n'r~ to th('~,.pnf', .\, J..'" ~ tl'nil,I"~r'll1~:\ hTh.) wall of the cit~ Jl~IL Thus, at 1110;',.'I'Y In t

all.-l when l'l'lid' W:1S jll~'.11 ,llcir ,I'1or"l, II'recXI,us,',llo tilt' ('!ltr,lnl' .... 01 the em'lIlY, BIIt r,the Friell,l ill II"h"lII 1111'.1'tn1»tctl, wa~ 01"0 thlin'rN, Till' :'p'lni:tr<"h"I,l oft lking I \, I

of the 0Ill'uttullity tim- lJ1y.'1I('riOll~l., bi 1 Itheltl, Wl'rt' 1':lIIil'~1 rlu'k, and Ilt',1 ill lill' tbrk311.! IIII' rm'cuillg t'If'1'1 l'nl('r(',1 l.t'),hn. Ilh "

:lj/l.,.t\11 ('\I'llt \Ia. lh~ elllrall\',' of thalt! It.quay" WNe t'!'nWll('.t with till' Inlfjil!lIi.he 1 hll1'.\llltiu~ ]"-ll'ul:uion. lire,,] WM thr"wil fl'lll1ll

\t',~"el in amnII!.: ,he "l'UI\'\I. allOl ulan)" (If II, J

crp,lllrt ... clll.k."llhclll,du'

~;:::~t.YaJ~I~'II:~~C~,h:;I:I:::~.~;1:.~IIII:;ll'~~,~I,~:~:',<lt~~~:~l:':;l\"dn'>o iut,) :1 p]'nCl',~k>lI, with tIH.~ 3.\llllirlll :It tIll'ad, :uul 1Il,'lI'l'ill>'] to churcIJ. awl olT, red to I;'11:lllk~g:i,'iI1Z, :'11101t]II'1l they ":Il1~ :, 11~IllIl, Ht.)uchillg 1lI11.l h:I\' .. 111~'11tIlt' l'1'1li~.., C 'WillI! fLhat rlllli.hill)!, I"'l'i ..hill,~ IIlnltitll'lc! .\1101" 11..imp!.' an,1 Ll'rlut iflll J'roofit II :1..' .Jf lll\:~ "ilwt-r l~

tllcir tru"t ill Gu.l, th,!ir Almighty though lU


Page 191: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

(OI.]l \\ \TEH.

"Il,'" 1"-'Mlllr"llh,' ~",I"T i,,:lIi<l' t,.VO'T Illink of ii'"

~", I ,!:I ..... HI~' ~-'''' 1. 'I',. 10,,1. If 1~:I. hI.. ~hl~""

~~~:~\';I:]l~:tI:~~;;::;~11~U~.]:I,ll~~']~~lt~Il~1;;::~II, ~-nli,,:.; It", ....-',rld. 1'( 1\". gn ..•t hkc:-, "".1in h,..tll its 11<~tui'I.I,~rl",I,,,r cof II,.. gr'lIl,1 rin~""

ILg ",,'ir 11~"h(.,. .. f ~iIVl'T ,,'I .)\",-f the hUH].

_ itt] vfl'''I,,"r will 1101I "ltl~IlCh J,ig i.le:l~.

llill :.~)'~'~~I:.l~;'~I~,::rtr;,~~~~,~t:elU~r"~';:::'::;:I,~;:~

Page 192: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

l~A Tm: ~TA~Il.\I:n DE,\la:n,

]f\lld~:lpc, The slmd>' wood]:\Jl(1 I>ttf'1l1l1, lJak'l;~iry Illuliir. ill it!! rrH''ky hollowl.I, wh£lro youli~IH.'" t;,r l1Iinnf>W8 with a ctooki'll pill; t1,('nol ~rtin~.housc, !lurrouuJcd h)' 11111,;'''' wiltoll'~l,utloliw'JOlI trt't'~, wlwt>' YOI1 V1llyt'd nl k.....,l\(m~." ....;tl1 lour hoy find .~irl('oml'alLion~ ; the evA"u~hillJ( IO\lllt:lill'pIUllp~ hJ the ron,1 bitJt', fit IV .J'Uli h:ln~ ~tUIIJ!l'(l, wht'll ri,ling, tltilt tlll' h(!f1e IIIg'l't a r,'frl'~hing' draug'ht j or the 1I"ua,l, ~lll\lIu\\' ~plJml, ill wlJich )(ll! 11:ul thc ~tOI"1l hnur)" r.f wad'wllilt' the cuw~ 'Itood ,Ire:uninj! ju!'t klltle-c1,.l.'p Uthe tlro0l'ill~ ncar thlll\hflte, IUlIl ...tI1I,t.t~ of yellow duekling'll tloMed in tbtllllid,lJ,YOIl .vou were lJ, duck fur Lut olle 8nmm .day.

Ar" tll('Y not nil hc:tll1ifnl?1 think nil anilll:ll~ ]"n' Ihe w~tcr ('.\('epl en!

nnughty dlildrt'll. I l,rH'" 111':\1"<1a eb~~ ur ;1M:!JUlarl> I'illg :~,litl~-, ill wld"ll WN,'lllf' lillt'll:

"Thi~ i~th(l WilY I "u,~1arn)' fa"I:';Thil<i~th~ ....'11). I wlI.h lilY "llnd~:'

Iluitiug' tho al'lion 10 the word, a.i th("~' ma,I own thl' ~chool-room. Hilt 0110 lIrchill cAretullvlJioltlollOllchillg hi~ 1:ll~l'ill tlil' I",rformnurl', 111(1

hi~ han<:is up :m.l down tll the 1II11~ic.:LOon! III i.r1on: in t.I. YCn' InJicrous wny, no IloaL! ju~t S~he I

",lit'll n'aU,,: ~{ to w:'\~h "his filet" It lIIadl' ~\

ho(ly hugh",

Page 193: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

--- ---TilE STASDA.flll-HtaRER.. 161:1

:MI:r~':i'~/~;\:i:-;~~cl;:1~~On~~~~:~~~:,~:k~~I~th~ ~rh,.'luw m~ winJuw. It WM .neb ~ I,rdty:. l! .\t liNt 011<'Hlepp\l<l ~.lIl1tiou"I)' iutu 11,,, ... Igfl

Qt th. JlO'll. lUlll th •." hopI'''.! ~lI"k ng:!.iI:. TI1~1l heru

ka little, ~'l.l Ine othf'f lollo ....,,,-! hl~ "'1:1"'1,1.-.

Thit .-.\0 n_I";lIt<l<l ollC~ or t..-ioe, al\~r which lIa.y.... : a lill18 iurth9T in, "",I g:l.\.e a ~f.l'1~hor t".u.. ilb their'. ~eIt they dil'pc,1 their hCfl,M,

II1dl'''II",gdtinj.( juw thc "piril "ftl,c tlli"K, the}"da.ol I :1.lld1'1aye,1unlil they were thoroughly so~k-...J. ",hell. throwin.~ the hrigltt In'I'" from their

wi ~., they ....,ml up iutu our gnat ....runnt-lrl'f', to

.ol!\heir llll"till b~'mn.1], ....8 "et'll 1I fille pirtun: of L:!.ndlll-'ilr'~. <,,1-11.. ,1,

~T~ree -'Icmu,.re .-.f tile T"IIlI",r:l.llcl' :::'t ... ,i<:ty," r ...Jlf*lltinl{ lI,r ..... l1ohle.J<XJli"o h"'ll'-('l',jWlt ,..,Iel''''-.!frorn.. "rk, lUld Jri!llin!; at 1I tl.otlgh.

~obo.J.~'m..:-rltry to con,-illc", h"r"e~, ,luck;., or__ bir,I. tim' ll"Jlmp"1.g~eor I'ull('h, or 1I11lhc Willll.AI Ili'l.'I"n1 ill tlot' ,,'odd, coul,1 \. •. o.-~nrareJ ,"-it"J"~, wlol wal.:r. T!',,! are more gmt"ful to ourIICll'~lI~~ Fatl,er relr lhial'ri""lllu J:\'il\ l1mu ~"mf'r ofthjr human fcllow<r<'lItur.''''. 1 pT('$UIlI<l that mo~t

GfIn~.ruung: 1'"l'Sd('r~ bn.c "CHr tSl'ltIlUau intwd.&lillii': drink. Oh I if all of YO'.I, girl. a~ w~U "' ..


Page 194: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

lflO TilE :-T.\'\n.\R[J-Htl.\REK

1 \':lS NO IIillt.h pll':l"t.d tIlt' "tJ]t'r .1.) "'I'1 ,10:<:\'11 ynllll.!! ~o!dio:rs, ,1I'11ll1111("I'~ : '11 I

Huder (.ightel'll )'1':11'"of :1.7'" lo],lnw tlu'\" Ii

:;:;.~~t~I;~~':~;'ll~'~~l:;~:t"';~~"tjl::;n:II:~'~~::N, hi('"II,'ct for Iht' IWl'llti"lh ~llnc1:1."" aftt'l' Tlirile:lrn it h~' h;'flrt, 111111pro!! it 100, An,] r ~

mnke ~'ullr 111lt~,"bin in Ibi~ Illatlf'r.

0 .. " })II':lflnl1t nll.:>rnoOll n l:lIly wn I"i lin!:"

Iler lilll,' ~l}", a w]lil ••.ll;lir,',l lon\', li,l' \ ,IN ,fTIll' lIlOll"'I' W:I" ~i('k, atl,l tl,~ ,'IIi1d'kit J

T,I:l~"In ..tflr with hel", nn.] W;t'l :llIIlIsiu:.( Iii 11r frfinlil\~ hi;; nnllu' with :l. !..:'!]ril on }l:lpef.

:-;11,l,l('nl\' hi .. 111l~Yfin'!C'f Mop]'" I. fl., I: ,In llli.l:'lkl': all<l, 1I",:t1ingo hi .. ling-t'f, he II'i,.,1IUlll :lg-;Iin to fll}, ont the-' lll:J.rk, :1" Ill' 11:l.1 1 r('1I"fum •.,l to do (," lli" .1:1t."

.. 'r~'II.-.n:' ~:li(llli~ Illollll'f, "<1" ,,",Ul kn ...~",1 \nil,'s tl'1I1 II :\11 ,'on II.) in :l. hnok? If, \Tn~i~',~:~~~.:::'i~:;:;;.;;';~IJ;:.~~';':'~.~Iil~)I~~;~i~';tY ::~'I;<1"f;\, 01' pOllt )'0111'lip": an, I. Ill)' h"., " .\"Ill (':m n

rill, it onl."

The lill,," bny's j;\Cf' gff'\" Vf'ry rp,J, ~11,]ill nmen! t('nl'~ l":Ill ,10wl] Ilis f'lwf'b, r li~ mot!, r"

Page 195: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

nlH ~T_\~I'~ll1)m:\I:I"R Iflt

h-I1I~:I~-"L"ll~, h'l\ I,,' fllol ",,~hin!!' mon',

\ ~:~'::i,~<~I:~;~t~\IX:~;~',~r::'.I~:,\II':'~~::;:~:~I'~l:V ,jd,lrCll. I llri<I".I,lood ('~ll rill. "'Ill,,' ('\'il

.. ,_~ ,1'llU', :11,,1 it 1< tlw 'Jlll." tILi,,~ ill litO. 1lI1;'

'1 ,,'I ~ \11 t1.., it. .. The blo,....l of JL." l~ t 'l"i~l,



1,''''I:"l .~r{l"' Ilw .tar lit pl.un.\nL~t. th~ lI()t'k_ "It I'ill' lie,

('''''\~ ll,-...~;n!:....... ",1 f'..~t•• strain

tlf "ea~euIJ met"")".

List,'n! "'itl'>I",,,l"I'=d ...ilh r""rTiL<~tarll ...l.b'I,""".hK'l',t',

.\",] lu ~ l>ri~I,1 ~I ~,l" hn",riulI: ne,,,Th.irti<>n&<>r"IKlln.' ..... :-c

Li,tell ".\1\ l(hry I",t" I;,~t,

r~~ ~:i;i~~";a~'t~.t~~t::)~c.JahroaoLPuce, and (l> "'"" ~"",I-"i1L"

1 'sic" ~ I,ow ,",'t-e! (he ••. ,..... 1" Rr~.

TI~';~l~~~:.t:11):~i'"t;::.'~'h~('b~Ct..i I~'""",t'". ,,""'". "r 1', ... ,....

Page 196: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY

1lt2 TlU: 6r.\~V.\UnHE.\UEk.

A 1,1 TTLE I'll.' YEn.TIlE fl.lllo\dng little prnJcr, in tll(' (iJTm 01'11

we hope will lie COllllllitt(l(l to U1cmor)', nud!lung, h}' ollr ~'olln~ readers:

o T"or, who in J('ru,;llcmDid~t little children take,

.Amlllli,l thtm in Thy hot:OUI,

An,) on tl1"l11blt:~in~ i'lPlkl',

.\nd 1000ke<tanti Huilcd uj)<llI It.. IU:;0 I>\\~'t:t 1...1joyou~l,.,

And ~&;tl tn tl,(oir (UII<I mQlhup.,

Of #1«'10JIy hngaQm./¥ ..

W",'re told Thy 1":lrt'", A fOllntllilJOf gnt'1' t() ('hildT('11dl'ar_

A I'eao(lovtl, InO('('In,

Or which we IQye to h"flr.o dearl'M Sniuur! ""lIr \I~ ;

TI,ylo\\' on U~ btostow,TIIl'l we in life may llt'rve Thre,

At death unto ,(h(><,>go.

011 I love UB,love U8, JefllIll!WI' UUfll d.iLl"r .. he:

S.oe u>llJO~t't1 at Thv (,)Otl'lool,Our ...Ycllrail'e<!u.p to ThM'.

,"Ve would iiI' in ThJ bo"'mf.,:\ml tin'", he bl('~.«Il,\' Thee.

lI ...irll of Thy kinj!,IOIII lIl~kc u~,.\men 1110 let it b ...! 1tJ1I't (I \\

Page 197: · 2008. 3. 3. · THF. ~TAKDA IW-llEARElt:,~(lu5trat,b j1lagajlnt for t~l!louug, VUL. X. l""lll. Pk")fIt'TA~'T KI'H~Ii'!lL ,..,X:n.rY