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1 | Page Relationship of Nitric Oxide and Ascorbic Acid in Coronary Artery Disease Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science In Medical Biotechnology By: Priya Joshi Reg. No.: 131702016 M.Sc. Medical Biotechnology School of Life Sciences Manipal University Project Advisor: Dr Kamna Srivastava Assistant Professor B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research University of Delhi New Delhi July 2015 Department of Biotechnology School of Life Sciences Manipal University, Manipal

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Relationship of Nitric Oxide and Ascorbic Acid in Coronary Artery Disease

Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Masters of Science


Medical Biotechnology


Priya Joshi

Reg. No.: 131702016

M.Sc. Medical Biotechnology

School of Life Sciences

Manipal University

Project Advisor:

Dr Kamna Srivastava

Assistant Professor

B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research

University of Delhi

New Delhi

July 2015

Department of Biotechnology

School of Life Sciences

Manipal University, Manipal

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I would sincerely and wholeheartedly like to acknowledge many people for their help and co-operation.

Firstly I would like to thank our Director, Professor K. Satyamoorthy for giving me the opportunity to

work on my Masters dissertation.

I would also like to thank my guide, Dr. Kamna Srivastava for guiding me throughout my project,

providing me with constant guidance, patience, support, valuable suggestions and help at every stage of

my project. She gave me constant encouragement and ideas from the beginning of the project till the very

end of it.

I express my sincere gratitude and a warm thank you to Mr. Sudhir Chandra for his help throughout my


I would like to thank my seniors who were very keen to extend a helping hand.

Last but not the least I would like to thank my family and friends for all their support and encouragement.

Ms. Priya Joshi

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Serial No. Content Page No.

1. Introduction

Coronary artery disease

Nitric oxide

Ascorbic acid


2. Literature review

Prevalence of CVD in the world

Prevalence of CVD in India

Genetic evaluation for coronary artery disease

Genetic susceptibility to myocardial infarction and coronary

artery disease

Association of MEF2A gene polymorphism with coronary artery


Lack of MEF2A mutations in coronary artery disease

Gene therapy to treat cardiovascular disease

Genome wide association studies in myocardial infarction and

coronary artery disease

Nitric oxide

Biochemistry of nitric oxide

Chemical structure of nitric oxide

Nitric oxide synthase

Structure of eNOS

Role of HSP in regulation of eNOS is cardiovascular diseases

Vitamin C affects thrombosis/fibrinolysis system and reactive

hyperemia in patients with type II diabetes and coronary artery



3. Methods 27

4. Results 32

5. Discussion 40

6. Conclusion 42

7. References 44

8. Synopsis 48

List of figures

1. Figure explaining physiology of atherosclerosis.

2. Figure showing diagnosis, symptoms, and causes of CVD.

3. Inflammation, calcification and scar development in atherosclerosis.

4. Classic risk factors in the formation and progression of atherosclerotic plaque, and possible

pathogenic mechanisms of coronary artery disease risk genes.

5. Physiology of nitric oxide.

6. Conversion of L-arginine to nitric oxide.

7. Canonical structures for the ascorbic anion.

8. Global burden of cardiovascular disease.

9. Restriction fragment length polymorphism for rs325400.

10. Restriction fragment length polymorphism for rs34851361.

11. Nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the repeat region in MEF2A.

12. Pedigree analysis of families affected by CAD.

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13. A model of interactions of NO with erythrocytes and cell free hemoglobin in an arterial blood


14. eNOS protein structure.

15. Reaction between nitric oxide and sulphanilamide to form azo compound.

16. Graph showing concentrations of nitric oxide in control samples.

17. Graph showing concentrations of nitric oxide in case samples.

18. Graph showing mean of control and cases (nitric oxide).

19. Graph showing concentrations of ascorbic acid in control samples.

20. Graph showing concentrations of ascorbic acid in control samples.

21. Graph showing mean of control and cases (Ascorbic acid).

List of tables

1. Gene therapy targets for coronary heart disease.

2. Summary of clinical characteristics

3. Table shows the values of all the samples of nitric oxide as observed after reaction with Griess

reagent. (controls)

4. Table shows the values of all the samples of nitric oxide as observed after reaction with Griess

reagent. (cases)

5. Table shows the values of all the samples of ascorbic acid as observed after reaction with dTCS

reagent. (controls)

6. Table shows the values of all the samples of ascorbic acid as observed after reaction with dTCS

reagent. (cases)

7. Statistical analysis

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Coronary artery disease

The worldwide weight of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is quickly expanding because of a sharp ascent

in the occurrence and predominance of the same in creating nations. In the course of recent years, the

CVD rates have multiplied in India. Expanded hereditary affinity to create CVD and expanding

pervasiveness of cardiovascular danger variables are the reasons proposed for expanded seriousness and

degree of coronary supply route maladies in Indians. Atherosclerotic coronary course malady (CAD)

keeps on being an essential financial issue. A few phone segments, including endothelial, Inflammatory

and smooth muscle cells of the blood vessel divider, take an interest in the era of an atherosclerotic

plaque, the development of which is in charge of a dynamic narrowing of the lumen of the influenced

coronary vessel and the following lessening in oxygen rich blood stream to downstream heart muscle,

which might then be intensely or chronically harmed.

Cardiovascular malady incorporates various diverse infections including coronary illness, stroke and

fringe vascular ailment, hypertension. A normal 17.3 million people kicked the container from CVDs in

2008, identifying with 30% of single overall end. Of these passings, a normal 7.3 million were a result of

coronary ailment and 6.2 million were a direct result of stroke. Low and center pay nations are

disproportionally influenced: more than 80% of CVD passings happen in low and center pay nations and

happen just as in men and ladies. By 2030, just about 25 million individuals will pass on from CVDs,

principally from coronary illness and stroke. 7.5 million Deaths every year, or 13% of all passings can be

ascribed to raised circulatory strain. This incorporates 51% of passings because of stroke and 45%

because of coronary supply route ailment. It may happen through an acquired inclination. In India CVD

was the biggest reason for passings in guys (20.3%) and in addition females (16.9%) and prompted

around 2 million passings every year. (Price et al, 2001)

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Figure 1: Figure explaining physiology of atherosclerosis. (Source:

Real free hazard elements for CAD are known not recognition, high blood cholesterol levels,

hypertension, smoking, diabetes and heftiness. Regardless of advances in danger element administration

on an epidemiological level, numerous people keep on succumbing to CAD. Different blood markers

connected with expanded danger for death and cardiovascular endpoints have been recognized, however

right now not very many have been demonstrated to have an analytic effect or imperative clinical

ramifications that would influence understanding administration. Troponin is the favored biomarker to

analyze intense MI, though CKMBmass is the second marker of decision if troponin is not accessible. It is

vital to recollect that troponin is a biomarker of cardiovascular rot and not exclusively a biomarker for

dead tissue. A few clinical conditions can bring about a hoisted troponin level, markers that ascent sooner

than troponin may be more prescient than single confirmation troponin esteem. In this way, there is an

awesome requirement for inventive biomarkers that can survey hazard for CAD, evaluate action of the

atherosclerotic process, and aide assessment of treatment. (Skalen et al, 2002)

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A few late studies have proposed that flowing microRNAs could be helpful as biomarkers for different

human disappointment and incessant vascular malady. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are an as of late perceived

class of short (19-25 nts), single stranded, non-coding RNAs that deal with a mixed bag of cell limits

through the debasement and translational requirement of mRNAs that contain correlative groupings. More

than 1000 human miRNAs have been recognized, and, in tissues, miRNAs manage the declaration of

qualities included in discriminating cell procedures, including separation, development, multiplication,

and apoptosis. (Cox et al, 1989) D'Alessandra and associates have shown that flowing muscle inferred

miRNAs may be valuable as biomarkers of intense myocardial localized necrosis (AMI). They further

demonstrated that muscle enhanced miRNAs, for example, miR-1, miR-133a, miR-133b and miR-499-5p

are raised in plasma got from mice after coronary supply route ligation and in addition in people with

AMI. In trial AMI models and in patients, Wang et al demonstrated that the muscle enhanced miR-1,

miR-133a and miR-499 and additionally the cardiovascular particular miR-208 are hoisted in plasma.

Moreover, miR-499, miR-1, miR-133a/b and miR-208 were indicated towards being expanded in little

partners of people after AMI. (Ludmer et al, 1986)

Real free hazard elements for CAD are known not recognition, high blood cholesterol levels,

hypertension, smoking, diabetes and heftiness. Regardless of advances in danger element administration

on an epidemiological level, numerous people keep on succumbing to CAD. Different blood markers

connected with expanded danger for death and cardiovascular endpoints have been recognized, however

right now not very many have been demonstrated to have an analytic effect or imperative clinical

ramifications that would influence understanding administration. Troponin is the favored biomarker to

analyze intense MI, though CKMBmass is the second marker of decision if troponin is not accessible. It is

vital to recollect that troponin is a biomarker of cardiovascular rot and not exclusively a biomarker for

dead tissue. A few clinical conditions can bring about a hoisted troponin level, markers that ascent sooner

than troponin may be more prescient than single troponin levels. (Ohara et al, 1993)

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Firgure 2: Figure showing diagnosis, symptoms, and causes of CVD (Source:

Coronary artery disease (CAD) represents the most important cause of sudden cardiac death. It is a group

of disease that included stable angina, unstable angina, sudden coronary death and myocardial infarction.

Its most common symptom is chest pain or discomfort which might travel to the shoulder, arm, back,

neck or jaw. (Hansson et al, 1989) It might feel like heartburn initially. Symptoms usually occur with

exercise or emotional stress, may last less than a few minutes, and gets better with rest. It is a multi-

factorial disease, risk factors including high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, smoking, poor diet, high

blood cholesterol, excessive alcohol, environmental factors and a family history of illness among others.

Coronary angiography is the most reliable way to test blockage in arteries. (Shamieh et al, 2012) More

than 80% of sudden cardiac deaths are caused by atherosclerotic CAD; the remaining 20% are caused by

long QT syndrome (LQTS), cardiomyopathies, left ventricular hypertrophy, aortic valve disease, Brugada

syndrome and other cardiac disorders. It is a disease where in a waxy substance called plaque builds up

inside the coronary arteries. These arteries are responsible for supplying oxygen rich blood to the cardiac

muscle. The condition is called atherosclerosis when plaque builds up in the arteries, and the build-up of

this occurs over many years. (Gordon et al, 1989)

Figure 3: Inflammation, calcification and scar development in atherosclerosis. (Source:

Atherosclerosis is the thickenings of the endothelial layer of the artery, the intima. It consists of

connective tissue elements, lipids, cells and debris. Immune cells make up a central part of atherosclerotic

lesions (atheromata) along with vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells. Atheromata are preceded

by a fatty streak, a build-up of lipid laden cells beneath the endothelium. The cells of fatty streak mostly

consist of macrophages along with some T cells. (9) Fatty streaks are even present in young people,

although they may never casus symptoms to show, they might progress to form lesions or disappear

altogether. Foam cells and extracellular lipid droplets form a core region surrounded by a cap of smooth

muscle cells and a collagen rich matrix in the centre of the atheromata. The lesions are infiltrated by T

cells, mast cells and macrophages and are excess in number, especially in the shoulder region where the

atheromata grows. A lot of the immune cells exhibit signs of activation and produce inflammatory

cytokines. (Cox et al, 1989)

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Figure 4: Classic risk factors in the formation and progression of atherosclerotic plaque, and possible

pathogenic mechanisms of coronary artery disease risk genes. Blue: risk factors associated with

metabolic syndrome (MS) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Green: risk factor not directly associated with MS

and/or T2D. With respect to diabetes, some mechanisms by which genes modulate the risk of

atherosclerosis are not yet known. (Source: https://www.soc-


Cytokines produced in the inflamed intima stimulate the monocytes to differentiate into macrophages.

This is crucial for the development of atherosclerosis and is also associated with the up regulation of

pattern recognition receptors for innate immunity. Scavenger receptors engulf a broad range of molecules

and particles presented by pathogen like molecular receptors and destroy apoptotic cell fragments,

bacterial endotoxins and oxidized LDL particles in the process. (Homig et al, 2001) Cholesterol

accumulates as cytosolic droplets, when it cannot be mobilized from the uptake of oxidized LDL particles

which leads to the cell becoming a foam cell, the prototype cell in atherosclerosis. Toll like receptors bind

to pathogen like molecular patterns and initiate a signal cascade that activates the macrophage which in

turn produces inflammatory cytokines, proteases, nitrogen radical molecules and cytotoxic oxygen.

Similar effects are seen in dendritic cells, mast cells and endothelial cells which also express toll like

receptors, heat shock protein 60 and oxidized LDL may also activate these receptors. CD4+ T cell

infiltrates are always present in atherosclerotic lesions; they recognize protein antigens presented to them

bound to major-histocompatibility-complex (MHC) class II molecules. (Gryglewski et al, 1986) Minor T-

cell subpopulation, natural killer T cells are prevalent in early lesions. Natural killer T cells recognize

antigens and their activation increases atherosclerosis in apoE knockout mice. Atherosclerotic lesions also

contain CD8+ T cells, bound to MHC class I antigens. Activation of CD8+ T cells in apoE knockout mice

causes death of arterial cells and accelerates atherosclerosis. The type 1 helper T (Th1) response activates

macrophages, initiates an inflammatory response similar to delayed hypersensitivity, and

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characteristically functions in the defense against intracellular pathogens. The type 2 helper T (Th2)

response elicits an allergic inflammation. (Hansson et al, 2005)

Myocardial infarction occurs when the atheromatous process prevent blood flow through the coronary

artery. It was earlier thought that the gradual narrowing of the smooth muscle cells by their continued

growth in the plaque was the main cause of infarction. However, upon angiographic studies showed that

lesions did not cause stenosis and it was proven that the activation of plaque, rather than stenosis triggers

ischemia and infarction. (Stary et al, 1994) In most cases infarction is due to the formation of an

obstructing thrombus, however, coronary spasm may also be involved in it to an extent. Coronary

thrombosis can be attributed to two major causes – plaque rupture and endothelial erosion. Plaque rupture

is dangerous because it exposes pro-thrombotic material from the core of the plaque – phospholipids,

platelet aggregating molecules and tissue factors to the blood. Rupture occurs when the fibrous cap is thin

and partly damaged, immune cells are abundant at these sites, producing numerous inflammatory

molecules and proteolytic enzymes that weaken the cap and activate the cells in the core, instigating the

stable plaque to turn into a weak, unstable structure that when ruptures causes acute coronary syndrome.

(Kovanen et al, 1995)

Nitric oxide

The endothelium is a metabolically active organ system which maintains homeostasis by regulation of

solute transport into cell compartment of the vessel wall, extra cellular matrix deposition, local cellular

growth, by modulation vascular tone, regulating inflammatory, homeostatic response to local injury, and

by protecting the vessel from substantial injurious cell circulating in the blood. Growing lists of diseases

(estrogen deficiency, congestive heart failure, aging process, hyperhomocysteinemiaetc) have shown

association to impaired endothelium function. Hence, the vessel walls in these conditions promote

inflammation, smooth muscle proliferation, extracellular matrix deposition, platelet activation, thrombus

formation. Nitric oxide, a soluble gas with a half-life of 6-30 seconds is continually synthesized by the

endothelium and is required for maintaining vascular homeostasis, regulation of local growth, protection

of the vessel from platelets and cells circulating in the blood, and also modulation of vascular dilator tone.

(Ignarro et al, 1987)

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Figure 5: Physiology of nitric oxide (Source:

Commonly associated risk factors for atherosclerosis such as hypertension and hypercholesterolemia are

associated with low levels of nitric oxide released into the arterial wall. This could be either due to

excessive oxidative degradation or impaired synthesis. (Gordon et al, 1989) Coronary arteries may

constrict during physical exercise or mental stress due to reduced nitric oxide bioactivity and may add to

incitement of myocardial infarction in patients with CAD. Diminished nitric oxide bioactivity may lead to

vascular inflammation which leads to oxidation of lipoproteins and formation of foam cells. A lot of

therapies have been looked into to reverse endothelial dysfunction by increasing the release of nitric oxide

from the endothelium, either by stimulation of nitric oxide synthesis of prevention of its oxidative

inactivation and conversion to toxic molecules such as peroxynitrite. Nitric oxide is synthesized from

amino acid L-arginine in endsothelial cells by calcium calmodulin dependent enzyme nitric oxide

synthase. (Ganz et al, 2003) A five electron oxidation of the basic guanidine nitrogen atoms of L-arginine

in the presence of multiple cofactors and oxygen is catalysed by this heme containing oxygenase.

Furchgott and Zawadzki observed that rabbit aorta with intact endothelium relaxed in response to

acetylcholine but constricted to the same agonist when the endothelium was cleaned off. The substance

responsible for the acetylcholine stimulated relaxation was called endothelium derived relaxant factor and

was later found to be nitric oxide. A variety of agonists including histamine, acetylcholine, ADP,

thrombin, serotonin, isoproterenol, etc can stimulate the synthesis and release of nitric oxide from the

endothelium, but some of the same agonists (histamine, norepinephrine) constrict vascular smooth muscle

in the absence of endothelium. (Homig et al, 2001)

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Figure 6: Conversion of L-arginine to nitric oxide. (Source:


eNOS can work together with several proteins in its fewer and more active situations. Myristoylation of

eNOS occurs co-translationally and aims eNOS to cellular membranes, where eNOS is then

palmitoylated. These lipidation promote eNOS association with cell membranes and are essential for

linking upstream signal transduction pathways to eNOS activity in cells. N-myristoylated and

palmitoylated membrane bound eNOS associates with the caveolae coat protein cav1 and with HSP90.

CHIP (C terminal HSP70 interacting protein) interacts with both HSP70 and HSP90, and negatively

regulates eNOS trafficking into the golgi complex. (Dawn et al, 2002) By contrast, NOSIP (nitric oxide

synthase interacting protein), a 34 kDa protein and NOSTRIN (nitric oxide synthase traffic inducer)

negatively regulates eNOS localization in the plasma membrane. Acute activation of eNOS in blood

vessels in response to agonist such as Ach (acetylcholine) or bdk results in the activation of the sSC

(soluble guanylycyclase) in smooth muscle cells, production of cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate)

and degradation of cyclinA. An increase in intracellular cGMP levels affect vascular tone by decresing

the intracellular concentration of free [Ca2+

]I by CNG channel (cyclic nucleotide gated ion channel

complex) modulation; as well as by activating PGK (protein kinase G) and phosphorylating HSP20,

which regulate force by binding to thin filaments and inhibit cross bridge cycling. Nitrosylation of

caspase3 and caspase8 inactivates the proteins, thus leading to inhibition of apoptosis. (Furchgott et al,


eNOS is an important regulator of cardiovascular homeostasis because it is the major source of NO

production in vascular endothelial cells. eNOS plays a crucial role in the state of blood vessel vasodilation

and hence blood pressure regulation. In addition, NO released from the endothelium modulates other

processes including platelet aggregation, platelet and leukocyte adhesion to the endothelium, endothelin1

generation, vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation, and angiogenesis. Because of the important role of

NO in each of these processes, abnormalities in vascular NO production are thought to contribute to the

pathogenesis of certain vascular disorders such as those of atherosclerosis and hypertension. (Cannon et

al, 1998)

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Ascorbic Acid

Ascorbic acid is antioxidant and mild reducing agent. It gets oxidized by losing an electron to form a

radical cation, when it loses its second electron, it forms a dehydroascorbic acid. It reacts with oxidants of

the reactive oxygen species. It is primarily a white solid, and might appear yellow due to impurities. It is a

form of vitamin C, and is water soluble. It is not produced in the body, hence has to be supplied in the

diet. (Borsook et al, 1997) It is a reductone, and is stabilized by delocalization of its electrons as seen in

the figure. This is why it is more acidic than would be expected if the compound contained only isolated

hydroxyl groups. (Antoniades et al, 2004)

Figure 7: Canonical structures for the ascorbic anion. (Source:

Dietary antioxidants may play a part in the prevention of cardiovascular disease because of modification

of low density lipoproteins enhances their atherogenic potential. Antioxidant vitamins are said to play an

important role in protecting low density lipoproteins from oxidation by free radicals. Vitamin C is very

important in terms of dietary intake and often its low consumption has been linked to increased

cardiovascular disease. Evidence linking CAD to ascorbic acid is very limited. In studies which have

shown a significant correlation between low vitamin C and increased risk of coronary artery disease, the

subjects were younger and their average intake of vitamin C was noticeably higher. (Bordia et al, 1985)

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Literature Review

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Prevalence of CVD in the world

Cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death globally. More people die annually from CVD

than from any other cause. An estimated 17.3 million people died from CVD in 2008, ie 30% of all global

death. Over 80% of CVD deaths take place in low and middle income countries and occur almost equally

in men and women. And it is estimated by 2020 almost 25 million people will die because of CVD.

CVD is also the leading cause of death in Europe, accounting for over 4 million deaths each year. Nearly

half (49%) of all deaths are from CVD (55% of deaths in women and 43% of deaths in men). In England

CVD is main cause of death. In 2010 there were 147000 deaths in England from CVD nearly one third of

all deaths. Over 2.2 million people living with CHD 1.3 million men, 860000 women. And over 1.2

million people suffered a heart attack CVD related motility rates fell by 5% in Australia, Canada, 60% in

Japan. (Wang et al, 20053)

Figure 8: Global burden of cardiovascular disease (Source:

Prevalence of CVD in Chinese population aged between 35-74 years was estimated in 1994 that 40% of

deaths were due to CVD. Furthermore, CVD incidence and mortality in China are projected to increase

substantially during the next 20 years. CVD is common among men than women living in the north as

compared to southern China and in the urban areas than rural. It has been found that the CVD is the

leading cause of motility in China overall 80.5%, 45.9%, 17.2% of adult in China.

While if there should arise an occurrence of Africa more or less 195 individuals for each day because of

CVD and around 20% of every day passings with HIV/AIDS. The United Nations has anticipated that the

rate of populace over 60 years will be more than twofold somewhere around 1999 and 2050 in South

Africa, with the weight because of CVD anticipated to turn into the prime giver to aggregate dismalness

and mortality in the age gathering of individuals more than 50. In any case, CVD is taking its toll even

amongst the more youthful age bunches with passings anticipated to increment by more than 40% in the

35-64 years age gather by 2030. Most cardiovascular sicknesses can be averted by tending to hazard

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variables, for example, tobacco use, horrible eating regimen and stoutness, physical latency, raised

circulatory strain, diabetes and raised lipids. (Topol et al, 2006)

Prevalence of cardiovascular disease in India

While if there should arise an occurrence of Africa more or less 195 individuals for each day because of

CVD and around 20% of every day passings with HIV/AIDS. The United Nations has anticipated that the

rate of populace over 60 years will be more than twofold somewhere around 1999 and 2050 in South

Africa, with the weight because of CVD anticipated to turn into the prime giver to aggregate dismalness

and mortality in the age gathering of individuals more than 50. In any case, CVD is taking its toll even

amongst the more youthful age bunches with passings anticipated to increment by more than 40% in the

35-64 years age gather by 2030. Most cardiovascular sicknesses can be averted by tending to hazard

variables, for example, tobacco use, horrible eating regimen and stoutness, physical latency, raised

circulatory strain, diabetes and raised lipids.

The overall status on non-transferrable diseases report reported more than 2.5 million passings from CVD

in India in 2008, 66% of which were represented as a result of CHD and 33% as a result of stroke. The

mortality is most lifted in south Indian states, eastern and north eastern states and Punjab in both men and

women, while mortality is the slightest in the central Indian states of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

Sub-examination of mortality examples exhibited that CHD mortality is higher in the south Indian states

while stroke mortality is higher in eastern Indian states. (Stary et al, 1995)

Genetic evaluation for coronary artery disease

Hereditary variations can adjust usefulness of parts in a metabolic pathway, which may bring about

expanded inclination to the improvement and progression of atherosclerosis. A great deal of qualities

have been connected with CAD or MI; in any case, a significant number of these affiliations are

questionable and show shifting results in writing. The absence of predictable discoveries may be because

of positive reports that are because of chance, not coordinating the race/ethnicity of cases and controls or

because of recurrence of polymorphisms in the control populaces. The variable VII locus has been seen to

be included in deciding component VII levels and danger of MI in patients with built up CAD, yet no

relationship of it has been found in the improvement of CAD, recommending that an alternate substrate

for this danger element (atherosclerosis). Essentially, numerous studies have perceived an in number

connection between platelet glycoprotein receptor IIIa (GPIIIa) A2 allele and intense coronary thrombosis

and the level of CAD, be that as it may, different studies have been unsuccessful in demonstrating a

relationship with CAD or MI.

Linkage investigation in factions with untimely CAD has discovered proof for linkage to a locale on

chromosome 2q21.1-q22 and Xq23-q26. The angiotensin receptor 2 quality was recognized when Xq23-

q26 was investigated for hopeful qualities, and it may assume a part in the cardiovascular and focal

sensory system. Chromosome 2q36-q37.3 was discovered to be connected to MI and temperamental

angina before the age 70; it envelops the insulin receptor substrate-1 quality, sort 2 diabetes locus

NIDDM1, and the HDL cholesterol tying protein.

The Framingham Risk Score has been generally used to survey the danger of CAD. It considers the set up

danger elements of sex, smoking, downright cholesterol, diabetes, age, LDL and HDL cholesterol, yet

does not consider family history as a danger component. Consequently, this system thinks little of CAD

dangers for people with a family history of CAD, particularly at younger ages.

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A few studies have demonstrated that family history reports of CAD are by and large precise. The Health

Family Tree examine, a populace based overview of 122,155 families that CAD in relatives had 67%

positive prescient worth, 96% negative prescient quality, 70% affectability, and 91% specificity. At the

point when the case-control study and the historical backdrop of MI in first degree relatives was

supported, just little contrasts were seen between chances proportion. This test discovered 14% positive

family history of CAD.

The ApoE4 allele has been found to be associated with CAD and individuals with ApoE2/E2

homozygous individuals were seen to be at risk for type III hyperlipoproteinemia, along with increased

risk for atherosclerosis. Carriers of apoE4 allele are more responsive to the LDL lowering effects of low

fat dietary interventions as opposed to non-carriers, and they are also disposed to coronary heart disease

when exposed to diets rich in saturated fats.

Since CAD is a heterogenous issue, it is not down to earth to expect that a solitary way of anticipation

will be compelling against it. The learning of hereditary defenselessness to atherosclerosis can help in the

distinguishing proof of natural contrasts. A few rules for danger appraisal in view of family history are

indicated in the figure beneath. (Scheuner et al, 2003)

Genetic susceptibility to myocardial infarction and coronary artery disease

Atherosclerotic association in coronary supply routes, which brings about heart assaults or unexpected

demise, is an exceptionally normal infection furthermore an intricate human quality. To comprehend the

genomic premise of this ailment, eight linkage investigations of kin sets was performed. Two qualities in

the leukotriene pathway, prior just ensnared in murine atherosclerosis, have indicated to be most likely

connected with the danger of MI. The two quality varieties (ALOX5AP and LTA4) were found to be

feeble variables for myocardial limited rot. GWAS demonstrated proficient flammable cytokine

lymphotoxin-α (LTA) and its key ligand galectin-2 (LGALS2) to be incorporated in the slant for heart

attack. The quality encoding LTA receptor and its central ligand, LGALS2 have been displayed to grow

peril of MI. CFH, the dominating quality for AMD, has additionally demonstrated to assume a part in MI,

in a manner joining two illnesses with a known establishment of irritation and start of the supplement

pathway.Lowered LDL cholesterol that is connected with PCSK9 point changes found in 2-3% of people

has known not security from CAD. Four reliant and boss procedures that have been embroiled in CAD

vulnerability by means of the grouping of qualities are endothelial trustworthiness, thrombosis,

lipoprotein taking care of and blood vessel irritation.

Collectively, important patterns have emerged, that highlight in depth advances in the genomics of CAD

and MI. On the other hand, no single quality has been distinguished inside of an extensive populace

whose danger can be credited to any semblance of TCF7L2 for sort 2 diabetes. One of the principle

purposes behind this may be that CAD and MI are extremely particular and their pathobiology may

additionally be divergent. Except for PCSK9 and Ox40L, the greater part of alternate advancement has

been made in MI. MI happens in a tolerably littler division of populace that convey the atherosclerotic

weight, and it may be said that it has a more prohibitive phenotype. Miscreant needs further study, in light

of the fact that it is fairly common in the created world and has less heritability. Various difficulties have

get to be evident that are expected to make propels in the genomics of atherosclerosis. Since it is a late

onset sickness, a control test may in the end form into a case in a later phase of life. Angiography is an

one-sided system used to focus atherosclerosis, in light of the fact that individuals not influenced by it

don't have to experience the method, which is a really obtrusive one. Late studies with either low LDL or

low HDL recommend that numerous variations in weakness qualities represent a generous rate of

populace to be at a danger for MI and CAD. (Smith et al, 2006)

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Association of MEF2A gene polymorphism with coronary artery disease

The goal of this study was to assess the relationship of CAD with MEF2A quality SNPs, rs325400 G>T

and rs34851361 A>G. These two SNPs are 86 nucleotides away and are enhanced by the same pair of

groundworks. The rs325400 polymorphism indicated critical relationship with CAD (χ2= 24.77, df = 2,

and P < 0.001) yet rs34851361 did not demonstrate huge affiliation (χ2= 3.59, df = 2, and P = 0.16). Be

that as it may, no noteworthy contrast was seen in the genotype frequencies of men and ladies. It was seen

that the A/T haplotype demonstrated relationship with CAD advancement and G/G and G/T haplotypes

indicated defensive impact against C. Since CAD happens in maturity, it was theorized that the control

gathering may create it later on, consequently, to minimize this impact; just subjects beyond 48 years old

were incorporated from amongst the people that had typical angiographic result. The errand of

discovering coordinating patients and control assembles as far as age is troublesome, in light of the fact

that natural impacts increment with propelling age. The consideration and rejection criteria were age and

sex in both gatherings, and angiography was utilized to affirm the vicinity or nonattendance of stenosis.

Since CAD is a multi-factorial illness, and the point was to just investigate the hereditary variables,

individuals in the age gathering of 48-65 years were taken, to minimize the impacts of natural reasons.

Cases incorporated those influenced by CAD at a youthful age and with high ailment weakness and

control contained those without CAD, despite maturing which recommended that they may have the

capacity to oppose the sickness. 450 from 1471 patients met the qualification criteria, clinical variables

measured included fasting glucose test for diabetes, HDL, VLDL, LDL tests for lipid profile, estimation

of pulse at the season of affirmation, antihypertensive medication utilization and history of hypertension.

Figure 9: Restriction fragment length polymorphism for rs325400 (Source:

21 | P a g e

Figure 10: Restriction fragment length polymorphism for rs34851361 (Source:

Contracting CAD at a younger age hinted at a genetic predisposition and minimal environmental effect.

The goal of this study was to assess the relationship of CAD with MEF2A quality SNPs, rs325400 G>T

and rs34851361 A>G. These two SNPs are 86 nucleotides away and are enhanced by the same pair of

groundworks. The rs325400 polymorphism indicated critical relationship with CAD (χ2= 24.77, df = 2,

and P < 0.001) yet rs34851361 did not demonstrate huge affiliation (χ2= 3.59, df = 2, and P = 0.16). Be

that as it may, no noteworthy contrast was seen in the genotype frequencies of men and ladies. It was seen

that the A/T haplotype demonstrated relationship with CAD advancement and G/G and G/T haplotypes

indicated defensive impact against C. (Foroughmand et al, 2014)

Lack of MEF2A mutations in coronary artery disease

To discover the part of MEF2A transformations in the pathogenesis of nonfamilial instances of CAD,

their exons and flanking intron successions were resequenced in 300 people who procured CAD before

the age of 55 years (men) or 65 years (ladies). The missense change that was found in the CAD gathering

was likewise analyzed in 300 elderly control subjects (men >60 years, ladies >70 years) who did not give

any hints or side effects of CAD. The unlucky deficiency of change in MEF2A in the CAD patients

recommended that it may not be a noteworthy donor to bringing about CAD in white individuals.

Resequencing did however uncover a coding grouping length polymorphism in the last coding exon of

MEF2A that brought about a length variety in a district of poly-glutamine and - proline rehashes. At the

point when the rehash locale was broke down for the situation and control populaces, it demonstrated a 9

length variation alleles covering the poly-glutamine rehash, and all the 9 alleles happened at a

comparative recurrence in both the gatherings. Another 2 length variation was distinguished in the

contiguous poly-proline rehash (5 versus 4 prolines) however more than 98% of people contained 5

deposits of proline, demonstrating no factually critical distinction between the 2 gatherings. This

information demonstrates that there is no relationship between the length polymorphisms in MEF2A and

CAD defenselessness in this arrangement of test of white populace.

Figure 11: Nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the repeat region in MEF2A. The shaded box marks

the polyglutamine and -proline tandem repeats; the 21-bp deletion is boxed with dashed lines; arrows

indicate the primers used for fragment-size analysis. (Source:

A 21-bp cancellation in MEF2A, with a recurrence of more or less 0.15% in the populace likewise does

not indicate relationship with ahead of schedule onset of CAD. On the other hand, the 21-bp cancellation

in MEF2A does show weakness to CAD with variable penetrance, and the way that it demonstrated no

isolation in 3 free families recommends that it doesn't bring about an autosomal overwhelming type of

CAD. (McPherson et al, 2005)

22 | P a g e

Figure 12: MEF2A 21-bp deletion does not cosegregate with CAD in kindred no. 1 (Table (Table2).2).

Individuals with premature CAD are indicated by filled squares (males) or circles (females). Unaffected

individuals are indicated by open squares or circles. Normal males under the age of 50 years and normal

females under the age of 55 years are shown in light gray, which indicates uncertain phenotype. Deceased

individuals are indicated by a slash. The proband is indicated by an arrow. Genetic status: +/– indicates

the presence of the 21-bp deletion of MEF2A (heterozygous); –/– indicates the absence of the deletion.

Note that 3 elderly subjects with the 21-bp deletion do not have premature CAD, whereas the 2 subjects

with premature CAD do not carry the deletion. (Source:

Gene therapy to treat cardiovascular disease

The overall death rate for CVD was 236.1 per 100,000 people, amounting to almost 1 out of 3 deaths in

America. Their prevalence is seen in patients above 65 years but it can affect any age group. Cardiac

arrest accounted for more than 14% deaths in the United States. Some preclinical studies have showed

improved angiogenesis with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) or fibroblast growth factor

(FGF), increased myocardial contractility and reduced arrhythmia vulnerability with sarcoplasmic

reticulum Ca2+

ATP, controlled heart rate as a result of myocardial gene transfer.

Molecular Target Stage in


Findings Model





growth factor


Clinical trials,

phase 2/3

Continued safety

and efficacy

Safe but not

consistently efficacious

with increasing

myocardial perfusion.

Success with secondary

end points, ie,

increased exercise

capacity and reduction

in ischemic area

Human Hedman et

al,Gene Ther,


Stewart et al, Mol


Fibroblast growth

factor (FGF)

Clinical trials,

phase 2/3

Continued safety

and efficacy

Safe but most trials

have not increased

myocardial perfusion.

Some have improved

Human Kukula et al, Am

Heart J, 201148

23 | P a g e

exercise capacity and

symptom alleviation


growth factor


Clinical trial,

phase 1


Safe with negligible

side effects from ADs;

HGF in serum not

detected after 35 days

Increased capillary

density and

end‐diastolic volume

Improved cardiac

perfusion and reduced





Yang et al, Mol

Biol Rep, 200949

Jin et al,Gene

Ther, 201241

Yang et al, Mol

Biol Rep, 201042


growth factor


Preclinical Increased capillary

growth and collateral

formation from single

naked DNA injection

Rabbit Li et al,Microvasc

Res, 201043


factor (HIF1α)

Clinical trial,

phase 1


Preliminary safety of

ADs after 1 year

Increased myocardial

perfusion and improved

LV function but no

improvement in

bioactivity end points



Kilian et al, Circ

J, 201044

Heinl‐Green et

al, Eur Heart J,


Table 1: Gene therapy targets for coronary heart disease. (Wolfram et al, 2013)

For cardiovascular disease, gene therapy is inadequate because of not enough vectors and delivery

systems for the target cell. Adenovirus gives limited long term expression and causes inflammation due to

host recognition. As of now medical experiments have revealed limited usefulness, however no long term

adverse effects have been observed. Since CAD has multiple disease mechanisms, finding the correct

molecule to target has been a difficult task. (Wolfram et al, 2013)

Genome Wide Association Studies in myocardial infarction and coronary

artery disease

Epidemiological studies have established a relationship between several environmental risk factors and

the occurrence of CAD/MI, such as obesity, smoking, diabetes, little physical activity, hypertension and

dyslipidemia. These are well recognized risk factors and show a comparable frequency in geographical

areas and populations of different ethnicity and levels of income.A positive family history (one first

degree relative that developed the disease at an age younger than 55 years in males and 65 years in

females) also shows association to the risk of developing atherosclerosis. A positive family history is

linked to increased risk of developing the disease when compared to other risk factors, the risk of MI in

siblings of affected patients being from 2 to 11 fold higher than in normal population. Monozygous twins

are seen to be at a higher risk when compared to dizygous twins.

Seven GWAS studies conducted to address the relationship between CAD/MI and genetic variants found

13 loci at which genetic variants are altered, increasing predisposition for the disease. Genomic areas that

24 | P a g e

contain genes whose mutation causes familial hypercholesterolemia were found by GWAS. Locus on

chromosome 9p21.3 contains common variants which affect the risk of CAD/MI; this variant has the

largest effect on disease risk (odds ratio – 1.28-1.47). Gene variants at the same locus, genes CDKN2A

and CDKN2B, alter susceptibility to other arterial diseases such as abdominal aortic aneurism and

intracranial aneurism, suggesting that chromosome 9p21.3 may play a role in arterial wall remodelling.

Ye et al found an association with both the occurrence and progression of CAD on chromosome 9p21.

(Mannucci et al, 2010)

Nitric Oxide

Nitric oxide plays an important role in the regulation of cardiovascular diseases by inhibiting vascular

smooth muscle contraction and growth, platelet aggregation and leukocyte adhesion to the endothelium.

Humans with atherosclerosis, diabetes or hypertension often show impaired NO pathways. (Ganz et al,


Biochemistry of Nitric oxide

Nitric oxide (NO) was first discovered as a colourless and toxic gas. Until 1987, it was not known that it

was produced in the body. Its role in regulating blood pressure and relieving various heart ailments is well

established. It was named ‘molecule of the year’ in 1992, after its biological significance was recognized

by Koshland. Ignerro, Furchgott and Murad were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology

for identifying NO as a signalling molecule. It plays and important role in the protection against the onset

and progression of cardiovascular diseases. The cardio protective roles of NO include regulation of blood

pressure and vascular tone, inhibition of platelet aggregation and leucocyte adhesion and prevention of

smooth muscle proliferation. Reduced bioavailability of NO is thought to be one of the central factors

common to cardiovascular disease. (Nishikawa et al, 1997)

25 | P a g e

Figure 13: A model of interations of NO with erythrocytes and cell free haemoglobin in an arterial blood

vessel. (Source:

Chemical structure of Nitric oxide

Seven electrons from nitrogen and eight electrons from oxygen are included to form an uncharged

molecule of NO. The high reactivity of NO is not due to it containing unpaired electrons having half-life

of 2-30 seconds. If that were the case, tissues wouldn’t be able to survive in the presence of molecular

oxygen with two unpaired electrons at a concentration of 20-200 µM. NO only reacts with those

biological molecules that have unpaired orbital electrons, e.g. free radicals or transition metal ions. Since

most biological molecules have completely filled orbitals, NO is unreactive towards a majority of them.

Nitric oxide’s reactivity depends on its physical properties, small size, high diffusion rate and

lipophilicity. Moreover, the reaction products of nitric oxide, i.e. related species, also react with biological

molecules and may have toxic effects as well. At low levels, NO can protect cells, however, at higher

levels, it is a known cytotoxin, having been implicated in tumor angiogenesis and progression. NO also

reacts with molecular oxygen, and this reaction takes place in the aqueous or gaseous phase. Although the

product of both phases is the same, the stability of the reaction differs. The rate of the reaction is second

order, wrt NO in equation 1, and the first order wrt oxygen. In the gaseous phase, NO2 is a stable product

of NO oxidation. But in aqueous solutions, NO2 gives rise to NO, NO34+

. NO reacts with molecular

oxygen, which is present in much higher concentration than nitric oxide, to form peroxynitrite. (Williams

et al, 1996)

26 | P a g e


NO + NO2 gas NO2 NO + NO3+ O


The nitroxyl anion (NO-) is additionally said to be endothelium derived relaxing factor, which is reactive

but a short lived species. It reacts with two nitric oxides to form nitrite and nitrous acid.

Nitric oxide synthase

NO is produced by a various group of enzymes termed as nitric oxide synthase (NOS) which is present in

the body. NO is synthesized when L-arginine is converted to L-citrulline, this reaction is catalysed by

nitric oxide synthases. The two cofactors involved in this reaction are oxygen and NADPH. Moreover,

three isoforms are present whose names are termed on the basis of their activities. These isoforms share

50-60% homology in the amino acid sequence in the oxidase and reductase domains. These isoforms have

distinct characteristics that reflect their specific functions in vivo. Endothelial NO synthase (eNOS or

NOSIII; 7q35-36) and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS or NOSI; 12q24.2) have a mechanism of

constitutive activation (eNOS). The inducible isoform (iNOS or NOSII; 17cen-q12) is communicated in

strange cell procedures, for example, heart disappointment. After being impelled by cytokines and other

provocative specialists, a high NO stream results. Endothelial NOS is for the most part situated in

endothelial cell compartments named caveolae and is vital for keeping the gauge vascular tone. This tone

is mostly pondered by NO amalgamation, a vascular aggravate that takes part in blood stream regulation

in the diverse vascular quaint little inns in the coronary blood stream. (Homig et al, 2001)

Structure of eNOS

eNOS functions as a dimer consisting of two identical monomers, which in turn can be functionally and

structurally divided into two major domains: a C terminal reductase domain, homologous to cytochrome

P450 which contains binding sites for NADPH, flavine mononucleotide (FMN) and flavine adenine

dinucleotide (FAD); and an N terminal oxidase, which subtracts one electron from the L arginine

substrate and has binding sites for heme iron, for the tetrahydrobiopterin cofactor (BH4) and for L-

arginine. The catalysis reaction of constitutive NOS involves two oxidation stages: L-arginine

hydroxylation into N-g-hydroxy-L-arginine, followed by oxidation of this intermediate compound with

utilization of one NADPH electron, thus forming L-cittruline and NO. This reaction consumes 1.5 mol of

NADPH and 2 moles of oxygen per mol of L-citrulline.

27 | P a g e

Figure 14: eNOS protein structure. (Source:


Cofactors such as Heme iron, BH4 and L-arginine have been studied in depth, and their low

bioavailability induces the phenomenon of dysfunctional eNOS. Heme iron is essential for dimerization

of the three isoforms: low concentrations or absence of L-arginine catalyse oxygen reduction in

superoxide (O2-) and decreased levels of BH4 lead to the simultaneous production of NO e O2

-, products

that react with each other forming peroxynitrite (ONOO-). (Vasa et al, 2001)

Role of HSP in regulation of eNOS gene is cardiovascular diseases

Caveolae are specialized invagination of the plasma membrane and are present in most cell types, with

the highest number being present in endothelial cells, adipocytes, fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells.

The main components of caveolae are cholesterol, glycosphingolipids and some structural proteins, such

as caveolin, whereas phospholipids are practically absent. eNOS was reported to be present in caveolae

but not in other parts of plasma membrane. The localization of eNOS within caveolae renders the enzyme

inactive. In caveolae, eNOS activity is inhibited by caveolin-I. NO production from endothelial cells is

stimulated by a variety of mechanical forces such as shear stress and cyclic strain and humoral factors

ranging from growth factors to peptide hormones, including Ach (acetlycholine), VEGF (vascular

endothelial growth factor), Bdk (Bradykinin), Estrogen, S-1P (sphingosine-1 phosphate), H2O2 (hydrogen

peroxide), and angiotensin II. eNOS is a dually acylated peripheral membrane protein that is targeted to

endothelial plasmalemmal caveolae through an interaction with the caveolae structural protein, CavI

(caveolin I).

As we know Cav I inhibition of eNOS is relieved by calm, which causes dissociation of eNOS from

caveolin. This regulatory mechanism is further modified by HSP90 (heat shock protein-90) HSP 70,

which binds to eNOS and facilitates displacement of cav-1 by calm. In addition to these protein

interactions that modulate calm binding, other cellular sigmaling cascades also regulate eNOS activity.

Physiologically, endothelial cells are exposed to the hemodynamic forces of blood including the PI3K

(phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase), PDK (phosphoinositide dependent kinase) and AC (adenylate cyclase)

via cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate), leading to eNOS activation by phosphorylation of serine

28 | P a g e

residues (S617 and S1179 for Akt, and S635 and S1179 for PKA), which promotes eNOS activation.

Additional stimuli such as VEGF, estrogen, S-1P and Bdk, bind to their cognate receptors (RTKs,

VEGFR, ESR, EDG and BdkR) and stimulate PI3K/Akt. However, they also activate PLC-gamma

(phospholipase-C) and PIP2 (phosphatidyl inositol 4, 5-bisphosphate) to increase cytoplasmic calcium

and DAG (diacylglycerol) levels. The increase in cytoplasmic calcium levels activates calm, which binds

to the canonical calm binding domain in eNOS, leading to efficient NO synthesis. In addition, calm

activates calmK-II (calm kinase-II), which phosphorylates eNOS on S1179. Increase in DAG levels

activate PKC (protein kinase C) pathway, which may negatively regulate eNOS or influence its coupling.

Finally, metabolic stress triggers breakdown of ATP, stimulating AMPK (AMP kinase) to phosphorylate

eNOS on S1179. Phosphorylation of this residue by PKA (protein kinase A) is also associated with

increased enzyme activity. Other proteins which are associated with increased eNOS activity or NO

release are dynamin 2 (a GTP binding protein) and porin, which co localize and directly interact with

eNOS. Their interactions with eNOS are stimulated by intracellular Ca2+

and leads to eNOS activation.

Efficient supply with substrate during all this is ensured by localization of the arginine transporter CAT1

(cationic amino acid transporter 1) in caveolae and its direct interaction with eNOS. eNOS can interact

with various proteins in its ‘less active’ and ‘more active’ states. Myristoylation of eNOS occurs co-

translationally and targets eNOS to cellular membranes, where eNOS is then palmitoylated. These

lipidation promote eNOS association with cell membranes and are essential for linking upstream signal

transduction pathways to eNOS activity in cells. N-myristoylated and palmitoylated membrane-bound

eNOS associates with the caveolae coat protein Cav1 and with HSP90. CHIP (C-terminal HSP 70

interacting protein) interacts with both HSP70 and HSP90, and negatively regulates eNOS trafficking into

the golgi complex. By contrast, NOSIP (nitric oxide synthase interacting protein), a 34kDa protein and

NOSTRIN (nitric oxide synthase traffic inducer) negatively regulates eNOS localization in the plasma

membrane. (Cannon et al, 1998)

Acute activation of eNOS in blood vessels in response to agonists such as Acetylcholine or braykinin

leads to the activation of the sGC (soluble guanyly cyclase) in smooth muscle cells, production of cGMP

(cyclic guanosine monophosphate) and degradation of cyclin A. An increase in intracellular cGMP levels

affects vascular tone by decreasing the intracellular concentration of free (Ca2+

) I by CNG channel (cyclic

nucleotide gated ion channel complex) modulation; as well as by activating PKG (protein kinase G) and

phosphorylating HSP20, which regulate force by binding to thin filaments and inhibit cross bridge

cycling. Nitrosylation of caspase 3 and caspase 8 inactivates the proteins, thus leading to inhibition of

apoptosis. eNOS is an important regulator of cardiovascular homeostasis because it is the major source of

NO production in vascular endothelial cells. eNOS plays a crucial role in the state of blood vessel

vasodilation and hence blood pressure regulation. In addition, NO released from the endothelium

modulates other processes including platelet aggregation, platelet and leukocyte adhesion to the

endothelium, endothelin-1 generation, vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation, and angiogenesis.

Because of the important role of NO in each of these processes, abnormalities in vascular NO production

are thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of certain vascular disorders such as those of atherosclerosis

and hypertension. (Gryglewski et al, 1986)

Vitamin C affects thrombosis/fibrinolysis system and reactive hyperemia in

patients with type II diabetes and coronary artery disease

In this study, the impacts of vitamin C were analyzed on patients with sort II diabetes and basic CAD.

Transient treatment with incomprehensible estimations of vitamin C improved RH% and essentially cut

down plasma levels of tPA and vWF in patients with sort II diabetes and atherosclerosis. Hyperglycemia

29 | P a g e

is obstructs the era of NO by blocking endothelial NO synthase order and by growing the making of

responsive oxidation species, superoxide anion (O2-

), in vascular smooth muscles and the endothelium.

Superoxide anion diminishes NO creation by shaping deadly peroxynitrite particle, which causes the

endothelial NO synthase to uncouple, because of oxidation of its cofactor, tetrahydeobiopterin, bringing

about eNOS to deliver O2-

. (Tousoulis et al, 2003)

Vitamin C might improve endothelial function in CAD; however, its effect in T2D along with CAD is

debatable. Increased plasma levels of PAI-1 have been associated with CAD and unstable coronary

syndromes. Evidence proposes that PAI-1 plasma level can be used as a prognosticator for CAD patients

due to the effect it has on the modulation of fibrinolysis and cell migration. (Meister et al, 1994) Due to

its high antigen levels, tPA, an endothelium derived component, has recently been implicated as a

predictor of CAD and MI. Solid confirmation connections expanded oxidative anxiety supplements

impeded fibrinolysis and an increment in PAI-1 and tPA plasma levels, then again, vitamin C and tPA

levels wereinversely associated. The purpose behind this study was to examine the impact of short lived

oral association of vitamin C on lower arm vasodilatory response to responsive hyperemia (RH%),

plasma levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1), tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) in atients

with both T2D and CAD. No critical contrasts were seen in the dietary propensities. RH% was

fundamentally enhanced in vitamin C treatment bunch than in controls. (Levine et al, 1996)

30 | P a g e


31 | P a g e

Study population

Group 1: 25 CAD patients (age > 25 years, <80 years) were recruited from the Department of

Cardiology, AIIMS. Significant CAD is defined when at least one major epicardial vessel contains more

than 70% stenosis, when assessed by coronary angiography. Hence, angiographically assessed patients

who had 70% or more stenosis in at least one of the major coronary artery were selected for the study.

Patients that were diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and hypertension were also included in the study.

Individuals with less than 50% stenosis, valvular disease or cardiomyopathy were excluded from the

study. Family history of coronary artery disease, diabetes, hypertension, other major illness' in the past,

personal history of smoking, alcohol, dietetic history, drug history was recorded for each subject on a


Group 2: Age and sex matched volunteers were selected as controls from a similar population which

includes asymptomatic relatives of the case samples. These were recruited from the staff of AIIMS and

residents of Delhi and surrounding areas. Control subjects had no history of endocrine, metabolic,

ischemic heart disease, renal and cerebrovascular disorders.

Note: Ethical clearance was obtained from the ethics committee of AIIMS, New Delhi in the ICMR

format by the chief investigator of the project.

Informed consent was taken from the patients and controls prior to collection.

Sample collection and processing

Angiographically proven CAD patients with more than 70% stenosis in one or more of their major

arteries were recruited from the Department of Cardiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences

(AIIMS), New Delhi. The age and sex matched normal healthy individuals, as controls were selected

from similar socio-economic -geographical background. 5 ml blood was withdrawn and collected in a

tube containing EDTA as the anti-coagulant from all subjects after 12 hours of fasting. 3 ml from this was

transferred into a new tube for RNA isolation. The remaining sample was spun down at 3000 rpm for 15

mins at 27°C and the plasma was collected into a 1.5 ml eppendorf tube.

RNA isolation

Total RNA was isolated by Trizol method. (6)

1. 11.5 ml RBC lysis buffer was added to 3 ml of arterial blood in a 15 ml falcon tube. The solutions

were mixed with a pipette. The tube was inverted for proper mixing and was left at room

temperature for 30 mins.

2. It was centrifuged at 3000 g for 10 mins at 4°C.

3. Supernatant was discarded.

4. To this 100-300 µl RBC lysis buffer was added to dissolve the thick layer of red blood cells. The

supernatant was discarded - the whole step was done whilst not disturbing the pellet.

5. The above steps were repeated until a white pellet was obtained.

6. 5 µl of 1x PBS was used to re-suspend the cells. To this another 1000 µl was added, it was mixed

well so as to homogenize the pellet.

7. The solution was transferred to a 1.5 ml eppendorf tube.

8. It was centrifuged at 3000 g for 5 mins at 4°C.

9. The supernatant was discarded. (This is the stopping point)

10. Trizol was added according to the pellet size - 800 µl for small pellet.

32 | P a g e

11. The pellet was dissolved in the solution and kept at room temperature for 15 mins.

12. To this, 200 µl of chloroform was added and the two solutions were mixed by inversion. The tube

was then kept on ice for 15 mins.

13. It was centrifuged at 14000 rpm for 15 mins at 4°C.

14. The aqueous phase containing the RNA was removed carefully into a new tube. It was made sure

that the white interphase layer was not disturbed.

15. 500 µl of ice cold propanol was added to the aqueous phase and was inverted 5-6 times for

thorough mixing. The tube was left on ice for 15 mins.

16. It was inverted again and then centrifuged at 14000 rpm for 15 mins at 4°C.

17. The supernatant was discarded.

18. 1 ml 70% ethanol was added to the pellet and centrifuged at 7500 g for 15 mins at 4°C.

19. The supernatant was discarded and the tubes were left to dry on a tissue paper.

20. 25 µl of RNAase free water was added to dissolve the pellet.

21. The tubes were incubated at 55°C for 5-10 mins.

22. NanoDrop reading was taken to measure the concentration.

Griess reaction assay

Griess reaction was first described in 1879. Because of its simplicity, it has been used extensively in

analysis of numerous biological samples including plasma (serum), urine, CSF, saliva and cell culture

media. In this method, nitrite is first treated with a diazotizing reagent, eg. sulfanilamide (SA), in acidic

media to form a transient diazonium salt. This intermediate is then allowed to react with a coupling

reagent, N-naphthyl-ethylenediamine (NED), to form a stable azo compound. The overall reaction is

described in the scheme below. The intense purple color of the product allows nitrite assay with high

sensitivity and can be used to measure nitrite concentration as low as ~0.5 µM level. The absorbance of

this adduct at 54 nm is linearly proportional to the nitrite concentration in the sample. (34)

Figure 15: Reaction between nitric oxide and sulphanilamide to form azo compound

Preparation of Griess reagent

1% sulphanilamide 2.5% orthophosphoric acid (A)

0.1% napthylenediamine HCL in 2.5% orthophosphoric acid (B)

2.5% Orthophosphoric acid was made in 100ml of milliQ

All three solutions are prepared separately, mixed and stored for a maximum period of 1 month. The

solution was stored in a light sensitive bottle. It was not used if any color was seen.

Estimation of Nitric oxide

A nitrite standard reference curve was prepared for each assay for accurate quantization of NO levels in

each experimental sample.

33 | P a g e

1. NaNO2 standard is prepared by taking 0.69 g of NaNO2 and dissolving in 10 ml water (1 M).

2. A series of serial dilutions were done to obtain different concentrations of NaNO2.

3. 100 µl of plasma is diluted with 100 µl of 1X PBS.

4. In a 96 well plate, the solutions were taken in duplicates.

5. The first set of wells contained the 50 µl standards prepared with 50 µl of Griess reagent.

6. 50 µl of plasma was mixed with 50 µl of Griess reagent.

7. The solutions which were to act as control, contained 50 µl of plasma mixed with 50 µl of 1X


8. The plate was covered with aluminum foil and incubated at 37°C for 30-45 mins.

9. The absorbance was measured at 540 nm.

10. Standard curve of absorbance vs concentration was plotted.

Preparation of dTCS reagent

5% Thiourea – 0.2 g in 10ml H2O

0.05% CuSO4 – 0.005 g in 10 ml H2O

3% DNPH – 0.3 g in 10 ml H2O

5 % TCA – 2.5 g in 50 ml H2O

12N H2SO4 – 13.33 ml in 26.67 ml ice cold H2O

Working solution – 800 µl of 5% Thiourea

500 µl of 0.05% CuSO4

900 µl of 3% DNPH

Make up to 10 ml with 9N H2SO4

Estimation of Ascorbic acid

1. 1 mg of ascorbic acid was dissolved in 10 ml of 5% TCA (100mg/dL).

2. This was serially diluted to obtain standards.

3. 40 µl of TCA stabilized samples were taken (50 µl plasma+50 µl 1X PBS+100 µl 5% TCA;

centrifuged at 300 rpm for 20 mins at 4°C; supernatant used as test sample).

4. 2 sets of blanks were taken – 100 µl of 5% TCA and 50 µl of 1X PBS+50 µl of 5% TCA.

5. To this, 8 µl of dTCS reagent was added.

6. They were gently vortexed and covered with aluminum foil.

7. The plate was incubated at 37°C for 2 hours.

8. Samples were vortexed every 30 mins during the incubation period.

9. After the completion of the 2 hour time, the samples were placed on ice and 60 µl of ice cold

H2SO4 was added to the sample.

10. It was vortexed gently, and then incubated in the dark at room temperature for an hour.

11. Samples were transferred to a 96 well plate and the absorbance was read at 512 or 520 nm.

12. Standard curve of absorbance vs concentration was plotted.

34 | P a g e


35 | P a g e

Clinical Characteristics:

Clinical Characters CAD Subjects Control Subjects *P

N 23 28

Age (yrs) 54.2±9.352 45.9±14.2 <0.001*

Time of diesease onset (yrs) 8.5±7.0

BMI (kg/m2) 24.56±2.45 20.58±2.12 <0.001*

HbA1c (%) 9.98±2.75 5.09±0.65 <0.0001*

Smoking 227.3±80.14 87.40±11.27 <0.0001*

Alcohol 235.3±129.4 112±22.12 <0.0001*

Hypertension 254.7±88.44 121.2±22.9 <0.0001*

Total cholesterol (mg/dl) 178.5±40.41 168.7±25.5 <0.0511

Triglycerides (mg/dl) 145.3±58.7 103.4±25.8 <0.0001*

HDL cholesterol (mg/dl) 31.5±11.36 47.8±11.21 <0.0001*

LDL cholesterol (mg/dl) 117.94±37.90 108.8±64.1 0.252

Table 2: Summary of clinical characteristics

Isolation of total RNA

Total RNA was isolated from peripheral blood samples by standards Trizol method and was run on a 1%


RNA, 1% gel, 1.5µl loaded

1. C 1

2. C 2

3. C 3

4. P 2

5. P 4

Figure: The figure shows isolated RNA run on a 1% gel.

36 | P a g e

Nitric oxide analysis

Griess reagent was used to determine the nitric oxide levels of the case and control samples. The

procedure was standardized using a set of NaNO2 standards of varying concentrations. They were also put

on the testing plate along with the samples. The heating block was set to a temperature of 37°C before the

beginning of the experiment. The absorbance was measured at 540 nm. The concentration obtained from

the standards was used to calculate the concentration of the case and control subjects.

Sample no (Controls)

Nitric oxide

Plasma + GR Plasma + PBS P+GR - P+PBS NO Conc (uM)

C 1 0.095 0.088 0.007 0.84336

C 2 0.076 0.075 0.001 0.12048

C 3 0.069 0.06 0.009 1.08432

C 4 0.064 0.059 0.005 0.6024

C 5 0.06 0.051 0.009 1.08432

C 6 0.072 0.071 0.001 0.12048

C 7 0.064 0.06 0.004 0.48192

C 8 0.066 0.057 0.009 1.08432

C 9 0.103 0.098 0.005 0.6024

C 10 0.088 0.081 0.007 0.84336

C 11 0.1404 0.235 0.0946 11.397

C 12 0.0693 0.9405 0.8712 89.498

C 13 0.1258 0.0675 0.0583 5.989

C 14 0.0794 0.0666 0.0128 1.314

C 15 0.08305 0.074 0.009 0.925

C 16 0.0751 0.0621 0.013 1.34

C 17 0.0847 0.071 0.0137 2.14

C 18 0.0778 0.069 0.0088 1.375

C 19 0.0872 0.084 0.0032 0.5

C 20 0.0818 0.0723 0.0095 1.48

C 21 0.12 0.0906 0.0294 4.59

C 22 0.14365 0.1187 0.0249 3.89

C 23 0.0736 0.0714 0.0022 0.22

C 24 0.0743 0.0724 0.0019 0.19

C 25 0.1053 0.0911 0.0142 1.42

C 26 0.1399 0.0663 0.0736 7.36

C 27 0.2711 0.0744 0.1967 19.67

C 28 0.0857 0.0796 0.0061 0.61

37 | P a g e

Table 3: Table shows the values of all the samples of nitric oxide as observed after reaction with Griess


Figure 16: Graph showing concentrations of nitric oxide in control samples

Sample no. (Cases)

Plasma + Griess reagent

Plasma + PBS P+GR – P+PBS Concentration (µg)

P 1 0.199 0.259 0.06 7.25

P 2 0.075 0.124 0.049 5.92

P 3 0.124 0.0723 0.0517 6.24

P 4 0.1 0.096 0.0004 0.048

P 5 0.089 0.1064 0.0174 2.1

P 6 0.076 0.0985 0.0225 2.717

P 7 0.107 0.0794 0.0276 3.34

P 8 0.097 0.0807 0.0163 1.96

P 9 0.069 0.3623 0.2933 35.42

P 10 0.092 0.0788 0.0132 1.59

P 11 0.0845 0.0608 0.0237 2.86

P 12 0.089 0.0608 0.0282 3.405

P 13 0.067 0.0552 0.0118 1.43

P 14 0.069 0.2803 0.2133 25.76

P 15 0.092 0.115 0.023 2.78

P 16 0.087 0.065 0.022 2.65

P 17 0.0628 0.0574 0.0054 0.54

P 18 0.0652 0.079 0.0138 1.417

P 19 0.1156 0.1154 0.00019 0.0195

P 20 0.0973 0.1326 0.0353 3.626







Sample no.

NO conc

NO conc

38 | P a g e

P 21 0.0629 0.0602 0.0027 0.277

P 22 0.0674 0.059 0.0084 0.863

P 23 0.0576 0.0523 0.0053 0.53

Table 4: Table shows the values of all the samples of nitric oxide as observed after reaction with Griess


Figure 17: Graph showing concentrations of nitric oxide in case samples.

Figure 18: Graph showing mean of control and cases (nitric oxide).










P 1P 2P 3P 4P 5P 6P 7P 8P 9P 10P 11P 12P 13P 14P 15P 16P 17P 18P 19P 20P 21P 22P 23

Conc NO (ng/ul)

Conc NO (ng/ul)









Controls Cases

Mean (NO)

Mean (NO)

39 | P a g e

Ascorbic acid

dTCS reagent was used to determine the ascorbic acid levels of the case and control samples. The

procedure was standardized using a set of ascorbic acid standards of varying concentrations. They were

also put on the testing plate along with the samples. The heating block was set to a temperature of 37°C

before the beginning of the experiment. The absorbance was measured at 540 nm. The concentration

obtained from the standards was used to calculate the concentration of the case and control subjects.

Sample no (Controls)

Ascorbic acid Conc AA (dl/mg)

C 1 0.1275 1.88

C 2 0.1263 1.87

C 3 1.312 19.43

C 4 0.0883 1.3077

C 5 0.0971 1.44

C 6 0.1011 1.5

C 7 0.098 1.45

C 8 0.0806 1.194

C 9 0.1089 1.613

C 10 0.1028 1.523

C 11 0.1028 1.522

C 12 0.0979 1.45

C 13 0.0857 1.27

C 14 0.0688 1.02

C 15 0.0764 1.13

C 16 0.0976 1.445

C 17 0.1027 1.83

C 18 0.1195 2.125

C 19 0.0856 1.522

C 20 0.1635 2.91

C 21 0.071 1.26

C 22 0.0683 1.214

C 23 0.08775 0.219

C 24 0.0686 0.1715

C 25 0.0732 0.183

C 26 0.0917 0.229

C 27 0.0923 0.231

C 28 0.0833 0.208

Table 5: Table shows the values of all the samples of ascorbic acid as observed after reaction with dTCS


40 | P a g e

Figure 19: Graph showing concentrations of ascorbic acid in control samples.

Sample No. Ascorbic acid (abs) Concentration (dl/mg)

P 1 0.0519 1.2975

P 2 0.0631 1.5775

P 3 0.0609 1.5225

P 4 0.0691 1.7275

P 5 0.0579 1.4475

P 6 0.0666 1.665

P 7 0.0555 1.3875

P 8 0.0695 1.7375

P 9 0.1058 2.645

P 10 0.0639 1.5975

P 11 0.0771 1.9275

P 12 0.1559 3.8975

P 13 0.0607 1.5175

P 14 0.0503 1.2575

P 15 0.0598 1.495

P 16 0.0888 2.22

P 17 0.0545 1.3635

P 18 0.0613 1.5325

P 19 0.0763 1.9075

P 20 0.0785 1.9625

P 21 0.0812 2.03

P 22 0.103 2.575

P 23 0.0933 2.3325






















Ascorbic Acid conc (dl/mg)

Conc AA (dl/mg)

41 | P a g e

Table 6: Table shows the values of all the samples of ascorbic acid as observed after reaction with dTCS


Figure 20: Graph showing concentrations of ascorbic acid in control samples.

Figure 21: Graph showing mean of control and cases (Ascorbic acid)











P 2 P 4 P 6 P 8 P 10 P 12 P 14 P 16 P 18 P 20 P 22

Conc AA (dl/mg)

Conc AA (dl/mg)









Controls Cases

Mean (Ascorbic acid)

Mean (Ascorbic acid)

42 | P a g e

Statistical analysis

Mean Standard Deviation p value 95% CI

Cases (NO) 4.9018 8.4597 0.8327 4.62 (--7.11-


Controls (NO) 5.74198 16.94376

Cases (Ascorbic


1.8532 0.59112 0.9519 -0.169 (-1.44-


Controls (Ascorbic


1.898 3.499

Table 7: Statistical analysis

43 | P a g e


44 | P a g e

The understandings of disease onset through the variations that occur across the genome are the critical

aspects in developing the emerging branch in personalized medicine, the pharmacogenomics. Studies

reporting the involvement of the gene alterations in various metabolic diseases such as coronary artery

disease are the basis for the current study.

An understanding of the homeostatic function of the endothelium is necessary for modern cardiology.

Nitric oxide’s role in mediating regulatory properties of the endothelium is now well documented, along

with the understanding of diseases and situations can be measured as ‘risk factors’ for atherosclerosis.

The magnitudes of endothelial dysfunction are abundant, including coronary constriction or inadequate

dilation during physical or mental stress, plaques rupture and thrombosis, reperfusion injury after

thrombolysis, production of myocardial ischemia, unstable angina or MI. Several studies have shown that

lowering of lipid levels through therapies; reduce myocardial ischemia in patients with CAD.

A large frame of evidence has shown that accelerated NO inactivation leads to endothelial dysfunction.

Xanthine oxidase, eNOS and NADH/NADPH oxidase are probable sources which add to amplified

production of reactive oxygen species in pathophysiological states. Genetic linkage studies with single

large families have proven to be an effective approach for the identification of disease causing genes for

CAD and MI. MEF2A has been identified as the first disease causing gene for autosomal dominant CAD

and MI and this has exposed a new signaling pathway for the pathogenesis of CAD and MI and has

associated abnormal development of the endothelium as an initial cause for the disease. Further genetic

studies show promise to revolutionize the early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of CAD and MI. One

of the most important benefits of dealing with CAD is that a substantial number of cases are potentially

avertable. Genetic testing will provide with early diagnosis that might help people into making healthier

lifestyle choices.

Nitric oxide is critical for maintaining vasodilation and blood pressure therefore NO plays an important

role coronary artery disease, it has been suggested that there is reduced bioavailability of NO in CAD; this

impairment in bioavailability of NO is due to endothelial dysfunction. NO formation maybe measured via

the determination of its oxidative products, nitrite and nitrate. However, the reported basal nitrite

concentrations in plasma of humans in the literature range from 'non-detectable' over Nano-molar

(450nmol/l) to micro-molars 26µmols.

Kawakatsu et al found that nitrite/nitrate gradually increased with age in healthy male subjects. In

humans’ endothelium dependent vasodilation is reduced in essential hypertensive patients compared to

normal control subjects, suggesting that endothelial function can be impaired in human hypertension.

Panza et al and Koichi et al reported decreased NO products in patients with CAD and some studies show

that the concentration of nitric oxide is low in women with CAD in prehypertensive phases than

normotensive patients but in these studies the role of estrogen and testosterone was ignored. Calver A et

al showed through their study that altered production of NO was proven in knockout mice and humans

with CAD. Vast numbers of studies have shown variation in mean values of nitric oxide. Node K et al in

fact recorded a very similar (43%) decline in patients as compared to controls. The normal range of NO

showed a wide variation in different studies

Prevention of CAD and decrease of its indisposition and death remains one of the chief health challenges

across the world. Atherosclerosis is presently thought to be as a consequence of difference between pro-

and anti-oxidants that produces lesions to grow towards severe thrombotic difficulties and clinical events.

But over the last decade, a lot of evidence has come forward that shows NO plays an important role in the

CAD range, from its origin to the outcome after critical events.

45 | P a g e


46 | P a g e

The main aim of the project was to find correlation between nitric oxide, ascorbic acid and coronary

artery disease. Concluding from the study undertaken, nitric oxide levels are reduced in people affected

with coronary artery disease as compared to the control samples. Nitric oxide is produced in the body

under conditions of stress and it causes vasodilation. This gas has reduced production in CAD patients

which causes obstruction in blood flow, which might lead to formation of clots or myocardial infarction.

Literature surrounding the effect of ascorbic acid in coronary artery disease is very limited. From the

study conducted, the levels of ascorbic acid were decreased in CAD patients. The genetic mechanism of

this disease is poorly understood, because CAD is a multi-factorial disease and is affected by a number of

characteristics, both environmental and genetic. The data obtained from the study however, was found to

be not statistically significant. Further study in extended sample size is warranted.

47 | P a g e


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Inter-relationship of Nitric Oxide and Ascorbic Acid

at the RNA level in patients with Coronary Artery


Submitted by

Priya Joshi


M.Sc. Medical Biotechnology


Year, 4th


Manipal University

Under the guidance of

Dr. Kamna Srivastava

Assistant Professor

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research

University of Delhi, Delhi

53 | P a g e


Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a condition wherein a waxy substance called plaque

accumulates in the inner walls of the coronary arteries. Plaques are deposits of fat and

cholesterol. Arteries, which supply oxygen rich blood to the heart then get blocked which leads

to abnormal blood flow. Atherosclerosis is the condition when plaque builds up in the arteries,

this build up takes place over a long period of time. (Cox et al, 1989)

Figure 1: Figure showing the difference between a normal coronary artery and a blocked

coronary artery.

Coronary artery disease can cause damage to areas of the heart muscle which might lead to a

heart attack. CAD is hereditary and more common in older people. It is also the most common

form of heart disease and the leading cause of death world-wide. It appears to affect men more

than women.

Over time, plaques harden or rupture, resulting in the narrowing of the arteries and eventual

reduction in the blood flow of oxygen rich blood to the heart. In the case of a rupture, a clot

forms on the surface which can completely block blood flow through the coronary artery. As

time passes, ruptured plaque also hardens and narrows the arteries.

54 | P a g e

In the case where flow of oxygen rich blood is reduced or blocked angina or heart attack can

occur. Angina is the feeling of discomfort in the chest, which might give the feeling of immense

pressure or squeezing. The pain may also present in the shoulder, back, arms, jaw as referral

pain. CAD weakens the heart muscle and leads to heart failure and arrhythmias. Heart failure

occurs when the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the needs of the body, whereas

arrhythmias are problems related to the rhythm of the heartbeat. (Gordon et al, 1989)

Risk factors involved in CAD are:

1. obesity,

2. high blood pressure,

3. high cholesterol

4. diabetes,

5. smoking and

6. physical inactivity etc.

Various molecular factors are also said to be involved which increase the susceptibility

towards the development of coronary artery disease. However the studies carried out on

them is not too extensive.

Disease symptoms and diagnosis

The disease develops without many obvious signs but a few symptoms could develop that could

lead to a heart attack. For example:

1. Angina

2. Shortness of breath

3. Sweating

4. Nausea

5. Weakness

6. Fatigue

7. Cold sweats

8. Pressure in the chest and the middle of the back

Diagnostic tests to detect if a person is experiencing angina or heart attack include blood tests,

ECG, echocardiogram, stress test and coronary angiography.

55 | P a g e

Nitric oxide (NO)

Nitric oxide was detected by Furchgott and Zawadzki when it was seen that the relaxation of

smooth muscle by acetylcholine was dependent on the presence of endothelium. (Ludmeret al,

1986) It gave evidence that relaxation was caused by the release of humoral factors which is also

known as endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF). (Celermajeret al, 1994) Further

investigation helped in concluding that EDRF is actually NO. The benefits of exercise are that it

releases nitric oxide into the circulation through the activation of endothelial NO synthase

(eNOS) due to increase in the stress to the endothelium. NO is produced in the endothelial cells

from the amino acid L-arginine, from where is progresses to locally diffuse to the smooth

muscle. When eNOS is activated, NO is produced in the endothelium. Oxidation of L-arginine

by the action of eNOS leads to the production of NO and L-citrulline, the amino acid is

enzymatically converted to NO when its guanidine nitrogen is oxidized. (Schmidt et al, 1994)

In an alternate hypothesis, it was proposed that NO is made and stored in the vascular endothelial

cells and that the interaction of endothelium-dependent vasodilators with specific endothelial cell

membrane receptors triggers NO exocytosis in a calcium and oxygen dependent manner.

(Ignarroet al, 1989)

56 | P a g e

Figure 2: The mechanism of action of nitric oxide

NO is a powerful vasodilator and has anti-atherosclerotic properties, it acts on the plaques

formed inside the lumen of blood vessels to reduce them. It also reduces the production of tissue

factor which is crucially involved in defining the volume of accumulated atherosclerotic plaques

tha cause intravascular thrombosis. (Ganzet al, 2003) NO also inhibits platelet aggregation,

leukocyte adhesion and smooth muscle proliferation. (Miyazaki et al, 1999) It is also known to

have direct anti-inflammatory properties due to its effect on vascular tone, platelet aggregation

and leucocyte interactions with the endothelium. NO is known to be beneficial in limiting the

effects of ischemia (restriction of blood supply). Its protective effect is due to the dilation of

micro vessels or inhibition of the platelet adherence to the endothelial cells. (Dawn et al, 2002)

Atherosclerosis is much more common in individuals with Diabetes because, Diabetes causes a

reduction in the available NO that is derived from the endothelium. Clear abnormality is

observed in the NO pathway of patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. (Williams

57 | P a g e

et al, 1996) The vasodilating capability of NO gives it the ability to increase coronary blood

flow, which is useful when it comes to diseases such as angina pectoris, heart infarct or coronary

vasopasm. (Vasaet al, 2001)

Ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) is the main water soluble antioxidant in the plasma. It controls

intracellular redox state through its interaction with glutathione. (Meister et al, 1994) It is

required to maintain skin, teeth, bone, blood vessels etc. In atherosclerosis, the endothelial

vasomotor function is abnormal. Ascorbic acid reverses this dysfunction in the brachial

circulation of patients with coronary artery disease. (Levineet al, 1996)Vascular superoxide is

produced in large amounts when nitric oxide is inactivated and there is a loss in the endothelium

dilation. (Oharaet al, 1993; Gryglewskiet al, 1986)

Objectives of the study

1. To determine the levels of nitric oxide in patients with coronary artery disease and normal

healthy volunteers.

2. To determine the levels of ascorbic acid in patients with coronary artery disease and normal

healthy volunteers

3. To determine the amount of total RNA in patients with coronary artery disease and normal

healthy volunteers

4. To study the interrelationship of Nitric oxide, Ascorbic acid and total RNA in coronary artery


Materials and Methods

The present study is a hospital based case and control study. The study subjects will be patients

with coronary artery disease (N=25) and Normal healthy volunteers (N= 25) of similar age group

and socioeconomic geographical background.

The present study is a part of project of Principal Investigator, Dr. Kamna Srivastava, approved

by Human ethics committee of ACBR-DU and AIIMS, New Delhi.

The methodology adopted in brief will be:

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1. Collection of blood samples from the patients and controls and their plasma isolation.

2. Total RNA will be isolated from the whole blood samples using the trizol method. The

concentration of RNA will be measured using nano-drop.

3. The concentration of nitric oxide using Griess reagent

4. The concentration of ascorbic acid will be measured by dTCS reagent.

5. Statistical analysis will be performed to study the interrelationship of the parameters studied.

Expected outcome

The objective of the study is to estimate the levels of nitric oxide and ascorbic acid in patients

with coronary heart disease. The study aims to look into the levels of nitric oxide and ascorbic

acid produced in the body in the case of coronary artery disease, and to measure if it is over

expressed or under expressed. Also to co-relate how the levels of these two components are

associated with the progression of the CAD.The present study will be helpful in the

understanding and management of the coronary artery disease.


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