the wicker man 1973 robin hardy

The wicker man 1973 Robin Hardy The Wicker man (1973) is a British horror film directed by Robin Hardy and written by Anthony Shaffer. This is a story about a policeman went to an isolated Island to search a missing girl but the people try to hide the truth. He found out the people live in there were miserable and have a strange religion. After days of searching with no result, he was going to left but the plane was broken that he can’t go anywhere, on the same day he find out the people were going to sacrifice a girl to their God.This film has a twist ending which misdirected the audiences though the film and the last half hour of the film turn the whole story oppositely. “The build up to the reveal is fantastical and has a strange grace and serene beauty; the villagers stand interested, happy at the promise of a successful harvest, while beautiful young women prepare Howie, and a borderline lullaby plays on the soundtrack. Then the dreamlike quality turns to a ni ghtmare as a pounding tribal drum marches Howie to his fate. The contrast of the cheery folk song the villagers sing and the intense, hopeless screaming of Howie gives the scene a truly disturbing fell that still has the power to shock 40 odd years later.” (Ford, 2013) It is noticeable that this film has a strong colour of religionist against Christianity. “I thought it would be interesting to do the film using a much more contemporary group of Christians, ones who frankly are in the news, really, our fundamentalist friends. And also to do a number, really, on American innocence, and to fit into the Wicker man territory.” (Hardy,2012) Figure 1 The wicker man poster  Figure 2 women worshipping

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The Wicker Man 1973 Robin Hardy


The wicker man 1973 Robin HardyFigure 1 The wicker man poster

The Wicker man (1973) is a British horror film directed by Robin Hardy and written by Anthony Shaffer. This is a story about a policeman went to an isolated Island to search a missing girl but the people try to hide the truth. He found out the people live in there were miserable and have a strange religion. After days of searching with no result, he was going to left but the plane was broken that he cant go anywhere, on the same day he find out the people were going to sacrifice a girl to their God.This film has a twist ending which misdirected the audiences though the film and the last half hour of the film turn the whole story oppositely.

The build up to the reveal is fantastical and has a strange grace and serene beauty; the villagers stand interested, happy at the promise of a successful harvest, while beautiful young women prepare Howie, and a borderline lullaby plays on the soundtrack. Then the dreamlike quality turns to a nightmare as a pounding tribal drum marches Howie to his fate. The contrast of the cheery folk song the villagers sing and the intense, hopeless screaming of Howie gives the scene a truly disturbing fell that still has the power to shock 40 odd years later. (Ford, 2013)It is noticeable that this film has a strong colour of religionist against Christianity.Figure 2 women worshipping

I thought it would be interesting to do the film using a much more contemporary group of Christians, ones who frankly are in the news, really, our fundamentalist friends. And also to do a number, really, on American innocence, and to fit into the Wicker man territory. (Hardy,2012) Hardys film shows the evil and madness as a causal by-product of an isolated belief. (Covell, 2013)Figure 4 the wicker manFigure 3the wicker man

According to above texts from Covell and Hardy have written, the isolation of beliefs was really strong and that can lead to humans psychological states. When you are only the one have a different ideas or opinions than the other as a big group of people, those people will choose to follow the big group or they stay with what they think and the isolation appearance. In the last scene of this film when Howie tried to stay strong and sing the Christian hymn even he was going to be sacrificed, but the villagers around him were singing their religion hymn and at the end Howie can only scream that he cant change the situation.


Harry Ford, 2013, great scenes from horror history#4 the ending of the wicker man (accessed on 24.3.2014)

Robin Hardy, 2012, the director of Cult Classic The wicker man returns with Wicker Tree Interview with Robin Hardy (accessed on 24.3.2014)

Adam Covell ,2013 The wicker man 1973- Defining of the Folk Horror (accessed on 24.3.2014)

FigureFigure 1 The Wicker Man Poster (1973) from the wicker man, Directed by Robin Hardy [film still] UK (accessed on 24.3.2014)

Fig 2 Women worshiping (1973) from the wicker man, Directed by Robin Hardy [film still] UK (accessed on 24.3.2014)

Fig 3 the wicker man (1973) from the wicker man, Directed by Robin Hardy [film still] UK (accessed on 24.3.2014)

Fig 4 the wicker man (1973) from the wicker man, Directed by Robin Hardy [film still] UK on 24.3.2014)